Re: marketing list round up

2011-10-12 Thread Pockey Lam

Hi Allan,

On 10/13/2011 04:34 AM, Allan Day wrote:

There's been a good response to the meeting poll. It looks like Friday
21 October at 15:00 UTC is the most popular time. Only Pockey can't
make it then - sorry about that Pockey, Let us know if there's a time
when you might be able to make it or if you'd like to propose another
time (same goes for anyone else).

Please go ahead with the mentioned time, I will try to show up.
Please also upload the log somewhere so we can always check the log and 
participate later!

Thanks a lot!


Barring objections or counter proposals, I'll announce the meeting date shortly.


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Allan  wrote:

Thanks to everyone who has already completed the Doodle poll. If you
would like to attend the meeting, please follow suit asap.


On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Allan  wrote:

Hi all,

I'm coming back to this after a break. Let's shoot for a meeting next
week, shall we? That should help us to see where we are.

I've started a Doodle poll. Please use it to indicate your availability:

Best wishes,

IRC:  aday on

marketing-list mailing list

Re: The GNOME Annual Report

2011-09-29 Thread Pockey Lam

Hi Brian,

I wrote a GNOME.Asia Summit 2010 Report that was initially for GNOME 
Journal. Paul mentioned it would be published in the 2010 Annual Report 
instead. Should this report be included?


On 09/27/2011 10:46 AM, Brian Cameron wrote:

At the last GNOME Foundation board meeting, the topic of the Annual
Report came up.  The 2009 Annual Report[1] seemed to be a bit
exhausting and was quite late.  It is already quite late for the 2010
report.  Paul Cutler was working on the 2009 Annual Report, but I am not
sure if anybody has picked up on this task now that Paul is not working
on it.  At this point does it make sense to do a Bi-Annual Report or

So, is anybody on the marketing team helping with the Annual Report?
Has any progress been made?  What needs to be done?

I suspect that we may need to scale back the Annual Report.  Is the
reason this task keeps falling to the wayside because it has become too
much work?  While we have done some really amazing glossy feature full
Annual Reports in the past few years, it may be time to focus on doing
something more simple and focused that we can finish on a more regular

There are some topics the Annual Report should include:

- Karen is our new Executive Director, so we should include a letter
  from her.
- The fact that we released GNOME 3.0 and have 3.2 on the way is
  something we should be communicating excitement about.  Perhaps
  we could use the same sort of text that we are putting in the Release
- The GNOME 3 parties were so successful, that they deserve some
  text, and we should showcase the photo contest winners, and other
  nice photos taken over the past year.  This could be much the same
  text as from Emily's Desktop Summit presentation.
- The GNOME Events section is important, I think.
- The financial update section.
- A page recognizing sponsors.
- I really liked how we highlighted GNOME Foundation members who
  have been members more than 10 years.  We should keep doing that.

Some of the other sections (bug squad, interviews, team reports, etc.)
are nice, but I think we may need to focus on the basics just to get
back on track.

Thoughts?  Help?



marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Speakers and goodies - MOSC2011

2011-06-12 Thread Pockey Lam

Hi Mohd,

Punit can speak @ MOSC2011 and he is getting approval from the board / 
travel committee to get travel subsidy, he will send you his details as 
next step, thanks!


On 06/12/2011 04:25 PM, Mohd Fazli Azran wrote:

Hi Pockey,

Noted let me know if any speaker are confirm so i can manage their 
logistic. Thanks

On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:21 PM, Pockey Lam wrote:

Here is an update!

Sankar will send 300 OpenSUSE GNOME 3 DVDs to support MOSC2011. If
anybody else have other GNOME goodies to give away to MOSC2011
(Malaysia), please let us know!

Regarding speakers, we will most likely send a speaker from either
India or China to save travel cost. Bharath / Akhil (and Emily)
are following up with that now. Thanks!


On 06/07/2011 10:02 PM, Pockey Lam wrote:

On 06/07/2011 09:57 PM, Vincent Untz wrote:


Le mardi 07 juin 2011, à 14:18 +0800, Pockey Lam a écrit :

Hi Vincent, hi all,

We are informed that there will be a conference in
Malaysia named
MOSC2011 (3-5 July, 2011), the organizer is asking us
if we can send
them some GNOME related goodies e.g. dvds, stickers,
tshirts to
distribute in their conference bags.They target to
have 300
participants. So the quantity will be 300 pcs each.
For less and
more value goodies, they will distribute them through
or lucky draw. Please let me know if you have any to
give away.

Would it make sense to send GNOME 3 DVDs? I can see if
Sankar can do
that from India, else we can try to send boxes from Europe.

yeah! I asked them if they are interested in GNOME 3 DVDs,
they do!
Please, if Sankar has 300 DVDs, Mohd can give an address in a
separate email.

Besides, they want us to provide speakers to talk
about how to
develop GNOME (app) for newbies (beginners) and a
brief introduction
of the GNOME community.  Other topics can be proposed
by the
community as well. I am asking Bharath (based in
Bangalore, India)
to see if he has time to go, otherwise, if you are
interested or you
have anybody in mind to recommend, please let us know.
The organizer
can provide 2 - 3 nights of hotel for accommodation.

So we used to maintain a wiki page with potential speakers
for events: It's
outdated, though.

Hopefully Bharath can go. Else, we might want to encourage
other people
to speak at events -- I can think of Allan, Frédéric
(although he can't
for this one), Fernando, etc.

I can check if I could go, but I'm going to another event
the week
after, so I'd prefer to do that only if nobody else can
and if it's
really an important event for us. That's something up to
the marketing
team and to the board, I guess (as it involved sponsoring

FWIW, I just looked and sending someone from Europe would cost
€1300-€1400, with a full-day trip (ie, 24 hours); which is
quite some
money and time to invest. So I guess any final decision
depends how
important our presence to this event is :-)

I totally agreed! It makes more sense to have someone nearby
to join! I will have a irc meeting and Bharath should join, I
will ask him later!



Mohd Fazli Azran
OWASP Malaysia Chapter Leader.
Web   :
Email   :
Mobile  :   +
OWASP Malaysia

marketing-list mailing list

GNOME Speakers and goodies - MOSC2011

2011-06-07 Thread Pockey Lam

Hi Vincent, hi all,

We are informed that there will be a conference in Malaysia named 
MOSC2011 (3-5 July, 2011), the organizer is asking us if we can send 
them some GNOME related goodies e.g. dvds, stickers, tshirts to 
distribute in their conference bags.They target to have 300 
participants. So the quantity will be 300 pcs each. For less and more 
value goodies, they will distribute them through questionnaires or lucky 
draw. Please let me know if you have any to give away.

Besides, they want us to provide speakers to talk about how to develop 
GNOME (app) for newbies (beginners) and a brief introduction of the 
GNOME community.  Other topics can be proposed by the community as well. 
I am asking Bharath (based in Bangalore, India) to see if he has time to 
go, otherwise, if you are interested or you have anybody in mind to 
recommend, please let us know. The organizer can provide 2 - 3 nights of 
hotel for accommodation. Thanks!

*Conference name: *

*Location: Malaysia *
Bayview Beach Resort, Batu Ferringi, Pulau 
Pinang, Malaysia.

*Date: *
July 3-5 , 2011

*Theme: *
Innovating The Change
What's the purpose / objectives?*
The objective for this years focus more on technical and want the 
participant know more on how (free and) open source project are develop 
and running. We want our participant to be developer or programmer 
rather to be end user. Create something innovative and new idea on open 
source project that can be use for (free and) open source community. 
Part of it we collaborate with LPI, Novell, BSDA and Redhat regarding 
certification. We want our community are certified and to 
become professional rather just put open source project just a hobby but 
ready for be competitor  survival on IT world.

