Re: [Marxism] Readers of Marx and Engels Decry Publisher’s Assertion of Copyright - Research - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2014-04-30 Thread Mark Lause
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Isn't there also a major project to do an actually complete edition in
German?  That could make the L&W translation of the shorter collected works
outdated in any event.


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Re: [Marxism] "Marxists", Marx and copyright (was: • Lawrence & Wishart: independent radical publishers)

2014-04-30 Thread Mark Lause
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Exactly so, Lüko.

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Re: [Marxism] L&W: a mercenary London publisher empowering imperialist privilege

2014-04-29 Thread Mark Lause
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wtf?  I didn't dismiss anything cavalierly.

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Re: [Marxism] The Pacification of the American Working Class: A Time Series Analysis | George S. Rigakos -

2014-04-29 Thread Mark Lause
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Was the American working class not pacified before this point?

The last decade has certainly been marked by a qualitative implosion.  This
state has lost over 1/3 of its union members and the AFL-CIO is patting
itself on the back because things aren't worse than they are.  And
everything is about electing politicians, none of whom are even making
anything like the pro-labor rhetoric of earlier days.


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Re: [Marxism] *Re: * Lawrence & Wishart: independent radical publishers,

2014-04-27 Thread Mark Lause
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Libraries are a very limited market when it comes to things people actually
use and need . . . like books. Electronic subscriptions that never really
work well and about which nobody knows much are trendy and give the
appearance of being cutting edge.  And, yes, insofar as we are talking
subscriptions, they do just give and give.


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Re: [Marxism] The Bohemians

2014-04-27 Thread Mark Lause
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Good news.  I'm told it used my book for a lot of the early material.

I wish I could be there.

And I really wish they'd have been able to hold it at Pfaff's.  :-)

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Re: [Marxism] *Re: * Lawrence & Wishart: independent radical publishers,

2014-04-27 Thread Mark Lause
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>From what they're saying L&W sees this as a significant amount of money,
but I'm sure that, from a broader perspective, David's right and the amount
represents mere crumbs.

To clarify how these things seem to work . . . various of the spiffy new
entrepreneural education projects bundle digitized sources and sell
university libraries subscriptions to the bundles.  As with any such
operation, the universities pay the top dollar to ProQuest, Haithi Trust,
etc. and a group like L&W will get a few crumbs.  If you're a scholar
recruited to such a project, you get even less.

The actual value of making works available this way is debatable.  It
certainly provides a somewhat narrow access to a much wider variety of
sources, and we all like the convenience of having the material online.
However, if readers generally are looking for something at all lengthy,
complicated or demanding, they almost always want to download it.  My
students almost invariably print what they download.  So much for the
paperless academy.  I don't see this changing.

What of the Collected Works that doesn't fall into this category are
correspondence and short pieces, mostly of interests to specialists.  I
suspect that this will be most of what will be lost to the MIA.


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Re: [Marxism] The importance of independent electoral politics

2014-04-27 Thread Mark Lause
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Victory around this issue has had a great impact on other currents which
have been "just going through the motion."

Sawant's victory has played its role in radicalizing the relatively
lackluster Green organization here.  The Ohio party has taken up the $15/hr
slogan (some candidates saying it should be $21), all of which rather
clearly demonstrates what that paltry Democratic response (maybe $9-11
phased in over two years) is all about..


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Re: [Marxism] •Re: • Lawrence & Wishart: independent radical publishers

2014-04-26 Thread Mark Lause
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I am entirely opposed to the L&W resort to the law and to their claims to
exclusive control over the output of Marx and Engels--as I am to
Pathfinder's claims over the writings of Trotsky.

That said, the temptation they faced on this has to be very strong.
Opening these to library subscriptions will provide a whopping amount of
money and an ongoing source of income.   It's easy to see how institutional
thinkers could go for this.

I raise this point because periodically the idea that institutional
interest in radicalism generally and Marxism in particular is a sign that
"our idea are getting a hearing."  Rather, I'd suggest that institutions
like universities exist to establish a kind of hegemony over such
discussions and define them into rather harmless dead ends.  This current
problem simply represents another aspect of this.


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Re: [Marxism] Announcement: Marxists Internet Archive forced to remove some works of Marx & Engels

2014-04-24 Thread Mark Lause
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Surely, with everything posted on the internet, including pirated versions
of newly released movies, there should be someplace to post this material
that would not be subject to legal action.


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Re: [Marxism] What does state ownership have to do with socialism? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2014-04-19 Thread Mark Lause
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That is the essence of the question--who owns the state?   If the workers
rule, they can adopt the forms that they're ready to collectively manage at
the pace they're ready to do so.


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Re: [Marxism] Careers as Marxist intellectuals

2014-04-15 Thread Mark Lause
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This is the same Max Horkheimer who took professorial wages and
administrative salaries at various institutions from Frankfort University
to Columbia and the School for Social Research, right?

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 8:17 PM, Louis Proyect  wrote:

> "a revolutionary career does not lead to banquets and honorary titles,
> interesting research and professorial wages. It leads to misery, disgrace,
> ingratitude, prison and a voyage into the unknown, illuminated by only an
> almost superhuman belief."
> --Max Horkheimer
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Re: [Marxism] New book on Trotsky

2014-04-05 Thread Mark Lause
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Re: [Marxism] Socialist Action secedes from internationalism, joins tankies

2014-04-01 Thread Mark Lause
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So, Ernie got the Trots thrown out of the Hapsburg Empire?

Damn, that Jeff Mackler is sure sneaky.


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Re: [Marxism] social roots of Black Death

2014-03-31 Thread Mark Lause
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No doubt, the upper crust that were out on their isolated estates may have
stood a better chance of survival.   However, the overwhelming majority of
people in Europe were terribly poor, undernourished, overworked,
etc.--especially where you had the kinds of concentrations that really
spread the plague. Certainly, the more you are undernourished and
overworked, the better your chances of ending in a plague pit, but most of
the bones in the plague pit Mrs. Miggens finds while digging in her rose
bed are not likely to be royals.

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[Marxism] Daily Show's "The Weakest Lincoln"

2014-03-20 Thread Mark Lause
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Re: [Marxism] progressive academics and bds

2014-03-18 Thread Mark Lause
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Yes, I always wonders what qualifies people to be called "progressive'
nowadays.  Having once voted for Lyndon B . Johnson because of the imminent
threat of fascism in America in 1964?  Taking a firm stand against using
the "'n' word" when discussing acceptable levels of poverty?


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Re: [Marxism] re St. Patrick's Day bullshit - The real Irish-American story not taught in schools

2014-03-18 Thread Mark Lause
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Here's a representative sample of what Irish labor faced very regularly.
This is exceptional only in that it had light thrown on it..

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[Marxism] Comments on Tony Benn's quotes from the Guardian

2014-03-16 Thread Mark Lause
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Re: [Marxism] The Myth of Bernie Sanders » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2014-03-14 Thread Mark Lause
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What is "the political Left in the United States" that is being discussed
in this piece?  What happened to make people hallucinate such a unitary,
well-disciplined coherent entity?

