Re: [Marxism] LRB review of Sperber bio of Karl Marx

2013-05-16 Thread Einde O'Callaghan

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On 17.05.2013 00:34, Louis Proyect wrote:

Marx died on 14 March 1883, 15 months after the death of his wife,
Jenny. He had just returned from a journey that took him to Algiers,
southern France and the Isle of Wight in search of a milder climate that
would mitigate the late-onset symptoms of the tuberculosis from which
his father suffered. Both in his funeral eulogy and his subsequent
writings, most notably the Anti-Dühring, Engels created a positivistic
image of Marx as a scientific socialist that was accepted by the mass
labour movements which emerged in the 1890s.

IIRC Anti-Dühring was published before Marx's death with Marx's 
encouragement and Marx even wrote the section on the economy. So for 
this reviewer: FAIL!

Einde O'callaghan

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Re: [Marxism] LRB review of Sperber bio of Karl Marx

2013-05-16 Thread Matthew Russo
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Lame, pedestrian pieces of logic stand out:

" His assumption that there was no contradiction between revolution and
would be proved wrong in the years after his death"

and this whole passage is a totally ignorant POS:

"Marx?s later economic writings also complicated the Communist
Manifesto?s bipolar account of class relations between bourgeoisie and
proletariat by devoting considerable attention to landowners and
agriculture, and by grappling with Malthus?s dire prediction that
population growth would outpace the land?s ability to sustain it. At a
time when agriculture in Europe was rapidly decreasing in size and
importance [Matt: but not in the US and Russia!], this too belonged to
a ?backward-looking economics?. Marx had little good to say about the
service sector, whose expansion would
be a central feature of 20th-century economies (?From the whore to the
pope, there is a mass of such scum,? was one of his more choice
remarks). When his economic theories finally aroused public discussion,
thanks to Engels?s posthumous publication of his manuscripts, ?most
economists were living in a completely different intellectual world from
the one Marx had inhabited.? The Austrian economist Eugen von
B?hm-Bawerk briskly dismissed his labour theory of value by pointing out
that prices and values are determined by market forces and consumer
preferences, not by labour time."

Marx has a lot to say about the "relative surplus population" at the end of
Vol I of Capital, of which the low wage service sector wage slaves of
Walmart and fast food belong to, to only name a few of the obvious.  This
relative surplus population is now an enormous percentage of the total
workforce, but is nevertheless required to go through the charade of
selling their capacity to labor for wages, despite not contributing to the
valorization process that now only requires a small percentage of the total
laboring population, as their labor power is not required for the
accumulation of capital.  This neatly expresses the domination of the
social relations of the valorization process over the whole of society
despite the fact that few are actively involved in it. And *that* is the
problem, dear nitwit reviewer.

This outcome Marx predicted 144 years ago.


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Fw: The Future of the Left - Conversation on Socialist Unity

2013-05-16 Thread Ethan Young
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Note: At the Future of the Left event in NYC June 5, Freedom Road Socialist 
Organization will be represented by Eric Odell.


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[Marxism] Wed. 5/22: "Why Do Popular Movements Vanish?"

2013-05-16 Thread seth weiss
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Do Popular Movements Vanish? 

  And Do They Have


Initiative invites you to a two-part exploration of the recent history of
failed revolts, and the questions they raise for the future.


May 22 and
June 26 at 7:00 p.m.


can attend in person: Pearl
Studios, 500 Eighth Avenue (35-36 Streets), Manhattan, Room 403


by telephone: write us to obtain the conference call number, or for other


do popular movements fail and die? Is the problem as simple as their not having
the “right ideas” or the “right form of organization,” as many people say--both
vanguardists and anarchists? We don’t think so.  As Hegel said, all beginnings 
are defective; the problem is
not that radical movements don’t immediately succeed, but that the lack of
immediate success causes them to vanish instead of reorganize. This “stopping
dead” results from lack of a concept and process for collective review,
re-thinking, and re-direction, i.e., the lack of objective grounds from which
new beginnings in thought and activity can arise. 


will look at the facts and implications of some high points and vanishings of
mass movements in the 1960s (such as the near-revolution in France in 1968),
the 1980s (the multi-million strong anti-nuke movement), and 2000s (the
anti-war and Occupy movements). 
And we will face the questions raised by their trajectories. Eschewing
romantic defeatism, we will try to learn some lessons for the future. 


will include veterans of 50 years of movement struggles—those of us who want to
work out what the 20th century philosopher Raya Dunayevskaya termed
“new beginnings that determine the end.”


attending should check our web journal, “With Sober Senses”
for a list of recommended readings.


