Re: [Marxism] Hatchet job on European left and anti-Semitism

2012-10-29 Thread Ethan Young
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Does writer Catron even guess that he's playing the game?

If Jews do in fact 'run the media', why is this 'out-of-whack'?  What could 
this possibly mean?
Does this 'fact' alter social relations in any way? Did it emerge as a result 
of subterfuge by threatening outsiders?
Raising the issue outside of any historical or class context serves only one 
purpose - stigmatizing and scapegoating a particular, ethnically identified 
social sector, despite all demurrals.
And given the history of such stigmatization, I have to ask, what's the point? 
Politically, that is?ey

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Re: [Marxism] The latest challenge to the Brenner thesis

2012-10-29 Thread shacht
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Is incoherence Brenner's stock in trade? Or is the effluvia of academic Marxism 
just the vapor of tenure tracked former activists? Who is this written for? 
What is its purpose? What effect is it supposed to have on an opposition to 
capitalism? What does Brenner do in an active way in the movement? Does serving 
on an editorial board further the socialist movement?

None of this is meant to be mean spirited, but only representative of a trend 
among intellectals who regard themselves as Marxists. I could be misinformed 
about what Brenner actually does. But my comments or questions are meant to 
address a phenomenon of what is in effect academic quietism - words without 
participation, lacking relevancy for a popular audience and in need of 
translation before they can be digested. I once downloaded an article from the 
University of California that was actually an introduction to a book he had 
written. The "introduction" was itself of inordinate length and to get past all 
the extraneous verbiage and qualifiers on the first page was a chore.I tried 
editing it but it seemed it would take a month. Economics is a difficult task 
enough to command without having to read it in a Henry James obscurantist 

I once spent the better part of a year attempting to put into publishable 
format a juridical history of slavery by the late George Olshausen, a 
Cochranite. Since I was charged by his will with the obligation to publish it I 
felt it deserved an audience. I passed it on to Leon Litwack, hoping that his 
blessing would help get a publisher, but couldn't get the blessing. George was 
an appellate lawyer, and a good one.

OK. Maybe its just late in the day, in the year, in the movement.



-Original Message-
From: guava tree 
To: Wayne M. Collins 
Sent: Thu, Oct 25, 2012 12:41 pm
Subject: Re: [Marxism] The latest challenge to the Brenner thesis

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>From "The Origins of Capitalist Devlopment: A Critique of Neo-Smithian Marxism"


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[Marxism] Moderator's note

2012-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 10/29/12 9:22 PM, Staci Page wrote:

Hey you I am out and about w/ a couple of my girlfriends at the
moment but let me give you this here so you can check out my pix and
if you're still interested you can just call me or or just send a
text, and we'll setup a meet after I return to my place if you txt me
while I am out and about, maybe I will be available to come over??

This schmuck is out of here.

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Re: [Marxism] Role of climate change in Hurricane Sandy

2012-10-29 Thread Staci Page
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Hey you I am out and about w/ a couple of my girlfriends at the moment but let 
me give you this here so you can check out my pix and if you're still 
interested you can just call me or or just send a text, and we'll setup a meet 
after I return to my place if you txt me while I am out and about, maybe I will 
be available to come over??

Sent from my iPhone

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[Marxism] Van Thanh Rudd on joining Socialist Alternative in Australia

2012-10-29 Thread En Passant with John Passant
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Van Thanh Rudd: What group in Australia is up to the task? What group out there 
sees the logic and potential of a revolutionary class in Australia (and the 
world) - one that sees the working class as the motor for changing a system 
that glo... 
rifies private property, into one that collectivizes property? And what is the 
group will fight for justice and achieve victories along the way in the ongoing 
struggle against war, greed, sexism, racism and inequality?

I believe it is Socialist Alternative.

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Re: [Marxism] The 43 Group

2012-10-29 Thread Einde O'Callaghan

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On 29.10.2012 13:37, Kit Johnson wrote:

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I'm currently researching The 43 Group who were an anti-fascist direct
action group operating in London immediately after WW2. Currently not
finding a great deal written about them in academic literature but from
what I've read thus far there were communists also actively attending and
disrupting some of the same fascist meetings as the 43 Group and so
wondered whether anyone on the list might be able to point me towards some
archive material that give accounts of some of these events or make
reference to the 43 Group.

An obvious place to start would be the literature cited in the Wikipedia 
article about the 43 Group:

Incidentally, as a young man Vidal Sassoon, later more famous as 
hairstylist to the stars, was an active member of the 43 Group.

