[Marxism] Pakistan: Three left parties to unite | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2012-09-18 Thread glparramatta

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Statement by the *Awami Party Pakistan*, *Labour Party Pakistan* and the 
*Workers Party Pakistan*

September 19, 2012 -- Over the past few months, three left political 
parties have been holding meetings to discuss the possibility of a 
merger and creation of a new progressive force in Pakistan politics. 
Many of us have been striving for left unity for years, even decades.

The challenges that working people and progressive political forces face 
both within this country and in the form of imperialist intrigue cannot 
be meaningfully confronted without such unity. In the past, efforts to 
bring the left together have both succeeded and failed, and it is in the 
spirit of learning from such experiences that this present attempt is 
being made.

We do not expect to suddenly emerge as a "third" force in Pakistan 
politics, because we do not enjoy the kind of patronage of state and 
non-state powers as the right-wing parties. Yet we do believe that the 
people of Pakistan want to see new alternatives emerging and we expect 
that a merger of existing left groups will be a giant step forward in 
building such an alternative.

It is true that a majority of the Pakistani population is young, and 
many of these youth are fed up with the existing political options at 
their disposal. We believe that a left political party can be the face 
of this young and struggling population, not on the basis of hollow 
slogans, but in the form of a workable anti-imperialist, secular, 
anti-feudal and democratic socialist program.

We want to harness the countervailing power of the people of Pakistan to 
take on and displace all status quo forces.

Full statement at http://links.org.au/node/3030

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[Marxism] South African CP leader denounces miners

2012-09-18 Thread RKOB

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See also another article at 

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Catalonia & Spain, Colombia, Netherlands, Obama & the left, carbon trading, Partido Socialista radical holandés

2012-09-18 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Catalonia & Spain, Colombia, Netherlands, Obama & 
the left, carbon trading, Partido Socialista radical holandés

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   Farewell Spain? Catalan independence march sends shockwave

By *Dick Nichols*, Barcelona
September 17, 2012 -- On September 11, the Catalan National Day, 
politics in the Spanish state suffered a massive shock: up to 2 million 
people (more than 25% of the population of Catalonia) marched through 
the streets of Barcelona shouting one word, "independència". It was a 
day when countless Catalans discovered that others felt the way they 
did---it's time to drop Spain for a state of our own.

 * Read more 

   Colombia: What prospects for the peace negotiations between FARC and

By *Anthony Boynton*, Bogota
September 12, 2012 -- The government of Colombia on September 4 
announced that it had begun peace negotiations with the Fuerzas Armadas 
Revolucionarios de Colombia (FARC, Revolutionary Armed Forces of 
Colombia). The news was quickly confirmed by the FARC. Although FARC 
still leads thousands of armed fighters and has the financial resources 
to continue fighting, the decimation of its leadership combined with its 
political isolation has brought it to the point of no return. It has 
entered a new peace process with the government of Juan Manuel Santos 
with far less than it had to bargain with when it sat down at the 
negotiating table with the government of Andres Pastrana more than a 
decade ago.

 * Read more 

   Netherlands elections: A hangover instead of an earthquake

Statement from the *Dutch Socialist Party* after the national elections
September 12, 2012 -- A combative Emile Roemer addressed hundreds of 
Socialist Party members in the Paard van Troje (Trojan Horse) venue in 
The Hague (Den Haag). The SP held on 15to its  seats, despite a fiercely 
fought two-horse race between the PvdA (Labour Party) and the VVD 
(centre-right liberals). "Yes. I am extremely proud of this party and of 
the million people who voted for us", said Roemer. "And yes, I am also 
disappointed. That is logical when only a short time ago we stood so 
high in the polls. But that disappointment will last around five 
minutes. Our campaign for the next election begins -- as is always the 
case with the SP -- today."

 * Read more 

   United States: Is supporting Obama the way to fight the right?

By *Barry Sheppard*
September 8, 2012 -- The election rallies of the mis-named "conventions" 
of the twin parties of Wall Street are over. The Republican Party -- 
dominated by the "Tea Party" movement -- has gone sharply to the right. 
But is supporting the Democratic Party and US President Barack Obama the 
way to fight the rightward shift in US capitalist politics? Many who 
consider themselves leftists or even socialists reply "yes". Let us look 
at the record.

