[MARMAM] Special issue "Aquatic Mammals of Central America"

2021-06-20 Thread Laura J. May-Collado
Dear colleagues,

Laura J. May-Collado (Costa Rica, Universidad de Vermont) and Ester
Quintana-Rizzo (Guatemala, Simmons University) invite you to send your
research papers for publication in the special issue *"Aquatic Mammals of
Central America"* in the Journal of Tropical Biology. This is an
open-access journal of the University of Costa Rica that specializes in the
fields of biology and conservation (https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/rbt).
The objective of the special issue is to promote the scientific
communication of research conducted in Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador,
Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. The editors of this volume
acknowledge that research on the biology and conservation of aquatic
mammals in Central America and Panama has grown exponentially in the last
two decades. However, this growth is not represented in the number of
scientific publications, restricting the collective knowledge of the status
of those species, and consequently limiting the regional actions that can
be taken effectively to protect both the species and their habitat.

The editors will be accepting research papers on manatees, dolphins,
whales, and pinnipeds in the six countries mentioned above. Papers on
endangered species such as manatees, species with urgent conservation
importance such as the Central America population segment of humpback
whales, or little knowledge such as the Guiana dolphin, orcas, and others
are strongly encouraged. Abstracts of original research articles and
scientific notes will be accepted.

The editors invite national and international researchers working in the
countries listed above to first submit a research abstract to determine if
the work fits the scope of the special volume. Preference will be given to
the abstracts led by national researchers or by international researchers
who work with national researchers from the countries in the region as

The format of the abstract format is:

§  Language: Spanish or English

§  Title

§  Lists of authors and affiliations

§  Summary: 350-400 words (example:

§  Times New Roman 12-point size

§  Email of the corresponding author

The abstract acceptance date will open on July 1, 2021, and will close
on September 1, 2021. Abstracts should be sent to the following email
to mamiferosaquaticossup...@gmail.com.

Once received and reviewed, the editors will send an email to those
authors whose works are accepted with detailed information on the
format of the article or note, the dates of complete manuscript
submission, and the review period.

Any questions please contact the editors via email to


Estimados colegas

Laura J May-Collado (Costa Rica, Universidad de Vermont) y Ester
Quintana-Rizzo (Guatemala, Simmons University) les invitan a enviar sus
trabajos de investigación para su publicación en el volumen especial
de “*Mamíferos
Acuáticos de Centro América**”* en la *Revista de Biología Tropical*. Esta
es una revista de acceso abierto de la Universidad de Costa Rica que se
especializa en los campos de la biología y conservación (
https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/rbt). El objetivo del volumen especial
es promover la divulgación científica de los trabajos de investigación que
se están realizando en Belice, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua,
Costa Rica y Panamá. Las editoras de este volumen reconocen que la
investigación de la biología y conservación de mamíferos acuáticos en
Centro América y Panamá ha crecido exponencialmente en las últimas dos
décadas. Sin embargo, este crecimiento de investigación no se ve
representado en el número de en las publicaciones científicas,
restringiendo el conocimiento colectivo del estado de estas especies y
consecuentemente limitando las acciones regionales que puedan tomarse
efectivamente para protegerlas tanto a ellas como a su hábitat.

Las editoras estarán aceptando trabajos de investigación realizados sobre
manatíes, delfines, ballenas, y pinnípedos en los seis países mencionados
anteriormente. Se incentiva el envió de trabajos sobre especies en peligro
de extinción como el manatí y sobre cetáceos de importancia urgente de
conservación como las ballenas jorobadas población norte, así como de
cetáceos de escaso conocimiento como el delfín de Guiana, orcas, y otros.
Se aceptarán resúmenes de artículos originales de investigación y notas

Las editoras invitan a investigadores nacionales e internacionales
trabajando en los países listados arriba a enviar primeramente un resumen
 del trabajo de investigación para determinar si cabe dentro del marco del
volumen especial. Se dará preferencia a los resúmenes liderados por
investigadores nacionales o lid

