Re: [Marxism] Letter to NYT Book Review on Darrow and Defenders

2011-07-24 Thread Tom Cod
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Thanks.  Louis' point is well taken as well.

On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 11:04 AM, Mark Lause  wrote:

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[Marxism] Transcending Medieval Economics

2011-07-24 Thread michael perelman
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In my new book, Sex, Lies and Economics, about early economics of the
late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, one of the constant
themes is the struggle against the medieval thinking.  Beginning with
William Petty, the early economists I am analyzing were following the
new science, which emphasized close observation to replace received
dogma.  Here is a nice description of how the dogma was presented at
the time.  Notice how closely the medieval method resembles the
scholastic method that the early economists opposed.  In this sense,
we are losing ground.

Matters of exchange: commerce, medicine, and science in the Dutch
Golden Age by Harold John Cook:
More at:

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA

530 898 5321
fax 530 898 5901

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[Marxism] "Norway attacks: We can no longer ignore the far-right threat"

2011-07-24 Thread John Cox
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from today's Guardian, by Matthew Goodwin, who apparently specializes in the 
study of the BNP and their ilk:

The tragedy in Norway this weekend may prove to be a watershed moment in terms 
of how we approach far right followers, groups and their ideology. Until now, 
European democracies and their security services had focused almost exclusively 
on the threat from al-Qaida -inspired terrorism. Rightwing extremist groups and 
their more violent affiliates were dismissed as a disorganised, fragmented and 
irrelevant movement.

This conventional wisdom, however, ignored wider evidence of a more violent and 
confrontational mood that was emerging within European far right circles. This 
shift may have been a response to the arrival of al-Qaida-inspired terrorism, 
or a sense that far right political parties in Europe (such as the Norwegian 
Progress party of which the attacker was once a member) were not having enough 
influence on issues such as immigration.

Two years ago, anti-terrorism officers in Britain warned of a growing threat 
from rightwing "lone wolves". At the same time, the US department of homeland 
security warned of the way in which the wider economic climate and election of 
the first African-American president could result in confrontations between 
rightwing extremists and government authorities "similar to those in the 

... The sources of his ideological influences have started to become clear. He 
was far from what we might term a traditional rightwing extremist. While he was 
profoundly concerned about the effects of immigration, multiculturalism, Islam 
and the growth of settled Muslim communities, he was also dismissive of crude 
racial supremacist and neo-Nazi ideas and parties that espoused these ideas, 
naming for example the British National Party (BNP).

It was, perhaps, his rejection of the BNP that prompted his interest in the 
English Defence League (EDL). While Breivik was impressed by the speed of their 
growth, he also praised "tactical choices" made by their leaders. This included 
an endorsement of the EDL's rejection of traditional white supremacist 
discourse and racism, and their decision to oppose Islam on cultural grounds. 
This distinction between traditional race-based forms of rightwing extremism 
(such as those of the BNP) and a new anti-Muslim narrative reflects a broader 
change within the European far right. Rather than oppose immigration and Islam 
on racial grounds (an argument that would attract little support), the emphasis 
shifts on to the more socially acceptable issue of culture: Muslims are not 
biologically inferior, but they are culturally incompatible, so the argument 
goes. The aim is to open modern far right groups up to a wider audience


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Re: [Marxism] Letter to NYT Book Review on Darrow and Defenders

2011-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 7/24/11 1:31 PM, Tom Cod wrote:

Today's NYT book review published a letter I wrote to them taking
issue with a review of two bios of Clarence Darrow that impugned
Darrow's defense of criminal defendants.

This is the same exact problem I had with the documentary that William 
Kunstler's daughters made about him:

Sarah Kunstler was 12 years old and her sister Emily was 10 when I met 
with Michael Ratner and his sister Marjorie Ratner, the wife of Bill 
Kunstler, at Bill Kunstler’s townhouse in Greenwich Village in 1988. I 
was there with Michael Urmann, the executive director of Tecnica, in 
order to get their advice over how to respond to the initial charges of 
the FBI that Tecnica was part of an espionage network running high 
technology out of Nicaragua into the USSR. Little did I suspect that 
Marjorie had begun to view her husband as having lost his radical mettle 
by this point, a view she expressed at some length in her daughters’ movie.

The main complaint is that by the early 1980s, Kunstler had begun to 
sully his reputation by becoming an attorney for people like Larry 
Davis, a Black drug dealer who had shot 6 cops during a bust, El-Said 
Nosair, the Egyptian who had killed Meier Kahane, and most 
inauspiciously the Mafia don John Gotti, who is seen being embraced by 
Kunstler at the conclusion of a successful defense. These “bad guys” 
were nothing like the Chicago 8, the Lakota Indians leading the Pine 
Ridge occupation or any other of the “good guys”, both male and female, 
who had made the sixties and seventies so exemplary.