Since one of the places where they were most active in opposing the BUF 
was Ridley Road Market in Dalston (in the Borough of Hackney) the 
archives in the local library, which is now called after C.L.R. James, 
might be a good place to start.

Einde O'Callaghan

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Re: [Marxism] Hatchet job on European left and anti-Semitism

2012-10-29 Thread Joseph Catron
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On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 8:56 PM, dan  wrote:

Only 28% of French people feel that "there is a disproportionate number of
> JEws in the media, entertainment, banking and legal industries" against 41%
> of Americans.

Are we obligated to pretend that all of those things are untrue?

I'm speaking of the United States here. In France, I have no idea, and it
could very well be different.

But disproportionate Jewish representation in the American media is hardly
a secret. It's just not.

And during the period when I worked with lawyers in New York, nobody -
least of all the Jews - was shy about observing their presence in the
profession was all out-of-whack, even compared with their local population.

I'm well aware that the offensiveness of some stereotypes doesn't hinge on
their accuracy.

Maybe this is one of those things, in France anyway. I really don't know.

But any pollster who flat-out asks, "Is this true?" is, well, asking for it.

"Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen

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Re: [Marxism] Hatchet job on European left and anti-Semitism

2012-10-29 Thread dan

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Again, all this talk of France being an "Antisemitic" nation is false.

But no matter how many times real facts and figures get quoted, the same 
"France is an antisemtic nation" nonsense keeps re-emerging. Again, and 
again, and again.

I posted last year, and the year before that, and the year before that, 
on the same issue.

French media have been intently monitoring antisemtism in France for 
over fourty years, and the universal consensus is that "JEWISHNESS IS 

Actually, French people display LESS antisemtic attitudes than American, 
British, German or Spanish citizens. In the most recent polls, less than 
23% of French people "would be bothered if their daughter married a 
JEwish man" compared to 37% of Americans. Only 28% of French people feel 
that "there is a disproportionate number of JEws in the media, 
entertainment, banking and legal industries" against 41% of Americans.

But France still gets branded as "antisemitic" by Zionist propagandists, 
and not the US. The fact that many French politicians, popular 
entertainers, leading intellectuals, are Jewish and that this is not an 
issue in France is disregarded. Only the occasional violent antisemitic 
terrorist act is reported (and I'm sure similar acts occur in the US) : 
the horrifying shooting in Toulouse, the plaster-grenade attack in 
Strasbourg,... Actually, I'd like to know how many antisemitic terrorist 
attacks are reported each year in the US (Neo-Nazi and Islamist combined).

Jews are not being persecuted in France, neither Ashkenazi or Sepharadis 
(more recent immigrants from former French colonies in Algeria, Morocco 
and Tunisia, and who are very vociferous in their pro-Zionist advocacy).

The reason why France is singled out for criticism appears to be 
France's official mildly (very mildly) "critical" stance towards the 
state of Israel. Palestinians and ISraelis are depicted as "two parties 
to a conflict", and France is reluctant to pick sides. Considering how 
Isreal is very clearly the agressor, this French stance is indeed mild, 
but it still does not please Zionists as much as the official US stance.

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[Marxism] Hurricane Sandy

2012-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] Why We Should Get Used to Catastrophic Weather

2012-10-29 Thread Dennis Brasky
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[Marxism] Communist composer Hans Werner Henze dies

2012-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect

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German composer Hans Werner Henze dies age 86

Imogen Tilden, Tom Service, Saturday 27 October 2012 14.58 BST  

The death of German composer Hans Werner Henze has been announced today.

Schott Music said that Henze, 86, died on Saturday in Dresden; the cause 
of death has not been disclosed, but Henze's health has been frail since 
suffering from a serious illness in his late 70s that left him 
incapacitated for two months in 2005.

Henze's work over the decades straddled musical genres. He composed 
stage works, symphonies, concertos, chamber works and a requiem. He once 
said that "many things wander from the concert hall to the stage and 
vice versa."

Henze was born July 1, 1926 in Gütersloh in western Germany. After 
studying and begun his career in Germany, he moved to Italy in 1953. 
Having lived through fascism, he became a committed communist, and many 
of his works of the 60s and 70s have an explicitly political inspiration 
(his Sixth Symphony was composed for Cuba). But the expressive freedom 
of Henze's music put him at odds with the post-war avant-garde. In Italy 
- in Ischia and latterly in a house in the hills outside Rome, he 
developed a language of searing, abundant poetry that drew on the 
Austro-German tradition from Beethoven to Berg yet was also infused with 
Mediterranean lightness and modernist astringency. His many operas, from 
Boulevard Solitude in 1951 to his final works in the genre, Phaedra, 
written in 2007 and Gisela, 2010, belong to the most important canon of 
theatrical works of our time (including We Come To The River, composed 
for Covent Garden in 1976); his series of 10 symphonies and other 
large-scale works are among the most significant reinvigorations of the 
orchestral tradition in the post-war period.

