Re: [Marxism] Marxism Digest, Vol 110, Issue 1

2012-12-03 Thread Sebastian Budgen
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Yes, this book is currently being translated and we hope will be published next 
year by Brill and the following year by haymarket Books.

On 1 déc. 2012, at 18:30, wrote:

> Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2012 09:49:02 -0500
> From: Andrew Battle 
> To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
> Subject: [Marxism] Heinrich's "Die Wissenschaft vom Wert" - english
>   translation?
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi, I'm working on an essay dealing with the history of various theories of
> value and am currently looking at the chapter on value in Michael
> Heinrich's recently-translated Introduction to the Three Volumes of Marx's
> Capital (MR Press). In the preface he mentions a "detailed commentary on
> the first two chapters of Capital" in Heinrich (2009) with another to
> follow. There's no entry in the bibliography for this 2009 publication but
> it does say there's a translation of his earlier book "Die Wissenschaft vom
> Wert" forthcoming from Brill. I can't find anything on the web about this
> translation so I'm wondering if anyone happens to know whether this has
> appeared, is scheduled to appear, etc?
> Thanks,
> AB

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Re: [Marxism] Charles Post catches the Samuel Farber flu

2012-11-26 Thread Sebastian Budgen
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Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 09:18:01 -0800
From: DW 
To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition

Subject: Re: [Marxism] Charles Post catches the Samuel Farber flu

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I still found the review interesting. It seems it's one 'state cap'
reviewing another 'state cap' so I expected the kind of ending that
Joaqu?n abstracted from the review.

DW: I think you mean one "bureaucratic collectivist" (formerly "deformed 
workers' statist") reviewing another "bureaucratic collectivist"...

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[Marxism] Now Available: Toward the United Front

2012-11-19 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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Now Out in Paperback!

Toward the United Front:
Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International, 1922

AVAILABLE NOW • $55 • ISBN: 978-1-60846-236-0

THE PROCEEDINGS of the last Comintern congress in which Lenin  
participated, now at last available in English, reveals a Communist  
world movement grappling to reconcile the goal of unifying workers and  
colonial people in struggle with that of pressing forward to socialist  
revolution. The principle of national parties’ autonomy strains  
against calls for more stringent centralisation. Debates range over  
the birth of Fascism, decay of the Versailles Treaty system, the rise  
of colonial revolution, and women’s emancipation.

Newly translated and richly annotated, the stenographic transcript of  
the month-long congress discloses a rich spectrum of viewpoints among  
delegates. Indispensable source material on early Communism is  
supplemented by an analytic introduction, detailed footnotes, more  
than 500 short biographies, glossary, chronology, and index.


Riddell has here pulled off an immense and masterful editorial effort,  
comparing past publications of these proceedings in the four main  
languages of the Comintern – English, French, German and RussianThe  
work involved in clarifying the differences between texts, providing  
more accurate annotation, and correcting the misspelling of names and  
providing relevant biographical details is immense, and should earn  
the gratitude of generations of scholars for many years to come.  
—Alexander Marshall, Marx and Philosophy Review of Books

“We should be very grateful to John Riddell and his team of  
collaborators for making available, for the first time in a full  
English version, the minutes of the Fourth Congress of the  
Comintern[F]or anyone seeking to understand the history of the 20th  
century [Toward the United Front] will be an invaluable work of  
reference, and no library with pretensions to serious historical  
coverage should be without it” —Ian Birchall, International Socialism

JOHN RIDDELL has translated and edited seven volumes of documents of  
the Communist movement in the era of the Russian revolution. Two  
further volumes now in preparation will complete this ambitious project.

Check out the Haymarket Books website for more information, or to buy  
the book

For review or examination copy requests contact John McDonald:

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[Marxism] Now Available: Discovering Imperialism

2012-11-19 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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Now Available in Paperback!

Discovering Imperialism:
Social Democracy to World War I.

AVAILABLE NOW • $50 • ISBN: 978-1-60846-235-3

THOUGH PRIMARILY associated with the most prominent figures in the  
history of European Marxism, the theory of imperialism was actually  
developed through lively and engaged debates within the Second  
International from 1898–1916. This volume assembles and translates for  
the first time all of the main documents produced over the course of  
these discussions.


“[T]his is a really excellent book, which is deeply informative about  
the development of Marxist ideas about imperialism before Lenin’s  
famous text[It] should be as widely read on the left as possible. It  
opens up a vista of a much more complex debate and development than  
our ‘traditional’ left narratives of the issue allow us to see.”

—Mike Macnair, The Weekly Worker

RICHARD B. DAY is Professor of Political Economy at the University of  
Toronto, Canada. He has published extensively on Soviet economic and  
political history, including Leon Trotsky and the Politics of Economic  

DANIEL F. GAIDO is a researcher at the National Research Council  
(Conicet) in Argentina. He is the author of The Formative Period of  
American Capitalism and is currently working on a book on the history  
of German social democracy.

Check out the Haymarket Books website for more information, or to buy  
the book

For review or examination copy requests contact John McDonald:

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[Marxism] Help us publish a Selected Works of Amadeo Bordiga

2012-11-05 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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Help us publish a Selected Works of Amadeo Bordiga

Comrades and friends,

Historical Materialism are excited to be preparing the first ever  
English-language volume of Amadeo Bordiga’s writings, as part of our  
Book Series. Though a major figure of the Third International, the  
political struggle of this co-founder of the Communist Party of Italy  
is little-known in the Anglophone world, while in his own country, his  
legacy has often been neglected. We believe that the publication of an  
English-language Selected Works can do much to combat the ignorance  
and misrepresentation surrounding Bordiga, whose journey is  
undoubtedly of great significance to understanding the history of the  

This ambitious collection will amount to around 180,000 words,  
covering his whole political trajectory from his articles in Il Soviet  
during the working-class insurgency of the 1919–20 biennio rosso to  
his factional battles within the Communist Party of Italy; his  
struggle against encroaching Stalinism in the Third International; and  
his post-WWII writings on the restructuring of a resurgent capitalism  
and on anti-colonial movements. This volume, edited by Pietro Basso  
and translated by Giacomo Donis, will thus give a strong sense of the  
range of his work and his reactions to the great social upheavals  
through which he lived.