Their gripe is reminiscent of what has been said about Ramsey Clark, who 
made his legal expertise available to Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam 
Hussein, two of the most hated figures of polite liberal opinion in the 
United States. Without dwelling too much on the political confusion of 
the Kunstler kids, I can only say that Kunstler was only following in 
the footsteps of people like Clarence Darrow, who not only defended John 
Scopes against charges of teaching Darwinian theory to his public school 
students, but the cold-blooded murderers Leopold and Loeb. If one 
believes that a Larry Davis did not deserve the best lawyer available to 
him, then clearly Bill Kunstler’s daughters did not understand their 
father very well.


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Re: [Marxism] Letter to NYT Book Review on Darrow and Defenders

2011-07-24 Thread Mark Lause
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Excellent and succinct, Tom.  I suppose that a decline of understanding of
and interest in an advocacy process reflects the general, well-orchestrated
erosion of the entire idea of meaningful debate in the civic culture.


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[Marxism] Chto Delat and Ostalgia

2011-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect

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On Friday the NY Times had a glowing article on the “Ostalgia” showthat 
just opened at the New Museum. “When Repression Was a Muse” is the title 
of Holland Cotter’s piece and gives you a good idea of his angle:

	For some artists repression had a psychological upside. It gave their 
work a clear-cut sense of importance. It established art’s primary value 
as moral, not monetary; instrumental, not formal. If what you were doing 
was censorable, you could trust you were doing something right; heroic, 
even. And this attitude fostered solidarity and the growth of a 
counterculture in which experimentation, individuality and iconoclasm 
were protected and nurtured.

All this is well and good, but you really have to wonder what this has 
to do with Ostalgia, the neologism that combines the word East (Ost) 
with nostalgia and that means a longing for the socialist past, no 
matter how bureaucratic. Perhaps no other work of art expresses this 
better than the film “Goodbye, Lenin” that I reviewed in 2004. Given the 
preponderance of bitter rejections of the socialist system on display at 
the New Museum, one wonders why they didn’t call it “Anti-Ostalgia” instead.


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[Marxism] Letter to NYT Book Review on Darrow and Defenders

2011-07-24 Thread Tom Cod
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Today's NYT book review published a letter I wrote to them taking
issue with a review of two bios of Clarence Darrow that impugned
Darrow's defense of criminal defendants.

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[Marxism] Norway killer espoused new right-wing, pro-Israel philosophy

2011-07-24 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Norway killer espoused new right-wing, pro-Israel philosophy

July 24, 2011

BERLIN (JTA) -- The confessed perpetrator in the terror attack in Norway
espoused a new right-wing philosophy allied with Israel against Islam - a
trend in European populist and far-right movements that has Israel worried.

In numerous online postings, including a manifesto published on the day of
the attacks, Anders Behring Breivik pushed  the "Vienna School" or “Crusader
Nationalism” philosophy, a mish-mash of anti-modern principles that also
calls for "the deportation of all Muslims from Europe" as well as from "the
West Bank and the Gaza Strip."

According to the manifesto, entitled "2083: A European Declaration of
Independence" and published under the pseudonym Andrew Berwick, the "Vienna
School" supports "pro-Zionism/Israeli nationalism."

Breivik listed numerous European "Freedom Parties" and neo-Nazi parties as
potential allies because of their anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim stance, and
mentioned that right-wing populists like Dutch politician Geert Wilders
"have to condemn us at this point which is fine. It is after all essential
that they protect their reputational shields."

Among the potential allies he listed for Germany were the three largest
neo-Nazi parties - the National Democratic Party, Deutsche Volksunion and
Republikaner. In Holland, Geert Wilder's "Freedom Party" topped the list,
and the British National Party topped a long list of potential supporters in
the United Kingdom.

European right-populist parties increasingly have been waving the flag of
friendship with Israel. Last month, after it emerged that German-Swedish
far-right politician Patrik Brinkmann had met in Berlin with Israeli Likud
lawmaker Ayoub Kara, deputy minister for Development of the Negev and
Galilee, Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman wrote to Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu demanding that Kara be prevented from making further
trips abroad.

According to Ynet, Lieberman accused Kara of meeting with neo-Nazis and
causing damage to Israel's image. Brinkman said he had reached out to
Israeli rightists hoping to build a coalition against Islam.

In postings on a website "" that appear to be from Breivik, the
poster pondered whether one could "accept the moderate Nazis as long as they
distance themselves" from the extermination of the Jews.

