[Marxism] Honduras: Democratic rights accord a win for resistance

2011-05-30 Thread Stuart Munckton
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Honduras: Democratic rights accord a win for resistance

By Felipe Stuart Couronyer http://www.greenleft.org.au/taxonomy/term/672
  John Riddell http://www.greenleft.org.au/taxonomy/term/808

Honduran President Porfirio Lobo Sosa and former president Manuel Zelaya
Rosales signed an agreement on May 22: “For National Reconciliation and the
Consolidation of the Democratic System in the Republic of Honduras”.


The present agreement, finalised in Cartagena, Colombia, also bears the
signatures of Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and Venezuelan foreign
minister Nicolas Maduro (on behalf of President Hugo Chavez) as witnesses.

This agreement opens the door to significant changes in the Central American
political landscape and to the re-entry of Honduras into the Organization of
American States (OAS) and Central American Integration System (SICA).

In a May 23 statement, the Political Committee of the National Front for
Peoples Resistance (FNRP), the main organisation coordinating popular
resistance to the coup, noted that “this agreement for international
mediation enables us to put an end to our exile [and] reinforce our process
for the refoundation of Honduras”.

It issued a “call to all members of the resistance inside and outside
Honduras to unite in a great mobilization to greet and welcome our leader
and the general coordinator of the FNRP, Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales, at
11am, May 28, at the International Airport”.

The statement noted that the agreement complied with the four conditions set
by the FNRP.

The FNRP also expressed “thanks for the process of international mediation”
carried out by the Venezuelan and Colombian presidents.

By signing the Cartagena agreement, the signatories commit themselves to:
Guarantee the return to Honduras in security and liberty of Zelaya and all
others exiled as a result of the crisis. (Over 200 other exiled leaders of
the resistance are able to return under the terms of the agreement.)

Assure conditions in which the FNRP can gain recognition as a legal
political party.
Reaffirm the constitutional right to initiate plebiscites, particularly with
respect to the FNRP project of convening a National Constituent Assembly.

Create a Secretariat of Justice and Human Rights to secure human rights in
Honduras and invite the UN Human Rights Commission to establish an office in

Constitute a Monitoring (Verification) Commission, consisting initially of
the Colombian and Venezuelan presidencies, to help assure the successful
implementation of the agreement.

full article: http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/47739
“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Spain, Egypt, Paris Commune, West Bengal, Bin Laden, Portugal, Venezuela, Honduras, Canada, Middle East IMF

2011-05-30 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Spain, Egypt, Paris Commune, West Bengal, Bin 
Laden, Portugal, Venezuela, Honduras, Canada, Middle East  IMF

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   Egyptian Socialist Party: Political perspectives for Egyptian
   socialism http://links.org.au/node/2333

May 27, 2011 -- Below is the political perspectives document of the 
newly formed *Egyptian Socialist Party* -- one of a number of new 
pro-democracy parties formed in Egypt since the January 25, 2011, 
revolution that overthrew the dictator Hosni Mubarak. The party will be 
officially inaugurated on June 18, in Cairo.

   * Read more http://links.org.au/node/2333

   Spain: The 'indignant' and the Paris Commune

By *Atilio A. Boron*
May 24, 2011 -- Perhaps it's one of history's surprises that the popular 
uprising surging through Spain (and which is beginning to reverberate 
throughout the rest of Europe) was sparked on the 140th anniversary of 
the Paris Commune, a heroic moment in which the fundamental demand was 
also that of democracy. But a democracy conceived as a government by, 
for, and of the people, and not as a regime serving the interests of 
patronage and in which the people's interests are inexorably subordinate 
to the imperative of business profits.

   * Read more http://links.org.au/node/2330

   West Bengal: Collapse of the Left Front government and the way ahead
   for India's left http://links.org.au/node/2329

By *Dipankar Bhattacharya*, general secretary, Communist Party of India 
(Marxist-Leninist) Liberation
[This article is the editorial in the forthcoming June 2011 issue of the 
CPI (ML) Liberation's journal /Liberation/. It is posted at /Links 
International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ with permission.]

