Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Occupy was right: capitalism has failed the world | Books | The Observer

2014-04-15 Thread Marv Gandall
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On 2014-04-14, at 11:27 AM, Louis Proyect posted:


Where we learn that Piketty, whose politics are fully within the mainstream of 
the French Socialist Party, is a red diaper baby: "He was brought up in Clichy 
in a mainly working-class district and his parents were both militant members 
of Lutte Ouvrière (Workers' Struggle) – a hardcore Trotskyist party which still 
has a significant following in France."

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Re: [Marxism] Occupy was right: capitalism has failed the world | Books | The Observer

2014-04-15 Thread Marv Gandall
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On 2014-04-14, at 11:27 AM, Louis Proyect posted:


Where we learn that Piketty, whose politics are fully within the mainstream of 
the French Socialist Party, is a red diaper baby: "He was brought up in Clichy 
in a mainly working-class district and his parents were both militant members 
of Lutte Ouvrière (Workers' Struggle) – a hardcore Trotskyist party which still 
has a significant following in France." 

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Re: [Marxism] Probably controversial: Boris Kagarlitsky on Ukraine: From the Maidan to the revolution?

2014-04-15 Thread Andrew Pollack
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My first reaction, given what I've read about the situation, and my sense
of K.'s politics, is that this is wishful thinking which dangerously
understates or even denies Putin's direct hand in what clearly seem to be
an act of imperialist aggression by Moscow.
Given that we've all weighed evidence and theories carefully in recent
years to try to distinguish the revolutionary from the reactionary, the
real from the bogus, the manipulated from the genuine, from Syria to Egypt
to Thailand to Ukraine to Venezuela...
For that reason my second reaction is to say to K.: "sounds like bullshit
to us, but we're all  for cross-border Ukraine/Russia workers' solidarity,
and while the pro-Putinites taking over police stations don't appear to
have any connections or even any interest in anti-oligarch mobilizing in
either country, go ahead, Boris, prove us wrong. We'll be delighted if you

On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 6:14 PM,  wrote:

> ==
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> Probably controversial:
> Boris Kagarlitsky on Ukraine: From the Maidan to the revolution?
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Re: [Marxism] Probably controversial: Boris Kagarlitsky on Ukraine: From the Maidan to the revolution?

2014-04-15 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 4/15/14 7:40 PM, Einde O'Callaghan wrote:

I suspect the use of the word "toiler" has more to do with Boris K's translator 
than with Boris himself!

Renfrey Clarke did the translation. That's on him. The other idiocy in 
the passage I cited is on Boris.

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Re: [Marxism] Ukraine article

2014-04-15 Thread shacht
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Would apprecite a copy.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Pollack 
To: Wayne M. Collins 
Sent: Mon, Apr 14, 2014 4:28 pm
Subject: [Marxism] Ukraine article

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inally had a chance to scan a 1989 article by Zbigniew Kowalewski, "For
he Independence of Ukraine," from International Marxist Review. It's an
ncredibly detailed and valuable look at how the Bolshevik position
eveloped in theory and practice and the role of Ukrainian Marxists and
opefully soon it will be uploaded, in the meantime if anyone would like a
opy message me.
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Re: [Marxism] Probably controversial: Boris Kagarlitsky on Ukraine: From the Maidan to the revolution?

2014-04-15 Thread Einde O'Callaghan
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Sent from my Sony Xperia™ smartphone

 Louis Proyect wrote 

> Boris must have taken out a subscription to the Militant. His analysis 
> is diametrically opposed but the language is cribbed from Barnes-speak:
>  >>These are the people whom the intelligentsia describe contemptuously 
> as “lumpens”, middle-aged family men and women who only yesterday were 
> typical apolitical residents,Russian-speaking toilers who took no 
> interest in the political intrigues of the capital.<<
> Whenever I see the word toiler, I think of bib overalls and lunch-pails, 
> objects hardly associated with either Jack or Boris.
I suspect the use of the word "toiler" has more to do with Boris K's translator 
than with Boris himself! 

Einde O'Callaghan 

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Re: [Marxism] Probably controversial: Boris Kagarlitsky on Ukraine: From the Maidan to the revolution?

2014-04-15 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 4/15/14 6:14 PM, wrote:

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Probably controversial:

Boris Kagarlitsky on Ukraine: From the Maidan to the revolution?

