Re: [Marxism] Jordanian Journalist Who Fabricated Syrian Rebel Chemical Weapons Story, Wrote Recent Jerusalem Post Column Extolling Israel

2013-09-23 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 9/23/13 10:14 PM, Clay Claiborne wrote:

This may be the best expose yet

The article describes Ababneh as a hired gun, happy to write a 
pro-Israel article for the Jerusalem Post one week, a piece providing an 
alibi for Bashar al-Assad another week. Frankly, I don't think Gavrak is 
much better with a record for working for Reverend Moon's Washington 
Times. Mint Press hired these people to promote their agenda. They got 
caught with their hands in the cookie jar--that's about it.

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[Marxism] Pakistan: 'Anti-terrorism' court jails left-wing activists for peaceful protest

2013-09-23 Thread Stuart Munckton
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A terrible disaster unfolded in 2010 in the Hunza Valley in Gilgit
Baltistan (a formerly self-governing territory occupied by Pakistan since
1948). For protesting for people's rights in the aftermath of this
disaster, three left-wing activists have been sentenced to 10 years jail.

- See more at:

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] Why didn't the EcoSocialism Conference address these 3 things?

2013-09-23 Thread Clay Claiborne
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  Why didn't the EcoSocialism Conference address these 3 things?

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Re: [Marxism] Jordanian Journalist Who Fabricated Syrian Rebel Chemical Weapons Story, Wrote Recent Jerusalem Post Column Extolling Israel

2013-09-23 Thread T
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"What, if anything, about Yan Barakat/Yahyah Ababneh, is real?"

Perhaps the name was appropriated without permission from someone else 
politically active:

Yahya Ababneh:  


-Original Message-
>From: Clay Claiborne 
>Sent: Sep 23, 2013 10:14 PM
>To: Thomas F Barton 
>Subject: [Marxism] Jordanian Journalist Who Fabricated Syrian Rebel Chemical 
>Weapons Story, Wrote Recent Jerusalem Post Column Extolling Israel
>Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
>This may be the best expose yet
>> Jordanian Journalist Who Fabricated Syrian Rebel Chemical Weapons Story,
>> Wrote Recent Jerusalem Post Column Extolling Israel
 I’ve been following the story of a few weeks ago, claiming that Prince
>> Bandar of Saudi Arabia was shipping chemical weapons to the Syria rebels,
>> which they were using on the battlefield.  As so much of the reporting on
>> this subject, this story really stank.  But I didn’t give it much thought
>> until I learned more about the professional histories of both Dale Gavlak,
>> the AP reporter who helped birth the story; and Yahyah Ababneh (aka Yan
>> Barakat) who allegedly “reported” it from Syria.
>> >>
>> What, if anything, about Yan Barakat/Yahyah Ababneh, is real?

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[Marxism] Jordanian Journalist Who Fabricated Syrian Rebel Chemical Weapons Story, Wrote Recent Jerusalem Post Column Extolling Israel

2013-09-23 Thread Clay Claiborne
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This may be the best expose yet