[MARMAM] SMM Small Grants in Aid of Research 2021 Applications Window Now Open

2021-06-03 Thread Laura J. May-Collado
Dear all,

The Society for Marine Mammalogy would like to inform eligible members (see
below) that this year’s Small Grants in Aid of Research application window
opens on 1 June 2021. Applications will be accepted during the entire month
of June. The Committee of Scientific Advisors will review applications and
make recommendations on funding with decisions announced in early September
2021. The awards are up to US $2,000. Up to 25% of the budget may be used
as stipend. All three of the following eligibility requirements must be met:

1. Be a member of the Society for Marine Mammalogy.

2. Be a national of any country not on this Excluded Country List:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy,
Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United
Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States.

*Preference is given to early career researchers such as students and
researchers with less than 5 years post-doctoral experience.*

3. Be conducting research in a country not on the above Excluded Country

The Small Grant web page provides full information, links to past
successful applications, a list of recipients from prior years and their
completed project reports, and a link to the application itself. Please be
mindful of the word limits in the various sections of the application.

Last year 17 of 55 applicants from 20 counties received funding ranging
from $793 to $2,000 USD.

For technical questions regarding the online application, please email the
Society webmaster at ad...@marinemammalscience.org

For all other questions about the grants, please contact:

Laura J. May-Collado, Ph.D.
Chair Committee of Scientific AdvisorsSociety for Marine Mammalogy

email: scie...@marinemammalscience.org
MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] final extension of abstract submission for RIEMMCCA workshop at SMM

2015-09-05 Thread Laura J. May-Collado
Hi everyone we are extending the abstract submission deadline to *September
10, 2015*. We encourage all scientists from Central America and the
Caribbean to participate. This is a great opportunity to learn what is
happening in our countries and also a great opportunity to establish
regional collaboration.

*Symposium Agenda: *RIEMMCCA Network of Aquatic Mammal Specialists of
Central America and the Caribbean

*Date: DECEMBER 12,*
*​ 2015 at the San Francisco Biennial (all day)*


*Overview*: The intent of this symposium is to review the
state-of-knowledge of the aquatic mammals of *Central America* and the
*Caribbean* and to enhance collaboration and communication between
scientists in the region. The symposium will consist of presentations (oral
and poster) and a discussion session to identify gaps in knowledge and
conservation issues, importance of communicating our science (public and in
peer reviewed journals) and future research directions for the region. We
invite national and international scientists working in the region to
present their work by submitting a 300 word abstract (English and Spanish
abstracts are welcome) to the following email address riemmcca
.smm2...@gmail.com. Abstract submission will close on *SEPTEMBER 10, 2015*.
MARMAM mailing list


2015-08-17 Thread Laura J. May-Collado
Hi everyone we are extending the abstract submission deadline to *September
2, 2015*. We encourage all scientists from Central America and the
Caribbean to participate. This is a great opportunity to learn what is
happening in our countries and also a great opportunity to establish
regional collaboration.

*Symposium Agenda: *RIEMMCCA Network of Aquatic Mammal Specialists of
Central America and the Caribbean

*Date: DECEMBER 12,*
*​ 2015 at the San Francisco Biennial (all day)*


*Overview*: The intent of this symposium is to review the
state-of-knowledge of the aquatic mammals of *Central America* and the
*Caribbean* and to enhance collaboration and communication between
scientists in the region. The symposium will consist of presentations (oral
and poster) and a discussion session to identify gaps in knowledge and
conservation issues, importance of communicating our science (public and in
peer reviewed journals) and future research directions for the region. We
invite national and international scientists working in the region to
present their work by submitting a 300 word abstract (English and Spanish
abstracts are welcome) to the following email address
riemmcca.smm2...@gmail.com. Abstract submission will close on *SEPTEMBER 2,
2015*. We are currently seeking for funding to lower the cost of the
symposia, thus final costs will be provided in the next couple of weeks.
MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] Update Information SMM2015 workshop: RIEMMCCA: Network of Aquatic Mammal Specialists of Central America and the Caribbean

2015-07-14 Thread Laura J. May-Collado
*Symposium Agenda: *RIEMMCCA: Network of Aquatic Mammal Specialists of
Central America and the Caribbean

*Agenda del Simposio: *RIEMMCCA: Red de Investigadores para el Estudio de
los Mamíferos Acuáticos de Centroamérica y el Caribe.

