Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Question regarding Microsoft Store download of Vanilla Libreoffice

2020-01-05 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Hi Drew,

Drew Jensen wrote:
> Are there any automatic updates with the Vanilla LibreOffice $9.99
> package?
Indeed, we're updating LibreOffice Vanilla (more or less) in lock-step
with the TDF releases. Unfortunately 6.3.4 is not yet available, due
to a smallish validation issue & vacation time.


-- Thorsten
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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: LibreOfficeFR community - Request for presentation at FOSDEM hackfest

2020-01-05 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Hey William,

William Gathoye (LibreOffice) wrote:
> I'm very pleased to announce that today LibreOfficeFR overtook
> LibreOfficeBR in terms of followers on Twitter: reaching nearly 3000
> followers and 12 000 tweets published. LibreOfficeFR is now the first
> native language community on Twitter just behind @LibreOffice. :)
Congrats for that achievement! I'm sure that just the first of many
reasons to celebrate in 2020! :)

> This is why I was asking if at the FOSDEM hackfest, I can give[2] you a
> 25 minutes public presentation about this and *WHEN* during the 2 days?[3]
> Having as much person of the current board and board elected people
> would be nice to have (since the next board is taking office on Feb 12th
> after FOSDEM IIRC).
Sadly will (very likely) not be able to attend FOSDEM past Sunday -
but would still be *very much* interested in those slides, if you can
share them?

All the best,

-- Thorsten
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[libreoffice-marketing] LibreOfficeFR community - Request for presentation at FOSDEM hackfest

2020-01-05 Thread William Gathoye (LibreOffice)
Hello everyone,

TL;DR: see. FOSDEM meeting below.

# New accomplishment

I'm very pleased to announce that today LibreOfficeFR overtook
LibreOfficeBR in terms of followers on Twitter: reaching nearly 3000
followers and 12 000 tweets published. LibreOfficeFR is now the first
native language community on Twitter just behind @LibreOffice. :)

I know they are just numbers and this is not a race, but this is a big
accomplishment taking into account no Growth Hacking method have been
employed to virtually increase this number.

The French community has been working hard over the past few weeks and
months. Trying to know and respect as much as possible the special way
TDF was working, attracting new contributors (or people having interest
in bringing help), trying to get old ones on board since the OO.o days
(contacting them via convoluted PM on forum instances is hard),
organizing hackfests, having a modern and welcoming visibility via our
French Twitter account and blog instance, helping via our French mailing
lists, etc.

# Breaking eggs

I'm conscious I gave *trouble* to some of you by adopting daring tweets,
taking stance on multiple positions especially wrt. GAFAMs (even while
MS was sponsoring COSM), maybe giving too much visibility to some
LibreOffice certified professionals compared to others, and having a
perspective different from what TDF has been used to have. I *apologize*
for that and am truly sorry.

Even if the Twitter experience has been incredibly positive (wrt. the
bunch of gratitude we receive), of course, making omelettes without
breaking eggs is impossible. You will always have unsatisfied people no
matter what you do, but that number is really low, hopefully :)

At least, we can now say we know what kind of public we have and can
reach via LibreOfficeFR. After 12k tweets, most of the time, we can
detect some questions are always the same as so could answer patterns.
We have now answers nearly ready to use, if you know what to search for
in TweetDeck in previous conversations. This could even potentially be
automated by an AI :p

# FOSDEM meeting

Repetitive questions on Twitter is helping to showcase problems and
rooms for improvement I would like to expose to you. These are not
related to the software, but rather to the project structure.

The solutions are not hard to implement, and I even propose to help in
these. The solutions consist in just changes here and there that would
help everyone, I'm sure[1]. :)

This is why I was asking if at the FOSDEM hackfest, I can give[2] you a
25 minutes public presentation about this and *WHEN* during the 2 days?[3]

Having as much person of the current board and board elected people
would be nice to have (since the next board is taking office on Feb 12th

# Who am I ?

During that meeting, you will also get the opportunity to know me
better, my failures (mostly my own) and occasional successes (made
possible mostly thanks to other people's goodwill).

Having read all the mails in all mailing lists for a bunch of years, I
now have a clearer overview of the project as a whole, even if I know I
always get new things to learn :)[4]

When you will get the opportunity to know me in person rather than from
what other people have reported about me, you will see it's not in my
nature to try to be purposely mean to someone, even if the way I
sometimes answer in writing may appear as clumsy/tactless or even
arrogant/harsh. :/

Looking forwards to still be able to serve LibreOffice interests the way
I used to be[5], having joint goals and shared ideals. :)


[1] That's not arrogance, but just the eternal optimism I have :)

[2] Unless you don't want me to and want me to leave. In that way, I'll
commit to TDF's decision and quit completely the project meaning
cancelling my membership and stop contributing. Being a dev/sys admin, I
don't like UX stuff wrt. apps :(

[3] Do we have a projector available ?

[4] I'm not new at TDF/LibreOffice. Have been there since the very first
days at the LibO Conf Paris and am active in other communities as well.

[5] Always looking for *clear* guidelines and improvements :)

William Gathoye
Hypertive volunteer for LibreOffice
Proud member of The Document Foundation
Member of LaMouette - French based association promoting ODF and LibreOffice

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