 * Read more 

   Green is also the colour of money: EU carbon trading failure as a
   model for the 'green economy' 

By *Ricardo Coelho*
September 16, 2012 -- The first two phases of the EU Emissions Trading 
Scheme (2005-2007, 2008-2012) allocated free permits according to 
historical emissions; a practice known as "grandfathering" that has 
acted as a /de facto/ subsidy for the biggest polluters. Electricity 
producers, for example, by increasing electricity prices in line with 
the price of the permits they received for free, have made windfall 
profits of between EUR23 to EUR71 billion during the second phase. The 
third phase (2013-2020) will still see significant subsidies paid to 

 * Read more 

   El ascenso ininterrumpido del Partido Socialista radical holandés:
   ¿una nueva vía socialista en el Primer Mundo o mero parlament

[English at http://links.org.au/node/3010.]
Por *Will Wroth*, traducción para www.sinpermiso.info por *Gust

Re: [Marxism] Critiques of Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov

2012-09-18 Thread Paul Papadeas
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Have any of you ever read any intelligent responses to The Brothers Karamazov? 
I found an article by Terry Eagleton on The Grand Inquisitor that is very good, 
but it sounds like a Christian theologian wrote it. What I am curious to see is 
Marx or a serious Marxist contending with the real problem Dostoevsky and 
others reveal about human freedom (i.e. that they don't want it). 
Any help would be great!

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Re: [Marxism] Books on contemporary capitalism

2012-09-18 Thread michael perelman
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The Confiscation of American Prosperity: From Right Wing Extremism and
Economic Prosperity to the Next Great Depression, published in 2007,
just before the stock market crashed.

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA

530 898 5321
fax 530 898 5901

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Re: [Marxism] Autonomy: Capitalism, Class and Politics

2012-09-18 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 9/18/12 10:31 PM, Dave Eden wrote:

Capitalism, Class and Politics

Use this link instead:


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[Marxism] Autonomy: Capitalism, Class and Politics

2012-09-18 Thread Dave Eden
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Hi All, just a bit of shameless self-promotion. My new book Autonomy:
Capitalism, Class and Politics is now out on Ashgate



It's a critical study of the work of Negri, Virno, the Midnight Notes
Collective and John Holloway



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Re: [Marxism] Books on contemporary capitalism

2012-09-18 Thread shacht
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More focused on contemporary American capitalism are:

Jack Rasmus:

The War at Home

Obama's Economy - Recovery for The Few

Epic Recession: Prelude to Global Depression


John Bellamy Foster and Fred Magdoff:

The Great Financial Crisis Causes and Consequences

Wayne Collins

-Original Message-
From: Einde O'Callaghan 
To: Wayne M. Collins 
Cc: Alex Wilhans 
Sent: Tue, Sep 18, 2012 2:07 pm
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Books on contemporary capitalism

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[Marxism] Green Left Weekly statement on Senate motion to condemn it

2012-09-18 Thread Stuart Munckton
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Independent newspaper *Green Left Weekly* today slammed attempts by Liberal
Senator Brett Mason in the Senate to inflame anti-Islam sentiment and
intimidate a media outlet that opposes this.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] Santiago Carrillo

2012-09-18 Thread Ed George

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Santiago Carrillo, the man who enjoyed the dubious distinction of having 
destroyed not just one but two mass parties of the Spanish working 
class, has just died at the age of 97. An excellent political biography 
can be found, in two parts, here: 
here: .


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Re: [Marxism] Books on contemporary capitalism

2012-09-18 Thread Einde O'Callaghan

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On 18.09.2012 14:44, Alex Wilhans wrote:

Can anyone give suggestions of marxists books on contemporary capitalism (last
40 years)?

Different takes on developments:

Chris Harman, Zombie Capitalism, Bookmarks/Haymarket

David McNally: Monsters of the Market, Historical Materialism (I believe 
Haymarket will be publishing a cheaper paperback soon)

Robert Brenner, The Boom and the Bubble, Verso

Costas Lapavitsas, Financialisation in Crisis, Brill (cheaper paperback 
from Haymarket coming next year)

Einde O'Callaghan

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[Marxism] Counterpunch finally gets it right on OWS

2012-09-18 Thread Louis Proyect

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Counterpunch September 18, 2012

Yes, Martha, There is an Alternative
Occupy, Year One

I’d like to start with a confession. When I first descended upon the 
Bowling Green statue in Lower Manhattan on the morning of Saturday 
September 17, 2011 to discover a handful of people doing yoga, I was not 
impressed. While my spirits were raised when a larger, but still small 
group of people marched from Bowling Green to Zuccotti Park I did not 
believe that we were on the cusp of a historic moment. I had been 
involved in activism since I was a high school sophomore and as a result 
have participated in more protests than I care to admit publicly. At the 
time the events of that day didn’t seem particularly special or memorable.

