[Marxism] Exclusive excerpt: 'Ruth First and Joe Slovo in the war against apartheid' (Monthly Review Press) | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-07-14 Thread glparramatta

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An excerpt from *Alan Wieder'*s new book, /Ruth First and Joe Slovo in 
the war against apartheid,/ published by *Monthly Review Press 
http://monthlyreview.org/press/*. It is posted with the kind 
permission of Monthly Review Press.

July 14, 2013 -- *Ruth First* and *Joe Slovo*, husband and wife, were 
leaders of the war to end apartheid in South Africa. Communists, 
scholars, parents, and uncompromising militants, they were the perfect 
enemies for the white police state. Together they were swept up in the 
growing resistance to apartheid, and together they experienced 
repression and exile.

Their contributions to the liberation struggle, as individuals and as a 
couple, are undeniable. Ruth agitated tirelessly for the overthrow of 
apartheid, first in South Africa and then from abroad, and Joe directed 
much of the armed struggle carried out by the famous /Umkhonto we 
Sizwe/. Only one of them, however, would survive to see the fall of the 
old regime and the founding of a new, democratic South Africa.

This book by Alan Wieder, the first extended biography of Ruth First and 
Joe Slovo, is a remarkable account of one couple and the revolutionary 
moment in which they lived. Alan Wieder's heavily researched work draws 
on the usual primary and secondary sources but also an extensive oral 
history that he has collected over many years. By intertwining the 
documentary record with personal interviews, Wieder portrays the 
complexities and contradictions of this extraordinary couple and their 
efforts to navigate a time of great tension, upheaval, and revolutionary 

Read or download the extract at http://links.org.au/node/3439

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[Marxism] Zimmerman found not guilty

2013-07-14 Thread Adam Turl
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The verdict was delivered by six jurors--with not a single Black member
among them, nor the four alternates, even though Sanford is nearly 30
percent African American. But an entire system--racist through and
through--failed the test of bringing some measure of justice for Trayvon
Martin and his family: police, prosecutors, state officials and
officeholders, judges, the media, and on and on.

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Re: [Marxism] Zimmerman found not guilty

2013-07-14 Thread Greg McDonald
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On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 6:30 AM, Greg McDonald gregm...@gmail.com wrote:

 To wit:

The defense also had one piece of irrefutable evidence, photographs of Mr.
Zimmerman’s injuries — a bloody nose along with lumps and two cuts on his
head. It indicated that there had been a fight and that Mr. Zimmerman had
been harmed, and the defense showed them to the jury at every opportunity.


Looks like the defense successfully established a reasonable doubt.

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Re: [Marxism] Is There Anything Truly Sustainable or Humane About Eating Meat?

2013-07-14 Thread Daniel Rocha
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In order to have large crops, one has to adopt pest control methods. Which
means killing animals (insects, mostly) in a huge scale. They are small,
but their numbers compensate for that.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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Re: [Marxism] Zimmerman found not guilty

2013-07-14 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 7/14/13 7:00 AM, Greg McDonald wrote:

The defense also had one piece of irrefutable evidence, photographs of Mr.
Zimmerman’s injuries — a bloody nose along with lumps and two cuts on his
head. It indicated that there had been a fight and that Mr. Zimmerman had
been harmed, and the defense showed them to the jury at every opportunity.


Looks like the defense successfully established a reasonable doubt.

But the real issue was not whether there was a fight. It was whether 
Zimmerman stalked Trayvon Martin. The cops told him to stay in his car. 
A neighborhood watch is exactly that, people volunteering to keep an eye 
on suspicious individuals. To start with, being Black in this gated 
housing complex was tantamount to being suspicious. But even with that 
being the case. All Zimmerman was entitled to do was monitor his 
activity. This is useful background on Sanford, Florida:


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[Marxism] Idiotic statement on Sadat by Islamophobe

2013-07-14 Thread Louis Proyect

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As I pointed out a while ago, Shamus Cooke is an ubiquitous supporter of 
the Syrian Baathists, using all the boiler-plate anti-imperialist 

Today he has a piece on ZNET where he tries to put the best possible 
spin on the Egyptian army overthrowing the Muslim Brotherhood 
government, a party that he has described as not a natural expression 
of the religious attitudes of people in the Middle East, but instead an 
unnatural political creation that serves a specific geo-political 
agenda, specifically that of the United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.