In the interests of accuracy, perhaps they should consider chasing Bigfoot.


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Re: [Marxism] Bitcoin firm CEO jumped from 25-story building to her death | New York Post

2014-03-06 Thread Mark Lause
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It's been in the news quite a bit . . . at least NPR . . .

. . but, yes, Louis, we are getting old.

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Re: [Marxism] The Greatest Defeat Since .... >> CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2014-02-27 Thread Mark Lause
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Note the LAWCHA blog on this subject . . .

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Re: [Marxism] new Social-Darwinist study needing reply

2014-02-24 Thread Mark Lause
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I concur.  These things are puked up every once in a while without
convincing anyone of anything.

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[Marxism] A short piece on Lincoln's birthday

2014-02-18 Thread Mark Lause
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Re: [Marxism] "For members only" ISO documents now available: when will they ever learn?

2014-02-14 Thread Mark Lause
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The assertion that the democratic centralism" self- imposed on voluntary
participants should also apply to non-members is terribly revealing.

A regroupment around such a concept will just make a slightly larger
irrelevant group.

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Re: [Marxism] The Onion: America's Finest Marxist News Source | New Republic

2014-02-05 Thread Mark Lause
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New Republic has become FOX News??

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Re: [Marxism] The Campus Wage Gap

2014-02-04 Thread Mark Lause
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People interested in this issue should join the New Faculty Majority at

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2014-01-10 Thread Mark Lause
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The key issue on which Joaquin and I focused was the practical responses to
Occupy, the best shot we had at reviving a movement in the U.S. in many
years.  All priorities of all serious organizations should have centered on

I don't know Paul, but his misrepresentation of a political criticism into
a personal charge that my feelings were hurt is not only a childish
misrepresentation but one that illustrates wwhat happens to one's sense of
proportion when you fetishize your lodge memberships.  In general, if the
main thing I'd have done with my life over that last 20-30 years was
building an organization of 6-8 people into an organization of 6-8 people,
I'd probably not be so cocky.  I certainly never whispered a complaint that
the local chapter never asked me to speak, and certainly made no complaints
about the two trade union people, who I tried to talk into sticking
around.  But they found nothing there to hold them?

To return to the political point, all members of any socialist organization
should be thinking about what they're investing in an organization--any
organization--if it can't master the most basic requirements necessary to
sustaining something like Occupy . . . .  Imho, a regional local of the old
YSA--hell, a cluster of at-largers--would not have some of these mistakes.


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Re: [Marxism] Hegel : 'hopeless baggage'?

2014-01-10 Thread Mark Lause
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Yes, it's "an unfair reduction."

As to the terms being introduced here, I prefer Marx's "historical
materialism." Joseph Dietzgen coined the term "dialectical materialism" in
1887 and Engels first used "scientific socialism" a bit after that.


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Re: [Marxism] Hegel : 'hopeless baggage'?

2014-01-10 Thread Mark Lause
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Getting back to the original point about Positivism.  The conceit of
bourgeois social science was that they were going to develop sciences
capable of managing society--as of scientific management of the workplace.
So much inflation vs. so much employment, or efforts to define and manage
housing supply, etc.

This is what I was discussing when I talked about predictive social science.

I should not have responded glibly about sunrises and sunsets, because
"predictions" of a mass rebellion are not the same thing.  Anyone paying
attention to sunrises and sunsets can tell us down to the time and place
where these will happen. A better analogy to mass rebellion might be
something like a meteor or comet impact.

But, wait, these actually can be predicted with considerably better
certainty if we have the observations.  Mass rebellions are not so

Of course, the idea that people on a Marxism List would deny that rebellion
can and will take place is absurd . . . I hope.


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Re: [Marxism] Hegel : 'hopeless baggage'?

2014-01-10 Thread Mark Lause
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In many respects, though, much of what passes for Marxism--the blind faith
in technological progress, for example--demonstrates the ongoing appeal of
Comte to this day.  You also see this in the assumption that Marxism can,
in some serious alchemical way, be a predictive science.

As Lenin once noted, the organizational success of Marxism in the late 19th
century simply subsumed a lot of these older and contemporary alternatives
to Marxism ., . . though they do bob up within the movement very regularly.


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Re: [Marxism] Critique of Solidarity in one piece

2014-01-07 Thread Mark Lause
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 I write to confirm Joaquín's experience as concisely as I can.

I happily participated in the founding convention of Solidarity and was,
with my wife, a member of the Chicago chapter before we moved from the
city.  After coming to Cincinnati, I participated in several efforts to
launch a chapter here.  I brought to this a record of activism going back
to the SDS and including years in the YSA and the SWP, including the
tendency wars of the 1970s, as well as a brief membership in the early ISO
until it dropped almost the entire Chicago branch for reasons I never quite
understood.  Through all of these venues, I urged a regroupment of the
socialist left.  So participating in Solidarity came naturally enough, but
I told everyone who'd listen to me from the beginning calling for a
regroupment or talking about a regroupment could not set it apart form the
rest of the left.

It had to demonstrate the validity of a regroupment strategy in practice.
However, it never did and never really seemed to be concerned that it never
did.  By the time we left Chicago, I had already come to think of the group
as a social circle of dear old friends who had been to the wars together
but had little practical desire to be more.  Still, I hoped, events change
things and might here.  Probably for this reason, I became involved in
trying to start a group here in Cincinnati.  There were eight, maybe nine
of us who made the first try, including a few local trade unionist, but it
quickly devolved into a small circle of white people, mostly guys and all
with hair in the gray to white range . . . and centered in the trendiest
neighborhood near the campus.  It seemed to replicate the worst aspects of
Chicago, and I concluded that I thought the existence of such a group would
be a positive discouragement to any new young people coming around.

After I expressed this view, I was never contacted again by Solidarity for
anything . . . ever, rather similar to Joaquín's entry into non-personhood.

I did begin gravitating to the local ISO, which had its own problems, but,
at least, was actually recruiting people who were young enough to have not
grown gray with self-satisfaction.  The ISO's success rose and fell over
the years, but it owed some of its success to the fact that everything
Solidarity did was by invitation only, and those young people invited
generally responded predictably.  Of course, the chapter got some young
people, notably the two sons of a member.

Throughout, I continued to describe myself as a sympathizer of Solidarity
and of the ISO.  I was invited to be on the national email list for
Solidarity, accepted the invitation, and then had the invitation
retracted.  I am an experienced historian with a tenth book manuscript at
the publishers right now.  I could be of use in speaking or writing on
behalf of either or both of these groups.  Periodically, over the last 15
years, I've suggested this to them.

I never even once received an answer from either of them.  There is no
explanation for this consistency other than the institutional belief in
both organizations that those who are not members of the club aren't
serious.  It was simply an extension of what I had seen for years in the
SWP--an approach that contributed so much to making the SWP what it now
is.  Still, I continued to express my sympathy for both organizations,
neither of which would have anything to do with me officially.