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Re: [Marxism] Hard Hats, Hippies, and the Real Antiwar Movement - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2013-05-16 Thread Gulf Mann
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Many thanks. ~Gulfmann

On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 8:26 PM, Andren Sath  wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> It wasn't for me, but here's the text just in case:
> On 17 May 2013 13:21, Gulf Mann  wrote:
> >
> > This is behind a pay wall.
> >
> >>> >
> > 
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> > Set your options at:
> >
>  >
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Re: [Marxism] Hard Hats, Hippies, and the Real Antiwar Movement - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2013-05-16 Thread Andrew Pollack
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For NYers, she'll be talking on her book on May 20th:

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Re: [Marxism] Hard Hats, Hippies, and the Real Antiwar Movement - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2013-05-16 Thread Andren Sath
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It wasn't for me, but here's the text just in case:

Decades after its conclusion, the U.S. war in Vietnam remains an unsettled
part of our collective memory. Members of the military, veterans, scholars,
journalists, and artists continue to revisit and reinterpret the war,
assessing its historical significance while seeking meaning for wars fought
today. Despite the efforts of our political elites to put the ghosts of
Vietnam to rest, the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have prolonged these
discussions. Books and articles with titles like "Is Afghanistan Another
Vietnam?" abound. The economic and political imperatives that drive U.S.
foreign policy, the appropriate use of force, the domestic costs of war,
the treatment and trauma of veterans, whether today's wars are "winnable"
or "worth it"—appropriate or not, those are some of the many points of
comparison and concern.

Yet to some observers, the antiwar movement that quickly emerged (and
faded) after 9/11 was a different beast from that of the Vietnam era. "The
first thing you notice about the antiwar movement is that it isn't your
father's," quipped *New York *magazine in 2005. "It's no longer the good
workers of America against the crazy liberal elitists."

To the extent that our memory of Vietnam remains ambiguous, it underscores
the nagging uncertainty that the United States was left with after that
war. But amid this incomplete accounting, some dominant myths emerged that
continue to hold sway. An important one is a narrative about the antiwar
movement, which informs our contemporary understandings of class politics
as well as of the social sources of support for protest against war in the
United States.

The story we tell ourselves about social division over the war in Vietnam
follows a particular, class-specific outline: The war "split the country"
between "doves" and "hawks." The "doves," most often conflated with "the
movement," were upper-middle-class in their composition and politics. The
movement was the New Left, and a big part of what made the New Left "new"
was its break from the working-class politics and roots of the Old Left.
Think of Dr. Benjamin Spock, Tom Hayden, Jane Fonda, Eugene McCarthy,
George McGovern, Students for a Democratic Society, Weathermen: students,
intellectuals, professionals, celebrities; liberal or radical privileged

And what of the "hawks"? Beyond the military brass, war supporters are
often imagined as "ordinary" Americans: white people from Middle America (a
term coined in the 1960s), who supported God, country, and "our boys in the
'Nam." They were working-class patriots who insisted that criticism of the
war meant criticism of the soldier. "If you can't be with them, be for
them," as the sign read. Many of these Middle Americans epitomized moderate
middle-class solidity and stolidity, while the workers among them, or
members of the lower middle class, are remembered for having supported
George Wallace and Richard Nixon, and their status as Reagan Democrats was
imminent, even immanent, as early as 1968.

Most accounts of the working class depict them as largely supportive of the
war and hostile to the numerous movements for social change. We need look
no further than the most enduring image of the working class from that
period, a certain cranky worker from Queens, N.Y. The TV character Archie
Bunker, who brought the working class to prime time as white, bigoted,
sexist, homophobic, and yearning for the good old days before the welfare
state, when everybody pulled his weight, when girls were girls and men were

"Hardhats," a stereotype based primarily on construction workers in New
York City who assaulted antiwar protesters at a Manhattan rally in May
1970, were the iconic hawks. The most important working-class institution
in the postwar era, the AFL-CIO, is remembered for being virulently
anticommunist and vociferously pro-war; big labor's embrace of the Vietnam
cause confirmed the image of the working-class patriot who shouts "Love it
or leave it!" at young, entitled hippies.