Boris must have taken out a subscription to the Militant. His analysis 
is diametrically opposed but the language is cribbed from Barnes-speak:

>>These are the people whom the intelligentsia describe contemptuously 
as “lumpens”, middle-aged family men and women who only yesterday were 
typical apolitical residents,Russian-speaking toilers who took no 
interest in the political intrigues of the capital.<<

Whenever I see the word toiler, I think of bib overalls and lunch-pails, 
objects hardly associated with either Jack or Boris.

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[Marxism] Probably controversial: Boris Kagarlitsky on Ukraine: From the Maidan to the revolution?

2014-04-15 Thread glparramatta
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Probably controversial:

Boris Kagarlitsky on Ukraine: From the Maidan to the revolution?

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Re: [Marxism] Jews of Egypt

2014-04-15 Thread Ernest Leif
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Yes, and glad to see that Shadow and Act (a very decent Pan-African film
website) just posted about it here:

On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 4:48 PM, Louis Proyect  wrote:

> ==
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> ==
> An excellent documentary on the leftwing Jews of 1930s to 50s Egypt can
> now be seen VOD for $9.98. Very much worth it.
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> marxism/

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Re: [Marxism] •Re: Good article by Gregg Shotwell

2014-04-15 Thread Ernest Leif
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Great read and what a line:

"Capitalism demeans labor for profit. That’s not opinion, it’s bookkeeping."

Sounds like a line from an Odetts play, or a flick written by Polonski.


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Re: [Marxism] Maidan or anti-Maidan? The Ukraine situation requires more nuance | Volodymyr Ishchenko | Comment is free

2014-04-15 Thread Paul Flewers
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A good article, pointing to the problems with both the pro- and anti-Maidan
currents, and for the need to cut across the current leading political

Ukraine is at a critical point, those in the Eastern and Southern parts of
the country who have justified fears about the Kiev government's economic
austerity policies and the rise of Ukrainian nationalism and the inclusion
of hard-right elements in the government are in danger of being swamped by
and drawn into a very nasty Russian nationalist upsurge, whether or not the
Russian government actually intervenes on the ground. Any armed response by
the Kiev government that leads to casualties will intensify the Russian
nationalists' campaign.

The rival parallel nationalist agendas in Ukraine threaten to force people
in the mixed areas of the country to declare their allegiance: Russian with
Russia or Ukrainian with Ukraine. The spectre of the Yugoslav disaster is
arising in Ukraine, the same dynamics which led to the internecine
slaughter there are appearing in Ukraine. Unless some sort of class
politics which can point to the common interests of workers in the country
as a whole can cut across the growing rival nationalist upsurges, disaster
is inevitable.

Paul F

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[Marxism] Jews of Egypt

2014-04-15 Thread Louis Proyect

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An excellent documentary on the leftwing Jews of 1930s to 50s Egypt can 
now be seen VOD for $9.98. Very much worth it.

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Re: [Marxism] Careers as Marxist intellectuals

2014-04-15 Thread Gulf Mann
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Well, Mark, Horkheimer may not have been writing about himself but
instead about revolutionaries and the revolutionary road in general.
In either case, the quote itself is a memorable one and one I was
reminded of over and over while recently reading Susan Weissman's fine
2001 bio of Victor Serge. In our times, the anti-Stalinist Serge
helped to mark a line of march for Barry Sheppard and his writings,
for Lou and many others on this list (including you, too, Mark), and
for Marxmail itself. ~Howard Beeth, no stranger to the classroom & the

On 4/15/14, Mark Lause  wrote:
> >
> This is the same Max Horkheimer who took professorial wages and
> administrative salaries at various institutions from Frankfort University
> to Columbia and the School for Social Research, right?
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 8:17 PM, Louis Proyect  wrote:
>> "a revolutionary career does not lead to banquets and honorary titles,
>> interesting research and professorial wages. It leads to misery,
>> disgrace,
>> ingratitude, prison and a voyage into the unknown, illuminated by only an
>> almost superhuman belief."
>> --Max Horkheimer

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[Marxism] Slaves: The Capital that Made Capitalism

2014-04-15 Thread Ethan Young
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[Marxism] In response to Timothy Shenk | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2014-04-15 Thread Louis Proyect

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On The Nation magazine website there’s a 9500 word article by Timothy 
Shenk titled Thomas Piketty and Millennial Marxists on the Scourge of 
Inequality ( 
that will require far fewer words to dismantle. As Shakespeare said, 
brevity is the soul of wit and all the more so when it comes to Marxist 

Shenk’s article is a survey of Jacobin Magazine and three books. One is 
Piketty’s “Capital in the 21st Century”, ordered from Amazon two weeks 
ago. Apparently it is back-ordered, a propitious sign given its sweeping 
indictment of the capitalist system. I know vanishingly little about 
Piketty’s analysis except that he does not care much for Marx, according 
to Doug Henwood whose word on such matters I trust implicitly. The other 
two books are written by N+1 editors, Nikil Saval’s “A Secret History of 
the Workplace”, a work that examines cubicles and the like, and Benjamin 
Kunkel’s “Utopia or Bust”.