*Convenors/Organizadores*: Laura J May-Collado (lmacoll...@gmail.com)
(Costa Rica/Panama), Ester Quintana-Rizzo (tetequint...@comcast.net)
(Guatemala), Monica Gamboa-Poveda (monicagambo...@gmail.com) (Costa Rica),
Antonio Mignucci-Gionnoni (mignu...@manatipr.org) (Puerto Rico), Anmari
Alvarez Aleman (anm...@cim.uh.cu) (Cuba), Betzi Perez (betzipe...@yahoo.com)

*Date: DECEMBER 12, 2015 -2**1st Biennial Conference **on the Biology of
Marine Mammals** at San Francisco.*

*Duration/Duracion*: full day/todo el dia *Cost/Costo*:

*Overview*: The intent of this symposium is to review the
state-of-knowledge of the aquatic mammals of *Central America* and the
*Caribbean* and to enhance collaboration and communication between
scientists in the region. The symposium will consist of presentations (oral
and poster), special talks on distance sampling methods, importance of
communicating our science (public and in peer reviewed journals), revision
of previous work in the region, and will conclude with a discussion session
to identify gaps in knowledge and conservation issues future research
directions for the region. We invite national and international scientists
working in the region to present their work by submitting a 300 word
abstract (English and Spanish abstracts are welcome) to the following email
address riemmcca.smm2...@gmail.com. Abstract submission will close on
August 15, 2015.

*Resumen*: El objetivo de este simposio es revisar el estado del
conocimiento sobre los mamíferos marinos de *Centroamérica y el Caribe* y
el promover la colaboración y comunicación entre científicos de la región.
El simposio consistirá de presentaciones en la forma de charlas y posters
sobre trabajo de investigación realizados en la región. También habrán
charlas invitadas que hablar de temas sobre el estado del conocimiento de
varias especies, una tutoría corta sobre el método de muestreo ‘distance
sampling’  y sobre como comunicar nuestra ciencia (publico y revistas
científicas). El simposio finalizara con una ‘mesa’ redonda para
identificar las áreas de importancia en investigación y conservación en la
región. Les invitamos a todos los científicos nacionales e internacionales
a enviar un resumen (se aceptan en ingles o español) de 300 palabras a
riemmcca.smm2...@gmail.com. La recepción de resúmenes estará abierta hasta
el 15 de Agosto del 2015.

Laura J. May-Collado, Ph.D.

*Research Associate  LecturerDepartment of Biology*
*University of Vermont*
*Email*: lmayc...@uvm.edu https://webmail.uvm.edu/imp/#
*Personal Home Page*: LAURAMAY-COLLADO.COM
*Google Scholar:*
*Research Gate*:http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Laura_May-Collado
*Project Website*: http://www.panacetacea.org/
MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] Announcing SMM 2015 Workshop on RIEMMCCA: Network of Aquatic Mammal Specialists of Central America and the Caribbean

2015-07-08 Thread Laura J. May-Collado
*Symposium Agenda: *RIEMMCCA: Network of Aquatic Mammal Specialists of
Central America and the Caribbean

*Agenda del Simposio: *RIEMMCCA: Red de Investigadores para el Estudio de
los Mamíferos Acuáticos de Centroamérica y el Caribe.

