Re: [Marxism] Novel based on life in an economics department

2011-10-24 Thread michael a. lebowitz

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On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 3:33 PM, MICHAEL YATES  

I always like to learn of new ones. Any favorites out there?
Definitely Don Delillo's White Noise--- with its Department of Hitler 
Studies and the popular culture dept at the College-on-the-Hill.


Michael A. Lebowitz
Professor Emeritus
Economics Department
Simon Fraser University
 University Drive
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Home:   Phone 604-689-9510
Cell: 778-230-6137

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[Marxism] NY State Police and Albany PD officers refuse to arrest park Occupiers

2011-10-24 Thread Juan Fajardo

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Governor's office urged mayor to press police to make arrests at protest

By BRENDAN J. LYONS Senior writer
Updated 09:17 a.m., Monday, October 24, 2011

LBANY -- In a tense battle of wills, state troopers and Albany police 
held off making arrests of dozens of protesters near the Capitol over 
the weekend even as Albany's mayor, under pressure from Gov. Andrew 
Cuomo's administration, had urged his police chief to enforce a city curfew.

The situation intensified late Friday evening when Jennings, who has 
cultivated a strong relationship with Cuomo, directed his department to 
arrest protesters who refused to leave the city-owned portion of a large 
park that's across Washington Avenue from the Capitol and City Hall.


"We were ready to make arrests if needed, but these people complied with 
our orders," a State Police official said. However, he added that State 
Police supported the defiant posture of Albany police leaders [...] 
"The bottom line is the police know policing, not the governor and not 
the mayor."



- Juan

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[Marxism] Can occupy movement grow? Video interview with Simon Butler, a Green Left editor

2011-10-24 Thread Stuart Munckton
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Green Left co-editor Simon Butler on occupy movement.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] Mike Davis on OWS

2011-10-24 Thread MICHAEL YATES
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This is an interesting essay.  

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[Marxism] City of Philadelphia refuses to run billboard on US prison numbers

2011-10-24 Thread Stuart Munckton
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“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] Occupy and independent media -- video interview with a Green Left editor

2011-10-24 Thread Stuart Munckton
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I have no doubt this list is *full* of people who are kept up at night
wondering what I look like. Now you can find out! And hear comments on
occupy movement and role of alternative media such as Green Left

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] Two grammatical corrections on banking collapse within Western Europe and supplemenary comments on Wall Street movement as an international movement

2011-10-24 Thread MARIAN BRAIN
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[Marxism] Patrick Cockburn on Greek fury at government

2011-10-24 Thread Louis Proyect

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Re: [Marxism] How the potato changed the world

2011-10-24 Thread michael perelman
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I have mentioned this book before:

The History and Social Influence of the Potato
> by Redcliffe N. Salaman
> Cambridge University Press, 1985

It is not limited to the West.  The Potato had a major effect on China.

titles on "How {salt, sugar, opium, coffee, etc.
created modern civilization." (Noticeably absent, slavery,
i.e., the argument made by Eric Williams

To say that potatoes changed the world does not mean that it offers a
full explanation, but an emphasis on a single commodity can offer a
useful window on world history.

The salt trade was an important part of early economic development.
The Chinese can tell you about the role of opium.
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA

530 898 5321
fax 530 898 5901

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[Marxism] expose of the IPCC

2011-10-24 Thread Paula

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Louis T. wrote that " ...criticisms are aired, discussed, and the knowledge 

is improved constantly, but this process is somewhat sheltered against the
idiocy of the public discourse."