*Confirmed speakers:*
CEO LPI Jim Lacey, Instructor from KOHA community Irma Birchall 
(Australia)  Robin Sheat (New Zealand), Gen Kanai (Mozilla), Cecil Su 
(OWASP), Patrick Beaucamp (France), Ryusuke Kajiyama (Oracle) and local 
speakers and special invitation Ritzatuddin Ramli Director UNIK (National  Innovation Agency under Prime 
Minister Office).
Who will attend (as participants): Government staff, Lecturer/student 
and open source community

For more details of the event, please visit, please 
also feel free to ask questions as I also copied the organizer in this 


marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Speakers and goodies - MOSC2011

2011-06-07 Thread Pockey Lam

On 06/07/2011 02:26 PM, Germán Póo-Caamaño wrote:

On Tue, 2011-06-07 at 14:18 +0800, Pockey Lam wrote:

Besides, they want us to provide speakers to talk about how to develop
GNOME (app) for newbies (beginners) and a brief introduction of the
GNOME community.  Other topics can be proposed by the community as

I am asking Bharath (based in Bangalore, India) to see if he has time
to go, otherwise, if you are interested or you have anybody in mind to
recommend, please let us know. The organizer can provide 2 - 3 nights
of hotel for accommodation. Thanks!

Hi Pockey,

Are the organizers going to cover the airfare as well?
No, the speaker needs to cover it or ask for travel subsidy from the 


marketing-list mailing list

GNOME.Asia Summit 2012 Call for hosts

2011-05-31 Thread Pockey Lam

Dear all,

The GNOME.Asia Committee is inviting proposals to host GNOME.Asia Summit 
during the 1st quarter of 2012. GNOME.Asia Summit is the yearly GNOME 
Users and Developers Conference in Asia. The event focuses primarily on 
the GNOME desktop, and also covers applications and the development 
platform tools. It brings together the GNOME community in Asia to 
provide a forum for users, developers, foundation leaders, governments 
and businesses to discuss both the present technology and future 

GNOME.Asia Summit was held in Beijing, Ho-Chi-Minh City, Taipei and 
Bangalore respectively over the last four years. We would like to 
continue finding new locations as we spread GNOME throughout Asia, and 
we are looking for local organizers to rise to the challenge of 
organizing an excellent GNOME event. The GNOME.Asia committee will 
assist in the process, but there is a definitive need for individuals to 
be actively involved and committed to the planning and delivery of the 

You can learn more about GNOME.Asia Summit at our official website:

For those of you who would like to host the next GNOME.Asia Summit in 
2012 you are hereby invited to write a formal proposal to the 
gnome-asia-committee-list at gnome dot org . The deadline for the 
proposals is July 4, 2011 Monday UTC 2359. Please send your proposal to 
gnome-asia-committee-list at gnome dot org. We might invite you to 
present your proposal in more details over our regular IRC meetings, or 
send you additional questions and requests. Results will be announced by 
the end of July 2011.

The conference will require availability of facilities for one week, 
including a weekend, during the 1st quarter of 2012 (January to March 
2012). Dates should avoid other key free software conferences or other 
events that may have conflict and will be confirmed together with other 
GNOME teams which might get involved.

Key points which proposals should consider, and which will be taken into 
account when deciding among candidates, are:

   * Local community support for hosting the conference.
   * Venue details. Information about infrastructure and facilities to
 hold the conference should be provided.
   * Information about how internet connectivity will be managed.
   * Lodging choices ranging from affordable housing to nicer hotels,
 and information about distances between the venue and lodging
   * The availability of restaurants or the organization of catering
 on-site, cost of food/soft drinks/beer.
   * The availability and cost of travel from major Asian and European
   * Local industry and government support.
   * Please provide a reasonably detailed budget.
   * Bear in mind that at GNOME.Asia Summit, the hallway track and
 social activities are also very important.

Please check the GNOME.Asia Summit check list [1] and howtos [2] when 
putting together a proposal. Please also feel free to contact 
gnome-asia-committee-list at gnome dot org if you have any questions.

Please help to spread the words and we are looking forward to hearing 
from you soon!

GNOME.Asia Committee
Pockey Lam

marketing-list mailing list

Re: Gnome user group and Gnome 3 release Event! from srilanaka.

2011-04-13 Thread Pockey Lam

Hi Suresh,

On top of what Fred advised, please find some GNOME related slides here:

And if you need help in getting a domain of, please 
send a request to the gnome-infrastructure list and specify your need 
and requirements:

All the best to your event and your establishment of GNOME User Group! 
Please do let us know if you have any other question and keep us posted 
on the status :)


On 04/13/2011 11:56 PM, Frederic Muller wrote:

Dear Suresh,

First thank you for contacting us and showing so much interest in 
promoting GNOME. I have copied the gugmasters-list@ as it is usually a 
more appropriate place for those kind of requests.

For the goodies part you have unfortunately missed the launch party 
offer by about 2 months (we sent goodies to any party organizer who 
registered before February 15th). I am not sure when we will have a 
similar offer again. My experience in Bangalore during the GNOME.Asia 
Summit was that production costs in India were very low as. I assume 
it stands true for Sri Lanka as well.

Considering you seem to be trying to organize quite a big event I 
would aim to secure a few local sponsors (such as local IT companies, 
NPO, companies targeting your people interested by technology). I 
think if you're able to make a clear budget to cover water cost and a 
few stickers/balloons/banner you will easily find people or companies 
to support you. We will happily review your work if you need.

Regarding setting up a gnome user group I would first recommend you 
this presentation that was given during the 2011 GNOME.Asia Summit: 

then visit which goes into more 

And then you can come back to us posting on gugmasters-list@ with 
further questions if you have any.

I hope I managed to address your question and look forward to be able 
to help further if needed.



On 04/13/2011 11:27 PM, Suresh Packiyarajah wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Dear folks,

First of all i would like to thanks for here from me!

I comes from Srilanka(near the india) my name is Suresh! newly guard
from university and begin working with Network Eng! already i am
working with Fedora as a Fedora Ambassador-Srilanka and project
contributor,Locational projects too!

We are going to do first Event from Open source name like Fedora
Activity Day with Gnome and Firefox ! may be it will happen within
couple of months(almost may end)
still i have an activity with adding cc to bugs and most of time used
to online #gnome(freenode),#gnome(,#bug reviewing the
old log which i needed for the my future activity with gnome and
answering question at#gnome(freenode) if i knew.

Couple of day ago i spoke to AV(Andrea Veri) via IRC who is working
for sysadmin part (and our Fedora team member too) about how can i
contribute to gnome.actually what we need from marketing team some
advices and some matériels.because we are going to do this first even
very grandly so i am planning to put three boots in order to
Fedora,Gnome and Firefox also main presentation at Auditorium via
speakers!i have many university students help so there are no issue
with it and computer multimedia presentation equipments by university.

I am official Fedora/Redhat person so i will provided from Fedora
media live cd/Dvd,balloons,pens and stickers meanwhile wearing fedora
T-shirt and Fedora banner too.
i would like to here from you can you provide a like Gnome
stickers,some gnome balloons and mainly i need Gnome banner.because i
am going to arrange these things for Gnome boot.and also i have
contacted with Mozilla may be i will received confirm mail by this week.

i have keep in touch subscriber of Gnome marketing channel i would
like to do Gnome marketing in srilanka to spread Gnome among srilanka
only if you are allowed the permission.

Also i would like to ask we are going to have gnome user group under
asia summit in-order to have this can you provide domain for this and
other facilities too .here we have many university students pc's
running under gnome.they all willing to join with gnome world and hope
it will bridge between gnome world and srilanka.

once i finished our event i will keep update reports and events photos
to gnome wiki and keep in touch with gnome marketing team!

i have run social media network via facebook and twitter to connects
gnome fans around the world.

i hope you all have understood our motivations.we all look forward to
here from You!

