[Marxism] Egypt: The revolution must go to palestine

2011-05-26 Thread Stuart Munckton
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“To continue this revolution, Egypt must go to Palestine.”

These were the words of Akram Ismalii, a student from Cairo University who
marched along side his classmates in downtown Cairo for the Third Palestine
Intifada rally on May 15. The day marks *al-Nakba* (the catastrophe), as
Palestinians call the anniversary of the expulsion of hundreds of thousands
of Palestinians from their homes and land in 1948.

http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/47689Egypt: Fresh protests rock Cairo,
huge march planned http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/47688
The streets of Cairo have been the frontier for a range of demonstrations
over the past two weeks. A new “Day of Rage” is being organised on Facebook
for May 27 – much the same way as the January 25 demonstrations that sparked
the mass movement that brought down dictator Hosni Mubrak were

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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Re: [Marxism] Hugo Chavez, Monthly Review, and the Syrian torture state

2011-05-26 Thread Andrew Pollack
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Good piece, Louis.
Today Hezbollah has finally spoken its piece on Syria, and
unfortunately it's full of similar garbage, burnishing Assad's
anti-imperialist credentials:
This is particularly disappointing as, for all the group's faults,
Nasrallah doesn't bullshit people. If he says he's going to resist, he
does, and if he doesn't think it's realistic, he doesn't hide behind
phony excuses.
But his party IS a bourgeois populist one, and is part of a bourgeois
government, and so one can't be too surprised.
It's sort of like the sorrow one feels reading about Nasser's failings
and crimes, which were legion, despite his vastly superior standing
relative to other Third World leaders of the period.

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[Marxism] Would a Left-Right Coalition Revive Anti-war

2011-05-26 Thread David Walsh
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[Marxism] Obama's Middle East: rhetoric and reality

2011-05-26 Thread Louis Proyect

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From the always insightful David Bromwich:


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[Marxism] A Little Horror Story: Sixty-eight Pages on a Pleasant Idaho Day

2011-05-26 Thread Hunter Gray
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May 26, 2011

(This certainly requires NO acknowledgement.  It's one of the final updates on 
my Lupus War which has taken the better part of a decade of my life -- time 
that I have spent in both positive reflection and writing very productively.  

Thomas, grandson/son and his good spouse, Mimie [Yirengah}, are visiting here 
from their current base in Iowa City where Thomas, an M.D., is entering his 
third year of residency -- internal medicine and psychiatry -- at the 
University of Iowa Hospital and Mimie, having now secured her Masters in Public 
Health, is deep into her academic work toward a Physician's Assistant degree. 
Accompanied by their two furry family members, Chocolate [a Husky/Chow mix and 
Kronos, a Pomeranian], the quiet ethos of our house has been significantly 
altered -- very pleasantly. I didn't know much about Pomeranians but Thomas 
tells me that they, Icelandic in origin, were once very large dogs but, via 
careful breeding, have been reduced to small entitities.  Physically, that 
is, he added, but their egos have remained the same.  

A couple of nights ago, with the family favorite of Navajo Tacos as cuisine 
centerpiece, we had nine family members present. I was the oldest and babies 
Aidan and Finley [Josie/Cameron]  were, at two years and almost eight months, 
respectively, on the other end.  Throw in our two dogs and the two visiting 
canines and our two cats and -- you have a recipe for chaos.  But everything 
remained remarkably laid back,with harmony interrupted only slightly by a very 
few inter-dog disputes over treats tossed from the table,  See some -- some -- 
family members here, ca. 2009: 

Thomas, back in the day, and an undergrad at Idaho State University, had 
accompanied me faithfully and consistently at every juncture in the Lupus War 
from 2003 into 2005, usually with varying other family members with us -- and 
has remained closely interested in all developments. He was almost always 
initially ignored by the doctors with whom I was involved.  But when he 
occasionally asked a very sharp question or made a quite insightful comment, 
they suddenly paid much attention to him. Now he plans a substantial medical 
paper on my Systemic Lupus saga.   To that end, he and I traveled yesterday 
over to the other side of Pocatello to the brand-new and extremely large 
Portneuf Medical Center.  The day was bright, sunny with a turquoise sky, cool. 
Dark green has replaced winter hereabouts but snow is very visible on the 
mountains around.  We were seeking the basic medical records covering roughly 
four months -- September through December, 2003.  

This was the Fire Fight epoch with three substantial hospital incarcerations 
[each time, much of this in ICU] -- a period that saw me very close indeed to 
bodily death on those occasions.  I really had no idea what the documents would 
indicate -- but Thomas recalled hearing one doctor tell another back then that  
mine was Really hot Lupus. A photo of me in that time period shows an 
apparently very old man, super thin and gaunt with the exception of badly 
swollen feet and legs, wrinkled face under his Stetson hat, sitting and looking 
into the Cosmos.  A few years later, I had once said of the photo, Throw the 
Goddamned thing away but I'm now glad to have it, following my eventual 
resurrection and restoration. It's a  kind of stark and revealing record from a 
genuinely surreal and Hellish time.

