Re: [Marxism] Kim Jong Il is dead

2011-12-21 Thread dan

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An obituary for Kim Il-Jong... Hmmm... Let me see...

During his reign, millions died of starvation, the occasional corpses 
lying huddled together in a ditch along the roads. Millions of other 
North Koreans were so hungry, they ate "clay cakes". They dug the soil 
with their bare hands until their nails tore off.

The security forces were the only class of people receiving FOOD.
Summary executions were commonplace in the concentration camps, one 
lucky survivor remembers over 30 executions in the one-year period he 
was there. Oh yeah, around 200 000 people "populate" the 24 
concentration camps (now 14 due to bureaucratic mergers of satellite 
camps), but the turn over is high. New people keep pilling in, 
officially people who disagree with the "Army First Policy", actually 
people picked up at random for the slightest "misdemeanour". Whole 
families, because according to Kim Il-JOng (and his dad), children are 
guilty by virtue of being born into a family that contains a subversive 
element. And so seven-year old children are worked to death in 
concentration camp n°14, 18 and especially the sinister camp n°22 (50 
000 inmates spread over 130 square km in dozens of sateliite camps).

Meanwhile, Kim Il-Jung basked in luxury and spared no expense when it 
came to his extravagant lifestyle. He had his personal chef travel 
overnight to Japan to bring him soggy rice cakes prepared in the 
traditional manner. He had his favourite brand of whiskey (Hennesys) 
provide him with hundreds of "special collection" bottles. He had an 
entire brewery dismantled and transported to North Korea for his 
benefit. He ordered the construction of a private high tech cinema and 
had 25 000 American classic films stored away in case he felt like 
watching a movie. Oh no, Kim Il-Jong lived a life far, far remote from 
that of the "adouring masses who weep incontrollably at the news of his 

An honest obituary would state : Kim Il-Jong was one of the worst, most 
cruel, most hypocritical tyrants ever to blight the face of this earth. 
But since that may smack of American Imperialism, let's just say that 
the current ruler of NK has died and that his son has succeeded him, and 
that an orderly transition of power is to be hoped for. After all, there 
are hard-line factions within the army that might use war with South 
Korea as a means of bolstering their position within the ruling elite.

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[Marxism] BTW, concentration camps in NK

2011-12-21 Thread dan

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A must read.

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[Marxism] China: 'Down with corruption, reclaim our land' -- Call for support for Wukan

2011-12-21 Thread glparramatta

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The following petition, organised by the Hong Kong-based coalition 
Left21, explains the background to, and demands of, the rebellion by the 
people of Wukan.

* * *

December 15, 2011 -- On November 21, 1927, under the leadership of Peng 
Pai, pioneer of the Chinese communist revolution as well as a committed 
socialist, the country’s first rural Soviet administration was 
established in area of Hailufeng, Guangdong province. Thus began the 
first chapter of the communist movement in China.

On November 21, 2011, less than a few kilometres away from the founding 
site, at Wukan village (part of Lufeng city in eastern Guangdong 
province), a few thousand villagers took to the street. Holding up signs 
that read "Down with dictatorship", "Curb corruption", "Down with 
government-business collusion" and "Return land to the people", 
villagers marched to the government headquarters at Lufeng city to 
protest against officials’ illegal land seizures and sales. Their 
demands were clear: to reclaim the land sold without the consent of the 
people, to release public accounts concerning the some 400 hectares of 
land seized and sold since 1978, to launch investigations into 
fraudulent elections and to enforce the Organic Law of Village 
Committees to hold fair and open elections. The demonstration ended 
peacefully after the acting mayor received the villagers’ petition.