Thanks for your all valuable time!

Fedora wiki

Re: ROUGH draft of GNOME 3.0 press release (request for comments)

2011-04-05 Thread Pockey Lam

Dear Sumana,

Would you please point me to the final press release? As I am planning 
to send them to every launch party organizers to help us to localize and 
spread the word in their local area.


On 03/31/2011 12:18 AM, Sumana Harihareswara wrote:

On 03/30/2011 12:34 AM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:

I believe Federico's full name is Federico Mena Quintero.

Aieee, how did I miss that?  Thanks, fixed.  About to start sending 
this out.


marketing-list mailing list

Re: Establish a Vietnam GUG (was name card)

2011-04-05 Thread Pockey Lam

Hi Nguyen,

On 04/06/2011 10:36 AM, Nguyen Vu Hung (VNC) wrote:


Can you send me

1. Copies of your naming cards (Gnome, Beijing Lug)

There are plenty of nice GNOME name card templates that can be used for 
GNOME user groups and GNOME ambassadors program.

Please also read the following two links :)

2. A DTP-reading sample would be nice :)

Let's build a community and a GUG!

Great! Do keep us posted on the status ;-) As mentioned in the Building 
GUGs presentation, there are a lot of tips and supports that can be 
provided by the GNOME community and Foundation, just let us know if you 
have any question or need any help from us.



Dear Nguyen,

I forgot to mention that there are plenty of new slides related to GNOME 
or GNOME 3  please access them from

It's nice of you share pictures with us, you should definitely join the 
GNOME 3 parties photo competition as well :)

Please also help us to identify a few GNOME advocates to help 
establishing a GNOME User Group(s) in Vietnam! The group can be an 
individual group or a sub-group (e.g. interest group) of your Linux User 
Group. I just gave a talk about building GNOME User Group in the 
Bangalore GNOME.Asia Summit 2011, here is the slides: *Building a GNOME 
User Group*, 
PockeyLam, feel free to share it with 
your members!

All the best to your party!
- Pockey

On 04/05/2011 02:16 PM, Pockey Lam wrote:

Dear Nguyen,

Please go to for more details of GNOME 3 or GNOME 
shell :)

There is other review as well if you search from the Internet,
In the conclusion, you will see some quotes like:

I really like Gnome 3 and it’s convinced me to switch from my usual 
mainstay of KDE 4
I think Gnome 3 brings Linux up to scratch with Windows 7 and Mac OSX 
for the desktop experience, and I’d choose it over those operating 
systems any day!


PS: If you are interested, it would be nice if you can make some 
comparison from your point of view and then share with us as well.


On 04/03/2011 06:10 PM, Nguyen Vu Hung wrote:

Hi Pockey,

I want to compare Gnome shell to Windows Vista/7 and Mac OS X Leopard

Please point me to some links or send me some files to read :) 

Btw, the launch parties in Hanoi and Saigon are scheduled, we will report
with loads of pictures :)


Best Regards,
Nguyen Hung Vu [aka: NVH] ( in Vietnamese: Nguyễn Vũ Hưng )
vuhung16plus{remove} , YIM: vuhung16 , 
Skype: vuhung16plus, twitter: vuhung, MSN: vuhung16

gnome-tw-list mailing list
marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME.Asia lightning talk re GNOME 3 marketing

2011-03-07 Thread Pockey Lam

On 03/08/2011 09:29 AM, Frederic Muller wrote:


I'd say GNOME 3.0 might not be useful as we'll have zillions of talks 
related to GNOME 3.0. Marketing GNOME could be, but with a very 
specific focus as we'll also have (or should have) talks on this topic.

List of currently approved talks are available here: but we're still receiving new 

Indeed, we have

~ 1/3 talks is related to GNOME 3
~ 1/3 talks is GNOME technical talks
~ 1/3 talks is marketing talks e.g. contributing to GNOME talks
It's a very balanced mix!

Regarding lightning talks:
I thought of two topics:
1) Friends of GNOME - to push our subscription program
2) Marketing GNOME in Asia

Emily and myself can give the talks. However, since 90%+ of our talks 
are already related to GNOME 3 or GNOME, we also want to leave some 
spots for participants to apply to talk about some other projects :)




On 03/08/2011 07:45 AM, Sumana Harihareswara wrote:

Allan, or someone else who is planning on going to the Bangalore summit:
want to sign up for a lightning talk about GNOME 3 or marketing GNOME?


marketing-list mailing list

Re: Video conferencing application

2011-03-02 Thread Pockey Lam

Dear all,

Here is an update on the video conferencing and streaming tool: is selected for video streaming purpose, we will be using it 
during our GNOME 3 parties in Hong Kong, Beijing and Taiwan.

A howto can found at 
(prepared by Max from Taiwan GNOME User Group) , feel free to modify and 
improve the page.

I will encourage our registered parties to do similar video streaming so 
we can celebrate the release together.
If you have other options of video streaming / conferencing tools, 
please make a how-to and let me know. We can definitely recommend more 
than one tool :)


On 12/16/2010 12:51 PM, Pockey Lam wrote:

Dear all,

Yeah, we would definitely use video conferencing (and / or 
broadcasting tool) to connect events from different venues around the 

What we have tested so far:

Ekiga -- cannot even make one on one video chat on the same network, 
sip calls didn't work, and the only thing that we managed to get 
working is voice in the conference room. just wonder if anybody made 
Ekiga video chat work? what's the trick?

Tested some online services on Firefox or Chromium, Linux:

1) -- new plugin (they say it's compulsory) doesn't work on 
Firefox Linux = for free / trial account.  not able to make even one 
on one work

2) -- only support voice and we cannot make it work
3) Yugma -- invite contact doesn't work on Linux

We are also testing and sourcing a reliable video / sound broadcasting 
tool as well:

bigbluebutton --- cannot detect my camera, I guess it's a flash issue...


On 12/16/2010 03:04 AM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 2:07 AM, Pockey Lam wrote:

Dear Dave, Diego, Joey, Sriam,

Thank you for your help! I already gave all the suggestions to
the Taiwan GUG members and asked them to do some testing. Will
keep you posted of the result. Besides, they will definitely let
us know if they need further help!

Thanks, Pockey, if you find something that works please do let us 
know as I'm sure that other would be interested in doing something 



On 12/15/2010 07:55 AM, Diego Escalante Urrelo wrote:

El mar, 14-12-2010 a las 19:13 +0100, Joey Ferwerda escribió:

What about just using Gtalk?

Its not open source, but it is free software!

I guess you meant voice/video over jabber, which is what
gtalk uses and
what Empathy can also do.

Empathy can work fine for this I guess. But likely telepathy
can suggest something else. Maybe even a hardcoded program
only for this
event. AFAIK there was work on multiuser video chat.

marketing-list mailing list

marketing-list mailing list

Re: 3.0 parties - amazing job!

2011-02-17 Thread Pockey Lam

On 02/16/2011 11:41 PM, Paul Cutler wrote:

I could use some help with photos too - for next year annual's report
it would be great to get some CC-BY licensed photos to include in the
No problem, we will get you some nice CC-BY licensed photos for annual 
Maybe a few event reports from different countries if you think it's 



On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 2:39 AM, Allan  wrote:

Pockey Lam wrote:

It would be great if we define a tag for those medias. How about
define tag as :  GNOME3_launch_party

The official tag has been announced, which is #gnome3parties, I
already informed all the party organizers by email as well.
We asked them to blog / tag pictures, send their blog links / uploaded
picture links to me or to gugmasters-list(at)gnome(dot)org. We will
publish those event pictures and blog links in the website
to share with everybody.

I should have known that you'd already be on top of this, Pockey!

IRC: aday on

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Re: Fwd: - Royalty Report (2011/01).