Looking back a year later, never in my life have I been so glad to have 
been so wrong. Far from being just another protest, Occupy Wall Street 
is unquestionably among the most important social movements of the past 
decade (which truly is an accomplishment, because in spite of the media 
narrative of passivity the last decade saw sizable protests against the 
IMF and World Bank, the war in Iraq, racism, and for women’s and 
immigrants’ rights). Occupy has captured the public imagination like no 
other protests since the 1960s.

As the one year anniversary approaches, the media narrative will most 
likely focus on what Occupy has accomplished. Perhaps the media will 
fixate on the fact that many of the encampments are gone (whether or not 
they will mention that these encampments were violently broken up by the 
police is another story). Of course, while no single individual speaks 
for Occupy, it doesn’t take much to realize that Occupy’s victories lie 
not only in the encampments. They lie in the newly mobilized activist 
networks that have waged (and even won) battles in their own 
communities–whether it be the many homes defended against foreclosure or 
Occupy Baltimore’s campaign against a proposed new youth jail.

Just as important as these victories is the impact Occupy Wall Street 
has had in shifting the dialogue concerning economic issues. For 
decades, the spectrum of acceptable discourse has been rapidly closing. 
At the beginning of the 20th century there was a vigorous debate about 
how humans might organize their society. Socialists, anarchists, 
syndicalists, and radicals of every stripe attracted sizable audiences. 
Even relatively mainstream intellectuals like John Dewey expressed 
dissatisfaction with the wage economy and proposed that true democracy 
meant not just popular participation at the ballot box, but in the 
workplace as well. In short, capitalism and democracy were not one in 
the same, but were instead deeply antithetical to each other.

Yet only eighty-some years later Margret Thatcher, one of the architects 
of the current neoliberal economic order, would chastise the people that 
there was “no alternative” to her particular brand of capitalist 
economics. What happened?  First, we were told that there was no 
alternative to capitalism. Then, not only did we have to accept 
capitalism as the only viable economic system, but we could only choose 
a particular brand of capitalism: A deregulated, cutthroat brand of 
capitalism that mixes unchecked corporate power with a disempowered 
working class, free markets with accelerated rates of incarceration and 
police repression, tyrannical technocrats with diminished formal 
representative institutions, corporate welfare with gutted social 
services, and in times of crisis, bank bailouts with austerity.

There was no alternative. And every politician accepted it. If you lived 
in the United States it didn’t matter if you elected Democrats or 
Republicans, the policies were essentially the same (as were the 
corporate donors). Western Europe, where social democratic and socialist 
parties still existed in name, faced a similar closing of discourse.

Anthropologist David Graeber got it right when he said that Occupy was 
about the rediscovery of “the radical imagination.” While Occupy’s 
coalition of supporters include everyone from left-leaning Keynesians to 
anarchists, Occupy’s power and appeal rests in its fundamental core 
assertion than there is indeed an alternative. It is the rejection that 
private profit is the only valid raison d’etre for anything, whether it 
be education and healthcare or prisons and the military. Instead, Occupy 
proposes the radical alternative that the lives, well-being, and futures 
of flesh and blood humans are too precious to be traded along with slips 
of paper on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.

Chip Gibbons is an activist who has been involved in various activist 
causes from labor rights to death penalty abolition to anti-war 

[Marxism] A conversation with Jeffrey Marlin and Richard Greener

2012-09-18 Thread Louis Proyect

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A video interview with two old friends who graduated from Bard the year 
I was a freshman. Both led lives somewhat similar to characters on "Mad 
Men" but with major differences.


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[Marxism] Books on contemporary capitalism

2012-09-18 Thread Alex Wilhans
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Can anyone give suggestions of marxists books on contemporary capitalism (last
40 years)?


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[Marxism] The real battle is against US imperialism

2012-09-18 Thread En Passant with John Passant
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There has been almost no discussion of the context for these protests-decades 
of U.S. imperialist intervention in the Muslim region. In reality, the film has 
become a symbol of the contempt with which the U.S. government holds the people 
of the Middle East and North Africa.


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[Marxism] No outrage please, we're Australian

2012-09-18 Thread En Passant with John Passant
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The orgy of reaction in response to the Sydeny protest confirms once again that 
these sorts of demonstrations are needed more and more to challenge the 
systemic racism of Australian society. 


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[Marxism] Afghanistan: Joint Ground Operations Suspended

2012-09-18 Thread Greg McDonald
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