[MARMAM] Vacancy –Masters/PhD Student for Dolphin Ecology and Conservation Study in Penang, Malaysia

2018-08-03 Thread Leela Rajamani
Please share

Vacancy –Masters/PhD Student for a Dolphin Ecology and Conservation Study
in Penang, Malaysia
-Knowledge on cetacean ecology/inshore dolphin ecology
-Ability to conduct photo-identification, mark-recapture analysis a plus
-Accustomed to long field hours
-Team player
-Able to get registered as a student as soon as possible
-Research is fully funded
If interested please send a curriculum vitae and letter of interest by
August 15th, 2018 to Dr. Leela Rajamani : leelarajam...@usm.my , Centre for
Marine and Coastal Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang,
Please also send a page long essay of ‘Why do I want to be marine mammal


Leela Rajamani (Ph.D.)
Marine Mammal Conservation
Senior Lecturer,
Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 Pulau Pinang,

Tel no:  60-4-8852750 (CEMACS)
60-4 6535922 (Main Campus)
Fax No: 60-4-8852751
Email leelarajam...@gmail.com
MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] Development of a Marine Resource Room at the Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang

2014-06-10 Thread Leela Rajamani
Dear Colleagues,
We are currently developing a marine resource room at the Centre for Marine
and Coastal Studies. It is envisioned that will have resources to assist
post graduates and post doctorals on their research work. We hope to stock
the room with texkbooks,reports,manuals, ebooks and thesis (with
permission) with an emphasis on marine mammal ecology and conservation.We
also plan to have GIS facilities here, since we are based on a field
station off campus.We welcome Marmamers to send second hand books and other
relavent materials to the below address. Your book donations will be very
appreciated and acknowledged.With this note, we also welcome short-term
interns (at their own cost) to train and contribute to our development as
well as academic and research activities at CEMACS.

Best wishes,

Leela Rajamani (Ph.D.)
Senior Lecturer,
Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 Pulau Pinang,

Tel no:  60-4-8852750 (CEMACS)
60-4 6535922 (Main Campus)
Fax No: 60-4-8852751
Email leelarajam...@gmail.com
Assoc. Fellow Institute of Oceanography and Environment,Universiti Malaysia
Member, IUCN-SSC Sirenian Specialist Group
MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] Vacancy for Post-Graduate Student

2012-01-16 Thread Leela Rajamani
Please could you post this vacancy:

Dear fellow colleagues and students,

*M.Sc. level*  for a project entitled “*Investigative studies of marine
mammals in Penang and surrounding areas”*.  The candidate must comfortable
with working on boats with long or irregular hours. This study focuses on
the distribution, range and movement patterns of a group of dolphins found
in northwest Penang, namely Indo-pacific humpback dolphins.

*Where*: Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
Penang, Malaysia.

*For further enquiries please contact:* Dr. Leela Rajamani, email
leelarajam...@gmail.com or leelarajam...@usm.my. Tel no: +6019-3142552.
Research is fully funded. Graduate assistantships and research fellowships
can be applied for. Overseas students welcome

Thanks, and look forward to hearing from you.
Leela Rajamani (Ph.D.)
Senior Lecturer,
Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 Pulau Pinang,

Tel no:  60-4-8852750
Fax No: 60-4-8852751
Email leelarajam...@gmail.com
MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] Request for dugong and seagrass pictures

2011-11-01 Thread Leela Rajamani
Dear colleagues,

I'm preparing a dugong poster for education purposes with local communities
in Johor, Malaysia. I would really appreciate it if any of you could share
some of your photos of dugongs and seagrasses (tropical) to be placed on the
poster. Full acknowledgement will be given to the photographer concerned.

Thank you in advance.

Leela Rajamani (Ph.D.)
Senior Lecturer,
Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 Pulau Pinang,

Tel no:  60-4-8852750
Fax No: 60-4-8852751
Email leelarajam...@gmail.com
MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] Reviewer needed for manuscript on dugong status in the Sulu

2010-07-13 Thread Leela Rajamani
Dear All,
I have written a manuscript on dugong status in the Malaysia side of the
Sulu Sea.  I'm requesting anyone who is willing to read my manuscript and
provides a useful comments before I send it to a journal.  Preferably this
person has interests in interview surveys and has conducted such surveys in
developing countries.  There are not many dugong specialists in my country
and I appreciate it if anyone has the free time. Thanking you in advance.

