[Marxism] Claiming a Copyright on Marx? How Uncomradely

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

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NY Times, May 1 2014 (How appropriate)
Claiming a Copyright on Marx? How Uncomradely

The Marxist Internet Archive, a website devoted to radical writers and 
thinkers, recently received an email: It must take down hundreds of 
works by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels or face legal consequences.

The warning didn’t come from a multinational media conglomerate but from 
a small, leftist publisher, Lawrence & Wishart, which asserted copyright 
ownership over the 50-volume, English-language edition of Marx’s and 
Engels’s writings.

To some, it was “uncomradely” that fellow radicals would deploy the 
capitalist tool of intellectual property law to keep Marx’s and Engels’s 
writings off the Internet. And it wasn’t lost on the archive’s 
supporters that the deadline for complying with the order came on the 
eve of May 1, International Workers’ Day.

“Marx and Engels belong to the working class of the world spiritually, 
they are that important,” said David Walters, one of the organizers of 
the Marxist archive. “I would think Marx would want the most prolific 
and free distribution of his ideas possible — he wasn’t in it for the 

Still, Mr. Walters said the archive respected the publisher’s copyright, 
which covers the translated works, not the German originals from the 
19th century. On Wednesday, the archive removed the disputed writings 
with a note blaming the publisher and a bold headline: “File No Longer 

The fight over online control of Marx’s works comes at a historical 
moment when his ideas have found a new relevance, whether because the 
financial crisis of 2008 shook people’s confidence in global capitalism 
or, with the passage of time, the Marx name has become less shackled to 
the legacy of the Soviet Union. The unlikely best seller by the French 
economist Thomas Piketty, “Capital in the 21st Century,” harks back to 
Marx’s work, examining historical trends toward inequality in wealth.

Despite this boomlet in interest, however, Lawrence & Wishart, located 
in East London, hardly expects to have an online hit on its hands, said 
Sally Davison, the publisher’s managing editor. The goal is to create a 
digital edition to sell to libraries in place of a print edition, which 
costs roughly $1,500 for the 50 volumes.

“Creating a digital strategy is key to our survival,” she said. “We are 
currently negotiating with somebody, that’s why we’ve asked the archive 
to take it off; it’s hard to sell it to librarians if a version already 
exists online.”

Lawrence & Wishart has been losing the argument online, however. The 
publisher said that it had received about 500 irate emails, along the 
lines of “How can you say you are radicals?” There are more than 4,500 
signatures on an online petition to oppose the notion of a copyright 
claim on Marx’s and Engels’s writings; the petition cites the 
incongruity, noting that the two philosophers “wrote against the 
monopoly of capitalism and its origin, private property, all their 
lives.” And the libertarian Cato Institute enjoyed teasing its 
ideological adversaries with an I-told-you-so blog post titled, “Because 
Property Rights Are Important.”

Ms. Davison said she was flabbergasted to see Lawrence & Wishart cast as 
the oppressor. The publisher has two full-time employees and two 
part-time employees and barely makes ends meet, publishing a handful of 
journals, like Anarchy Studies, and about a dozen left-wing books a 
year, she said.

“We make no profit and are not particularly well paid,” she said.

Ms. Davison defended her position by quoting Marx to the effect that you 
must adapt to real-world conditions: “We don’t live in a world of 
everybody sharing everything. As Marx said, and I may be paraphrasing, 
‘We make our own history, but not in the conditions of our own choosing.’ ”

The publisher also tried to turn the tables on its critics, questioning 
whether it was indeed radical to believe that there is no ownership of 
content produced through hard work, like the mammoth translation and 
annotation of Marx’s and Engels’s work, a project initially directed by 
the Soviet Union in the late 1960s that took some 30 years of 
collaboration among scholars across the world.

In a note on its site, Lawrence & Wishart said its critics were not 
carrying on the socialist and communist traditions, but reflecting a 
“consumer culture which expects cultural content to be delivered free to 
consumers, leaving cultural workers such as publishers, editors and 
writers unpaid, while the large publishing and other media conglomerates 
and aggregators continue to enrich themselves through advertising and 
data-mining revenues.”

The statement noted that many works by Marx and Engels — including “The 

Re: [Marxism] Slavoj Žižek · Barbarism with a Human Face: Lenin v. Stalin in Kiev · LRB 8 May 2014

2014-04-30 Thread Greg McDonald
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It seems to be "both and", not "either or". I've spent a lot of time
scanning german media lately, mainly because I'm interested in how german
public opinion views its relationship with russia. Again, from your fave
german rag:


"The parallels between the political stances of President Vladimir Putin's
Russia and European right-wingers are as numerous as they are varied.
Skepticism of immigration and a keen worry about the threat posed by
Islamist extremism make Putin a natural ally for a xenophobic right whose
political bread and butter is their vociferous attacks on European
immigration policy. His heavy-handed leadership style and homophobic stance
likewise don't hurt."

*Fueled by Anti-Americanism*

"But it is European right-wing populists' skepticism of the EU and the
28-member bloc's close ties with the
provides perhaps the broadest foundation for cooperation with Russia.
Vassily Likhachev, a Russian parliamentarian who is deputy chair of the
EU-Russia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, blasted the EU at the
conference last Wednesday, calling EU resolutions relating to the Ukraine
crisis "shameful" and said it was "clear" that the protests in Kiev were "a
project developed by NGOs in the United States."

"The cooperation between the European far right and Russia has been
developing for some time. A report published by the Budapest-based
Political Capital Institute in March, called "The Russian Connection: The
Spread of Pro-Russian Policies on the European Far Right," notes that
Moscow has shown an interest in Eastern European right-wing parties for
several years now. The paper notes that, while admiration for Russia is not
universal in Europe's ultra-conservative scene, there is a widespread
"ideological and political affinity" between the far right and Russia."

"Russia would like to destabilize and weaken the European political scene,
and these parties are all anti-EU. They want to burn down the house," says
Peter Kreko, one of the authors of the study. "I think that's the obvious
goal. That and weakening the European-American alliance."

On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 7:52 PM, Louis Proyect  wrote:

> On 4/30/14 7:37 PM, Greg McDonald wrote:
>> And the only reason these other parties "support" Putin is not out of some
>> ideological allegiance to the great right wing russian leader, but because
>> they want to see the collapse of the EU. It suits their nationalism.
> That's not true. They identify mostly with his hatred of gays. That
> Italian ultraright group I linked to before was ecstatic over how gays are
> getting harassed in Russia. Here's a gay blogger commenting on that:
> http://gayburg.blogspot.com/2013/09/forza-nuova-sta-con-putin.html
> Frankly, I find it pretty disgusting how Putin is being hoisted on the
> shoulders of much of the left after his pushing through anti-gay
> legislation that not even the Republican right in the USA would have the
> nerve to propose. I guess his "anti-imperialism" (arming the murderer
> Bashar al-Assad) trumps gay rights.

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[Marxism] Seeds of Discord in Ukraine

2014-04-30 Thread Greg McDonald
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This  comparative, historical piece appeared on portside.

Seeds of Discord in Ukraine

By Scott Reynolds Nelson

When I arrived in Odessa in the spring of 2011 to do research on trade
between Russia and the West in the 19th century, I imagined the relatively
idyllic picture painted by financial observers of that period.

When our plane landed, I discovered that my spoken Russian was not good
enough to bargain with the Gypsy cab drivers. I finally located someone who
spoke a little German and a few words of English. I showed him the address
of my hotel, and he looked me up and down, twice. When we arrived, I
discovered why. "*Russkaya mafiya,*" he said as I startled at the men in
camouflage jackets who guarded the front gates with Kalashnikovs. Two
sniper towers had sightlines that converged on our taxi. I had, apparently,
booked a hotel in a Russian-mafia quarter. My broken Russian and my printed
reservation got me in.

Outside the compound, I had seen poverty. Inside, I saw opulence: Humvees,
late-model Benzes, and million-­dollar summer homes of the newly rich
Russians close to Vladimir Putin. My hotel room looked out onto a pool that
looked out onto the Black Sea. Young women who brought to mind bikini
models swam in the pool while boyfriends the age of their fathers watched
from their deck chairs. This was the new Ukraine, and it was a long time in
the making.

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[Marxism] Socialist Alliance May Day greetings -- Abbott's plans equal more pain for the poor

2014-04-30 Thread Stuart Munckton
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A casino was a fitting venue to host PM Tony Abbott's keynote address to
the 25th birthday dinner of conservative think tank, the Sydney Institute
on April 28.