> Jordanian Journalist Who Fabricated Syrian Rebel Chemical Weapons Story,
> Wrote Recent Jerusalem Post Column Extolling Israel
> by Richard Silverstein on September 23, 2013 · 7 
> comments
> in Mideast Peace
> I’ve been following the story of a few weeks ago, claiming that Prince
> Bandar of Saudi Arabia was shipping chemical weapons to the Syria rebels,
> which they were using on the battlefield.  As so much of the reporting on
> this subject, this story really stank.  But I didn’t give it much thought
> until I learned more about the professional histories of both Dale Gavlak,
> the AP reporter who helped birth the story; and Yahyah Ababneh (aka Yan
> Barakat) who allegedly “reported” it from Syria.
> The quick background on this is that Gavlak, who works for a number of
> news organizations including AP, recommended that the Mint Press publish a 
> story
> she’d 
> receivedwritten
>  in Arabic, purporting to describe a Syrian rebel chemical weapons
> attack.  After the story had circulated for a week or so journalists began
> questioning various elements of it.  Eventually, Gavlak dissociated herself
> from the story even though she played a critical role in getting it
> published.  Mint Press was hung out to dry because it hadn’t done due
> diligence itself and couldn’t say whether the story was true or false.  It
> had relied on Gavlak and trusted her judgment.
> also republished the story on its website.  But it apologized
> to its readers within a few days of the controversy beginning.  That was
> more than its editors offered me when they yanked my published profile of
> Meir Javedanfar, under the censorious direction of Justin Raimondo.
> What, if anything, about Yan Barakat/Yahyah Ababneh, is real?
> Gavlak must’ve thought she’d got hold of a great story and in her
> eagerness to publish and take credit, she rushed it into print.  Only
> afterward, did she begin to realize she may’ve been had.
> Yahya Ababneh, the journalist credited with the story seems to be a
> charlatan.  Everything about him seems either fictional or dubious.  Though
> he does appear to exist, nothing beyond that seems certain about him.
> This intrigue would still be little more than minor skirmish in the battle
> for truth and credibility in the Syrian story were it not for Gavlak’s and
> Ababneh’s connections to Israeli journalism.
> Brian Whitaker, former Comment is Free editor, writes in his 
> blogthat
>  Ababneh and Barakat are one and the same.  He also notes that Barakat 
> published
> a 
> piecein
>  the Jerusalem Post.  What, you may ask, is a reputed Jordanian
> journalist doing publishing in one of Israel’s most right-wing newspapers?
> Good question.
> The column is one of those feel good stories that Israel’s media love to
> publish about Arabs who see the errors of their ways and liberate
> themselves from the anti-Israel propaganda they drank with their mother’s
> milk.  In other words, it’s typically self-serving and propagandistic.  I’m
> guessing that someone in the foreign ministry came across this guy on
> social media and contacted him and asked him if he’d expound the wonders of
> Israel for an Israeli audience.  This isn’t a rare occurrence.  There are
> numerous similar episodes involving people like Mark 
> Halawa,
> Walid 
> Shoebat,
> Tawfiq 
> Hamid,
> and a host of Iranians (Reza 
> Khaliliand
>  Amir
> Fakhravar).
> The latter have regaled Israeli audiences about their lives as 

[Marxism] NY cops stopping people to tell them about Apple iOS7 upgrade

2013-09-23 Thread Stuart Munckton
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If you’re walking around New York City this afternoon, you may be handed a
flyer by the NYC Police Department with a “Public Awareness Notice” for
so-called “Apple users”. This note informs users of iPhone and iPad devices
that upgrading to iOS 7 will add security features that will keep these
devices from being reprogrammed without an Apple ID and Password. These
notes go on to suggest that “additional information on iOS 7 features” can
be found at Apple’s homepage.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] Hate Hits Home: When My Friend Became A Target | Simran Jeet Singh

2013-09-23 Thread Louis Proyect

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A Columbia professor and Sikh is attacked.

My interview with a Sikh activist and coworker in Columbia IT:

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[Marxism] Can regional powers bring peace to Syria? A response to Vijay Prashad | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2013-09-23 Thread Louis Proyect

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We had some kind of hiccup on the Marxmail server today so there's a 
chance that this might appear later on as well. Apologies in advance.