   * Read more http://links.org.au/node/2329

   Spain: The 'indignant' beat back authorities; 'Nothing will be as it
   was before' http://links.org.au/node/2337

By *Dick Nichols*, Barcelona
May 29, 2011 -- The central plazas of dozens of cities and towns across 
Spain bear an uncanny resemblance to Tahrir Square in Cairo. They have 
been taken over by thousands of demonstrators demanding a new system. 
As of May 29, dozens of other central plazas in Spanish cities and towns 
look the same --- taken over by thousands of ordinary people demanding 
a new system.

   * Read more http://links.org.au/node/2337

   The killing of bin Laden and the ugly tribalism of US politics

By *Rupen Savoulian*
May 20, 2011 -- Early in May 2011, Osama bin Laden, a Saudi billionaire 
criminal and religious fanatic, was murdered by US Navy SEAL troops in 
Pakistan. Bin Laden was a reactionary political figure, who promoted 
obscurantist, fundamentalist prejudices in the service of criminal wars 
and terrorism. He was a long-term ally and asset of the United States, 
whose repugnant views and activities were cultivated throughout the 
1980s during Washington's Cold War campaign against the secular, 
socialist government of Afghanistan.

   * Read more http://links.org.au/node/2336

   End the United States' sanctions against Venezuela

Statement by the *Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network*
May 28, 2011 -- On May 24, the United States' State Department 
unilaterally imposed sanctions against Venezuela's state-owned oil 
company, Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA), accusing it of 
undermining the US sanctions against Iran.

   * Read more http://links.org.au/node/2335

   Venezuela: First national meeting of Socialist Workers' Councils
   discusses workers' control http://links.org.au/node/2334

By *Tamara Pearson*
Mérida, May 24, 2011 -- More than 900 workers' council delegates from 
across Venezuela met at the Sidor steel plant in Puerto Ordaz to advance 
the organisation of Socialist Workers' Councils and analyse progress, 
strengths and weaknesses of workers' control in Venezuela.

   * Read more http://links.org.au/node/2334

   Portugal: Left Bloc fires up to fight austerity

By *Dick Nichols*
May 22, 2011 -- When the 548 delegates to the seventh national 
convention of Portugal's Left Bloc came together in a vast sports hall 
in Lisbon over May 7-8, they had two big questions to 

[Marxism] How Bernard-Henri Levy fought his way into chronic interventionism

2011-05-30 Thread Louis Proyect

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Summer 2011
The Strenuous Life
How Bernard-Henri Levy fought his way into chronic interventionism
Christopher Caldwell


Last year, Karl Zéro, the madcap newsman/comedian who has been a fixture 
on French television for a decade, asked the sixty-one-year-old 
celebrity philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy why people hated him so. 
Perhaps, Zéro speculated, it had to do with dual identity. There was 
Bernard-Henri Lévy, who launched his career in the 1970s with La 
Barbarie à visage humain (Barbarism with a Human Face), an attack on 
Communism, and who in the decades since had written three dozen more 
books, most of them about current affairs, and many of them best 
sellers. Then there was BHL (“Bay-Arsh-Ell”), as he was called in the 
gossip magazines, the very wealthy heir to a lumber fortune, who owned 
John Paul Getty’s old palace in Marrakech, who had married a fashion 
model, and who had counted the country’s last three presidents among his 
personal friends. Zéro seemed to suggest that the glamour and privilege 
of BHL clashed with the roles that Lévy accorded himself in his 
writings—Tribune of Democracy and Conscience of France.

Lévy had another theory. He believed he provoked strong feelings among 
French people because he was right so often. “Because I was right about 
Bosnia,” he said. “Because I was right about Rwanda. Because I was right 
about Darfur. Because I was right about Communism.”