Abbott's speech, coming two weeks ahead of the budget, was full of promises
of "happiness", "security" and "a better life". But in reality, Australian
workers, pensioners and the poor will be lucky if they're left with much
more than the shirt on their backs once the government is done fleecing

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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Re: [Marxism] LIst Membership/Bounces

2014-04-30 Thread shacht
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Sorry, and thanks.
Wayne Collins
-Original Message-
From: Les Schaffer 
To: Wayne M. Collins 
Sent: Wed, Apr 30, 2014 2:41 pm
Subject: Re: [Marxism] LIst Membership/Bounces

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

unfortunately, though no problem of your own, it was your email last
night that kicked off this round of bounces. you seem to be getting
through now. i'll be monitoring the situation for a couple days.


On 04/30/2014 05:16 PM, sha...@aol.com wrote:
> I have not received any "bounced mail" or other notice, but nothing that I 
have attempted to post to Marxmail has appeared in the last 48 hours. Wondering 
if this is due to the same "technical problem" you have referenced or if the 
mailings simply don't pass some other form of muster.

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Re: [Marxism] Slavoj Žižek · Barbarism with a Human Face: Lenin v. Stalin in Kiev · LRB 8 May 2014

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 4/30/14 7:37 PM, Greg McDonald wrote:

And the only reason these other parties "support" Putin is not out of some
ideological allegiance to the great right wing russian leader, but because
they want to see the collapse of the EU. It suits their nationalism.

That's not true. They identify mostly with his hatred of gays. That 
Italian ultraright group I linked to before was ecstatic over how gays 
are getting harassed in Russia. Here's a gay blogger commenting on that:


Frankly, I find it pretty disgusting how Putin is being hoisted on the 
shoulders of much of the left after his pushing through anti-gay 
legislation that not even the Republican right in the USA would have the 
nerve to propose. I guess his "anti-imperialism" (arming the murderer 
Bashar al-Assad) trumps gay rights.

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Re: [Marxism] Slavoj Žižek · Barbarism with a Human Face: Lenin v. Stalin in Kiev · LRB 8 May 2014

2014-04-30 Thread Joseph Catron
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On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 2:32 AM, Louis Proyect  wrote:

Frankly, it wouldn't matter to me if there was not a single ultraright (a
> more correct term--you are right to point that out) that backed Putin.

Yeah, I didn't get into it before, but that was what I meant by the crap
logic of the second clause.

Žižek reminds me of Chris Hedges, or Robert Fisk. They're men who have
gotten too used to admirers "ooh'ing" and "ah'ing" over their Grand
Pronouncements, and now feel free to just go around making them, without
thinking first about their content or lack thereof.

"Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen

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Re: [Marxism] Slavoj Žižek · Barbarism with a Human Face: Lenin v. Stalin in Kiev · LRB 8 May 2014

2014-04-30 Thread Greg McDonald
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And the only reason these other parties "support" Putin is not out of some
ideological allegiance to the great right wing russian leader, but because
they want to see the collapse of the EU. It suits their nationalism.


On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 7:22 PM, Joseph Catron  wrote:

> I suppose it would be infantile of me to repeat your normal semantics about
> "fascists"? :-D
> That may well be the case. But the Danskernes Parti (
> http://danskernesparti.dk/archives/4719), the German NPD (
> http://german.ruvr.ru/2014_03_04/Enge-Zusammenarbeit-zwischen-NPD-und-Swoboda-8170
> ),
> the Swedish SVP (
> https://www.svenskarnasparti.se/2014/02/20/svenskarnas-parti-ger-sitt-stod-till-svoboda
> )
> - some of whose returned "Ukraine volunteers" celebrated their victory with
> a knife attack on Swedish leftists (
> http://libcom.org/news/fascist-knife-attack-malm%C3%B6-sweden-night-international-womens-day-09032014
> )
> - etc., etc. are tight with Svodoba.
> I don't think Rumpelstiltskin could weave Žižek's crap claim about "[t]he
> entire European neo-fascist right" into anything but more crap.
> If he's managed to cherry-pick four countries that favor his argument, let
> him say that. It wouldn't be a basis for the claim he's made here.

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Re: [Marxism] Slavoj Žižek · Barbarism with a Human Face: Lenin v. Stalin in Kiev · LRB 8 May 2014

2014-04-30 Thread Joseph Catron
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On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 1:39 AM, Louis Proyect  wrote:

This is out of date. The Italian fascists do support Putin

I suppose it would be infantile of me to repeat your normal semantics about
"fascists"? :-D

That may well be the case. But the Danskernes Parti (
http://danskernesparti.dk/archives/4719), the German NPD (
the Swedish SVP (
- some of whose returned "Ukraine volunteers" celebrated their victory with
a knife attack on Swedish leftists (
- etc., etc. are tight with Svodoba.

I don't think Rumpelstiltskin could weave Žižek's crap claim about "[t]he
entire European neo-fascist right" into anything but more crap.

If he's managed to cherry-pick four countries that favor his argument, let
him say that. It wouldn't be a basis for the claim he's made here.

"Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen

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Re: [Marxism] Readers of Marx and Engels Decry Publisher’s Assertion of Copyright - Research - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2014-04-30 Thread Mark Lause
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Isn't there also a major project to do an actually complete edition in
German?  That could make the L&W translation of the shorter collected works
outdated in any event.


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Re: [Marxism] Slavoj Žižek · Barbarism with a Human Face: Lenin v. Stalin in Kiev · LRB 8 May 2014

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 4/30/14 6:15 PM, Joseph Catron wrote:

Pretty transparent crap, too. I mean, we've got the Internet now. These
things aren't hard to check.


This is out of date. The Italian fascists do support Putin:


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Re: [Marxism] Slavoj Žižek · Barbarism with a Human Face: Lenin v. Stalin in Kiev · LRB 8 May 2014

2014-04-30 Thread Joseph Catron
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On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 8:17 PM, Louis Proyect  wrote:

The entire European neo-fascist right (in Hungary, France, Italy, Serbia)
> firmly supports Russia in the ongoing Ukrainian crisis, giving the lie to
> the official Russian presentation of the Crimean referendum as a choice
> between Russian democracy and Ukrainian fascism.

I read as far as the opening sentence. Its first clause is ... crap.

Pretty transparent crap, too. I mean, we've got the Internet now. These
things aren't hard to check.


The "logic" in the second clause is pretty crap, too. But with premises
that shaky, it hardly matters.

-- .
"Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen

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[Marxism] Moderator's note: mail delivery for bounce-disabled subscribers

2014-04-30 Thread Les Schaffer
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I have now re-enabled all subscribers whose marxmail delivery was
disabled last night.

This event occurred because of some deep technical issue now facing
email lists world wide, and is due to a change in mail forwarding policy
by some of the big email providers, particularly yahoo and kin. at least
i think i got 99.9% of you, i apologize if i missed anyone.

i may have also re-enabled delivery to some people who have had their
subscriptions disabled due to bounce problems over the years and who did
nothing to fix the issue. congratulations, you are now receiving
marxmail again. if you are in this group, and don't wish to receive list
mail any longer, you will need to unsub from the list.


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Re: [Marxism] LIst Membership/Bounces

2014-04-30 Thread Les Schaffer
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

unfortunately, though no problem of your own, it was your email last
night that kicked off this round of bounces. you seem to be getting
through now. i'll be monitoring the situation for a couple days.


On 04/30/2014 05:16 PM, sha...@aol.com wrote:
> I have not received any "bounced mail" or other notice, but nothing that I 
> have attempted to post to Marxmail has appeared in the last 48 hours. 
> Wondering if this is due to the same "technical problem" you have referenced 
> or if the mailings simply don't pass some other form of muster.

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[Marxism] LIst Membership/Bounces

2014-04-30 Thread shacht
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I have not received any "bounced mail" or other notice, but nothing that I have 
attempted to post to Marxmail has appeared in the last 48 hours. Wondering if 
this is due to the same "technical problem" you have referenced or if the 
mailings simply don't pass some other form of muster.

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[Marxism] Volodymyr Ishchenko: For Ukrainians, as for any other people in the world, the main threat is capitalism.

2014-04-30 Thread Matthew Russo
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One can substantially agree with the thrust of the interview.  And then we
get to the nub of the problem I see again and again with respect to
understanding Ukraine:

Q: ..."So is this really a Ukrainian uprising?  Or are these just
playing with a pawn?"