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Re: [Marxism] Request for literature on post-capitalist 'commons'

2013-09-23 Thread Andrew Pollack
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yes, definitely check out the latest anthologies of Caffentzis and Federici.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 8:18 PM, Craig Butosi  wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> Hi Patrick, everyone,
> In followup to Andrew's observations, I would recommend as a mere starting
> point into the autonomist perspective *viz.* commons praxis the following
> collection of essays:
> Bonefeld, Werner (ed.) (2008). *Subverting the present, imagining the
> future: Insurrection, movement, commons*. Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia.
> Contributors include George Caffentzis, Harry Cleaver, Werner Bonefeld,
> Nick Dyer-Witheford, Mariarosa Dalla Costa, and other defining agents of
> autonomism.
> I hope this helps!
> Best,
> On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Andrew Pollack  >wrote:
> > ==
> > Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> > ==
> >
> >
> > Very glad you're doing this seminar.
> >
> > On the one hand, the people most visibly addressing this question are the
> > anarchists and autonomists, who unfortunately conflate post-revolution
> > commons (what we would call a commune) with building common space before
> a
> > revolution, or even instead of it.
> >
> > But they must be engaged with.
> >
> > As for Marxist approaches, I think the most interesting and important
> angle
> > is  the new thought being given to social reproduction, i.e. reminding
> > people of what revolutions at their best did re child/health/elder care,
> > the dramatically new potential to do more and better, and how that
> relates
> > to the fact that the hottest labor struggles today are in precisely that
> > sphere (e.g. nurses, teachers, home care workers, etc.).
> >
> > Andy
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 2:50 AM, Patrick Bond  wrote:
> >
> > >
> >
> ==**==**==
> > > Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> > >
> >
> ==**==**==
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi comrades,
> > >
> > > For a Maputo seminar next week, we are seeking some fresh ideas on the
> > way
> > > 'the commons' is being conceptualised by anti-capitalists (of various
> > > stripes - we're keeping a fairly big tent open given the diverse
> > > participants). Who has been putting together good material we can learn
> > > from?
> > >
> > > If anyone's interested and available in NYC next weekend, by the way,
> > > we'll be having discussions about urban politics - and some potential
> > sites
> > > of commoning - at the New School with other comrades from SA, Brazil
> and
> > > India. It's open but do register, please:
> > > urban-convergences/ 
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > > Patrick
> > > Durban,
> > >
> > > __**__
> > > Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.**<
> >>
> > > Set your options at: http://greenhouse.economics.**
> > >**marxism/<
> >
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > Send list submissions to:
> > Set your options at:
> >
> >
> --
> Craig Butosi, MA, MLIS, B Mus (Hons)
> Website:
> Send list submissions to:
> Set your options at:

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Re: [Marxism] Request for literature on post-capitalist 'commons'

2013-09-23 Thread Craig Butosi
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Hi Patrick, everyone,

In followup to Andrew's observations, I would recommend as a mere starting
point into the autonomist perspective *viz.* commons praxis the following
collection of essays:

Bonefeld, Werner (ed.) (2008). *Subverting the present, imagining the
future: Insurrection, movement, commons*. Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia.

Contributors include George Caffentzis, Harry Cleaver, Werner Bonefeld,
Nick Dyer-Witheford, Mariarosa Dalla Costa, and other defining agents of

I hope this helps!


On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Andrew Pollack wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> Very glad you're doing this seminar.
> On the one hand, the people most visibly addressing this question are the
> anarchists and autonomists, who unfortunately conflate post-revolution
> commons (what we would call a commune) with building common space before a
> revolution, or even instead of it.
> But they must be engaged with.
> As for Marxist approaches, I think the most interesting and important angle
> is  the new thought being given to social reproduction, i.e. reminding
> people of what revolutions at their best did re child/health/elder care,
> the dramatically new potential to do more and better, and how that relates
> to the fact that the hottest labor struggles today are in precisely that
> sphere (e.g. nurses, teachers, home care workers, etc.).
> Andy
> On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 2:50 AM, Patrick Bond  wrote:
> >
> ==**==**==
> > Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> >
> ==**==**==
> >
> >
> > Hi comrades,
> >
> > For a Maputo seminar next week, we are seeking some fresh ideas on the
> way
> > 'the commons' is being conceptualised by anti-capitalists (of various
> > stripes - we're keeping a fairly big tent open given the diverse
> > participants). Who has been putting together good material we can learn
> > from?
> >
> > If anyone's interested and available in NYC next weekend, by the way,
> > we'll be having discussions about urban politics - and some potential
> sites
> > of commoning - at the New School with other comrades from SA, Brazil and
> > India. It's open but do register, please:**
> > urban-convergences/ 
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Patrick
> > Durban,
> >
> > __**__
> > Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.**<
> > Set your options at: http://greenhouse.economics.**
> >**marxism/<
> >
> >
> Send list submissions to:
> Set your options at:

