
Product Update from SA Instrumentation Limited

Issue 2

New for May release - Decimus Mobile System[cid:image003.gif@01D17539.A367CE90]

The new Decimus Mobile system for marine mammal monitoring provides real-time 
data acquisition.

Complete with a touch-screen PC within a lid-mounted HD display, it is designed 
to take up to four hydrophones, each with its own channel.  The system has 
unique gain and filtering capability, powered by a sealed rechargeable battery, 
making it a useful portable system.

Read More<http://www.sa-instrumentation.com/>

What else has Decimus being doing:-

Decimus on Autonomous Vehicle for Marine Mammal 

A team of scientists from East Carolina University has been able to 
acoustically record Bottlenose Dolphins, as well as a range of other sea 
mammals, using the Decimus system, which was integrated into the University's 
Wave Glider.


Decimus becomes the Bomb Listener [cid:image007.gif@01D17539.A367CE90]

Hon Yuen, of Factual TV, has made a film about our project in Malaysia, in 
conjunction with the UK-based Marine Conservation 
Society<http://www.mcsuk.org/>. The film shows how our technology can be used 
to help protect the Malaysian Coral Reefs.


Decimus to go to the Isle of Lewis[cid:image009.gif@01D17539.A367CE90]

Gallan Head Community Trust invited us to join its exciting new environmental 
project, Cetus, which aims to attract visitors to observe and listen to the 
rich marine wildlife of Lewis.


We are on Stand B101 with our friends Fastwave

Why not drop by and have a chat!

If you have a project and you want to find out if Decimus can work for you,
give us a call on +44 (0)1334 845 260
i...@sa-instrumentation.com  web www.sa-instrumentation.com
Copyright (c) 2016. SA Instrumentation Ltd. All rights reserved

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