He has now escalated his stupidity into the stratosphere:

It's true that many Egyptians have a semi-idealized view of the 
Egyptian military; but this is not a sheepish bow to authority, but a 
uniquely Egyptian perspective based on real history. Former Presidents 
Nasser and Sadat were military-linked heads of state who played a 
progressive role in many arenas of Egyptian life, especially in 
economics and national independence (in recent polls Sadat and Nasser 
remained the two most popular Egyptian politicians to date, regardless 
of both having died decades ago).


Sadat played a progressive role in many arenas of Egyptian life?

No wonder so many young people when offered a platter of Marxism look 
for some other dish on the menu.

It also irks me that Cooke provides no footnote on recent polls. I 
spent 15 minutes looking through Google and Nexis to find any such 
polling and nothing turns up.

During the entire course of the anti-imperialist defense of military 
rule in the Middle East--from Colonel Qaddafi, to the Syrian heavy 
artillery and air force liberating Qusair, and now to Sadat--one of 
the main casualties besides the Arab people has been leftist journalism.

If I were writing an article for ZNET (as if I would ever have anything 
to do with a toad like Michael Albert), I would not dream of making such 
a statement without backing it up. Here are the facts on Sadat:


A short history of the country-wide uprising against the termination of 
state subsidies for basic commodities in January 1977. Despite savage 
repression resulting in hundreds of deaths, spontaneous strikes, 
demonstrations, and widespread rioting forced the government to back 
down in just two days.

In 1974, Egypt’s president, Anwar El Sadat, embarked on a series of 
economic reforms, pursuing an open-door, or ‘Infitah‘, economic policy. 
Wishing to encourage foreign and domestic investment in the private 
sector, Sadat sought to reverse the policies of his predecessor, Gamal 
Abdel Nasser, under whom Egypt had seen massive nationalisations and the 
emergence of a planned economy with little private investment.

These reforms also had a political factor; Sadat was seeking to move 
closer to the United States and the West and to distance himself from 
the policy of ‘positive neutralism’ employed by Nasser in regard to his 
attitude towards the Soviet Union and the West. Nasser’s policies had 
alienated opinion in Britain and the United States, and led to the 
withdrawal of investment offers to Egypt, and eventually to the 
nationalisation and crisis of the Suez Canal. By moving closer to the 
West, Sadat hoped to attract investors back to Egypt.

Sadat’s government began by privatising large state-run firms, and 
returning land that had been nationalised under Nasser to its former 
owners. This policy had the desired effect; foreign investment returned, 
land speculation was rife, the construction and tourism industries 
enjoyed a boom and consumer imports increased.

Egypt still had a large debt burden, and in late 1976 Sadat took a 
series of loans from the World Bank with the condition that state 
subsidies on foodstuffs and other essential commodities would be 
severely limited.

On January 17, 1977, the government announced plans to cancel around 
LE277 million (around £30 million) worth of subsidies, especially on 
food, as well as the cancellation of bonuses and pay rises for state 
employees. This immediately led to rapid price increases.

Reaction to the announcement was immediate. On the morning of the 18th 
workers in factories around Cairo walked out. At Helwan, an industrial 
city just south of the capital, workers rushed out of the factories and 
on to the streets in spontaneous demonstration against the government. 
Workers in Shoubra el Kheima, to the north of Cairo, did much the same, 
in many cases occupying their workplaces.

Students of engineering at Ain Shams University held mass meetings and 
organised a march on parliament, which was joined by civil servants and 

Re: [Marxism] Zimmerman found not guilty

2013-07-14 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 7/14/13 8:42 AM, Greg McDonald wrote:

Well, I agree it was bad judgement on Zimmerman's part to follow Martin,
but, strictly speaking, that is not an illegal act. The real issue IS
precisely the fact that there was an altercation, that Martin appears to
have had the upper hand (good for him), and that Z. felt he was in danger.
  Am I missing something here?

