Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the publication of our new article:

Diel and seasonal patterns in acoustic presence and foraging behaviour of 
free-ranging harbour porpoises

Tobias Schaffeld, Stefan Bräger, Anja Gallus, Michael Dähne, Kathrin Krügel, 
Anne Herrmann, Martin Jabbusch, Thomas Ruf, Ursula K. Verfuß, Harald Benke, 
Jens C. Koblitz

A temporal and geographical analysis of echolocation activity can give insights 
into the behaviour of free-ranging harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). 
Seasonal and diel patterns in the presence and foraging activity of harbour 
porpoises were investigated based on a year-long passive acoustic monitoring 
data set recorded at 5 sites in the western Baltic Sea. Diel patterns in 
detection rates were found at 4 sites. A year-round rhythm in presence, 
however, was found at only 1 station, whereas the other 3 stations showed diel 
rhythms for 2 to 3 seasons. Three of the sites showed diel patterns in foraging 
sequences on a seasonal level, but no station showed such patterns for the 
complete year of investigation. Both diurnal and nocturnal patterns in harbor 
porpoise detections were observed, indicating that diel rhythmic behaviour is 
more complex than previously reported. In contrast, foraging behaviour showed 
only nocturnal rhythms. Owing to the limitations in passive acoustic 
monitoring, all categorized foraging sequences are a minimum estimate. 
Therefore, classified foraging sequences are most likely pelagic foraging, 
while bottom grubbing could have been missed. Differences in the occurrence of 
foraging sequences between station, season and time of day lead to the 
assumption that the long-term echolocation diel patterns of porpoises strongly 
depend on the temporal changes in food availability and composition within a 
certain habitat. Echolocation behaviour of foraging porpoises is strongly 
influenced by seasonally available prey resources, which require adaptive 
foraging strategies. Therefore, owing to seasonal variations, analyses of diel 
patterns need to be conducted over sufficiently long time periods and large 
geographic scales to allow generalized interpretation of the findings. 
Consequently, no general conclusion regarding diel rhythms in harbour porpoise 
echolocation was found. We hypothesize that porpoises in the study area 
alternate between foraging on benthic prey in shallow waters at daytime and in 
the pelagic in deeper waters at night.

doi: 10.3354/meps11627

The article is available at:

With best regards,
Tobias Schaffeld
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