Working-class opposition to the war in Vietnam was far more widespread than
is remembered.

But this memory of the Vietnam era contains only half-truths, and overall
it is a falsehood. The notion that liberal elites dominated the antiwar
movement has served to obfuscate a more complex story. Working-class
opposition to the war was significantly more widespread than is remembered,
and parts of the movement found roots in working-class communities and

In fact, by and large, the greatest support for the war came from the
privileged elite, despite the visible dissension of a minority of its
leaders and youth. The country was divided over the war, alongside many
other pressing social issues—but the cla

Re: [Marxism] Hard Hats, Hippies, and the Real Antiwar Movement - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2013-05-16 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 5/16/13 9:21 PM, Gulf Mann wrote:

This is behind a pay wall.

Weird. My Columbia ID failed to get past the paywall as well. I will 
check tomorrow.

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Re: [Marxism] Hard Hats, Hippies, and the Real Antiwar Movement - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2013-05-16 Thread Gulf Mann
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This is behind a pay wall.

On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 7:59 PM, Louis Proyect  wrote:

> ==**==**==
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> ==**==**==
> __**__
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> Marxism@greenhouse.economics.**
> Set your options at: http://greenhouse.economics.**

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[Marxism] Hard Hats, Hippies, and the Real Antiwar Movement - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2013-05-16 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] Neil Davidson on rethinking bourgeois revolution | John Riddell

2013-05-16 Thread Louis Proyect

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Re: [Marxism] Future of Marxmail

2013-05-16 Thread William Quimby

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In conjunction with DW's suggestion that the contributions have gone 
down by a third,
you might want to ask in the survey (if it is permissible and not deemed 
as being nosy)
if the list member is also subscribed to PEN-L or LBO-Talk. I notice 
that threads often jump


- Bill

Louis said...

At some point Les Schaffer will be announcing a membership survey that 
will give us an idea
of where our subscribers live. My sense is that well over 50 and maybe 
up to a hundred are

based in India and Pakistan based on the names.

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[Marxism] LRB review of Sperber bio of Karl Marx

2013-05-16 Thread Louis Proyect

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London Review of Books Vol. 35 No. 10 · 23 May 2013

Marx v. The Rest
Richard J. Evans

Karl Marx: A Nineteenth-Century Life by Jonathan Sperber
Norton, 648 pp, £25.00, May, ISBN 978 0 87140 467 1

Do we need another biography of Marx to go alongside the many we already 
have? The justification given by Jonathan Sperber is compelling. 
Previous accounts of Marx’s life have gone one of two ways. Either he is 
seen as a prophet of modern times, a seer whose theories help us 
understand the predicament we are in, especially in times of economic 
crisis, an inspiration to everyone who wishes to see state and society 
emancipated and transformed. Or, alternatively, he was a misguided and 
misguiding ideologue whose theories have been responsible for some of 
the worst crimes of the 20th century. This book aims to scrape away the 
patina of retrospective polemic to reveal Marx in the context of his own 
times. Sperber’s career as a social and political historian has centred 
on the Rhineland in the mid-19th century, but he has also produced 
wide-ranging and authoritative surveys of modern European history, 
including a comprehensive study of the 1848 Revolutions. It quickly 
becomes clear that he is ideally qualified to carry out the task he has 
set himself.

He begins by emphasising, not Marx’s Jewish background, but the roots of 
his thought in the Enlightenment. He was born on the western fringes of 
Germany, in the small, declining provincial town of Trier, which for two 
decades in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic period had been incorporated 
into France. The education he was given purveyed many of the central 
ideas of the Enlightenment, which had also been a source of inspiration 
for his father, Heinrich Marx, a lawyer who had demonstrated his 
intellectual boldness in the deeply conservative, Catholic milieu of 
Trier by converting from Judaism to a rationalistic form of Protestantism.