*Convenors/Organizadores*: Laura J May-Collado (lmacoll...@gmail.com)
(Costa Rica/Panama), Ester Quintana-Rizzo (tetequint...@comcast.net)
(Guatemala), Mónica Gamboa-Poveda (monicagambo...@gmail.com) (Costa Rica),
Antonio Mignucci-Giannoni (mignu...@manatipr.org) (Puerto Rico), Anmari Álvarez
Alemán (anm...@cim.uh.cu) (Cuba), Betzi Pérez (betzipe...@yahoo.com) (Panamá

*Date: DECEMBER 12, 2015.*

*Duration/Duracion*: full day/todo el dia *Cost/Costo*:

*Overview*: The intent of this symposium is to review the
state-of-knowledge of the aquatic mammals of *Central America* and the
*Caribbean* and to enhance collaboration and communication between
scientists in the region. The symposium will consist of presentations (oral
and poster), a discussion session to identify gaps in knowledge and
conservation issues, and a talk about importance of communicating our
science (public and in peer reviewed journals). We invite national and
international scientists working in the region to present their work by
submitting a 300 word abstract (English and Spanish abstracts are welcome)
to the following email address riemmcca.smm2...@gmail.com. Abstract
submission will close on August 15, 2015. We are currently seeking for
funding to lower the cost of the symposium, thus final costs will be
provided in the next couple of weeks.

*Resumen*: El objetivo de este simposio es revisar el estado del
conocimiento sobre los mamíferos acuáticos de *Centroamérica* y el *Caribe* y
promover la colaboración y comunicación entre científicos de la región. El
simposio consistirá de presentaciones en  formato de charlas y posters
sobre trabajos de investigación realizados en la región. El simposio fin
alizará con una charla sobre la importancia de comunicar nuestra ciencia
(publico y revistas científicas) y una ‘mesa’ redonda para identificar las
áreas de importancia en investigación y conservación en la región.
Invitamos a todos los científicos nacionales e internacionales trabajando
en Centroamérica y el Caribe a enviar un resumen ( en ingles o  español )
de 300 palabras a riemmcca.smm2...@gmail.com. La recepción de resúmenes
estará abierta hasta el 15 de Agosto del 2015.  Actualmente estamos
buscando alternativas para reducir los costos del simposio, les
comunicaremos tan pronto sea posible los resultados de esta búsqueda.
MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] SOLAMAC-Drone Course Summary

2015-03-01 Thread Laura J. May-Collado
I want to offer thanks to everyone that send information about their
experiences with UAVs (a.k.a. drones) last year. We had about 50
participants in the drone course at the SOLAMAC in Cartagena, Colombia. As
result of this course one of the participants Daniel Polari created a
website to continue sharing experiences applying UVAs to cetacean research
as well as information on safe and standardized protocols. Please subscribe
and contribute.



Laura J. May-Collado, Ph.D.

*Research Associate Department of Biology*
*University of Vermont*
*Email*: lmayc...@uvm.edu https://webmail.uvm.edu/imp/#
*Personal Home Page*: LAURAMAY-COLLADO.COM
MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] Information requested on Drone Technology and applications for Marine Mammal Research.

2014-10-16 Thread Laura J. May-Collado
Information requested on Drone Technology and applications for Marine
Mammal Research.

Hi everyone, I am organizing a short course for the SOLAMAC (Cartagena,
Colombia) on Drone Technology and its application on marine mammal
research. The aim of the course is to discuss the diversity of commercial
drone technology available today, and its potential use in addressing
short-term ecological and behavioral questions in Latin American marine
mammal research. I would really appreciate information from those of you
who are using drones in your research to share your experience and
thoughts. Specifically I am requesting information on the system that you
are using, costs, logistics, questions you are addressing with this
technology, and any recommendations you may have. If you can share a video
and/or a photo that I would be great. Any material that you sent will be
accredited to the source and used exclusively for this course.


Laura J. May-Collado, Ph.D.