Full article at


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Re: [Marxism] The nuclear family is a recent invention

2011-12-21 Thread dan

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Hi Mark,

I am going to side-track your original point, with which I agree (by 
definition History starts when there is a written record)

I think Lévi-Strauss means that most of the groups of homo sapiens that 
have inhabited this world have developed societies in which the concept 
of history never goes back more than a generation, before becoming part 
of the "mythical thought" world-view.
Actually, I think Lévi-Strauss belabours the point by showing that 
NAtive American societies, 50 to 150 years after contact with Western 
civilization, had already incorporated the "white man" as part of the 
creation myth, explaining that the "white man" is one of the two 
original twins, the other being 'the Indian". Such creative 
incorporation of, what to us appears as a groundbreaking new fact (i.e 
"contact") into the normal mythical "structure" which explains the 
universe is proof, in Lévi-Strauss's view, of the primacy of structure 
over individual element. All events will become integrated into the 
logical classification of the world.

In opposition to Lévi-Strauss, I will muster my own experience, while 
living in Surinam for six years, of the way the Saramakas and Djukas, 
black slaves who revolted and "marooned" in South America see history.
Without the aid of any written history, Saramaka elders can talk 
confidently about "da fosi tem" (the first time) in Taki-Taki Creole. 
According to their epic, the first Saramakas were slaves on the 
"Waterman massa plantasi" (Mr. Waterman's plantation)  who came from the 
nobility of  "daomei condre" (Dahomey country) who gathered together 
slaves from various ethnic groups, revolted, massacred their former 
masters and fled deep into the jungle where they met and were helped by 
the "injin" (Indians). With the help of the "injins" they liberated 
plantations that had many females and started their own communities in 
the further reaches of the Maroni river where the white soldiers could 
not pursue them.
They can recount through oral tradition many significant events in their 
history from the years 1710 onwards, passed on generation after 
generation. What is even more startling is their claim that certain 
individuals, when possesed by the spirits of "da fosi tem", can actually 
start talking "African". I actually heard some Djukas use some ancient 
form of the Gbe or Twa language family (Ewe or Fon), using up to 150 
words from a closely related group of very tonal Western African 
languages (but from what I could make out without any syntax, and mixing 
up a good deal of English and Portuguese creole i.e muye = mulier, 
preto, oro ). This is a "secret" language that only the "Bonu Sma" 
(Vodun/Vodoo Someone) can interpret and contains allusions to Western 
African deities and beliefs (da langbe = the chief deity of the Vodoo 
pantheon, da nkisi = Cuban Spanish los inquises, da nganga, da djombo = 
the zombie, etc.) . Other aspects of African folklore are the many  
"Anansi tolis" = the Anansi [s]tories. All this wealth of African 
"heathenism", which persists despite the fact that 75% of the Saramakas 
are no longer pagans but Evangelicals (thanks to American missionaries) 
is astounding when one remembers that they have been cut off from 
Western Africa since the late 17th century. Actually, ancestor worship 
is very prevalent among the marrons, as the countless shrines in all the 
cemeteries can demonstrate.
Even their first names are African in origin : many boys are called 
Kofi, Awaneki, Abaga, Akinwande, etc. And the meaning of these names is 
sometimes known (twin, born on a Monday, ...) ! Again, I was amazed at 
the amount of African culture that was preserved by the Surinamese 
maroons. They are of course totally cut off from Western Africa, but 
they do know they originate from there.

So, my point is, historical traditions can be caried on in total 
isolation for five centuries without writting and quite reliable 
inferences (as to geographical origin) can be drawn from oral tradition 

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[Marxism] reviewer wanted

2011-12-21 Thread George Snedeker
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Socialism and Democracy is looking for a reviewer for Nomad Citizen by Eugene 
Holland. Please write to me offline at if you are 
interested in reviewing this book. 

George Snedeker

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Re: [Marxism] The nuclear family is a recent invention

2011-12-21 Thread Mark Lause
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Thanks, Dan. He's certainly an interesting thinker and I appreciate
the travails of translation more and more.