Craig Butosi, MA, MLIS, B Mus (Hons)

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[Marxism] Desmond Tutu: UN owes it to Syria's children to act

2013-09-23 Thread Clay Claiborne
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Also we published an Arabic translation of my UPDATED: Mint Press
exposed as Assad apologist, apologizes

  ??? ???(Mint Press)  ? ?   ???.

So far FAIR has also issued a retraction and apology and Mint Press is
doubling down on their story.

  Desmond Tutu: UN owes it to Syria's children to act

Republished from The Sidney Morning Herald
24 September 2013. Written by Desmond Tutu.

Noor - not her real name - is a heavily pregnant 22-year-old Syrian
with an air of relief about her. Just two weeks ago she arrived,
hungry and exhausted, to the Za'atari refugee camp in Jordan, with
her three children in tow.

Hunger finally did what continuous violence hadn't so far and forced
the family from their home because there simply was no more food to
be had. They trudged for five nights to escape their homeland,
afraid to travel during the day for fear of shelling.

In the camp, Noor carefully holds her baby, Yazan (also not his real
name), who is thin. Too thin. Diagnosed with severe calcium
deficiency, Yazan has yet to develop any teeth - despite being more
than a year old.

Since the war started in Syria, the country has slowly
disintegrated. More than one-third of hospitals have been destroyed,
according to the World Health Organisation. According to Save the
Children, 3900 schools have been destroyed, damaged or are occupied
for non-educational purposes since the start of the conflict.
Syria today is no place for a child and, outrageously, more than 1
million have already been forced to flee with their families to
camps and host communities in neighbouring countries. Those are the
lucky ones - thousands upon thousands have already been killed.
Where is the outrage?

And every child forced out of education, or forced to flee, or whose
development is stunted like Yazan's because of this conflict is a
thorn in our collective conscience. The international community is
not only failing to bring a peaceful end to this conflict but we are
compounding that failure by neglecting to address its dreadful
consequences. In our failure to ensure that people in Syria are
getting the food and basic supplies they need, we condemn children
to hunger on top of the horrors of war.

Families trapped inside Syria are today witnessing some of the worst
violence yet seen in the 2½ year conflict. Whole families cannot get
access to the aid they desperately need and when their voices are
heard they tell of a desperate struggle to survive, living under
bombardment, the threat of violence and ever-dwindling supplies as
the war chokes Syrian cities.

The situation is bleak for families trying to feed their children.
Save the Children this week releases a report that shows how a lack
of food combined with soaring prices is exposing the children of
Syria to a serious risk of malnutrition. Until recently a food
exporter, now 4 million Syrians - half of them children - are in
need of emergency food assistance. As the destruction continues,
this number will grow. Children who three years ago could rely on
three healthy meals a day will now go to bed hungry, afraid, and all
too aware that they have been abandoned by the world outside. There
are already cases of children dying in Syria because they couldn't
get enough food or medical support. Where is the outrage?

Even where there is food available, Syrians face an appalling
choice: slide into hunger or put themselves in the line of fire.
There are widespread reports of people being targeted while queuing
for bread. Imagine it: hungry, desperate and under fire.

At the United Nations General Assembly this week, our leaders must
recognise the human cost of this war. They must recognise the need
to use their global platform to bring the world's attention to this
crisis and get agreement for life-saving

[Marxism] منت برس(Mint Press) تكشف دعمها للأسد يقدم اعتذاره.

2013-09-23 Thread Clay Claiborne
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منت برس(Mint Press) تكشف دعمها للأسد  يقدم اعتذاره.