*Research AssociateDepartment of Biology*
*University of Vermont*
​ https://webmail.uvm.edu/imp/#lmaycoll...@gmail.com

*Personal Home Page*: LAURAMAY-COLLADO.COM
*Project Website*: http://www.bocasdolphins.com/
MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] Invitation to join the Marine Mammal Network Specialist in Central America and the Caribbean

2014-03-06 Thread Laura J. May-Collado
This is an invitation to all marine mammalogists from Central America and
the Caribbean and also to anyone regardless of their nationality working on
http://riemmcca.weebly.com/). This is an initiative to promote
collaboration and communication among scientists, organizations, and
students in the region. Membership fees are not required. We are only
requesting contact information and a short description of your research. In
addition, the website provides information on funding and academic
opportunities for students, advice on how to publish (Spanish and English),
relevant news, and other resources such as access to literature. Please
send your information to the coordinator of this initiative: Laura J.
May-Collado (lmaycoll...@gmail.com) with subject line: RIEMMCCA.

Esta es una invitación para todos los especialistas en mamíferos marinos de
Centroamérica y el Caribe y aquellas personas que independientemente de su
nacionalidad trabajan en la región para unirse a la RED DE INVESTIGADORES
(RIEMMCCA) (http://riemmcca.weebly.com/).  Esta es una iniciativa para
fomentar la comunicación, apoyo, y colaboración entre científicos y
estudiantes dedicados al estudio de los mamíferos marinos de la región.  La
pagina ofrece información sobre los individuos, organizaciones, proyectos,
oportunidades de financiamiento y académicas, consejo de como publicar
(español e ingles), noticias relevantes a la región, y otros recursos como
literatura. Por favor envíen su información a la coordinadora de esta
iniciativa: Laura J. May-Collado (lmaycoll...@gmail.com) con el tema de

The information we are requesting is the following:
Email: Website
Bio (short 10 sentences max):
Photos of yourself and/or your project.

We will appreciate your collaboration,
Laura J. May-Collado, Ph.D.

*Postdoctoral Research AssociateDepartment of Biology*
*University of Vermont*
*Email*: lmayc...@uvm.edu https://webmail.uvm.edu/imp/#
*Personal Home Page*: LAURAMAY-COLLADO.COM
*Project Website*: http://www.bocasdolphins.com/
MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] new paper on cetacean conservation

2011-07-30 Thread Laura J. May-Collado
We would like to share with the marmam community our latest paper on marine
mammal conservation based on a phylogenetic analysis. The paper can be
freely downloaded at: http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0022562
For those that might be interested here is the abstract of the paper.
http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0022562 Phylogenetic Analysis of
Conservation Priorities for Aquatic Mammals and Their Terrestrial Relatives,
with a Comparison of Methods

Laura J. 
, Ingi 

*1* Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto
Rico, *2*Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, George Mason
University, Fairfax, Virginia, United States of America
 Abstract  Background

Habitat loss and overexploitation are among the primary factors threatening
populations of many mammal species. Recently, aquatic mammals have been
highlighted as particularly vulnerable. Here we test (1) if aquatic mammals
emerge as more phylogenetically urgent conservation priorities than their
terrestrial relatives, and (2) if high priority species are receiving
sufficient conservation effort. We also compare results among some
phylogenetic conservation methods.
 Methodology/Principal Findings

A phylogenetic analysis of conservation priorities for all 620 species of
Cetartiodactyla and Carnivora, including most aquatic mammals. Conservation
priority ranking of aquatic versus terrestrial species is approximately
proportional to their diversity. However, nearly all obligated freshwater
cetartiodactylans are among the top conservation priority species. Further,
~74% and 40% of fully aquatic cetartiodactylans and carnivores,
respectively, are either threatened or data deficient, more so than their
terrestrial relatives. Strikingly, only 3% of all ‘high priority’ species
are thought to be stable. An overwhelming 97% of these species thus either
show decreasing population trends (87%) or are insufficiently known (10%).
Furthermore, a disproportional number of highly evolutionarily distinct
species are experiencing population decline, thus, such species should be
closely monitored even if not currently threatened. Comparison among methods
reveals that exact species ranking differs considerably among methods,
nevertheless, most top priority species consistently rank high under any
method. While we here favor one approach, we also suggest that a consensus
approach may be useful when methods disagree.