"Obviously you cannot deny that both the U.S. and Russia?and the EU?try
to influence Ukrainian politics.  They would be stupid if they didn?t.
They are great powers, they have their imperialist interests, and that?s
what we can expect from them.

"But then you deny the grassroots nature of this protest.  People are
talking about real problems.  People are self-organizing, both in Maidan
in the Western Ukraine and in the Eastern Ukraine now.  And you cannot
just reduce it to this great power play."

But this artificial juxtaposition of uprising vs. superpowers is quite a
silly and completely unnecessary way of putting matters.  It is an absurd
way of framing a question that guarantees the absurd answer.  It is this
behavior that I find most puzzling.

The real answer is that it is *both*.  Louis has done valuable yeoman's
work in drawing a clear line against especially our most rabid political
opponents on what for the time being we must refer to as the "Left", on the
questions of the Arab Spring and Maidan. However that is not enough.  We
need to be able to present our own analysis of the motives and actions of
the outside powers.  In particular we need to present an analysis of the
actions of "our own" Great Power capitalist regimes, first of all because
that is where we interact with ordinary people on a daily basis.  And
second of all because these Great Power interventions are an objective
factor and condition for the uprising and for any self-organizing
movement.  Today Ukraine is clearly heading toward disintegration as a
result, not of Maidan, but of the actions of the outside Powers.  My own
analysis indicates that this result is *primarily*, but obviously not
solely due to the actions and attitude of the US government. It is hard to
imagine that a conservative like Putin would not want a status quo
settlement that would divide up the spoils.  But the US gambled for it
all.  And lost, as its policy predictably heads towards "fubar".

So far I've not seen this, perhaps out of a "scratch-gangrene" fear of
"resembling our opponents", or perhaps because one agrees with Slavoj Žižek
in his surprisingly good "Barbarism with a Human Face" article in LRB (I
confess that Žižek has come off too much as the "philosophical clown" for
my tastes in the past, but this is the acme of sobriety from him,
relatively speaking), when he ends by stating "Such geopolitical games are
of no interest whatever to authentic emancipatory politics".  Here Žižek
presents the above same artificial juxtaposition stood on its head as a

Of course Great Power geopolitical games have nothing to do, are utterly
alien, to authentic emancipatory politics.  They are the *conscious enemy*
of such a politics, that's why they exist!  And that is why, as against
Žižek, we MUST BE INTERESTED in the games they play against us, from ALL
sides, and especially from the side of the Great Power closest to you.
After all, a "new Cold War against Russia" is intended to whip up a
militarist mentality in the US, generating not only the economic waste of
yet another military buildup with directly negative consequences for our
working class, but intended to create a political environment hostile to
any "authentic emancipatory politics" in the US.  Just as exactly 100 years
ago, the machinations of the Great Powers provoked a World War with
devastating consequences for the prospects of authentic emancipatory
politics of the time, above all for the international working class
Socialist movement.  We clearly have a vital material interest in
preventing that from happening, and that means going against all the
idiotic "new Cold War" rhetoric coming out of Washington. With eyes wide

I don't know why the concept of "know thy enemy" is so difficult to grasp.
The failure to do so means defaulting to our opponents on the "Left". It is
not enough to know that "we" are not "them".  We have to defeat them. How
else do we expect to win?  Or are we content to simply be
"oppositionists"?  I don't know about you, but I fight to win.


PS: Thank god it appears the Ukrainian officer corps has no stomach for
shooting its own people.  Who knows, with Ukraine facing disintegration,
they might even move against the US-installed coup "government".  And good
news that a troop of torch-bearing Neo-Nazis just meet with real hostility
from the present Maidan encampment yesterday.  Unfortunately I had to glean
this latter from RT.com:

Re: [Marxism] Readers of Marx and Engels Decry Publisher’s Assertion of Copyright - Research - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2014-04-30 Thread Einde O'Callaghan

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On 30.04.2014 21:59, Lüko Willms wrote:

BTW 2, if the copyright of those translations made in the 1970ies and 
1980ies is owned collectively by three publishers, and L&W being only 
one of them, can they really unilaterally decide to put these works 
behind digital fences? And could not the other two allow the MIA to 
continue to host those works for really open access from all over the 
planet? Cheers, Lüko Willms Frankfurt, Germany

It's not that simple Lüko. As far as we're aware it was a three-way deal 
where any one of the three could block the deal. At least that was the 
way our previous arrangement worked.

The situation now is that Progress no longer exists and we're not at all 
certain whether there is a legal successor or, if there is, who that 
might be. As for International Publishers, we've also had a couple of 
run-ins with them over the years, although recently relations have been 
much more friendly. It appears that IP already have a digital 
subscription deal for the American market - but they didn't insist that 
we take down the stuff from vols 1-10.

The material has now been removed and we've started examining the stuff 
to see what was originally published in English, e.g. Engels's articles 
for the Northern Star, Marx's articles for the New York Tribune or the 
Minutes of the IWMA. We've also started looking for available 
non-copyright translations of the material taken down. And we've begun 
to re-translate some of the material - for example, today I did a new 
translation of "The Demands of the Communist Party in Germany", which 
was issued by the League of Communists in March 1848  - this will 
probably appear tomorrow. There are also others (non-MIA volunteers) 
who've offered to do translations for us.

Einde O'Callaghan

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Re: [Marxism] Readers of Marx and Engels Decry Publisher’s Assertion of Copyright - Research - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2014-04-30 Thread Lüko Willms
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on Dienstag, 29. April 2014 at 15:01, Louis Proyect wrote:

> In response to its critics, Lawrence & Wishart posted a statement 

> It said that it "survives on a shoestring" 
> and argued that its continued existence 
> depends on its being able 
> to derive income from its stake in the Collected Works.

> "We are currently negotiating an agreement with a distributor that will
> offer a digital version of the Collected Works to university libraries
> worldwide," the publisher said. "This will have the effect of 
> maintaining a public presence of the Works, in the public sphere of the
> academic library, paid for by public funds. This is a model of commons
> that reimburses publishers, authors, and translators for the work that
> has gone into creating a book or series of books."

  I guess the following happened: 

  One of those sharks who live from other people's work by putting handcuffs 
and shackles on knowledge, and selling the access to it at eaves drops for 
heavy prices, approached L&W whispering them "I can guarantee you a steady 
income from your books, if you rely on me to sell your property to universities 
at prices which I set, and you will get some crumbs, er, no, a steady stream of 
income from us." But as with every pact with the devil, you have to sell your 
soul, and this devil said that the pact could become valid only when L&W made 
sure that that stuff, which the copyright shark wanted to make money on, is 
being withdrawn from public access. You have to put freely available knowledge 
behind bars, if you want to draw a profit from it. And L&W got seduced by this 
siren song and sold their soul to the devil. 

  Now, I am sure that this deal will bring them not very much as income, since 
the devil will keep most of it as "administrative fees", and "transaction 
costs" and what have you. 

  And L&W will no longer be able to sell a single printed volume of Marx and 
Engels to the the university libraries, since they will tell any student or 
faculty who would like to see a printed copy: "We have the works as digitial 
copy which you can access online from your university account (but not download 
and not print it), and pay already a hefty subscription price to this copyright 
shark, so we will not spend a single penny to buy something we already have." 

   Without this pact with the devil, any student or faculty having read this or 
that by Marx or Engels on the MIA, could ask their university or college 
library to buy a printed copy of this, and point to the publication by Lawrence 
& Wishart. That market will dry out by L&W falling prey to the whisperings of 
the copyright devils. 
  BTW, would L&W possibly use the digitizations made by MIA volunteers as the 
basis of the digital works they are about to hand over to this knowledge prison 
guards? That would amount to outright stealing, in my humble opinion. 

  BTW 2, if the copyright of those translations made in the 1970ies and 1980ies 
is owned collectively by three publishers, and L&W being only one of them, can 
they really unilaterally decide to put these works behind digital fences? And 
could not the other two allow the MIA to continue to host those works for 
really open access from all over the planet? 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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[Marxism] America is designed to protect racists like Sterling

2014-04-30 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Re: [Marxism] Socialist Alternative: Successes and Turds | spreadtheinfestation

2014-04-30 Thread h0ost
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On 04/30/2014 01:47 PM, annette gagne wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> The link is not working.

>> full: http://spreadtheinfestation.wordpress.com/2014/04/30/
>> socialist-alternative-successes-and-turds/

Highlight the entire link (starting from "http://...";) and paste it in
your browser.  If you just click on it, it won't work.