Originally published here as Mint Press exposed as Assad apologist, apologizes

translated to Arabic by Basel Abdulla

على مدى ثلاثة أيام عقب الهجوم بغاز السارين والذي قتل ما يفوق ألف
سوري،ثلثهم من الأطفال في ريف دمشق في 21 أغسطس-2013,أنكر نظام الأسد حتى
حدوث مثال هذا الهجوم. حين بدأت الفيديوهات وشهادات شهود العيان تظهر
للعلن، أصبح من الصعب الدفاع عن هذا الموقف، حينها ابتدأ نظام الأسد بالقول
"حسناً، لا بد أن المتمردين قد فعلوا ذلك". حركة *اليسار،السلام، ولنا فقط*،
في الولايات المتحدة، مخترقة تماماً وبكثرة من قبل المدافعين عن الأسد،
والانتهازيين الآخرين المرتاحين بذلك العمى الذي يغمر أبصارهم ، إذ أن
كثيرين منهم انضمّوا بسهولة إلى الجوقة الهاتفة : " دعنا نلقِ اللوم على
الضحايا، ونخرج الأسد من هذا المأزق".

أجد ما يفعله هؤلاء القوم خسيساً،يتظاهرون تحت راية الدكتاتور
الفاشي،ليزيّنوا قبحه.

More .

I also have added FAIR to my list of retractions/apologies. Know of any

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[Marxism] Long live the anarchists!

2013-09-23 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] [Trotskyist Fraction] The struggle of the Mexican teachers continues (LTS - Mexico)

2013-09-23 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo
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The struggle of the Mexican teachers continues23/09/2013
[image: The struggle of the Mexican teachers continues]

   - [image: Bookmark and Share]

On Friday, September 13, the teachers’ camp in the Mexico City Zócalo was
violently evacuated, with the toll of many teachers and young people
injured and more than thirty people arrested. The repression coordinated by
the PRI federal government and the PRD Mexico City government aroused a
broad democratic movement of repudiation against repression, while the
teachers moved their camp to another large square of the city, the Monument
to the Revolution. For example, the same Friday, more than 1,000 students
rallied in the Che Guevara Auditorium of UNAM’s University City; they
resolved to support the struggle of the teachers and to call a mobilization
for Sunday, September 15, the date when Mexico’s independence is
commemorated, and when an official ceremony, headed by the repressive
President Peña Nieto, would be carried out in the Zócalo. On Saturday,
another, second teachers’ meeting, with more than 500 representatives of
different groups of teachers, political and social organizations, decided
on a plan of action for the following days, that included a call for a
"national civic strike" for Thursday and Friday, this week, and the
re-taking of the Mexico City Zócalo during Wednesday, September 18.

*Amidst widespread discontent, the students mobilize again*

The mobilization on Sunday, September 15, brought together around 35,000
demonstrators, headed by several sections of the CNTE, with the
participation of delegations from other unions. At the cry of "Here and
now, with the coordinating committee," large student contingents,
approximately half of the demonstration, showed up, having come from
different departments and secondary schools. The teachers’ struggle and
government repression have acted as a catalyst for a broad democratic
movement, of recomposition and politicization among the student youth, that
are retaking the process begun in 2012 with the #yosoy132 movement, and
that is giving rise to student mobilizations, such as have not been seen
since the UNAM strike in 1999-2000.

The government, that remains firm on its education reform, is concentrating
the discontent of workers, the poor, and young people, with the plans for a
"new PRI," that, as thousands were chanting, is the same old PRI dinosaur.
As a continuation of this process, on Tuesday and Wednesday, massive
assemblies were held in the different schools and departments. With an
historically large participation, that in many assemblies exceeded 1,000 to
1,400 students, around 25 schools and universities decided, by majority
vote, on the strike in solidarity with the teachers.