I don't agree with this notion of the "idiocy of the public discourse". The 
public, in so far as they are interested, are trying to understand what is a 
very complex issue. Of course their political views filter and distort how 
they see the whole thing; but this is true of all sides in the debate. Much 
more unforgivable IMHO is the IPCC's own idiocy and arrogance. After all, 
they are supposed to be the experts. See, for example, here:


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Re: [Marxism] Hizbullah’s part in Gaddafi’s downfall

2011-10-24 Thread Sun Eagle
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We are witnessing the most important geopolitical shift in the Middle East 
since the 1979 Iranian Revolution, but with the cast of characters playing 
sometimes the opposite role. Back then the ouster of the Shah, and fear of the 
spread of the Revolution, drove everyone from Saddam Hussein to the Saudi 
Royals to Sadat closer to Washington. Today, as bourgeois commentators (mostly 
conservative, some liberal) have noted, the US has the same policy vis-a-vis 
the Arab Spring as al-Qaeda, though for totally opposite reasons. Washington 
had to ditch, in the case of Tunisia and Egypt, two dinasour dictators before 
the people did it themselves; an option not available in Iran back in 1979. For 
AQ the removal of any pro-Western regime is welcome, since it supposedly gives 
them room to recruit. Iran praised the overthrow of Ben Ali and Mubaraq, and 
condemned the NATO bombing of Libya, without calling for Gaddafi's ouster. 
Hezbollah, in action, and HAMAS, in words,
 both abetted and praised the downfall of Moammar, for having taken sides 
against the Shia in Lebanon and ejecting thousands of Palestinians from Libya. 
(The LRB article puts too much emphasis on the "Vanished Imam" episode; BTW, 
that al-Sadr is related to the Muqtada al-Sadr of Iraq). The overthrow of 
Gaddafi, IMHO, was conjunctural, not part of some master plan. The US, France 
and Britain saw a unique chance to replace an unreliable economic and strategic 
partner with a much more pliable one, in a land where political Islam held no 
sway, since the Colonel himself had eliminated that element. Time will tell 
whether this will come true or if we will see a chickens-coming-home-to roost 
scenario as in Afghanistan after 1989.
Unlike 1979, however, at the present there appears to be no viable left 
alternative to counter these new Washington-sponsored regimes. (I will leave 
Syria for a future post.) I do not think the abject failure of Arab Socialism 
nor the downfall of the USSR is sufficient explanation. Much more important is 
the disarticulation of the working class under the Washinton 
consensus---smashing trade unions, ending government subsidies to the poor, 
cracking down on the informal sector, as evinced by the street vendor who set 
himself on fire in Tunisia. The Communist parties of Egypt and Tunisia have 
diminished to the size of a few thousand members in the former and changed 
their politics, and name, in the latter. A dark scenario indeed, but to end on 
an optimistic note the inevitable failure of any of these regimes to address 
the social question---employment and wages, women's rights, the rights of 
national minorities, to name only the most important---might
 provide some space for a new Arab left to appear.

Subject: [Marxism] Hizbullah’s part in Gaddafi’s downfall

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[Marxism] Anthony Brain analyzes effects of banking collapse in Western Europe in terms of deepening radicalization or possible pre-revolutionary crises within Imperiialist countries?

2011-10-24 Thread MARIAN BRAIN
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[Marxism] New Age shenanigans part 2

2011-10-24 Thread Louis Proyect

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NY Times October 24, 2011
Swami Bhaktipada, Ex-Hare Krishna Leader, Dies at 74

Swami Bhaktipada, a former leader of the American Hare Krishna 
movement who built a sprawling golden paradise for his followers 
in the hills of Appalachia but who later pleaded guilty to federal 
racketeering charges that included conspiracy to commit the 
murders-for-hire of two devotees, died on Monday in a hospital 
near Mumbai, India. He was 74.

The cause was kidney failure, his brother, Gerald Ham, said.

Mr. Bhaktipada, who was released from prison in 2004 after serving 
eight years of a 12-year sentence, moved to India in 2008.

The son of a Baptist preacher, Mr. Bhaktipada was one of the first 
Hare Krishna disciples in the United States. He founded, in 1968, 
what became the largest Hare Krishna community in the country and 
presided over it until 1994, despite having been excommunicated by 
the movement’s governing body.

The community he built, New Vrindaban, is nestled in the hills 
near Moundsville, W.Va., about 70 miles southwest of Pittsburgh. 
Its conspicuous centerpiece is the Palace of Gold, an 
Eastern-inspired riot of gold-leafed domes, stained-glass windows, 
crystal chandeliers, mirrored ceilings, inlaid marble floors, 
sweeping murals, silk brocade hangings, carved teak pillars and 
ornate statuary.