The point of my comment, though, wasn't about what Lévi Strauss's
definition of history was, but what about what we understand to be
history.  A purist might well insist that historia represets the
written, documentary record, variously processed.  We can appreciate
the merits of the spirit of this definition without being literalists
about it.  The written record is public and permits some sort of
evaluation.  I'd say that without that evaluative process, it's not

This doesn't mean that we can't develop some understanding of the past
of hunter-gatherers--or engage in some interesting and plausible
speculations about how they saw their past--but it's a fundamentally
different process.

Indeed, my impression is that people aren't quite thinking of
hunter-gatherers the same way they once did, particularly in terms of
a great break between that life and the sedentary life brought on by
what used to be called the Neolithic Revolution . . .

Mark L.

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[Marxism] Russia: Boris Kagarlitsky on Russian protests

2011-12-21 Thread glparramatta

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By *Boris Kagarlitsky*

The calls by the "moderate left" for passively following behind the 
liberals are supposedly based on the need to "work among the people", to 
go where the masses are. But how, and with whom, are the forces of the 
left to set out after these ardently pursued masses? With badly printed 
leaflets full of abstract slogans?

Full article at


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Re: [Marxism] The nuclear family is a recent invention

2011-12-21 Thread Louis Proyect

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Re: [Marxism] The nuclear family is a recent invention

2011-12-21 Thread dan

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>>"How do hunter-gatherers have a history to throw out ,. . . as opposed
to a reasonable attempt to figure out what wasn't put into a written


OK. It so happens I have a 1,886-page volume of Claude-Lévi Strauss's 
collected works (édition La Pléiade, 2009) on my book-shelf.
And I am ashamed to confess that I have only read his two most famous 
essays, "Tristes Tropiques" (a sad hommage to the Amazonian tribes he 
befriended in the 1930s and no longer exist) and "La Pensée Sauvage" (in 
which he famously claims that hunter-gatherers' reasoning and deductive 
abilities are just as sound as our own).

The rest requires a lot of mental work to get to grips with.

Let me just open the collected works and translate:

"The origin of the world typically occurs as the result of an infinite 
series of bi-partitions, on the one hand X, on the other Y, so that 
genealogical explanations of history (who invented fire, who invented 
the fishing boat, etc.) only serve to illustrate that X and Y can never 
co-exist. Kinsman and foreigner, water and fire, top and bottom, etc. 
are forever distinct categories. Some may try to bridge the gap, but by 
doing so, they fail to comprehend the way the universe progresses, 
through eternal schism between two poles. This is the view of history 
that the hunter-gatherers of the Amazon hold. Hence all the tales about 
twins who end up fighting each other. Why are women's breasts 
asymmetrical ? asks the Tupi Genesis account. Because one of the 
original twins suckled more forcibly than the other. So even breasts 
cannot be symmetrical ! The deeper meaning of the myth is of course, 
everything is assymetrical and the product of a dis-junction. History is 
dynamical assymetry."
(The Tale of the Lynx, Native American mythology and History, Claude 
Lévi-Strauss, 1991)

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[Marxism] Second Chinese town hit by uprising

2011-12-21 Thread Stuart Munckton
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“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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Re: [Marxism] The nuclear family is a recent invention

2011-12-21 Thread Mark Lause
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How do hunter-gatherers have a history to throw out ,. . . as opposed
to a reasonable attempt to figure out what wasn't put into a written


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Re: [Marxism] The nuclear family is a recent invention

2011-12-21 Thread dan

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>>"The topic of my post was this:

"...Claude Lévi-Strauss argued that...human society emerges when, driven 
by the incest taboo, early human families enter into relations of credit 
and debt with their neighbors as they exchange their nubile women, and 
as exchanged daughters are transformed into wives..."

That is a (fantastical) *historical* explanation: incest taboo *drives* 
exogamy and that is how "human society emerges." Structuralists may 
throw history out the front door (as they do by treating the 
"primitives'" memories of historical catastrophe as ideological myths), 
but it comes back through the window!"<<

And again, Claude Lévi-Strauss never said that "human society emerges 
when, driven by the incest taboo, early human families enter into 
relations of credit and debt with neighbours".