2011-02-15 Thread Pockey Lam

On 02/15/2011 05:42 PM, Juanjo Marín wrote:

Hi !
The FreeWear is a store that traditionally worked with us, at least in Spain (I 
think they produce the t-shirts for the GUADEC held in Spain and other local 
In this case, shall we consider to link them at GNOME Hispano page -

it's like KDE, they link them at
but I don't find any freewear link at yet

I think we should have a policy for the marketing agreements. Though I don't 
really know if we already have one. If this agreedment was approved, I guess we 
are ok giving non-exclusive permissions and we are ok with competing offers. I 
think there are other open questions like if all the merchandising material on 
sale should be approved or not by us.

BTW, It seems that the Spanish Zazzle store,, doesn't have a page for all the 
GNOME products, and some of them are called el GNOMO products (it seems they 
are translated automatically)


   -- Juanjo Marin

marketing-list mailing list

Re: 3.0 parties - amazing job!

2011-02-11 Thread Pockey Lam

Dear Dave,  Emily,  and Allan,

On 02/11/2011 11:16 PM, Emily Chen wrote:

2011/2/11 Dave Neary

Hi all,

Pockey  Fred are doing a really amazing job with the 3.0 release
drive - it is quite astonishing to see the number of parties sprouting
up around the world! Truly, this is an amazing job.

Thanks , but It's actually a team work in the name of GNOME :)

I would like to suggest capitalising on the success of the event in a
couple of ways:

1. Let's get the organisers of the parties  their region into the
CRM for future use - it's easy to forget this later, as it is a lot of
slog work - if we do it while the parties are organising then the job
may be easier. This is something really easy that we could delegate
across a larger number of people.

Yeah, the database are definitely a good contact list for our future 
campaigns and promotional activities as well as turning them into 
ambassadors or GUGs

I can help on this, just let me know how.

2. We should follow up after 3.0 (about mid may, perhaps?) to try to
crystalise some of these groups into local GNOME user groups.

Yes, The place where host the launch party will likely to became a 
GNOME Users Group. All the organizors' contact will be added . We 
should follow up with them for future activities.

After the activites, all the parties will required to submit:
1. Blog
2. Photos
3. Videos

It would be great if we define a tag for those medias. How about 
define tag as : *GNOME3_launch_party*

The official tag has been announced, which is *#gnome3parties*, I 
already informed all the party organizers by email as well.
We asked them to blog / tag pictures, send their blog links / uploaded 
picture links to me or to gugmasters-list(at)gnome(dot)org. We will 
publish those event pictures and blog links in the website to 
share with everybody.

Then we can easily to search all the photos, video and blog from 

I like the idea from Allan to have a competition for the best 
*Photos*. (Photos is much easier and more than videos. )
In this case, we do need them to submit selected photos. and I do 
believe it would be a great incentive to ask for nice pictures for 


marketing-list mailing list

Re: Update and further action items on GNOME 3.0 launch parties

2011-02-07 Thread Pockey Lam

On 02/02/2011 02:47 PM, Frederic Muller wrote:

6. Party marketing support: we need to make it easy for 'anyone' to 
host their parties and provide minimal information about GNOME 3.0. 
That would include providing teams with generic:

- Presentations
- Flyer/posters
- GNOME 3.0 release Countdown (for organizers to put on their websites 
/ blogs). If we start the countdown X days before the launch we need 
X+2 images with the time left on it (2 are 'party today' and 'enjoy 
gnome 3.0 generic message'). Description on Ubuntu's countdown is 
available here for reference
- Web banners - We are attending / I am attending a GNOME 3.0 Launch 

- Other ideas are welcome
Task owners: none so far.
Andreas has helped to finalize all the artworks for goodies, I also made 
a few web banners based on the nice design, they can be accessed on

Next step:
1. Will contact parties organizers to download the SVG files for 
localization and usage.

2. Work on flyer / posters / release countdown and upload them online
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Official announcement and invitation to GNOME 3.0 Hackfest and GNOME.Asia Summit 2011

2011-02-01 Thread Pockey Lam
Thanks for supporting the event :) Would you please fill your names at

It would be nice if you could give a presentation during the conference 
on April 2nd to inspire local developers and students to know more and 
contribute to GNOME in different ways, we have a list of topics that 
would like to cover:

Of course you can also suggest new topic, details of call for paper at, thanks a lot!


On 01/24/2011 09:30 PM, Allan Day wrote:

Vincent Untz wrote:

Le vendredi 21 janvier 2011, à 23:41 +0800, Frederic Muller a écrit :

So Hackfest registration is happening here: , call for papers for
the conference is here
and conference registration will be opening soon.

What's the plan on the marketing team side? Do we have people who can
go? I didn't see any replies on marketing-list to the previous mails,
unless I missed something.

Yes, I think I can go; and I think it would be good to have a marketing
gettogether around that time.



marketing-list mailing list

Re: Update and further action items on GNOME 3.0 launch parties

2011-02-01 Thread Pockey Lam

On 02/02/2011 03:26 PM, Diego Escalante Urrelo wrote:

On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 1:47 AM, Frederic  wrote:

5. Local dispatch: in order to save courier fee, we are looking for
volunteers in different regions to help to dispatch goodies packages and
send them out in their region.
Task owners:
  - USA: Brian
  - Asia: Emily
  - Europe: we need someone, any takers?
  - Other places such as Central and Latin American: what's the recommended
local dispatch location?

I *think* that postage costs are high enough in South América to
prefer producing in each location, plus customs is usually picky.
We planned to send a few t-shirts, 20 balloons, 20 stickers and 10 
button badges to each organizer, how do you see them producing in each 
country? :-)

If the courier cost is so high within South America, let's maybe 
consider to send from China, would you please help to check the courier 
price to compare?

In China, shipping price list can be accessed at , we 
will get ~ 65% off.

Let's take Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Guyana, Mexico, Panama, 
Peru as an example:

if each package weight's 2.5 kgs, it will cost 34 USD / package if we 
ship from China to the above countries.

Regarding customs, we need to send each contact emails to ask for 
special signs to put on the packages for custom purpose. Thanks for 

- Pockey

marketing-list mailing list

Re: Update and further action items on GNOME 3.0 launch parties

2011-02-01 Thread Pockey Lam

On 02/02/2011 03:47 PM, Pockey Lam wrote:

On 02/02/2011 03:26 PM, Diego Escalante Urrelo wrote:

On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 1:47 AM, Frederic  wrote:

5. Local dispatch: in order to save courier fee, we are looking for
volunteers in different regions to help to dispatch goodies packages 

send them out in their region.
Task owners:
  - USA: Brian
  - Asia: Emily
  - Europe: we need someone, any takers?
  - Other places such as Central and Latin American: what's the 

local dispatch location?

I *think* that postage costs are high enough in South América to
prefer producing in each location, plus customs is usually picky.
We planned to send a few t-shirts, 20 balloons, 20 stickers and 10 
button badges to each organizer, how do you see them producing in each 
country? :-)

If the courier cost is so high within South America, let's maybe 
consider to send from China, would you please help to check the 
courier price to compare?

In China, shipping price list can be accessed at , 
we will get ~ 65% off.

Let's take Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Guyana, Mexico, Panama, 
Peru as an example:

if each package weight's 2.5 kgs, it will cost 34 USD / package if we 
ship from China to the above countries.
ops, wrong calculation: if each package weight's 2 kgs, it will cost 34 
USD / package if we ship from China to the above countries.

# without banner, its weight should be 2kgs only :)
# with a banner, its weight should be 2.5kgs

Regarding customs, we need to send each contact emails to ask for 
special signs to put on the packages for custom purpose. Thanks for 

- Pockey

marketing-list mailing list

Fwd: GNOME 3.0 launch parties support from the GNOME Foundation

2011-01-23 Thread Pockey Lam

Dear all,

So far we have contacted some local GNOME mailing lists, we also 
contacted all the local communities from this contact list: , they are mainly in Asia. 
We have 10 registered launch parties until now.