These results reinforce prior findings, suggesting there is an urgent need
to gather basic conservation data for aquatic mammals, and special
conservation focus is needed on those confined to freshwater. That
evolutionarily distinct—and thus ‘biodiverse’—species are faring relatively
poorly is alarming and requires further study. Our results offer a detailed
guide to phylogeny-based conservation prioritization for these two orders.

*Citation: *May-Collado LJ, Agnarsson I (2011) Phylogenetic Analysis of
Conservation Priorities for Aquatic Mammals and Their Terrestrial Relatives,
with a Comparison of Methods. PLoS ONE 6(7): e22562.

Laura J. May-Collado, Ph.D.
Associate Researcher  Adjunct Professor
Universidad de Puerto Rico
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales
Departmento de Biologia
University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
POBox 70377
Puerto Rico, 00936-8377
Office CN326
Phone:1-787-764 Ext2584
Email: lmaycoll...@gmail.com

Affiliate Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Science  Policy; George Mason University
MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] New Publication

2006-01-14 Thread Laura J. May-Collado

New paper on Cetacean Phylogeny published in Molecular Phylogenetics and 
Evolution 38 (2006) 344–354

Title: Cytochrome b and Bayesian inference of whale phylogeny

Authors: Laura May-Collado a,b,¤, Ingi Agnarsson c,d
a Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University, 11200 SW 
8th Street, Miami, FL 33199, USA
b Esuela de Biologia, Universidad de Costa Rica, Apto. 2060, San Jose, Costa 
Rica, c The University of British Columbia, Departments of Zoology and Botany, 
3529-6270 University Blvd., Vancouver, BC., Canada V6T 1Z4
d Systematic Biology-Entomology, E-530, Smithsonian Institution, NHB-105, P.O. 
Box 37012, Washington, DC 20013-7012, USA

Received 31 March 2005; revised 30 August 2005; accepted 20 September 2005. 
Available online 1 December 2005

In the mid 1990s cytochrome b and other mitochondrial DNA data reinvigorated 
cetacean phylogenetics by proposing many novel and provocative hypotheses of 
cetacean relationships. These results sparked a revision and reanalysis of 
morphological datasets, and the
collection of new nuclear DNA data from numerous loci. Some of the most 
controversial mitochondrial hypotheses have now become benchmark clades, 
corroborated with nuclear DNA and morphological data; others have been resolved 
in favor of more traditional views. That major conXicts in cetacean phylogeny 
are disappearing is encouraging. However, most recent papers aim speciWcally to
resolve higher-level conXicts by adding characters, at the cost of densely 
sampling taxa to resolve lower-level relationships. No molecular study to date 
has included more than 33 cetaceans. More detailed molecular phylogenies will 
provide better tools for evolutionary studies. Until more genes are available 
for a high number of taxa, can we rely on readily available single gene 
mitochondrial data? Here, we estimate the phylogeny of 66 cetacean taxa and 24 
outgroups based on Cytb sequences. We judge the reliability of our phylogeny 
based on
the recovery of several deep-level benchmark clades. A Bayesian phylogenetic 
analysis recovered all benchmark clades and for the time supported Odontoceti 
monophyly based exclusively on analysis of a single mitochondrial gene. The 
results recover the monophyly of all but one family level taxa within Cetacea, 
and most recently proposed super- and subfamilies. In contrast, parsimony never 
recovered all benchmark clades and was sensitive to a priori weighting 
decisions. These results provide the most detailed phylogeny of Cetacea to date 
and highlight the utility of both Bayesian methodology in general, and of Cytb 
in cetacean phylogenetics. They furthermore suggest
that dense taxon sampling, like dense character sampling, can overcome problems 
in phylogenetic reconstruction.

Laura May-Collado
WWF-Russell E. Train Scholar 
Department of Biological Sciences
Florida International University
11200 SW 8th St Miami, FL 33199
Marine Mammal Lab OE 257, 
Lab phone (305)348-7429

MARMAM mailing list