*For a big national strike against the repressive government*

On Wednesday, thousands of demonstrators, from the teachers, the Mexican
Electrical Workers Union (SME), and large student contingents, mobilized
from the Monument to the Revolution to the Plaza of Tlatelolco. The
protection of the Zócalo by thousands of police and the Presidential
General Staff itself, prevented the effort to return to that plaza and move
the camp there, as broad groups of the rank and file teachers wanted. The
coming days will be for the national civic strike, and some unions, like
the workers in Upper Secondary Education of Mexico City, have announced
that they will join the measure of struggle, in which, the student movement
will also participate actively, while for next Sunday, September 22, a
national mobilization against the energy reform has been announced.

>From the LTS, we have participated, alongside of the teacher comrades that
are promoting the Nuestra Clase bulletin and the Revolutionary Socialist
Anti-capitalist Youth, by setting forth a policy for the victory of the
teachers’ struggle, in the face of a government that remains firm in its
position and that is betting on defeating the current mobilization.
Particularly by calling for strengthening and spreading the struggle
against the reform to all the education workers (where there are hundreds
of thousands that are not organized in the ran

[Marxism] Can regional powers bring peace to Syria? A response to Vijay Prashad | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2013-09-23 Thread Louis Proyect

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Re: [Marxism] Red and Black

2013-09-23 Thread Gulf Mann
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A good review, which we'd expect from Nelson George--but a book about
women authored by a woman "written in workmanlike prose"--OUCH!

On 9/22/13, Louis Proyect  wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> NY Sunday Times Book Review September 20, 2013
> Red and Black
> Women Artists and Progressive Politics During World War II
> By Farah Jasmine Griffin
> Illustrated. 242 pp. Basic Civitas. $26.99.
> In the national consciousness, Harlem has usually been defined by two
> eras: the artistic and cultural explosion of the 1920s, known as the
> Harlem Renaissance, and the drug-fueled devastation that began in the
> 1950s and peaked in the late ’80s. The Harlem Renaissance has been well
> documented by its poets, novelists and essayists, as well as by a legion
> of scholars in the decades since. The long, depressing ghetto years were
> recounted most eloquently by James Baldwin, and by lesser mortals like
> sociologists, memoirists, politicians, Hollywood screenwriters and
> rappers. Today’s whiter Harlem of multimillion-­dollar brownstones and
> flashy eateries is already the subject of books, blogs and innumerable
> magazine travel articles.
> In her book “Harlem Nocturne: Women Artists and Progressive Politics
> During World War II,” Farah Jasmine Griffin, a professor at Columbia
> University, delves into a largely underexplored aspect of Harlem’s rich
> history: the years just before, during and immediately after World War
> II, a period of optimism, creativity and turmoil. Moreover, Griffin uses
> the lives of three female artists — the choreographer and dancer Pearl
> Primus, the writer Ann Petry and the composer and pianist Mary Lou
> Williams — as signposts through an era, in a work that paints the
> “greatest generation” in a much less flattering light than do the usual
> jingoistic accounts.
> Griffin’s narrative encompasses the war and the second great migration
> of blacks to the North from the South. She also highlights two movements
> that will be less familiar to contemporary readers: the Double V, or
> Double Victory, campaign, in which “black Americans fought . . .
> overseas for their country but also to be recognized as citizens at
> home”; and the Popular Front initiative, conceived by the Communist
> Party in response to “the economic crisis of the Great Depression and
> the rise of fascism.”
> “For black people,” Griffin writes of Double V, “the war provided an
> opportunity to accelerate their demands for equality. . . . Black
> Americans highlighted the distance between this ideal of America and the
> reality of ongoing racial inequality, often through the black press and
> civil rights organizations.”
> The Popular Front, meanwhile, “focused on culture as an especially
> important forum for educating and mobilizing audiences in support of an
> antifascist agenda.” Although by 1939 its official end had come, the
> idea of it “would continue throughout the war years. Without Popular
> Front venues like Café Society, or publications such as PM, a leftist
> newspaper, it is doubtful that Petry, Primus and Williams could have met
> with such success.”
> Griffin argues that her three main subjects “consistently confronted the
> darkness of our nation’s soul. They were critical of white supremacy and
> the excess of American capitalism. Yet, their art and their activism
> also denoted a firm belief in the transformative nature of social change.”
> None of these women were native New Yorkers. Primus was born in Trinidad
> and, as a child, relocated with her family to the city, where she was
> exposed to Afro-Caribbean dance, the innovations of Martha Graham and
> the sweaty swing style popular at the Savoy Ballroom.
> As an adult, Primus fused these movements with her own impressive
> physicality. Her ability to leap majestically high made her popular, and
> John Martin, the New York Times dance critic, praised her “tremendous
> inward power,” “fine dramatic sense” and “superb technique.” Of the
> three women in Griffin’s narrative, Primus was the most progressive
> politically, joining the Communist Party when it was still one of the
> few organized white movements to challenge Jim Crow and the violence
> that fed it. The F.B.I. opened a file on her in 1944.
> Petry was never a Communist but was published in Popular Front
> periodicals and served as “women’s editor,” columnist and features
> editor at the Harlem newspaper The People’s Voice, a left-leaning
> enterprise published by Adam Clayton Powell, the pastor and New York
> City councilm