However, though our Book Series is very keen to make such classic  
texts of the workers’ movement available to a wider public – as with  
previous translations of Comintern documents and forthcoming  
anthologies of the writings of revolutionaries such as Evgeny  
Preobrazhensky and Andreu Nin – we do not have the same funds as  
commercial publishers. Nor can we rely on institutional backing, given  
both the parlous state of education funding in Italy and the political  
anathema against Bordiga. While Historical Materialism can soak up  
some of the associated costs by providing our labour-power for free,  
we cannot ask the same of the translator, and therefore have to call  
on those sympathetic to our Book Series and this translation project  
to help us.

We need to raise a further £4,000, which is around a third of the  
total cost of the translation. We hope that you, like us, will  
recognise the importance of making these texts available to an  
Anglophone audience, as well as the value of the Historical  
Materialism Book Series, and thus may be willing to draw on your own  
resources to assist the publication of this volume. No donation too  
small (or too large) – we would much appreciate any support you can  
offer to this very worthy initiative.

We welcome donations by PayPal, visiting Selected Works of Bordiga. If  
you are interested in our Book Series and would like to help us fund  
the translation of more such ‘lost texts’, we would also welcome a  
regular donation via Direct Debit. If you would like details for how  
to donate by bank transfer or cheque, please contact us at 

Your help and interest much appreciated,


The Editors

Published in

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[Marxism] One week left to register for the Ninth Annual Historical Materialism Conference 'Weighs Like a Nightmare' (SOAS, 8-11 November)

2012-10-30 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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One week left to register for the Ninth Annual Historical Materialism  
Conference 'Weighs Like a Nightmare' (SOAS, 8-11 November). To secure  
advance registration discounts, register now at

Plenaries include:

Historical Materialism Plenary: 'Gender, Work and Reproduction in  
Crisis' with Silvia Federici, Kathi Weeks and David McNally

Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Prize Lecture: 'Seasons of Self-Delusion:  
Opium, Capitalism, and the Financial Market' by Jairus Banaji

Socialist Register Launch: 'The Question of Strategy' with Leo  
Panitch, Sam Gindin, Alex Callinicos, Susan Spronk, and Greg Albo

Sessions include:

2012 Venezuelan Elections and the Future of the Bolivarian Process;  
Absolute Hegel: Time, Money and Reification; Aesthetics and Art  
History; Aesthetics, Crisis, Utopia; After 1917; Anti-Racism, Anti- 
Colonialism and the International; Anti-Capitalist Movements; Anti- 
Colonial and Post-Colonial Struggles;Assessing the Egyptian  
Revolution; Badiou, Marxism and the Critique of Political Economy; The  
Body, the Psyche and the Social; Capitalist Origins and Transitions;  
The City in Times of Crisis; Class, Work and Crisis; Commodity  
derivatives, commodification and economic restructuring in the 21st  
Century;Communication, Contradiction and Resistance; Communist  
Histories; Considerations on Marxist Westerns; Crisis, Ecology and  
Marxism; Debt; Dialogues in Marxist Feminist Theory; Documentary's  
(Dis)continuities; Eastern European Marxism; Ernst Bloch's Utopian  
Materialism: Launch of the 'Bloch Bibliothek' Project; Encountering  
Althusser; Escaping the Crisis; Europe in Crisis; Fascism: Theory and  
History; Feminism and Anti-racism: The Hijab Question; Feminist  
collectives past and present; Feminist-Marxist critiques of liberal  
feminism; Feminisms and Marxisms in Modern Chinese Theory and  
Practice; Feminism, Neo-Colonialism and Empire; Feminism Politics and  
Contemporary Art:  Documenting, Performing, Producing 1960s - 2010s;  
Green Capitalism and Ecological Revolution; Grounding the “New”  
Movements; 'Haunted by a Radical Instability': Althusser and the  
Precarious Necessity of the Law; Hegel and Marx; Hegel or Spinoza: The  
Tendencies of Pierre Macherey; Historical-Critical Dictionary of  
Marxism Workshop; History and Militancy in Walter Benjamin; History  
Reborn: Specters of Revolution in Contemporary Science Fiction;  
History and Revolution: Thinking with the 18th Brumaire; How to think  
Partisan today? Between partisan art and politics in WWII Yugoslavia;  
Imperialism and finance; Ineluctable Narrative: Marxism, Modernity,  
and Representation in Art, Music, Comics and the Novel Form; Kautsky,  
Bernstein, Lenin; Labour, Class and Welfare; Law, Social Movements and  
Struggle; Labriola, Gramsci, Lukacs; Law and Struggles;Left Parties,  
Left Strategies; Lineages of Modernism and the Avant-Garde;  
Machiavelli, Marxism, and the Revolutionary Tradition; Marxism and  
Critique; Marxism and Feminism: Revisiting and Extending the Dialogue;  
Marxist-feminism as revolutionary praxis; Marxism and the Media;  
Maoist Movements in Sri Lanka, Portugal and India: History, Theory and  
Practice; Marxist Political Strategies; Memory and its Discontents;  
Migrant domestic workers; Natural Beauty and Negative Images in  
Adorno; The New Latin American Left: Cracks in the Empire; Occupation  
and Forced Migration: From Palestine to Kashmir; Passages from  
Feudalism: The Transition in Theory; The Poetry of the Future; The  
Political Predicament of Contemporary Art; The Politics of  
Reproduction; Poor People's Movements; Powers of the State; Primitive  
Accumulation / Accumulation by Dispossession: Theory and Strategy;  
Problems of Communist History; Property, Commodity and the Legal  
Relation; The Protest Movement and the 2011-2012 Revolutions in  
Context: The Opposition Movement in Russia and Global Struggles; Re- 
evaluating Lukacs: critical realism in political art, then and now;  
Remittances and Migration in a World of Inequality; Representation and  
Resistance in Culture; Rethinking Revolutionary History and Thought in  
the Middle East; Revisiting the Bolivian National Revolution of 1952;  
Revisiting Politics and Radicalism in Art of the 60s and 70s;  
Revolution; Revolution and Counter-Revolution in the Middle East; Self- 
Management; Snake Eggs: Older and New; Social Reproduction,  
Commodification and Sexualities; Spaces of Capital; Terror, the  
General Will and the Jacobin Legacy; Theories of Finance and Crisis;  
Third Avant-Garde? Art Today; Trade Unions: Limits and Challenges;  
Tradition and the Italian Resistance; Understanding Crises of Labour  
in Southern Africa; 

Re: [Marxism] Query: Best books on pre-2nd International German Social Democracy

2012-04-29 Thread Sebastian Budgen
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Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2012 22:36:12 -0400
From: Mark Lause 
To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition

Subject: Re: [Marxism] Query: Best books on pre-2nd International
German Social Democracy

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I've been following this discussion with great interest and spending
money like mad on available used titles.