The responses to Occupy opened my eyes to the same kinds of shortcomings
Joaquín pointed out.  I don't know the details of what happened in the Bay
Area or New York or Boston, but I suspect that what happened in Cincinnati
was probably closer to that of the hundreds of communities in which Occupy
surfaced.  As soon as the large numbers of people were clearly involving
themselves, a few union officials began showing up.  Immediately, the
inexperienced began saying that they had brought the working class into
motion.  It seemed obvious to me that they were there simply to hijack the
movement in the interests of the Democrats and get it off the streets and

I quietly approached people and suggested we should consult and begin
formulating a strategy to keep the movement independent and active.  In
particular, I said that we needed to get Occupy out into the neighborhoods,
particularly those of African American participants and those threatened by
gentrification beyond the city center.  Everybody tended to smile and nod
but a disturbing number actually parroted what the inexperienced people had
been saying . . . that Occupy had drawn the working class into motion.

Later, it transpired that Solidarity had formed a secret invitation-only
"radical front" into which it drew the few members of the ISO around at the
time.  I was, of

Re: [Marxism] my novel

2014-01-07 Thread Mark Lause
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Those of us in teaching might find it useful to pass on this information to
others in the biz.  I've circulated the notice in my union and suspect that
it might contribute to some interesting discussions down the line.


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Re: [Marxism] British education secretary Michael Gove blasts classic sitcom Blackadder for spreading 'left wing myths' on war

2014-01-05 Thread Mark Lause
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The entire series is superb.  It ranges from the most lowbrow humor to the
most sublime.  The last scene of the World War I series where they go over
the top is just gut-wrenching.

Let us hope that the official celebrations of this upcoming centennial of
the Great War are marred by the unwashed mutinous masses.


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Re: [Marxism] There Is No Academic “Profession” | A Post-Academic in NYC

2014-01-03 Thread Mark Lause
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Understand that I've gotten my position after about twenty years as an
academic galley slave, so I am entirely sympathetic to your position.  And,
certainly the tenured (and tenure-track) faculty have been complicit in
creating the current situation.  However, as with other structural changes
in other industries, it reaches a point where it's too far along for the
workers who had some power to be likely to do anything about it.

Management gets used to its impositions and demands a little more, year
after year.  The next thing you know, the established faculty has helped
make itself less and less important.  Some ten years ago, I found myself in
the real fight that touched on these things, and it took nothing but an
administration-seeded rumor that the tenured faculty were going to be
turned out to cause a panic from which lemmings could have learned much.

I do suspect that none of this is likely to bother those with connections
and the right jobs in the right places.  :-)

Mark L.

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Re: [Marxism] There Is No Academic “Profession” | A Post-Academic in NYC

2014-01-03 Thread Mark Lause
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Academe is now--as it always has been--a tiered hierarchy.  It's shape and
steepness has varied over time, but it's never been anything like an open,
democratic and egalitarian system--save in the hallucinations of the right

Simply put, a "newly minted" PhD coming out of an elite university has
priority in the job market over published scholar with years of teaching
experience.  When I was entering the job market, five or six departments
filled well over half the available jobs.  This arrangement, in part, the
functional "profession"--the core of the people with good tenured
jobs--protect its self-perception from the realities.

Frankly, though, I don't think we'd be hearing much about these issues
today if the situation hadn't gotten so bad that it's affected so many of
the .

However, an academic profession exists and will survive, even if most of
the practitioners of a discipline aren't really full members.


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Re: [Marxism] Confronting the Stalinist Legacy

2014-01-02 Thread Mark Lause
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I'd like to know who'd view them as "Stalinist" rather than "sensible."


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Re: [Marxism] Why celebrities love twitter and I hate it

2013-12-30 Thread Mark Lause
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. . . which was my point.  That the people who wanted to dissolve Occupy
used it as the exclusive vehicle for communications in building a movement
. . . not a means for conveying news or making announcements.  Just "we're
having a rally tomorrow at noon.".  And, as I suggested, this was the key
decision, which--like any such decision--reflected a broad range of
strategic and tactical assumptions and a convergence of the various forces
that had combined to build (and then fritter away) a promising start on a
movement.  And I don't just mean anarchists and liberals but the more
Trotly local forces as well . . . .

Btw, communications were a lot faster in the Civil War than mounted
couriers.  They had a Signal Corps that used flags and lights to flash
messages that would be relayed very quickly over rapid distances. And they
strung telegraph behind them right up to the front . . . as was done in the
conflicts of 1870 and 1914.  Sometimes, these worked very well because when
the people using them wanted to accomplish something and not just go
through the motions, these permitted some extended exchanges of information
and processing of that information from both ends of the line of

But I guess we'll see if Twitter's superseded the need for such things.


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Re: [Marxism] Why celebrities love twitter and I hate it

2013-12-30 Thread Mark Lause
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Twitter was the singlemost immediate cause of death for Occupy Cincinnati.

Nothing was ever "built" in the old sense.  As fewer people began showing
up for things, the architects of the movement's got everything was
twittered and nothing existed outside of it.  So, you'd get demos called on
24 hour notice.  Still fewer.  Just what the official labor movement and
the Democrats wanted.  And the grouplettes found it convenient because
"opponents" or possible "opponents" weren't showing up.

When I complained about this, I was told that I was some kind of Luddite
because "the young people love twitter."  I asked how many young people
they were getting to these things . . . About as many as the number of
people over 90.

Twitter isn't just a really crappy means of non-communication.  It's a
perfect way of turning a potential movement into a corpse.

It fits a faux "movement" interested in nothing but going through the


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Re: [Marxism] socialism of retreat

2013-12-29 Thread Mark Lause
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Well, the list is open to any and all who want to be on it, so it's hard to
hold it responsible for any views expressed here.

My interest in this exchange has waned, as my eyes glaze over when the Marx
quotes start flying.

But I do have a last comment.

I admit that I'm unfamiliar with the quality of foresight among the ruling
class of most other nations, but the U.S. ruling class is constitutionally
incapable of not doing things that do it severe damage . . .

The notion that it COULD do something positively beneficial seems strange.

The notion that it WOULD something positively beneficial seems stranger.

The notion that it could do something positively beneficial that didn't put
the rest of the world and the rest of American society in an even more
decidedly disadvantageous position is more unbelievable than something
you'd hear from Lourdes.  :-)

Bests of what's left of the season to all.


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Re: [Marxism] Looming Danger of Abrupt Climate Change : reply to David Walters

2013-12-27 Thread Mark Lause
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Marxism came out of a movement with a long history of seeing human
development as part of the unfolding of the natural world, almost
mystically so in the case of thinker such as Charles Fourier.  This was not
only foundational for Marxism in Europe, but the U.S.

