[Marxism] What's new at Links: Kagarlitsky, Ishchenko on Ukraine, climate, Swaziland, Chicago socialists, Australia, Ecuador, Tsipras

2014-05-07 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Kagarlitsky, Ishchenko on Ukraine, climate, 
Swaziland, Chicago socialists, Australia, Ecuador, Tsipras

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   Boris Kagarlitsky on eastern Ukraine: The logic of a revolt

/Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal /has published several 
*views from the left on developments in Ukraine HERE* 
. For more by *Boris Kagarlitsky, 
click HERE* .

By *Boris Kagarlitsky*, translated by *Renfrey Clarke* for /Links 
International Journal of Socialist Renewal/

May 1, 2014 -- Russian bureaucrats have been honestly surprised at the 
reaction by the official West---they did not expect such anger or 
unanimous condemnation. European politicians are beside themselves with 
fury. The mainstream press is relating appalling stories to its readers 
of Russian aggression against Ukraine. The television shows interviews 
with Kiev ministers and deputies who tearfully implore Europe to save 
their country from the enraged bear.

 * Read more 

   Volodymyr Ishchenko: 'For Ukrainians, the main threat is capitalism'

April 30, 2014 -- Note from the editors: We publish the transcript of 
*Volodymyr Ishchenko*'s interview on /This is Hell!/ radio station with 
*Chuck Mertz* from April 19 and 20, 2014, organised in cooperation 
between the Chicago-based radio station, /AntidoteZine.Com/, and 
/LeftEast/. It includes two questions that Volodymyr answered in writing 
after the show.
*Chuck Mertz: *On the line with us right now is Volodymyr Ishchenko. He 
is a sociologist studying social protests in Ukraine. Volodymyr's most 
recent writing includes the April 15 /Guardian/ post "Maidan or 
Anti-Maidan: the Ukraine situation requires more nuance". Good evening, 

 * Read more 

   Ukraine: A call for solidarity against the neo-fascist violence of
   'Black Friday' 

his appeal and article are from Borotba ("Struggle"), an important 
organisation of the Ukrainian left.

 * Read more 

   Climate change: Evidence of capitalism's death-wish

By *Renfrey Clarke*
April 26, 2014 --If modern industrial capitalism were a person, he or 
she would be on suicide watch. The system that has brought us quantum 
physics and reality television, modern medicine and the columns of 
Andrew Bolt is set on a course which, by all the best reckoning, points 
directly to its doing itself in.
If capitalism goes on --- everything goes. Climate, coastlines, most 
living species, food supplies, the great bulk of humanity. And 
certainly, the preconditions for advanced civilisation, perhaps forever.

 * Read more 

   Swaziland: (Updated May 6) More arrests as monarchy targets
   democracy activists 

   Update, May 6, 2014: The Swaziland Solidarity Network (SSN) is
   pleased to hear that the seven PUDEMO members who were arrested for
   wearing PUDEMO t-shirts have been released on E15,000 bail each. It
   is unfortunate, however that the president of the organisation,
   Mario Masuku and student activist and secretary general of the
   Swaziland Youth Congress (SWAYOCO), Maxwell Dlamini, were denied bail.

 * Read more 

   United States: Chicago Socialist Movement to challenge big-business

By the *Chicago Socialist Movement*
May 2, 2014 -- We're proud to announce the candidacy of one of Chicago's 
most well-known and respected community activists, who is challenging 
one of Chicago's most politically connected and unaccountable aldermen 
for a seat on the city council.

 * Read more 

   Australia: Socialist Alliance May Day statement -- 'More pain for
   workers, pensioners, poor' 

By *Susan Price* and *Peter Boyle*, Socialist Alliance co-convenors
May 1, 2014  -- A casino was a fitting venue to host Australia

[Marxism] Boris Kagarlitsky: Fate of Donetsk is being decided in Kharkov | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-05-02 Thread glparramatta

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By *Boris Kagarlitsky*, translated by *Renfrey Clarke* for /Links 
International Journal of Socialist Renewal/

May 3, 2014 -- The preliminary outcome of the revolt in south-eastern 
Ukraine can be described as an unstable equilibrium. Attempting to crush 
the Donetsk republic with the help of their armed forces, the Kiev 
authorities have met with defeat. The army, as expected, has refused 
steadfastly to wage war on its own people, and the forces of the Right 
Sector and National Guard have clearly been insufficient to cope even 
with the militia, not to speak of the mass of protestors.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3832

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[Marxism] United States: Chicago Socialist Movement to challenge big-business councillor

2014-05-02 Thread glparramatta
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United States: Chicago Socialist Movement to challenge big-business
councillor http://links.org.au/node/3831

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[Marxism] Boris Kagarlitsky on eastern Ukraine: The logic of a revolt

2014-05-01 Thread glparramatta
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Boris Kagarlitsky on eastern Ukraine: The logic of a revolt

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Carnation revolution, S. Africa, China strike, Swaziland, social activism today, Scotland, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, ANZACs

2014-04-30 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Carnation revolution, S. Africa, China strike, 
Swaziland, social activism today, Scotland, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, ANZACs

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Subscribe free to Links - International Journal of Socialist Renewal - 
at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

Visit and bookmark http://links.org.au and add it to your RSS feed 
(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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   Portugal: 40 years after the Carnation Revolution

By *Jorge Costa*
April 24, 2014 -- On the eve of April 25, 1974, Portuguese society was 
smouldering from contradictions accumulated in half a century of 
dictatorship. At the heart of these contradictions was a war that lasted 
thirteen years, to hold on to the African colonies of Angola, 
Mozambique, Guinea, Cape Verde and Sao Tome and Principe. This conflict 
conditioned the whole of national life, because of the social suffering 
caused by the mobilisation of two hundred thousand men, a tenth of the 
working population (a human cost equivalent to twice that of Vietnam), 
because of the wave of migration driven by hunger and the war, and 
because of the impossibility of a military solution, the only one 
contemplated by the regime.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: 20 years on, 'very good story' of ANC 'social
   democracy' needs tough questioning 

By *Patrick Bond*, Durban
April 27, 2014 -- Two decades ago, liberation was won in South Africa. 
In two weeks, the May 7 election will confirm the popularity of the 
African National Congress (ANC) with a landslide victory.

 * Read more 

   China: 48,000 Adidas, Nike, Timberland strikers need your solidarity

 * Read more 

   Swaziland: COSATU condemns arrest of PUDEMO secretary general

Statement by the *Congress of South African Trade Unions*
April 25, 2014 -- King Mswati's jails are littered with well-meaning men 
and women of conscience, those who have refused to be cowed into 
submission by royal terror. The recent arrest of the secretary general 
of the People's United Democratic Movement (PUDEMO), Mlungisi Makhanya, 
and seven other members of PUDEMO and Swaziland Youth Congress (SWAYOCO) 
is testimony to the reality of a country that has become a big national 
prison against its own people.

 * Read more 

   Two reviews: 'Confronting Injustice: Social Activism in the Age of

Review by *John Riddell*
April 21, 2014 -- A new and outstanding book by Umair Muhammad, 
/Confronting Injustice: Social Activism in the Age of Individualism/, 
presents a strong case for the necessity of socialism to counter the 
impending calamity of global warming.

 * Read more 

   Scotland: Trade unionists debate independence, 'yes' gets the nod

*Richie Venton*, Scottish Socialist Party national trade union organiser 
and Trade Unionists for Independence
April 22, 2014 -- Campaigners for Scottish independence received another 
boost in March as a Unison trade union branch sided "positively with the 
Yes side".

 * Read & watch more 

   France: Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the left after the March municipal

April 25, 2014 -- This in-depth interview with Left Party (Parti de 
Gauche) co-spokesperson *Jean-Luc Mélenchon* was conducted on April 13, 
2014, after the March French municipal elections and the April 12 Paris 
anti-austerity march. It features comments on French politics after 
Manuel Valls becomes PM, as well as discussion of European politics and 
the developments in Ukraine.

   ANZACs: 'Lions led by donkeys' 

By *John Rainford*
/Green Left Weekly/, posted at /Links International Journal of Socialist 
Renewal/ on April 25, 2014 -- With political advantage from a national 
celebration of the centenary of World War I in mind, the Julia Gillard 
government last year allocated an initial $83.5 million towards the 
"ANZAC Centenary".

 * Read more 

* * *
Links seeks to promote the international exchange of information, 
experience of struggle, theoretical a

[Marxism] France: Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the left after the March municipal elections | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-04-24 Thread glparramatta

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April 25, 2014 -- This in-depth interview with Left Party (Parti de 
Gauche) co-spokesperson *Jean-Luc Mélenchon* was conducted on April 13, 
2014, after the March French municipal elections 
 and the April 12 Paris anti-austerity 
march. It features comments on French politics after Manuel Valls 
becomes PM, as well as discussion of European politics and the 
developments in Ukraine.

Video interview at http://links.org.au/node/3819

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: France municipal elections, Gilgit Baltistan (Pakistan), S. Africa, Sweden, NUMSA, Kshama Sawant

2014-04-23 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: France municipal elections, Gilgit Baltistan 
(Pakistan), S. Africa, Sweden, NUMSA, Kshama Sawant

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Subscribe free to Links - International Journal of Socialist Renewal - 
at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

Visit and bookmark http://links.org.au and add it to your RSS feed 
(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

*Please pass on to anybody you think will be interested in Links.

*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

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   France's municipal elections: New shoots in the rubble?

By *Dick Nichols*
April 20, 2014 -- After the first round of the French municipal 
elections (March 23, see here 
for coverage in /Green Left 
Weekly/), the media mainstream obsessed about the rise in support for 
the xenophobic and racist National Front (FN) of Marine Le Pen. The only 
other stories found worthy of comment were the collapse in support for 
the ruling Socialist Party (PS) of president François Hollande and the 
surge in the abstention rate---to a record 36.5%.

 * Read more 

   Mass protests sweep Pakistan-occupied Gilgit Baltistan

By *Peter Boyle*
April 21, 2014 -- A powerful popular protest is sweeping through the 
Pakistani-occupied disputed territory of Gilgit Baltistan. Since April 
15, an indefinite sit-in strike (/dharna/) has been waged, uniting for 
the first time groups from a range of political and religious 
backgrounds against the removal of a longstanding wheat subsidy. On 
April 22 protesters will converge in a "long march" on Gilgit, the 
territory's capital to surround the offices of local puppet government 

 * Read more 

   South Africa: Ronnie Kasrils calls for 'no vote' for African
   National Congress 

April 21, 2014 -- Former leading member of the South African Communist 
Party (SACP) and former government minister *Ronnie Kasrils*, together 
with another former minister Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge, has launched the 
Vukani! Sidikwe! (Wake up! We are fed up!) Vote No! campaign. It calls 
on South Africans to "vote no" at the May 7, 2014, general election to 
the corruption and neoliberal economic policies of the African National 
Congress (ANC) and the right-wing oppostion, the Democratic Alliance 
(DA). Kasrils' call has provoked widespread debate on the South African 
left and condemnation from the SACP and the ANC.

 * Read more 

   Sweden: How the welfare state was stolen 

By *Adam Bott*
April 2014 -- For a hundred years, ABF-Huset on Sveavägen has been the 
headquarters of the workers' education movement, a pillar of Sweden's 
"study-circle social democracy". Every day and all evening the 
classrooms and lecture halls are filled with adult education classes, 
theatre and music performances, as well as political discussions.

 * Read more 

   NUMSA leaflet at Labor Notes: 'Building a United Front againt

April 20, 2014 -- Leaflet distributed by the National Union of 
Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) at the 2014 Labor Notes convention, 
April 4-6, in Chicago.

 * Read more 

   United States: Kshama Sawant -- 'Not enough to boo Democrats, we
   have to pose a real challenge 

April 9, 2014 -- *Kshama Sawant* spoke on labour and independent 
politics at the 2014 /Labor Notes /convention, April 4-6, in Chicago. 
Sawant was elected as a socialist to the Seattle City Council in 
November 2013. She is an adjunct professor of Seattle Community College 
and a member of American Federation of Teachers 1789.

 * Watch 

* * *
Links seeks to promote the international exchange of information, 
experience of struggle, theoretical analysis and views of political 
strategy and tactics within the international left. It is a forum for 
open and constructive dialogue between active socialists coming from 
different political traditions. It seeks to bring together those in the 
international left who are opposed to neoliberal economic and social 
policies. It aims to promote the renewal of the socialist movement in 
the wake of the collapse of the bureaucratic model of "actually existing 
socialism" in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.


[Marxism] Venezuela: ‘Can a country have a revolutionary state and a capitalist economy?’-- Interview with Steve Ellner | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-04-22 Thread glparramatta

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Poulantzas, Althusser go Caracas

Venezuela: ‘Can a country have a revolutionary state and a capitalist 
economy?’-- Interview with Steve Ellner


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[Marxism] South Africa: Ronnie Kasrils calls for 'no vote' for African National Congress | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-04-20 Thread glparramatta

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April 21, 2014 -- Former leading member of the South African Communist 
Party (SACP) and former government minister *Ronnie Kasrils*, together 
with another former minister Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge, has launched the 
Vukani! Sidikwe! (Wake up! We are fed up!) Vote No! campaign. It calls 
on South Africans to "vote no" at the May 7, 2014, general election to 
the corruption and neoliberal economic policies of the African National 
Congress (ANC) and the right-wing oppostion, the Democratic Alliance 
(DA). Kasrils' call has provoked widespread debate on the South African 
left and condemnation from the SACP and the ANC.