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Re: [Marxism] Socialist Alternative: Successes and Turds | spreadtheinfestation

2014-04-30 Thread annette gagne
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The link is not working.

Best Wishes,
- A
On Apr 30, 2014 11:39 AM, "Louis Proyect"  wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> People may accuse me of being a sectarian killjoy for writing this, and
> likely level that criticism against anyone posting or sharing this piece.
>  After all, there is a reason that Socialist Alternative has been in our
> headlines: it’s been succeeding!
> However we cannot afford to wait, or censor ourselves.  Socialist
> Alternative has accomplished some truly special things, but is now on the
> verge of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.  The fact is, Socialist
> Alternative’s successes were a strong deviation from business as usual on
> the US Socialist Left – its typical routines of self-promotion and cycling
> through non-class issues.  But now Socialist Alternative is attempting to
> capitalize on those successes through methods that are almost opposite of
> the ones that made them successful!  Instead of doing good work which is
> inspiring to the entire Left, they are caving back into self-promotion and
> domination of front groups.  And it will make their success short-lived.
> full: http://spreadtheinfestation.wordpress.com/2014/04/30/
> socialist-alternative-successes-and-turds/
> Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
> Set your options at: http://greenhouse.economics.utah.edu/mailman/options/
> marxism/adgagneri%40gmail.com

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[Marxism] Richard J. Evans reviews ‘Burning the Reichstag’ by Benjamin Carter Hett · LRB 8 May 2014

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

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The Conspiracists
Richard J. Evans

Burning the Reichstag: An Investigation into the Third Reich’s 
Enduring Mystery by Benjamin Carter Hett

Oxford, 413 pp, £18.09, February, ISBN 978 0 19 932232 9

Conspiracy theories cluster around violent and unexpected political 
events. The sudden death of a head of state, the assassination of a 
government minister, a bomb attack on a building or a crowd: these 
seemingly random occurrences demand explanation, and for many, the idea 
that they could be the product of the deranged mind of a single 
individual seems too simple to be plausible. The authorship must surely 
have been collective, the planning long-term and meticulous. The killing 
of John F. Kennedy in Dallas in 1963, or the destruction of the Twin 
Towers in New York in 2001, are the two major vortices into which 
conspiracy theorists have been sucked in our own time, generating ever 
more elaborate explanations and pseudo-explanations. Argument continues 
to rage, as the proponents of rival theories construct evidential 
edifices of such staggering detail and complexity that they are often 
almost impossible for a lay reader to navigate.

full: http://www.lrb.co.uk/v36/n09/richard-j-evans/the-conspiracists

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[Marxism] Slavoj Žižek · Barbarism with a Human Face: Lenin v. Stalin in Kiev · LRB 8 May 2014

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

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The entire European neo-fascist right (in Hungary, France, Italy, 
Serbia) firmly supports Russia in the ongoing Ukrainian crisis, giving 
the lie to the official Russian presentation of the Crimean referendum 
as a choice between Russian democracy and Ukrainian fascism. The events 
in Ukraine – the massive protests that toppled Yanukovich and his gang – 
should be understood as a defence against the dark legacy resuscitated 
by Putin. The protests were triggered by the Ukrainian government’s 
decision to prioritise good relations with Russia over the integration 
of Ukraine into the European Union. Predictably, many anti-imperialist 
leftists reacted to the news by patronising the Ukrainians: how deluded 
they are still to idealise Europe, not to be able to see that joining 
the EU would just make Ukraine an economic colony of Western Europe, 
sooner or later to go the same way as Greece. In fact, Ukrainians are 
far from blind about the reality of the EU. They are fully aware of its 
troubles and disparities: their message is simply that their own 
situation is much worse. Europe may have problems, but they are a rich 
man’s problems.

Should we, then, simply support the Ukrainian side in the conflict? 
There is a ‘Leninist’ reason to do so. In Lenin’s very last writings, 
long after he renounced the utopia of State and Revolution, he explored 
the idea of a modest, ‘realistic’ project for Bolshevism. Because of the 
economic underdevelopment and cultural backwardness of the Russian 
masses, he argues, there is no way for Russia to ‘pass directly to 
socialism’: all that Soviet power can do is to combine the moderate 
politics of ‘state capitalism’ with the intense cultural education of 
the peasant masses – not the brainwashing of propaganda, but a patient, 
gradual imposition of civilised standards. Facts and figures revealed 
‘what a vast amount of urgent spadework we still have to do to reach the 
standard of an ordinary West European civilised country … We must bear 
in mind the semi-Asiatic ignorance from which we have not yet extricated 
ourselves.’ Can we think of the Ukrainian protesters’ reference to 
Europe as a sign that their goal, too, is ‘to reach the standard of an 
ordinary Western European civilised country’?

full: http://www.lrb.co.uk/v36/n09/slavoj-zizek/barbarism-with-a-human-face

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[Marxism] The Rise of the Drone Master: Pop Culture Recasts Obama

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

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NY Times, April 30 2014
The Rise of the Drone Master: Pop Culture Recasts Obama

WASHINGTON — In Marvel’s latest popcorn thriller, Captain America 
battles Hydra, a malevolent organization that has infiltrated the 
highest levels of the United States government. There are missile 
attacks, screeching car chases, enormous explosions, evil assassins, 
data-mining supercomputers and giant killer drones ready to obliterate 
millions of people.

Its inspiration?

President Obama, the optimistic candidate of hope and change.

Five and a half years into his presidency, Mr. Obama has had a powerful 
impact on the nation’s popular culture. But what many screenwriters, 
novelists and visual artists have seized on is not an inspirational 
story of the first black president. Instead they have found more 
compelling story lines in the bleaker, morally fraught parts of Mr. 
Obama’s legacy.

“We were trying to find a bridge to the same sort of questions that 
Barack Obama has to address,” said Joe Russo, who with his brother, 
Anthony, directed “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.” “If you’re 
saying with a drone strike, we can eradicate an enemy of the state, what 
if you say with 100 drone strikes, we can eradicate 100? With 1,000, we 
can eradicate 1,000? At what point do you stop?”

A scene from “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” a new movie with 
topics like missile attacks, data-mining supercomputers and killer 
drones. Credit Marvel Studios and Walt Disney Pictures

Beyond “Captain America,” a virtual arts festival of films, books, 
plays, comics, television shows and paintings have been using as their 
underlying narratives the sometimes grim reality of Mr. Obama’s presidency.

The commando raid that Mr. Obama ordered to kill Osama bin Laden is the 
basis for the actions of the fictional President Ogden in the Godzilla 
comic books. Several episodes of CBS’s “The Good Wife” feature 
mysterious wiretaps of the main characters by the National Security 
Agency. Artists in California are protesting drones by sculpturing a 
Predator out of mud. In New York, playwrights are exploring 
disappointment in the pace of societal change in Mr. Obama’s America.

The public relations machinery of the White House assiduously tries to 
control Mr. Obama’s image and legacy, but there is nothing it can do to 
stop artistic interpretation of his policies. After inheriting a 
post-Sept. 11 surveillance state and security apparatus from President 
George W. Bush, Mr. Obama pulled back in some areas and expanded others. 
Artists have focused particularly on the N.S.A. spying revelations 
disclosed by Edward J. Snowden and the president’s “kill list” of 
terrorists targeted by drones.

“The drone wars are really one of Obama’s signature foreign policies,” 
said Trevor Paglen, a photographer whose fuzzy images of flying drones 
are exhibited in galleries around the world. “We are living in a moment 
that’s characterized by this mass surveillance. I think art can help us 
call attention to certain things. It can help contribute to the cultural 
vocabulary that we use.”

Past presidents have also seen their actions reflected in the culture of 
the day. Ronald Reagan’s crusade against Communism in Central America 
became fodder for 1980s movies such as “Red Dawn,” and Reaganomics 
inspired Alex P. Keaton, the conservative teenager played by Michael J. 
Fox on NBC’s popular sitcom “Family Ties.” Artists in the 1980s also 
used their canvases to protest the conservative cultural movement that 
Reagan embraced and nurtured.

Bill Clinton’s White House inspired the NBC series “West Wing,” and the 
president’s affair with Monica Lewinsky was an irresistible story line 
for everything from cartoon strips to novels. When Mr. Clinton’s effort 
to capture a Somali warlord in Mogadishu went bad, the disaster became 
the book and movie “Black Hawk Down.”

The difference for Mr. Obama may be the gap between what his supporters 
expected and what they now see.