John A. Etzler's _The Paradise Within the Reach of All Men, Without Labor,
by Powers of Nature and Machinery_ from the 1830s proposed a kind of
industrialization that would fit into the natural world.  There was a good
essay on this in _Science & Society_ in 1986, which cites a body of
literature on radical responses to industrialism.  It was also an idea
central to the various currents of land reform that became prominent here
in the 1840s and beyond.  One even sees glimpses of this anticapitalist
environmentalism in George P. Marsh's _Man and Nature_, a foundational, if
wordy, text of the movement.

So, are there reasons to believe that an industrialization shaped by those
with concerns other than immediate profit would not be so bad for the

The question kind of answers itself.

Mark L.

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[Marxism] "Workers Internationalism before 1914"

2013-12-17 Thread Mark Lause
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"Workers Internationalism before 1914" at the University of East Anglia,
Norwich UK February 15-16, 2014. It marks the 150th anniversary of the
foundation of the International Working Men's Association (1864), and the
125th of the Socialist International (1889)

Attendance is free, but registration is required. To register, contact
Francis King at

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Re: [Marxism] ISR on Haymarket

2013-12-17 Thread Mark Lause
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As a brief postscript, the exchange between the author and the reviewer is
posted online

As an aside, I am always amused how members of a socialist group, when they
make their living in academe attack their fellow workers in the field as
academic flunkeys in the pay of the capitalist class. Apparently, in their
own minds, an employed academic affiliated with a group has levitated above
the grubby little materialist realities that plague those of us who make
our living the same way.   :-)

One wonders if that applies to other sections of the working class.  That
members who were auto workers, for example, would attack non-members as
contributors to global warming in the employ of the capitalist class.

Group psychology is a fearsome thing, particularly if your goal is an
organization with the members in charge.  It plays out all the more
absurdly in the small groups of the socialist left in the U.S.

Regrettably, as some of us pointed out years ago, this kind of dynamic is a
factor in creating a kind of institutionally self-defined limit on just how
large and broad such a group can be . . . and that addressing these things
would be one of the wisest things the American movement could do.

Mark L.

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Re: [Marxism] Haymarket

2013-12-16 Thread Mark Lause
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I probably will write it at some point this coming year, though first claim
are projects that have publishers.

The point isn't that there was little or no evidence that any of the eight
defendants actually threw the bomb.  My recollection is that they were
charged with a conspiracy to create the conditions that led to the bomb's
being thrown.  The law was one of many such absurdities in legal history.
I personally think the radical lawyer who defended them, William P. Black
would have done much better to challenge that directly, but he was
hamstrung by the fact that he wanted to accommodate the conflicting
strategies the accused individuals wanted to pursue.

I have argued for the permeability of the line between anarchism and
socialism (and other currents of nineteenth century radicalism) for many
years.  The IWPA's strategy essentially rediscovered Blanqui's old
insurrectionist strategy--which got a new lease on life thanks to the
vicious repression of the Paris Commune and, closer to home, of the 1877
general strike on the railroads here, coupled to the wave of blatant
electoral fraud that shattered hopes for simply electing labor or socialist
candidates to office. In this particularly case, of course, the IWPA came
right out of the Socialist Labor Party.

However, Bernette Haskell's organization on the west coast had no
connection at all to the IWPA.  The California organization called itself
the International Workingmen's Association (using the name of the defunct
"First International"), and contemporaries distinguished between them by
calling the IWPA "the Black International" and Haskell's organization "the
Red International.

>From my perspective, the issue isn't guilt or innocence, but getting an
accurate handle on what these currents represented and advocated.  Nobody
familiar with the nature of of the Chicago police at the time can doubt
that elements of it would have no problem setting up movement leaders.  But
neither could such a highly politicalized, factionalized, and gang-ridden
organization kept such a complicated scheme secret.  There's as much
evidence against the vicious invisible aliens from Alpha Centauri--that is

On the other hand, you have the IWPA, which openly praised the political
power of bombs, trained people in how to make and use them, and advocated
their use in this particular setting.   There were times when such things
actually had positive results--consider old John Brown's armed raid on
Harpers Ferry.  The initiative in 1886 simply failed to detonate a mass
rising against capitalism.

But to deny who the Haymarket anarchists were in order to gentrify their
image for contemporaries strikes me as the same as redefining Nat Turner as
a civil rights activist or Gene Debs as a man who could write a cracking
good labor law.

Mark L.

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[Marxism] ISR on Haymarket

2013-12-16 Thread Mark Lause
t revolution.  Where there were insiders and
outsiders.  The insiders had the right idea or, at least, enjoyed the
fraternal protection of the other insiders, while the outsiders were not to
be trusted and to be treated as "opponents," if not enemies.

Understanding how these kinds of pre-Marxist traditions came to be seen as
something the movement needed (needs) to outgrow would be quite beneficial
to us today.

Just saying.

Mark Lause

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Re: [Marxism] How Slavery Led to Modern Capitalism: Echoes - Bloomberg

2013-12-16 Thread Mark Lause
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And, of course, the elephant in the room in this discussion is the
contribution of slaveholding to the dominant feature of American politics,
the two-party system.

It was no coincidence that the construction of the American party system
coincided with the needs of the dominant interests to find a mode of
apparent representation that would permit any vested interests at the top
of the society to veto any discussion that threatened their asserted
"right" to private ownership of the means of production--even human beings
as long as they could maintain it.


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Re: [Marxism] Thoughts on Thanksgiving | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist,

2013-11-28 Thread Mark Lause
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All holidays are certainly part and parcel of rationalizing a system of
hierarchy and oppression.

And we get far too few in the U,S.

We should take what leisure we can where we can and share it with our
friends and family and do as much as we can with it.  This is ultimately
our task, isn't it?--to reclaim the time of our lives and our world.


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Re: [Marxism] Professor predicts human time travel this century

2013-11-26 Thread Mark Lause
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I saw Mallett on a reputable documentary.  In it, he was discussing a very
limited kind of time travel . . . for particles rather than people.  And he
even said that backward time travel for people was impossible.

Maybe he's changed.  Or, more likely, the journalist was getting confused.

Personally, I think time travel is possible, but only with a police box and
a very long scarf.


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Re: [Marxism] Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marxist!

2013-11-20 Thread Mark Lause
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About as honest as anything they say about the assassination.,

Fortunately, almost nobody trusts them on that subject any more.


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Re: [Marxism] James C. Scott reviews ‘The World until Yesterday’ by Jared Diamond · LRB 21 November 2013

2013-11-19 Thread Mark Lause
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They absolutely never get it right, do they?   If there's any room for
their bizarre ideological assumptions to frame and shape the most important
features of their arguments.

If I never see another documentary about the Stone Age that doesn't end in
furred actors assaulting each other in the primordial quest for Lebensraum,
it'll be too soon.


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Re: [Marxism] Sawant Campaign Optimistic Of Eventual Victory!

2013-11-10 Thread Mark Lause
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I'm trying to figure out what a member of the Seattle City Council would
have to do with Syria anyway.


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Re: [Marxism] How Teddy Roosevelt saved football

2013-11-08 Thread Mark Lause
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I'm a bit surprised nobody's referred to George Carlin's insightful piece .
. . .