The West has good reason to hope Lévy is right just now. He is credited 
with—or blamed for—having started the war that NATO is fighting in 
Libya. Lévy chartered a jet in late February, flew to the Egypt-Libya 
border, and made contact with the National Transition Council (NTC), a 
rebel group in Benghazi. He was swept off his feet. This was at the 
point when a Libyan uprising seemed to have a good chance of driving 
Múammar Gadhafi from power, although the dictator was beginning a 
counteroffensive. Lévy phoned Nicholas Sarkozy—a friend of three 
decades’ standing, with whom he has vacationed several times—to urge him 
to back the rebel group with air strikes. Lévy set up a meeting between 
the rebels and Sarkozy on March 10, and Hillary Clinton met their de 
facto leader, Mahmoud Jibril, in Paris a few days later. Britain’s prime 
minister, David Cameron, began calling for air strikes himself. On March 
17th, ten countries on the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1973, 
and the French Air Force swung into action to block Gadhafi’s army at 
the gates of Benghazi.

Going to war has looked like a less good idea ever since. Sarkozy and 
Cameron, writes the military historian Max Hastings in the Financial 
Times, “have supported the weaker faction in a civil war without knowing 
who the rebels are or whether their cause is sustainable.” Barack Obama 
has been willing to invest US machinery in the war (including drones), 
but not troops or political capital. As prospects on the ground look 
more dire, Zéro’s question about dual identity takes on a paramount 
importance. Sarkozy’s future may hinge on whether it was Bernard-Henri 
Lévy or BHL who prodded him to act. It is one thing to take one’s 
country to war after consulting with a thoughtful moral philosopher, 
quite another to do so at the urging of a rich and influential crony.


Lévy recently wrote of his late mentor at the École Normale Supérieure, 
the brilliant and doomed Marxist Louis Althusser: “In ‘doing 
philosophy,’ Althusser used to say, the important word is not 
‘philosophy’ but ‘doing.’” Lévy thinks a philosopher must be a man of 
action, in contrast to those who believe his purpose is to “reflect or 
meditate or ruminate.” For him, the only kind of intellectual is a 
public intellectual. The register in which Lévy tends to write is that 
of Zola’s “J’accuse” and Marx’s “Theses on Feuerbach.” He wants not to 
interpret the world but to change it.

You can see this in his prose. “It is, once again, five minutes to 
midnight in Benghazi,” he wrote in mid-April in his “notebook” in the 
French weekly Le Point, but then, it always is. These notebooks have an 
undercurrent of hot rumor and unverified intuition about them, as when 
Lévy, in April, derided “the attitude of an Obama whom people here in 
Benghazi are beginning to suspect of dreaming of a new Dayton Accord, an 
agreement to partition the country.” The result resembles yellow 
journalism, except that a sentimental idea of humanity takes the place 
of the usual nationalism. The “fair wind of democracy,” to use a phrase 
of Lévy’s, is always blowing at gale force.

It is false to say, as some do, that “only France” could produce such a 
figure as Lévy. He is a type of journalist recognizable in any 

Re: [Marxism] Honduras: Democratic rights accord a win for resistance

2011-05-30 Thread Leonardo Kosloff
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I'm afraid there's more to what this dry and uncritical piece wants to paint as 
a win for the resistance. I don't want to start a pissing contest, but 
c'mon not one word about what this reconciliation framework, personally 
facilitated by Chavez and his acceptance of Lobo as the president of 
Honduras, will do to 'legitimate' this regime rather than the contrary. You 
think Zelaya will turn the tables? I have my doubts, to say the least.
This below is much closer to the mark.
Perhaps most importantly, here in Honduras, nearly all sectors of the massive 
resistance movement, while celebrating the return of Zelaya, have publicly and 
outspokenly opposed the re-entry of the Lobo government (which the movement 
itself does not recognize) into the OAS. Some have gone even further, 
criticizing the bargaining away of human rights and the anti-democratic 
procedure of the Cartagena Accords as a threat to democratic processes. A May 
23 statement titled Human Rights Are Not Subject to Political 
Negotiation—issued by the Committee of Relatives of the Detained and 
Disappeared in Honduras (COFADEH), one of the most respected human rights 
organizations in the country and a member of the anti-coup Human Rights 
Platform—rejects the notion of reconciliation under current conditions, which 
it describes as follows:
Nearby, five teachers sustain an indefinite hunger strike due to violations of 
their social and economic rights; hundreds of campesino families in the zone of 
Aguán are surrounded by legal and clandestine forces acting against their lives 
and lands; and an average of 16 violent deaths occur each day throughout the 
country, in total impunity.