Portneuf is a huge hospital -- state of the art. We can see it away off from 
our home. But powerful elements of accrued Dine' [Navajo] tradition always lead 
me to see those places, in which I've been incarcerated personally a number of 
times over decades, as Chindee -- and taboo.  Inside, we were immediately 
taken in tow by a friendly senior citizen lady  who guided us to a higher 
level and a great picture window displaying much of Pocatello from a cushy 
lounge containing a self-playing piano. Just as we walked past, it obligingly 
burst forth with a favorite of mine, The Call of the Far Away Hills from a 
great film favorite, Shane. Sitting next to the piano was a very large harp -- 
but sans an Angel.

We entered a very small room -- Medical Records.  I completed a couple of legal 
pages releasing the documents to Thomas and, within twenty minutes, we had 68 
pages of distilled small type material.  Thomas, immediately engrossed in the 
packet and frequently exclaiming genuine awe at the dire progression, walked 
past the piano where an attractive earthly lady was now playing the harp -- and 
without noticing her.  Headed home, we stopped along the way to make copies for 

We both read through the documents, written in matter of 

[Marxism] Iranian Marxists on US role in Arab counter-revolution

2011-05-26 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] Egypt to open Rafa crossing into Gaza

2011-05-26 Thread Juan Fajardo

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...at least mostly...


- Juan

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[Marxism-Thaxis] FWD from Roni Ben Efrat

2011-05-26 Thread Jim Farmelant

New from Challenge online www.chall-mag.com
To join our facebook and get updates:  link
and click on “like” 
Obama claims the Arab uprisings for himself
by Yacov Ben Efrat
In an exciting and revolutionary speech, US President Barack Obama laid
out his Middle East doctrine, claiming the new reality created by the
uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia must be grasped. I did not only support
those uprisings, he seemed to be saying, I brought them into being when I
announced at the University of Cairo that the clash of civilizations had
come to an end.
In fact Obama was saying that he was ditching the policies of his
predecessor George W. Bush and abandoning American fundamentalism, which
opted for regime change by means of war. These policies created a wave of
hostility against the US. He came to Cairo, Obama said, to address an
Arab audience above the heads of their leaders, to announce that Islam is
not the enemy of the US, and to affirm that it is the right of all Arabs
to free themselves of poverty and repression and live democratic lives.
There is no doubt that Obama contributed significantly to the fall of the
dictators, and that his demand that former Egyptian President Hosni
Mubarak step down was the final blow for the old regime. Obama tried to
pull the US out of the interminable war against Islam, which was costing
a high price in terms of resources and human lives at a time his country
was in the throes of economic crisis. Under Obama, the US administration
understood that the dictatorial regimes would not last long, because
nepotism, corruption and oppression. This was causing great anger which,
sooner or later, would bring down the regimes. Therefore, these uprisings
were not much of a surprise – Obama had read the writing on the wall.
In his recent speech, Obama extolled Mohammed Bouazizi, the Tunisian
youth who set himself alight and thus sparked the uprisings which led to
the fall of President Zine el Abidine Ben Ali, and he also praised Wael
Ghonim, the Egyptian Google employee. Obama claimed the Arab uprisings
were infused by values of the America Revolution, the uprising against
the British, and the ideals of Rosa Parks who sat in a seat reserved for
whites and set off the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Yes – Obama
appeared as a revolutionary, an enlightened democrat, and shook himself
free of all those dictatorships which had been US allies for many long
years. He understood which way the wind was blowing, and set sail to
direct the course of history.
Appropriating the revolution
Obama is able to do this. He understands that one of the reasons for the
uprisings was the economic woes of the masses and the lack of certainty
for the future of the youth. The US wants to appropriate these uprisings
by channeling billions of dollars towards friendly parties while
strengthening the position of big capital. Obama wants enlightened
capitalism which will enable the multinational corporations to continue
benefiting from their investments in Arab states and allow business
owners to flourish, but without corruption, nepotism or political
oppression. A realist, he knows that this will take time, and that the
Muslim Brotherhood – which was not mentioned in his speech – is a serious
obstacle to his plans and to democracy.
But reality is even more convoluted. It may be true that the Egyptian
revolution adopted the values of the American revolutionaries and the
black struggle for equal rights, but the claim that the Egyptian
revolutionaries want to imitate the American model is completely false.
The US today is not a role model for any country anywhere in the world.
The US, controlled by Wall Street, where the politicians serve the giant
oil and insurance companies and the banks, where some 40 million citizens
have no health insurance, which has 10% unemployment, and where
socioeconomic gaps are among the widest in the world – this country
cannot be a model for the world, and Obama’s rhetoric cannot change that
The truth is, the Egyptian revolution has not adopted Obama’s values, but
expresses a popular uprising against the economic system of the US. What
will Obama say about “los indignados,” the new movement that has occupied
Madrid’s central square, bringing thousands of unemployed youth like
Bouazizi to the streets? These youth demand regime change, claiming that
the two large parties, the rightwing party and the socialist party, are
controlled by capital, the banks and the real estate tycoons. What will
happen if this movement, which is spreading throughout Europe, reaches
the shores of the US? The youth of Egypt, Spain, Greece, Portugal and
Italy demand the same thing – an end to the system of predatory
capitalism. Obama, however, is tied to this system, to the great sorrow
of the millions of young activists, African-Americans and unionists that
brought him to power.
Netanyahu is digging in
Moreover, Israel’s