[Marxism] To the NY Post

2013-09-23 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 9/23/13 2:01 PM, Fredericks, Robert wrote:

Mr. Proyect,

I’m working on a story on Bill de Blasio’s involvement in the
anti-Contra movement.

Either I or my colleague Carl Campanile would like to speak to you.

I’m here until 3 or so at 212-930-8585. After then, Carl can be reached
at 212-930-8500.

We’d appreciate any time you can give us.

*Bob Fredericks*
Senior Writer
1211 Ave. of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
p: 212-930-8585 

Fuck you and fuck Rupert Murdoch. I'll talk to the real media like the 
NY Times but not colostomy bags like you.

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[Marxism] Ivy League Universities and African slavery

2013-09-23 Thread Dennis Brasky
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[Marxism] Al Qaeda-Affiliate Chief Killed By Other Rebel Fighters In Syria

2013-09-23 Thread Michael Karadjis

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Al Qaeda-Affiliate Chief Killed By Other Rebel Fighters In Syria
Agence France Presse Today 9:46 AM

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Free Syrian Army rebels

A local leader of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State of Iraq and the 
Levant was killed in clashes with other rebels in the Syrian province of 
Idlib on Sunday, a monitoring group said.

Abu Abdullah al-Libi, a local chief of the group, was killed along with 
12 other fighters from the jihadist organisation, the Syrian Observatory 
for Human Rights said.

"He was killed in clashes with a group of rebel fighters near the town 
of Hazano," Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.

He said six people from Hazano were also reported killed on Sunday, but 
it was unclear if they were civilians or fighters participating in the 

The town lies in northwestern Idlib province, large parts of which lie 
under control of the Syrian opposition.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), Al-Qaeda's Iraqi branch 
which has expanded into Syria, has clashed with other rebel groups 
elsewhere in the country in recent days.

Violence between the group and rebels affiliated with the mainstream 
Free Syrian Army broke out this week in the town of Azaz in northern 
Aleppo province close to the Turkish border.

Syrian rebel fighters initially welcomed the arrival of hardened 
jihadists affiliated with Al-Qaeda, but have turned against the hardline 
fighters in several places after abuses and disputes over tactics and 

When ISIS announced it would expand into Syria, it initially said it 
planned to merge with an existing jihadist rebel force - the Al-Nusra 

But Nusra, which has pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda chief Ayman 
al-Zawahri, rejected the merger and there were reports that it had 
clashed with ISIS in northeastern Hasakeh province on Saturday.

Copyright (2013) AFP. All rights reserved

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[Marxism] Steve Horn being interviewed now

2013-09-23 Thread Louis Proyect

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Re: [Marxism] Request for literature on post-capitalist 'commons'

2013-09-23 Thread Andrew Pollack
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Very glad you're doing this seminar.