He never talks about the "emergence" of human society (in a historical 
sense, since Homo Erectus onwards). He is concerned with the way a 
society thinks about its own origin and organization. And Lévi-Strauss 
doesn't use the expression "incest taboo" as a conceptual category (that 
would be Freud).

Structuralism is all about the way a given society sees things, 
expressed through marriage customs, type of filiation, reciprocity 
arrangements, rights to certain resources, and that way of seeing things 
is encapsulated in myths, which are the primary material for gaining an 
insight into the structural classification of the universe at work 
behind a specific world-view.
For example, in the Amazonian range, Lévi-Strauss famously argued for an 
opposition between "raw meat" and "cooked meat" as a basic symbolic 
organization of the Amazonian world-view between two opposing poles 
("non-communautarian"/"chaotic" and "community"/"order"). This 
opposition is to be found in the characteristics of human and animal 
protagonists of myths throughout the Amazon region. Raw meat is 
associated with the absence of sharing and the search for 
power/domination, cooked meat is associated with sharing and reciprocity.

And again, my own knowledge of Lévi-Strauss's work is limited, this is 
only a very, very simplistic outline. I know that the precise 
philosophical implication of his works regarding Marxism was hotly 
debated in the 60s and 70s, with such widely diverging thinkers as 
Foucault and Althusser commenting favorably on his contribution.

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Re: [Marxism] The nuclear family is a recent invention

2011-12-21 Thread Shane Mage

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On Dec 21, 2011, at 5:28 PM, dan wrote:

>>"The "great structural anthropologist" here totally inverts his  
own theory. What conceivable "structural" justification can there be  
for "the incest taboo" as a primary driving force? This is nothing  
but a Robinsonade, an eternalization of bourgeois sexual morality, a  
mystification. If the incest taboo has anything to do with exogamy  
the relationship, structurally considered, must derive the incest  
taboo from exogamy because the absence of such a taboo would be a  
severe impediment to the exogamy that is a structural necessity for  
small human groups (extended families such as clans and tribes)  
living in close interdependence with each other. "

And Claude Lévi-Strauss never meant his discussion of the ideology  
(for lack of a better word) of hunter-gatherer societies as a  
historical explanation for the development of said societies.

The topic of my post was this:

"...Claude Lévi-Strauss argued that...human society emerges when,  
driven by the incest taboo, early human families enter into relations  
of credit and debt with their neighbors as they exchange their nubile  
women, and as exchanged daughters are transformed into wives..."

That is a (fantastical) *historical* explanation: incest taboo  
*drives* exogamy and that is how "human society emerges."   
Structuralists may throw history out the front door (as they do by  
treating the "primitives'" memories of historical catastrophe as  
ideological myths), but it comes back through the window!

Shane Mage
"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] The nuclear family is a recent invention

2011-12-21 Thread dan

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>>"The "great structural anthropologist" here totally inverts his own 
theory. What conceivable "structural" justification can there be for 
"the incest taboo" as a primary driving force? This is nothing but a 
Robinsonade, an eternalization of bourgeois sexual morality, a 
mystification. If the incest taboo has anything to do with exogamy the 
relationship, structurally considered, must derive the incest taboo from 
exogamy because the absence of such a taboo would be a severe impediment 
to the exogamy that is a structural necessity for small human groups 
(extended families such as clans and tribes) living in close 
interdependence with each other. "

And Claude Lévi-Strauss never meant his discussion of the ideology (for 
lack of a better word) of hunter-gatherer societies as a historical 
explanation for the development of said societies.

He contends that exchange relationships between groups of economically 
self-sufficient human groups entails symbolical patterns where filial 
relationships between groups are seen as part of a greater ideological 
pattern, an expression of a basic "structural" view of the world.

Group A's young men and women will marry with group B, C, D and E's 
young men and women, and there will emerge an ideological representation 
of the world. Each group will tend to adopt certain symbols to represent 
itself as a group, and the interaction between the different groups will 
be represented by combining symbols. The offspring of a young man from 
group A and a young woman from group C, for example, will closely 
identify with the group with which the new couple resides (say group A), 
while retaining strong symbolic links with group C through kinship.

