Re: [Marxism] Bolivia, Nicaragua and Venezuela all offer Snowden asylum

2013-07-07 Thread farmelantj
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On Sun, 7 Jul 2013 09:49:28 -0400 Richard Fidler 
>  > Yeah, like Assange, still in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London after 
> how many
> months?

Most likely, the offers of asylum would mean that Snowden getting to
inhabit, for the forseeable future, one of the embassies in Moscow of
those countries offering him asylum.  For it to mean anything more, he
would have to be able to fly from Moscow to on the the countries offering
him asylum.  But as the incident with the Bolivian president's plane
indicates, the US is unlikely to allow such a flight to take place and
would not be above any means at its disposal to prevent him from landing.
 The only way I can one of these offers of asylum as being actually to
take effect would be if the Russians offer to fly him on one of their
aircraft, with the Russian government making it clear that it would treat
ny attempts on the part of the US to interfere with this flight as an act
of war.   I am not holding my breath on that happening though.

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

> -Original Message-
> From: 
> ] On Behalf Of Daniel Rocha
> Sent: July-07-13 7:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Marxism] Bolivia, Nicaragua and Venezuela all offer 
> Snowden
> asylum

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Re: [Marxism] Badiou's "The Racism of Intellectuals"

2012-05-06 Thread farmelantj
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On Sun, 06 May 2012 08:51:02 -0400 Louis Proyect  writes:

> On 5/6/12 1:23 AM, guava tree wrote:
> > this article is trending pretty heavily in francophone world.
> > interesting article that focuses the worries over the racist 
> far-right
> > in france less on those who vote for Le Pen, and moreso on the 
> elected
> > power establishment both "socialist" "left" and of course the
> > right--but also the intellectuals who lay the groundwork for the 
> nexus
> > of the islamophobic and racist ideologies.
> >
> > Here is my provisional translation:
> >
> > 
> I think this is excellent but it is a shame that Badiou does not 
> name 
> names. I for one am appalled by Counterpunch's tendency to 
> soft-pedal 
> Marine Le Pen.

That would seem consistent with Alex Cockburn's tendency to make nice
with the far right, both here and abroad.  People may remember his
friendliness towards the militias back in the 1990s.  

Concerning Badiou's piece, I would add that back in the 1980s, President
Mitterand deliberately changed the electoral system so as to effectively
guarantee that the FN would always do well in the first rung of general
elections.  He did this to weaken the more moderate right-wing parties
like the Gaullists.  And by making the FN into a strong force in
electoral politics, Mitterand provided an easy excuse for both his
Socialists and the moderate right-wing policies to embrace FN positions
on issues like immigration.

Jim Farmelant
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Re: [Marxism] Green nazis

2012-05-04 Thread farmelantj
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On Thu, 3 May 2012 15:03:02 -0700 (PDT) Sun Eagle 
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a 
> message.
> ==
> I find it significant that those historians of the Holocaust that 
> make the case for the existence of a Nazi philosophy are either 
> Jewish Americans, such as Coonz, or Israeli historians, such as 
> Yehuda Bauer, who once wrote: "Hitler, Himmler et all had a 
> philosophy---the re-drawing of the racial map of Europe. It was a 
> crazy philosophy, but a philosophy nevertheless." In other words, 
> the victims, and children of the victims, of the Nazi genocide grasp 
> that there was a philosophical core to Nazism---biopolitics---and 
> not a jerry-built contraception of crazy ideas.

I think that one would be hard put to find too many ideas that were
specifically peculiar to the Nazis.  What you call biopolitics was
widespread and embraced by people with wide variety of political
ideologies.  Up to WW II, eugenics was popular among both intellectuals
and public officials across the political spectrum, and that includes
involuntary sterlization which was widely practiced in much of the USA as
well as in social democratic Scandinavia.  In the USA, the Supreme Court
in  the Buck v. Bell case in 1927 upheld the constitutionality of forced
sterlization of the so-called unfit.  The majority opinion was authored
by the very notable justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, who wrote:

"We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the
best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call
upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser
sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, to prevent our
being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world, if
instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let
them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are
manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains
compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian

And famously concluded that,  "Three generations of imbeciles are

Notions of so-called scientific racism were also widespread throughout
Western countries.  In the US, psychologists and other researchers sought
to prove "scientifically" the inferiority of African-Americans and other
ethnic groups.  

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

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