A grammar for quoted strings with escaped chars

2014-09-22 Thread Ron Savage
I've developed a grammar (with help from various people of course) for 
quoted strings: http://scsys.co.uk:8002/424926


o Strings must be quoted

o Strings are either single or double quoted

o The escape character is \

o If the string is single quoted, internal single quotes must be escaped

o If the string is double quoted, internal double quotes must be escaped

o Any other character may be escaped

o If a character is escaped, the escape character is preserved in the output

o Empty strings are accepted

ToDo: Make it work with utf8.

Does anyone see problems, or other input strings which should be tested?

Jeffrey: This is one of the plug-in grammars Jean-Damien and I talked about 
recently. Any chance you can implement:

my $source = 'END_OF_GRAMMAR';
:include /my/grammars/quoted.strings.bnf

to include a suitable[*] grammar in situ within a grammar declaration?

[*] Obviously, here that just means the prefix:

:default ::= action = [values]

lexeme default =  latm = 1 # Longest Acceptable Token Match.

:start ::= string_token

and the suffix:

# Boilerplate.

:discard ~ whitespace
whitespace ~ [\s]+


would not be present in the include file.

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Re: A grammar for quoted strings with escaped chars

2014-09-22 Thread Christopher Layne
I've posted some things previously on this topic - but in short, you don't 
really need to use events to do this. It's possible to do it in a 
semi-straightforward fashion without a lot of jumping through hoops (just a 
bunch of rules).

Here's some grammar fragments demonstrating what I'm talking about (this 
handles single quoted, double quoted, and quote-like parsing (e.g. q%%, q||), 
while efficiently handling simple quoted strings that have no escape sequences 
but falling back to an escape-aware mode when they're present.

my ($dsl, $grammar) = 

:default ::= action = [values]
lexeme default = latm = 1


# Normal, bare, unquoted
value   ::= value_n
value_n ::= valword_n

# Quoted but not escaped# reassemble 
value   ::= value_qdaction = val_qd
  | value_qsaction = val_qs
  | value_ql0   action = 
  | value_ql1   action = 
value_qd::= valword_qd
value_qs::= valword_qs
value_ql0   ::= valword_ql0
value_ql1   ::= valword_ql1

# Quoted and escaped# reassemble 
value   ::= (g_quote_d) value_eqd (g_quote_d)   action = 
  | (g_quote_s) value_eqs (g_quote_s)   action = 
  | (g_quote_ls0) value_eql0 (g_quote_le0)  action = 
  | (g_quote_ls1) value_eql1 (g_quote_le1)  action = 
value_eqd   ::= valword_eqd*
value_eqs   ::= valword_eqs*
value_eql0  ::= valword_eql0*
value_eql1  ::= valword_eql1*

# Normal, bare, unquoted
valword_n ~ valword_n_c
valword_n_c   ~ [\w_\@:.\/\*-]+

# Quoted but not escaped
valword_qd~ quote_d valword_qd_c quote_d
valword_qs~ quote_s valword_qs_c quote_s
valword_ql0   ~ quote_ls0 valword_ql0_c quote_le0
valword_ql1   ~ quote_ls1 valword_ql1_c quote_le1
valword_qd_c  ~ [^\\]*
valword_qs_c  ~ [^'\\]*
valword_ql0_c ~ [^|\\]*
valword_ql1_c ~ [^%\\]*

# Quoted and escaped
valword_eqd   ~ valword_eqd_c
valword_eqs   ~ valword_eqs_c
valword_eql0  ~ valword_eql0_c
valword_eql1  ~ valword_eql1_c
valword_eqd_c ~ [^] | whitespace | escape []
valword_eqs_c ~ [^'] | whitespace | escape [']
valword_eql0_c~ [^|] | whitespace | escape [|]
valword_eql1_c~ [^%] | whitespace | escape [%]