Please help to promote it to every local communities that you know! We 
are targeting 100 launch parties!


 Original Message 
Subject:GNOME 3.0 launch parties support from the GNOME Foundation
Date:   Sat, 22 Jan 2011 00:13:37 +0800
From:   Frederic Muller
To:, GNOME Marketing List, Foundation-List

Dear all,

GNOME 3.0 will be officially released on April 6th 2011! Have you
started to plan for your own GNOME 3.0 Launch Party in your region yet?

Here is the good news! For those organizing a launch party, The GNOME
Foundation will give away some goodies (t-shirts, balloons, stickers,
other stuff) to support your events. Registration is starting now and
attribution will be on a first come first serve basis and within

You can find more information about GNOME 3.0 at,
more information about Launch Parties at, more information to
prepare your own GNOME 3.0 party at and more
information about the goodies at .

Should you have any question please use the GNOME User Groups mailing
list at or find
us on GNOME IRC servers in #gnome-love channel.

Please help us spread the word and get a few launch parties in your
area. Register and document your event at making sure
you supply a valid email address.

Happy GNOME 3.0 Release Party!
foundation-list mailing list

marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Hackfest and GNOME.Asia Summit announcements

2011-01-20 Thread Pockey Lam

On 01/20/2011 12:32 PM, Brian Cameron wrote:

Looks good to me.

On 01/19/11 07:35 PM, Pockey Lam wrote:

I think the announcements look excellent, thanks Fred for drafting it!
If there is no grammatical mistake or other comment, I would like to put
the content on the front page of website today.

And who can help to put this announcements up on

File a bug at under infrastructure-website.

Done, let's wait for the contents to appear then. Thanks!


On 01/19/2011 12:12 PM, Frederic Muller wrote:

Dear all,

Here is a draft announcement of the 2 major upcoming events that will
happen right before the GNOME 3.0 release. I hereby submit the text
for your review and comments, and once we're all ok with the content,
grammar and web links (I think there should be more and they should
probably point to once it's launched - 1/2 more days).

These 2 announcements should appear on upcoming event
section and on website.

 announcement start -

*GNOME 3.0 Bangalore Hackfest 2011*
/March 28 - April 1 2011, Bangalore, India/

We are hosting a 5 days hackfest (March 28 - April 1) for the release,
documentation and marketing teams focusing on GNOME 3.0 release. This
will ensure some heavy testing of the code during the last week before
the official release of GNOME 3.0, as well as preparing the release to
happen in an optimal way. And at the same time, it will help the
marketing team to clarify messaging when needed and finalize the
launch details.
It is not primarily aimed at users or new contributors but we may
organize some training and hands on sessions during the last 3 days of
the hackfest (March 30 to April 1). Apart from that any contributor
involved in the release process is strongly encourage to join.

Please let us know you are coming by registering on the Bangalore
Hackfest 2011 page

*GNOME.Asia Summit 2011*
/April 2 2011, Bangalore, India/

Right after the GNOME 3.0 Bangalore Hackfest, we will jump on the
opportunity of having a lot of the GNOME developers already on site to
aim for the greatest GNOME.Asia Summit of all time. Now in its forth
year, GNOME.Asia Summit will have the pleasure to continue to bring
GNOME to users and developers in Asia and more specifically India this
year, but also to celebrate the release of GNOME 3.0 with the people
who actually write the software!
The event will bring the light on the GNOME desktop both from a
applications and a development platform point of view, as well as
strengthen the GNOME community across borders.

Visitors should expect great insights into how GNOME 3.0 will
transform their desktop experience, the changes and improvements under
the hood and how to make the best out of this new desktop environment
both from a developer and user perspective.

The call for papers is already out at and we hope to receive
a lot of submissions from the Hackfest participants. We are also
finalizing our call for sponsors and, depending on the momentum,
planning for an extra conference day to cover all the topics (based on
available budget and paper submissions). So stay tuned and visit for the latest information!

 announcement end -

Thanks a lot.

asia-summit-list mailing list

marketing-list mailing list

Re: launch

2011-01-20 Thread Pockey Lam

Hi Allan,

Where can I find a high resolution (SVG) file of GNOME 3.0 logo from the 
site? I would like to put it in a cover of a call for sponsor document 
of our GNOME 3.0 Bangalore Hackfest. Thanks.

- Pockey

On 01/19/2011 04:56 PM, Allan Day wrote:

Pockey Lam wrote:

Someone just reported there is a dead link regarding the FAQ page
(common questions and answers):
Try it:

Thanks for the tip! All fixed.


marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Hackfest and GNOME.Asia Summit announcements

2011-01-19 Thread Pockey Lam
I think the announcements look excellent, thanks Fred for drafting it!  
If there is no grammatical mistake or other comment, I would like to put 
the content on the front page of website today.

And who can help to put this announcements up on


On 01/19/2011 12:12 PM, Frederic Muller wrote:

Dear all,

Here is a draft announcement of the 2 major upcoming events that will 
happen right before the GNOME 3.0 release. I hereby submit the text 
for your review and comments, and once we're all ok with the content, 
grammar and web links (I think there should be more and they should 
probably point to once it's launched - 1/2 more days).

These 2 announcements should appear on upcoming event 
section and on website.

 announcement start -

*GNOME 3.0 Bangalore Hackfest 2011*
/March 28 - April 1 2011, Bangalore, India/

We are hosting a 5 days hackfest (March 28 - April 1) for the release, 
documentation and marketing teams focusing on GNOME 3.0 release. This 
will ensure some heavy testing of the code during the last week before 
the official release of GNOME 3.0, as well as preparing the release to 
happen in an optimal way. And at the same time, it will help the 
marketing team to clarify messaging when needed and finalize the 
launch details.
It is not primarily aimed at users or new contributors but we may 
organize some training and hands on sessions during the last 3 days of 
the hackfest (March 30 to April 1). Apart from that any contributor 
involved in the release process is strongly encourage to join.

Please let us know you are coming by registering on the Bangalore 
Hackfest 2011 page

*GNOME.Asia Summit 2011*
/April 2 2011, Bangalore, India/

Right after the GNOME 3.0 Bangalore Hackfest, we will jump on the 
opportunity of having a lot of the GNOME developers already on site to 
aim for the greatest GNOME.Asia Summit of all time. Now in its forth 
year, GNOME.Asia Summit will have the pleasure to continue to bring 
GNOME to users and developers in Asia and more specifically India this 
year, but also to celebrate the release of GNOME 3.0 with the people 
who actually write the software!
The event will bring the light on the GNOME desktop both from a 
applications and a development platform point of view, as well as 
strengthen the GNOME community across borders.

Visitors should expect great insights into how GNOME 3.0 will 
transform their desktop experience, the changes and improvements under 
the hood and how to make the best out of this new desktop environment 
both from a developer and user perspective.

The call for papers is already out at and we hope to receive 
a lot of submissions from the Hackfest participants. We are also 
finalizing our call for sponsors and, depending on the momentum, 
planning for an extra conference day to cover all the topics (based on 
available budget and paper submissions). So stay tuned and visit for the latest information!

 announcement end -

Thanks a lot.

asia-summit-list mailing list

marketing-list mailing list

Re: Video conferencing application

2010-12-29 Thread Pockey Lam

Dear Valessio,

Thanks a lot! I have forwarded your suggestion to the Taiwan GUG and 
they will try it out. If we cannot find a good video conferencing tool, 
we should definitely use video streaming instead.


On 12/23/2010 04:10 AM, Valessio S Brito wrote:

Hi all,
sorry my english...