William Pelz wrote some very solid titles on socialism and communism
in the Kaiserreich and the Weimar Republik.

I've been desperately looking for things on the German and British
movement contemporary with the First International and the Commune.

Reichard's Crippled from Birth certainly merits mention, if it hasn't
been already . . .
For those book buyers unfamiliar with it, this site will be invaluable
and save you considerable amount of money replacing lost lost titles,

Mark L.

Mark: there is a lot of very useful material in English on the French socialist 
movement of this period, of all strands (from reformist to revolutionary 
syndicalist). Some examples:
 (these were reviewed by Susan Watkins in the LRB a few years back)
 (reviewed by Ian Birchall in the ISJ some months ago)

If you read French there is a new history of the First International:

On the German-British connection, this may be of interest:

Not read this, but it has good reviews:

On the British movement, there is a substantial literature by people like Noel 
Thompson, Gregory Claeys etc as well as a literature on the SDF:

And of course, all the work on William Morris, Belfort Bax 
 Edward Carpenter 


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Re: [Marxism] Query: Best books on pre-2nd International German Social Democracy

2012-04-28 Thread Sebastian Budgen
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Message: 7
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 21:51:32 -0400
From: Louis Proyect 
To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition

Subject: Re: [Marxism] Query: Best books on pre-2nd International
German Social Democracy
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

On 4/27/12 9:38 PM, aaron s. amaral wrote:
> Thanks Tom. I am actually reading this at present. It, along with the Lars
> Lih and a re-reading of the Broue book on the German revolution has led me
> to an interest in the early decades of German social democracy and, more
> specifically, at the various trends both Marxist and other, which were
> formative

I think this is the definitive account of what wrong in Germany in the 
1920s, covering the same ground as Broue but much tougher on the Comintern:

"Stillborn Revolution, the Communist Bid for Power in Germany, 
1921-1923", Werner T. Angress, Princeton, 1963)

Angress led an extraordinary life as well:

SB: There is a more recent book in German on 1921 which we'd like to publish in 
the HM book series, but the problem is raising the funding.

On pre-Second International German SD Aaron, there's not too much in English, 
although there may be refs in 

 but you should look at the bios of Wilhelm Liebknecht and Eduard Bernstein as 
well as works on Lassalle and August Bebel. There is probably useful 
dissertation material that you can find on Dissertation Express from UMI. I can 
get you more detailed refs from a friend who has worked on German SD if you 
want. In the meantime look at:
 (highly recommended by Hal Draper)

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[Marxism] Nabat and the 1917 Revolution

2011-12-09 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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You might want to write to Chris Ford, who knows this field:

Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2011 17:12:49 -0600
From: Tristan Sloughter 
To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition

Subject: [Marxism] Nabat and the 1917 Revolution

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Any suggestions on books or articles with details around the Ukrainian
anarchists, their role in the 1905/1917 revolution and what happened to


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[Marxism] Less than one week for advanced bookings! Spaces of Capital, Moments of Struggle: Eighth Annual Historical Materialism Conference, Central London, 10–13 November 2011

2011-11-01 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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Spaces of Capital, Moments of Struggle

Eighth Annual Historical Materialism Conference

Central London

10–13 November 2011

To register in advance and benefit from a reduction:
Advanced booking will stop on Monday 7 November

All queries:

The themes discussed will include:  the Aesthetics of Marxism;  
Alternative Histories of Marxism; Althusser; Anti-Imperialist  
Struggles and Intellectualism; Art and Truth; Battling Austerity;  
Between Autonomy and Communism; Beyond the Developmental State; Black  
Critics of Empire and Capital in 1930s Britain; How Revolutionary were  
the Bourgeois Revolutions?; Building Palestine Solidarity in the  
Academy; Childhood, Global Capitalism and Marxism; the Comintern in  
Britain, France and Ireland; Crisis and Revolution in the Middle East;  
Derrida After Marx; the Early Years of the German Communist Party;  
European Crisis, the World Market, and the Left; Feminism, Race and  
Labour; For Lukacs; Forms of Capitalist Power; Franz Fanon’s the  
Wretched of the Earth: 50th Anniversary; Freedom, Liberalism, and  
Distribution; Geographies of Power; Gramsci and the Fourth Congress;  
Hegel Today; Histories of Class Struggle; the History of the  
International Communist Movement; Imperialism and Development in the  
Semi-Periphery; India’s Political Economy; Indigenous Revolt;  
International Law and Resistance; In the Name of the People?; Labour  
Struggles Today; Land, Food and Ecology; Latin American Political  
Economy; Local Resistance; Maoism and Social Movements in India and  
Nepal; Luxemburg, Levi and the Comintern; Marx and Lacan; Marxism and  
Anthropology; Marxism and Architecture; Marxism and Film; Marxist  
Theories of Money and Finance; Negation in Post-War Art Theory;  
Screening: Phil Collins’s Marxism Today; Popular Power in Latin  
America; Race, Migration and Capitalism; Racism and Imperialism;  
Radicalism in the US Working Class; the Rational Kernel of the  
Hegelian Dialectic; Reading Poulantzas; Revisiting Rosa Luxemburg;  
Revolution and Democracy in Egypt and Tunisia; Settler-Colonialism and  
Islamophobia; Social Forces in the Middle East; Social Movements in  
Theory and Practice; Spaces of Marxism: Thinking with David Harvey;  
Theorising the Crisis; A Tribute to Dorothy Thompson; Uneven and  
Combined Development; Urban Rebellion, Cities in Struggle; US Blacks  
and the Comintern; Utopia and Marxist Literary Criticism; Walter  
Benjamin; Who Pays for the Crisis?; Why Marx Was Right; the Worker  
Photography Movement 1926-39; Workers’ Control from the Commune to the  
Present; Workers’ Movements in East Asia

Also the Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Memorial Lecture by David Harvey,  
'History versus Theory: a Commentary on Marx's Method in Capital',  
(separate booking required):