Below, /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ publishes an 
article by Kasrils on the reasons behind the campaign, as well as some 
commentary from the left.


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[Marxism] France's municipal elections: New shoots in the rubble? | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-04-19 Thread glparramatta

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By *Dick Nichols*

April 20, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
After the first round of the French municipal elections (March 23, see 
here for coverage in /Green 
Left Weekly/), the media mainstream obsessed about the rise in support 
for the xenophobic and racist National Front (FN) of Marine Le Pen. The 
only other stories found worthy of comment were the collapse in support 
for the ruling Socialist Party (PS) of president François Hollande and 
the surge in the abstention rate---to a record 36.5%. (This endnote[1] 
explains the French two-round voting system as applied to municipal 

According to the /Le Monde/ analysis of that vote, the PS would face 
losing 90 towns with more than 10,000 inhabitants at the second round 
(March 30). The FN had a chance of winning between ten and 15 of these.

Yet the final result for the PS on March 30, while predictable, was 
worse than any actual prediction---with a number of important local 
exceptions no cavalry of left voters who had abstained in the first 
round came riding to the PS's rescue in the second. Despite urgent 
appeals for left voters to mobilise against the right, the nationally 
governing party suffered its heaviest local election loss in 40 years. 
Voters in working class, immigrant and poor neighbourhoods stayed home 
in droves, with abstention averaging 37.9%.

Even though the total left and far left vote recovered some 2.8% from 
the first round, this increase was almost totally offset by a 2.5% 
increase in the total right and far right vote as support for "others" 
(nearly 10% in round one) was halved and shared equally between the two 
broad camps of politics. The rights and far right's advantage over the 
total left and far left vote fell only marginally, from 11.5% to 11.2%

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3812

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Pakistan, Right to choose, Bosnia, Ukraine, Italy &Tsipras, Boris Kagarslitsky, Venezuela, Capital, Michael Lebowitz, Costa Rica, Nigeria, Rwanda

2014-04-17 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Pakistan, Right to choose, Bosnia, Ukraine, Italy 
&Tsipras, Boris Kagarslitsky, Venezuela, Capital, Michael Lebowitz, 
Costa Rica, Nigeria, Rwanda

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Subscribe free to Links - International Journal of Socialist Renewal - 
at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

Visit and bookmark http://links.org.au and add it to your RSS feed 
(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

*Please pass on to anybody you think will be interested in Links.

*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

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   Farooq Tariq, Awami Workers Party: 'Left unity a precious gain amid
   right-wing advances in Pakistan' 

April 10, 2014 -- One of the international guests at the 10th national 
conference of the Socialist Alliance, to be held in Sydney June 7-9, 
2014, will be *Farooq Tariq*, general secretary of the Awami Workers 
Party (AWP) in Pakistan. Conference organiser and /Green Left Weekly/ 
correspondent *Peter Boyle* interviewed Tariq on April 10.

 * Read more 

   Australia: 'Zoe's law' prepares ground for US-style attacks on
   women's right to choose 

By *Pat Brewer*
April 8, 2014 -- The New South Wales (NSW) parliament is due to debate 
the final passage of the anti-woman legislation known as "Zoe's law" 
[Crimes Amendment (Zoe's Law) Bill 2013]. Originally introducedby the 
far-right Christian Democratic Party's Fred Nilein the upper house 
(Legislative Council) and later taken up by Liberal Party MP Chris 
Spence in the lower house (Legislative Assembly), where it has already 
passed, it has yet to be voted on by the Legislative Council. As yet it 
has not been scheduled for a vote but it is likely to pass given the 
support it has among many members from both major parties, the Liberal 
Party and the Australian Labor Party.

 * Read more 

   Hope in Bosnia-Herzegovina revolt; Graphic new doco on wave of
   people's power 

By *Charles Reeve*
April 2, 2014 -- The perspective of yet one more nationalist clash at 
the gates of Europe, in Ukraine, doesn't seem to displease the world's 
masters and those who write for them. Things are going differently, at 
least until now, with the revolt gripping Bosnia-Herzegovina. This 
movement began in the first week of February with workers' 
demonstrations against the consequences of privatisation and an increase 
in unemployment. These demonstrations took place in Mostar and 
especially in Tuzla, an industrial city with a long tradition of 
struggle dating from the "socialist" era. Tuzla was also one of the rare 
places where the nationalist madness had little following, even in the 
worst moments of the war of the 1990s.

 * Read more 

   Ukraine: Government risks whirlwind to halt protests in east

By *Roger Annis*
April 15, 2014 -- Moves by the Ukraine government to crack down on 
protests against its rule in the east of the country appear to have 
quickly faltered and backfired. Protest actions are widening.

 * Read more 

   Greater unity, optimism as Italian left backs Alexis Tsipras

By *Roberto Musacchio, *translated from Italian by *Veronika Peterseil*
April 10, 2014 -- The project is called "The Different Europe with 
Alexis Tsipras". It name is written on a red background. Predictions 
indicate it could surpass, maybe even easily, the 4% electoral threshold 
in the coming European elections.

 * Read more 

   Boris Kagarlitsky on Ukraine: From the Maidan to the revolution?

By *Boris Kagarlitsky*, translated by *Renfrey Clarke*, for /Links 
International Journal of Socialist Renewal/
April 13, 2014 -- In Ukraine, a genuine revolution is unfolding. This 
may seem strange, but it is something very characteristic of the history 
of that country.

 * Read more 

   A comradely response to Mike Gonzalez's 'Letters from Venezuela'

April 11, 2014 -- *Dan Gent*, writes from Venezuela having witnessed the 
events surrounding the opposition riots. It is offered as a comradely 
response to Mike Gonzalez's "Letters from Venezuela". This piece was 
originally published on the /Comrade Markin blog/, where there are more 
photos that Dan has taken in Venezuela. Dan was 

[Marxism] Probably controversial: Boris Kagarlitsky on Ukraine: From the Maidan to the revolution?

2014-04-15 Thread glparramatta
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Probably controversial:

Boris Kagarlitsky on Ukraine: From the Maidan to the revolution?

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Left Unity in Britain, Kagarlitsky on Crimea, Is Russia imperialist?, Land and Labour, Greece, Ukraine

2014-04-09 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Left Unity in Britain, Kagarlitsky on Crimea, Is 
Russia imperialist?, Land and Labour, Greece, Ukraine

* * *
Subscribe free to Links - International Journal of Socialist Renewal - 
at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

Visit and bookmark http://links.org.au and add it to your RSS feed 
(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

*Please pass on to anybody you think will be interested in Links.

*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

* * *

   Britain: New party Left Unity is on the move

By *Tom Walker*
April 2, 2014 -- Left Unity's national conference on Saturday, March 29, 
saw delegates come together in Manchester's Museum of Science and 
Industry to make decisions about the policy of this new party. The 
party's founding conference in November set Left Unity's broad direction 
as a new party of the left and set up its constitution. This conference 
looked in more detail at policy areas including economics, health, 
housing and anti-racism, based on months of work put in by those who 
volunteered for the party's policy commissions as well as many 
submissions from branches.

 * Read more 

   Boris Kagarlitsky: Crimea annexes Russia 

By *Boris Kagarlitsky*, Moscow, translated by *Renfrey Clarke* for 
/Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/

March 24, 2014 -- editorial, /Rabkor/ (Worker Correspondent) -- No, 
that's not a mistake. On March 18, Crimea annexed Russia. There were no 
insidious schemes or imperial ambitions involved. There was, however, a 
spontaneously developing situation, together with the usual, everyday 
willingness of the Crimean bosses, who saw a unique chance in the 
Russian-Ukrainian crisis.

 * Read more 
 * /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal /has published a
   range of views from the left on developments in Ukraine and Crimea
   HERE .

   Discussion: Are Russia and China imperialist powers?

By *Chris Slee*
April 7, 2014 -- Russia and China both play an important role in world 
politics. This includes involvement in armed conflicts distant from 
their borders. Russia for example supplies arms to the Syrian 
government. Both Russia and China supplied arms to the Sri Lankan 
government during its war against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, 
who were fighting for an independent Tamil homeland in the north and 
east of the island of Sri Lanka. In some cases, Russia and China 
intervene on the same side as the Western imperialist powers. This was 
the case in Sri Lanka, where the US, Britain, Israel and other Western 
powers also aided the Sri Lankan government in its brutal war against 
the LTTE, which was in fact a war against the Tamil people.

 * Read more 

   Martin Empson's 'Land and Labour': A Marxist view of ecology and
   human history 

   /*Land & Labour: Marxism, Ecology and Human History*/
   By Martin Empson
   London: Bookmarks Publications, 2014 

Review by *Simon Butler*
April 4, 2014 -- With several serious global environmental crises 
bearing down on us, the question of our age must be "what can we do?" 
Martin Empson urges us to look into the past and into the future for 
answers in his new book, /Land and Labour/. His message is that human 
destruction of its environment is not inevitable, although it is very 
likely if we don't draw upon the best and worst examples from humanity's 
diverse experience.

 * Read more 

   Greece: Open war against the majority in favour of the rich


By *Afrodity Giannakis*, Thessaloniki
April 7, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
//Green Left Weekly/ 
 -- New austerity measures were passed by the 
Greek parliament, albeit by a narrow majority, on March 30. The bill 
contained just three articles, which seem to give the final blow to 
remaining workers' and pension rights, the country's economy and public 
ownership of land and services.

 * Read more 

   Ukraine: Hypocrisy abounds as outside powers interfere

By *Tony Iltis*
March 30, 2014 -- The United Nations General Assembly voted on March 27 
-- with 100 votes for, 11 a

[Marxism] Discussion: Are Russia and China imperialist powers?

2014-04-07 Thread glparramatta
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Discussion: Are Russia and China imperialist powers?


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[Marxism] Boris Kagarlitsky: Crimea annexes Russia

2014-04-03 Thread glparramatta
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By Boris Kagarlitsky, Moscow; translated by Renfrey Clarke

March 24, 2014 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- March
24, 2014 – editorial, Rabkor (Worker Correspondent) -- No, that’s not a
mistake. On March 18, Crimea annexed Russia. There were no insidious
schemes or imperial ambitions involved. There was, however, a
spontaneously developing situation, together with the usual, everyday
willingness of the Crimean bosses, who saw a unique chance in the
Russian-Ukrainian crisis.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3790

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Maduro in NYT, Egypt, S. Africa, 'NASA' study?, racism and counter-revolution, Ukraine, Sheppard reviews Tate, Spain, Bosnia, Slovenia

2014-04-02 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Maduro in NYT, Egypt, S. Africa, 'NASA' study?, 
racism and counter-revolution, Ukraine, Sheppard reviews Tate, Spain, 
Bosnia, Slovenia

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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
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*Return daily for new articles

* * *

   Nicolás Maduro in 'New York Times': 'A call for peace'

The following article appeared as an op-ed in the April 2, edition of 
the /New York Times/. It is reproduced at /Links International Journal 
of Socialist Renewal/ in interests of solidarity.

By *Nicolás Maduro*, president of Venezuela.
April 2, 2014 -- /New York Times/, CARACAS, Venezuela --- The recent 
protests in Venezuela have made international headlines. Much of the 
foreign media coverage has distorted the reality of my country and the 
facts surrounding the events.

 * Read more 

   Egypt: Take action now against mass death sentences

By *Egypt Solidarity*
March 25, 2014 -- A court in the Upper Egyptian province of Minya has 
sentenced 529 defendants to death in a trial which has been condemned as 
"grotesque" by Amnesty International. Take action now -- sign our 
statement using the form at 
. Signatures will be published and delivered to the Egyptian embassy by 
April 28, the likely date for an appeal against the sentences.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: 'Challenge the neoliberal ANC government and its
   capitalist allies' 

Statement of the *Democratic Left Front*, South Africa
April 2, 2014 -- On the eve of the May 2014 national elections the 
Democratic Left Front held its second conference since its formation in 
2011 at Stay City in Berea, Johannesburg, from March 27-30, 2014. One 
hundred and forty delegates representing a number of important popular 
movements, independent trade unions, women, youth, socialist and 
environmental organisations from around the country met and were 
decisive in embracing the NUMSA break with the Tripartite [[African 
National Congress, Congress of South African Trade Unions, South African 
Communist Party] Alliance and the building of a mass united front and a 
movement for socialism. We believe that this represents the most 
significant opportunity for placing democratic, left socialist politics 
at the centre of our country's political system.

 * Read more 

   What did that 'NASA-funded collapse study' really say?

By *Ian Angus*
March 31, 2014 -- If hundreds of newspaper and online reports are to be 
believed, scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Agency have proven that 
Western civilisation will collapse unless we radically reduce inequality 
and shift to renewable resources.