On the one hand, the people most visibly addressing this question are the
anarchists and autonomists, who unfortunately conflate post-revolution
commons (what we would call a commune) with building common space before a
revolution, or even instead of it.

But they must be engaged with.

As for Marxist approaches, I think the most interesting and important angle
is  the new thought being given to social reproduction, i.e. reminding
people of what revolutions at their best did re child/health/elder care,
the dramatically new potential to do more and better, and how that relates
to the fact that the hottest labor struggles today are in precisely that
sphere (e.g. nurses, teachers, home care workers, etc.).


On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 2:50 AM, Patrick Bond  wrote:

> ==**==**==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==**==**==
> Hi comrades,
> For a Maputo seminar next week, we are seeking some fresh ideas on the way
> 'the commons' is being conceptualised by anti-capitalists (of various
> stripes - we're keeping a fairly big tent open given the diverse
> participants). Who has been putting together good material we can learn
> from?
> If anyone's interested and available in NYC next weekend, by the way,
> we'll be having discussions about urban politics - and some potential sites
> of commoning - at the New School with other comrades from SA, Brazil and
> India. It's open but do register, please:**
> urban-convergences/ 
> Cheers,
> Patrick
> Durban,
> __**__
> Send list submissions to: 
> Marxism@greenhouse.economics.**
> Set your options at: http://greenhouse.economics.**

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[Marxism] Climate & Capitalism, September 22, 2013

2013-09-23 Thread Ian Angus
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An ecosocialist journal, edited by Ian Angus

What's new, September 22, 2013

Naomi Klein has sparked a furious debate amongst activists on the
right and left of the North American environmental movement. Chris
Williams examines the critical issues involved, and their implications
for the future of the movement as a whole, and of its growing
ecosocialist wing in particular.

Exposing the myth that 'consumer demand for low prices' causes
dangerous working conditions in third world factories

Audio: The co-author of "What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know
About Capitalism" explains the root causes of today's global climate


Fighting tar sands and pipelines

The term oil sands was invented by public relations flacks, to divert
attention from just how dirty the Alberta bitumen deposits are. Andrew
Nikiforuk explains why tar sands is the right name.

Why no one should believe Deloitte's report on the latest tar sands
pipeline plan

Video: Robert Redford explains why the tar sands are good for oil
companies but deadly for the Earth.

Think about this the next time someone tells you pipelines are safe ...

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[Marxism] Canada: New oil train crash highlights severe dangers

2013-09-23 Thread Stuart Munckton
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For the second time in three months, a CP Rail train carrying toxic and
flammable hydrocarbons has derailed in the city of Calgary, in Alberta

On September 11, eight railway wagons carrying close to one million liters
of a highly flammable gasoline product (diluent) used in the pipeline
transport of tar sands bitumen derailed in the Inglewood neighbourhood.
- See more at:

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] Spain: Indefinite teachers’ strike provoked by language rights' attack

2013-09-23 Thread Stuart Munckton
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Dick Nichols

The school year should have already begun on the Balearic Islands
(Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera, near the eastern coast of the
Iberian Peninsula), but it hasn't. Since September 16, high school and
primary teachers have been on an indefinite strike.

What has it taken to drive the teachers to such an extreme -- with no wages
and dependent on voluntary contributions to their strike fund?

Two assaults on education and culture by regional and national PP
administration have combined to drive the teachers to such high-stakes
- See more at:

"Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity's
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion." -- Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

"The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?" -- Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] Where does real change come from?

2013-09-23 Thread En Passant with John Passant
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The radical historian Howard Zinn once said: "What matters is not who's sitting 
in the White House. What matters is who's sitting in!" If we want progressive 
change, we should take Zinn's words to heart. Our side needs to get organised 
and rebuild a rank and file socialist current in the unions and an activist 
tradition on the campuses.

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