The artist Kara Walker set off a minor controversy in 2012 with a 
black-and-white drawing displayed at the Newark Public Library in New 
Jersey. The drawing included an image of Mr. Obama standing at a lectern 
beneath a burning cross. It is titled “The moral arc of history ideally 
bends towards justice but just as soon as not curves back around toward 
barbarism, sadism, and unrestrained chaos.”

In New York City, the playwright Richard Nelson’s series at the Public 
Theater explored the lives of family members who, among other things, 
become disillusioned with Mr. Obama and his promises of change.

“The arts are often a left or progressive community,” said Nato 
Thompson, the chief curator at Creative Time, a public arts group in New 

[Marxism] Baathists deal lethal blow to terrorists

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

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NY Times, April 30 2014
Bomb Hits Elementary School in Ravaged Syrian City

BEIRUT, Lebanon — A barrel bomb tore into an elementary school in the 
northern city of Aleppo on Wednesday morning, just as an exhibit of 
children’s art was about to open, killing at least 18 people, including 
10 students, residents and anti-government activists there said, blaming 
the attack on the government.

Footage of the wrecked school posted online showed pools of blood, 
rubble and some of the children’s drawings, one of which depicted a 
warplane firing a missile over the school.

“These are terrorists!” a man cried in one video as he held a shock of 
hair clinging to part of a scalp, as another man in the video cried, 
“Five years old.”

Another man cursed insurgents who in recent days struck a deal with the 
government to restore electricity to government-held parts of the city 
in return for an end to bombardments of rebel-held areas, a part of the 
deal that apparently was not upheld on Wednesday.

The bombing came a day after mortar shells struck a technical school in 
government-held Damascus, killing at least 14 people and wounding more 
than 80. Unicef, the United Nations children’s agency, issued a 
statement condemning that attack and another, on the Damascus suburb of 
Adra, which killed three children in a camp for the displaced on Tuesday.

“Every day, across Syria, children who are simply trying to go about 
their everyday lives are being killed and maimed by indiscriminate 
attacks on populated areas”, said Maria Calivis, Unicef’s regional 
director for the Middle East and North Africa.

“These attacks appear to be escalating, in complete disregard of all the 
calls that have been made to stop this insane cycle of violence, and to 
avoid similar breaches of international law.”

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Re: [Marxism] Explanation of excessive bounces to list members

2014-04-30 Thread Les Schaffer
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On 04/30/2014 10:11 AM, Lüko Willms wrote:
> They should check the Mail for the existence of a "List-ID" header,
> which effectively shows this mail being legitimately distributed by a
> mailing list.



for a discussion of the issue 


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[Marxism] Socialist Alternative: Successes and Turds | spreadtheinfestation

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

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People may accuse me of being a sectarian killjoy for writing this, and 
likely level that criticism against anyone posting or sharing this 
piece.  After all, there is a reason that Socialist Alternative has been 
in our headlines: it’s been succeeding!

However we cannot afford to wait, or censor ourselves.  Socialist 
Alternative has accomplished some truly special things, but is now on 
the verge of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.  The fact is, 
Socialist Alternative’s successes were a strong deviation from business 
as usual on the US Socialist Left – its typical routines of 
self-promotion and cycling through non-class issues.  But now Socialist 
Alternative is attempting to capitalize on those successes through 
methods that are almost opposite of the ones that made them successful! 
 Instead of doing good work which is inspiring to the entire Left, they 
are caving back into self-promotion and domination of front groups.  And 
it will make their success short-lived.


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[Marxism] LA NAACP President Leon Jenkins Defends Donald Sterling | Robert Littal Presents BlackSportsOnline

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] The Ivory Cage and the Ghosts of Academe: Labor and Struggle in the Edu-Factory

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

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Now, more than ever, the insights of the Edu-Factory Collective and 
their network of interlocutors are crucial. Founded in the mid-2000s in 
Europe, the Collective now counts scholars and activists from around the 
world among its members. Based around a listserv, a series of 
conferences, a book and an occasional journal, Edu-Factory has sought to 
explore how the transformations of the university are part and parcel of 
a broader, more systematic transformation of the global economic 
paradigm towards an age of "cognitive capitalism."

Edu-Factory's central theoretical conceit, "as once was the factory, so 
now is the university," illuminates three overlapping ideas.

First, it speaks to the increasing "industrialization" of higher 
education, the standardization of a universal educational "product" 
(available in different brands and at different "price points" at 
various institutions) and the application to university laborers of 
those forms of discipline and measure once reserved for the factory. In 
order to compete in a "global education marketplace" (and for lucrative 
international student tuitions), the neoliberal university has 
formalized and refined disciplines of learning and courses of study to 
provide students with "job-ready" skills, typically at the expense of 
critical thinking, social responsibility and earnest intellectual 
exploration. Whole departments and areas of study are being shuttered 
when they fail to meet performance targets or attract student and 
corporate "investment." These often have the effect of quenching or 
obstructing the most dynamic and important insights and tendencies to 
have emerged from marginalized approaches, such as Indigenous 
epistemologies, feminist and queer analyses and methods, ethnic studies 
approaches, and anti-racist and anti-colonial theories. Meanwhile, 
university administrations have become pathologically addicted to the 
rhetoric of newness, (disruptive) innovation, niche marketing and the 
vacuous ideals of "interdisciplinary" and "collaboration" which, more 
often than not, poorly disguise the caustic restructuring germane to the 
age of austerity. The result is a highly commodified and increasingly 
homogenized global educational product, a nightmare version of what 
critical pedagogy scholar Paolo Freire called the "banking model" of 
schooling where the teacher deposits discrete chunks of standardized 
information or parceled skills in the students' mind for later 
withdrawal at the exam or in the workplace. To this we can add the 
tremendous profit actual banks are extracting from the university system 
through student debt, the financing of university expansion, and the 
interest on the debt of universities themselves.


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Re: [Marxism] L&W: a mercenary London publisher empowering imperialist privilege

2014-04-30 Thread Ralph Johansen

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Perish the thought

Einde O'Callaghan wrote

It depends on when the translators die!

 Ralph Johansen wrote 
> Anyone know what the copyright expiration date is on the proscribed
> material?

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

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[Marxism] Whose sarin?

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

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Whose sarin?

For a second time the LRB has aired Seymour Hersh’s highly shaky claim 
that the opposition was responsible for the chemical weapons attack on 
the Ghouta on 21 August 2013 (LRB, 17 April). Hersh provides only one 
source for the key claims in his piece: a ‘former intelligence 
official’. As the bloggers Eliot Higgins and Scott Lucas have shown, he 
entirely ignores the overwhelming balance of tangible evidence that 
indicates the responsibility of the regime for the Ghouta attack. The 
two types of munitions found at the site were the Soviet M14 and an 
improvised type of rocket known as ‘the Volcano’. Both have been spotted 
in several combat videos, always being used by regime forces and never 
by the opposition. Contrary to Hersh’s claims in his first article, all 
of the rockets used were well within range of regime-held areas (LRB, 19 
December 2013). The position of the intact munitions, in particular 
‘Missile 197’, indicates a firing point to the north, where the 
regime-held areas were. The 21 August incident involved multiple rocket 
attacks on the Ghouta from those directions.

full: http://www.lrb.co.uk/v36/n09/letters

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[Marxism] Commentary on Marx-Engels Collected Works dispute @insidehighered

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

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Value, Price and Profit
April 30, 2014
By Scott McLemee

For five years now, off and on -- as massive financial crisis and 
spiking unemployment have given way to healthy corporate profits and a 
“recovery” characterized by a surge in low-wage job creation — the word 
has gone around that people are rediscovering Marx’s Capital.

Whether very many have the stamina to finish its opening chapter, on the 
commodity form, may be doubted. (Over the years I have been in at least 
three informal study groups that broke up before getting through the 
analysis of money in chapter three.) But anyone seriously considering 
making the trek through Capital might best start with Friedrich Engels’s 
shorter commentaries on it, including a number of reviews he published 
anonymously or under pseudonyms, as many an author’s friend has on Amazon.

Engels was not disinterested, of course, but as a critic he had the 
considerable advantage of knowing, from long and close acquainting, what 
Marx was trying to say.

You can find those fugitive pieces — and hundreds of other primary 
works, major and minor — at the Marxists Internet Archive, which has 
been around since well before the dawn of the World Wide Web. It makes 
available a constantly expanding array of texts by scores of writers 
(not all of them Marxists and some not radical by any standard) in an 
impressive range of languages, and all at no charge. The site draws more 
than a million readers per month. And yes, traffic has increased during 
the Great Recession and the not-so-great recovery.