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Re: [Marxism] Query I was asked to forward to Marxmail

2013-11-02 Thread Mark Lause
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My starting point would be the mutinies within the armies.  For a short
introduction to the issues, see the episode of the 1914-1918 documentary on

These detonated the revolts at home.  To a surprising extent, the
bibliographies at the end of the Wiki articles are remarkably good.Étaples_Mutiny

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Re: [Marxism] Talking Third Party Blues

2013-10-31 Thread Mark Lause
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Contrasting a movement party to an electoral party seems to me to be
contrasting one nonentity to another at this point.

There was nothing in what I proposed that precluded either or both or
something else altogether.  I am continually astonished at the reluctance
to do what we all know should be done.

The longest march starts with the first step.  And we can complain about
how the first step isn't good enough all our lives.  Some here have
essentially done that.  Or we can take the first step.


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Re: [Marxism] Why is There Still No Socialist Movement In the US?

2013-10-29 Thread Mark Lause
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It's rather strange to think about this in such binary terms--either there
is a movement or there isn't.

Sentiment for socialism is very broad and has been for years, particularly
among the under 25s since the economic crisis.

The issue is why the people in groups, networks, coveys, and covens haven't
figured out what they need to do in order to jell such sentiment and help
it find a way to express itself.


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Re: [Marxism] Armond White on "12 Years a Slave"

2013-10-20 Thread Mark Lause
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This is essentially the same story in any creative field, though.  Movies,
writing, music.  The trailblazers and original people are almost always
going to get ignored in favor of the people who find a way to make it into
a commercial success.

This is why the prattle about capitalism's alleged encouragement of
originality is simply a cruel hoax.


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[Marxism] Study says about 75% of cave art was done by women . . .

2013-10-13 Thread Mark Lause
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Re: [Marxism] History News Network | History's Mad Hatters: The Strange Career of Tea Party Populism

2013-10-12 Thread Mark Lause
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This has been pointed out before, so I won't repeat it all here, other than
to note for the record . . . . .

The historiography behind this incorporates a lot of regional Cold War
two-party liberal misrepresentations of Populism, made when they were
deeply engaged in misrepresenting, all other alternatives in the U.S.  The
term itself, though has probably become the most abused term in American
history, particularly with the media lobotomizing itself.

Populism as a distinct, coherent political movement in the 1890s was simply
not composed of pig ignorant Bible-thumping bigots, regardless of what
people on the East Coast were telling themselves or might be telling
themselves now.  Populism in the South and West represented a third party
movement of much greater tolerance and radicalism than could have been
found in either of the corporate capitalist parties.

A big part of the Socialist movement came directly out of the Populists and
some of its largest and most promising features came directly from the

Conversely, the capitalist system acted to crush it as soon as it got the

But perhaps everything that didn't happen on the coasts all tends to look
alike to the movers and shakers.  :-)


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Re: [Marxism] 30 Statistics About Americans Under The Age Of 30 That Will Blow Your Mind

2013-10-06 Thread Mark Lause
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People in this age group are also much more hostile to capitalism.

Everybody push away from the keyboard for one day and go out exploring the
possibilities of Unemployed Unions among them.

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Re: [Marxism] De Blasio: I am a "progressive activist fiscal conservative"

2013-10-04 Thread Mark Lause
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I take that to mean that he'll talk about his feelings as he tightens the
belt on the workers (and the noose on their unions).


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[Marxism] Call for Papers: "Workers' Internationalism before 1914"

2013-10-01 Thread Mark Lause
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- Original Message -
From: "Dr. William A. PELZ" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2013 8:44 AM
Subject: Call for papers for conference: "Workers' Internationalism before

Call for papers for conference: "Workers' Internationalism before 1914"
Date: 15-16 February 2014

Venue: School of History, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK

2014 is the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the International
Working Men's Association in 1864. It is also the 125th anniversary of the
foundation of the Socialist International in 1889, and the centenary of the
outbreak of the war which precipitated the collapse of that International.

To mark these anniversaries, UEA School of History, in conjunction with the
journal Socialist History and the Institute of Working Class History
(Chicago) are organising a conference on "Workers' internationalism before
1914". We are inviting proposals for papers on any aspect of the subject.

Themes might include:
. the historical experience of the internationals and their affiliated
. cross-border labour organisation
. resistance to nationalist politics in multi-national states
. transnational and international solidarity
. migration and the transplantation of labour movement culture
. international causes celèbres
. political asylum and revolutionary exile
. speaking tours of socialist leaders

We are seeking papers of 5000 to 1 words on various experiences or
aspects of working-class internationalism before 1914, to be presented at
the seminar. Selected papers will be published in 2014 in a special issue
of Socialist History devoted to the subject.

Enquiries and proposals for papers should be submitted by 1 November 2013
to the organisers, Francis King, Matthias Neumann and Bill Pelz on Attendance at the conference will be free
of charge.

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Re: [Marxism] North Star site.....

2013-09-29 Thread Mark Lause
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But what's the point of trying to have a discussion with people who just
don't want to have that discussion?  You have a site that selectively blocs
Marxists and provides a platform for self-described "traditionalist
Catholics."  I wouldn't waste any more electrons on them.


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Re: [Marxism] Are US Blacks still most advanced or now suddenly backwards on "Hands Off Syria"

2013-09-21 Thread Mark Lause
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Interesting, Clay, though I'm sure we both remember how those pro-Vietnam
War whites used to talk about their positions in terms of supporting
"freedom," opposing tyranny, etc.

My own experience discussing these things with pro-war African Americans is
that, like pro-war whites, they aren't even necessarily pro-war as much as
they feel obligated to make those kinds of noises.

The real issue here is a well-trained reaction by an overworked and
ever-distracted American public to political questions of all sorts.  The
tendency is to delegate to this or that leader the authority to make these
decisions on your behalf and to trust them enough to support their
decisions without looking too closely into them.  After all, if you have a
family to feed and support, and all sorts of bills, and the requirement of
having to learn how to deal with a succession of unexpected technological
twists and turns in your computer updates just to keep getting your email,
unraveling the problems in Syria winds up way down on the list.


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[Marxism] Another instance of political censorship on Facebook

2013-09-16 Thread Mark Lause
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I just tried to share a funny video spoofing the Obama supporters: "Help
Kickstart World War III"

I couldn't share it because it said that someone had reported it as

I'm sharing it here because it's funny and rings true.


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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2013-09-14 Thread Mark Lause
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Trolls building their own bridges.   But there is a real value of subbing
under multiple email addresses.  You can throw out all the posts you don't
read several times.  Or maybe you can read them all several times.  It
certainly allows you the luxury of a flaming theatrical screech of
self-righteousness pretending to be in a livid rage over something someone
did (or didn't actually) say.

Then, there's always the chance that someone ask for a straw vote on
something, and you'd get to vote multiple times.