Amongst the speakers:
Amr Abdulrahman, Maha Abelrahman, Younes Abuyoub, Omar Acha, Gilbert  
Achcar, Matilde Adduci, Hakim Adi, Stefano Agnoletto, Haseeb Ahmed,  
Ilaria Alabiso, Greg Albo, Tariq Ali, Jamie Allinson, Sabah Alnasseri,  
Kevin B. Anderson, Maurice Andreu, Alex Anievas, Ricardo Antunes,  
Valerio Arcary, Owen R. Ashton, Daniele Atzori, Pier Vittorio Aureli,  
Dario Azzellini, Grietje Baars, Erik M. Bachman, Antonio Carmona Baez,  
Ruixue Bai, Aristides Baltas, Franco Barchiesi, Banu Bargu, Colin  
Barker, Laurent Baronian, Emmanuel Barot, John Barzman, Pietro Basso,  
Bernhard H. Bayerlein, Dave Beech, Simon Behrman, Riccardo Bellofiore,  
Gregor Benton, Anindya Bhattacharya, Pietro Bianchi, Andreas Bieler,  
Ian Birchall, Paul Blackledge, Marcel Bois, Derek Boothman, Bruno  
Bosteels, Mark Bould, Stephen Bouquin, Paul Bowman, Honor Brabazon,  
Craig Brandist, Peter Bratsis, Lars Bretthauer, David Broder, Heather  
Brown, Ian Bruff, Nathaniel Boyd, Michael Calderbank, Alex Callinicos,  
Thomas Carmichael, Warren Carter, Giorgio Cesarale, Maria Elisa  
Cevasco, Dae-Oup Chang, Amy Charlesworth, Kunal Chattopadhyay,  
Francois Chesnais, Vivek Chibber, Lorenzo Chiesa, Joseph Choonara,  
Armelle Choplin, Todd Chretian, Riccardo Ciavolella, Carin Clement,  
Nicola Clewer, Joshua Clover, Mònica Clua-Losada, Sheila Cohen, Phil  
Collins, Simon Constantine, Luke Cooper, Penelope J. Corfield, Andrew  
Cumbers, Roberto Dainotto, Gareth Dale, Neil Davidson, Gail Day, Tim  
Dayton, Alberto Martínez Delgado, Simon Dell, Alex Demirovic, Radhika  
Desai, Brecht De Smet, Peter Dickens, Ana Cecilia Dinerstein, Radha  
D'Souza, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Nick Dyer-Witheford, Terry Eagleton,  
Caroline Edwards, Steve Edwards, Doug Elsey, Ertan 

[Marxism] Somewhat Off-Topic Request

2011-10-16 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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You might want to look at this and the books cited within:

there is also this collection:

Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2011 01:13:35 +0100 (BST)
From: Angelus Novus 
To: "" 
Cc: "" 
Subject: [Marxism] Somewhat Off-Topic Request
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Sorry for the strange request, but some of the smartest people I know  
hang out on these lists, so:

can anyone recommend some useful introductory/secondary literature to  
the thought of Wittgenstein? (beyond Wikipedia, of course)

Is the Ray Monk biography useful in this regard, or is it purely  
biographical and not much of an actual introduction in terms of ideas?

Plus points of course for anything written from a broadly Marxist  
perspective. ;-)

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[Marxism] New Haymarket webpage for paperback editions of HM Book Series

2011-08-25 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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[Marxism] New HM Book Series Title: Monsters of the Market Zombies, Vampires and Global Capitalism by David McNally

2011-07-25 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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Please get your library to order this title!

Monsters of the Market
Zombies, Vampires and Global Capitalism
David McNally

Monsters of the Market investigates the rise of capitalism through the
prism of the body-panics it arouses. Drawing on folklore, literature
and popular culture, the book links tales of monstrosity from early-
modern England, including Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, to a spate of
recent vampire- and zombie-fables from sub-Saharan Africa, and it
connects these to Marx’s persistent use of monster-metaphors in his
descriptions of capitalism. Reading across these tales of the
grotesque, Monsters of the Market offers a novel account of the
cultural and corporeal economy of a global market-system. The book
thus makes original contributions to political economy, cultural
theory, commodification-studies and ‘body-theory’.

Biographical note
David McNally, Ph.D (1983) is Professor of Political Science at York
University, Toronto. He is the author of five previous books and has
published widely on political economy, Marxism, and contemporary
social justice movements.

All those interested in Marxism, cultural studies, global political
economy, as well as students of literature, folklore and popular

Table of contents

1. Dissecting the Labouring Body: Frankenstein, Political Anatomy and
the Rise of Capitalism
‘Save my body from the surgeons’
The culture of dissection: anatomy, colonisation and social order
Political anatomy, wage-labour and destruction of the English commons   
Anatomy and the corpse-economy
Monsters of rebellion
Jacobins, Irishmen and Luddites: rebel-monsters in the age of
The rights of monsters: horror and the split society

2. Marx’s Monsters: Vampire-Capital and the Nightmare-World of Late

Dialectics and the doubled life of the commodity
The spectre of value and the fetishism of commodities
‘As if by love possessed’: vampire capital and the labouring body
Zombie-labour and the ‘monstrous outrages’ of capital
Money: capitalism’s second nature   
‘Self-birthing’ capital and the alchemy of money
Wild money: the occult economies of late-capitalist globalisation
Enron: case-study in the occult economy of late capitalism
‘Capital comes into the world dripping in blood from every pore’

3. African Vampires in the Age of Globalisation
Kinship and accumulation: from the old witchcraft to the new
Zombies, vampires, and spectres of capital: the new occult economies
of globalising capitalism   
African fetishes and the fetishism of commodities
The living dead: zombie-labourers in the age of globalisation
Vampire-capitalism in Sub-Saharan Africa
Bewitched accumulation, famished roads, and the endless toilers of the

Conclusion: Ugly Beauty: Monstrous Dreams of Utopia

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[Marxism] New Title in the HM Book Series: In the Steps of Rosa Luxemburg Selected Writings of Paul Levi Paul Levi. Edited and introduced by David Fernbach

2011-07-25 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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Please get your library to order this book!

In the Steps of Rosa Luxemburg
Selected Writings of Paul Levi
Paul Levi. Edited and introduced by David Fernbach

Paul Levi remains one of the most interesting and controversial
figures in the early history of the Communist movement. As leader of
the KPD after the murder of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, he
successfully built up a party of a third of a million members, but by
1921 Comintern pressure for ‘Bolshevisation’ forced Levi’s resignation
and expulsion. Until his early death in 1930 he remained ‘a
revolutionary socialist of the Rosa Luxemburg school’ (Carl von
Ossietsky), and was described by Albert Einstein as ‘one of the
wisest, most just and courageous persons I have come across’. The
first English edition of Levi’s writings fills a long-standing gap in
the documents of German Communism.