Leela Rajamani,
Borneo Marine Research Institute,
University Malaysia Sabah.
MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] PhD Thesis,Malaysia


Dear Colleagues,

A PDF copy of my thesis is available on dugongs in Sabah,Malaysia

Rajamani L.2009. The Conservation biology of the dugong (Dugong dugon) in
Sabah,Malaysia : a basis for conservation planning. PhD Thesis.Borneo
Marine Research Institute.Universiti Malaysia Sabah.288 pp.

ABSTRACT : Prior to 1999, dugongs were rarely observed in Malaysia. This
first comprehensive study of dugongs and their related seagrass habitats
in Sabah, investigated the local stakeholder environment, the abundance
and distribution of dugongs, identified and monitored threats to dugongs,
and mapped seagrass habitats relevant to dugongs. The study was conducted
in two spatial scales namely, 1) Regional (to determine dugong
distribution in Sabah) (excluding Tawau) 2) Local - to determine local
dugong abundance, conduct seagrass mapping and community surveys at two
study sites Banggi island and Mantanani island. Community surveys
consisted of a census, interview surveys, a dugong monitoring programme
and participant observation. This information was used to determine
stakeholder characters, and their perceptions of the researcher, research
project, dugongs and seagrasses. Local ecological knowledge (LEK) of
dugongs and seagrasses was also sought. The abundance, composition and
habitat area of seagrass was assessed using a method of visually
estimating above-ground seagrass biomass at sites along one kilometre
transects perpendicular to the coast. Biomass was estimated every 50
metres in shallow areas (up to 5 metres depth) and every 100 metres in
deep areas (greater than 5 metres depth). These sites later form the
basis of seagrass meadows using GIS applications. Standardised aerial
surveys were conducted regionally for the coastal waters of Sabah to
determine dugong distribution patterns. The communities of Banggi and
Mantanani are economically disadvantaged, practise destructive fishing
and have little understanding of ecological processes and concepts of
conservation. However, the reasons for dugong decline are known.
Appreciation of the aesthetic value of dugongs within the communities is
varied. However, the community appears to have adequate local knowledge
of the dugong having cultural linkages through a dugong myth.
Approximately, 70% of the total population is young below the age of 30,
who could be receptive to new ideas. Outside influences from the media is
widely available to the community. The community is able to develop a
relationship with the researcher and participate cordially in research
activities. Dugong numbers are very low in Sabah. Fifty two dugongs were
sighted in Sabah excluding Tawau. Based on these results, crude estimates
of minimal count are between 688 and 1376 dugongs residing in coastal
Sabah. Key dugong areas were identified to be Brunei Bay, Labuan Island,
and Sandakan Bay. Banggi Island and Mantanani Island supports a small
population of dugongs respectively. Based on this study, dugongs were
subject to threats, which were mostly anthropogenic. They were 1) blast
fishing, 2) incidental entangling in nets and 3) unsupervised tourism and
vessel strikes. The number of mortalities in Sabah (especially in Banggi
Island), are high compared to dugong abundance results obtained in this
study. When Potential Biological Removal (PBR) estimates were compared to
crude estimates of yearly mortality, it is confirmed that dugong
populations are declining. Ten species of seagrass from two families were
found in Banggi Island and Mantanani Island. These include Halophila
ovalis, Halodule uninervis (broad and thin variety), Thalassia
hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Halophila decipiens, Halophila
spinulosa, Cymodocea serrulata, Syringodium isoetifolium, and Enhalus
acoroides. A new unidentified species of Halophila was collected in
Molleangan Island, west of Banggi Island. Approximately, 415 ha and 112
ha of seagrass meadows were mapped in Banggi island and Mantanani island
respectively giving a total of 527 ha of seagrass available for dugong
consumption. The information obtained on the local communities, seagrass
and dugong provided the basis to inform a comprehensive conservation plan
in Sabah. Key conservation strategies include a dialogue and community
education programme, provision of alternative livelihoods, improving
enforcement to prevent illegal fishing methods, co-management of dugong
and seagrass resources, stringent controls on ecotourism and vessel
strikes, zoning of seagrass in marine protected areas and further
research. As the dugong is a migratory species, conservation management
at an international level with the neighbouring state of Sarawak, and
countries of Brunei, the Philippines and Indonesia is necessary.

Please let me know if you are interested in reading it and I will send a

Best Regards

Leela Rajamani,
Borneo Marine Research Institute,
Universiti Malaysia Sabah,
88999 Kota Kinabalu

Skype address: leela.rajamani