Most intriguing, though, subbing under various addresses would allows you
to unsub noisily, storming out and slamming the door . . . and still be
able to stick around to listen to all the gnashing of teeth.

Better yet, you can storm out slamming the door in the multiple
incarnations and see if you can get a movement going.

And this leaves you the option of starting your own email list with as many
members as you can get email addresses.  I think there are several Facebook
communities like this already.

Still better, you can start your own online socialist group with as many
members as you can get email addresses.  Then elect yourself Lenin for a

The possibilities are really endless.


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Re: [Marxism] Symmetry in the universe: Physics says you shouldn’t exist. - Slate Magazine

2013-09-03 Thread Mark Lause
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At Fermilab .. .

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Re: [Marxism] FAIR asseses Ghouta attack reports: John Kerry vs. Mint Press

2013-09-02 Thread Mark Lause
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I have come particularly close to unsubbing myself over the past month
because of the pointlessness of trying to have a discussion of any sort
with people who persist in tilting at strawmen of their own making.

Are there just not enough people who actually urge the U.S. to bomb and
poison people overseas that we have add to their numbers in our own minds?
If American radicals spent more time arguing these points with people who
actually held these positions and less time challenging people to a
showdown in Main Street, their time would be better spent.

And they would waste a lot less of my time, for which I would most
sincerely be grateful.


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Re: [Marxism] Is College Worth It? - Book Review - Truthdig

2013-09-02 Thread Mark Lause
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The most laughable thing about this--aside from stating the obvious--is
their equation between college and "the stories we tell ourselves about
ourselves—concerning hard work, opportunity, meritocracy, achievement and
social mobility."  . .. . As if these socially agreed upon lies aren't
true, then people shouldn't go to college.

If you come from a working class background--and don't define your reality
based on what media tells you--nobody should need to present you with a
long dissertation on how meritocracy is a myth and mobility is loaded
concept.  But the question you face is one of alternatives.  If you come
from money or have an entrepreneural drive to skin consumers---or if you
plan on using your head for nothing but bashing against things--don't go to

If you want a future doing something other than skinning consumers or
living on your parents, your spouse or your trust fund, the answer might be
more complicated.


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Re: [Marxism] The Significance of the Referral to Congress

2013-09-01 Thread Mark Lause
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Shane is entirely correct on the U.S. Constitution, which is probably why
it's not really taught any more.  It's become a mantra, the meaningless
appeal to a dusty antique stuffed and mounted over the mantel along with
its amended Bill of Rights.


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Re: [Marxism] n+1: Slave Capitalism

2013-08-26 Thread Mark Lause
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This idea has been knocking around for some time and it has always made the
most sense to me.  Slavery was integrated into a labor process right
alongside free labor and they were hardly working in different economic


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Re: [Marxism] The New Nuclear Craze

2013-08-25 Thread Mark Lause
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I don't think there's any more a basis for distinguishing between nuclear
energy under capitalism and nuclear energy under a non-existent
post-capitalist world.   Not more than between fossil fuels burned in a
capitalist nation and those burned in the old Soviet Union.

Maybe the Trotskyist tradition should expand its vision to embrace the idea
of a "polluted workers' state" in which the peoples' coal dust settles
joyously in the lungs . . . or the glorious peoples' radiation enlightens
the world.


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Re: [Marxism] What Lenin thought a vanguard was

2013-08-21 Thread Mark Lause
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The (pre-revolutionary) position of Lenin on what the social democratic
parties should look like became untenable because that opportunistic wing
of the party chose to make it untenable not because Lenin changed his
perspective on this.

Applying this to American conditions today, much of what's often put
forward as an essentially unquestionable matter of principle simply is
not.  This includes the insistence that "class politics" requires a clear
class label, though only a tiny portion of the population sees the
significance attributed to this.  Or that the campaign call itself
"socialist," "communist," etc.  Indeed, to a great extent, the imposition
of these ritualistic demands on the real world have contributed their share
to what can only be regarded as a tendency of most of the self-described
Marxists in the U.S. to surrender the electoral field to the Democrats.


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Re: [Marxism] How Laura Poitras Helped Snowden Spill His Secrets -

2013-08-18 Thread Mark Lause
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Actually the original point Louis made seems to be obviously true on the
face of it.  How many people actually read the sect press?

And I have to say that I'm quite satisfied that this is the case in a
country where we members of self-defined revolutionary vanguard groups that
supported the president who bears the primary responsibility for the
treatment of Bradley Manning and is going after Edward Snowden like Captain
Queeg looking for his strawberries,  You have organizations and people
presuming to micromanage the conduct of revolutions overseas while they
were generally quite content to have the Democrats and the AFL-CIO
dissipate almost all of the Occupy movements . . .

Certainly, the authorities realize the pointlessness of expending political
capital to go after these revolutionary vanguards in the U.S., even as they
find it worthwhile to go after David Miranda . . . .

Mark L.

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Re: [Marxism] Censorship on Pham Binh's

2013-08-16 Thread Mark Lause
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My impulses are to agree with Joaquin's position on moderation, but I
honestly find it impossible to equate a common norm on blogs and other
sites with "the vices and bullshit of the 20th Century socialist movement
that I think a scorched-earth/zero tolerance approach should be taken to
combating all continuations/resurgences of those problems."

Democracy and a viable movement will not be forged on the internet but in


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Re: [Marxism] Censorship on Pham Binh's

2013-08-16 Thread Mark Lause
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I've had the same experience.  I don't think it's censorship.

The broader the discussion, the better, at this point.  .

In contrast, some years back, after participating in numerous ill-fated
efforts to get a chapter of Solidarity going in this city, I was invited to
join the Solidarity email list.  When I tried, I was told that it was
members only.  This struck me as utterly bizarre for an organization
professing to favor regroupment and disinterested in repeating the kind of
political discipline over its membership that has accomplished little in
the past.  I'm told by students interested in socialism that it only holds
meetings by invitation only.

Btw, I've since been on ISO lists without being a member.

Certainly, any group is entitled to define who it wants to talk to and how
it wants to do it.  But I've never seen any indication that North Star is
doing that.


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Re: [Marxism] Two Steps Back, One Step Forward

2013-08-10 Thread Mark Lause
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I'm not sure what this means.  The entire vocabulary has historically been
used by very diverse groups of "progressives" with very mixed applications,
some explicitly racist and anti-working class.  Many of the leading
self-described feminists, for example, protested that black men were
allowed to vote while white women were not.  And that immigrant men were
polluting the sanctity of the polling place while properly educated
native-born women were still denied the suffrage.

My point here isn't intended to be pedantic but aims to clairfy the context
in which these folks were discussing "feminism."  What did this mean in
terms of how they related to the politics of the women's movement of the
1970s, for example, is more important than any residual vocabulary issues.


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Re: [Marxism] Apologies regarding Muscular Christianity, Eugenics, War, Football, and Imperialism

2013-08-06 Thread Mark Lause
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This was also actually discussed as a factor in the U.S. decision to
declare war on Britain in 1812.  Essentially, it was the first generaiton
governing the country since that which had led the Revolution, and there
was already a bit of an obsession over whether the sons of the fathers were
up to snuff . . . probably because of the quantity of snuff they were using.


