[Marxism] Ecuador's Referendum reveals a Fragmented Country

2011-05-18 Thread Greg McDonald
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[Marxism] Malaysian Australian socialists denounce refugee deal

2011-05-18 Thread Peter Boyle
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Re: [Marxism] Socialist Alliamce: Colombia must release Perez Bocerra! (a good example for needed defense effort)Colombia must free Joaquin Perez Becerra

2011-05-18 Thread Jorge Martin
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I wonder how a socialist organisation, known for organising solidarity with
the struggle in Colombia and with the Venezuelan revolution, can write 1200
words about Pérez Becerra and not take a position about the fact that he was
handed over to Colombia by the Venezuelan authorities.

Every single word in the statement is correct as far as I know. About the
background of Pérez Becerra and the UP, about the criminalisation of
political opponents in Colombia, about the suspicious
circumstances surrounding the case and Interpol's red note, about the
constant Colombian provocations re alleged Venezuelan support for the FARC,
etc. Nothing wrong with any of this.

But why not say what is your position about Chavez's decision (for he has
taken personal responsibility for it) to hand over Pérez Becerra to the
Colombian authorities, where, according to Asutralian DSP member in
Venezuela, Fred Fuentes, now awaits an uncertain future, placed into the
hands of a government that is internationally renowned for locking up and
torturing political prisoners. Currently, there are more than 7500 political
prisoners being held in Colombia, many of them denied the right to a fair
trial and due process.

If you think that the decision was correct and can be justified (as the
arguments made in the statement seem to suggest) then, why not say so
openly? If you think the decision was not correct, then why not spell it

Dishonest is a word that comes to mind.


PS should be Becerra, not BOcerra

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[Marxism] Baba Aye's : Osama’s murder; an anti-climax

2011-05-18 Thread Baba Aye
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Baba Aye has sent you a link to a blog:


Blog: Baba Aye's
Post: Osama’s murder; an anti-climax

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[Marxism] Burma Soldier reminder

2011-05-18 Thread Louis Proyect

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This documentary airs tonight at 8pm EST on HBO. It is a 
first-rate portrait of a soldier who became a pro-democracy 
activist. It is also quite relevant to what is happening in the 
Arab world today.

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Re: [Marxism] Unionism, Austerity, and the Left:, An interview with Sam Gindin

2011-05-18 Thread Angelus Novus
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Louis wrote:

 Andony Melathopoulos writes for the Platypus website, where this article  
 first appeared

The funny thing is that the Platypussies think that they're upholding the 
tradition of Adorno and Benjamin with that kind of stageist bullshit, when in 
fact they're continuing the legacy of the Kautskyist centre of the 2nd 
International, precisely the sort of linear, teleological conception of history 
that Benjamin's theses were directed against.

Then Frankfurt jargon of the Platypussies is just some poseur attempt at 
intellectual distinction to dress up their boring Spartacist politics.

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Re: [Marxism] Unionism, Austerity, and the Left:, An interview with Sam Gindin

2011-05-18 Thread MICHAEL YATES
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Why concern yourself with Platypus? There will be endless comments on this sort 
of stupidity,
as there is with anything dealing with the SWP, as everyone takes turns 
reliving for the ten thousandth time his or her part of the past. Why not focus 
on Sam Gindin, someone who has devoted his life to the class struggle, is a 
smart guy, and from whom we might learn something? 


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Re: [Marxism] Socialist Alliamce: Colombia must release Perez Bocerra! (a good example for needed defense effort)Colombia must free Joaquin Perez Becerra