Biographical note
David Fernbach, studied at London School of Economics. Freelance
writer, editor and translator. Publications include the three-volume
edition of Karl Marx’s Political Writings (Penguin 1973-4, reissued
Verso 2010), and The Spiral Path: a gay contribution to human survival
(1981). Translations include Marx’s Capital Volumes Two and Three, and
works by Georg Lukacs, Rudolf Bahro, Boris Groys, Nicos Poulantzas,
Pierre Bourdieu, Alain Badiou and Jacques Rancière.

People interested in Communist history from either an academic or an
activist perspective.

Table of contents

Part One: Leading the KPD
Address to the Founding Congress of the KPD
Letter to Lenin (1919)
The Munich Experience: An Opposing View
The Political Situation and the KPD (October 1919)
The Lessons of the Hungarian Revolution
The World-Situation and the German Revolution
The Beginning of the Crisis in the Communist Party and the International
Letter to Loriot

Part Two: The March Action
Our Path: Against Putschism
What Is the Crime? The March Action or Criticising It?
Letter to Lenin (1921)
The Demands of the Kommunistische Arbeitsgemeinschaft

Part Three: The Soviet Question
Letter to Clara Zetkin
Introduction to Rosa Luxemburg’s pamphlet The Russian Revolution
Introduction to Trotsky, The Lessons of October
The Retreat from Leninism
After Ten Years
Approaching the End

Part Four: The German Republic
The Murder of Erzberger
The Needs of the Hour
Why We Are Joining the United Social-Democratic Party
The Assassination of Rathenau   
The Situation after Rathenau’s Death
The Reich and the Workers
The Defenders of the Republic
After the Oath


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[Marxism] Now Out: Historical Materialism 19.2

2011-07-19 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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Historical Materialism
Research in Critical Marxist Theory
Volume 19 Issue 2


Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Memorial-Prize Lecture

Ben Fine and Dimitris Milonakis
‘Useless but True’: Economic Crisis and the Peculiarities
of Economic Science


Panagiotis Sotiris
Beyond Simple Fidelity to the Event: The Limits of Alain Badiou’s

Vivek Chibber
What Is Living and What Is Dead in the Marxist Theory of History

Stefano G. Azzarà
Settling Accounts with Liberalism: On the Work of Domenico


Bill Bowring
Marx, Lenin and Pashukanis on Self-Determination: Response
to Robert Knox

Review Articles

Michael Löwy
on Walter Benjamin’s Archive. Images, Texts, Signs, edited by Ursula  
Marx, Gudrun Schwarz, Michael Schwarz, and Erdmut Wizisla, translated  
by Esther Leslie, Esther Leslie’s Walter Benjamin, and Benjamin  
Handbuch. Leben-Werk-Wirkung, edited by Burkhardt Lindner

Andrew Lawson
on Richard Godden’s William Faulkner: An Economy of Complex Words

Bue Rübner Hansen
on Jonathan Nitzan’s and Shimshon Bichler’s Capital as Power: A Study  
of Order and Creorder

Widukind De Ridder
on Douglas Moggach’s The Philosophy and Politics of Bruno Bauer and  
Massimiliano Tomba’s Krise und Kritik bei Bruno Bauer: Kategorien des  
Politischen im nachhegelschen Denken

Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism

William W. Hansen

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[Marxism] New title: Tony Cliff: A Marxist for his Time by Ian Birchall

2011-05-31 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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Tony Cliff: A Marxist for his Time
by Ian Birchall

Hardback £25  9781905192793
Paperback £16.99  9781905192809

Tony Cliff came to political consciousness in the darkest period of  
the 20th century and spent his life developing revolutionary Marxism  
against Stalinism. From his early days as a revolutionary in British- 
occupied Palestine, through years of obscurity and isolation in London  
and Dublin to the high points of struggle in post-war Britain, Cliff  
worked to restore lost ideas and traditions, fan flames of resistance  
and develop our understanding of a system in constant change. Ian  
Birchall's lovingly crafted book is the culmination of years of work,  
drawing on interviews with over 100 people who knew Cliff and  
painstaking research in archives around the country. It is a majestic  
example of political biography at its best.

Available direct from Bookmarks Bookshop from 30 June 2011, and  
nationwide from October.


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[Marxism] Good Marxist Accounts of India, post-Independence?

2011-04-21 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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On 4/20/11 1:51 AM, Angelus Novus wrote:

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I am looking for what the subject header says.  Preferably not  
anything book-length, but more article length; I am looking for  
shorter, essayistic pieces from journals and the like that offer  
useful summaries.

Any recommended suggestions?

A good place to start would be the books by the trotskisant Achin  

The best thing from a polecon and Marxist perspective is Vivek  
Chibber's book:

There is also a classic Trotskyist analysis of the nationalist  
movement, which may be of interest:

as well as these titles:

Aijaz Ahmad's work is definitely worth reading too (particularly if  
you are interested in the fascism/Hindu nationalism question):

And, of course, there is a ton of stuff by CPI(M) thinkers, such as  
Prabhat Patnaik and so forth.

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[Marxism] Spaces of Capital, Moments of Struggle: Eighth Annual Historical Materialism Conference, Central London, 10–13 November 2011

2011-04-07 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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Spaces of Capital, Moments of Struggle

Eighth Annual Historical Materialism Conference

Central London

10–13 November 2011

The ongoing popular uprisings in the Arab world, alongside intimations  
of a resurgence in workers' struggles against 'austerity' in the North  
and myriad forms of resistance against exploitation and dispossession  
across the globe make it imperative for Marxists and leftists to  
reflect critically on the meaning of collective anticapitalist action  
in the present.

Over the past decade, many Marxist concepts and debates have come in  
from the cold. The anticapitalist movement generated a widely  
circulating critique of capitalist modes of international  
'development'. More recently, the economic crisis that began in 2008  
has led to mainstream-recognition of Marx as an analyst of capital. In  
philosophy and political theory, communism is no longer merely a term  
of condemnation. Likewise, artistic and cultural practices have also  
registered a notable upturn in the fortunes of activism, critical  
utopianism and the effort to capture aesthetically the workings of the  
capitalist system.