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Re: [Marxism] A critique of Bob Wing’s “Rightwing Neo-Secession or a Third Reconstruction?” | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2013-08-03 Thread Mark Lause
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I'm glad you took the time and spent the effort to do this, Louis.  I was
looking at myself when I first saw it and tried, without success, to take
up the cudgel over it.  But it struck me as o internally circular and
ahistorical that is seemed like a Herculean labor just to unravel all the
flawed assumptions, half-truths, etc.

It's a bit like those Ronald Reagan buttons from the 1980s that threw an
image of Lincoln alongside Reagon for the sake of giving it some historical
street cred . . . but not really going deeper than the paint . . . though
volumes could be written correcting the misunderstandings of such

Reconstructions don't happen because of some top-down decision from within
the structure of power.  And you don't get pressure from the bottom up,
unless you are ready to challenge the legitimacy of that power structure,

In Bat-crap Crazy Upside-down Inside-out America, the people who want to
keep doing what hasn't accomplished anything for decades call themselves
"pragmatists," who call those who propose thinking about doing something
innovative "idealogues."

In reality, the only real "idealogue" in this debate, are those with a
ready made formulaic solution to be applied to each and every election
based on a fantasy of what happened 80 years ago.  All to do what's
deflated the labor movement, demobilized the black community, and left the
antiwar forces befuddled and iosolated.


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Re: [Marxism] McCarthyism at Harvard by Robert N. Bellah | The New Yor k Review of Books

2013-08-02 Thread Mark Lause
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I'm following this discussion with real amusement, given that Harvard is
hosting that upcoming 50th anniversary conference on _The Making of the
English Working Class_, E.P. Thompson, and Marxism.


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Re: [Marxism] George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

2013-07-28 Thread Mark Lause
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The only real issue is whether the black community has taken up the matter,
not how it came to do so . . . .

  What's transpired has been pretty much grass roots and I don't expect
anyone to start mobilizing the really large numbers on it, though  the
NAACP call for the Justice Department to take up the case is an excellent
approach.  However, the Obama factor is a real brake on any tendency on
their part to go for really mass mobilizations . . . as it was for the
labor movement in Wisconsin and Ohio.


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Re: [Marxism] Query: Who was A. Landy?

2013-07-28 Thread Mark Lause
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Thanks, Ethan.  That actually explains some of the problems.  Landy's piece
on General Cluseret and the Paris Commune interprets his continued
correspondece with old abolitionists like Charles Sumner as proof that
Cluseret was actually functioning as a kind of American agent cleverly
working to betray Paris to the Germans  . . . and even "American domination
of the world."

The approach entirely ignored how mid-ninettenth century radical
aspirations towards "the republic" blurred into ideas of "the social
republic" and socialism of various stripes. I suspect he spoke/wrote too
soon in discussing his "forthcoming" book on the Commune, and any serious
readers found it just too batty.


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[Marxism] Query: Who was A. Landy?

2013-07-28 Thread Mark Lause
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I just read a bizarre article by this writer in a PAST & PRESENT for 1951,
allegedly from his forthcoming book _The United States and the Paris
Commune_.  I can't find any indication that such a book appeared, but,
judging from the article, it would make for an interesting bit of fiction.

Anybody know anything about who he was and any connections to the movement?


Mark L.

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Re: [Marxism] George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

2013-07-26 Thread Mark Lause
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The decisive consideration for me was when the NAACP jumped on the case and
called for action by Obama's Justice Department.  That had the potential of
underscoring a real contradiction, and the potential of creating a real
dyanamic.  Perhaps because of it, the national organizaiton hasn't seemed
to pursue it beyond a petition.


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Re: [Marxism] Racism and The North Star

2013-07-24 Thread Mark Lause
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I don't get it.  What kind of thread on the case?  Something to decry
racism?  To plan strategy?

And I certainly don't get the idea that the absence of a thread merits the
accusation in the subject line.

Is there something I don't know about the website?


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Re: [Marxism] The North Star's Failure to Start a Thread on Trayvon Martin

2013-07-23 Thread Mark Lause
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On the actual subject of this particular piece, it seems to me that most of
these discussions on party and party-building seem to me to be little more
than the ritual encantation of algebraic formulas in which everybody is
careful not to define for the unknowns.  People seem to have some idea what
they're talking about when they say "Old Left" or "New Left," but there is
no established definition of these things that offers anything useful.

Talk abourt regroupment rarely ventures beyond these pious platitudes

It seems to me that we need to consider these problems from a perspective
rooted in a rigorous materialism.

What bothers me about the abstractions is that it seems to me that people
just don't know how to build a demonstration any more or, really, what a
demonstration is for.


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[Marxism] What passes for academic discourse . . . . an example from H-Net

2013-07-23 Thread Mark Lause
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- Original Message -
From: "Donna Sinclair" 
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 8:04 AM
Subject: REPLY: REVIEW: Weyant on Nick Turse. Kill Anything That Moves: The
Real American War in Vietnam

> From: Trent Telenko 
> To: H-NET Military History Discussion List 
> Subject: REPLY: REVIEW: Weyant on Nick Turse. Kill Anything That Moves:
The Real American War in Vietnam
> Date: Sun, 21 July 2013 10:50:24 -0400 (EDT)
> Since the subject of spitting on Vietnam vets and the denial of same
> by some in academic community has come up, I'll throw in my two bits
> in terms of a research opportunity based on my family history.
> My father was one of those vets who was spat upon. He is a 1962
> graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, served
> two tours in Vietnam and one in Thailand and retired a Colonel in the
> late 1980's.
> His spitting incident happened at the San Francisco International Airport.
> From what I understand of the Vietnam era military air charter system,
> most military charted commercial airliners flew the San Francisco to
> Hawaii route on their way too and from Vietnam.
> San Francisco International Airport developed a reputation among long
> service soldiers like my father for such spitting incidents, as it was
> both a "target rich environment" and near one of the centers of the
> 1960's era counter-culture.
> Too date, I have seen no creditable academic study to look at Vietnam
> era records of military charters and reported spitting incidents to
> statistically compare incident locations, air movement of soldiers and
> locations of counter-culture geographic strongholds.
> Statistical correlation between reported spitting incident locations
> and air movements of soldiers would provide objective measures of the
> reported social phenomena.
> Given that universities are publishing books like " Weyant on Nick
> Turse. Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam", I
> don't expect any such study to be done soon, it ever.
> --
> Trent Telenko
> Quality Assurance Specialist
> Defense Contract Management Agency

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[Marxism] 150th anniversary of the Battle of Honey Springs

2013-07-21 Thread Mark Lause
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This battle in mid-July 1863 pit a little tri-racial Union Army against a
Confederate force twice its size.