# These do translation, but cannot be enabled yet as the expectation is no 
# valword_eqd ~ [^\a\b\e\f\r\n\t\\] | whitespace | escape valword_esc
# valword_eqs ~ [^\a\b\e\f\r\n\t\\'] | whitespace | escape valword_esc
# valword_esc ~ [abefrnt\\']

# The same base lexemes cannot be directly used by both the lexer and grammar 
*at the same time*.
# Work around it by providing wrapper lexeme rules for the grammar which end up 
at the same terminal.
g_quote_d ~ quote_d
g_quote_s ~ quote_s
g_quote_ls0   ~ quote_ls0
g_quote_le0   ~ quote_le0
g_quote_ls1   ~ quote_ls1
g_quote_le1   ~ quote_le1

quote_d   ~ []
quote_s   ~ [']
quote_ls0 ~ 'q|'
quote_le0 ~ '|'
quote_ls1 ~ 'q%'
quote_le1 ~ '%'
escape~ '\'

:discard  ~ whitespace
whitespace~ [\s]+

# Deescaping table
my $xtab = {
 'eqd' = { q(\) = qq() },
 'eqs' = { q(\') = qq(') },
'eql0' = { q(\|) = qq(|) },
'eql1' = { q(\%) = qq(%) },

#   # Not presently used.
#   'eqx'  = {
#   q(\a)   = qq(\a),
#   q(\b)   = qq(\b),
#   q(\e)   = qq(\e),
#   q(\f)   = qq(\f),
#   q(\n)   = qq(\n),
#   q(\r)   = qq(\r),
#   q(\t)   = qq(\t),
#   q(\)   = qq(),
#   q(\')   = qq('),
#   q() = qq(\\),
#   },

# Deescaping functions
sub val_eqd  { return [ join '', map +($xtab-{'eqd'}{$_} || $_), @{$_[1]} ] }
sub val_eqs  { return [ join '', map +($xtab-{'eqs'}{$_} || $_), @{$_[1]} ] }
sub val_eql0 { return [ join '', map +($xtab-{'eql0'}{$_} || $_), @{$_[1]} ] }
sub val_eql1 { return [ join '', map +($xtab-{'eql1'}{$_} || $_), @{$_[1]} ] }
#sub val_eqx  { return [ join '', map +($xtab-{'eqx'}{$_} || $_), @{$_[1]} ] }

# Dequoting functions
sub val_qd  { return [ substr($_[1]-[0], 1, -1) ] }
sub val_qs  { return [ substr($_[1]-[0], 1, -1) ] }
sub val_ql0 { return [ substr($_[1]-[0], 2, -1) ] }
sub val_ql1 { return [ substr($_[1]-[0], 2, -1) ] }

The deescape anything back to it's original form isn't used in the above, but 
simply commented 

Re: A grammar for quoted strings with escaped chars

2014-09-22 Thread Ron Savage
Thanx for the link.

I did not consider that case, since I'm really interested in the Graphviz 
DOT file format, where quotes if any must be double quotes, and internal 
quotes must be escaped.

However, I will examine the code you link to, since ever such example is 

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Re: A grammar for quoted strings with escaped chars

2014-09-22 Thread Ron Savage
I think I'll release such samples (I have encountered a few) as 
MarpaX::Demo::SampleGrammars. It'll be basically a dummy module with the 
good stuff in scripts/*.pl.

I've been thinking about a script collection for many months now.

Any other suggestions (module name, code to include)?

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Re: A grammar for quoted strings with escaped chars

2014-09-22 Thread Ruslan Shvedov
On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 2:14 AM, Ron Savage r...@savage.net.au wrote:

 Thanx for the link.

 2 of those 3 samples (the 2nd  3rd) produce ambiguous parses. Is that
 what you find too?

Yes, the code warns about it; actually I was planning to deal with it as
part of my current work on ASF-based disambiguation so the code can better
be used when I'll finish. It can serve just an idea/illustration now.

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