The Stand Your Ground law in Florida, which is fucked up to begin 
with, allows you to shoot somebody who has broken into your house. It 
was never intended to provide legal cover for stalking somebody as was 
the case here.

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Re: [Marxism] Zimmerman found not guilty

2013-07-14 Thread Greg McDonald
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On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 8:58 AM, Louis Proyect l...@panix.com wrote:

 On 7/14/13 8:42 AM, Greg McDonald wrote:

 Well, I agree it was bad judgement on Zimmerman's part to follow Martin,
 but, strictly speaking, that is not an illegal act. The real issue IS
 precisely the fact that there was an altercation, that Martin appears to
 have had the upper hand (good for him), and that Z. felt he was in danger.
   Am I missing something here?

 The Stand Your Ground law in Florida, which is fucked up to begin with,
 allows you to shoot somebody who has broken into your house. It was never
 intended to provide legal cover for stalking somebody as was the case here.

The Stand your ground law seems to differ from strict castle doctrine.


Florida’s law states “a person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity
and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be
has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and
meet force with force, including deadly force, if he or she reasonably
believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to
himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible

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Re: [Marxism] Zimmerman found not guilty

2013-07-14 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 7/14/13 9:12 AM, Greg McDonald wrote:

The Stand your ground law seems to differ from strict castle doctrine.


Florida’s law states “a person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity
and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be
has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and
meet force with force, including deadly force, if he or she reasonably
believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to
himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible

This would make sense only if Trayvon Martin was stalking Zimmerman, not 
the other way around.

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[Marxism] Whites and African-Americans in America by the numbers | Informed Comment

2013-07-14 Thread Louis Proyect

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Re: [Marxism] Zimmerman found not guilty

2013-07-14 Thread Greg McDonald
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On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 9:17 AM, Louis Proyect l...@panix.com wrote:

 On 7/14/13 9:12 AM, Greg McDonald wrote:

 The Stand your ground law seems to differ from strict castle doctrine.


 Florida’s law states “a person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity
 and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be
 has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and
 meet force with force, including deadly force, if he or she reasonably
 believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to
 himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible

 This would make sense only if Trayvon Martin was stalking Zimmerman, not
 the other way around.

Stalking is not attacking. The defense obviously established that Zimmerman
may have exercised poor judgement, but he was not engaged in any illegal
activity when he found himself lying on the ground with Martin astride.
 Again, the facts surrounding the altercation seem unclear, thus the
defense was able to establish doubt in the minds of the jurors, who, being
all white, were obviously inclined to give the defendant the benefit of
said doubt.


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Re: [Marxism] Zimmerman found not guilty

2013-07-14 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 7/14/13 9:23 AM, Greg McDonald wrote:

  Again, the facts surrounding the altercation seem unclear, thus the
defense was able to establish doubt in the minds of the jurors, who, being
all white, were obviously inclined to give the defendant the benefit of
said doubt.

If a Black had killed a white in similar circumstances, an all-white 
jury would have returned a guilty verdict. This was a similar case:


Bernhard Hugo Goetz (born November 7, 1947) shot four young men who he 
said were trying to mug him on a New York City Subway train, resulting 
in his conviction for illegal possession of a firearm. He came to 
symbolize New Yorkers' frustrations with the high crime rates of the 
1980s. The incident sparked a nationwide debate on race and crime in 
major cities, and the legal limits of self-defense.

The incident occurred on a 2 train in Manhattan on December 22, 1984. 
Goetz fired an unlicensed revolver five times, seriously wounding all 
four. He surrendered to police nine days later and was eventually 
charged with attempted murder, assault, reckless endangerment, and 
several firearms offenses. A jury found him not guilty of all charges 
except an illegal firearms possession count, for which he served 
two-thirds of a one-year sentence. One of the shot men became a 
paraplegic as a result of his injury and obtained a civil judgement of 
$43 million against Goetz.

Goetz was dubbed the Subway Vigilante by the New York press, and was 
both praised and vilified in the media and in public opinion. The 
incident has been cited as a contributing factor to the groundswell 
movement against urban crime and disorder, and successful National Rifle 
Association campaigns to loosen restrictions on the concealed carrying 
of firearms.

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[Marxism] Disturbing chart shows rise in “justified killings” of blacks in U.S.