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[Marxism] MRZine and chlorine gas attacks

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

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Today, on Yoshie's blog there are four tweets from a "Marxist-Leninist" 
named Phil Greaves who blames Al Qaeda and Al Nusra for such attacks on 
Syrian towns and villages. These allegations are made despite the 
preponderance of evidence that Baathist helicopters are responsible. For 
instance, Brown Moses has a report this morning:


The local medical centre's Facebook page claims 70 were injured, and at 
least one death.  As with previous chlorine/ammonia attacks, it has been 
claimed that the attacks involved barrel bombs dropped from helicopters, 
with the medical centre claiming this is the third such attack on the 
town.  Videos posted on April 12th/13th and April 18th support the claim 
that this is the third attack in the town.

Al-Tamanah is located 15km northeast of Kafr Zita, and 20km south of 
Talmenes.  Both towns were subject to a recent investigation by the 
Daily Telegraph and SecureBio which confirmed high levels of chlorine 
and ammonia in samples taken from the impact sites of attacks on April 
11th, 18th, and 21st (click on the links for videos from those attacks). 
 As with the Al-Tamanah attack, and other reported chemical barrel bomb 
attacks in the area, witnesses have consistently reported the use of 
helicopters to drop the chemical barrel bombs used.  As it stands, 
around a dozen chemical barrel bomb attacks have been alleged in that 
region in the last three weeks.


Now I understand that people like Phil Greaves and Yoshie Furuhashi are 
lost to the left but it continues to amaze me that John Foster Bellamy 
remains indifferent to the damage that MRZine does to Monthly Review's 

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Re: [Marxism] "Marxists", Marx and copyright (was: • Lawrence & Wishart: independent radical publishers)

2014-04-30 Thread Mark Lause
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Exactly so, Lüko.

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[Marxism] Volodymyr Ishchenko: “For Ukrainians, as for any other people in the world, the main threat is capitalism.” | LeftEast

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

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Chuck Mertz: On the line with us right now is Volodymyr Ishchenko.  He 
is a sociologist studying social protests in Ukraine.  Good evening, 

Volodymyr Ishchenko:  Good evening.


CM:  Volodymyr’s most recent writing includes Tuesday’s Guardian post 
Maidan or Anti-Maidan: the Ukraine situation requires more nuance.

This week, Volodymyr, here’s the story from the BBC: Russia and Ukraine 
agree on steps to end crisis.  “Russia and Ukraine struck a deal on 
Thursday to end unrest in Eastern Ukraine stoked by pro-Russian 
militants.”  Has that agreement solved all of Ukraine’s problems?  Do 
you think that this will provide safety and security for Ukrainian citizens?

One of the stories that’s been going around in the U.S. media is the 
idea in Crimea, and also in the East of Ukraine, that Kiev has become 
lawless, it has become run by gangs, that there has been criminal 
activity, that it is not safe, and they fear that the same kind of chaos 
is coming to Crimea or the Eastern Ukraine.

VI:  That’s a very exaggerated picture.  Life in Kiev is totally safe. 
It’s definitely much safer now than in the Eastern Ukraine; in Donbas 
there are armed gangs which have attacked state buildings. Some of them 
seem to be local protesters, but some of them seem to be too 
well-equipped and too well-trained to be just some militia.  If they 
aren’t Russians or Russianists, they could also be former riot police 
officers who left Kiev to escape punishment by the new government.

Kiev is definitely much safer than in February, when there really was 
chaos and street clashes in the center; the major problem is in the 
Eastern Ukraine.

CM:  Let me ask you a couple of really general questions about this 
protest.  Whenever there is any coverage of any protest—it could be 
Ukraine, it could be Egypt, it could be Venezuela, it doesn’t matter 
where it is—the media often points out that this is about the economy, 
and if it weren’t for a downturn in the economy, these protests would 
never happen.  It’s almost as if the media is saying, protests do not 
happen when people are upset about an infringement on their rights or 
freedoms; the only thing that drives people out into the streets is the 

To what degree did the economy play a role in this Ukrainian uprising? 
Is this at all about freedoms and rights, or is this just about the 
bottom line and Ukrainians’ wallets?

VI:  There were actually two uprisings.  You have the Maidan 
uprising—that started in December and became more violent in January—and 
now you have the Eastern Ukrainian uprising.  They have many similar 
traits, but the socio-economic component is somewhat deeper in the 
Eastern Ukraine now, where the economic situation is really deteriorating.

The national currency lost something like 40% of its value during the 
last two or three months, prices are rising, and people in Eastern 
Ukraine are mainly workers, pensioners.  They are speaking about wages, 
they are speaking about prices, about the collapse of industry.  Some of 
them demand nationalization, some of them demand decent pay for their 
work.  That protest has more to do with the economy; it’s not just about 
their identity.

But they also speak, of course, about their dignity, about their 
language, about their history, about their heroes, and about this 
federalization question—which also animates the question of recognition 
of their self-determination, the question of concrete freedoms and rights.

The Maidan protest started more as an ideological protest that was, to 
some extent, an attempt to break through to the European Dream, seeing 
it as a kind of utopia which would solve many Ukrainian problems.  And 
for other people, it was a protest against Russia.  It was generally 
believed that if Yanukovych would not sign the European Association 
Agreement, he will join the Customs Union with Russia, Belarus, and 
Kazakhstan.  These countries were described in quite negative tones as 
authoritarian, poor countries that Ukraine doesn’t need to orient itself to.

But later during the Maidan uprising, there came the questions of police 
repression and violence, of the authoritarian laws which were passed in 
January—they were pulled to the forefront.  They became more important 
than the European Association.

CM:  This is the other general question I wanted to ask you: how much 
are these protests caused by outside forces?  Since the Wikileaks 
revelation from last week—about USAID and the work that they have done 
in trying to destabilize or help overthrow governments that are not 
friendly to the United States—there has been some talk in critical 
sectors of the media, here in the States, about the role that USAID and 
NED play.

And then if

[Marxism] Dugin Says Putin Being Undermined by Insiders Who Don’t Back Him All the Way | The Interpreter

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

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According to the Eurasian leader and frequent Kremlin advisor, one 
cannot describe this confrontation “in ideological terms” because both 
Russia and the West are democratic societies with capitalist market 
economies, a liberal ideology, and are secular. Dugin says that it isn’t 
even a battle between eastern and western Christianity

Instead, he says, what is going on is a civilizational struggle 
reflecting the tendency of geopolitics “to regionalize space and 
society,” to divide the world between what he calls “the civilization of 
the Sea” (the West) with its liberal values and “the civilization of the 
Land” or World Island (Russia and adjacent territories, “an Empire of 
conservative values.”

Sometimes this conflict runs along national borders and sometimes, as in 
the case of Ukraine, it cuts across them. But Dugin says he wants to 
focus on the ways in which the civilization of the West is using some in 
Russia to undermine its civilizational basis and thus advance the power 
of the West.


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[Marxism] Oklahoma execution: Clayton Lockett writhes on gurney in botched procedure | World news | theguardian.com

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.


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[Marxism] Anand Gopal: How to lose a war that wasn’t there

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

(Last night I went to hear my old friend John Halle and his colleagues 
performing new compositions out in Brooklyn that I will be blogging 
about later. If I hadn't been committed to that, I would have gone to a 
book party for Anand Gopal who has a new book out on Afghanistan. Anand 
wrote a terrific article on the Syrian revolution in Harper's about two 
years ago, one that I frequently refer to. I expect his new book to be 

How the U.S. created the Afghan war — and then lost it
The unreported story of how the Haqqani network became America’s 
greatest enemy

By Anand Gopal

It was a typical Kabul morning. Malik Ashgar Square was already 
bumper-to-bumper with Corolla taxis, green police jeeps, honking 
minivans, and angry motorcyclists. There were boys selling phone cards 
and men waving wads of cash for exchange, all weaving their way around 
the vehicles amid exhaust fumes. At the gate of the Lycée Esteqial, one 
of the country’s most prestigious schools, students were kicking around 
a soccer ball. At the Ministry of Education, a weathered old 
Soviet-style building opposite the school, a line of employees spilled 
out onto the street. I was crossing the square, heading for the 
ministry, when I saw the suicide attacker.