At Bonn University, where his father sent him to study law, Marx seems 
to have spent his time drinking and duelling, and his disappointed 
father dispatched him to Berlin in the hope that he would take his legal 
studies more seriously there. He became engaged to Jenny von Westphalen, 
the daughter of a family friend. Jenny was not, as some biographers have 
claimed, his social superior; her father Ludwig von Westphalen had only 
recently been ennobled, and with a second-rank title. He had no fortune 
but depended on his salary as a minor bureaucrat, and without the 
prospect of a dowry, Jenny was not a good match. Scandal was caused only 
by the fact that, most unusually for a bourgeois marriage in 
19th-century Germany, she was four years older than Marx, who was still 
only 18 at the time of their engagement. Even as a young man, Marx 
defied convention.

Once in Berlin, Marx, like many of his fellow students, fell under the 
influence of Hegel, the ‘Prussian state philosopher’ who had occupied a 
chair at the university until he died in the cholera epidemic of 1831. 
Heinrich was not amused when his son sent him a long letter informing 
him that he had ‘chained’ himself ‘to the current world philosophy’. 
Marx’s father was in the last stages of tuberculosis, and died in May 
1838, after which his modest estate was divided up between his widow and 
surviving children according to the Napoleonic law that held sway in the 
Rhineland, leaving Marx with next to nothing. Back in Berlin, he fell in 
with the Young Hegelians, a loose group of intellectuals who, Sperber 
writes, ‘combined deeply earnest intellectual speculation with a raucous 
and bohemian lifestyle, in a way that proved very attractive to Marx’. 
Their attempts to apply the master’s philosophy to theology and Biblical 
criticism propelled them towards atheism and got them into trouble with 
the pious new king of Prussia, Friedrich Wilhelm IV, who came to the 
throne in 1840 and turned the government’s educational policy in a more 
conservative direction. Denied university careers, the Young Hegelian 
thinkers moved rapidly to the left.

Felix Dennis Tour 2013

Sperber plays down the influence of Feuerbach, whom Marx never met; 
although his notes on Feuerbach’s writings were voluminous, the famous 
11th thesis (‘Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world: the 
point is to change it’) was buried among many others and never published 
in Marx’s lifetime. More to his taste was Bruno Bauer, a rough and 
aggressive man who brought him into the Young Hegelian circle. Back in 
Bonn after completing his studies, Marx followed Bauer in launching a 
public campaign in favour of atheism. Under the new Prussian regime, 
this spelled the end of any prospect of an academic career for either of 
them. Moving to nearby Cologne, Marx bec

[Marxism] Don't Get Sucked Into Obama Scandal–mania | The Nation

2013-05-16 Thread Louis Proyect

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The sleazy Nation Magazine rallies around the Obama flag.

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[Marxism] Heinrich Blucher and Hans Jonas

2013-05-16 Thread Louis Proyect

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Just came back from a press screening of "Hannah Arendt", a film 
directed by Margerethe von Trotta that opens at the Film Forum on 5/29. 
I will have much more to say about this film that focuses on Arendt's 
New Yorker articles on the Eichmann trial but want to mention at this 
point that two of the lead characters were professors of mine. One was 
Heinrich Blucher, who was Arendt's husband and my professor at Bard; the 
other was Hans Jonas, who was my philosophy professor at the New School 
Graduate Faculty and a long-time friend of Arendt who broke with her for 
a couple of years over her articles that was judged at the time as an 
apology for Eichmann (the banality of evil argument was hard for many to 
swallow, especially hard-core Zionists like Hans Jonas.) These profiles 
on Blucher and Jonas come from the press notes at Film Forum:

HEINRICH BLÜCHER was born in 1899 in Berlin. The son of a factory worker 
who died before he was born, was raised by his laundress mother. He was 
drafted into World War I before finishing school, and returned to join 
the rebellious soldier’s council — one of the many Worker’s Councils who 
rioted in the streets when the war finally came to an end. Blücher 
joined Rosa Luxemburg’s Spartacus League and soon afterwards, he became 
a member of the German Communist Party. He had a hunger for learning — 
but not for schooling. He also avoided gainful employment in order to 
read as much as possible — consuming Shakespeare, Marx, Engels and Trotsky.