2013-07-14 Thread Louis Proyect

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Re: [Marxism] Zimmerman found not guilty

2013-07-14 Thread Greg McDonald
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On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Louis Proyect l...@panix.com wrote:

 Again, the facts surrounding the altercation seem unclear, thus the
 defense was able to establish doubt in the minds of the jurors, who, being
 all white, were obviously inclined to give the defendant the benefit of
 said doubt.

 If a Black had killed a white in similar circumstances, an all-white jury
 would have returned a guilty verdict. This was a similar case:


 Bernhard Hugo Goetz (born November 7, 1947) shot four young men who he
 said were trying to mug him on a New York City Subway train, resulting in
 his conviction for illegal possession of a firearm. He came to symbolize
 New Yorkers' frustrations with the high crime rates of the 1980s. The
 incident sparked a nationwide debate on race and crime in major cities, and
 the legal limits of self-defense.

 The incident occurred on a 2 train in Manhattan on December 22, 1984.
 Goetz fired an unlicensed revolver five times, seriously wounding all four.
 He surrendered to police nine days later and was eventually charged with
 attempted murder, assault, reckless endangerment, and several firearms
 offenses. A jury found him not guilty of all charges except an illegal
 firearms possession count, for which he served two-thirds of a one-year
 sentence. One of the shot men became a paraplegic as a result of his injury
 and obtained a civil judgement of $43 million against Goetz.

 Goetz was dubbed the Subway Vigilante by the New York press, and was
 both praised and vilified in the media and in public opinion. The incident
 has been cited as a contributing factor to the groundswell movement against
 urban crime and disorder, and successful National Rifle Association
 campaigns to loosen restrictions on the concealed carrying of firearms.


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[Marxism] How 'duty to retreat' became 'stand your ground' - CNN.com

2013-07-14 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] Inside look at the internal strife over Al Jazeera America | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

2013-07-14 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] Anton Antonov-Ovseyenko, Who Exposed Stalin Terror, Dies at 93

2013-07-14 Thread Louis Proyect

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NY Times July 10, 2013
Anton Antonov-Ovseyenko, Who Exposed Stalin Terror, Dies at 93

“It is the duty of every honest person to write the truth about Stalin,” 
Anton Antonov-Ovseyenko, a Soviet historian and dissident, wrote in the 
preface of his seminal book, “The Time of Stalin: Portrait of a 
Tyranny,” published illegally in 1981.

A survivor of the gulag whose parents died in Stalin’s purges, Mr. 
Antonov-Ovseyenko spent a lifetime in almost fanatical devotion to that 
duty, working until his death on Tuesday in Moscow at 93 to expose the 
darkest truths of the Soviet era.

His books cracked through the shell of Soviet censorship that surrounded 
much of the Stalin-era brutality, offering readers at home and in the 
West a vivid portrait of tyranny and violence.

Mr. Antonov-Ovseyenko’s death comes as attitudes toward Stalin in Russia 
have grown increasingly ambivalent. Russian leaders these days tend 
topraise his leadership during World War II, often overlooking the tens 
of millions killed during his rule.

Mr. Antonov-Ovseyenko founded the State Museum of the History of the 
Gulag in Moscow in 2001 as a repository of artifacts from the Stalin 
era. Although it is rarely visited, Roman Romanov, his protégé and the 
current museum director, said in a telephone interview that Mr. 
Antonov-Ovseyenko worked there until the end, spending two full days a 
week at the museum and helping with a planned expansion into a new and 
larger space.

Anton Vladimirovich Antonov-Ovseyenko was born in Moscow on Feb. 23, 
1920, to a family with an impeccable revolutionary pedigree. His father, 
Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko, was a famous Soviet military commander who 
led the assault on the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg (it was then 
Petrograd) in 1917, helping to usher in more than 70 years of Soviet rule.

Stalin’s rise to power at the end of the 1920s upended the family’s 
fortunes and set Mr. Antonov-Ovseyenko on the path to becoming a 
dissident. His parents were accused of being counterrevolutionaries and 
arrested. His mother, Rozalia, committed suicide in prison in 1936. His 
father was executed in 1938.