On May 26 the influential collective Artists in Resistance issued an open 
letter to former President Zelaya, in which they welcomed him back, but 
announced their refusal to perform in Saturday's festivities, stating: Our 
song and our voice is political and not simply backup for a cathartic euphoria 
over a success that we have yet to achieve. They also presented a brief 
assessment of the current state of affairs:

We will be there to receive you, compañero Manuel Zelaya, and we will not 
forget that the Lobo regime is murderous, that it continues murdering the 
campesinos of Aguán and Zacate Grande; that this very week it has ordered 
police to stomp on the necks of the students of Luis Bográn, that it ignores 
the martyrs and desperate hunger strike of the teachers, that it permits the 
targeted assassinations of artists like Renán Fajardo and Juan Ángel Sorto, 
that it carelessly ignores the deaths of poets of universal standing like 
Roberto Sosa and Amanda Castro, that it continues ordering protection for the 
murderous businessmen of the coup d'état and that it attacks and persecutes its 
people and has sold off our territory piece by piece, with the help of a police 
force and army converted by the empire into occupation forces within our 

In a statement on May 27, the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous 
Organizations of Honduras (COPINH), the largest and most powerful indigenous 
organization in Honduras, similarly welcomed Zelaya to the country while 
condemning the Lobo administration. It reserved its strongest words for the OAS:

[I]f you think you will wipe the board clean and start over, you are mistaken; 
you are mistaken in your cold economic calculations, in your political 
pragmatism, in your urgent desire to serve imperialism in its project of 
rearranging the continent; you are mistaken in your hypocrisy of recognizing a 
murderous regime that is the inheritor of a coup d'état and that has not 
complied with the conditions for return imposed by the OAS itself, for which it 
was expelled in the first place.

COPINH signs its statement, We will not forget, We will not forgive, and WE 
WILL NOT reconcile!!

So far, only Ecuador has declared its firm opposition to Honduras's reentry 
into the OAS. President Rafael Correa, himself nearly overthrown in a coup 
attempt last year, said on May 26, There is one requirement; anything else is 
impunity. What is the requirement? That those responsible for the coup be 

Zelaya will walk a treacherous line as he steps off the plane on Saturday. Many 
Hondurans, for whom he has become a hero of saint-like proportions, will be 
surprised to discover that his first order of business is a luncheon with Lobo 
and OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza. But whether or not Zelaya 
retains his enormous popularity in the months to come, one thing is certain: 
without justice, there will be neither reconciliation nor democracy in 

[Marxism] armed resistance in Syria

2011-05-30 Thread Dayne Goodwin
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Armed residents put up resistance to Syrian army

by Bassem Mroue, Associated Press – Mon May 30, 9:42 am ET

BEIRUT – Syrian troops shelled a town in the center of the country
Monday, and for the first time in the two-month-old revolt against the
president, residents armed with automatic rifles and rocket-propelled
grenades put up fierce resistance, activists said. State media said
four soldiers were killed.

Most of the opposition to autocratic President Bashar Assad has taken
the form of peaceful protests by unarmed demonstrators, though
authorities have claimed throughout the uprising that it was being led
by armed gangs and propelled by foreign conspiracies.

Two activists in the area said residents of two towns under attack in
central Homs province since Sunday had taken up arms against troops
and members of the security forces and that there were new casualties,
though they did not know how many.
. . .
The army is facing armed resistance and is not able to enter the two
towns, said a Homs resident who has wide connections in the province.
The army is still outside the towns and I was told that army
vehicles, including armored personnel carriers, were burnt.