Claude Lévi-Strauss was a Marxist (broke with the CP but remained close 
to the left-wing of the SFIO), and his investigation into the world-view 
of hunter-gatherers, the implications of kinship in ideology, were not a 
"robinsonade". However, the importance of "structure" in ideology, that 
is the basic logical reltionships of commutation and symmetry between 
symbols which represent social realties is his great insight.
Claude Lévi-Strauss, who died recently aged 100, was truly one of the 
greatest French thinkers of the 20th century. He played a key role in 
emphasizing the need to apprehend each society on its own terms and not 
through the prism of the researchers' own views. Only once all the 
ideological connections within a particular world-view (as a complete 
"structural system") have been ascertained can meaningful comparison 
with other world-views begin.
If a certain group holds as self-evident that the dead reincarnate as 
specific animals, that certain specific food taboos exist, that it is 
natural for certain uncles to perform specific rites for their nephews, 
that it is to be expected for specific offspring from certain lignages 
to have specific dreams, that certain specific plants act as a cure for 
certain specific individuals at certain specific times in their lives, 
etc. all this disparate data actually constitues a WHOLE, a logical, 
functioning representation of the world in which each individual and 
each group symbolically acts as a constituent part. And most 
strickingly, each individual, though conscious of the intricate 
classification of things current in his community, cannot express the 
whole structure otherwise than by saying that "that's how it is" and 
instinctively knowing what is and is not "right".
Claude LEvi-Strauss spent years living with Native American tribes in 
the Amazon, and later collected much data from Australian Aborigenes and 
North-West Pacific Indians. He was opposed to simplistic views of 
Totemism as simply "ancestor origin stories" and claimed that Totemism 
was an expression of a complete, ideological, representation of the 
world, in which each element was a consequence of a symbolic 
relationship, not the originator of the relationship. In other words, 
according to structuralism, the relationship comes first, the specific 
element only exists because it is required by the relationship. The 
snake will represent "earth", the salmon "water" and the falcon "air", 
because such a scheme enables to classify and organize the world along a 
tripartite structure which also enables to organize society among a 
tripartite structure.
Each society has its own logic, which every member instinctively 
follows, which ascribes a role to each element stemming from its 
relationship with the other elements within the structure. The 
individual elements (kinship, taboos, names of spirits, rites, artistic 
drawings, given names, myths, cooking methods, management of territorial 
resources ...) make limited sense on their own, but become infinetly 
more intelligible 

Re: [Marxism] Workers of Europe unite, you've only euro chains to lose

2011-12-21 Thread Einde O'Callaghan

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On 21.12.2011 20:22, Marv Gandall wrote:

But there's no quarrelling with his thesis that "Europe's Left has suffered a 
calamitous six months. Socialist governments have met historic defeats in Portugal and 
Spain. Greece’s Pasok party was toppled by an EU technocrat Putsch. Ireland’s soft-Left 
Fianna Foil lost every seat in Dublin ..."

Whatever about the Social Democratic parties in Greece, Spain and 
Portugal, describing Fianna Fáil as "soft-left" is ludicrous beyond all 
compare. The Fianna Fáil has been THE party of the Irish ruling class 
since the 1930s when it also managed to pick up a considerable degree of 
support in working class areas partly because of the uttter patheticness 
of Irish social democracy almost since its inception (now on display yet 
again), partly by clever use of populist and anti-imperialist demands in 
its early days and partly because of a degree of clientelism that would 
have made Tammany Hall blush.

The fact that the back of this party was broken in the last election is 
a major positive step forward for independent working class politics in 

It's also worth bearing in mind that there are forces on the left in 
Europe other than discredited social democracy and that international 
solidarity and internationalism offer a much more fruitful perspective 
for the European working class in the fight against the current 
EU-imposed measures (read "imposed by the German Merkel government") 
than Euro-sceptic nationalism as represented by the Torygraph or any of 
its columnists.