Although he was a Gentile, in his adventurous quest to educate himself, 
he joined the “Blue White,” a Zionist youth group. He also worked on 
various cabaret and film projects before fleeing the Nazi regime in 1933 
to Prague, and later to France. It was in Paris that he met and fell 
quickly in love with Hannah Arendt. After one youthful marriage, and a 
second to secure citizenship for a girlfriend, Arendt became his third 
wife. Together they escaped via Spain and Portugal to the U.S., and 
settled in New York. Blücher lectured at the New School for Social 
Research, and starting in 1952 — despite his lack of even a high school 
diploma — he taught at Bard College as a Professor of philosophy. 
Heinrich Blücher died in 1970. In one of his last lectures he 
anonymously invokes his relationship with Arendt: “What counts now is 
the mutual insight of two personalities who recognize and respect each 
other as such; who in effect can say to each other, ‘I guarantee you the 
development of your personality and you guarantee me the development of 
mine.’ This is the basis of all real community thinking.” After thirty - 
four years together, Arendt found it nearly impossible to imagine life 
without her husband.

HANS JONAS was born on May 10, 1903, in Mönchengladbach. His father was 
a textile manufacturer; his mother was the daughter of the Chief Rabbi 
of Krefeld. Against the wishes of his father, Jonas became involved in 
Zionist circles. He also began studying philosophy and art history in 
Freiburg and Marburg, under Martin Heidegger and Edmund Husserl. Jonas 
met Hannah Arendt when both were young students, and except for one 
bitter but temporary interruption, they remained friends their entire 
lives. In August 1933 he immigrated to London; then went to Jerusalem 
1935, where in 1944 he joined the Jewish Brigade of the British Army and 
fought against the Germans. I n 1949 he moved to Canada, and then in 
1955 finally settled in Ne w Rochelle, New York, where he had a joyous 
reunion with Arendt and joined her circle of friends. He took guest 
professorships at various prestigious universities in the U.S., mainly 
lecturing on the history of philosophy and the humanities. Their 
friendship was heavily strained by a conflict arising from the release 
of Arendt’s articles and book on Adolf Eichmann. They didn’t speak for 
two years, but Jonas’ wife Lore finally helped the two old friends mend 
their rift.

My past articles on Blucher and Jonas:

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[Marxism] Murray Smith on the "to the left of social democracy"

2013-05-16 Thread glparramatta

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Re: [Marxism] The limited future of MarxMail?

2013-05-16 Thread Ralph Johansen

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Jeff wrote

I went to the page it told
me I had to have a Facebook ID and graciously offered to sign me up, which
will absolutely not happen. Now I'm sure the person posting that meant well
and probably didn't realize that he was excluding half of us from reading
the article (or worse, that he was giving Facebook an additional lure to
suck new people into it!). But that shouldn't happen: all URL's sent to the
list should be openly accessible. Articles requiring a subscription should
instead be copied into the email 
 and sent out that way (copyrights


Agree. I don't sign up for much of anything anymore; it gives more 
hucksters a chance to flood my mailbox with spam, which is already full 
of it, and I don't in any case see any overriding advantage to signing 
up for twitter, facebook or whatever, rather than just relying on plain 
openly accessible email. So tell me what I might be missing.

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Re: [Marxism] Future of Marxmail

2013-05-16 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 5/16/13 12:08 PM, Marla Vijaya kumar wrote:

Louis, I should congratulate you for this superb way Marxmail is
maintained. I spend at least 1 hr each day going through the mails.
There are so many other commitments for the me - so I could not
actively participate in the discussions. The CP work takes away most
of my time. I wish Marxmail a long and bright future. Vijaya Kumar

Thanks, comrade. You surely must be aware that despite our ideological 
differences, I value your participation highly as I do that of other 
Indian comrades. At some point Les Schaffer will be announcing a 
membership survey that will give us an idea of where our subscribers 
live. My sense is that well over 50 and maybe up to a hundred are based 
in India and Pakistan based on the names.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Fw: The Future of the Left - Conversation on Socialist Unity

2013-05-16 Thread Andrew Pollack
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-- Forwarded Message --
From: Left Labor Project 
Subject: The Future of the Left - Conversation on Socialist Unity
Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 13:13:12 -0400 (EDT)


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

[image: RSVP today for June 5th Left Unity
is our great pleasure to invite you to a very important and exciting
the details of which and the participating organizations are listed
below. (Download
a printable flyer

I do not believe it is necessary to talk at length about the need for a
strong left in the USA, how weak we presently are, and the long fractious
history of periods of lack of cooperation among us. This event, with seven
different participating organizations, is not seen as a stand alone
event. It is hoped that it will lead to not just broader discussions but
more concrete steps towards unity of action as well.