As the son of convicted state enemies, Mr. Antonov-Ovseyenko was himself 
arrested in 1940. He spent the next 13 years in and out of the Soviet 
gulag, an experience that made him a lifelong opponent of the Soviet 

In a 2011 interview with the Public Radio International program “The 
World,” he recounted being forced by a prison guard at gunpoint to read 
a speech by Stalin over the prison radio.

“I had to read the words of the person who was my enemy, and I was an 
enemy of the state,” he said.

He was released after Stalin’s death in 1953. Though almost completely 
blind, he began working in the Soviet archives in Russia.

His first book, published under a pseudonym, was a biography of his 
father, who had been rehabilitated during the political thaw under 
Nikita S. Khrushchev. He went on to write several other books, most of 
them about Stalin and his associates.

Perhaps his most influential work was “The Time of Stalin,” the first 
book published under his own name, which was smuggled out of Moscow and 
published in New York in 1981. Copies were smuggled back in and 
disseminated among the underground dissident salons of Moscow.

“The Time of Stalin” was among the first books to unmask the horror of 
the Stalin era, putting the death count through years of civil war, 
famine, purges and World War II in the tens of millions. Harrison E. 
Salisbury, who won a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting in Moscow for The 
New York Times in the 1950s, called the book “a milestone toward the 
understanding of three-quarters of a century of Russian trauma.”

Mr. Antonov-Ovseyenko died of a stroke, the Gulag museum said. He is 
survived by his wife, Yelena Solovarova, and his son, Anton.

The Russia scholar Stephen F. Cohen, a longtime friend who smuggled “The 
Time of Stalin” to New York, said Mr. Antonov-Ovseyenko preferred the 
solitude of his books and archives to the protests favored by many other 

But he was also bold, Mr. Cohen said, often calling up known K.G.B. 
agents and threatening to denounce them in writing. “He was an embattled 
personality and fearless,” Mr. Cohen said.

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[Marxism] Thoughts on a post-racial lynching | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2013-07-14 Thread Louis Proyect

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A couple of days ago I was talking to an old friend and chess partner 
who lives out on the Rockaways about the George Zimmerman trial. He had 
trouble understanding why I was so sure that Trayvon Martin’s killer 
would go free. He referred to all of the problems with the defense that 
came up on almost a daily basis on MSNBC, CNN and other cable stations 
except for the racist Fox News. Zimmerman was told by the cops not to 
follow Martin. Zimmerman’s injuries were superficial. Zimmerman 
demonstrated implicitly racist animosity telling the cops that “they” 
always get away with it. But in the final analysis, I was sure that none 
of this would matter. Instead, racist solidarity would trump all 
evidence. An all-white jury stuck up for one of their own. Additionally, 
the cops that the prosecution lawyers called upon as witnesses 
effectively functioned as defense witnesses since they obviously thought 
it was a good thing that a Black youth was terminated. After all, 
anybody walking around in a hoodie is looking for trouble.

full: http://louisproyect.org/2013/07/14/thoughts-on-a-post-racial-lynching/

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Re: [Marxism] Thoughts on a post-racial lynching | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2013-07-14 Thread Mark Lause
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It surprised me, for all the reasons suggested.  Perhaps I was forgetting
that it was Florida.

Maybe Obama can have Zimmerman by for a beer to have a heart-to-heart.


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[Marxism] Whites and African-Americans in America by the numbers | Informed Comment

2013-07-14 Thread michael yates
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I have been involved in discussion with some people about the inequality along 
every economic, social, and demographic outcome between whites and blacks. 
There are those who say that we shouldn't keep harping about racism and white 
privilege. What we need to do is focus on the fight for greater equality, by 
demanding full employment, universal health care, an end to the criminal 
injustice system, etc. Since black persons will benefit disproportionately, 
these efforts, which are not overtly race conscious, are our best bet for 
movement building. Others of us have said that race has an independent impact 
of the above mentioned outcomes, and therefore, race has to be addressed head 
on in any attempts to bring about radical change. In Cuba, for example, there 
has been much greater equality than in any capitalist society, more or less 
full employment, and conscious efforts to eradicate racial disparities. Yet 54 
years after the Revolution, Esteban Morales tells us that racial disparities 
 continue to exist and still greater efforts are needed to eradicate them.