I'm participating in another thread looking for a solution to this.

Among some proposals, like the[1] [2]

But like the idea of a friend aka 'Lucasa' (in CC):
- Create a page that automatically generates thumbnails on HTML5, all 
videos sent to a Icecast for guests.
Anyone can make a stream with VLC or Landell[3], sending an icecast 
which someone calls (provides access to data).

With 'Landell' is very simple to stream your webcam, is something I 
believe very much in the future be a software for the Gnome web 
channels and provide access to streaming video.


Citando Pockey Lam

Dear all,

Yeah, we would definitely use video conferencing (and / or 
broadcasting tool) to connect events from different venues around the 

What we have tested so far:

Ekiga -- cannot even make one on one video chat on the same network, 
sip calls didn't work, and the only thing that we managed to get 
working is voice in the conference room. just wonder if anybody made 
Ekiga video chat work? what's the trick?

Tested some online services on Firefox or Chromium, Linux:

1) -- new plugin (they say it's compulsory) doesn't work 
on Firefox Linux = for free / trial account.  not able to make even 
one on one work

2) -- only support voice and we cannot make it work
3) Yugma -- invite contact doesn't work on Linux

We are also testing and sourcing a reliable video / sound 
broadcasting tool as well:

bigbluebutton --- cannot detect my camera, I guess it's a flash issue...


On 12/16/2010 03:04 AM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 2:07 AM, Pockey Lam wrote:

   Dear Dave, Diego, Joey, Sriam,

   Thank you for your help! I already gave all the suggestions to the
   Taiwan GUG members and asked them to do some testing. Will keep
   you posted of the result. Besides, they will definitely let us
   know if they need further help!

Thanks, Pockey, if you find something that works please do let us 
know as I'm sure that other would be interested in doing something 



   On 12/15/2010 07:55 AM, Diego Escalante Urrelo wrote:

   El mar, 14-12-2010 a las 19:13 +0100, Joey Ferwerda escribió:

   What about just using Gtalk?

   Its not open source, but it is free software!

   I guess you meant voice/video over jabber, which is what gtalk
   uses and
   what Empathy can also do.

   Empathy can work fine for this I guess. But likely telepathy
   can suggest something else. Maybe even a hardcoded program
   only for this
   event. AFAIK there was work on multiuser video chat.

   -- marketing-list mailing list

marketing-list mailing list

Re: Video conferencing application

2010-12-15 Thread Pockey Lam

Dear Dave, Diego, Joey, Sriam,

Thank you for your help! I already gave all the suggestions to the 
Taiwan GUG members and asked them to do some testing. Will keep you 
posted of the result. Besides, they will definitely let us know if they 
need further help!


On 12/15/2010 07:55 AM, Diego Escalante Urrelo wrote:

El mar, 14-12-2010 a las 19:13 +0100, Joey Ferwerda escribió:

What about just using Gtalk?

Its not open source, but it is free software!

I guess you meant voice/video over jabber, which is what gtalk uses and
what Empathy can also do.

Empathy can work fine for this I guess. But likely telepathy developers
can suggest something else. Maybe even a hardcoded program only for this
event. AFAIK there was work on multiuser video chat.

marketing-list mailing list

Re: Video conferencing application

2010-12-15 Thread Pockey Lam

Dear all,

Yeah, we would definitely use video conferencing (and / or broadcasting 
tool) to connect events from different venues around the world.

What we have tested so far:

Ekiga -- cannot even make one on one video chat on the same network, sip 
calls didn't work, and the only thing that we managed to get working is 
voice in the conference room. just wonder if anybody made Ekiga video 
chat work? what's the trick?

Tested some online services on Firefox or Chromium, Linux:

1) -- new plugin (they say it's compulsory) doesn't work on 
Firefox Linux = for free / trial account.  not able to make even one on 
one work

2) -- only support voice and we cannot make it work
3) Yugma -- invite contact doesn't work on Linux

We are also testing and sourcing a reliable video / sound broadcasting 
tool as well:

bigbluebutton --- cannot detect my camera, I guess it's a flash issue...


On 12/16/2010 03:04 AM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 2:07 AM, Pockey Lam wrote:

Dear Dave, Diego, Joey, Sriam,

Thank you for your help! I already gave all the suggestions to the
Taiwan GUG members and asked them to do some testing. Will keep
you posted of the result. Besides, they will definitely let us
know if they need further help!

Thanks, Pockey, if you find something that works please do let us know 
as I'm sure that other would be interested in doing something similar.



On 12/15/2010 07:55 AM, Diego Escalante Urrelo wrote:

El mar, 14-12-2010 a las 19:13 +0100, Joey Ferwerda escribió:

What about just using Gtalk?

Its not open source, but it is free software!

I guess you meant voice/video over jabber, which is what gtalk
uses and
what Empathy can also do.

Empathy can work fine for this I guess. But likely telepathy
can suggest something else. Maybe even a hardcoded program
only for this
event. AFAIK there was work on multiuser video chat.

marketing-list mailing list

marketing-list mailing list

GNOME User Survey

2010-12-13 Thread Pockey Lam

Dear all,

We are currently working on a GNOME user survey. The survey target 
potential and existing GNOME users and we planned to distribute this 
survey to different FLOSS communities and GNU/Linux distributions / 
communities and GNOME User Groups worldwide. Some approached groups 
already said they would help to localize the survey for us.

The drafted objectives are as below, please feel free to comment.

   * Know who are our existing / potential users
   * Learn how do they use GNOME
   * Gather feedback from our existing / potential users
   * Identify issues from our existing users
   * The feedback will be used in Design, Features Improvement and
 Marketing purposes
   * Enhance awareness and adoption of GNOME

We would need your feedbacks on the drafted questions as well, you can 
find all the information of this survey at
Please feel free to discuss here or edit the wiki page directly. Thanks 
in advance!

marketing-list mailing list

Video conferencing application

2010-12-13 Thread Pockey Lam

Dear all,

Communities are preparing for their GNOME 3.0 launch parties. Knowing 
that Taiwan GNOME User Group is going to host 3 events in different 
district, they are looking for Free software / application to do video 
conferencing among different venues. Any suggestion?

marketing-list mailing list

The GNOME Foundation blog

2010-12-05 Thread Pockey Lam

Dear all,

When promoting the new Friends of GNOME campaign via facebook, I 
received some feedback that 'the theme of The GNOME Foundation blog 
( is too simple'. 'They also suggest 
to use the one from gnomejournal ('.  What do 
you guys think and what can we do about it?

marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME 3.0 official logo and banners

2010-11-22 Thread Pockey Lam

On 11/19/2010 09:32 PM, Andre Klapper wrote:

Am Mittwoch, den 17.11.2010, 12:03 +0100 schrieb rAX:

Hello, That's my proposal to Gnome 3, it is an old idea, and a 2
months old file. says The GNOME foot logo can
*not* be stretched or distorted.

Hi Andre,

Thanks for your advice.

In this case, it seems that none of the design on

is following the brandguidelines, right?

are closer to the requirements, but we still need to modify the design 
(e.g. add TM, change the fonts) according to the brandguidelines.



marketing-list mailing list

Re: Annual gift Friends Of Gnome (Please reply asap)

2010-11-18 Thread Pockey Lam

Hi Joey,

+1 to Outside Text/With Borders

if white plastic is white in color, it may look very cheap? Maybe it's 
better to take Alumide (if budget allowed) :)


On 11/18/2010 11:51 AM, Joey Ferwerda wrote:

Hello Everyone

On Boston Summit, we talked about giving away a annual gift for the 
first X subscribers for Friends Of Gnome.
I have worked with a modeler who created a little statue together with 
me, that we can print with the company Shapeways.

