Op 2-5-2021 om 17:41 schreef Marc Paré:
Le 2021-05-01 à 02 h 37, Clocked Modular a écrit :
Dear friends,

The first thing, I think, what we need is an open source(O-S) public ethics
Not only for our users but for all open-source users.
Perhaps, avoid re-inventing the wheel, and link our users questioning
the definition of open source to great pages where the open source model
is explained. I like to point people to this location:


Where open source and the role of community is explained quite well. The
site is supported by RedHat.
Thanks for the pointer. I will study it.  As I'm surely having superficial knowledge related to the terrain (landscape) around open source. However open source isn't utopia in all dimensions from my perspective. That's something I convinced off in my experience. Hard (practical) reality compared to theoretical design.

Eco-system partners (commercial entity's!)do struggle once in a while around making revenue. Which is a a (red) flag/ warning sign.

And there are number of practical examples as well. But those will be interpreted in multiple ways. And surely possible to 'argue them away'. It's not a bug but a feature kind of argument. As being inherent to open source (or even any organization) or within limits of acceptance.
So hesitant to start giving examples

The decision making is often messy and confusing. Without clear vision or strategy. Yes in company a management dictates sometimes without listing to any party (or skewed interpretation) But meritocratic approach has tendency to 'lack a strategy' at all. Might maybe a living 'doctrine' approach in ideal circumstances. But also lots of directionlessness.  Quality and flaw at the same time!

Tendency is to keep everyone on board by definition. Open to input is fine. Choosing direction (strategy) does mean you can't keep everybody happy all the time. And watered-down comprises - which results in keeping status quo; desperate attempt saving both the goats and the cabbages - do mostly not work out in the long-term. [Wrong strategy doesn't work either, so choosing a strategy doesn't mean success by definition] Which obviously thrown in by those who dislike it. And well you can't reason yourself out of it. You can only 'proof' it after the fact. But you simply don't know where you're going in advance. You hope, beg you're doing they 'right' thing.

And well there is some blaming going on once in a while regarding eco-sytem partners. About their practices, which I somehow even understand. Not saying I'm agreeing with it per se. But well every move upsets some fractions (which triggers a pretty big response).

All those debates result in some weird status quo by definition. So "sneaky" practices start to appear (surprise actions; overrunning the decision making process by doing it before consult).
Which again a red flag about how cumbersome the decision making is.
And the willingness to 'listen' or "to place oneself in someone else's shoes". If you don't have personal on the line, having to pay the bills of company (or even depending on revenue for your old age). In that case you can have all sorts of 'priority's interests' which don't align with the eco-system partners. And obviously pretend LibreOffice could do without them.

If you got stuck in the dissension making to often you're thing on your own terms. As it's impossible to work with the very heterogeneous community with really different believes once in a while. It is as messy (or maybe even worse) as in politics with impossible comprises. And with per-arrangements out of sight

Kind regards,

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