What do others think? 

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Re: [Marxism] Whites and African-Americans in America by the numbers | Informed Comment

2013-07-14 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 7/14/13 5:20 PM, michael yates wrote:

I have been involved in discussion with some people about the
inequality along every economic, social, and demographic outcome
between whites and blacks. There are those who say that we shouldn't
keep harping about racism and white privilege. What we need to do is
focus on the fight for greater equality, by demanding full
employment, universal health care, an end to the criminal injustice
system, etc. Since black persons will benefit disproportionately,
these efforts, which are not overtly race conscious, are our best bet
for movement building.

These are essentially the arguments of Walter Benn Michaels. I do not 
agree with them: 

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Re: [Marxism] Whites and African-Americans in America by the numbers | Informed Comment

2013-07-14 Thread Manuel Barrera
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Yates: I have been involved in discussion with some people about the 
inequality along every economic, social, and demographic outcome between whites 
and blacks. There are those who say that we shouldn't keep harping about racism 
and white privilege. What we need to do is focus on the fight for greater 
equality, by demanding full employment, universal health care, an end to the 
criminal injustice system, etc.
This post spurred a memory about one of the most influential books I ever read 
while a member of the once promising American Socialist Workers Party: George 
Brietman's How a Minority Can Change Society available free at the Marxist 
When I joined the Young Socialist Alliance, it was one of the first papers I 
ever read and it answered for me important questions why I should even be a 
part of a small organization ensconced within a larger movement like the 
anti-war movement. It was a different time and Breitman's discussion is 
situated in the context of the then vibrant civil rights movement and I read it 
in the context of early 1970's waxing and waning of the anti-Vietnam war 
movement, but I believe Breitman's work remains quite relevant today and 
especially as we see the outrage seething among people of color as well as the 
rather predictable reaction of leftists uncomfortable with that rage; afraid it 
will be ineffective and energy-sapping absent a strong leadership. Much has 
changed in this society, but I believe those changes have only reinforced 
Breitman's arguments even if in the negative with the advent of the Black 

I think it is worth a read or re-read. Here are some rather interesting 

Referring to M.L. King's denouncing of the Freedom Now Party: King’s other 
remark was even more revealing: “One-tenth of the population will never be able 
to dominate nine-tenths.” Maybe not, although I’ve already pointed out that the 
capitalists, a minority of less than one per cent, dominate the other 99 per 
cent of us. Anyhow, that’s not the issue posed by the Freedom Now Party. It is 
not the Freedom Now Party’s goal for the Negro one-tenth to dominate the white 
nine-tenths. Just the opposite — its goal is to keep the white nine-tenths from 
dominating and oppressing the black one-tenth. How to do this — that’s the real 
difference between King and the Freedom Now Party. Must the minority adapt 
itself in its methods and tempo to the prejudiced majority, just because it is 
a majority, and not do certain things because the majority will not like it? 
Or, can the minority end the domination of the majority by acting with complete 
independence from the majority ideologically, organizationally, politically — 
and only by acting independently? King prefers not to discuss this real 
difference. That’s why he misrepresents his opponents’ position with irrelevant 
talk about the inability of one-tenth to dominate nine-tenths.

and his concluding paragraph: 
And so today many of us, I am sure, will be able to grasp and act on the 
concept of Negroes as leaders of the workers’ revolution not just as a 
possibility but as a probability. I shall not try, because that is a job for 
the whole movement, to work out or complete everything that flows from this 
concept, except to say that much does, and that all of it seems to me a cause 
for optimism. Nor shall I try here to discuss the kind of alliance I think the 
Negro vanguard of the working-class revolution will have to effect with the 
advanced section of the white workers if the revolution is to be led to 
success, except to say that I do not think it can be an alliance that will make 
concessions in principle to the white allies of the Negroes, any more than the 
revolutionary vanguard in Russia sacrificed any principles in their alliance 
with the peasants. Instead, I shall conclude, with much left hanging, by saying 
that if the ideas in this talk are correct, if the concepts about what a 
minority can do will be of practical and theoretical benefit in advancing the 
Negro struggle for freedom, then what they demonstrate is the validity and even 
the indispensability of Marxism to Negro revolutionists, whether or not they 
belong to the Socialist Workers Party. 