Normally the idea is to do this every year, but my opinion is that 
since we are doing a end-of-the-year campaign, i want to suggest to 
give this one only to the first 100 subscribers of Friends of Gnome, 
and that this statue is available for the first 100 for 2010 and 2011.
So the next design will be available in 2012 (for extra boost of the 
current campaign).

We have agreed on 4 designs and materials, and want to know what 
design people love the most, although they are quite similar.

Inlined Text/No Borders:
Inlined Text/With Borders
Outside Text/No Borders
Outside Text/With Borders

The statue will be 3 CM tall/wide/depth (1.1 inch)
There are two materials we can choose: White Plastic (5 Dollar a 
piece) or Alumide, which is 50% Nylon (PA) en 50% aluminium (6.20 
dollar a piece).

This could deliver a lot more subscribers every beginning of the year 
(or people who want to extend there membership)

Thanks for your attention.

Joey Ferwerda

Alias. Morton Black

marketing-list mailing list

Re: Marketing hackfest next year

2010-11-17 Thread Pockey Lam

Hi Jason,

The GNOME Asia Summit 2011 with GNOME 3.0 hackfest pre-event survey 
results have been published at 
, we are more than happy to share with you the results.


On 11/15/2010 12:04 PM, Pockey Lam wrote:

On 11/15/2010 04:24 AM, Joey Ferwerda wrote:
@Brian: We need the hackfest in end of februari or beginning of march 
because of the Launch of GNOME 3.
Gnome Asia is a convention that is on the same date as the release, 
so that does not match.
As Brian and Fred said, the date of GNOME.Asia is not confirmed yet, 
we can always set the date of GNOME.Asia Hackfest in end of Feb or 
early March if it can help the GNOME 3.0 launch in terms of marketing.

We initially set the date to April is due to some feedback from our 
survey, however, we are very flexible and willing to listen to advices.

For your reference, our local organisers are preparing proposals to 
host the hackfest, potential venues will be in Hong Kong, Indonesia or 
India. The proposals will be submitted to us end of this month, I will 
definitely share those proposals with the marketing list with you.

In order to get feedbacks to host this hackfest, we prepared a 
pre-event survey at  and asked our target 
audiences to join including the marketing team. The deadline of this 
pre-event survey is 16th Nov Tuesday, some abstracts of the pre-event 
survey is as below:

We have 78 responses in total so far-
1) 63% respondents are from Asia.
2) 31% respondents involved with the GNOME 3.0 release
3) 70% respondents want to join the event
4) Most respondents prefer to host the event during or after the GNOME 
3.0 release
5) HK is the leading hosting city, followed by Bali and Jakarta 
(Indonesia), Bangalore (India).
6) Most respondents prefer universities (50%) as venue, followed by 
resorts (31%) and offices (24%)
7) around 1/3 respondents can manage their travel cost by themselves, 
while 1/3 respondents asked to cover all their travel expenses, 
another 1/3 asked to cover part of their expenses
8) from the above respondents that need travel subsidy, 2/3 asked to 
sponsor below 1,200 USD, 1/3 asked to sponsor up to 2,000 USD
9) 6 of them are interested to be speakers in the one day conference 
and left their email addresses for us to contact them

I will also share the detail results / statistics of this pre-event 
survey with you upon the deadline.

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Frederic Muller wrote:

On 11/12/2010 04:14 AM, Brian Cameron wrote:


 We need to have another marketing hackfest in preparation for
 3.0 launch. This will be entirely work-oriented. The date ranges
 available for this are the two weeks immediately following the UI
 freeze: February 26th - March 13th.

 Please reply to this email with your availability: where can
you travel
 and what dates are you available?

 The GNOME.Asia community was been planning to host a hackfest that
 coincides with the GNOME 3.0 release.  The point of their
hackfest was
 to get people together to work on tasks that need to get done in
 association with the launch.  Would it make sense to plan to do
 marketing hackfest work at the GNOME.Asia 3.0 launch hackfest?

 Their current plans have been to have their event a bit later
 April), but it seems worth discussing with them.  I imagine they
 would consider moving their event earlier if that would better
fit in
 with the needs of relevant groups such as the Marketing team.

 At any rate, some discussion with them to determine how marketing
 hackfest plans should be coordinated seems appropriate.  There
may be
 opportunities to do some different marketing things at both events
 if we decide to keep them separate events, for example.



Having participated in the discussion during the Boston Summit
and being
a member of GNOME.Asia it seemed the participants in Boston needed
both hackfests: one around the freeze period and one during the

As you might all know by now we have a pre-event survey up since
about 3
weeks and received very good feedbacks to help us prepare. We are
however definitely happy to collaborate with other events or
share our
plans with anyone interested to do something for the launch period.

@Jason: please don't hesitate to get in touch with us either on
or off
the list.


marketing-list mailing list

Alias. Morton Black

marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME 3.0 official logo and banners

2010-11-16 Thread Pockey Lam

I wonder if makes sense to create some banners with screenshots of 
gnome-shell. Ubuntu has this kind of banners for Unity.

We should start the competion at marketing level ;)


   -- Juanjo Marin

PS: I CC this message to the art team list

Since we already have options / proposals of GNOME 3.0 logos / banners, 
should we initiate a marketing / art team irc meeting to vote / finalize 
which GNOME 3.0 logo / messages to use and talk about banners as well?


marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME 3.0 official logo and banners

2010-11-15 Thread Pockey Lam

On 11/15/2010 04:45 PM, Juanjo Marín wrote:
There are some requests in but they are maked as open.

There are some suggestions for this material 

but it isn't definitive at all.

Thanks for pointing out those useful info to me!

There are indeed a lot of good ideas already. To match with GNOME 3.0, I 
like Campaign #1 
(Campaign: Fundamentally Different)

and this logo 

I guess the marketing team should approach the art team for get this 
done :)
We can discuss a little bit about the message we want on this banners. 
What the team think ?

As we have been starting to talk to different communities all over the 
world to promote GNOME 3.0 and ask them to host a launch party locally, 
yeah, let's discuss now so we can give them logos and banners to post at 
their websites and link back to our gnome 3.0 page.

Besides, I searched facebook page and there is no gnome 3.0 group yet 
but found a 1 member group named I hate GNOME 3.0 we need a new desktop 
environment for linux , so I just started one:

(I am not really a fans of facebook but we cannot ignore social network 
power for marketing...)



-- Juanjo Marin

marketing-list mailing list

Re: GNOME 3.0 official logo and banners

2010-11-15 Thread Pockey Lam

On 11/15/2010 05:38 PM, Juanjo Marín wrote:

--- El *lun, 15/11/10, Pockey Lam /* escribió:

De: Pockey Lam
Asunto: Re: GNOME 3.0 official logo and banners
Fecha: lunes, 15 de noviembre, 2010 10:11

On 11/15/2010 04:45 PM, Juanjo Marín wrote:

There are some requests in but they are maked as

There are some suggestions for this material though,
but it isn't definitive at all.

Thanks for pointing out those useful info to me!

There are indeed a lot of good ideas already. To match with GNOME
3.0, I like Campaign #1
(Campaign: Fundamentally Different)

and this logo

I guess the marketing team should approach the art team for get
this done :)
We can discuss a little bit about the message we want on this
banners. What the team think ?

As we have been starting to talk to different communities all over
the world to promote GNOME 3.0 and ask them to host a launch party
locally, yeah, let's discuss now so we can give them logos and
banners to post at their websites and link back to our gnome 3.0

Besides, I searched facebook page and there is no gnome 3.0 group
yet but found a 1 member group named I hate GNOME 3.0 we need a
new desktop environment for linux , so I just started one:

(I am not really a fans of facebook but we cannot ignore social
network power for marketing...)