He had Scandinavian features. Dressed in blue jeans and a white t-shirt, 
and carrying a large backpack, he began firing indiscriminately at the 
ministry. From my vantage point, about 50 meters away, I couldn’t quite 
see his expression, but he did not seem hurried or panicked. I took 
cover behind a parked taxi. It wasn’t long before the traffic police had 
fled and the square had emptied of vehicles.


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[Marxism] Do we belong here?

2014-04-30 Thread Dennis Brasky
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[Marxism] UKRAINE: Report from a visit in Kiev in April 2014 | Tahrir-ICN

2014-04-30 Thread Louis Proyect

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

All left-wing activists said that the fascists or radical right wingers 
did not dominate the movement nor represented a big part of the 
protestors. They did describe fascist attacks on themselves and how they 
were excluded from the barricades, but that was rather a result of their 
own weakness then of the strength of the fascists. The mass waving of 
Ukrainian flags or chanting nationalist slogans were not signs of 
fascist or radical right wing ideas. Some protesters also had a blurry 
understanding of nationalism, expressing that for them it was fighting 
for a free world. Racism or ethnic nationalism did not seem to catch on.

Before Maidan the biggest right-wing force was the Ukrainian nationalist 
party Svoboda (in parliament) with their fascist “youth organization” 
and militia C-14, with several fascist groups even further on the right 
(outside parliament). Pravy Sektor was founded by several fascist groups 
including paid activists and football hooligans at the beginning of the 
Maidan movement. One of these fascist groups (White Hammer) was later 
excluded after it had killed three policemen at the outskirts of Kiev. 
Not all fascists took part in Maidan, some also supported Yanukovich – 
and, of course, the Russian nationalist fascists did not take part 
either. They are active now in the separatist activity in Eastern 
Ukraine, for instance, showing the black-yellow-white flag of the 
Russian monarchists or national-bolshevik banners.

Most of the fascist leaders on Maidan were from the middle class and 
intellectuals, their infantry consisted of many students, and there were 
few workers or farmers. The fascist intervention on Maidan seemed like a 
contradiction from the start, since many of the main issues were liberal 
or left, like pro-democracy, for EU-association, against corruption, 
against police-violence, etc. These are topics the fascists do not 
represent, so their standing among the protesters was not based on their 
political program but their ability to organize the struggle against the 
police. When rightists attacked unionist or left-wing activists on 
Maidan in November, others supported that because everyone “communist” 
was identified with the Communist Party of Ukraine (which supported 
Yanukovich). However, even when the Right Sector led the struggle 
against the police in January, it constituted a rather small group.


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[Marxism] Ukrainian Left Activist Speaks Out -- Interview with Volodymyr Ishchenko

2014-04-30 Thread Paul Flewers
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

This hits the nail firmly on the head: 'The best solution -- though the
most difficult and not the most probable solution -- would be for Western
Ukrainians and Eastern Ukrainians to unite on some common ground, some
common platform of shared demands for social justice, and to fight against
the ruling class, against Russian intervention, against possible Western
intervention, and against both pro-Ukrainian and pro-Russian far-Right

More at <
http://www.criticatac.ro/lefteast/ukraine-the-main-threat-is-capitalism/ >.

Paul F

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[Marxism] Explanation of excessive bounces to list members

2014-04-30 Thread Hans G Ehrbar
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

The following message from the mailman users mailing list explains the
problem Lou and Les have run into..  The policy change by Yahoo and AOL
ostensibly has the purpose to fight spam which is a huge bandwidth
issue.  I don't know whether the side effect is welcomed by them that it
causes big problems for ordinary small mailing lists which do not spread
advertisements to their members.

For the marxism list I am working on the following remedy:
the server greenhouse.economics.utah.edu will be taken out of business
anyway, and very few select lists, including the marxism list, will be
taken over by the list server of the College of Social and Behavioral
Sciences at the University of Utah.  That list server seems to be
configured in a way that avoids the problem.  Until this transfer is
completed (in a few days), I recommend that Lou and Les turn off
automatic bounce processing, and yahoo and hotmail subscribers should be
advised that their messages cannot be read by many subscribers.  And if
you get a message that your subscription is disabled, Lou and Les are
probably fixing it already, therefore don't worry about it.  If you
want to be sure not to miss marxism list messages, you should follow the
list traffic by the archives in the next few days.  Here is the message
from the mailman users mailing list: first a list administrator and then
one of the mailman gurus answering:

 > Need some insight and help. I have recently taken over a list that
 > is using mailman v 2.1.14. And we are getting a lot of bounce
 > notices regarding members and de-activation's of their
 > subscriptions due to this.  In the bounce notices I get as list
 > manager I see the following  'This message failed DMARC Evaluation"
 > Also members are complaining they see no messages coming from the
 > list or even their own posts.

Yahoo! and AOL have decided that you are not allowed to forward
messages from their members, and enforce it using a DMARC policy which
requests that receiving mail servers bounce the mail, effectively
causing a denial of service attack on their own users.  Large services
like Yahoo, AOL, and Hotmail seem to be respecting the policy despite
the adverse effect on their users (ie, getting unsubscribed).  GMail
seems to have a more nuanced response so that at least some mailing
lists get through.

The problem occurs with posts *by* users with Yahoo and AOL addresses,
although it is experienced by your entire subscriber base (that is,
any subscriber at a service which respects the DMARC policy).

There is no generally satisfactory way for mailing lists to deal with
this.  Several options and a lot of discussion are in the threads with
"DMARC" or "Yahoo" in the subject at


tl;dr summary is


The most palatable option for most list operators seems likely to be
setting the "from_is_list" option, but that requires Mailman >= 2.1.16
(avoid 2.1.17, IIRC it has a related bug that needs to be patched for
from_is_list to work properly, and 2.1.18 is not quite released yet,
but should come out literally any day now).

Whatever option you adopt for your list, your AOL and Yahoo users
should be advised that their email provider's policy is causing the
problem, and that they can defend themselves by switching providers
(GMail seems to be handling the situation best at the moment).  You
probably don't want to *advocate* switching, but that's up to you.
However, it *is* an effective remedy for the subscriber, if they are
willing to pay the (often substantial) annoyance cost of switching
email addresses.

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Re: [Marxism] Technical list membership issue

2014-04-30 Thread Les Schaffer
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Maybe if you all read the email from the other moderator of the list, moi, 
you'd know what's going on.


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Re: [Marxism] Technical list membership issue

2014-04-30 Thread annette gagne
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I received a message like that, went to the website and re-enabled my

This hasn't happened to me before.  Wonder what went wrong.  Hacking?

Best Wishes,
- A
On Apr 30, 2014 4:25 AM, "Joseph Catron"  wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> I got the automated message below, saying my "membership in the mailing
> list Marxism has been disabled due to excessive bounces."
> However, while I'm not exactly a conscientious manager of this e-mail
> account, it's far from full, with over four GB of space left.
> Has this happened to others, or are there any ideas what the problem might
> be?
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: 
> Date: Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 9:18 AM
> Subject: confirm 2773189c4355a4affd2960cff0595ff76fcd1e96
> To: jncat...@gmail.com
> Your membership in the mailing list Marxism has been disabled due to
> excessive bounces The last bounce received from you was dated
> 30-Apr-2014.  You will not get any more messages from this list until
> you re-enable your membership.  You will receive 4 more reminders like
> this before your membership in the list is deleted.
> To re-enable your membership, you can simply respond to this message
> (leaving the Subject: line intact), or visit the confirmation page at
> http://greenhouse.economics.utah.edu/mailman/confirm/marxism/2773189c4355a4affd2960cff0595ff76fcd1e96
> You can also visit your membership page at
> http://greenhouse.economics.utah.edu/mailman/options/marxism/jncatron%40gmail.com
> On your membership page, you can change various delivery options such
> as your email address and whether you get digests or not.  As a
> reminder, your membership password is
> vaabzoud
> If you have any questions or problems, you can contact the list owner
> at
> marxism-ow...@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
> --
> "Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen
> lytlað."
> Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
> Set your options at:
> http://greenhouse.economics.utah.edu/mailman/options/marxism/adgagneri%40gmail.com

Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
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Re: [Marxism] Technical list membership issue

2014-04-30 Thread Sebastian Clare
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Re: [Marxism] Technical list membership issue

2014-04-30 Thread Christos Mais
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

