[MARMAM] Fishery pressure indicators and cetacena strandings

2017-06-23 Thread Ceto News
  Assessing the relationship between cetacean strandings (Tursiops truncatus 
and Stenella coeruleoalba) and fishery pressure indicators in Sicily 
(Mediterranean Sea) within the framework of the EU Habitats Directive
Cetacean strandings are a constant phenomenon that occurs on coastlines; 
mortality is related to several factors but commercial fishing is considered 
one of the main pressures, in the Mediterranean, that can impact small cetacean 
species such as common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and striped 
dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba). Since all eight species of cetaceans residing 
in the Mediterranean Sea are listed in the Habitats Directive, there is a 
legislative and management need to survey and report their conservation status 
every 6 years. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship, in Sicily, 
between strandings of two species and the fishery capacity, using records from 
1995 to 2012. Positions and densities of all the strandings were compared with 
values of engine power from all the fishing vessels registered in 48 Sicilian 
ports. In addition, the relationship between strandings and the wild population 
at sea was investigated. Results showed that trends of fishing capacity and 
strandings both decreased, with a strong positive association. Trends were also 
confirmed when data were grouped into “6-year periods” or into different 
geographical sub-areas. Strandings were clustered near ports with higher 
fishing capacities; S. coeruleoalba records were distributed more homogenously 
along the coastline compared to T. truncatus, whose strandings were mostly 
distributed on the southern coastline, where the fishing capacity of bottom 
otter trawls was greater. The ratio between the two cetacean species was 
similar both for strandings and at-sea populations. Results show that fishing 
capacity is a pertinent indicator of pressure/threat to small cetacean species, 
and stranding records could complement at-sea data to assess population status 
within the framework of EU Directives

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[MARMAM] Italo-Tunisian research project

2014-02-14 Thread Ceto News
A pool of Italian and Tunisian research bodies
has started a yearly joint project on monitoring cetacean in the Region between
Sicily and Tunisia. In order to: systematically survey regularly the region 
the years also in high sea areas;  reduce
reduces spatial heterogeneity; and to make more efficient the use of the budget
resources the project, co-financed from ACCOBAMS, uses regular passengers
ferries as platform of observations.
Due to high productive values, the region between
Sicily and Tunisia is considered one of the potential wintering grounds for fin
whale. The area is also considered a critical habitat for cetacean species due
to important anthropogenic pressures such as fishing, aquaculture, maritime
traffic, oil and gas industry, communication cables and construction of
wind-mill farms. Despite this, no systematic monitoring study has never been
undertaken so far.
In order to start a systematic cetacean monitoring of
the area, a partnership of Tunisian and Italian research bodies participated
with success to the ACCOBAMS 2012 open call for “Monitoring, research, training
and projects relating to the conservation of Cetaceans”. Main aim of the
project was capacity building issues and, to reach this goal, a partnership
within the scientific international network that monitors cetacean using
ferries as platforms of observation was built. Moreover, two ferry companies
were involved in the project allowing to monitor the area among Tunisia, Sicily
and Sardinia. Collected data will allow to: assess cetacean presence and
distribution in this poorly surveyed area; investigate seasonal trends in
cetacean presence and distribution (sighting will be shared on OBIS Sea Map);
investigate fin whale migration patterns. In addition, the project will
contribute to assess the quantity of events of collision risks. Networking with
the other partners that use the same monitoring protocol is an important added
value that will allow a synoptic view of cetacean in the Western Mediterranean
Sea Region. Overall, the project goal is also to enact policies, between
Tunisia and Italy, so to strengthen the cooperation and dialogue between
peoples through the sectors of scientific research, culture and friendship___
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[MARMAM] Paper on Fin Whale in winter in the Bonifacio Strait

2014-02-03 Thread Ceto News
published on the Journal Biologia Marina Mediterranea a short paper on the
presence of Fin Whale in winter in the Bonifacio Strait (between Corsica and
Sardinia) in the Pelagos Sanctuary.
Arcangeli A., Campana I., Carcassi S., Casella E., Cracas F., Fabiano
F., Ottaviani D.,Manca Zeichen M., Addis A., Crosti R. (2013). Seasonal 
sightings of Balaenoptera
physalus in the Bonifacio Strait (Pelagos sanctuary).Biol.
Mar. Mediterr. (2013), 20 (1): 252-253.
The paper, with a translation in English, can be find
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[MARMAM] Recent paper on new feeding ground for Fin Whale in the Mediterranean

2013-11-10 Thread Ceto News
Hello everyone,

the following paper was recently published:
Exploring thermal and trophic
preference of Balaenoptera physalus in the central Tyrrhenian Sea: a new summer
feeding ground?.Arcangeli, A., Orasi, A., Carcassi, S. P., & Crosti, R. 
(2013).Marine Biology(DOI) 10.1007/s00227-013-2348-8
In the 1990s, the central Tyrrhenian Sea was regarded as a transit region for 
fin whales’ (Balaenoptera physalus) summer migration. In recent years, a much 
higher presence of fin whales during the entire summer season was reported in 
the region. The hypothesis that the central Tyrrhenian Sea may have become a 
summer feeding ground was tested gathering data from summer presence of whales 
in the region (40–42.5°N; 9–13°E) and investigating whether it might be related 
to sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration, considered as 
proxies of food availability. Results showed that whales always aggregate in 
the more productive portions of the investigated area; the general productivity 
of the area, however, did not directly influence the frequency of occurrence of 
whales. We concluded that the complex dynamics of the balance between feeding 
activities and avoiding pressures may have led fin whales to use the region as 
an opportunistic
 feeding ground.