The eighth annual Historical Materialism conference will strive to  
take stock of these shifts in the intellectual landscape of the Left  
in the context of the social and political struggles of the present.  
Rather than resting content with the compartmentalisation and  
specialisation of various 'left turns' in theory and practice, we  
envisage the conference as a space for the collective, if necessary,  
agonistic but comradely, reconstitution of a strategic conception of  
the mediations between socio-economic transformations and emancipatory  

For such a critical theoretical, strategic and organisational  
reflection to have traction in the present, it must take stock of both  
the commonalities and the specificities of different struggles for  
emancipation, as they confront particular strategies of accumulation,  
political authorities and relations of force. Just as the crisis that  
began in 2008 is by no means a homogeneous affair, so we cannot simply  
posit a unity of purpose in contemporary revolutions, struggles around  
the commons and battles against austerity.

In consideration of the participation of David Harvey, winner of the  
Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Memorial Prize, at this year's conference,  
we would particularly wish to emphasise the historical and  
geographical dimensions of capital, class and struggle. We  
specifically encourage paper submissions and suggested panel-themes  
that tackle the global nature of capitalist accumulation, the  
significance of anticapitalist resistance in the South, and questions  
of race, migration and ecology as key components of both the  
contemporary crisis and the struggle to move beyond capitalism.

There will also be a strong presence of workshops on the  
historiography of the early communist movement, particularly focusing  
on the first four congresses of the Communist International.

The conference will aim to combine rigorous and grounded  
investigations of socio-economic realities with focused theoretical  
reflections on what emancipation means today, and to explore – in  
light of cultural, historical and ideological analyses – the forms  
taken by current and coming struggles.

Deadline for registration of abstracts: 1 May 2011

Preference will be given to subscribers to the journal and  
participants are expected to be present during the whole of the event  
– no tailor-made timetabling for individuals will be possible, nor  
will cameo-appearances be tolerated.

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[Marxism] New HM Book Series title: The American Road to Capitalism: Studies in Class-Structure, Economic Development and Political Conflict, 1620–1877 by Charles Post

2011-04-06 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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The American Road to Capitalism
Studies in Class-Structure, Economic Development and Political  
Conflict, 1620–1877

Charles Post

Publication year: 2011

Historical Materialism Book Series, 28
ISBN-13 (i):
978 90 04 20104 0
90 04 20104 1
Number of pages:
xvii, 300 pp.
List price: € 99.00 / US$ 141.00

Most US historians assume that capitalism either “came in the first  
ships” or was the inevitable result of the expansion of the market.  
Unable to analyze the dynamics of specific forms of social labour in  
the antebellum US, most historians of the US Civil War have privileged  
autonomous political and ideological factors, ignoring the deep social  
roots of the conflict. This book applies theoretical insights derived  
from the debates on the transition to capitalism in Europe to the  
historical literature on the US to produce a new analysis of the  
origins of capitalism in the US, and the social roots of the Civil War.

Charles Post, Ph. D. (1983) in Sociology, SUNY-Binghamton, is  
Associate Professor of Sociology at Borough of Manhattan Community  
College-CUNY. He has published in New Left Review, Journal of Peasant  
Studies, Journal of Agrarian Change, Against the Current and  
Historical Materialism.

“Explaining the origin and early development of American capitalism is  
a particularly challenging task. It is in some ways even more  
difficult than in other cases to strike the right historical balance,  
capturing the systemic imperatives of capitalism, and explaining how  
they emerged, while doing justice to historical particularities… To  
confront these historical complexities requires both a command of  
historical detail and a clear theoretical grasp of capitalism’s  
systemic imperatives, a combination that is all too rare. Charles Post  
succeeds in striking that difficult balance, which makes his book a  
major contribution to truly historical scholarship.”

Ellen Meiksins-Wood, York University, author of The Origins of  
Capitalism: A Long View.

“In The American Road to Capitalism, Charles Post offers a brilliant  
reinterpretation of the origins and diverging paths of economic  
evolution in the American north and south. The first systematic  
historical materialist account of US development from the colonial  
period through the civil war in a very long time, it is sure to be  
received as a landmark contribution.”

Robert P. Brenner, University of California-Los Angeles, author of  
Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Early Modern  
Europe and Merchants and Revolution: Commercial Change, Political  
Conflict, and London's Overseas Traders, 1550-1653.

“Charles Post has written an excellent book on the origins of American  
capitalism in the antebellum North, on plantation slavery in the Old  
South and on the cataclysmic conflict between them. His interpretation  
is bold and controversial; it will have to be considered by all  
scholars in the field.”

John Ashworth, University of Nottingham, author of Slavery, Capitalism  
and the Antebellum Republic.

“This is the most original and provocative materialist interpretation  
of the origins and dynamics of US capitalism for a long time. Post  
combines impressive command of the historical sources with a sharp  
analytical understanding, not least of the centrality of agrarian  
questions to the development of capitalism.”

Henry Bernstein, University of London, School of Oriental and African  
Studies and China Agricultural University, Beijing, emeritus editor  
Journal of Agrarian Change.

“Over the past three decades, Charles Post has been developing an  
original and powerful interpretation of the American road to  
capitalism. This volume brings together his most important essays in  
what is sure to be a landmark volume. Post brilliantly analyzes the  
structural basis of economic development in both the North and the  
South, culminating in a powerful interpretation of the social basis of  
the Civil War. The book is one of the best examples of historical  
sociology that I have seen in recent years, effortlessly melding  
theory and historical research. This is engaged scholarship of the  
highest order.”

Vivek Chibber, New York University, author of Locked In Place: State  
Building and Late Industrialization in India.

Table of contents
Foreword by Ellen Meiksins Wood

1. The American Road to Capitalism
i. Plantation-slavery
ii. Agrarian petty-commodity production
iii. Capitalist manufacture and industry
iv. Conclusion: the Civil War

2. The Agrarian Origins of US Capitalism: The Transformation of the  
Northern Countryside before the Civil War

i. Rural class-structure in the North b

[Marxism] International Socialism Journal No. 130 Now Out

2011-04-06 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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Issue 130


The return of the Arab revolution
Alex Callinicos

Engels on the power of nature

The return of fear
Iain Ferguson

Tunisia: the people’s revolution
Chamseddine Mnasri

Act One of the Egyptian Revolution
Philip Marfleet

Social media and social movements
Jonny Jones

The origins of the united front policy
John Riddell

The Tories, Eton and private schools
David Renton

I love the sound of breaking glass: the London crowd, 1760-2010
Keith Flett


Facing the crisis: the strategic perplexity of the left
Stathis Kouvelakis

Sexuality, alienation and capitalism
Sheila McGregor

Counterpower, participatory democracy, revolutionary defence: debating  
Black Flame, revolutionary anarchism and historical Marxism