That would be important news if it were true. Is it?

 * Read more 

   Venezuela: Racism and the counter-revolution

By *Arlene Eisen*
March 27, 2014 -- It's late morning in Caracas, February 12, 2014. From 
the restaurant inside the hotel around the corner from Plaza Venezuela 
we can hear chanting, but it's too muffled to understand. Are they 
yelling "/Maduro Salida/" or "/Maduro/burro Salida/"[1] or something 
else? From the window, we can see people, almost all smiling white 
people, streaming down the street to join the first huge anti-government 
demonstration that signalled the onset of the current outrages in Venezuela.

 * Read more 

   Ukrainian leftist: 'The enemy is within -- whether in Russia,
   Ukraine or the West' 

*Kolesnik Dmitry* is editor of a left-wing Ukrainian website. The 
following inteview was published at /Counterfire/ on March 26, 2014 and 
first appeared on the /In Defence of Marxism/ website. /Links 
International Journal of Socialist Renewal /has published a range of 
views from the left on developments in Ukraine and Crimea.

 * Read more 

   Barry Sheppard reviews Ernest Tate's 'Revolutionary Activism in the
   1950s & 60s' 

[Marxism] Barry Sheppard reviews Ernest Tate's 'Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s & 60s' | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-03-29 Thread glparramatta

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

   */Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s & 60s: A Memoir/*
   By Ernest Tate,
   Volume 1, Canada 1955-1965
   Resistance Books, London, 2014

   /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ readers can *read
   an excerpt HERE* . To order a copy,
   email terrycon...@tiscali.co.uk .

Review by *Barry Sheppard*

March 30, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
European Trotskyists writing recently about this movement tend to give 
short shrift to Trotskyism in North America, in the US and Canada. An 
example is /An Impatient Life/ by French leader Daniel Bensaid, who died 
this year.

While the US Socialist Workers Party has been covered in books published 
by the SWP before its degeneration, and more recently in my own 
political memoir about my time in the SWP from 1960 through 1988, the 
Canadian movement has not received the attention it deserves.

This book by Ernie Tate, as I always knew him, sheds light on an 
important decade of Canadian Trotskyism. And, since it has been 
published in Britain, perhaps interested persons on "the continent" as 
the rest of Europe is known popularly on the tight little island of 
England will take note.

Full review at http://links.org.au/node/3783

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: S. Africa & NUMSA; anti-Zionism; Crimea; FMLN; Tariq Ali on Scotland; Euro left on Ukraine; Britain

2014-03-25 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: NUMSA; anti-Zionism; Crimea; FMLN; Tariq Ali on 
Scotland; Euro left on Ukraine; Britain

* * *
Subscribe free to Links - International Journal of Socialist Renewal - 
at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

Visit and bookmark http://links.org.au and add it to your RSS feed 
(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

*Please pass on to anybody you think will be interested in Links.

*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

* * *

   South Africa: Workers' guide to the crisis in COSATU; Reply to
   Jeremy Cronin 

Statement by*the nine COSATU affiliates campaigning for the 
reinstatement of Comrade Zwelinzima Vavi as general secretary*
Almost 29 years ago at the height of mass struggles by workers, youth, 
women, students and communities, despite repression, detention without 
trial, a state of emergency, killings and assassinations of activists 
and leaders, the workers of South Africa declared; "A giant is born". 
And so the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), by the 
blood, sacrifices and sweat of many generations before it, was launched.

 * Read more 

   Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism 

By *Rupen Savoulian*
March 24, 2014 -- In 2005, Palestinian human rights groups and civil 
rights organisations launched a campaign of boycott, divestment and 
sanctions (BDS) against the state of Israel. This campaign has multiple 
aims, one of them being to pressure the Israeli government to comply 
with United Nations resolutions and ensure that its policies conform 
with international law and the Universal principles of human rights.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: Irvin Jim (NUMSA) on new working-class leadership and
   prospects for socialist politics 

Presentation by *Irvin Jim*, general secretary of National Union of 
Metalworkers of South Africa; chaired by *John S. Saul*.
March 6, 2014 -- The dramatic upsurge of popular grass-roots protest in 
South Africa's townships and rural areas in recent years has marked a 
"rebellion of the poor" in that country. The working-class itself has 
also been assertive, prompting the African National Congress 
administered state's horrific massacre of dissident mineworkers at 
Marikana in 2012.

 * Read more 

   Ukraine: Outside powers exploiting ethnic nationalisms

By *Tony Iltis*
March 22, 2014 --Russian President Vladimir Putin announced legislation 
on March 18 accepting the formerly Ukrainian Republic of Crimea and City 
of Sevastopol into the Russian Federation. The legislation was passed by 
the Russian Duma (parliament) on March 20.

 * Read more 

   Discussion: Murray Smith on what Russia is doing in Ukraine

By *Murray Smith*, translated for /Links International Journal of 
Socialist Renewal/ by *Dick Nichols*
March 11, 2014 -- Déi Lénk (The Left), Luxembourg -- So, the Crimean 
parliament has voted to reunify with Russia. The notorious referendum, 
initially set for May 25, then brought forward to March 30, will finally 
take place on March 16 and "will serve to confirm" the decision of 
parliament. Clearly, they are already on their way to joining Vladimir 
Putin's Russia. Over there, you never hold an electoral consultation 
without having decided the result beforehand.

 * Read more 

   El Salvador: (Video) On the spot report on election day, March 9;
   FMLN wins 

March 22, 2014 -- In the first round of El Salvador's 2014 presidential 
election the FMLN candidate Salvador Ceren had a clear win over the 
runner-up, Norman Quiroga of the right-wing ARENA party. However he fell 
just short of the 50%+ required to be declared president. With the 
smaller parties dropping out there was a run-off between Ceren and 
Quijano on Sunday, March 9. Here is video of the voting process and an 
interview by *Warwick Fry* with *Juan Campos*, who travelled from 
Australia as an official observer. The FMLN's Salvador Ceren was 
victorious, much to the great delight of tens of thousands of 
Salvadoreans (below).

 * Read more 

   Scotland: (Video) Tariq Ali on independence

On March 14, 2014, renowned Marxist author *Tariq Ali* presented, as 
part of Ed

[Marxism] Discussion: Murray Smith on what Russia is doing in Ukraine

2014-03-22 Thread glparramatta

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Discussion: Murray Smith on what Russia is doing in Ukraine

Links has published a variety of views from the left, including from 
Europe, Ukraine and Russia... Please feel free to leave comments at the 

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Tony Benn & Bob Crow RIP; Venezuela, Basques, Arab revolt, El Salvador, Ukraine, “biggest estate on Earth”, Clara Zetkin, wind power & capitalism

2014-03-19 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Tony Benn & Bob Crow RIP; Venezuela, Basques, Arab 
revolt, El Salvador, Ukraine, “biggest estate on Earth”, Clara Zetkin, 
wind power & capitalism

* * *
Subscribe free to Links - International Journal of Socialist Renewal - 
at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

Visit and bookmark http://links.org.au and add it to your RSS feed 
(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

*Please pass on to anybody you think will be interested in Links.

*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

* * *

   Tony Benn (1925-2014): A great communicator of the socialist cause

By *Phil Hearse*
March 15, 2014 -- It is a bitter irony that Tony Benn has died in the 
very same week as Bob Crow, two giants of the labour movement who will 
be cruelly missed. Numerous instant obituaries and comments have 
concentrated on Benn’s determination, his speaking and writing talents, 
his humour and his personal kindness. Of course. But in celebrating his 
life the important thing for the left, especially the younger 
generation, is to make an assessment of Benn and Bennism as a political 
phenomenon, why it constituted such a threat to the existing powers that 
be (including in the trade unions and Labour Party) and why such an 
array of forces gathered together to attempt to put an end to it.

 * Read more 

   Venezuela: (Updated March 17) Asia-Pacific socialists pledge
   continuing solidarity with revolution 

*If your organisation would like to sign this statement, please email: 
internatio...@socialist-alliance.org *

March 11, 2014 -- Socialists in Asia-Pacific pledge support for 
Venezuela’s socialist revolution, a year after Chavez’s death.

 * Read more 

   An Irish republican perspective on Tony Benn

Introductory comment by *Stuart Munckton*
March 17, 2014 -- The following article provides an Irish republican 
perspective on Tony Benn. In some ways Ireland is a great prism through 
which to view Benn, his contradictions and his political development and 

 * Read more 

   Madrid’s Basque stance absurd and untenable

By *Emma Clancy*
March 10, 2014 -- The Spanish government’s response to the move by armed 
Basque pro-independence organisation Basque Homeland and Freedom (ETA) 
to put its weapons beyond use has clearly demonstrated it favours 
continuing conflict over peace.

 * Read more 

   Understanding the Arab rebellions: Adam Hanieh's 'Lineages of

Review by*Chris Slee*
March 15, 2014 -- The year 2011 saw uprisings throughout the Middle East 
and North Africa. They were portrayed in the Western media as rebellions 
against dictatorial regimes and for democracy. But that is only part of 
the story. Political discontent was combined with economic discontent, 
as reflected in the widespread slogan, “bread, freedom and social justice”.

 * Read more 

   (Updated March 14) El Salvador: FMLN wins presidency; right wing
   trying to steal election 

March 13, 2014 -- Just after 1:30 am this morning, the Supreme Electoral 
Tribunal announced the final count from the Sunday, March 9 election, 
giving a decisive victory to the leftist FMLN party over right-wing 
ARENA (50.11% to 49.89%).

 * Read more 

   Britain: Bob Crow's death 'a huge blow to militant class-struggle

By *Liam Mac Uaid*
March 11, 2014 -- We are deeply shocked at the news that Bob Crow has 
died suddenly early this morning of a heart attack at the age of 52.

 * Read more 

   France: Parti de Gauche leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Ukraine

By *Jean-Luc Mélenchon*, translated by *Dick Nichols*
March 11, 2014 -- I think it is useful to specify [my position on 
developments in Ukraine] in black and white. I’m doing it in broad 
brushstrokes so that the advanced minds in the newsrooms can understand. 
I’m doing it in their language, saying what "I support" and what "I 
condemn”. Please understand me: my comments here are an express warning 
sign for the Mickey Mouse minds of the media world.

 * Read more 


Re: [Marxism] It's time to take a second look at Kagarlitsky

2014-03-18 Thread glparramatta

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"So, Norm, you think that Russian leaders should have sat down with the 
Chechen "leaders" and worked out a Northern Ireland type settlement? And 
you are okay with allusions to the Congo and Somalia when describing 
possible "disorders" on Russia's western borders?" -- Louis


It's known as a political discussion. I don't always agree with 
everything that is published at Links International Journal of Socialist 
Renewal, nor probably everything ever written by Boris Kagarlitsky. But 
his views deserve consideration whether you agree with them or not. He 
certainly knows a lot more about Russia than many.

You can see all our coverage of Ukraine at 

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Re: [Marxism] It's time to take a second look at Kagarlitsky

2014-03-18 Thread glparramatta

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You can find all Kagarlitsky's "odious" commentary here: 

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[Marxism] Discussion: What stand for socialists on events in Crimea and Ukraine? | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-03-18 Thread glparramatta

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Please also post any comments at the link below

By *Roger Annis*

March 18, 2014 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
Two distinct views on the left have emerged to describe the political 
upheaval that has shaken Ukraine and Crimea in recent months. On 
February 21, the government of President Victor Yanukovych was 
overthrown and replaced by a pro-western government in which extreme 
rightists have a prominent place.

One view describes the political intervention of the US and other NATO 
countries in favour of regime change as playing a decisive role. So much 
so that the mass protests against the Yanukovych government are denied 
any popular and social legitimacy. Russia’s role in events is viewed 

An opposing view posits that two more-or-less equal imperialist camps 
are jockeying for domination and control—the US, Europe, Canada and 
their NATO military alliance on one side, and Russia on the other. Both 
sides are equally condemned. Curiously, this view is also giving short 
shrift to examining the precise goals and achievements of the protest 
movement of Ukrainians that rocked the country for months.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3767

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Green Left's 1000th, Tariq Ali on Chavez, Ernie Tate's memoir, Bob Crow RIP; Kagarlitsky, Melenchon on Ukraine, Venezuela, NUMSA, Althusser

2014-03-12 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Green Left's 1000th, Tariq Ali on Chavez, Ernie 
Tate's memoir, Bob Crow RIP; Kagarlitsky, Melenchon on Ukraine, 
Venezuela, NUMSA, Althusser

* * *
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at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

Visit and bookmark http://links.org.au and add it to your RSS feed 
(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

*Please pass on to anybody you think will be interested in Links.

*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

* * *

   Australia's premier socialist newspaper, 'Green Left Weekly',
   produces 1000th issue 

By *Mel Barnes*, /Green Left Weekly/ editor
March 8, 2014 --  You can tell how good a newspaper is from the enemies 
it keeps. Rupert Murdoch's /Australian/ wrote a sneering dismissal of 
the new /Saturday Paper/, launched last weekend, and used its ultimate 
insult by comparing the new paper to /Green Left Weekly/, calling /GLW/ 
"ignorant, moralistic and simplistic". This is from a paper whose 
editorial line doubts the existence of climate change, claims locking up 
refugees in offshore detention centres indefinitely is the more humane 
option and promotes a "user-pays" system in health care, education and 

 * Read more 

   Video: Tariq Ali presents the inaugural Hugo Chavez Memorial Lecture

March 10, 2014 -- The Venezuela Solidarity Campaign in Britain on 
February 20, 2014, sponsored the inaugural Hugo Chavez Memorial Lecture 
in London. The speaker was internationally renowned Marxist author 
*Tariq Ali*.

