In Italy different Institutions (both of public and private sector), 
Universities and NGO have joined forces to undertake a large scale cetacean 
monitoring programme from passengers ferries. 
The network, active since 2007, in summer weekly monitors presence, relative 
abundance, distribution and migration/dispersion timing of cetacean along the 
following routes: 
Civitavecchia-Golfo Aranci (since 2007) in the Central Tyrrhenian sea (along 
this route from 1989 to 1991 weekly observations on cetacean were undertaken by 
the same observers);
Livorno-Bastia and Savona-Bastia (since 2008) in the Pelagos sanctuary;
Calvi-Nizza (from 2009) in the western part of the Pelagos sanctuary.
Preliminary data show that in summer most of the sightings of “whales” occur in 
coincidence with local high primary production zones such as the ones east of 
Golfo Aranci and along the Calvi-Nizza route.
Accademia del Leviatano, Università di Genova, Università di Pisa , CRAB coop, 
Fondazione CIMA, networked by ISPRA, are the different bodies that participate 
to the research 
On the research the network has already submitted two different MS for the 2008 
and 2009 European Cetacean Society conference proceedings. 
Summer weekly sightings can be checked from the blog: 

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