New Vrindaban eventually comprised more than 4,000 acres — a 
“spiritual Disneyland,” its leaders often called it — with a live 
elephant, terraced gardens, a swan boat and bubbling fountains. A 
major tourist attraction, it drew hundreds of thousands of 
visitors in its heyday, in the early 1980s, and substantial annual 
revenue from ticket sales.

The baroque frenzy of the place stands in vivid contrast to the 
founding tenets of the Hare Krishna movement. Rooted in ancient 
Hindu scripture, the movement was begun in New York in the 
mid-1960s by an Indian immigrant, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami 
Prabhupada. It advocates a spiritual life centered on truth, 
simplicity and abstinence from drugs, alcohol and extramarital sex.

But by the mid-1980s, New Vrindaban had become the target of 
local, state and federal investigations that concerned, among 
other things, the sexual abuse of children by staff members at its 
school and the murders of two devotees.

The resulting federal charges against Mr. Bhaktipada, a senior 
spiritual leader of the movement, and the ensuing international 
publicity did much to contravene the public image of the gentle, 
saffron-robed acolytes who had long been familiar presences in 
American airports.

He was the subject of a book, “Monkey on a Stick: Murder, Madness 
and the Hare Krishnas” (1988), by John Hubner and Lindsey Gruson, 
a former reporter for The New York Times, and a documentary film, 
“Holy Cow Swami” (1996), by Jacob Young.

Mr. Bhaktipada, also known as Kirtananda Swami, was born Keith 
Gordon Ham on Sept. 6, 1937, in Peekskill, N.Y., the youngest of 
five children of the Rev. Francis Gordon Ham and the former 
Marjorie Clark.

The elder Mr. Ham was a Baptist minister steeped in old-line 
tradition, Gerald Ham said.

“My father would fit in very well with some of the evangelical 
people we have today raising such a ruckus,” Mr. Ham said. “The 
Bible was inerrant. We were all indoctrinated and baptized and so 
forth. Keith, too.”

Keith Ham earned a bachelor’s degree in history from Maryville 
College in Maryville, Tenn., in 1959, graduating first in his 
class of 118. As a senior, he received a prestigious Woodrow 
Wilson fellowship for graduate study.

He entered the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to 
pursue a doctorate in American religious history. But in the early 
1960s, his brother said, the university asked him to leave after a 
love affair he had with a male student came to light. He settled 
in New York, where he did graduate work in history at Columbia.

Like many young people then, his brother said, Keith Ham became an 
experimenter and a seeker, dabbling in LSD and above all looking 
for a spiritual haven. In 1966, after leaving Columbia without a 
degree, he met Swami Prabhupada, who was running a storefront 
mission on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. He joined the Hare 
Krishnas and was initiated as a swami in 1967.

Mr. Bhaktipada rose quickly in the nascent movement. After seeing 
a notice in an alternative newspaper from a West Virginia man 
offering land to anyone willing to start an ashram there, he 
secured the property for New Vrindaban, named after a holy site in 
India. Work began there in 1968.

New Vrindaban’s initial costs exceeded half a million dollars. The 
money was raised largely by Mr. Bhaktipada’s followers, who sold 
caps and bumper stickers adorned with counterfeit team lo

[Marxism] Steve Jobs, Zen Buddhism and LSD

2011-10-24 Thread Louis Proyect

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Re: [Marxism] Novel based on life in an economics department

2011-10-24 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 10/24/2011 10:33 AM, MICHAEL YATES wrote:

This sounds like a dreadful novel. John Kenneth Galbraith wrote
a novel set in an economics dept. too.  It is titled A Tenured
Professor.It is a poor novel to put it mildly. I have read
maybe a hundred novels set in academe. My favorites are three
by CP Snow. But there are lots of good ones. I never liked Mary
McCarthy's The Groves of Academe.