The other activist said the army is being subjected to stiff
resistance by residents using automatic rifles and rocket-propelled
grenades in the two towns, Tabliseh and Rastan...
. . .

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[Marxism] Support RAC-LA by Running Down The Walls-Sunday, July 31st, 2011

2011-05-30 Thread John A Imani
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Please pass along.

May thanks for ABCF's efforts.

JAI for

- Original Message - 
From: Lane Farnham 
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:48 PM
Subject: RDTW 2011

Running Down the Walls 2011

When: Sunday, July 31st, 2011, 10 am - 1 pm

Where: MacArthur Park, (south west corner), 2230 W. 6th St., Los Angeles, CA 

On Sunday, July 31st, 2011 at 10 a.m., the Los Angeles Anarchist Black Cross 
will host a 5k run/walk/jog/bike around the festive paths of MacArthur Park, 
Los Angeles.  This run/walk/jog/bike is designed to raise much-needed funds for 
the ABCF Warchest program, and Revolutionary Autonomous Communities (RAC).

We are attempting to reach the goal of $3,500 with the run. Funds will be 
divided between the two programs:

ABCF Warchest: 

The ABCF Warchest program is now almost 17 years old; funds for the Warchest 
are divided and distributed through monthly stipends to political prisoners who 
receive little or no financial aid. Prisoners use this money to cover the basic 
necessities of everyday living. These funds have been used by prisoners to pay 
for stamps, shoes, clothes, as well as assisting their families with what 
little they can.

Revolutionary Autonomous Communities (RAC):

In the aftermath of the May Day 2007 police riot targeting migrant workers who 
dared stand up for our human rights, members of the MacArthur Park area and 
others joined together to support those with no papers and those with no means. 
RAC-LA came forward to aid the community in self-organizing such that with the 
help of each other we might make an inhuman way of living a bit more bearable 
while at same time acquiring the means to one day transform this system into an 
image of our own humanity.

Solidarity Runs:

Every year, prisoners and supporters of political prisoners organize solidarity 
runs with Running Down the Walls. In Sync with each other, we will collectively 
pound the pavement with our feet and bike tires as we exhibit our strength and 
stamina as examples of our tireless effort to free our imprisoned comrades.  In 
past years we had runs in: Albuquerque (NM), Arcata (CA), Ashland, (OR), 
Bellefonte (PA), Boston (MA), Connecticut River, Dannemora (NY), Denver, (CO), 
Detroit (MI), Elmore (AL), Guelph (CAN), Inez (KY), Los Angeles (CA), Marion 
(IL), Mexico City (MEX), New York City (NY),  USP. Navosta (TX), Pelican Bay 
(CA), Phoenix (AZ), Sandstone (MN), Tucson (AZ), USP Tucson (AZ), and Toronto 

Raising Funds:

The Warchest program was created in November of 1994. Its purpose is to send 
monthly financial support to Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War (PP/POWs) 
who have been receiving insufficient, little, or no financial support during 
their imprisonment.

Support the Struggle:

We must remember that many of those arrested in the past or present are not far 
from us. Many of them were and are community and labor activists, queer, and 
environmental activists; people who decided to speak out against various forms 
of oppression and paid the price of their freedom for their actions. We must 
remember that anyone of these people could have at one time stood beside us in 
a demonstration, at a speak-out, or even at an organizing meeting. At any given 
moment it could be us who finds ourselves in this situation, so it is 
imperative that we ensure that a strong enough community of support exists for 
these people as well as ourselves. The strength of our movement is determined 
by how much we support our fallen comrades. As Anarchist and former POW Ojore 
Lutalo says, Any Movement that does not support its political internees, is a 
sham movement. So please help us, help them! Help us help you!