#einde O'Callaghan

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Re: [Marxism] Workers of Europe unite, you've only euro chains to lose

2011-12-21 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 12/21/2011 2:22 PM, Marv Gandall wrote:

Yet there is another parallel of equal resonance: the election
of the Front Populaire in France with Communist support in May
1936, the cathartic rejection of deflation policy. Whether or
not Leon Blum privately wanted to leave the Gold Standard –
that inter-war replica of Europe’s unemployment union – the
logic of his policies forced the outcome. Orthodoxy was

But not capitalism.

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[Marxism] Link for Post on Conservatism and Racism

2011-12-21 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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I just accidentally hit "send" ... the post was on the relationship between US 
Conservatism and Racism. This is the link 


Ismail Lagardien

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

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[Marxism] Conservatism in the USA and its Umbilical Relationship with Racism

2011-12-21 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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 In this book I systematically demonstrate the inescapable racism inherent in 
American conservatism.  The argument unfolds in layers.
First, I show that ideological conservatism is everywhere and always the 
conscious and reflective defense of established institutions and ways of life.
In the United States this has meant a defense of racism and white supremacy.  
The first conscious conservative movement in America emerged in the South 
partly as a reaction to the movement to abolish slavery, and the modern 
conservative movement in America is rooted partly in opposition to the Civil 
Rights Movement.
Second, the substantive ideals of American conservatism—limited government, 
states’ rights, individualism, property rights, and the prioritizing of liberty 
over equality—when applied consistently inevitably result in racism.
Third, I show that the ascendancy of the conservative movement to national 
power with the election of Ronald Reagan was partly based on the Republican 
Party’s “Southern Strategy” of exploiting racist and white supremacist 
sentiments in the electorate beginning with the election of 1964.
I am acutely aware that the argument will strike many Americans—and not just 
conservatives—as outrageous.  Therefore, I approached the analysis and writing 
with unusual care.  I spend the entire first chapter defining the terms of the 
discourse—conservatism, racism and white supremacy.  The remaining chapters are 
thoroughly referenced and documented.  By design, the book combines philosophy, 
history and political science.

Ismail Lagardien

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

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[Marxism] Discussion of Occupy Video with Victor Wallis and Joe Ramsey

2011-12-21 Thread Douglas Greene
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African Ascent with Joseph Ramsey and Victor Wallis

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[Marxism] Whose Egypt?

2011-12-21 Thread Louis Proyect

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Whose Egypt?
Adam Shatz

The awakening is not over, but the heady days of the Arab Spring 
have come to an end. The counter-revolution, Régis Debray once 
observed, is revolutionised by the revolution. And so it has been. 
In Syria, protests have degenerated into sectarian warfare, 
fomented by a thuggish ruling clique that seems ready to bring the 
entire country down with it. In Yemen, President Saleh has agreed 
to stand down after nearly three decades in power, but on the 
northern border with Saudi Arabia, the dirty war between Shia 
Houthi rebels and Salafists is getting nastier. In Libya, the oil 
companies are doing business again, but the country’s new rulers, 
swept to power by Nato, are talking about restoring Sharia law, 
perhaps even polygamy. In Bahrain, a peaceful uprising by the Shia 
majority has been crushed by the al-Khalifa monarchy, with help 
from troops dispatched by Saudi Arabia. (Tehran, the Saudis 
claimed, was behind the protests, an assertion rejected by the 
Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry in November.) Never keen 
on popular politics, and furious with the Americans for 
‘deserting’ their mutual friend Mubarak, the Saudis have been 
assiduously fighting the revolutionary wave, mostly with 
petrodollars, sometimes with guns. The Obama administration was 
not pleased with the Saudi intervention in Bahrain, but it barely 
uttered a word of criticism: the Fifth Fleet is stationed there, 
and preserving the special relationship with the House of Saud is 


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