Mary McCarthy's novel is based on her experiences teaching at Bard 
College in the 50s. It is a "funny" story about a professor who 
about to lose his position for totally non-political reasons tries 
to defend himself by accusing the college president of 
McCarthyism--the professor had some tangential ties to the left in 
the 30s. The plot has eerie connections to Joel Kovel's 
termination from Bard a few years ago, but inversely so. Also, I 
wonder where McCarthy got off trying to make a joke about such a 
thing in the dark days of the 1950s. Ha-ha-ha.

Anyhow, I deal with her and fellow Bard professor Saul Bellow in 
my video about going up to Bard for a reunion a couple of years ago:

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Re: [Marxism] Novel based on life in an economics department

2011-10-24 Thread Jim Farmelant
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On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 07:33:09 -0700 MICHAEL YATES 
> This sounds like a dreadful novel. John Kenneth Galbraith wrote a 
> novel set in an economics dept. too.  It is titled A Tenured 
> Professor.It is a poor novel to put it mildly. I have read maybe a 
> hundred novels set in academe. My favorites are three by CP Snow. 
> But there are lots of good ones. I never liked Mary McCarthy's The 
> Groves of Academe. I always like to learn of new ones. Any favorites 
> out there? 

I have never been an academic, but how about going back a few decades
to Kingsley Amis's  'Lucky Jim'?  

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

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Re: [Marxism] Die Linke Poses the "System Question"

2011-10-24 Thread Angelus Novus
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Einde wrote:

"What the OWS movement did was ensure that the mood in the 
conference was more radical thus preventing the "realos" from watering 
down any of the key points. It also ensured that the eventual vote was 
97% in favour and not perhaps between 85 and 90%, which would have 
allowed the bourgeois press to continue their campaign asserting that 
the party is fundamentally split."

This is absolutely key.  The entire chattering class is apoplectic that the 
party has affirmed an oppositional course.  That insufferable bore Stefan 
Reinicke has an opinion piece in the Taz bemoaning "Robin Hood politics".

They constantly treat this party with hatred and contempt, yet they still act 
as if they are entitled to demand certain things of it.

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[Marxism] Frank Rich: the class war has begun

2011-10-24 Thread Steve Heeren

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VFW= Very Few Workers.  I saw this in the third segment of Burns' PBS 
series "Prohibition" last night. It was part of a protest parade (in 
Chicago?) calling for the repeal of Prohibition with the clear 
understanding that, prior to the Volstead Act, the beer and liquor 
industry was the 5th (4th?) largest industry in the US and hence a major 
contributor to government revenues and employment of labor. The  
protestors were obviously aware of the economic consequences of 
Prohibition: VFW!

From every pore - From head to foot - Capital comes dripping With blood 
and dirt.

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Re: [Marxism] Die Linke Poses the "System Question"

2011-10-24 Thread Einde O'Callaghan

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On 24.10.2011 08:55, duh-roo wrote:

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A Bundestag delegate quoted in the article affirmed that the program is
"fully at the height of the times" and "is consequently anticapitalist and
antimilitarist. For the first time the question of property is posed as the
core of left politics." And specific demands of the program include "the
nationalization of banks, a ban on temp work, and a statutory minimum income
of 60% of average income... In the foreign policy section of the program,
The Left demands the withdrawal from the military structures of NATO and the
end of all foreign deployments by the armed forces."

And this from a party with an electoral base and seats in the federal
government. If this was indeed made possible by OWS, it seems they've taken
OWS and run ahead a ways... [insert swipe at OWS anti-parliamentarianism

As an active participant in the pre-conference discussions I can say 
that the basis had been laid in advance for the program as it was 
adopted. What the OWS movement did was ensure that the mood in the 
conference was more radical thus preventing the "realos" from watering 
down any of the key points. It also ensured that the eventual vote was 
97% in favour and not perhaps between 85 and 90%, which would have 
allowed the bourgeois press to continue their campaign asserting that 
the party is fundamentally split.