We encourage people to participate in helping us raise funds for the Warchest, 
which can be done in the following ways:

Be a runner:

We are asking people or groups who are running to collect as many sponsor for 
the run as possible. Remember the money received is going to help imprisoned 
comrades who need your help. The person who collects the most amount of funds 
will be given a prize for their involvement and dedication to helping our 
fallen comrades.

Sponsor a runner:

This can be done through a flat donation to the runner of your choice, each 
flyer is a sponsor sheet. We ask from those who wish not to run to actively 
support those who are running in hopes of collecting as much for our comrades 
as possible.

Sponsor Running Down the Walls: 

Any amount helps. Contact the Los Angeles Anarchist Black Cross if you wish to 
simply donate money to the cause.

Donate to:

-The Warchest:

Send funds directly to the Los Angeles ABCF (PO Box 11223, Whittier, CA 90603) 
or to the Philadelphia ABCF (PO Box 42129, 

[Marxism] West Bengal Update

2011-05-30 Thread A. Mani
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Welcome to the Mrityu Upatyaka called West Bengal
Mon, 2011-05-30 10:10 — chirashree

Jiten Nandi of Garbeta, Purnima Gharui of Raina, Ajit Lohar of Saltora, 
Ramprabesh Ray and  Mundakala Ray of Durgapur, Dahiruddin of Raigunj,  
Mohammed Khodarakha of Suri, Amal Samaddar of Durgapur, Mahbul Sheikh and 
Masahrul Sheikh of Beldanga.
All butchered to death between May 14 and May 24, 2011. Crime? They were 
CPI(M)  activists.

Masahrul Sheikh (Natabar) was the 18 year old son of Mahbul Sheikh (55), a 
CPI(M) worker in Beldanga. He was a migrant worker in Mumbai and had come to 
visit his family after 11 months. On 24th May, 2011, in Kapasdanga village in 
Beldanga, Murshidabad, at 11 pm at night, the family’s sparse brick and clay 
dwelling was bombed and set on fire. Father and son were assaulted, locked up 
in a room and burnt to death. Mahbul’s mother, 75 year old Saharbanu Bibi (75) 
along with two children – Nazma Khatun (13) and Shahjamal Sheikh (7) have been 
grievously injured in the bomb attack. Other family members were held captive 
outside the house and forced to watch this act of ‘retribution’ in utter 
helplessness. The police arrived after the mayhem was over. Though the local 
Congress MLA, Humayun Kabir denies any role of his party in it, seven 
Congressmen have been arrested by the police after this incident.
Amal Samaddar was lynched by a group of Trinamool Congress youths as soon as 
he returned home to Belgachhi, Baruipur, South 24 Parganas, seven days after 
the decisive triumph of ‘Ma-Mati-Manush’.
Reports trickle in everyday from all parts of Bengal of lynching, 
dispossession, rape, arson and murder. All the targets are CPI(M) activists. 
Goaltore, Salboni, Keshpur, Midnapore Sadar, Keshpur, Garbeta, Chandrakona, 
Haldia, Ramnagar, Bhagwanpur, Nandigram, Chandipur, Tamluk, Khejuri, Simlapal, 
Katoa, Egra, Nayagram, Bankura - the list gets lengthier by the day. Sceptics 
assert that Kolkata is safe under the new Chief Minister’s benign smile of 
triumph; but neighbourhoods in Beleghata, Sealdah, Hatibagan, Narkeldanga, 
Gardenreach, Beniapukur, Joka, Behala belie the belief.
The Chief Minister of Bengal assures the media that there is no post-poll 
violence perpetrated by her Party in West Bengal. Corporate media whose stars 
competed for scoops on going to the loo with ‘Didi’ and her daily diet, 
concentrate on reports of ‘illegal arms seizure’ straight out of official 
press releases.
On the blogosphere, opinion makers claiming to be on the side of the 
dispossessed and displaced, and basking in the reflected glory of the 
possibilities of ‘real’ Leftism under ma-mati-manush ,shake their head and 
opine that this is the inevitable course of justice and retribution against 
the ‘Stalinism’ and ‘fascism’ or ‘social fascism’ of the last 34 years (all of 
these words are substitutes for each other in the ‘discourse’ of these opinion 
makers when it comes to describing the Left Front and especially the CPI(M)). 
They celebrate the infinite possibilities of a ‘New Left’ even as they draft 
the damning epitaphs of the ‘Old Left’. 
Natabar was a migrant worker. Dahiruddin was an agricultural labourer. 
Ramprabesh Ray, Mundakala Ray, 66 year old Mohammad Khodarakha  and the 74 
year old Sheikh Israel were peasant leaders.
Mangal Hansda is a school teacher battling for his life in Bankura. Pradip 
Manjhi sells milk at a STD booth in Beleghata, Kolkata. He is battling serious 
injuries in NRS Hospital.