 * Watch 

   Exclusive excerpts from Ernest Tate's 'Revolutionary Activism in the
   1950s & 60s' 

March 5, 2014 -- Resistance Books (Britain) has kindly given permission 
for /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ to publish 
excerpts from long-time Canadian revolutionary socialist Ernie Tate's 
just-published two-volume memoirs, /Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s 
& 60s. /

 * Read more 

   Britain: Bob Crow's death 'a huge blow to militant class-struggle

By *Liam Mac Uaid*
March 11, 2014 -- We are deeply shocked at the news that Bob Crow has 
died suddenly early this morning of a heart attack at the age of 52.

 * Read more 

   France: Parti de Gauche leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Ukraine

By *Jean-Luc Mélenchon*, translated by *Dick Nichols*
March 11, 2014 -- I think it is useful to specify [my position on 
developments in Ukraine] in black and white. I'm doing it in broad 
brushstrokes so that the advanced minds in the newsrooms can understand. 
I'm doing it in their language, saying what "I support" and what "I 
condemn". Please understand me: my comments here are an express warning 
sign for the Mickey Mouse minds of the media world.

 * Read more 

   Venezuela: Asia-Pacific socialists pledge continuing solidarity with

*If your organisation would like to sign this statement, please email: i 

March 11, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal /-- 
Socialists in Asia-Pacific pledge support for Venezuela's socialist 
revolution, a year after Chavez's death.

 * Read more 

   Boris Kagarlitsky: 'Polite intervention' and the Ukrainian uprising

By *Boris Kagarlitsky*, Moscow; translated by *Renfrey Clarke*
March 4, 2014 -- Why, do you suppose, war has not yet broken out between 
Russia and Ukraine? The answer is very simple: no one plans to go to 
war, and no one can. Kiev for practical purposes does not have an army, 
while the government that has appeared in Kiev has no control over half 
of Ukraine, and cannot even exercise particular control over its own 
supporters. If the Ukrainian authorities make any serious attempt to 
mobilise their forces, this will merely provoke new protests. Even 
rumours of such a possibility have been enough to provoke 
anti-government demonstrations in Odessa.

 * Read more 

   Against infantile realpolitik: Richard Seymour on some left
   reactions to Ukraine 

By *

[Marxism] France: Parti de Gauche leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Ukraine | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-03-11 Thread glparramatta

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[Marxism] Venezuela: Asia-Pacific socialists pledge continuing solidarity with revolution | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-03-11 Thread glparramatta

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*If your organisation would like to sign this statement, please email: 

March 11, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal 
 /-- Socialists in Asia-Pacific pledge 
support for Venezuela's socialist revolution, a year after Chavez's death.

March 5 marked one year since the death of Venezuela's president and 
revolutionary Hugo Chavez. An outspoken fighter for the oppressed in 
Venezuela and Latin America, the loss of Chavez is still felt keenly by 
socialists and anti-imperialists globally.

But the Bolivarian revolution that Chavez led is a mass movement of 
millions of people that lives on in the barrios and workplaces in 
Venezuela. This process, led by the government of President Nicolas 
Maduro, is facing fresh attacks by right-wing forces backed by the 
United States.

The recent violent protests by a minority that has repeatedly been 
defeated at the ballot box has caused widespread destruction and terror. 
Along with at least 20 deaths and hundreds of injuries, public buildings 
and government-run, pro-poor social missions have been attacked by 
opposition protesters, at the estimated cost of up to 10 million bolivars.

The international media has presented this fascist violence as a 
peaceful democracy struggle that has been repressed by a dictatorial 
Maduro government. This turns reality on its head.

The forces behind the protests were the same as those that carried out 
the coup against Chavez in 2002, destroying democracy and killing dozens 
of people before being defeated by a genuine mass democratic uprising.

We know this is part of ongoing efforts by the US-backed right-wing to 
destabilise the elected government and undermine the Bolivarian 
revolution. The right-wing's campaign has included an "economic war" 
involving sabotage, hoarding and speculation by capitalists.

We know the rich elite in Venezuela and internationally will never 
forgive the Bolivarian movement for attacking the political and economic 
interests of capitalists in otrder to advance those of the majority. No 
matter how many times the pro-imperialist forces are defeated, they will 
continue to try to destroy the revolution's gains.

In a global era of austerity and war, the gains of the Bolivarian 
revolution are an inspiration for ordinary people everywhere -- 
increasing living standards and democratic rights of the poor majority, 
and spearheading Latin American integration as an alternative to 
imperialist domination and exploitation.

On the anniversary of Chavez's death and in the face of fresh lies and 
attacks on the revolution he led, we reiterate our support for 
Venezuelan democracy and the Bolivarian movement's attempt to create 
"socialism for the 21st century".


Socialist Alliance (Australia)

Awami Workers Party (Pakistan)

Parti Sosialis Malaysia (Socialist Party of Malaysia)

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation

Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Labouring Masses, Philippines)

Nava Sama Samaja Party (New Social Equality Party, Sri Lanka)

Partai Rakyat Demokratik (People's Democratic Party, Indonesia).

To sign on to this statement, please email: 

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[Marxism] L'Humanite on Ukraine: 'The true fuel of the uprising' | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-03-07 Thread glparramatta

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From /L’Humanité/ (French Communist Party daily newspaper).

By *Vadim Kamenka*, translated (March 4) by *Gene Zbikowski*

Fenruary 24, 2014 -- Kiev (Ukraine), from our special correspondent. 
While a majority of Ukrainians back the movement that led on February 22 
to the deposition of president Yanukovich, social distress was at the 
centre of political discontent. This is what bore the aspiration for 
change which is on everyone’s lips.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3746

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[Marxism] Boris Kagarlitsky: ‘Polite intervention’ and the Ukrainian uprising

2014-03-06 Thread glparramatta
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By Boris Kagarlitsky, Moscow; translated by Renfrey Clarke

March 4, 2014 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- Why,
do you suppose, war has not yet broken out between Russia and Ukraine? The
answer is very simple: no one plans to go to war, and no one can. Kiev for
practical purposes does not have an army, while the government that has
appeared in Kiev has no control over half of Ukraine, and cannot even
exercise particular control over its own supporters. If the Ukrainian
authorities make any serious attempt to mobilise their forces, this will
merely provoke new protests. Even rumours of such a possibility have been
enough to provoke anti-government demonstrations in Odessa.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3752

Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
Set your options at: 

[Marxism] Exclusive excerpts from Ernest Tate's 'Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s & 60s' | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-03-06 Thread glparramatta

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March 5, 2014 -- Resistance Books (Britain) has kindly given permission 
for /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ to publish 
excerpts from long-time Canadian revolutionary socialist Ernie Tate's 
just-published two-volume memoirs, /Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s 
& 60s. /


Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Ukraine coverage, A year after Chavez, Boris Kagarlitsky, Daniel Bensaid excerpt, New Zealand, Michael Lebowitz, Tsipras interview

2014-03-04 Thread glparramatta

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

What's new at Links: Ukraine coverage, A year after Chavez, Boris 
Kagarlitsky, Daniel Bensaid excerpt, New Zealand, Michael Lebowitz, 
Tsipras interview

* * *
Subscribe free to Links - International Journal of Socialist Renewal - 
at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

Visit and bookmark http://links.org.au and add it to your RSS feed 
(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

*Please pass on to anybody you think will be interested in Links.

*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

* * *

   Daniel Bensaïd: Paris '68, 'When history breathed down our necks' --
   excerpt from 'An Impatient Life: A Memoir'

March 1, 2014 -- Below is an excerpt from the late Daniel Bensaïd's 
memoir, /An Impatient Life/, just published by Verso. It is posted with 
the kind permission of Verso.

 * Read more 

   Political uprising shakes Ukraine to its foundation (updated March

By *Roger Annis*
Updated March 2, 2014 -- It is the aftermath in the Ukraine of the 
remarkable popular uprising Ukraine uprising that has torn down the 
authoritarian regime of President Viktor Yanukovych. The parliament that 
supported him has voted to remove him from power and has appointed a 
temporary replacement. Now it has issued a warrant for his arrest.

 * Read more 

   Aotearoa/New Zealand: Matt McCarten stuns friends and foes, joins
   Labour Party staff 

March 4, 2014 -- Long-time New Zealand left stalwart and leader of the 
militant Unite trade union stunned friends and foes alike with his 
sudden announcement that he is joining the staff of the New Zealand 
parliamentary Labour Party leader David Cunliffe.

 * Read more 

   Michael Lebowitz: A path to socialism -- building upon the
   foundations began by Hugo Chavez 

By *Michael Lebowitz*
March 2014 -- It is now one year since the unfortunate death of Hugo 
Chávez on March 5, 2013. Shortly after, the editors of /Monthly Review/ 
quoted a letter from István Mészáros to John Bellamy Foster which 
described Chávez as "one of the greatest historical figures of our time" 
and "a deeply insightful revolutionary intellect". Whether Chávez will 
be remembered over time this way, however, depends significantly on 
whether we build upon the foundations he began.

 * Read more 

   Europe: 'United we can win' -- interview with Alexis Tsipras

February 23, 2014 --In December 2013, /*Alexis Tsipras*/, leader of the 
Greek Coalition of the Radical Left (Syriza), was elected as lead 
candidate of the Party of the European Left for the May 25, 2014, 
European elections. Tsipras's candidacy has become especially symbolic 
of this fight in Italy, where a very divided left is looking for ways to 
come together. Tsipras was interviewed by Italian left daily /Il 
Manifesto/. It has been translated by *Dick Nichols*.

 * Read more 

   Ukraine: (Updated March 3) Anti-war statements from the Russian left

March 1, 2014 -- Statements on the military moves towards Ukraine by 
Russia in the Crimea region.

 * Read more 

   Ukraine: The left and the movement to overthrow Yanukovich: two

March 2, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ is 
publishing excerpts from two recent interviews (published mid-February) 
with members of the revolutionary left in Ukraine that shed light on the 
nature of the movement that overthrew the Viktor Yanukovich regime, and 
the attitude of the small Ukrainian left towards it.

 * Read more 

   Boris Kagarlitsky on Ukraine: 'A quadrille of monsters' and
   'Smashing the feed trough' 

March 2, 2014 -- These two commentaries were written in January and 
February 2014 -- before the fall of the Viktor Yanukovich regime and 
subsequent events -- and have only just been translated into English. 
They are published at /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
as they offer insights into the thinking of an important part of the 
revolutionary left in Russia.

 * Read more 

   Venezuela: A year after Chávez 

By *Martin

[Marxism] Aotearoa/New Zealand: Matt McCarten stuns friends and foes, joins Labour Party staff | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-03-04 Thread glparramatta

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

March 4, 2014 -- Long-time New Zealand left stalwart and leader of the 
militant Unite trade union stunned friends and foes alike with his 
sudden announcement that he is joining the staff of the New Zealand 
parliamentary Labour Party leader David Cunliffe.

Below /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ posts 
McCarten's final weekly column from the NZ /Herald on Sunday,/ as well 
as a number of reactions from the NZ left.

Full article http://links.org.au/node/3742

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[Marxism] Boris Kagarlitsky on Ukraine: ‘A quadrille of monsters’ and ‘Smashing the feed trough’ | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-03-01 Thread glparramatta

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March 2, 2014 – These two commentaries were written in January and 
February 2014 – before the fall of the Viktor Yanukovich regime and 
subsequent events -- and have only just been translated into English. 
They are published at /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
as they offer insights into the thinking of an important part of the 
revolutionary left in Russia.


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[Marxism] Daniel Bensaïd: Paris '68, 'When history breathed down our necks' -- excerpt from 'An Impatient Life: A Memoir' | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-02-28 Thread glparramatta

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March 1, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
Below is an excerpt from the late Daniel Bensaïd's memoir, /An Impatient 
Life/, just published by Verso. It is posted with the kind permission of 
Verso. Readers of /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ are 
urged to order a copy*. *

Download or read the excerpt at http://links.org.au/node/3733

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Fuentes vs. Gonzalez on Venezuela; Ukraine, Chomsky, Party of the European Left, Scotland & the English left; Tsipras, Hubert Harrison

2014-02-25 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Fuentes vs. Gonzalez on Venezuela; Ukraine, 
Chomsky, Party of the European Left, Scotland & the English left; 
Tsipras, Hubert Harrison

* * *
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at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

*Please pass on to anybody you think will be interested in Links.

*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

   Federico Fuentes replies to Mike Gonzalez's 'Is Venezuela burning?'

By *Federico Fuentes *

February 26, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
-- I have had a few people ask me what I think of the recent article by 
Mike Gonzalez ("Is Venezuela burning"), regarding events in Venezuela.