With *Mark Solomon* of the CCDS leading off based on his widely circulated
and discussed article in
respondents from Jacobin Magazine, Democratic Socialists of America,
CPUSA, and Freedom Road Socialist Organization, we think this will be a
most interesting initial dialogue. Another unique aspect of this event is
that we intend this to be a relatively brief program. The reception to
follow will be of equal importance so that everyone attending the program
can have an opportunity to interact  with the panelists, *and each other*.


Looking forward to seeing you there.

In Solidarity,

Larry Moskowitz
Event Coordinator

*The Future of the Left - A Conversation on Socialist Unity*

Chaired by *Pat Fry* – Left Labor Project
Opening remarks from Mark Solomon – Committees of Correspondence for
Democracy and Socialism
Responses by:
•*Bhaskar Sunkara*, Editor – Jacobin Magazine
•*Libero Della Piana*, Vice Chair – Communist Party USA
•*Maria Svart*, National Director – Democratic Socialists of America
•*Sendolo Diaminah*, General Secretary – Freedom Road Socialist

Hosted by:
•Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism
•Communist Party USA
•Democratic Socialists of America
•Freedom Road Socialist Organization

*With participation and support from: Jacobin Magazine | Left Labor Project
| Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office *

Click here to unsubscribe from future mailings from the

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[Marxism] Future of Marxmail

2013-05-16 Thread Marla Vijaya kumar
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       I should congratulate you for this superb way Marxmail is maintained. I 
spend at least 1 hr each day going through the mails. There are so many other 
commitments for the me - so I could not actively participate in the 
discussions. The CP work takes away most of my time. I wish Marxmail a long and 
bright future.
Vijaya Kumar Marla

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Re: [Marxism] Dirty Wars

2013-05-16 Thread Gulf Mann
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JSOC (plus Green Berets, Rangers, Seal Teams, etc.) = SS. All composed of
delusional, psychopathic, sociopathic stalkers and killers. All composed of
volunteer troops who are of course in denial about this and who are more
consciously motivated by thrills, machoism, and patriotism. All witting or
unwitting loyal enforcers for the corporatist capitalist/imperialist Ruling
Class criminal mob.

On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 7:06 PM, Louis Proyect  wrote:

> ==**==**==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==**==**==
> I'll be writing a review on this closer to the release date but just want
> to say at this point that it is the best antiwar film I have seen since
> 2003. It has the political edge of Michael Moore at his best with something
> of the tension of one of the Bourne films.
> Look out for it when it arrives at your local theater...
> You are invited to an advanced screening of Dirty Wars a film by
> investigative journalist and national security correspondent at The Nation
> and author of the international bestseller Blackwater: The Rise of the
> Worlds Most Powerful Mercenary Army Jeremy Scahill  and director Richard
> Rowley. Opens in theaters Jun 7.
> trailer:
> Richard Rowley and Jeremy Scahill deliver this summers political thriller
> exposing Obama's counterterrorism measures in the Middle East.   in Dirty
> Wars Rowley takes us on a chilling ride with investigative reporter Jeremy
> Scahill as he traces the rise of the Joint Special Operations Command
> (JSOC), the most secret and elite fighting force in U.S. history, exposing
> covert operations carried out by men who do not exist on paper and will
> never appear before Congress. No target is off-limits for the JSOC “kill
> list,” even if the person is a U.S. citizen.
> __**__
> Send list submissions to: 
> Marxism@greenhouse.economics.**
> Set your options at: http://greenhouse.economics.**

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Re: [Marxism] The limited future of MarxMail?