Shenk is a doctoral student at Columbia University who somehow found the 
time to write a biography of Maurice Dobb in his spare time, no mean 
feat. For those of you unfamiliar with Dobb, a word or two should 
suffice. He was a British CP’er who wrote a book on the history of 
capitalism titled “Studies in the Development of Capitalism” that I 
highly recommend. Dobb took part in a debate with Paul Sweezy in the 
1950s defending a somewhat Anglocentric analysis that put the emphasis 
on primitive accumulation in the countryside as opposed to the expansion 
of global trade—Sweezy’s perspective. But unlike Robert Brenner, who 
took up the cudgel against Sweezy later on, Dobb stated that 
colonization and slavery was also essential.

It is rather unusual for The Nation to publish such a long article so 
focused on Marxist theory. The standard fare there is something about 
the nefarious Koch brothers or the need to hold Obama to his promises, 
etc. In the back of my mind I wondered if The Nation ever got over 
Jacobin editor’s Bhaskar Sunkara’s “Letter to ‘The Nation’ From a Young 
(, a 
piece that can best be described as biting the hand that feeds it.


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[Marxism] •Re: Good article by Gregg Shotwell

2014-04-15 Thread michael yates
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Chris Phelps must not have been reading what I have written in Monthly 

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Re: [Marxism] Good article by Gregg Shotwell

2014-04-15 Thread Christopher Phelps
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Best thing I've read from MR in years.  Will use it in my labor history 

 From: michael yates 
Sent: Monday, 14 April 2014, 21:18
Subject: [Marxism] Good article by Gregg Shotwell

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I would be interested to know what people think of Gregg's article.              

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Re: [Marxism] Pilger

2014-04-15 Thread Patrick Bond

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Let's chat further Alan, as I'll be in your 'hood from tomorrow night 
for a couple of days:

On 2014/04/15 09:26 AM, Alan Wieder wrote:


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Re: [Marxism] Careers as Marxist intellectuals

2014-04-15 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 4/15/14 11:45 AM, Mark Lause wrote:

This is the same Max Horkheimer who took professorial wages and
administrative salaries at various institutions from Frankfort University
to Columbia and the School for Social Research, right?

Sure. But then again I'd have no problem quoting Christopher Hitchens 
before he turned into Mr. Hyde.

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Re: [Marxism] Careers as Marxist intellectuals

2014-04-15 Thread Greg McDonald
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Yes, well, when did Horkheimer ever claim to be leading the life of a

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Re: [Marxism] Careers as Marxist intellectuals

2014-04-15 Thread Mark Lause
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This is the same Max Horkheimer who took professorial wages and
administrative salaries at various institutions from Frankfort University
to Columbia and the School for Social Research, right?

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 8:17 PM, Louis Proyect  wrote:

> "a revolutionary career does not lead to banquets and honorary titles,
> interesting research and professorial wages. It leads to misery, disgrace,
> ingratitude, prison and a voyage into the unknown, illuminated by only an
> almost superhuman belief."
> --Max Horkheimer
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> marxism/

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[Marxism] Pilger

2014-04-15 Thread Alan Wieder
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You are right and so is Pilger.  He doesn't need a pass from me and the
South African ruling class is just what you write --- smug and much worse.

“When it comes to the news, the corporate view is ‘objective,’ all else is
‘propaganda’.” – Studs Terkel

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[Marxism] A Conversation with Philomena Lee | The Hairpin

2014-04-15 Thread Louis Proyect

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A Conversation with Philomena Lee
By Jia Tolentino| April 11, 2014

In the ‘50s, Philomena Lee became pregnant outside of marriage at the 
age of 18. She was sent to an Irish convent to have her baby, and after 
that, worked off her expenses in the laundry, permitted to see her child 
for an hour each day. Against her will and as part of a large and 
secretive program of forced adoption, the nuns gave her young son away 
when he was three years old. Philomena was able to track down her son—a 
successful lawyer and former chief legal counsel to the RNC—only after 
his death. Her search is the subject of the movie Philomena, starring 
Judi Dench.