 * Read more 

   Political uprising shakes Ukraine to its foundation

   /"In the coming days and weeks there will be a wave of political
   analysis on the left that will frame the overthrow of the regime of
   Yanukovych as a pro-imperialist scheme being swallowed by a gullible
   population. The strong presence of extreme right-wing forces among
   those protesting the regime will be presented as proof positive.
   This will resemble the many simplistic analyses describing the
   course of the 'Arab Spring', particularly in Syria."/

By *Roger Annis*

 * Read more 

   Review: Noam Chomsky's weak spot on political power

Review by *Alex Miller*
February 26, 2014 -- This volume consists of eight interviews given by 
Noam Chomsky to David Barsamian in 2010-12 (in fact six of them were 
given in 2012). As always, Chomsky's insights into politics and power 
are penetrating and insightful, and cover a wide range of topics, 
including the Arab Spring, Wikileaks and Bradley Manning, the role of 
social media like Facebook and Twitter in the atomisation of society, 
the Obama administration, and a host of others. As is usual in Chomsky's 
books, every factual claim he makes is meticulously referenced in notes 
at the end.

 * Read more 

   Party of the European Left's fourth congress: building unity to
   build hope 

By *Dick Nichols *

February 24, 2014 -- When the 200-plus delegates finally voted on the 
two main documents presented to the fourth congress of the Party of the 
European Left (EL), held on December 13-15, 2013, in Madrid, there was a 
faint murmur of surprise at the degree of support received. After all, 
the EL is a mix of different but related political sensibilities, 
bringing together "anti-capitalist, communist, socialist, ecologist, 
feminist, eco-socialist, republican and other democratic forces"

 * Read more 

   Scotland: 'The English left need to shut up and listen' on

By *Pam Currie*
February 20, 2014 -- Is Scotland, as is often claimed, really more 
progressive than the rest of Britain? This is an argument traditionally 
dismissed by the left: the working class of Glasgow have more in common 
with the working class of Birmingham and Liverpool than they do with the 
opulent suburbs of their own city, or the tiny aristocratic elite who 
still own the vast bulk of Scotland's land mass.

 * Read more 

   Eva Golinger: 'Don't be fooled by what most media outlets are
   telling you about protests in Venezuela 

By *Eva Golinger*
February 21, 2014 -- /Postcard from the Revolution/ via 
Venezuelanalysis.com -- For those of you unfamiliar with Venezuelan 
issues, don't let the title of this article fool you. The revolution 
referred to is not what most media outlets are showing taking place 
today in Caracas, with protesters calling for the ouster of Venezuela's 
President Nicolas Maduro. The revolution that is here to stay is the 
Bolivarian Revolution, which began in 1998 when Hugo Chavez was first 
elected president and has subsequently transformed the mega 
oil-producing country into a socially focused, progressive country with 
a grassroots government.

 * Read more 

   Alexis Tsipras' program for the European Commission presidency: 'A
   mandate for hope and change' 


[Marxism] Scotland: 'The English left need to shut up and listen' on independence | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-02-24 Thread glparramatta

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

By *Pam Currie*

February 20, 2014 -- Is Scotland, as is often claimed, really more 
progressive than the rest of Britain? This is an argument traditionally 
dismissed by the left: the working class of Glasgow have more in common 
with the working class of Birmingham and Liverpool than they do with the 
opulent suburbs of their own city, or the tiny aristocratic elite who 
still own the vast bulk of Scotland's land mass.

This is true -- but it ignores several important arguments, and trotted 
out by the London-based left it can seem as out of touch and dismissive 
as Westminster's politicians.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3722

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[Marxism] First-hand account -- Party of the European Left’s fourth congress: building unity to build hope | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-02-24 Thread glparramatta

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

By *Dick Nichols *

February 24, 2014 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
 -- When the 200-plus delegates finally 
voted on the two main documents presented to the fourth congress of the 
Party of the European Left (EL), held on December 13-15, 2013, in 
Madrid, there was a faint murmur of surprise at the degree of support 
received. After all, the EL is a mix of different but related political 
sensibilities, bringing together “anti-capitalist, communist, socialist, 
ecologist, feminist, eco-socialist, republican and other democratic 

Its affiliates embody different national political cultures and are 
based on all sides of the widening north-south and east-west economic 
and social ravines that cross Europe, the European Union and the 
Eurozone. Moreover, it is only 10 years old, created in 2004 in a forced 
march driven by the process of European integration and the need to 
compete with other European “party families”.

This history naturally raises the question as to how real and relevant 
the deliberations of its congresses can be: like all the “European 
parties” the EL is basically an alliance of national parties[ii] and 
popular participation in European politics and elections has to date 
been the lowest for all levels of government.[iii] Therefore, how much 
inclination and energy do its affiliates have to devote to it?

Full article http://links.org.au/node/3726

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at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

Visit and bookmark http://links.org.au and add it to your RSS feed 
(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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[Marxism] Alexis Tsipras' program for the European Commission presidency: 'A mandate for hope and change' | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-02-22 Thread glparramatta

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 Programmatic declaration of Alexis Tsipras, candidate of the Party
 of the European Left for the presidency of the European Commission

The following document was released 
in January 2014. Alexis Tsipras is also leader of the radical left party 

* * *

By *Alexis Tsipras *

Posted at /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ on February 
21, 2014 -- The Party of the European Left elected me candidate for the 
Presidency of the European Commission, at its fourth congress December 
13-15, 2013, in Madrid.

It is an honour and a mandate. The honour is not only personal. The 
candidacy of the leader of the main opposition in Greece [Syriza] 
symbolises recognition of the sacrifices made by the Greek people. It 
also symbolises solidarity for all the people in Europe's south who are 
suffering the catastrophic social consequences of the Memoranda of 
austerity and recession.

But, more than a candidacy, it is mandate for hope and change in Europe. 
It is a roll call for democracy in which every generation deserves to 
participate, and which every generation is entitled to live. It is a 
struggle for the power to change the everyday life of ordinary people. 
To recall Aneurin Bevan, a genuine social-democrat and political father 
of the British National Health Service, for us power means "the use of 
collective action designed to transform society and so lift all of us 

Full documents at http://links.org.au/node/3719

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Bosnia, Venezuela, fund appeal, Alexis Tsipras, COSATU & NUMSA, Syria, Malaysia, Álvaro García Linera

2014-02-18 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Bosnia, Venezuela, fund appeal, Alexis Tsipras, 
COSATU & NUMSA, Syria, Malaysia, Álvaro García Linera

* * *
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at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

Visit and bookmark http://links.org.au and add it to your RSS feed 
(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

*Please pass on to anybody you think will be interested in Links.

*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

* * *

   Bosnia's magnificent uprising: Heralding a new era of class

By *Michael Karadjis*
February 13, 2014 -- Beginning on February 5, mass protests led by 
workers and retrenched former workers in the privatised factories, along 
with students and other citizens, have rocked most major industrial 
cities in Bosnia, notably Sarajevo, Tuzla, Zenica, Bihac and Mostar.

 * Read more 

   Please help Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal: Donate
   to the GLW fund appeal 

Updated February 18, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist 
Renewal/ relies heavily on the financial and human support offered by 
/Green Left Weekly/, Australia's and one of the world's leading 
red-green newspapers. Without /Green Left Weekly/ there would be no 
/Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/. That's why we are 
urging our many readers to please donate to /Green Left Weekly/'s 
special fund appeal to mark its historic 1000th issue. Any contribution, 
large or small, will be greatly appreciated. Pledges, as of February 18, 
totalled $97,522.

 * Read more 

   Alexis Tsipras: End austerity to regain democracy! For a democratic,
   social and ecological Europe 

*Alexis Tsipra*s, president of SYRIZA and candidate of the European Left 
party for the precidency of the European Commission, spoke on January 
18, 2014, in a debate organised by the Dutch Socialist Party in 
Amersfoort. Here's the full text of his speech.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: 'Leadership faction wants COSATU to be a toothless
   giant', declare nine affiliates 

*Statement by nine COSATU affiliates campaigning for the reinstatement 
of Comrade Zwelinzima Vavi as general secretary*
February 15, 2014 -- The outcome of the special central executive 
council (CEC) of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) 
that was shunned by those affiliates who had formally called for a 
Special National Congress has confirmed our worst fears. It is clear 
that this faction is prepared to sacrifice COSATU and turn it into a 
toothless giant in order to please its political masters. We cannot and 
will not allow this to happen without a determined struggle and we 
believe that we have the support of the majority of COSATU workers.

 * Read more 

   Syria: Assad regime responsible for rise in religious sectarianism

By *Michael Karadjis*
February 17, 2014 --- Much of the criticism of the Syrian resistance to 
the Bashar al-Assad regime is based on the fact that Sunni sectarianism 
has become an important element within it, in particular sectarianism 
against the Alawites, the sect to which Assad belongs. This criticism is 
justified, especially with reference to the extreme jihadist elements, 
but is also greatly exaggerated and generalised to unjustly cover all 
the resistance, which is also anti-sectarian in large part.

 * Read more 

   Malaysia: Socialists to form Left Coalition 'to bring back class

By *Chen Shaua Fui*, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
February 13, 2014 - The Parti Sosialis Malaysia (Socialist Party of 
Malaysia, PSM), together with some other groups and individuals, is 
forming a body called Left Coalition to bring class politics to Malaysia.

 * Read more 

   Álvaro García Linera: A message to the left of Europe and the world

By *Álvaro García Linera*, translated by Marie-Rose Ardiaca
The vice-president of the Multinational state of Bolivia Álvaro García 
Linera gave a speech at the fourth congress of the Party of the European 
Left, which took place in Madrid on December 13-15, 2013.

 * Read more 

   Venezuela: Coups, 

[Marxism] Venezuela: The political economy of inflation and investment strikes | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-02-10 Thread glparramatta

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By *Oliver Levingston*

February 10, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
-- This paper adopts a Marxian class analysis to dispute the orthodox 
critique of high inflation in contemporary Venezuela. It draws a 
parallel between the 2002-03 oil industry lock-out and the capital 
strike in the Venezuelan foodstuffs industry today. In each case, 
capital has suspended production to bid up the price of basic goods and 
create widespread shortages.

Orthodox economists have cited worsening output and rising inflation in 
the aftermath of the capital strike to demand fiscal austerity and 
restrictive monetary policy.

This paper explores explores how inflation-targeting conceals the class 
antagonism of capital strikes and highlights the class interests that 
underpin monetarism. In doing so, it argues for the importance of 
socialising production as a viable alternative to neoliberal austerity.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3705

* * *
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at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

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http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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[Marxism] Exclusive excerpt from John Tully's 'Silvertown: The Lost Story of a Strike that ... Helped Launch the Modern Labor Movement' | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-02-08 Thread glparramatta

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February 9, 2014 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
-- The following is an excerpt from John Tully's's new book, 
/Silvertown: The Lost Story of a Strike that Shook London and Helped 
Launch the Modern Labor Movement/, published by Monthly Review Press. It 
is posted with the kind permission of Monthly Review Press. Readers of 
/Links international Journal of Socialist Renewal/ are urged to *order a 

Download or read at http://links.org.au/node/3704

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Transitional method, NUMSA, Venezuela after Chavez, Thailand, Spain, Egypt, COSATU, ecosocialism, Kurds

2014-02-04 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Transitional method, NUMSA, Venezuela after Chavez, 
Thailand, Spain, Egypt, COSATU, ecosocialism, Kurds

* * *
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at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

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http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

*Please pass on to anybody you think will be interested in Links.

*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

* * *

   How we can use the Transitional Program today: a response to
   Socialist Alternative 

By *Chris Slee*
February 2, 2014 -- Allen Myers, a member of the Australian party 
Socialist Alternative, has written an article in that organisation's 
magazine /Marxist Left Review/ entitled "Trotsky's Transitional Program: 
its uses and abuses".[1] Myers is also a former leading member of the 
Revolutionary Socialist Party, some of whose members have joined 
Socialist Alternative.

 * Read more 

   Forging a new movement: NUMSA and the shift in South Africa's

By *Leonard Gentle*
January 28, 2014  -- The decision of the National Union of Metalworkers 
of South Africa (NUMSA) to cut ties with the African National Congress 
(ANC) has received poor analysis. Comment has tended to focus on the 
possibility of a new political party in 2019 or whether all this means 
that suspended general secretary of the Congress of South African Trade 
Unions (COSATU) Zwelinzima Vavi will get his job back. The greater 
significance of the biggest trade union in the country throwing in its 
lot with a growing movement in opposition to the neoliberal order, and 
thus to the left of the ANC, rather than the line up to the right is 
being missed.

 * Read more 

   Venezuela: A year since Hugo Chavez's death -- special edition of
   the AVSN broadsheet 

February-March 2014 -- Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias was the president of the 
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. As the leader of the Bolivarian 
Revolution, Chavez promoted a political doctrine of participatory 
democracy, socialism and Latin American and Caribbean cooperation. He 
was also a critic of neoliberalism, globalisation and United States 
foreign policy.