Or any other party or vanguard for that matter. We need to fight for Black, 
or Brown, rights because it is the only road to winning any rights; or 
defending whatever rights we may have. I particularly like the ending left 
hanging because Breitman is right, those chapters of unity in struggle must be 
written by the masses and the thoughtful revolutionary--Marxist and 
otherwise--leaders who learn how best to win.


[Marxism] White Supremacy Acquits George Zimmerman | The Nation

2013-07-14 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] Union Square protests

2013-07-14 Thread Louis Proyect

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My wife and I were down in Union Square this afternoon to pick up some 
cheap wine at Trader Joe's when a sizable protest was taking place 
against the Zimmerman verdict--4 to 500 people, mostly Black. Greg 
Grandin just reported on FB that it has swelled to 1000. I urge New 
Yorkers to turn out. Let's keep the pressure on.

Here's a slide show of the protest, on the NYT home page no less:


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[Marxism] Greenwald: Snowden has enough information to cause US govt ‘worst damage in history’ — RT News

2013-07-14 Thread Louis Proyect

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I detest rt.com but thought it was worth passing this along.


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Re: [Marxism] Whites and African-Americans in America by the numbers | Informed Comment

2013-07-14 Thread Richard Fidler
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Michael's point about Cuba is well-taken. Reducing income disparities,
introducing full or almost-full employment, and campaigning against racism
can all play a role in reducing racism. But racism is cultural, ideological,
and as Esteban Morales documents, the Cuban revolutionaries have had less
success in their sporadic attempts, for example, at affirmative action for
blacks and mestizos.

An interesting article on anti-indigenous racism in Bolivia, which I just
translated on my blog, makes the point, however, that a combination of state
action (including constitutional recognition of the plurinational
composition of the state) with concrete measures to reduce income and other
social and economic disparities (under the government of another Morales),
can alter the relationship of forces within the society, and help embolden
and empower racially oppressed sections -- especially in a society like
Bolivia's, where the indigenous are the majority of the population. See

A fundamental mechanism in this empowerment is the coming into force of a
law against racism, which has denaturalized racial discrimination,
confining it to the private sphere. ...

During the last decade Bolivia has been going through what Marxists would
characterize as a political revolution, that is, a substitution of
political elites that has been quite thoroughgoing. Groups of different
ethnic, class and political-ideological origins have replaced the dominant
political strata of the past. It has been a peaceful substitution but aimed
at the elimination and not the coexistence of the opposing side, and it has
unfolded using both political and judicial methods. The members of the old
political elite have lost the right to work in the public arena, in a sort
of symbolic banishment. Businessmen have been told not to interfere in
politics.[23] Some leaders have had to go into exile as a preventive
measure, others have ended up in jail.[24] 

-- Richard

-Original Message-
From: marxism-bounces+rfidler_8=sympatico...@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
] On Behalf Of michael yates
Sent: July-14-13 5:20 PM
To: rfidle...@sympatico.ca
Subject: [Marxism] Whites and African-Americans in America by the numbers |
Informed Comment

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I have been involved in discussion with some people about the inequality
along every economic, social, and demographic outcome between whites and
blacks. There are those who say that we shouldn't keep harping about racism
and white privilege. What we need to do is focus on the fight for greater
equality, by demanding full employment, universal health care, an end to the
criminal injustice system, etc. Since black persons will benefit
disproportionately, these efforts, which are not overtly race conscious, are
our best bet for movement building. Others of us have said that race has an
independent impact of the above mentioned outcomes, and therefore, race has
to be addressed head on in any attempts to bring about radical change. In
Cuba, for example, there has been much greater equality than in any
capitalist society, more or less full employment, and conscious efforts to
eradicate racial disparities. Yet 54 years after the Revolution, Esteban
Morales tells us that racial disparities continue to exist and still greater
efforts are needed to eradicate them.

What do others think? 