2013-05-16 Thread DW
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So long as the web page is maintained I don't care. I would hate to get
tons of email form this list in my actual inbox! That would be terrible. Of
course the actual number of postings seems to be about 1/3 of what it was
just a few years ago, as people have migrated to other lists or websites.
Don't know if this is actually true but it does seem the amount of posts
has fallen a lot.


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[Marxism] The Syrian Regime: Running out of Tricks

2013-05-16 Thread Louis Proyect

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

[An edited translation from the Azmi Bishara Arabic facebook page]

What action could a regime conceivably take which this regime has 
not already undertaken? First came the wholesale killing and bombing; it 
now asks to be admitted to the US-led club of states which combat 
terrorism, on the grounds that it battles against Jabhat Al Nusra and 
other similar groups. Only yesterday, its representative to the United 
Nations sought to curry favour with Israeli- and American-Jewish public 
opinion with his statement before the General Assembly when he spoke of:

“…the destruction of the region's oldest Jewish Temple [synagogue] 
in the Damascus suburbs, and the sale of its contents in markets in 
Beirut and elsewhere by these armed gangs and peddlers of pain. These 
are methodical, barbaric violations of the sanctity of shrines and holy 
places, bringing to mind the destruction of statues of Buddha [at 
Bamiyan] in Afghanistan, and similar actions taken in Tunisia, Libya, 
Mali and Occupied Palestine.”

Significantly, Syria’s official SANA news agency left out the word 
“Jewish” from its official coverage. Is there a variety of insincerity 
left for this regime to resort to, now that it now knows, officially, 
that the Israelis do not want to see its collapse?

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[Marxism] Columbia University seeks to end whites-only clause in scholarship requirement -

2013-05-16 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] 'The Strangest Conference I Ever Attended' - Percolator - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2013-05-16 Thread Louis Proyect

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Bard College for sale.

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Re: [Marxism] The limited future of MarxMail?

2013-05-16 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 5/16/13 3:45 AM, Ratbag Media wrote:

As well: no facebook presence.And on facebook some of the best,
more considerate,  political exchanges are being had...

u r rite. but twitter better, tomorrow we migrate. lenin and cat. lol.

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Re: [Marxism] The limited future of MarxMail?

2013-05-16 Thread Jeff
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At 17:45 16/05/2013 +1000, Ratbag Media wrote:
>When is MarxMail gonna offer a RSS feed?
>Without it, the list's future is constrained

"Constrained???" Geez, I had never never imagined that my extolling the
virtues of standard email would ever make me sound "old fashioned." But
even if that's how some would view me, I'm still quite certain that
standard email (practically the oldest internet protocol which has no need
for replacement and continues as an essential service) will remain
important for the rest of my lifetime, but I'd also predict for the
lifetime of the youngest members on this list (but of course if I'm wrong,
I'll never know about it, and you're free to laugh and dance on my grave :-)

>As well: no facebook presence.

And I was going to bring the issue of Facebook myself, but in the opposite
direction. Recently a list member forwarded a Facebook link for an article
which I would have looked at. EXCEPT that when I went to the page it told
me I had to have a Facebook ID and graciously offered to sign me up, which
will absolutely not happen. Now I'm sure the person posting that meant well
and probably didn't realize that he was excluding half of us from reading
the article (or worse, that he was giving Facebook an additional lure to
suck new people into it!). But that shouldn't happen: all URL's sent to the
list should be openly accessible. Articles requiring a subscription should
instead be copied into the email and sent out that way (copyrights

- Jeff

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[Marxism] The limited future of MarxMail?

2013-05-16 Thread Ratbag Media
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

When is MarxMail gonna offer a RSS feed?

Without it, the list's future is constrained

As well: no facebook presence.And on facebook some of the best,
more considerate,  political exchanges are being had...

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[Marxism] Haiti: Sweatshop 'development' worsening poverty

2013-05-16 Thread Stuart Munckton
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

"Haiti offers a marvelous opportunity for American
investment."reported *Financial
America* in 1926. "The run-of-the-mill Haitian is handy, easily directed
and gives a hard day's labor for 20 cents, while in Panama the same day's
work costs [US]$3."

That may be the most honest portrayal of the offshore industry in Haiti yet.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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