Meanwhile, Israel on Saturday night condemned the "revolting terror attacks"
in Oslo. "Nothing at all can justify such wanton violence, and we condemn
this brutal action with the utmost gravity," the Foreign Ministry said in a

"We stand in solidarity with the people and government of Norway in this
hour of trial, and trust Norwegian authorities to bring to justice those
responsible for this heinous crime."

Israeli President Shimon Peres called the King of Norway, Harald V, to
express the condolences of the people of Israel on the 93 deaths.

"Your country is a symbol of peace and freedom. In Israel we followed the
events over the weekend in Norway and the attack on innocent civilians broke
our hearts. It is a painful tragedy that touches every human being. We send
our condolences to the families that lost their loved ones and a speedy
recovery to the wounded. Israel is willing to assist in whatever is needed,"
Peres said, according to his office.

The King thanked Peres for his phone call and for the expression of Israeli
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas visited Norway last week and
was told that Oslo will recognize Palestine, but not immediately.

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Re: [Marxism] Anti-military protest attacked in Egypt

2011-07-24 Thread Einde O'Callaghan

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On 24.07.2011 16:09, Louis Proyect wrote:

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Anti-SCAF (Army) March Attacked in Egypt

You forgot to mention that this is a repost of Hossam El-Hamalawy's blog 

Einde O'Callaghan

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[Marxism] Anti-military protest attacked in Egypt

2011-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect

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Anti-SCAF (Army) March Attacked in Egypt

The planned 23 July march on the Supreme Council of Armed Forces 
headquarters in Heliopolis started from Tahrir sometime close to 5pm. 
The march was initially around five thousand strong, but soon swelled to 
more than 20,000 protesters. I am giving here the most conservative 
estimate; some friends think the numbers went up to 50,000. Where did 
those people come from? They were ordinary people in the streets or 
residents we passed through their neighborhoods. And it is important to 
remember this, and shove it in the face of those who claim protests and 
marches do not enjoy the support of the public any more.

The march left Tahrir via Abdel Moneim Riyadh Square, and continued down 
Emtidad Ramses Street, and into Ghamra. Protesters were chanting 
beautifully rhymed slogans against Field Marshal Tantawi, SCAF, and 
police torture. They were chanting for social justice, bread and civil 

As we approached Abbassiya, we started receiving news that the military 
police and the army special forces have blocked the road by the Nour 
Mosque withmachine gun-mounted armored vehicles and barbed wires. We 
also received news there were “thugs” preparing Molotov cocktails and 
swords awaiting us.

But as we entered Abbassiya and passed by the cathedral, no problems 
whatsoever had happened. On the contrary, residents were cheering us on 
from their windows, and some were throwing water bottles on the demand 
of thirsty protesters. It was a scene that reminded me of the Friday of 
Anger march, except we were heading to Tahrir on that day to topple 
Mubarak, while yesterday we were marching on the same route in the 
opposite direction, heading to overthrow Mubarak’s loyal generals, the SCAF.

The calm did not last for long. As soon as we reached the Nour Mosque, 
we found rows of army soldiers and officers, with the interior 
ministry’s Central Security Forces lined behind them. We stood our 
ground, demanding we pass. We were refused. Chants started immediately 
against Tantawi. The attack started. Young men carrying swords and 
knives flocked to our right, while others were stoning us from the side 
streets. Army soldiers kept firing their machine guns into the air, to 
be followed later by a chopper circulating over our heads. It was a war 
zone in every sense of the word.

The army has been inciting against our march already for days on the 
state-run channels, accusing the Tahrir protesters of being “thugs, 
foreign agents” bla bla bla. The army also, according to Abbassiya 
residents I spoke with, has been going around the neighborhood since the 
previous night, telling its residents that they “will be attacked by 
foreign paid thugs” the following day. Those “foreign paid thugs” were 
of course, us.

Those who attacked us yesterday included criminal thugs from the Waily 
district, but also some residents of Abbassiya who did buy the army’s 
lies. The army was already on the roof tops before our arrival, the same 
roof tops from which Molotov cocktails and rocks were showered at us.

The clashes went on for hours. We were besieged: the army and the police 
on one side, while the thugs blocking our way back to Tahrir. Scores 
were injured and detained. I personally carried one protester to the 
nearby hospital, and his left leg was dislocated completely, before my 
right leg was injured by some projectile or rock, I don’t know.

The army stood silent, watching the battle ground, hoping the thugs and 
the residents would finish us off, while the police was more than happy 
to join in by throwing rounds and rounds of tear gas. We managed to 
return to Tahrir in small groups via the neighboring hospital late at night.

Dear SCAF, you are a bunch of filthy cowards, who resort to lies and 
knife wielding thugs to attack peaceful protesters. You prove day after 
day you are nothing but Mubarak’s loyal generals, who have hijacked this 
revolution. I wish nothing short of seeing you and your big boss Tantawi 
in court soon, to pay for your crimes.