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[Marxism] Shakespeare on Frankenstorm

2012-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect

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KING LEAR: Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!
You cataracts and hurricanes, spout
Till you have drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks!
You sulphurous and thought-executing fires,
Vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunderbolts, 

Singe my white head! And thou, all-shaking thunder,
Smite flat the thick rotundity o' the world!
Crack nature's moulds, all germens spill at once,
That make ingrateful man!

Rumble thy bellyful! Spit, fire! spout, rain!

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[Marxism] The Ideas of Nikolai Bukharin

2012-10-29 Thread Ismail Lagardien
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Does anyone have an electronic copy of The Ideas of Nikolai Bukharin to share, 


Ismail Lagardien

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

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2012-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect

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Coup at Environmental Journal?
October 29, 2012 - 3:00am
By Scott Jaschik

The incoming editors of the journal Organization & Environment have 
posted on its website a notice in which they suggest that authors may 
want to hold off on submissions until December, when they will start to 
review pieces.

The notice reflects a reality that this isn’t a standard transition – 
but a shift in editorial direction for the journal that has its fans 
outraged and has led its editorial board to resign en masse. The 
editorial board members are charging that SAGE Journals (the publisher) 
is engaged in "an editorial coup" designed to displace environmental 
sociology and a leftist critique of environmental issues with an 
emphasis on the more business-friendly concept of sustainability. SAGE 
says that its changes for the journal have been misunderstood, and were 
designed to help the journal.

A joint statement from the editorial board members who have quit says 
that the changes are "a gross violation of academic freedom, scholarly 
standards, scientific responsibility, and business ethics." The 24 
editorial board members quitting include professors at leading 
universities in the United States along with academics from Australia, 
Austria, Canada and Mexico.

The editorial board members said in their statement that SAGE "used its 
ownership rights to carry out a behind the scenes shift in editorial 

One of the resigning board members – John Bellamy Foster of the 
University of Oregon – recently wrote to the environmental section of 
the American Sociological Association of the damage he said the shift 
would cause. Foster wrote that over the last decade, environmental 
sociology has flourished in part because of the commitment of 
Organization & Environment to publish such work. Prior to this work by 
Organization & Environment, many environmental sociologists had 
difficulty finding appropriate homes for their work, he wrote.

"O&E is being transformed from a self-designated ‘eco-social’ journal 
with strong links both to critical organizations theory and 
environmental sociology to one in which environmental sociology will be 
excluded, in favor of a sustainability-management (or green-capitalist) 
policy orientation," Foster writes. "This represents a major setback for 
environmental sociology, if not environmental social science as a whole."

This is not the first time SAGE has been accused of an editorial coup of 
a scholarly journal. Similar statements were made in 2009 by supporters 
for a political science journal managed by the publisher, which disputed 
those accounts.

Bob Howard, executive director for journals publishing at SAGE, issued a 
statement Sunday in response to questions about the resignations at 
Organization & Environment. He said he was "deeply concerned" about the 
resignations, but that they were based on the publisher's actions being 

He said that SAGE saw environmental sociology as "an important 
sub-discipline" but that "the number of scholars publishing in this 
field is small. As a consequence, the journal does not have strong copy 
flow and many issues publish late."

Howard added, "Our intervention was solely about maintaining the 
journal's quality and impact over the longer term I believe that by 
broadening the journal's remit, we can grow its reach and impact and 
that this will benefit the articles it publishes in environmental 
sociology, as well as in other related areas. Publishing without this 
broader remit was looking increasingly limiting to the journal's 
future." He said that the journal will continue to welcome pieces in 
environmental sociology, even as it moves into "other approaches."

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[Marxism] In praise of hatred

2012-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect

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I was honoured to be asked to write the introduction to the English 
translation of Khaled Khalifa‘s third novel, In Praise of Hatred – set 
in Syria in the 1980s and essential background reading for the current 
tragedy. Four paragraphs of the introduction are reprinted below, and 
then Maya Jaggi’s review in the Guardian.


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