2011-05-18 Thread Leonardo Kosloff
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Jorge wrote:
If you think that the decision was correct and can be justified (as the
arguments made in the statement seem to suggest) then, why not say so
openly? If you think the decision was not correct, then why not spell it
Dishonest is a word that comes to mind.
PS should be Becerra, not BOcerra
I absolutely agree with Jorge. Anyone who knows about his deep involvement with 
the struggle of the Venezuelan people should be able to tell how his critical 
position is what makes the difference between a revolutionary, and someone who 
wants to sound like one. Perhaps, those quick anti-ultra-leftist's ought to 
consider his comments regarding the internal perils for the revolution with 
seriousness, before putting them in the anti-reformism bag. 
Developmentalism has been tried before, we all know; it never worked, and 
concrete circumstances, specifically the rentist form of capital 
accumulation, has proven to be a historical dead-end under the current form of 
property relations. It's one thing to complain about bureaucratism, quite 
another to say that capitalists have to be expropriated.
But, just to clarify, I'm not out to denounce Chavez as a Bonapartist just like 
that, that may be somewhat accurate now, but nothing is set in stone. The 
problem is when the only response to that is an equally abstract denunciation 
of you're reformist, you're ultraleft blablabla, instead of actually looking 
at the material circumstances which determine what's actually going on.
When I first talked about Joaquin Perez Becerra, I asked a question to the 
anti-imperialists, particularly those who thought that their accusations 
against the ones who criticized Chavez for his support of Gaddafi is 
justifiedbecause Chavez said so!
What is the unity of Latin America you all talk about?
As if somehow magically a regional bloc will come out of thin air through the 
graces of Chavez, Lula, et al.. Then we get all these cherry-picked facts...
As if Brasil didn't compete against Argentina, Argentina against Bolivia, etc. 
in the world market. Just look at auto production in Argentina (and that's only 
one example) and you'll see how Brasil is stomping Argentina, not without the 
“help” of Chinese and Indian capital. Yeah Chinese anti-imperialist capital, 
the same that funds the raping or Irak...
All to obfuscate the real question, what conscious political action is 
necessitated now of the working class by the circumstances of accumulation?
I'm not talking reformist, anti-reformist, whatever, I'm talking concrete.
Did Chavez conjure up all the people that support him, or was it capital that 
created this massive relative surplus population?
Anyway, it's so much we can do from an e-mail list; indeed, it'd be nice if we 
used it to discuss the real world instead of compartmentalizing it by boxing up 
other positions.
p.s. It's been a while but I also wanted to say that it was my least intention 
to see Fred Fuentes unsubscribe, if I disagree with him it was out of comradely 
respect. I hope he re-subscribes, my armchair Marxism notwithstanding.

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[Marxism] Along The Ohio: Freedom Bound

2011-05-18 Thread Rustbelt Radical
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New Post: Along The Ohio: Freedom Bound

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[Marxism] Interesting comments on the Hedges interview with Cornel West

2011-05-18 Thread Louis Proyect

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This just showed up as a comment on my blog:

Whether or not we agree with Cornel West on specific issues, we must 
acknowledge that his voice is highly respected in the Black community 
and in other sections of the population as well.  This makes his break 
with Obama and his willingness to criticize the President he campaigned 
for in relatively radical terms significant.  I presume that is why 
Louis decided to share Chris Hedges' interview of him.

On the other hand, there are clearly elements of West's new critique 
that reveal not only a bruised ego, but more importantly the limits of 
-- what else to call it -- his social democratic thinking. Those on the 
self-described left who supported Obama fell, I believe into two camps:

-- those who believed that Obama's background in academia and community 
organizing and his contact, however opportunistic, with various 
left-wing activists (e.g., the African American CPer Frank Marshall 
Davis in Hawaii,  former SDSer/Weather Undergrounder cum education 
radical Bill Ayers, Palestinian activist Rashid Khalidi, Black 
liberation pastor Jeremiah Wright, etc.) might make him more receptive 
to the demands of the progressive mass movements that they hoped would 
emerge in the wake of the '08 elections than any of the other leading 
candidates would be.

-- those who'd convinced themselves that Obama campaign constituted a 
progressive movement that would, via his Presidency, make a serious, if 
not quite radical, effort to curb or at least regulate corporate power, 
adopt a more Keynesian approach to the economic crisis, reverse the more 
egregious aspects of the Bush foreign policy agenda while struggling to 
maintain American global hegemony, and re-establish the credibility of 
government intervention in addressing problems such as unemployment, 
poverty, housing, health care, etc.