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[Marxism] Workers of Donbass divided by Kremlin-backed violence | People and Nature

2014-04-15 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] Maidan or anti-Maidan? The Ukraine situation requires more nuance | Volodymyr Ishchenko | Comment is free |

2014-04-15 Thread Louis Proyect

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Re: [Marxism] inter-impi, anti-impi or sub-impi?

2014-04-15 Thread Patrick Bond

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On 2014/04/14 04:47 PM, Matthew Russo wrote:

More on Russia and China as Great Imperialist Powers

   BRICS and the tendency to sub-imperialism

   2014-04-10, Issue 673 

   Printer friendly version

/cc DM / 
their anti-imperialist potential, BRICS states have promoted neo-liberal 
and imperialist practices that facilitate capital accumulation, resource 
extraction and expansion of their markets. But growing popular unrest 
against exploitation, ecological destruction and neoliberalism in the 
BRICS countries may lead to a different, anti- imperialist, course

The rise of the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa (BRICS) bloc 
represents a potentially important geopolitical and economic force that, 
in early 2014, suffers a worsening schizophrenia, in terms of 
positioning within global political economy. The bloc's more radical 
proponents argue it has 'anti-imperialist' potential. But there are far 
greater dangers of BRICS playing a 'sub-imperialist' role in 
contributing to neoliberal regime maintenance (especially in Africa), or 
even an inter-imperialist role as Russia appears tempted in the 
Ukraine/Crimea theatre. But there is potential, as well, for popular 
forces to unite in a role more akin to solidaristic cross-border 
anti-imperialism, given the extreme contradictions and intensity of 
social unrest in each site.

The label of 'sub-imperialist' states that accompany and extend 
imperialism was originally invoked by Ruy Mauro Marini (1965) to 
describe the Brazilian dictatorship's role in the Western Hemisphere, 
and was then repeatedly applied during the 1970s when the Nixon Doctrine 
allowed Washington to outsource geopolitical policing responsibilities 
and accumulation opportunities to favoured regional allies, mostly 
pro-corporate authoritarian regimes.

Although some believe BRICS will have sufficient autonomy to become 
actively anti-imperialist (Desai 2013, Escobar 2013, Keet 2013, Martin 
2013, Shubin 2013, Third World Network 2013), at the level of global 
governance this bloc has tended to reinforce not challenge prevailing 
power relations, except in exceptional cases such as in 2013 when Syria 
was threatened with bombing by Washington and in 2014 when Russia 
invaded Crimea after losing crucial influence in Ukraine.

Like other more isolated states in prior epochs of service to 
imperialism, the BRICS accumulation trajectory, global 
geopolitical-economic-environmental strategy, hegemony over hinterlands 
and internal dynamics of class formation together suggest a pattern 
deserving the phrase sub-imperialist (Bond and Garcia 2014).


There are at least four core relations of sub-imperialism: to 
imperialism, to capitalist crisis tendencies, to super-exploitative 
processes and to regional hegemony.

First, to define sub-imperialism properly implies a coherent definition 
of the systemic processes of imperialism within which it operates. There 
are a variety of ways to understand imperialism, but the most durable -- 
especially for Africa -- appears to be the conception which Rosa 
Luxemburg (1968) set out in The Accumulation of Capital in 1913, 
stressing the extra-economic coercion associated with exploitation 
between capitalist and non-capitalist spheres under conditions of 
capitalist crisis (in contrast to other accounts of the era which hinge 
more upon capital export, formal colonial relations and inter-imperial 

Second, as a result, capitalist crisis conditions become evident within 
the sub-imperial economies just as they are in the imperialist, even 
when accumulation is moving ahead at an apparently rapid clip. 
Overaccumulation of capital is a constant problem everywhere, often 
rising to crisis stage. As a result, in several sub-imperialist 
countries there are powerful impulses for local capital to both 
externalize and financialize.

Judging by David Harvey's (2003) criteria in which sub-imperialists seek 
'spatio-temporal fixes' to these problems, the BRICS offer some of the 
most extreme sites in the world today. These crisis conditions are 
particularly important because in the contemporary period, they have 
shifted what had earlier been nationalist (or even 'state-capitalist') 

[Marxism] Lex Wotton to break his silence at Marxism 2014 in Melbourne

2014-04-15 Thread En Passant with John Passant
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Lex Wotton, the heroic Palm Islander who was jailed after leading protests 
against racist police violence, is set to break a long silence says Red Flag. 
He has confirmed his intention to speak at the Marxism 2014 conference in 
Melbourne next weekend, 17-20 April.

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