The final publication is available at link.springer.com.
It is fully accessible to all users at libraries and institutions that have
purchased a SpringerLink license at: 
http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00227-013-2348-8or you can ask to
the correspondence author: antonella.arcang...@isprambiente.it___
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[MARMAM] Changes in cetacean presence in the Central Thyrrenean Sea over 20 years

2012-11-06 Thread Ceto News
We are pleased to announce the publication of the paper:

"Changes in
cetacean presence, relative abundance and distribution over 20 years along a
trans-regional fixed line transect in the  Central Tyrrhenian Sea"


From 1989 to 1992, systematic cetacean surveys were carried out twice weekly 
along a trans-regional fixed transect in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea, utilising 
passenger ferries as research platforms. Using the same protocol and supervised 
by the same investigators, the research restarted in 2007, providing the 
opportunity to compare consistent data over a long 20-year period. The 
monitored transect (Civitavecchia-Golfo Aranci) runs along a strategic area 
just outside the southeastern border of the Pelagos Sanctuary. Over the last 
two decades, an increasing trend of temperature and salinity, in the deep and 
intermediate layers, has been documented in the region, as well as general 
changes over the Mediterranean basin. These changes, together with the 
increasing impact of some pressures (e.g. maritime traffic) may have led to 
changes in oceanographic and anthropogenic features and, subsequently, in 
cetacean presence and distribution. The research aimed to
 verify whether any changes occurred in the pattern of cetacean occurrence over 
the 20-year period along the representative transect in the Central Tyrrhenian 
Sea. Data from 90 summer weekly runs undertaken in the 1990s were compared with 
data obtained from 95 runs undertaken in the 2000s. Each ferry run was 
considered an independent statistical unit: the encounter rate (ER = number of 
sightings per hour spent on effort) was calculated to compare relative 
abundance between periods, years and months. Spatial analysis was performed on 
geographical data using Kernel analysis to map the distribution of sightings. 
Logistic regression (GLM) was performed to compare habitat preference. Total 
encounter rate in the 1990s (ER = 0.59 ± CI 0.08) was significantly lower 
(P < 0.01) compared with the 2000s (ER = 0.94 ± CI 0.15). The same seven out of 
eight species known for their regular presence in the Mediterranean Sea were 
sighted in both the
 investigated periods. The most common species were striped dolphin (Stenella 
coeruleoalba), fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) and common bottlenose dolphin 
(Tursiops truncatus). Neither the pilot whale nor any other rare or occasional 
species were sighted during the 6 years of the study. Despite the time span, no 
dramatic changes were observed for any species, bar fin whale, in terms of 
distribution, relative abundance, group size or habitat preference. Sightings 
of fin whale have surprisingly increased (+300%, P< 0.001), and their spatial 
and temporal distribution and habitat preference showed a radical difference 
between the two periods. The 2000s surveys confirmed the existence of high 
density areas of cetaceans, especially of fin whale, and the consequent 
necessity of specific legislative acts for cetacean conservation.

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[MARMAM] JMATE new Issue

2010-04-12 Thread Ceto News
New Issue of the Journal of Marine Animals and Their Environment.
JMATE is available to the public free of charge and is electronically published 
by the Oceanographic Environmental Research Society (OERS).
Current Issue Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2009
Variation in external morphology of resident Bottlenose dolphins in Bahia San 
Antonio, patagonia, Argentina
Vermeulen E, Cammareri A
Endocrine disruptors: an overview and discussion on issues surrounding their 
impact on marine animals.
Zhou J, Cai ZH, Zhu XS

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[MARMAM] ITALY: large scale cetacean monitoring from passengers ferries

2009-08-31 Thread Ceto News
In Italy different Institutions (both of public and private sector), 
Universities and NGO have joined forces to undertake a large scale cetacean 
monitoring programme from passengers ferries. 
The network, active since 2007, in summer weekly monitors presence, relative 
abundance, distribution and migration/dispersion timing of cetacean along the 
following routes: 
Civitavecchia-Golfo Aranci (since 2007) in the Central Tyrrhenian sea (along 
this route from 1989 to 1991 weekly observations on cetacean were undertaken by 
the same observers);
Livorno-Bastia and Savona-Bastia (since 2008) in the Pelagos sanctuary;
Calvi-Nizza (from 2009) in the western part of the Pelagos sanctuary.
Preliminary data show that in summer most of the sightings of “whales” occur in 
coincidence with local high primary production zones such as the ones east of 
Golfo Aranci and along the Calvi-Nizza route.
Accademia del Leviatano, Università di Genova, Università di Pisa , CRAB coop, 
Fondazione CIMA, networked by ISPRA, are the different bodies that participate 
to the research 
On the research the network has already submitted two different MS for the 2008 
and 2009 European Cetacean Society conference proceedings. 
Summer weekly sightings can be checked from the blog: 

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[MARMAM] JMATE new issue of the marine animals journal

2009-07-06 Thread Ceto News
The current issue of The Journal of Marine Animals and Their Ecology (Volume 2, 
Issue 1, June 2009) is now available. 
The journal is accessible to the public free of charge and is electronically 
published by the Oceanographic Environmental Research Society (OERS). 
Table of contents include:
1) The short–term impact of dolphin-watching on the behaviour of bottlenose 
dolphins (Tursiops truncates) in western Australia.
2) Cetaceans’ occurrence off the west central Portugal coast: a compilation of 
data from whaling, observations of opportunity and boat-based surveys.


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