 * Read more 

   Thailand: February 2 election has solved nothing; unity of
   democratic forces needed 

By *Giles Ji Ungpakorn*
February 3, 2014 -- The February 2 general election cannot solve the 
Thai political crisis because those lined up against the government and 
the holding of democratic elections are fundamentally opposed to democracy.

 * Read more 

   Spain: Si, se puede! 'White tide' defeats Madrid health
   privatisation plan 

By *Dick Nichols*
February 1, 2014 -- Victories in the never-ending struggle against the 
sell-off of public services in southern Europe are rare. So when one 
comes along that is as big as the recent defeat of the Madrid regional 
government's scheme to privatise hospital and community health-centre 
management we should celebrate it to the full.

 * Read more 

   Spain: 'Because it's my choice', statement on abortion rights to
   Spain's House of Commons 

February 2, 2014 -- The following declaration of the "Freedom Train" in 
support of women's right to choose abortion and against the regressive 
changes to abortion laws by the national government of Spain was 
released prior to a big march from Atocha to the parliament on February 
1, 2014. A draft bill to restrict abortion to cases of rape or severe 
danger to the mother's health is being considered. Four years ago, Spain 
came in line with most of the rest of Europe when the then Socialist 
Party government legalised abortion in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy.

 * Read more 

   Egypt: 'Al-Sisi's rule is clearly a period of counter-revolutionary
   offensive', say Revolutionary Socialists 

By the *Revolutionary Socialists* (Egypt) political bureau
January 26, 2014 -- Greetings to the comrades and colleagues among the 
revolutionaries who came out onto the streets yesterday. Their presence 
and their bravery in facing the security forces in the midst of the 
mobilisation for Al-Sisi w

[Marxism] Venezuela: A year since Hugo Chavez’s death -- special edition of the AVSN broadsheet | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-02-04 Thread glparramatta

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias was the president of the Bolivarian Republic of 
Venezuela. As the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Chavez promoted a 
political doctrine of participatory democracy, socialism and Latin 
American and Caribbean cooperation. He was also a critic of 
neoliberalism, globalisation and United States foreign policy.

A career military officer, Chavez founded the left-wing Fifth Republic 
Movement after orchestrating a failed 1992 military rebellion against 
former President Carlos Andres Perez.

Chavez was elected president in 1998 with a campaign centred on promises 
of aiding Venezuela's poor majority, and was re-elected in 2000, 2006 
and 2012.

Domestically, Chavez established nationwide Bolivarian Social Missions, 
whose goals are to combat disease, illiteracy, malnutrition, poverty and 
other social ills.

Abroad, Chavez acted against the Washington Consensus by supporting 
alternative models of economic development and advocating cooperation 
among the world's poor nations, especially those in Latin America.

Chavez’s policies evoked controversy in Venezuela and abroad, receiving 
everything from vehement criticism to enthusiastic support.

Continue reading or download the entire broadsheet at 

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[Marxism] How we can use the Transitional Program today: a response to Socialist Alternative | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-02-03 Thread glparramatta

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

By *Chris Slee*

February 2, 2014 -- Allen Myers, a member of the Australian party 
Socialist Alternative, has written an article in that organisation's 
magazine /Marxist Left Review/ entitled "Trotsky's Transitional Program: 
its uses and abuses". Myers is also a former leading member of the 
Revolutionary Socialist Party, some of whose members have joined 
Socialist Alternative.

Myers begins by referring to the "disappearance" of the Democratic 
Socialist Party (DSP), which he attributes in part to "a serious 
misunderstanding of the concept of 'transitional demands' and their 
application to revolutionary activity in Australia today".

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3696

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Re: [Marxism] Cuba at the crossroads | SocialistWorker.org

2014-02-01 Thread glparramatta

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See "Samuel Farber discusses Cuba’s future – but ignores the blockade" 
at http://links.org.au/node/3677


>This is what the ISO calls a blog?!?!?!

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Front de Gauche, Phillipines socialism, Thailand thugs, Chicago Socialist Campaign, Truthout's Cambodia slander

2014-01-27 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Front de Gauche, Phillipines socialism, Thailand 
thugs, Chicago Socialist Campaign, Truthout's Cambodia slander

* * *
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at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

*Please pass on to anybody you think will be interested in Links.

*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

* * *

   France: Activist pressure forces truce within Front de Gauche

By *Dick Nichols*
January 29, 2014 -- To the an almost audible sigh of relief from its 
tens of thousands of activists, the two main forces in France's 
nine-party Left Front (Front de Gauche)---the Communist Party (Parti 
Communiste Français, PCF) and the Left Party (Parti de Gauche) of 
Jean-Luc Mélenchon---have called a halt to hostilities that were not 
only undermining its chances in France's March municipal elections but 
also those of the Party of the European Left (PGE) in the May 25 
European poll.

 * Read more 

   Philippines: 'Forward, bayanihang sosyalismo!' Popularising a
   socialism 'with local colour' 

Introduction by *Reihana Mohideen*
January 24, 2014 -- The following is the English-language translation of 
a document on /bayanihan/ socialism that was presented at the convention 
of the Philippines socialist party Partido lakas ng Masa (Party of the 
Labouring Masses, PLM) in December 2013.

 * Read more 

   Thailand: Anti-democratic thugs unleash violence around Bangkok's
   voting stations 

By *Giles Ji Ungpakorn*
January 27, 2014 -- On January 26, the Democrat Party's mad dogs 
unleashed violence around Bangkok's voting stations. Voting stations 
throughout the country were supposed to be open for people to cast their 
votes in advance on the February 2 general election. Advanced voting is 
a required service since it is compulsory for people to cast their ballot.

 * Read more 

   United States: Victory in Seattle inspires Chicago Socialist

By *Andrew Mortazavi*
January 24, 2014 -- If a socialist can win an election in Seattle, why 
not Chicago? That was the spirit at the University of Illinois-Chicago's 
Jane Addams Hull House Museum on January 22, where close to 100 
Chicagoans gathered for the founding meeting of the Chicago Socialist 
Campaign. Drawing on the example of Seattle's Kshama Sawant---who in 
November became the first socialist in recent memory elected to a city 
council---the campaign seeks to run a socialist candidate for alderman 
in Chicago's 2015 city council race.

 * Read more 

   Cambodia: Truthout's outrageous attack on garment workers' struggle
   for a living wage 

By *Chrek Sophea*, Phnom Penh
January 20, 2014 -- I was deeply saddened to read the article by Anne 
Elizabeth Moore titled "What's the Price of Workers' Lives in 
Cambodia?", published on January 17 in the US-based Truth-out.org 
website. This story contained an outrageous attack on the Cambodian 
garment workers' demonstration over the minimum wage by a well-known 
Cambodian blogger, academic and human rights activist Sopheap Chak.

 * Read more 

* * *
Links seeks to promote the international exchange of information, 
experience of struggle, theoretical analysis and views of political 
strategy and tactics within the international left. It is a forum for 
open and constructive dialogue between active socialists coming from 
different political traditions. It seeks to bring together those in the 
international left who are opposed to neoliberal economic and social 
policies. It aims to promote the renewal of the socialist movement in 
the wake of the collapse of the bureaucratic model of "actually existing 
socialism" in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

ATTENTION: Sign up for regular ``what's new'' announcement emails at 

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Farber & Cuba, Basques, MLK muted, BDS & solidarity, ex-SWP, China, Venezuela & land, US teachers to stand

2014-01-21 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Farber & Cuba, Basques, MLK muted, BDS & 
solidarity, ex-SWP, China, Venezuela & land, US teachers to stand

* * *
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* * *

   Samuel Farber discusses Cuba's future -- but ignores the blockade

By *Chris Slee*
January 21, 2014 -- Samuel Farber has recently written an article on 
"The Future of the Cuban Revolution".[1] This article contains some 
useful information on "the emergence of new tendencies and debates" in 
Cuba. But Farber's article is fundamentally flawed. It contains not a 
single word about the 55-year-long campaign by the United States 
government to overturn the Cuban revolution!

 * Read more 

   Basque Country: Huge march advances struggle for peace, national

By *Dick Nichols*
January 19, 2014 -- For decades the People's Party (PP) of Spanish Prime 
Minister Mariano Rajoy has believed it has a reliable gun in its 
political holster---unbending opposition to anything that could be 
portrayed as linked to Basque Homeland and Freedom (ETA), the 
left-nationalist armed organisation responsible for more than 800 deaths 
in its 50-year-long fight against the Spanish state.
However, since ETA's declaration two years ago of a permanent ceasefire, 
this particular weapon has started to backfire on the Spanish state's 
ruling conservative party.

 * Read more 

   Martin Luther King Jr's radicalism muted by MLK archives' corporate

By *Raj Patel*
January 20, 2014 -- This Martin Luther King day, why not celebrate by 
reading one of MLK's last speeches, the one delivered at Carnegie Hall 
on February 23, 1968, to fête the 100th anniversary of the birth of 
W.E.B. Du Bois?

Well, you can't.

 * Read more 

   Mike Marqusee: Further on BDS and 'singling out' Israel

By *Mike Marqusee*
January 17, 2014 -- Further to "If not now, when?" On BDS and 'singling 
out' Israel ", opponents of the boycott, 
divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against apartheid Israel accuse 
its supporters of unfairly "singling out" Israel while neglecting a host 
of other deplorable regimes. It seems that until we simultaneously 
campaign against all outstanding injustices, any campaign against a 
particular injustice will remain illegitimate. Presumably, however, the 
liberal critics of BDS have no objection to the Palestinians themselves 
"singling out" Israel and campaigning against the particular injustice 
that affects them. So they're permitted to call for international 
support but we are not permitted to answer that call.

 * Read more 

   Britain: Creation of new ex-SWP group welcomed

By the *Socialist Resistance executive committee*
January 17, 2014 -- *Socialist Resistance* welcomes the news that the 
comrades who left the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in December as a 
consequence of the ongoing crisis over the abuse of women in that 
organisation have launched *Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st century* 
group (RS21). We recognise that they have done this in order to continue 
the struggle for revolutionary politics and we look forward to 
establishing both practical and political collaboration with them.

 * Read more 

   China: Behind workers' declining share of the economy

By *Hao Qi*
January 2014 -- In the past two decades, China's economic growth has 
been increasingly dependent on investment.1 
 To maintain the growth of 
investment, China must sustain a fairly high rate of profit, and the 
fall in labour's share has been seen as a crucial factor to sustain 
profitability.2  Using a raw measure 
of labour's share---the compensation of employees as a percent of 
GDP---as shown by the bottom solid line in Chart 1, labour's share has 
experienced a major decline from 51.4 percent in 1995 to 42.4 percent in 

[Marxism] Samuel Farber discusses Cuba’s future – but ignores the blockade | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-01-21 Thread glparramatta

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

By *Chris Slee*

January 21, 2014 – /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
Samuel Farber has recently written an article on “The Future of the 
Cuban Revolution”.[1] This article contains some useful information on 
“the emergence of new tendencies and debates” in Cuba. But Farber’s 
article is fundamentally flawed. It contains not a single word about the 
55-year-long campaign by the United States government to overturn the 
Cuban revolution!

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3677

* * *
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at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

Visit and bookmark http://links.org.au and add it to your RSS feed 
(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
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[Marxism] Basque Country: Huge march advances struggle for peace, national rights | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-01-18 Thread glparramatta

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By *Dick Nichols*

January 19, 2014 -- For decades the People's Party (PP) of Spanish Prime 
Minister Mariano Rajoy has believed it has a reliable gun in its 
political holster---unbending opposition to anything that could be 
portrayed as linked to Basque Homeland and Freedom (ETA), the 
left-nationalist armed organisation responsible for more than 800 deaths 
in its 50-year-long fight against the Spanish state.

However, since ETA's declaration two years ago of a permanent ceasefire, 
this particular weapon has started to backfire on the Spanish state's 
ruling conservative party.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3673

Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
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[Marxism] Britain: Creation of new ex-SWP group welcomed | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-01-17 Thread glparramatta

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By the *Socialist Resistance executive committee *

January 17, 2014 -- Socialist Resistance -- *Socialist Resistance* 
welcomes the news that the comrades who left the Socialist Workers Party 
(SWP) in December as a consequence of the ongoing crisis over the abuse 
of women in that organisation have launched *Revolutionary Socialism in 
the 21st century* group (RS21). We recognise that they have done this in 
order to continue the struggle for revolutionary politics and we look 
forward to establishing both practical and political collaboration with 

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3671

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Zapatistas, Cambodia, climate, Clara Zetkin, inequality, S. Korea, Egypt, after the SWP, Libya, Adam Hanieh, Latin American elections

2014-01-14 Thread glparramatta

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

What's new at Links: Zapatistas, Cambodia, climate, Clara Zetkin, 
inequality, S. Korea, Egypt, after the SWP, Libya, Adam Hanieh, Latin 
American elections

* * *
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at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

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http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

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   20 years since the Chiapas rebellion: the Zapatistas, their politics
   and impact 

By *Dan La Botz*
January 14, 2014 -- The Chiapas rebellion led by the Zapatistas took 
place 20 years ago this month. What was the importance of the rebellion 
and of the Zapatistas? What was the impact at the time? And what has 
been its political legacy? What is the role of the Zapatistas in Mexico 

 * Read more 

   Cambodia: Striking garment workers killed in brutal repression:
   interview, photos 

 [TAKE ACTION to support Cambodian garment and textile workers in their 
call for a fair living wage, sign the petition by IndustriALL Global 
Union, UNI Global Union and ITUC 


*Chrek Sophea*, former garment worker and interim coordinator of the 
Worker's Information Centre (WIC), a women garment workers' base 
association in Phnom Penh, interviewed by *Peter Boyle*

 * Read more 

   The new revolutionaries: Climate scientists demand radical change

By *Renfrey Clarke*
January 9, 2014 -- "Today, after two decades of bluff and lies, the 
remaining 2°C budget demands revolutionary change to the political and 
economic hegemony." That was in a blog posting last year by Kevin 
Anderson, professor of energy and climate change at Manchester 
University. One of Britain's most eminent climate scientists, Anderson 
is also deputy director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research.

