Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the animal pathology laboratory of the Institute of Animal Health 
and Food Safety of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, we are pleased 
to announce the following two publications on fat embolism in stranded 

Arregui, M., Glandon, H. L., Bernaldo de Quirós, Y., Felipe-Jiménez, I., 
Consoli, F., Caballero, M. J., Koopman, H. N. and Fernandez, A. (2020a). Lipids 
of lung and lung fat emboli of the toothed whales (Odontoceti). Sci. Rep. 10, 

Abstract: Lipids are biomolecules present in all living organisms that, apart 
from their physiological functions, can be involved in different pathologies. 
One of these pathologies is fat embolism, which has been described 
histologically in the lung of cetaceans in association with ship strikes and 
with gas and fat embolic syndrome. to assess pathological lung lipid 
composition, previous knowledge of healthy lung tissue lipid composition is 
essential; however, these studies are extremely scarce in cetaceans. In the 
present study we aimed first, to characterize the lipids ordinarily present in 
the lung tissue of seven cetacean species; and second, to better understand the 
etiopathogenesis of fat embolism by comparing the lipid composition of lungs 
positive for fat emboli, and those negative for emboli in Physeter 
macrocephalus and Ziphius cavirostris (two species in which fat emboli have 
been described). Results showed that lipid content and lipid classes did not 
differ among species or diving profiles. In contrast, fatty acid composition 
was significantly different between species, with C16:0 and C18:1ω9 explaining 
most of the differences. This baseline knowledge of healthy lung tissue lipid 
composition will be extremely useful in future studies assessing lung 
pathologies involving lipids. concerning fat embolism, non-significant 
differences could be established between lipid content, lipid classes, and 
fatty acid composition. However, an unidentified peak was only found in the 
chromatogram for the two struck whales and merits further investigation.

Available at:

Arregui, M., Fernández, A., Paz-Sánchez, Y., Santana, Á., Sacchini, S., Sierra, 
E., Arbelo, M. and Bernaldo de Quirós, Y. (2020b). Comparison of three 
histological techniques for fat emboli detection in lung cetacean’s tissue. 
Sci. Rep. 10, 8251.

Abstract: Fat embolism is the mechanical blockage of blood vessels by 
circulating fat particles. it is frequently related to traumas involving soft 
tissues and fat-containing bones. Different techniques have been used for 
decades to demonstrate histologically fat emboli, being the extremely toxic 
post-fixation with osmium tetroxide one of the most used techniques in the last 
decades. in the present study, the osmium tetroxide technique was compared 
qualitatively and quantitatively, for the first time, with chromic acid and Oil 
Red O frozen techniques for histological fat emboli detection in the lungs of 
eight sperm whales that died due to ship strikes. This was also the first time 
that chromic acid technique was tested in cetaceans. Results showed that the 
three techniques were valuable for the histological detection of fat embolism 
in cetaceans, even when tissues presented advanced autolysis and had been 
stored in formaldehyde for years. Although quantitative differences could not 
be established, the Oil Red O frozen technique showed the lowest quality for 
fat emboli staining. on the contrary, the chromic acid technique was proven to 
be a good alternative to osmium tetroxide due to its slightly lower toxicity, 
its equivalent or even superior capacity of fat emboli detection, and its 
significantly lower economic cost.

Available at:

Best regards,

Marina Arregui

Antonio Fernández

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