Hello Community,

The libreoffice magazine is a bimonthly release.

The advertisements in the LibreOffice Magazine are not paid. We work different. Our intention with the Magazine is promote LibreOffice, promote the FLOSS events and promote the blogs that promote LibreOffice. The truth is that we help each other. For example, we have enterprises in Brazil that provide services with free software and when they want to have an advertisement in the Magazine, I ask for help for the project. Never money! Our last magazine release, we had an advertisement from Ricolândia enterprise, they work with animation, videos, websites and etc and they only work with free software. Then, our agreement was: they are preparing an animation video about LibreOffice in Portuguese and English. :)

Why do we have so many volunteers?

First, we announce call for papers for all editions in the social networks and e-mail lists. Our magazine has sections for LibreOffice (articles, tutorial and tips) and open space for open source communities (articles, tutorial and tips).

We take very seriously the magazine project like a magazine paid. And I think the volunteers feel privileged and very motivated to write. The magazine project is growing so fast and it's marvelous.

We make the volunteers feel at home, we are very kind to them. In the end, I think we are a big family. Many open source communities rowing the boat to the same side, all with the same goal, sharing the knowledge. :)

Well, Community, this is what I think and I hope I have answered all the questions. I recieved some e-mails out of the list. :)


Eliane Domingos de Sousa
Comunidade LibreOffice Brasil
Membro do Conselho Diretor da TDF
Brazilian LibreOffice Community
TDF Member of the Board of Directors
Experimente o sistema de perguntas e respostas da Comunidade LibreOffice 

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