It happened to me as well

On 30 April 2014 11:25, Joseph Catron  wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> I got the automated message below, saying my "membership in the mailing
> list Marxism has been disabled due to excessive bounces."
> However, while I'm not exactly a conscientious manager of this e-mail
> account, it's far from full, with over four GB of space left.
> Has this happened to others, or are there any ideas what the problem might
> be?
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: 
> Date: Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 9:18 AM
> Subject: confirm 2773189c4355a4affd2960cff0595ff76fcd1e96
> To: jncat...@gmail.com
> Your membership in the mailing list Marxism has been disabled due to
> excessive bounces The last bounce received from you was dated
> 30-Apr-2014.  You will not get any more messages from this list until
> you re-enable your membership.  You will receive 4 more reminders like
> this before your membership in the list is deleted.
> To re-enable your membership, you can simply respond to this message
> (leaving the Subject: line intact), or visit the confirmation page at
> http://greenhouse.economics.utah.edu/mailman/confirm/marxism/2773189c4355a4affd2960cff0595ff76fcd1e96
> You can also visit your membership page at
> http://greenhouse.economics.utah.edu/mailman/options/marxism/jncatron%40gmail.com
> On your membership page, you can change various delivery options such
> as your email address and whether you get digests or not.  As a
> reminder, your membership password is
> vaabzoud
> If you have any questions or problems, you can contact the list owner
> at
> marxism-ow...@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
> --
> "Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen
> lytlað."
> Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
> Set your options at:
> http://greenhouse.economics.utah.edu/mailman/options/marxism/ipoulos69%40gmail.com

*Christos Mais*
PhD Candidate
Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS)


*The greatest inspiration is the deadline*

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[Marxism] Palestine: Gaza's Ark boat attacked

2014-04-30 Thread Stuart Munckton
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Gaza's Ark, a Palestinian-built protest boat which was preparing to run
Israel's naval blockade of the territory, was badly damaged in an explosion
on April 29 that organisers blamed on Israel, Alarabiya.net

Gaza’s Ark  is a joint initiative by Palestinians
in Gaza, including individuals from the Palestine Sailing Federation and
the Fishermen’s Solidarity Campaign among others, and international
solidarity activists, including Free Gaza Australia, the Canadian Boat to
Gaza, and Americans affiliated with the organising committees for the US
Boat to Gaza and the Gaza Freedom March. Gaza's Ark is part of the ongoing
international Freedom Flotilla Coalition challenging the illegal and
inhumane Israeli blockade of Gaza.

The statement below on the attack was released by Free Gaza
Australia on
April 29.
“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
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[Marxism] Technical list membership issue

2014-04-30 Thread Joseph Catron
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I got the automated message below, saying my "membership in the mailing
list Marxism has been disabled due to excessive bounces."

However, while I'm not exactly a conscientious manager of this e-mail
account, it's far from full, with over four GB of space left.

Has this happened to others, or are there any ideas what the problem might

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 9:18 AM
Subject: confirm 2773189c4355a4affd2960cff0595ff76fcd1e96
To: jncat...@gmail.com

Your membership in the mailing list Marxism has been disabled due to
excessive bounces The last bounce received from you was dated
30-Apr-2014.  You will not get any more messages from this list until
you re-enable your membership.  You will receive 4 more reminders like
this before your membership in the list is deleted.

To re-enable your membership, you can simply respond to this message
(leaving the Subject: line intact), or visit the confirmation page at


You can also visit your membership page at


On your membership page, you can change various delivery options such
as your email address and whether you get digests or not.  As a
reminder, your membership password is


If you have any questions or problems, you can contact the list owner


"Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen

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Re: [Marxism] The Ukranian-SyrIan Arms Connection?

2014-04-30 Thread Greg McDonald
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

You answered your own directive in your latest post. There is no US left.
There is no anti-war mass movement. I'm not too keen either on signing up
to be a member of the asshole party, with 100 members in 50 states.


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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Carnation revolution, S. Africa, China strike, Swaziland, social activism today, Scotland, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, ANZACs

2014-04-30 Thread glparramatta

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

What's new at Links: Carnation revolution, S. Africa, China strike, 
Swaziland, social activism today, Scotland, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, ANZACs

* * *
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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
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*Please pass on to anybody you think will be interested in Links.

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   Portugal: 40 years after the Carnation Revolution

By *Jorge Costa*
April 24, 2014 -- On the eve of April 25, 1974, Portuguese society was 
smouldering from contradictions accumulated in half a century of 
dictatorship. At the heart of these contradictions was a war that lasted 
thirteen years, to hold on to the African colonies of Angola, 
Mozambique, Guinea, Cape Verde and Sao Tome and Principe. This conflict 
conditioned the whole of national life, because of the social suffering 
caused by the mobilisation of two hundred thousand men, a tenth of the 
working population (a human cost equivalent to twice that of Vietnam), 
because of the wave of migration driven by hunger and the war, and 
because of the impossibility of a military solution, the only one 
contemplated by the regime.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: 20 years on, 'very good story' of ANC 'social
   democracy' needs tough questioning 

By *Patrick Bond*, Durban
April 27, 2014 -- Two decades ago, liberation was won in South Africa. 
In two weeks, the May 7 election will confirm the popularity of the 
African National Congress (ANC) with a landslide victory.

 * Read more 

   China: 48,000 Adidas, Nike, Timberland strikers need your solidarity

 * Read more 

   Swaziland: COSATU condemns arrest of PUDEMO secretary general

Statement by the *Congress of South African Trade Unions*
April 25, 2014 -- King Mswati's jails are littered with well-meaning men 
and women of conscience, those who have refused to be cowed into 
submission by royal terror. The recent arrest of the secretary general 
of the People's United Democratic Movement (PUDEMO), Mlungisi Makhanya, 
and seven other members of PUDEMO and Swaziland Youth Congress (SWAYOCO) 
is testimony to the reality of a country that has become a big national 
prison against its own people.

 * Read more 

   Two reviews: 'Confronting Injustice: Social Activism in the Age of

Review by *John Riddell*
April 21, 2014 -- A new and outstanding book by Umair Muhammad, 
/Confronting Injustice: Social Activism in the Age of Individualism/, 
presents a strong case for the necessity of socialism to counter the 
impending calamity of global warming.

 * Read more 

   Scotland: Trade unionists debate independence, 'yes' gets the nod

*Richie Venton*, Scottish Socialist Party national trade union organiser 
and Trade Unionists for Independence
April 22, 2014 -- Campaigners for Scottish independence received another 
boost in March as a Unison trade union branch sided "positively with the 
Yes side".

 * Read & watch more 

   France: Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the left after the March municipal

April 25, 2014 -- This in-depth interview with Left Party (Parti de 
Gauche) co-spokesperson *Jean-Luc Mélenchon* was conducted on April 13, 
2014, after the March French municipal elections and the April 12 Paris 
anti-austerity march. It features comments on French politics after 
Manuel Valls becomes PM, as well as discussion of European politics and 
the developments in Ukraine.

   ANZACs: 'Lions led by donkeys' 

By *John Rainford*
/Green Left Weekly/, posted at /Links International Journal of Socialist 
Renewal/ on April 25, 2014 -- With political advantage from a national 
celebration of the centenary of World War I in mind, the Julia Gillard 
government last year allocated an initial $83.5 million towards the 
"ANZAC Centenary".

 * Read more 

* * *
Links seeks to promote the international exchange of information, 
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Re: [Marxism] Something wrong with list

2014-04-30 Thread Les Schaffer
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Seems like delivery to list is working properly. Lou and I will try to fix all 
the subscriptions that have been disabled, due to bounces, in the morning. 


> On Apr 30, 2014, at 3:12 AM, Les Schaffer  wrote:
> In case this gets to list: there is something wrong with the mail server for 
> the Marxism list. If I can fix it quick now I will, otherwise first thing in 
> the morning ... It's the middle of the night here and I just happened to 
> check.
> So disregard the bounce messages you may be getting from the list. If you 
> have been notified that your subscription has been suspended, we can fix 
> that. Once we sort the problem out.
> Worst case I may just turn the list OFF until morning since both Lou and I 
> are getting crushed with bounce messages at the moment.
> Les 

Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
Set your options at: 

[Marxism] Something wrong with list

2014-04-30 Thread Les Schaffer
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

In case this gets to list: there is something wrong with the mail server for 
the Marxism list. If I can fix it quick now I will, otherwise first thing in 
the morning ... It's the middle of the night here and I just happened to check.

So disregard the bounce messages you may be getting from the list. If you have 
been notified that your subscription has been suspended, we can fix that. Once 
we sort the problem out.

Worst case I may just turn the list OFF until morning since both Lou and I are 
getting crushed with bounce messages at the moment.


Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
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