An agricultural labourer Ujjwal Bagdi (21), and Basanti Mitra, a Panchayat 
member unable to bear repeated physical and mental torture, drank pesticide. 
Saital Lohar, a young agricultural labour was  tortured and made to drink the 
urine of his assailants.  Sarial Mallik had already run away from home but was 
apparently 'captured'. When his mother, Ashia Begum, a 70 year old woman tried 
to intervene, she was stripped and beaten.
All the targets of this systemised violence in West Bengal without any 
exception are poor peasants, marginal workers in the unorganized sector and 
lower middle class white collar workers like school teachers. Most of the 
targets are from Dalit, Adivasi and Muslim families. This trend of targeted 
annihilation of Left activists and supporters began in 2007 and had 
intensified since the Lok Sabha elections in 2009. After May 13, 2011, it is 
fast turning into a pogrom.
An observer from West Bengal who has been documenting this annihilation 
project reports: ‘The patterns of violence unleashed since 2007 fall into some 
of these rough categories and have intensified since Friday 13th: murder of 
activists/supporters/family members, loss of livelihhod/survival routes 

Re: [Marxism] How Bernard-Henri Levy fought his way into chronic interventionism

2011-05-30 Thread Dan
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Most French people consider BHL as something of a clown.

From the CP to Fascist National-Conservatives to Social Democrats, all
think of Bernard Henri Levy as a clown.
A clown on the grand stage of human affairs, as he had regular lunches
with Mitterand, Chirac and now Sarkozy. Married to a famous French
actress, hounded by paparazzi eager for a shot of his famous white
shirts, great pal of the King of Morocco, horse breeder, fearless
supporter of NATO intervention in the Balkans, heir to a millionaire
(after convincing his mother that he was a philosopher), this guy's
credentials as a political commentator nears the absolute zero (in
Kelvin degress).
Caviar Socialist does not even begin to describe BHL. Always on the side
of established order, always on the side of the mighty, always on the
side of Imperialism, always on the side of the jet set.
He feeds his own imperious narcissism by promoting himself as the
defender of human rights (that is if the price is right), and can
happily switch allegiances from Ben Ali to Benghazi. And convince
Sarkozy to support the Libyan rebels, that's just the kind of selfless
guy he is.
Wait. He got all the facts right about Pakistan (a Jihadi state ruled by
ISI), about Israel (their current policies are suicidal) and about
Russia (a mafia State). Problem is, the average man on the street in
France got the same facts right as him, without being endowed with the
same qualifications as a bone fide philosopher. So does that mean that
the average man on the street is a philosopher ? Only Socrates would
have agreed with that statement, not someone like BHL whose very
princely existence depends on being referred to as the French
His published philosophical works are darned post-modernist, and he
has been ridiculed for his propensity to state that truth is
non-existent because all truth is constructed, ergo, anything goes (a
very satisfactory philosophy, especially when it bears the French
cachet and happens to please the French president).

Which bring me back to my initial assertion :
Most French people consider BHL as a (sinister) clown.