This battle was the set piece for my book _Race and Radicalism in the Union
Army_, which is, rather bizarrely, uncited at the end of the piece, which
mentions a generally irrelevant article older than I am.


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Re: [Marxism] Federal charges against Zimmerman?

2013-07-19 Thread Mark Lause
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That's a terribly strange way for the Justice Department to do this.

The Florida prosecutors didn't want to pursue the case and did only to look
better.  It now seems as though the Justice Department is doing the same
thing, right?


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[Marxism] Petition to Nobel Prize Committee to give it to Bradley Manning

2013-07-19 Thread Mark Lause
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Re: [Marxism] More doubts about "Peak Oil"

2013-07-16 Thread Mark Lause
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I'm on the road and don't have time to answer this fully.

It seems to me that whether the term is useful (for what?) or not has
little importance.  The fact that there were no WMDs in Iraq had little
use.  The reality of global warming has had little use.


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Re: [Marxism] Whites and African-Americans in America by the numbers | Informed Comment

2013-07-14 Thread Mark Lause
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I'd suggest that if anyone is living in a situation where they're not
finding themselves in a continual dialogue about race they probably don't
know many black people.

The problem is a civic culture in which discussions of race in America have
become a substitute for doing something about it.  And it hasn't helped
that so many have decided to make assumptions about basic changes in the

So, talk, yes . . . that's essential, particularly across that horrific
color bar that still divides the society.  But wouldn't it be refreshing to
be up and DOING!

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Re: [Marxism] Thoughts on a post-racial lynching | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2013-07-14 Thread Mark Lause
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It surprised me, for all the reasons suggested.  Perhaps I was forgetting
that it was Florida.

Maybe Obama can have Zimmerman by for a beer to have a heart-to-heart.


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Re: [Marxism] Zimmerman found not guilty

2013-07-14 Thread Mark Lause
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You could almost see this one coming, though.

And yet, people sat politely and deferntially glued to their TV sets rather
than being up and doing BEFORE it got to this point.

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Re: [Marxism] The End of the “Leaderless” Revolution » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-07-11 Thread Mark Lause
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Surely as many tiny self-selected vanguard parties have been fully as
successful at levitating the Pentagon as any vast crowds of
counterculturalists chanting and munching brownies.  :-)

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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Blocking the scammers | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2013-07-10 Thread Mark Lause
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A friend of mine told me that that when you order a trial bottle of that
particular product, the fine print obliges you to pay for a year's worth or

All these scams and frauds leave a clear trail across a well monitored
cyberspace, but never seem to face any legal action.  Not even Nigerian

The government is too busy tracking down people who are trying to learn
Arabic online.

This mirrors what happens in RL, of course.  We had one of those
advertising newspapers that they'd throw in your yard peddling crap you'd
never want.  One or another of our dogs would rip it up and I'd have to go
clean it up every week.  The had several phone numbers on the paper, none
of which worked, a PO Box that was no longer being rented, and an address
that was a vacant office space.  The city absolutely refused to do anything
about it.

If I parked in front of the house too far from the curb, of course . . . .

In capitalist America, businesses just don't seem to break the law.  People
who complain about them are skirting the edges of criminal activity, though
. . . .   :-)


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Re: [Marxism] Bolivia, Nicaragua and Venezuela all offer Snowden asylum

2013-07-08 Thread Mark Lause
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Yes, indeed.  The Obama adminsitration is trying to make itself immune from
criticism by the flag-lapel fetishists by having a pissing contest with
every other govenrment on the planet.  There's not much in it for any of
the other governments to help them out of this bind.

The hubirs of the US brought on these disclosures, which are causing
genuine scanadals--not so much in the US with its rather domesticated news
media--but abroad where the secrets of their own intelligence activities
are beginning to unravel.  It makes sense that they're not willing to put
themselves out too much.

Probalby, we're seeing another way in which the massive institutions crank
out the lowest-common-denominator, flat-out dumbest psswoble solution.


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Re: [Marxism] Bolivia, Nicaragua and Venezuela all offer Snowden asylum

2013-07-08 Thread Mark Lause
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I think the best answer is that these various governments don't want to
depart too much from the norm in finding a solution.

Remember that while this leaves Snowden on the hook, it also leaves his
psychotic Uncle dangling as well. Obama made a serious mistake in
authorizing his underlings to lean on France and Portugal over that flight
from Moscow.  It seems to me that the longer this goes on, there will be
more discrediting incidencents.,


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Re: [Marxism] The ISO’s multiple personalities | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2013-07-07 Thread Mark Lause
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Any socialist organization in a capitalist civilization is going to
experience symptoms of this.  There is no special cure beyond the cure for
the working class as a whole, but there's much a group can do to make
matters worse.

Our experience with the American SWP certainly informs this understanding.
The longer their qualitative and quantitative development tends to
stagnate, the more the group's natural tendency  to rationalize that
stagnation will exacerbate the problem.

Members of the SWP thought at the time that it would help to get the
organization to use a language and political rhetoric more open to the new
radicalization and sounding less like a ritual incantation of the 1930s or
1917, which it did, but without really helping.  Others thought the SWP
needed to orient more to the working class, but when it did, it only seemed
to make matters worse.  And changing its program in terms of changing what
a group says is equally cosmetic.

The SWP defined itself as both "the" party and only "the nucleus" of a
future party.  Its leadership had its fingers on the switched that strobed
these definitions as suited its immediate needs.  In the end, an internal
culture existed that harnessed the psychological needs of an understandably
extremely alienated membership that defined themselves in terms of group
identity that members felt obligated to reaffirm continually.

Worse, those who broke from the SWP to escape its shortcomings have somehow
never managed to break from from this dynamic.

My point is that the problem isn't the ISO, though the scale of its
organization makes the issues more obvious.  And, based on our experience
with the SWP, the solution is not going to be version of "the talking


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Re: [Marxism] Slavery's threat to early democracy - Ta-Nehisi Coates - The Atlantic

2013-07-05 Thread Mark Lause
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I recently encountered an interesting piece by American spiritualist
Benjamin N. Kinyon. In May 1864, he described elections in America as
“sugar coating” to disguise the reality that most residents in the U.S.
lived under a tyranny as bad as anywhere.  Women, children and minors "are
as powerless as the serfs of Russia," and if you add several million blacks
and Indians, he estimated that six-sevenths of the country lacked even the
most formal voice in its government.  Like his cothinkers, Kinyon elsewhere
pointed out that class considerations substantively muted that formal voice
for most who did have it.

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Re: [Marxism] Second revolution brings down Egypt's president

2013-07-03 Thread Mark Lause
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A coup is where a small group already exercising some limited authority
moves to seize power.  This can happen--as it seems to have in this
case--to head off a mass movement before it can get to the point where it
realizes the need to organize itself politically and make a bid for power

It may also be a passing phase, swept away by developments.

My sense was that the army has always been the real power behind the
successive adminsitrations, and that Morsi's great failure from their
perspective was not being able to prevent the little dog from pulling aside
the curtain . . . .


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