I wonder if makes sense to create some banners with screenshots of 
gnome-shell. Ubuntu has this kind of banners for Unity.

excellent ideas! Screenshots can definitely help people to visualise 
what GNOME 3.0 and its benefits is and allow people to see the difference :)

We should start the competion at marketing level ;)


   -- Juanjo Marin

PS: I CC this message to the art team list

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Re: Marketing hackfest next year

2010-11-14 Thread Pockey Lam

On 11/15/2010 04:24 AM, Joey Ferwerda wrote:
@Brian: We need the hackfest in end of februari or beginning of march 
because of the Launch of GNOME 3.
Gnome Asia is a convention that is on the same date as the release, so 
that does not match.
As Brian and Fred said, the date of GNOME.Asia is not confirmed yet, we 
can always set the date of GNOME.Asia Hackfest in end of Feb or early 
March if it can help the GNOME 3.0 launch in terms of marketing.

We initially set the date to April is due to some feedback from our 
survey, however, we are very flexible and willing to listen to advices.

For your reference, our local organisers are preparing proposals to host 
the hackfest, potential venues will be in Hong Kong, Indonesia or India. 
The proposals will be submitted to us end of this month, I will 
definitely share those proposals with the marketing list with you.

In order to get feedbacks to host this hackfest, we prepared a pre-event 
survey at  and asked our target audiences to 
join including the marketing team. The deadline of this pre-event survey 
is 16th Nov Tuesday, some abstracts of the pre-event survey is as below:

We have 78 responses in total so far-
1) 63% respondents are from Asia.
2) 31% respondents involved with the GNOME 3.0 release
3) 70% respondents want to join the event
4) Most respondents prefer to host the event during or after the GNOME 
3.0 release
5) HK is the leading hosting city, followed by Bali and Jakarta 
(Indonesia), Bangalore (India).
6) Most respondents prefer universities (50%) as venue, followed by 
resorts (31%) and offices (24%)
7) around 1/3 respondents can manage their travel cost by themselves, 
while 1/3 respondents asked to cover all their travel expenses, another 
1/3 asked to cover part of their expenses
8) from the above respondents that need travel subsidy, 2/3 asked to 
sponsor below 1,200 USD, 1/3 asked to sponsor up to 2,000 USD
9) 6 of them are interested to be speakers in the one day conference and 
left their email addresses for us to contact them

I will also share the detail results / statistics of this pre-event 
survey with you upon the deadline.

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Frederic Muller wrote:

On 11/12/2010 04:14 AM, Brian Cameron wrote:


 We need to have another marketing hackfest in preparation for
 3.0 launch. This will be entirely work-oriented. The date ranges
 available for this are the two weeks immediately following the UI
 freeze: February 26th - March 13th.

 Please reply to this email with your availability: where can
you travel
 and what dates are you available?

 The GNOME.Asia community was been planning to host a hackfest that
 coincides with the GNOME 3.0 release.  The point of their
hackfest was
 to get people together to work on tasks that need to get done in
 association with the launch.  Would it make sense to plan to do such
 marketing hackfest work at the GNOME.Asia 3.0 launch hackfest?

 Their current plans have been to have their event a bit later (early
 April), but it seems worth discussing with them.  I imagine they
 would consider moving their event earlier if that would better
fit in
 with the needs of relevant groups such as the Marketing team.

 At any rate, some discussion with them to determine how marketing
 hackfest plans should be coordinated seems appropriate.  There
may be
 opportunities to do some different marketing things at both events
 if we decide to keep them separate events, for example.



Having participated in the discussion during the Boston Summit and
a member of GNOME.Asia it seemed the participants in Boston needed
both hackfests: one around the freeze period and one during the

As you might all know by now we have a pre-event survey up since
about 3
weeks and received very good feedbacks to help us prepare. We are
however definitely happy to collaborate with other events or share our
plans with anyone interested to do something for the launch period.

@Jason: please don't hesitate to get in touch with us either on or off
the list.


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Alias. Morton Black

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GNOME 3.0 official logo and banners

2010-11-14 Thread Pockey Lam


I wonder if there is any official GNOME 3.0 logo or banners so we can 
put them in our blog posts (when we talk about GNOME 3.0) or communities 
websites to promote GNOME 3.0? I tried to look for it in the GNOME wiki, 
but I cannot find any.

- Pockey
marketing-list mailing list

Re: Theme for Summit 2009, need everyone's feedback

2009-09-24 Thread Pockey Lam
I vote for 1. Get Freedom with GNOME or maybe Enjoy Freedom with GNOME


On Tue, 2009-09-22 at 22:05 +0800, Emily Chen wrote:
 hi all, 
 So far, below candidates themes are out standing: 
 1. Get Freedom with GNOME
 2. Discover GNOME: Your Free Desktop
 3. Discover GNOME - Access Your Desktop
 4. Access your freedom! Use GNOME!
 Let's vote one among them, we will announce the final theme this
 2009/9/20 Pockey Lam
 Dear Stormy,
 Get Freedom with GNOME sounds good, let's see what do the
 members think?
 On Fri, 2009-09-18 at 21:12 -0600, Stormy Peters wrote:
  Get Freedom with GNOME?
  On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 8:07 PM, Pockey Lam wrote:
   Dear Stormy,
   I vote for Freedom with GNOME too,
   but a minor suggestion, can we add a call for action in
 the slogan?
   Step into Freedom with GNOME?
   step into maybe a bit long, but any 1  word means the
 same? :)
   On Fri, 2009-09-18 at 10:24 -0600, Stormy Peters wrote:
   I vote for Freedom with GNOME.
   My second choice would be something with a subtitle.
 Discover GNOME:
   Your Free Desktop. I'm not sure I'd use the word
 accessible in the
   title. At least in English it's not an easy word to say.
   And obviously I'd like to defer to people that know the
 local language
   and culture ...
   P.S. Brian, I think we could add the word software to
 your title, and
   don't forget usability! Discover Accessing Freedom With
   GNOME - Your Free Software Desktop
   On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Brian Cameron wrote:
How about Discover Accessing Freedom With GNOME - Your
Just joking.
1. Discover GNOME 3.0
2. Discover GNOME
3. Discover GNOME - Your Accessible Desktop
4. Discover GNOME - The Accessible Desktop
5. Discover GNOME - Access Your Desktop
6. Access Your Desktop - Discover GNOME
7. Discover your desktop with GNOME
8. Access your desktop with GNOME
9. GNOME your desktop
10.Freedom with GNOME
more ...
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Re: Theme for Summit 2009, need everyone's feedback

2009-09-22 Thread Pockey Lam
Dear Stormy, 

I vote for Freedom with GNOME too, 

but a minor suggestion, can we add a call for action in the slogan?

Step into Freedom with GNOME?

step into maybe a bit long, but any 1  word means the same? :)


On Fri, 2009-09-18 at 10:24 -0600, Stormy Peters wrote:
 I vote for Freedom with GNOME.
 My second choice would be something with a subtitle. Discover GNOME:
 Your Free Desktop. I'm not sure I'd use the word accessible in the
 title. At least in English it's not an easy word to say.
 And obviously I'd like to defer to people that know the local language
 and culture ...
 P.S. Brian, I think we could add the word software to your title, and
 don't forget usability! Discover Accessing Freedom With Easy-to-Use
 GNOME - Your Free Software Desktop
 On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Brian Cameron wrote:
  How about Discover Accessing Freedom With GNOME - Your Desktop
  Just joking.
  1. Discover GNOME 3.0
  2. Discover GNOME
  3. Discover GNOME - Your Accessible Desktop
  4. Discover GNOME - The Accessible Desktop
  5. Discover GNOME - Access Your Desktop
  6. Access Your Desktop - Discover GNOME
  7. Discover your desktop with GNOME
  8. Access your desktop with GNOME
  9. GNOME your desktop
  10.Freedom with GNOME
  more ...
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