   This is a distinction that leftists who opposed Obama probably 
regard as insignificant, but West's embrace of the second view 
underscores a flaw in his self-described socialism.  His expectations of 
Obama clearly reveal a conventional social democratic belief in the 
ability of the capitalist state to act on behalf of, rather than in 
response to, popular interests.  West acknowledges that he was reading 
more into it more than there was, but the it so far as he is concerned 
seems to be Obama's political character and instincts rather than the 
progressive capacity of the U.S. federal government in the absence of 
strong challenges from labor, minorities, immigrants, the left and other 

The other disturbing part of the Hedges' interview is West's focus on 
Obama's reluctance to acknowledge West's support and the President's 
public chastisement of West for daring to criticize him.  West's 
response to these slights barely suggests that they represent a broader 
attack on the left.  One therefore wonders whether he'd still be on 
board had Obama invited him to meetings at the White House as he has 
some white (and mainly Jewish) critics of his policies such as Stiglitz 
and Krugman.  I'd like to give West the benefit of the doubt on this 
one, but note that decades of marginalization have inclined more than a 
few radicals to settle for the proverbial seat at the table.

Despite these misgivings, I would not underestimate the potential 
significance of West's dissent. Opposition to racism and, 
correspondingly, African American activism have been central to the 
left's agenda in the United States.  To the extent that Obama's 
Presidency has neutralized these, thoughtful challenges to him from 
within the Black community are important.

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[Marxism] Translation (Cuba): Guidelines debate official summary 3

2011-05-18 Thread Marce Cameron
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From Cuba's Socialist Renewal
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Cuba's Granma newspaper reported on March 17 the decision of the
Council of Ministers to allow the self-employed to hire workers in all
178 permitted categories of self-employment. Since October, when
self-employment was broadened and a new tax system was introduced,
legal small private businesses had been restricted to 83 of the 178
self-employment categories. The Council of Ministers agreed to extend
to all of the non-state sector activities the approval to hire
employees and continue the process of easing the restrictions on
self-employment, Granma reported.

Below I continue my translation of the booklet Information on the
results of the Debate on the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines for
the Party and the Revolution, an explanatory document that has been
published together with the final version of the Guidelines adopted by
the Cuban Communist Party Congress in April.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] What would U.S. socialism look like?

2011-05-18 Thread c b
On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 2:11 AM,  c...@yorku.ca wrote:
 U.S. socialism will have distinctive features and characteristics,
 springing from our own history.


 But in order to move beyond mere tautologies, and in order to grasp communism 
 truly immanent (to the extent that it may or may not be) to the contradictions
 of capital, then we need to do one thing: (i) proceed dialectically. To 
 in such a fashion--- and all such beginnings must be radical, must be
 rigorously-grounded in the following manner--- means to refrain from
 speculating dogmatically about ideal societies, about utopias which are found
 nowhere, about the ought to be. Rather, it must begin with what is (as
 Hegel informs us). It must understand that reason is the rose in the cross of
 the present, that the actual is the rational and that Political Science 
 comprehend and present the state as in itself rational--- viz., all those
 Hegelese statements which so confound the analytical mind.

CB; Indeed. In this case, what is springs significantly from US
history .   The present in the US , like all countries and human
cultures, is a product of that society's history.  So , the above
tautology is important in understanding the present in the US.

Paradoxically, in the US historical intellectual tradition distains
attention to its own history.   There is a presentist consciousness
in Americans.  They wave the red, white and blue flag patriotically,
but are largely ignorant of what the flag stands for in terms of the
actual history of America, which history plays a big role in
constituting their present situation, present values, present national

The American national character, political character almost realizes
an existential hero's state of mind, living for today,  denying its
own molding by history. It does not  know at all that man makes his
own history , but not just as he pleases ( lol).

So, it is important from a universal national and national particular
standpoint to emphasize American history in the American political

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] What would U.S. socialism look like?