 * Read more 

   Clara Zetkin in the lion's den: Workers' unity and feminism at a
   Comintern congress 

By *John Riddell*
January 14, 2014 -- In 1921, when the Communist International 
(Comintern) held its Third World Congress, Clara Zetkin was the most 
widely respected Communist outside Russia. Yet she was the victim of 
vigorous efforts on the eve of the congress to vilify her and drive her 
out of the Comintern leadership, if not from the movement. Nonetheless, 
she ranks, together with Lenin and Leon Trotsky, among the dominant 
intellectual figures at the congress.

 * Read more 

   Inequality will be the issue for 2014 

By *Mike Treen*,**national director of the *Unite union* (New Zealand)
January 14, 2014 -- Everyone from the Pope Francis to US President 
Barack Obama is bemoaning the effect that inequality is having on the 
world today. It is even being blamed for the depth of the economic 
recession and the weakness of the current recovery because it is claimed 
that poorer people spend a larger portion of their income than the rich 
who save more and thus more equal income would help revitalise the economy.

 * Read more 

   South Korea: Rail workers strike against privatisation, general
   strike called 

By *Li San*
January 8, 2014 -- South Korea's railway workers have ended a 22-day 
strike, the longest such stoppage in the country's history. Though they 
didn't win a clear victory, they succeeded in placing the issue of 
privatisation in public focus.

 * Read more 

   Egypt: Mass protests grow as military drags country back to

By *Roger Annis*
January 11, 2014 -- The military-dominated regime that seized power in 
Egypt in July 2013 has escalated its attacks on freedom and democracy in 
the country. A series of pronouncements were issued in late December, 
including the banning of the country's largest political movement, the 
Muslim Brotherhood. By all evidence, Egypt's economic and military elite 
are taking the country back to the darkest days of the rule of former 
dictator Hosni Mubarak or even farther into the abyss.

 * R

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Kshama Sawant, John Bellamy Foster, Venezuela & Chile, British Miners' Strike, BDS, Scottish independence, Belgium

2014-01-07 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Kshama Sawant, John Bellamy Foster, Venezuela & 
Chile, British Miners' Strike, BDS, Scottish independence, Belgium

* * *
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at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

Visit and bookmark http://links.org.au and add it to your RSS feed 
(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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* * *

   United States: Socialist councillor Kshama Sawant's inauguration

By *Kshama Sawant*, Seattle
This city has made glittering fortunes for the super wealthy and for the 
major corporations that dominate Seattle's landscape. At the same time, 
the lives of working people, the unemployed and the poor grow more 
difficult by the day. The cost of housing skyrockets, and education and 
healthcare become inaccessible.
This is not unique to Seattle. Shamefully, in this, the richest country 
in human history, 50 million of our people -- one in six -- live in 
poverty. Around the world, billions do not have access to clean water 
and basic sanitation and children die every day from malnutrition.

 * Read more 

   John Bellamy Foster: Marx and the rift in the universal metabolism
   of nature 

By *John Bellamy Foster*
[This article is an expanded and slightly altered version of a keynote 
address under the same title presented to the Marxism 2013 Conference in 
Stockholm on October 20, 2013. That address built on ideas introduced in 
the author's Rosa Luxemburg Lecture, "The Great Rift," presented to the 
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung in Berlin on May 28, 2013.]

 * Read more 

   Venezuela and Chile: Election wins advance left agenda

By *Roger Burbach*
January 7, 2014 -- Elections in Venezuela and Chile in December 2013 
molded the political panorama of Latin America for the coming year, 
providing a new opening for left-leaning governments and the advance of 
post-neoliberal policies in the region.

 * Read more 

   United States: How socialist Kshama Sawant defeated her capitalist

January 5, 2014 -- Just a few weeks after *Kshama Sawant* was victorious 
running as a socialist for the Seattle City Council, and on the eve of 
her inauguration on January 6, 2014, we interviewed *Anh Tran*, Sawant's 
assistant for the campaign. Tran also served as the volunteer 
coordinator for Sawant when she ran for the Washington State Legislature 
in 2012, so talking to Tran we were able to get a sense of the wider arc 
of the Seattle election.

 * Read more 

   Britain: Looking back in anger -- the miners' strike 30 years on

January 5, 2014 -- With new papers released by the National Archives 
about the British miners' strike the Anticapitalist Initiative's*Chris 
Strafford* caught up with *Harry Paterson*, author of the upcoming book 
/Look Back in Anger: The Miners' Strike in Nottinghamshire 30 years on/, 
to discuss what we have learnt.

 * Read more 

   Mike Marqusee: 'If not now, when?' On BDS and 'singling out'
   Israel's apartheid 

By *Mike Marqusee*
January 4, 2013 -- This is an edited version of a letter I've just sent 
to a relative in the United States who's been trying to figure out the 
boycott, disvestment and sanctions (BDS) issue in the wake of the recent 
onslaught against the American Studies Association's decision to support 
the academic boycott of apartheid Israel.

 * Read more 

   Scottish Socialists respond to government's independence proposal

December 7, 2013 -- *Colin Fox*, Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) national 
co-spokesperson and Yes Scotland advisory board member, presents the 
SSP's overview of the Scottish government's white paper on independence.

   Belgium: Left parties to form united electoral ticket

Statement by the *LCR-SAP secretariat*
December 31, 2013 -- The end of the tunnel is far from being in sight. 
We are only at the beginning of a gigantic offensive by European 
capitalism against the world of labour, youth and women. Since 2008, in 
the European Union (EU)

[Marxism] United States: Socialist councillor Kshama Sawant's inauguration speech | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-01-07 Thread glparramatta

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By *Kshama Sawant*, Seattle

This city has made glittering fortunes for the super wealthy and for the 
major corporations that dominate Seattle's landscape. At the same time, 
the lives of working people, the unemployed and the poor grow more 
difficult by the day. The cost of housing skyrockets, and education and 
healthcare become inaccessible.

This is not unique to Seattle. Shamefully, in this, the richest country 
in human history, 50 million of our people -- one in six -- live in 
poverty. Around the world, billions do not have access to clean water 
and basic sanitation and children die every day from malnutrition.

This is the reality of international capitalism.

Full speech at http://links.org.au/node/3656

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Luxemburg, Lenin, Levi; Reminiscences of Nelson Mandela; In 2013, workers tried new alliances; Timor Leste & Australia

2013-12-31 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Luxemburg, Lenin, Levi; Reminiscences of Nelson 
Mandela; In 2013, workers tried new alliances; Timor Leste & Australia

* * *

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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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Proud to announce that Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal 
(http://links.org.au/), the socialist discussion and education site 
sponsored by the Australian Socialist Alliance 
(http://www.socialist-alliance.org), received 487,233 individual visits 
in 2013, reading 682,126 articles! Thanks to all who help keep Links online!

* * *

   Luxemburg, Lenin, Levi: Rethinking revolutionary history

December 14, 2013 -- /Left Streamed/ 
, posted at 
/Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
with permission

Moderated by *Jackie Esmonde*. Presentations by:

 * *John Riddell*, editor of Toward the United Front: Proceedings of
   the Fourth Congress of the Communist International.
 * *Paul Kellogg*, author of "The Only Hope of the Revolution is the
   Crowd: The Limits of Z(iz(ek's Leninism", International Journal of
   Z(iz(ek Studies.

 * Watch 

   Reminiscences of Nelson Mandela and the US anti-apartheid movement

By *Ike Nahem*

   /Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid, it is
   man-made and can be removed by the actions of human beings./ --
   Nelson Mandela

December 29, 2013 -- The outpouring of emotion and dignified 
appreciation that met the passing of Nelson Mandela on December 5, 2013, 
flowed like a raging river from every nation and people on the planet. 
It was a grief tempered by a jubilation and wonderment at the life of 
this great and humble human being.

While it is certainly true that Mandela's death resonated most 
powerfully with the South African people and particularly with oppressed 
and exploited working people worldwide, it is also the case that Mandela 
was admired and loved by countless millions from all social classes and 
walks of life with any democratic and anti-racist principles, who were 
sincerely touched and inspired by his amazing life, his example and his 

I had the unforgettable experience -- and the thrill of a lifetime -- to 
meet, shake hands and exchange a few words with Nelson Mandela.

 * Read more 

   United States: In 2013, workers tried new angles and alliances

By *Jenny Brown*
December 30, 2013 -- Lean meanness stalked workplaces. The political and 
economic outlook continued dismal. But the year was marked by workers 
trying new things and setting higher standards, for their employers, 
their unions, and---in the case of low-wage workers---their pay.

 * Read more 

   Australia's national interest versus Timor-Leste, 1941-2006

By *Gaetano Greco*, *Francesco Faraci* and *Michael Cooke*

/In our Manichaean enthusiasms we in the West made haste to dispense 
whenever possible with the economic, intellectual and institutional 
baggage of the twentieth century and encouraged others to do so 
likewise... Not only did we fail to learn very much from the past -- 
this would hardly have been remarkable. But we have become stridently 
insistent -- in our economic calculations, our political practices, our 
international strategies, even our educational priorities -- that the 
past has nothing of interest to teach us. Ours, we insist, is a new 
world; its risks and opportunities are without precedent. -- /Tony 

 * Read more 

* * *
Links seeks to promote the international exchange of information, 
experience of struggle, theoretical analysis and views of political 
strategy and tactics within the international left. It is a forum for 
open and constructive dialogue between active socialists coming from 
different political traditions. It seeks to bring together those in the 
international left who are opposed to neoliberal economic and social 
policies. It aims to promote the

[Marxism] Reminiscences of Nelson Mandela and the US anti-apartheid movement | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-12-29 Thread glparramatta

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

By *Ike Nahem*

   /Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid, it is
   man-made and can be removed by the actions of human beings./ --
   Nelson Mandela

December 29, 2013 -- The outpouring of emotion and dignified 
appreciation that met the passing of Nelson Mandela on December 5, 2013, 
flowed like a raging river from every nation and people on the planet. 
It was a grief tempered by a jubilation and wonderment at the life of 
this great and humble human being.

While it is certainly true that Mandela's death resonated most 
powerfully with the South African people and particularly with oppressed 
and exploited working people worldwide, it is also the case that Mandela 
was admired and loved by countless millions from all social classes and 
walks of life with any democratic and anti-racist principles, who were 
sincerely touched and inspired by his amazing life, his example and his 

I had the unforgettable experience -- and the thrill of a lifetime -- to 
meet, shake hands and exchange a few words with Nelson Mandela.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3647

* * *
Subscribe free to Links - International Journal of Socialist Renewal - 
at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

Visit and bookmark http://links.org.au and add it to your RSS feed 
(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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*Return daily for new articles

Send list submissions to: Marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
Set your options at: 

[Marxism] What's new at Links: NUMSA & ANC; US, Russia, Iran, Syria; Ukraine, Egypt, Thailand, India; Left in US elections, Trotsky & insurrection

2013-12-27 Thread glparramatta

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

What's new at Links: NUMSA & ANC; US, Russia, Iran, Syria; Ukraine, 
Egypt, Thailand, India; Left in US elections, Trotsky & insurrection

* * *
Subscribe free to Links - International Journal of Socialist Renewal - 
at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

*Please pass on to anybody you think will be interested in Links.

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* * *

   South Africa: NUMSA calls for new movement for socialism, end to ANC

Declaration of the *National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa 
(NUMSA)* Special National Congress, held in Boksburg, December 17-20, 
2013. This document had been abridged.

NUMSA's Special National Congress convened from December 17 to December 
20, 2013. It was attended by 1200 delegates representing 338,000 
metalworkers from 50 Locals throughout the provinces of South Africa. 
NUMSA was proud to announce in the congress that it is the biggest union 
in the history of the African continent. In the last 17 months, since 
our 9th Congress in Durban, we have grown from 300,000 members to 
338,000 members. We are ahead of schedule in our goal to organise 
400,000 workers by the time of our 10th Congress in 2016.

 * Read more 

   United States, Iran, Russia, Syria and the geopolitical shift:
   Anything for the region's oppressed? 