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Re: [Marxism] Greenwald: Snowden has enough information to cause US govt ‘worst damage in history’ — RT News

2013-07-14 Thread Daniel Rocha
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It seems that Assange also has a secure file with something in case he is
arrested or he is killed. I am not sure if it is just part of the cables
not yet released at the time or something special. Can anyone tell anything?

2013/7/14 Louis Proyect l...@panix.com

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 I detest rt.com but thought it was worth passing this along.


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Daniel Rocha - RJ

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Re: [Marxism] Union Square protests

2013-07-14 Thread Glenn Kissack
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 My wife and I were down in Union Square this afternoon to pick up some cheap 
 wine at Trader Joe's when a sizable protest was taking place against the 
 Zimmerman verdict--4 to 500 people, mostly Black. Greg Grandin just reported 
 on FB that it has swelled to 1000. I urge New Yorkers to turn out. Let's keep 
 the pressure on.

I went to the 6 PM protest at Union Square, which then marched down Broadway, 
picking up people along the way. The march continued east and then back north. 
I thought there were as many as 10,000 people, mostly young (college age and 
'20's). Compared to the antiwar protests I've attended, this was far more 
integrated. The chanting was very spirited, and many motorists honked their 
horns in support. Lots of spectators could be seen clapping or shaking their 
heads in agreement. My favorite chant was: George Zimmerman: Guil - ty!, Stand 
Your Ground: Guil-ty! The Whole Damn System: Guil-ty!


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Re: [Marxism] Union Square protests

2013-07-14 Thread Gulf Mann
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

A smallish protest of perhaps 30 people that looked like it was organized
by the RCP made the local TV news in Houston tonight.

On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Louis Proyect l...@panix.com wrote:

 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 My wife and I were down in Union Square this afternoon to pick up some
 cheap wine at Trader Joe's when a sizable protest was taking place against
 the Zimmerman verdict--4 to 500 people, mostly Black. Greg Grandin just
 reported on FB that it has swelled to 1000. I urge New Yorkers to turn out.
 Let's keep the pressure on.

 Here's a slide show of the protest, on the NYT home page no less:


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Re: [Marxism] Whites and African-Americans in America by the numbers | Informed Comment

2013-07-14 Thread Mark Lause
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I'd suggest that if anyone is living in a situation where they're not
finding themselves in a continual dialogue about race they probably don't
know many black people.

The problem is a civic culture in which discussions of race in America have
become a substitute for doing something about it.  And it hasn't helped
that so many have decided to make assumptions about basic changes in the

So, talk, yes . . . that's essential, particularly across that horrific
color bar that still divides the society.  But wouldn't it be refreshing to
be up and DOING!

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[Marxism] 'Justice system a joke' -- US athletes respond to Trayvon Martin verdict - See more at: http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/54506#sthash.TKJNUwog.dpuf

2013-07-14 Thread Stuart Munckton
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In February last year, the stalking and murder of Trayvon Martin affected
pro athletes — particularly African-American athletes — in a way that
perhaps can be best described as intimate.

- See more at: http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/54506#sthash.TKJNUwog.dpuf

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Long live the Egyptian Revolution !

2013-07-14 Thread c b

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Long live the Egyptian Revolution !

2013-07-14 Thread CeJ
Don't worry, Pres. Obomber is going to meet him at the barricades and
make him a life-long Demoncrap.

I guess this means CB now supports the US-backed coup against Morsi as
furthering the people's revolution in the US.

Hey I'd be worried CB, that kid makes more sense than you do most of
the time. Now if he could only get someone to pay for his law school.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Long live the Egyptian Revolution !

2013-07-14 Thread CeJ
I have to think all those articles I was reading about Morsi calling
for a 'no-fly zone' in Syria were actually signals that he was no
longer in control of the Egyptian government.

Go back to March, about the time he lost control (when he went overseas):


So Morsi's sins deserving US-backed ouster:

1. He backed a peace process outside of the US's agenda in Syria.
2.  He pursued an agenda for Gaza that pissed off Israel.

 Long-live the CIA-sponsored revolutions!


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Long live the Egyptian Revolution !

2013-07-14 Thread CeJ
Of course it could be read as a last-ditch attempt to avoid
ouster--toeing the line on Syria as set down by the US, which supplies
the Egyptian military and provides food aid. Morsi was, after all, a


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