2011-05-18 Thread c b
 It seems that Webb is raising more of a dogmatic banner for the CPUSA, that 
 has a ready-made system in mind, that he presupposes precisely what he must
 prove, that he holds the roast pigeons of absolute knowledge somewhere in
 his writing-desk.

CB: Actually, it seems that Chris is attacking a straw CPUSA; that it
is Chris who is putting forth a dogmatic anti-CPUSA criticism ,not
based on what Webb says in this article or in numerous previous
articles where he regularly stresses all the principles of Marx that
Chris quotes  above with respect to the process of winning socialism
in the US. I can't count the times that I have read Webb stress that
socialism in the US will not derive from dogmatic principles, that the
CPUSA does have cookbooks for the future, etc, etc. what all Marxist
know about Marx and Engels warnings against utopian formulas.  Webb
and I quite familiar with Engels' _Socialism: Utopian and Scientific_.

And Chris seem to have lost the thread of his own post here. He starts
out quoting a tautology in Webb's article:

U.S. socialism will have distinctive features and characteristics,
springing from our own history. It isn't imported from another

^CB: This is exactly not an anti- dogmatic pronouncement by Webb !
Amazing !  Is Chris' memory slipping wherein he forget first part of
his statement by the time he gets to the end of it ?

Webb also says: Nor is it a gift, bestowed by an energized minority.
To the contrary, it will be the result of the organized actions of a
majority of the American people.

CB: Another anti-dogmatic warning. Clearly this is not a claim, is the
exact opposite of a claim  by Webb to have roast pigeons of
absolute knowledge ...somewhere in the his writing desk.  Is Chris
thinking that  the organized actions of a majority of the American
people. are in Webb's writing desk (laughing out loud !) .

 Webb continues:: It will complete the unfinished democratic tasks
left over from capitalism, especially the eradication of racial and
gender inequality. At the same time, it will preserve and deepen
existing democratic freedoms, civil liberties and constitutional
rights, breathe new life into representative democracy, uphold the
rule of law, and support a multi-party system of governance.

CB: Is Chris thinking that these will not be features of socialism in
the US ? If so, it won't be socialism.  I mean socialism isn't just
any damn thing.  Marx and Engels, in disda

 It seems he wants the world (or, at least, Americans) to
 kneel down before his principle rather than develop[ing] new principles
 for the world out of the world's own principles. Of course, on the basis of
 this one article my conclusion would just be anecdotal, but, having read more
 of his speeches, writings, etc., I can say that he tends to approach politics
 in the said (doctrinaire) manner. From his Reflections on Socialism:

 Marxism, of course, should guide this discussion, but we should employ its
 principles and methods creatively. But because socialism was not yet a 
 reality, and could not be studied in that manner, they resisted making 
 more than the most general observations regarding its content, contours, and
 historical trajectory.

 Well, Webb certainly uses the dialectical method quite creatively--- which 
 to say, hardly at all. Despite the above concession to the dialectical method
 (viz., that socialism without a material reality can not be studied and that
 nothing more than general observations ought to be made about such a
 society), he nevertheless continually goes on and on about his vision [of
 socialism] in the 21st century.

 We don't need any more prophets, or 'visionaries'. The dialectical method is 
 about being 'creative' in the above sense so much as it is about being
 'critical'. The so-called 'creativity'--- in the sense of gaining insight into
 the resolution to the contradictions of capital--- comes from, is derived 
 and therefore follows from, the criticality. Marx demands that we criticize 
 existing reality [in order to] develop the true reality as its obligation and
 its final goal. Again, Webb presumes, therefore, precisely, what he should
 prove. A genuine dialectician certainly has something to say about the future,
 but he/she never begins from this idea as a fanciful presupposition; rather,
 dialectician begins from the historically-developed reality of the present.  
 is in this sense that we ought not to write receipts [or recipes] for the
 cook-shops of the future.

 Again then, if we turn to the reality that we encounter in America, if we
 actually take a look at its current distinctive features...springing from its
 own history, then we can expect that such a transition to socialism in the
 near future is a very remote possibility. A general state of