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[Marxism] Good article, bad title

2011-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect

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(A better title would have been "Ex-Schools Chief Emerges as Likely 
Murdoch Ally")

NY Times July 23, 2011
Ex-Schools Chief Emerges as Unlikely Murdoch Ally

This article is by Jeremy W. Peters, Michael Barbaro and Javier C. 

Joel I. Klein, the former New York City schools chancellor, was in a 
tricky position. Three weeks ago, Rupert Murdoch asked Mr. Klein, now 
his trusted deputy, to oversee an investigation into the phone hacking 
scandal that has deeply wounded the News Corporation and its chairman, 
something Mr. Klein was eager to avoid.

“I am trying to get as far away from this as I can,” he lamented to a 

He has not succeeded. Mr. Klein, who joined the News Corporation as a 
senior vice president in January, is not only responsible for the 
investigation that could uncover what company managers knew about the 
hacking, but he also has become one of Mr. Murdoch’s closest and most 
visible advisers throughout the crisis.

His seemingly contradictory roles — de facto chief of internal affairs 
officer and ascendant executive with Mr. Murdoch’s ear — are raising 
questions about how robust and objective the internal inquiry can be. 
When Mr. Murdoch summoned a team of top deputies and outside consultants 
to London to help him manage the fallout from the hacking, Mr. Klein was 
one of the first to arrive, moving into a temporary office 20 feet from 
the chairman’s.

When Mr. Murdoch and his closest advisers debated whether to accept the 
resignation of Rebekah Brooks, a newspaper executive at the center of 
the controversy, Mr. Klein pushed for her exit. When Mr. Murdoch wrote a 
statement to deliver to Parliament last week, Mr. Klein weighed in on 
the drafts.

And while the world watched Mr. Murdoch and his son James testify, Mr. 
Klein sat directly behind them for three hours, occasionally cleaning 
his rimless glasses with his tie as he looked on in support.

Mr. Klein’s dizzying journey, in under a year, from one of the nation’s 
foremost education reformers to the corporate consigliere for a media 
titan whose politics are far to the right of his own, has surprised and 
unsettled many friends and colleagues, who fear that he will be unable 
to extricate himself from a scandal that shows no sign of abating or, 
they say, ending well. “This was nothing he could have ever expected,” 
said Barbara Walters, a longtime friend of Mr. Klein’s.

But in many ways, interviews suggest, his emergence as a dominant figure 
within the News Corporation is consistent with a biography that combines 
high-minded legal and social aims — antitrust law and education — with a 
driving, sometimes overwhelming competitive fire.

“He has a take-no-prisoners attitude,” said Randi Weingarten, who 
battled Mr. Klein when she was head of the New York City teachers union. 
“He is a litigator. He is about winning.”

It is a sign of how delicate Mr. Klein’s position inside the News 
Corporation has become that he was initially against the idea of an 
internal review. In April, after London’s Metropolitan Police arrested 
three News of the World journalists on suspicion of hacking, some 
executives pushed for an investigation that would have the full backing 
of the company’s board and senior management, according to two people 
with knowledge of the discussions taking place at the time.

Mr. Murdoch opposed the idea outright. Standing firmly in his corner was 
Mr. Klein.

“There was a clear message,” said one of the people who knew of Mr. 
Klein’s role and requested anonymity to divulge private conversations. 
“Stay out. And let Joel handle it.”

Top lawyers and experts in corporate governance said the News 
Corporation should have hired outside legal counsel to oversee the 
inquiry, as dozens of companies like the American International Group 
and Fannie Mae have done in the past, rather than rely on an insider.

“That is not standard practice,” said Charles M. Elson, an expert on 
corporate governance at the University of Delaware. “You cannot be seen 
as objective if you are inside.”

The News Corporation says the investigative body will have true 
independence and the power to compel employees to cooperate. The company 
points to the appointment of Lord Anthony Grabiner, a prominent British 
lawyer who also sat behind the Murdochs during their testimony before 
lawmakers last week, as the body’s independent chairman. Lord Grabiner 
will report to Mr. Klein. Mr. Klein, in turn, will report to Viet Dinh, 
an independent director on the News Corporation board.

Mr. Klein declined to be interviewed for this article.

“We’ve been given a free hand,” said Lord Grabiner, who added that he 
and Mr. Klein never would have

[Marxism] Book plan by Anthony Brain how crisis of revolutionary leadeship can be resolved in all 3 sectors of world revolution by giving struggle for Socialism a conscious character!

2011-07-24 Thread MARIAN BRAIN
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