Lucien van der Walt

The social roots of “impairment”
Lee Humber

Book reviews

We want rebel music
Lee Billingham

Natural’s not in it
Martin Empson

State of the union
Chris Bambery

Forgotten famine
John Newsinger

Africa’s opening
Andy Wynne

Pick of the quarter
This quarter's selection

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[Marxism] NOW AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK FROM HAYMARKET BOOKS: Witnesses to Permanent Revolution

2011-04-05 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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Witnesses to Permanent Revolution: The Documentary Record

Edited and translated by Richard B. Day and Daniel Gaido

Also available through

The theory of permanent revolution has long been associated with Leon  
Trotsky. Though he was the most brilliant of its proponents, these  
newly translated documents, most of them available in English for the  
first time, demonstrate that Trotsky was only one of several leading  
figures of international Marxism engaged in a debate, sparked by the  
first Russian Revolution in 1905, about the form workers’ struggle  
would take in less developed countries. Among the figures included in  
these discussions were Karl Kautsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Franz Mehring,  
Parvus, and David Ryazanov

Richard B. Day is Professor of Political Economy at the University of  
Toronto, Canada. He has published extensively on Soviet economic and  
political history, including Leon Trotsky and the Politics of Economic  

Daniel F. Gaido is a researcher at the National Research Council  
(Conicet) in Argentina. He is the author of The Formative Period of  
American Capitalism and is currently working on a book on the history  
of German social democracy

Praise for Witnesses to Permanent Revolution:

“Since the world is again in the midst of an economic crisis, the  
arguments here are not without contemporary relevance, even if from  
today’s perspective it is a polemic where everybody is right. Summing  
up: recommended."

—A. Ezergailis, Choice

“Sometimes reading debates between figures on the left, involving  
historical references readers may not be familiar with, can be a  
daunting or even demoralising experience. But the brilliant and  
precise annotating of this collection, along with a short introduction  
to each piece, makes every article accessible to a wide range of  
readers…Day and Gaido have done a fantastic service with this immense  
collection. Witnesses to Permanent Revolution is a fascinating and  
book and one that genuinely sheds new light on past debates about  
socialism that can help to inform the future."

—Esme Choonara, International Socialism

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[Marxism] Mandel/Black Dwarf question

2011-03-06 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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For a friend: would anyone happen to have a copy of Ernest Mandel's  
article  "The New Revolutionary Vanguard", from Black Dwarf #2?

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[Marxism] NOW AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK FROM HAYMARKET BOOKS: The Gramscian Moment: Philosophy, Hegemony and Marxism by Peter D. Thomas

2011-02-21 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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The Gramscian Moment: Philosophy, Hegemony and Marxism

by Peter D. Thomas

Also available through

“Thomas’s magisterial exploration of Gramsci’s thought will become the  
critical point of reference for all serious work in the field.”

—David McNally, Professor of Political Science, York University, Toronto

Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks are today acknowledged as a classic  
of the human and social sciences in the twentieth century. The  
influence of his thought in numerous fields of scholarship is only  
exceeded by the diverse interpretations and readings to which it has  
been subjected, resulting in often contradictory images of Gramsci.  
This book draws on the rich recent season of Gramscian philological  
studies in order to argue that the true significance of Gramsci's  
thought exists in its distinctive position in the development of the  
Marxist tradition. Providing a detailed reconsideration of Gramsci's  
theory of the state and concept of philosophy, The Gramsican Moment  
argues for the urgent necessity of taking up the challenge of  
developing a “philosophy of praxis” as a vital element in the  
contemporary revitalization of Marxism.

Peter Thomas is lecturer in the history of political thought at Brunel  
University. He has previously studied and worked at the Universities  
of Queensland, Naples, Berlin and Amsterdam. He has published widely  
on Marxist political theory and philosophy, the history of political  
thought and the history of philosophy and is an editor of the journal  
Historical Materialism: research in critical Marxist theory

Praise for The Gramscian Moment:

“This should become the standard text in English on Gramsci's thought.  
Acquainted with the latest wrinkle in the Italian debate, Thomas… 
deftly overturns the received orthodoxy and the various abuses of the  
ideas of the Marxist militant, both restoring Gramsci's work to its  
true status and opening up fruitful possibilities for understanding  
his contribution to political theory more generally. The best book on  
Gramsci's political theory for three decades.”

—Alastair Davidson, Author of Antonio Gramsci: Towards an Intellectual  

“Thomas's Gramsci is the one we need in an era of economic and  
geopolitical crises that bears some resemblances to Gramsci's own  
time. This Gramsci is no incipient post-Marxist. Thomas's Gramsci,  
developed from rigorous critical study of the Prison Notebooks and of  
the now extensive scholarly literature, is a deeply consequent thinker  
intent on reconstructing revolutionary Marxism in opposition to the  
most advanced bourgeois thought of his day. This is also a Gramsci for  
whom political economy is of central methodological and substantive  
significance...This is a book that will recast the understanding of  
Gramsci, especially but not exclusively in the Anglophone world.”

—Alex Callinicos, Professor of European Studies, Social Theory and  
International Political Economy, King's College, London

“The Gramscian Moment demonstrates the extent to which Gramsci’s  
thought represents a singular synthesis of virtually the entire  
tradition of Western political thought. This work succeeds in  
presenting Gramsci as a 'living classic', an author central to our  
understanding of modernity. Given its scope, richness and originality,  
I have no doubt that this work will represent a milestone in Gramscian  
scholarship and an important contribution to contemporary debates in  
political theory and philosophy.”

—Stathis Kouvelakis, Author of Philosophy and Revolution and Co-editor  
of a Critical Companion to Contemporary Marxism

“The Gramscian Moment is the most thorough and illuminating  
philosophical study of Gramsci yet to appear in English. It sets a new  
standard for work not only on Gramsci himself but on the whole complex  
of issues associated with his legacy – on the mechanics and dimensions  
of hegemony, on the role and nature of the subject of political  
action, on the relation between theory and practice, and between civil  
society and the state. Thomas does more than any previous reader of  
Gramsci to demonstrate how his philosophy can fairly claim to meet  
Marx's famous prescription – not merely ‘to interpret the world but to  
change it’”.