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Re: [Marxism] How Bernard-Henri Levy fought his way into chronic interventionism

2011-05-30 Thread Jim Farmelant
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On Tue, 31 May 2011 00:01:31 +0200 Dan d.koech...@wanadoo.fr writes:

 Most French people consider BHL as something of a clown.
 From the CP to Fascist National-Conservatives to Social 
 Democrats, all
 think of Bernard Henri Levy as a clown.
 A clown on the grand stage of human affairs, as he had regular 
 with Mitterand, Chirac and now Sarkozy. 

Scott McLemee accurately sized up this so-called
philosopher over a year ago.  See:

Another thing about BHL is that he seems to take
violence against women rather lightly.  Recently,
he wrote a preface for collection of letters that his
old teacher, Louis Althusesser, wrote to his wife
Helene, whom of course Althusser strangled to
death in 1980.  BHL was, several years ago,
a vigorous defender of film maker Roman Polansky,
when he was facing possible deportment for outstanding
rape charges in the US.  And most recently, BHL
has been an equally vigorous defender of DSK.

Jim Farmelant
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[Marxism] Costa Rica notes, part 1

2011-05-30 Thread Louis Proyect

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About halfway to Costa Rica a week ago Sunday on a nonstop TACA Airbus, 
we ran into some turbulence that lasted a good hour or so. During the 
worst of it, my wife clutched my arm and said that she hoped the plane 
would not go down. In my all-so-knowing manner, I told her that most 
accidents occurred during taking off and landing. She replied that 
planes do go down in severe turbulence. Not wanting to prolong a 
stressful conversation, I changed the subject.

full: http://louisproyect.wordpress.com/2011/05/30/costa-rica-notes-part-1/

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[Marxism] Worst Ever Carbon Emissions Leave Climate on the Brink

2011-05-30 Thread Ralph Johansen

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www.guardian.co.uk/environment/.../*carbon*-*emissions*-nuclearpower -

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Re: [Marxism] Worst Ever Carbon Emissions Leave Climate on the Brink

2011-05-30 Thread Glenn Kissack
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50 % chance of reaching a global average temperature increase of 4 C by 2100!

that's pretty scary.

capitalism seems incapable of generating the cooperation necessary to control 
carbon emissions. and the problems in the nuclear industry will increase 
reliance on fossil fuels.

the full URL for the Guardian article is:

thanks for posting.

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Re: [Marxism] Worst Ever Carbon Emissions Leave Climate on the Brink

2011-05-30 Thread DW
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Glenn, I've been doing  a lot debating, arguing, discussing with folks
in Germany who are very anti-nuclear and applaud their gov't decision,
made under mass pressure and the severe losses by the Merkel gov't
party, generally understood to be over their support for nuclear
energy. They believe, falsely in my opinion, that they can get rid of
nuclear and replace it with solar and wind. Some, few, admit it has to
be done with the huge increase in natural gas and coal burning. Still
others, again only a few, own up to the fact that Germany will likely
have to import massive amounts of energy from nuclear France and
Sweden. In other words they will simply be exporting their nuclear.

Putin, jokingly, a few weeks ago upon hearing of Germany's decision to
abandon nuclear, agreed to start selling the Germans wood to keep them
warm in the winter. And so it goes...the 2 C increase will come 4 C.
Not good.


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Re: [Marxism] How Bernard-Henri Levy fought his way into chronic interventionism

2011-05-30 Thread Tom Cod
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Boy, BHL, DSK, OBL, my head's spinning.

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Re: [Marxism] Gil Scott heron, RIP

2011-05-30 Thread Tom Cod
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Why is that an anti-feminist line, isn't it rather a comment on
Madison Avenue spiels for toothpaste and mouthwash etc?

On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 5:59 PM, Alan Bradley alanb1...@yahoo.com wrote:

 The revolution will not give your mouth sex appeal.

 Obviously the anti-feminist line is a major flaw in an otherwise awesome 

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Re: [Marxism] My favorite passage from B. Traven

2011-05-30 Thread Tom Cod
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Yeah but, who was B Traven?


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