The Bundestag member quoted above is Sevim Dagdelen, one of our 
representatives of Turkish origin.

Einde O'Callaghan

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Occupy Melbourne, Sydney, Pakistan ...; John Bellamy Foster, Greece & left; Afghanistan, Sudan, Espanol, Monsanto, IMF

2011-10-24 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Occupy Melbourne, Sydney, Pakistan ...; John 
Bellamy Foster, Greece & left; Afghanistan, Sudan, Espanol, Monsanto, IMF

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   Violent police attacks on Occupy Melbourne and Occupy Sydney

By *Socialist Alliance* (Australia)
October 23, 2011 -- Socialist Alliance condemns the violent police 
dispersal of peaceful protesters at Occupy Melbourne (October 21) and 
Occupy Sydney (dawn, October 23) and pledges its full support for the 
re-establishment of these occupations against the tyranny of the world's 
richest 1%.

 * Read more 

   Video: John Bellamy Foster: Capitalism and the accumulation of

October 20, 2011 -- At the 2011 Climate Change Social Change Conference 
held in Melbourne, *John Bellamy Foster*, Marxist academic, editor and 
author on economics and ecology, was a featured speaker. Above is the 
video of his keynote speech on September 30.

 * Watch & Read more 

   #Occupy Melbourne diary: Six days of peaceful protest, then police
   violently attack 

/Green Left Weekly/'s *Sue Bolton* has been part of the Occupy Melbourne 
protest since it began on October 15, 2011. Below she recounts the past 
week of the occupation in Melbourne's City Square, which was broken up 
by a violent police assault on October 21. However, protesters have 
vowed to re-establish the occupation once more. For more updates on 
Occupy Melbourne, regularly check /GLW'/s live blog at

 * Read more 

   The euro on a knife edge: Are the Greeks to blame? What is the left
   position on the euro crisis? 

By*Dick Nichols*, Barcelona
October 19, 2011 -- "Bloody Greeks---corrupt and lazy, born cheaters who 
think the world owes them a living." That's the vicious tone of 
Germany's tabloids and conservative politicians towards Greece's 
galloping public debt crisis and the Greek people's protests against the 
austerity programs imposed on them by the European Union, European 
Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund (the "troika") as the 
price of bail-out funding.

 * Read more 

   Occupy! More reports from the frontline: Wellington, Dublin, Canada,
   US cities 

By *Grant Brookes*
October 20, 2011

   /"Why are they protesting?" ask the baffled pundits on TV.
   Meanwhile, the rest of the world asks: "What took you so long?"/ --
   Naomi Klein

With comments like this, campaigning journalist Naomi Klein has captured 
the essence of the mushrooming movement against corporate greed which 
began on Wall Street. The movement is expressing the feelings of a 
global majority denied a voice in the media and in the corridors of power.

 * Read more 

   (Updated Oct. 23) Occupy wave reaches Pakistan

 Occupy Lahore!

By *Farooq Tariq*
October 19, 2011 -- Left-wing political parties, trade unions, social 
activists and student groups at a press conference in the Labour Party 
office invited people to join them in an Occupy Lahore anti-capitalist 
camp at 1 pm, Nasir Bagh, on October 22.

 * Read more 

   Afghanistan: Predictions, obstructed justice and 10 years of war

By *Rupen Savoulian*
October 17, 2011 -- The /Washington Post/, the highly influential US 
newspaper, reported that the top US general in Afghanistan predicted 
that the Taliban would collapse as a viable fighting militia over the 
next several months. There is just one thing to note about this report: 
this prediction was made in April 2005. This month marks 10 years since 
the US invaded Afghanistan in 2001, and the Afghan war shows no signs of 

 * Read more 

   Sudan/South Sudan: Communist Party sees dangers, but also
   possibilities for progress 

*Rashid El Sheikh*, Sudanese Communist Party, interviewed by *John Foster*
October 19, 2011 -- Afri

[Marxism] Green Left articles on the Occupy movement

2011-10-24 Thread Stuart Munckton
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The full list of articles, which is growing, can be accessed here:

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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