—Peter Hallward author of Damming the Flood: Haiti, Aristide and the  
Politics of Containment

“Terms like ‘outstanding,’ ‘superb’ and ‘tour-de-force’ suggest  
themselves, but even these do not fully capture the extraordinary  
power of The Gramscian Moment. Thomas’s erudite and staggeringly  
sophisticated reading of Grams

[Marxism] Please ignore previous version: New York, Monday March 14th: The Life, Letters & Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg

2011-02-15 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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The Life, Letters & Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg

Co-sponsored by Verso Books, Haymarket, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, NYU’s  
Department of Sociology, and the German Book Office in New York.
In support of The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg and to launch The  
Letters of Rosa Luxemburg.

With: Vivek Chibber, Paul Le Blanc, Peter Hudis, Annelies Laschitza,  
Helen C. Scott, and others ...

Monday March 14th, 7–9pm
Tishman Auditorium, Vanderbilt Hall
NYU School of Law
40 Washington Sq. South
New York, NY 10012

This is a free event open to the public but RSVP is requested to 
 / 718-246-8160

Made possible by the support of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.

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[Marxism] New York, Monday March 14th: The Life, Letters & Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg

2011-02-15 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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The Life, Letters & Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg

Co-sponsored by Verso Books, Haymarket, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, NYU’s  
Department of Sociology, and the German Book Office in New York.
In support of The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg and to launch The  
Letters of Rosa Luxemburg.

With: Vivek Chibber, Paul Le Blanc, Peter Hudis, Annelies Laschitza,  
Helen C. Scott, and others ...

Monday March 14th, 7–9pm
Tishman Auditorium
Alvin Johnson/J. M. Kaplan Hall
66 West 12th Street
New York, NY 10011

This is a free event open to the public but RSVP is requested to 
 / 718-246-8160

Made possible by the support of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.

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[Marxism] An Appeal from Verso Books - Help Us Revive Some Classics

2011-02-06 Thread Sebastian Budgen

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Dear Comrades and Friends,

At Verso, we are engaged in a long term project to make all of our out- 
of-print back list titles available again — both on our new website,  
and on Amazon and in bookstores etc. We are making considerable  
progress, but some titles from the 1970s and 1980s are proving very  
difficult to track down.

As I am sure you will agree, now is politically a great time to put  
some these important books back into circulation so that younger  
generations of readers can have access to them — at the moment, they  
are rare and only available occasionally through second-hand  

If you have any of them on your bookshelves, we ask that you might  
consider donating one or more of the titles on the list below so that  
we may scan in the text to create a new print on demand edition (this  
digital printing innovation allows out of print titles to be sold on  
an individual basis as they are ordered, without the need for large  
print runs and warehousing.) In return, we'll send you a copy of the  
new edition, and one other Verso book of your choice.

Books need to be clean and in reasonably good condition with no pen or  
pencil markings inside. It doesn't matter if the pages have darkened  

We have tried to include references to the most up to date edition of  
each title. The publication dates listed below may differ by a year or  
so from those printed in the actual book.

If you think you have one or more titles to donate, please send an  
email to with the following details:

Binding (Hardcover / Paperback)
Publication year
Your full mailing address

Please allow us some time to collate responses and reply to your email.

Thank you in advance for your support.
All best wishes,
Clara Heyworth
Marketing Manager
Verso Books
20 Jay Street, Suite 1010
Brooklyn, NY 11201
T: 718-246-8160
C: 718-207-2308

Abendroth / A Short History of the European Working-Class / ISBN-10:  
0902308475 / Paperback / 1972

Althusser / Essays in Self-Criticism / ISBN-10: 0902308874 /  
Hardcover / 1976

Arlacchi / Mafia Business / ISBN-10: 0860918920 / Paperback / 1987

Aronson / Jean Paul Sartre : Philosophy in the World / ISBN-10:  
0860910326 / Paperback / 1987

Aronson / Dialectics of Disaster / ISBN-10: 0860917754 / Paperback /  

Bahro / From Red to Green / ISBN-10: 0860917606 / Paperback / 1984

Benn / Parliament, People And Power / ISBN-10: 0860917584 /  
Paperback / 1982

Bentley / Between Marx And Christ / ISBN-10: 0860917487 /  Paperback /  

Bew & Patterson / British State and the Ulster Crisis / ISBN-10:  
0860918157 / Paperback / 1985

Bowles et al / Beyond the Wasteland / ISBN-10: 0860918238 /  
Paperback / 1984

Burchett / Shadows of Hiroshima / ISBN-10: 0860917835 / Paperback / 1983

Chen / China : Crossroads Socialism / ISBN-10: 0860917622 /  
Paperback / 1984

Claudin / Eurocommunism and Socialism / ISBN-10: 080527068X /  
Paperback / 1979

Colletti / From Rousseau to Lenin / ISBN-10: 0902308971 / Paperback /  

Dabat & Lorenzano / Argentina / ISBN-10: 0860917908 / Paperback / 1984

Davis (ed) / Year Left 1 / ISBN-10: 0860911144 / Paperback / 1985

Day / The Crisis and the Crash / ISBN-10: 0860910385 / Hardcover / 1981

Debray / Conversations with Allende / ISBN-10: 0902308432 /  
Paperback / 1971

Dunkerley / Long War / ISBN-10: 0860918319 / Paperback / 1985

Eudes / Kapetanios / ISBN-10: 0902308823 / Paperback / 1972

Evans & Rowley / Red Brotherhood at War / ISBN-10: 0860915018 /  
Paperback / 1990

Farjoun et al / Laws Of Chaos / ISBN-10: 0860917681 / Paperback / 1987

Geras / Literature of Revolution / ISBN-10: 0860918599 / Paperback /  

Godelier / Rationality and Irrationality in Economics / ISBN-10:  
0860917185 / Paperback / 1979

Habermas & Dews / Autonomy and Solidarity / ISBN-10: 0860915034 /  
Paperback / 1992

Halliday & Molyneux / Ethiopian Revolution / ISBN-10: 086091741X /  
Paperback / 1981

Hobsbawm / Forward March of Labour Halted? / ISBN-10: 0860917371 /  
Paperback / 1981

Johnstone / Politics of Euromissiles / ISBN-10: 0860917878 /  
Paperback / 1984

Katz / Herbert Marcuse / ISBN-10: 0860917509 / Paperback / 1982

Kavan / Freedom at a Price / ISBN-10: 0860911187 / Hardcover / 1985

Korsch / Marxism and Philosophy / ISBN-10: 090230884X / Paperback / 1972

Kula / Economic Theory of the Feudal System / ISBN-10: 0860918513 /  
2nd revised paperback edition / 1986

Lecourt / Marxism and Epistemology / Hardcover / ISBN-10: 0902308459 /  

Lecourt / Proletaria