By *Michael Karadjis*
December 19, 2013 -- In recent weeks and months, a pronounced 
geopolitical shift in US policy related to the Middle East has been 
widely discussed. This shift consists mainly of the US-Russia deal with 
Syria's Assad regime to get rid of its chemical arsenal, in exchange for 
the US dropping its brief threat of air strikes over Assad's chemical 
attack on August 21; and the high-level US-Iran negotiations over its 
nuclear arsenal, which led to a new agreement, involving a slight 
reduction on imperialist sanctions on Iran in exchange for Iranian 
concessions on its civilian nuclear program.

 * Read more 

   Democratic Left Front: Together, a new South Africa is possible

*Democratic Left Front salutes the **National Union of Metalworkers of 
South Africa special national congress*

By the **Democratic Left Front**, South Africa
December 23, 2013 -- There is a spectre haunting the ruling class and 
government in South Africa: it is the radical anti-capitalist movement 
that the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) has 
given birth to at its historic special national congress held last week. 
The Democratic Left Front (DLF) congratulates NUMSA for this congress 
that united metalworkers in spite of the sustained attempts to divide NUMSA.

 * Read more 

   Ukraine: Russia or the European Union? Reject a choice between
   'lesser evils' 

By *Aleksandr Buzgalin
*December 24, 2013 -- As this article is being written the outcome of 
the resistance remains undecided, but the author is certain that, one 
way or another, the present Ukrainian authorities will draw closer to 
the European Union. Meanwhile, one thing is clear: the profound problems 
of Ukraine, and of Russia's relations with it, will not be solved as a 

 * Read more 

   Egyptian revolutionary socialist: 'We are facing a

*Rana Nessim*and *Rosemary Bechler* interviewed *Sameh Naguib* (pictured 
above), a leading member of the Revolutionary Socialists in Egypt, on 
October 24, 2013. The interview was published on the openDemocracy 
website on November 8. Nessim is associate editor for openDemocracy's 
/Arab Awakening/page.

 * Read more 

   Thailand: Yingluck sleepwalks into the trap set by anti-democratic

By *Giles Ji Ungpakorn*
December 21, 2013 -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and her Pheu 
Thai government were pressurised into dissolving parliament by a nasty 
coalition of Sutep Tuaksuban's Democrat Party, middle-class protesters, 
pro-military academics, conservative civil servants and NGO groups. This 
is the same coalition that supported the 2006 military coup.

 * Read more 

   India: Fearless freedom for women 

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Agent Orange, Mandela, CIA, India, Thailand, totalitarianism, Venezuela, Palestine & BDS

2013-12-17 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Agent Orange, Mandela, CIA, India, Thailand, 
totalitarianism, Venezuela, Palestine & BDS

* * *
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* * *

   The terrible legacy of Agent Orange and dioxin

By *Coral Wynter*

December 16, 2013 -- Agent Orange was manufactured by Monsanto 
Corporation and Dow Chemicals to use as a herbicide and defoliant in the 
Vietnam War. Agent Orange is the combination of the code names for 
Herbicide Orange (HO) and Agent LNX.\

 * Read more 

   Ashwin Desai: Nelson Mandela's long walk 

By *Ashwin Desai*, Johannesburg
December 10, 2013 -- Nelson Mandela's best-selling autobiography, 
published in 1994, is entitled /Long Walk to Freedom/. It tells the 
powerful story of the journey of a rural Transkei boy who was a cow-herd 
and son of a deposed tribal chief, to guerilla fighter to decades-long 
prisoner on an Island fortress and then to the first black and 
democratic president of his nation, South Africa.

 * Read more 

   India: Scrap Article 377, defend LGBTI/queer rights through mass

By *Soma Marik*
December 15, 2013 -- In 1895, during the trial of Oscar Wilde, the 
German socialist Eduard Bernstein wrote a few articles in the German 
Social Democratic press on the issue. While confused by today's 
standards, Bernstein made a few cogent points.

 * Read more 

   'I am no messiah': Mandela and the dangers of deification

By *Terry Bell*, Cape Town
December 13, 2013 -- As everyone from monarchs to the labouring masses 
this week sought to share in the Mandela memorial moment, the myth 
machine went into overdrive, the very machine Mandela had so disparaged 
when I sat with him in his Johannesburg office in 1992. One sentence he 
uttered then has resonated with me throughout the years: "I am no messiah."

 * Read more 

   Thailand: There is no 'crisis of succession'

By *Giles Ji Ungpakorn*

December 14, 2013 -- The hypothesis that the present long-running unrest 
in Thailand is primarily caused by a "crisis of succession" assumes that 
the Thai monarch has real power and that he has been constantly 
intervening in politics. That is just not the case and the real cause of 
the crisis lies elsewhere.

 * Read more 

From Marxism to neoliberalism: Ronnie Kasrils on how Mandela & ANC

December 12, 2013 -- /Democracy Now!/ 
-- Speaking from Johannesburg, leading anti-apartheid activist and 
former South African Intelligence Minister Ronnie Kasrils discusses the 
evolution of the African National Congress' economic views from its time 
as a liberation movement to leading South Africa after the fall of 
apartheid. Kasrils says the ANC was forced to make a "Faustian pact" 
with neoliberalism in order to bring apartheid to an end and avoid civil 
war. He also discusses recent reports that Mandela was a member of the 
South African Communist Party. Kasrils was on the National Executive 
Committee of the ANC for 20 years, serving as minister for intelligence 
services from 2004 to 2008.

 * Read more 

   CIA and Mandela: Can the truth be told now?; Mandela and
   misremembering history 

December 10, 2013 -- Back in 1990, FAIR (/Extra!/, 3/90 
noted that the media coverage of Nelson Mandela's release from prison 
failed to mention there was strong evidence that the CIA had tipped off 
South African authorities to Mandela's location in 1962, resulting in 
his arrest.

 * Read more 

   On the causes of totalitarianism 

By *Chris Slee*
December 12, 2013 -- Conservatives often claim that totalitarianism is 
the inevitable result of attempts to radi

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Nelson Mandela coverage, Venezuela election, European left, Front de Gauche, Palestine

2013-12-10 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Nelson Mandela coverage, Venezuela election, 
European left, Front de Gauche, Palestine

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   Cuba's Raúl Castro praises Nelson Mandela's 'unwavering dedication
   to the revolutionary struggle' 

See also "Cuba and the South African anti-apartheid struggle 

For more on *Nelson Mandela, click HERE* 

December 10, 2013 -- Cuban President Raúl Castro was among the speakers 
at today's memorial to Nelson Mandela. "Let us pay tribute to Nelson 
Mandela", Castro said. "The ultimate symbol of dignity and unwavering 
dedication to the revolutionary struggle, to freedom and justice, a 
prophet of unity, peace and reconciliation. As Mandela's life teaches 
us, only the concerted effort of all nations will empower humanity to 
respond to the enormous challenges that today threatens its very 
existence." We also air a video clip of the 1991 meeting between Mandela 
and Fidel Castro in Cuba.

 * Read more 

   'To truthfully honour Mandela, we must renew the freedom struggle of
   the working class and rural poor' 

By the *National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa*

December 8, 2013 -- The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa 
(NUMSA) joins the people of South Africa, and the world, in mourning the 
passing on of our freedom fighter, political prisoner, people's hero, 
people's servant, leader of our people and founding father of our 
post-1994 democratic dispensation, President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.

 * Read more 

   Nelson Mandela's years in power: Was he pushed or did he jump?

By*Patrick Bond*
December 5, 2013 -- The death of Nelson Mandela, at age 95 on December 
5, 2013, brings genuine sadness.

 * Read more 

   Nelson Mandela: Between fact and fiction 

By *Dimitris Fasfalis*
There are many ways in which the capitalist rulers of the world manage 
to contain the empowering hope borne by revolutionary leaders: slander, 
silence -- and in some cases outright embezzlement. The latter is the 
case today with Nelson Mandela.

 * Read more 

   Venezuela: Chavistas celebrate important victory in municipal

By *Ewan Robertson*, Caracas
December 10, 2013 -- Supporters of Venezuela's revolutionary government 
celebrated their victory in the municipal elections held on December 8. 
Analysts have commented that results indicate President Nicolas Maduro 
has "reconnected" with the social base of the Chavista movement.

 * Read more 

   Solidarity saved me from Hitler: Now it must save Palestine

By *Suzanne Weiss*
December 8, 2013 -- In October 2013 I accompanied Suzanne Weiss in a 
trip back into the history of rural France under Nazi occupation. 
Suzanne's interviews there provided a framework for the following talk 
given by her to Solidarity for Palestine Human Rights at the University 
of Western Ontario on November 20, 2013.

 * Read more 

   Europe: Socialism and the European left -- an interview with Murray

*Joonas Laine* of the Finnish publication /Revalvaatio/ interviews 
*Murray Smith* on socialism, the European Union and the perspectives of 
the European Left.

 * Read more 

   Philippines, Malaysian socialists: 'Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013,

By the *Partido Lakas ng Masa* (Party of the Labouring Masses, Philippines)
December 7, 2013 -- The Partido Lakas ng Masa salutes Nelson Mandela, 
the great freedom fighter, who led the struggle to smash apartheid in 
South Africa. The dismantling of the political institutions of the 
apartheid state is a historic contribution of Nelson Mandela to the 
struggle of the international working-class movement.

 * Read more 

Re: [Marxism] Numsa v SACP :: SACSIS.org.za

2013-12-07 Thread glparramatta

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[Marxism] Nelson Mandela’s years in power: Was he pushed or did he jump? | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-12-06 Thread glparramatta

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Unions & climate, Honduras, Thailand, Left Unity forms, Nepal, Alexis Tsipras, China, BRICS, COSATU, ecology in SU, mass action strategy

2013-12-03 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Unions  & climate, Honduras, Thailand, Left Unity 
forms, Nepal, Alexis Tsipras, China, BRICS, COSATU, ecology in SU, mass 
action strategy

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   Unite union leader on the struggle against climate change, and for

By *Mike Treen*, national director of the *Unite union* 
 (New Zealand)
December 2, 2013 -- The continuing pretense that world governments will 
do anything about climate change was exposed once more at the latest 
round of climate negotiations held in Poland November 11-22.

 * Read more 

   Honduras: Huge political crisis as right steals election

By *Elena Zeledon*
November 28, 2013 -- Large-scale electoral fraud affected every aspect 
of the November 24 general elections in the Central American country of 
Honduras. This has sparked a huge political crisis, which matches and 
possibly surpasses the crisis produced by the coup d'etat that overthrew 
president Manuel Zelaya in 2009.

 * Read more 

   Thailand: Round one to Yingluck government

By *Giles Ji Ungpakorn*
December 4, 2013 -- A semblance of calm has returned to Bangkok as the 
royalist anti-democratic protesters were allowed to symbolically occupy 
Government House. They took pictures and then left. A temporary truce 
has occurred around the king's birthday, December 5, since the royalists 
did not want to appear disrespectful to their "dear leader".

 * Read more 

   Britain: Successful conference forms Left Unity party; Richard
   Seymour reports 

By *Liam Mac Uaid*

December 1, 2013 -- The first indication that Left Unity is different 
from most other left-wing organisations came very early in its November 
30 founding conference. Ken Loach, the person who is seen as having 
given the inspiration for the launch of the new party, proposed that we 
shouldn't take a decision on which of the political platforms to 
endorse. Ken lost the vote and conference moved on to next business. 
There was no dramatic tension, no sense of impending crisis. It would 
have been hard to imagine a similar scene at a Respect conference. It 
was a very promising omen.

 * Read more 

   Xiomara Castro de Zelaya: 'We will defeat them in the streets!'

Address by *Xiomara Castro de Zelaya*

November 29, 2013 -/- /Five days after the end of the electoral process 
in our country, after several public appearances, I am here once again 
before you, to reiterate that we have found innumerable proof of the 
disgusting monstrosity with which they are stealing the presidency of 
the republic from our people of Honduras. Our position is unwavering and 
unceasing: while they don't allow us access to the system of the Supreme 
Electoral Tribunal, we will not accept the results emitted by that 
Electoral Tribunal.

 * Read more 

   Nepal elections: Defeat for Maoists, gains for a united left

By *Farooq Tariq*
November 28, 2013 -- I was present as an International Observer to the 
November 19 general elections in Nepal, invited by the National Election 
Observation Committee (NEOC). Polling was unexpectedly peaceful. 
Interestingly enough only 226 out of the 601 Constituent Assembly seats 
are directly elected. That is, the majority of seats are elected through 
a proportional voting system.

 * Read more 

   Alexis Tsipras: Left can unite to build a better Europe

*Alexis Tsipras*, leader of Greece's Syriza, the Coalition of the 
Radical Left, has announced he is standing presidency of the European 
Commission on behalf of the European Left Party.

 * Read more 

   Wildcat strikes push China to write new anti-labour laws

By *Ellen David Friedman*
November 27, 2013 -- More than 30 years since China opened u

[Marxism] In defence of Socialist Alliance’s strategy of mass action: a reponse to Socialist Alternative | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-12-03 Thread glparramatta

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December 4, 2013 -- ///Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
-- The unity discussions between 
Socialist Alliance and Socialist Alternative have come to an end. In a 
November 3, 2013, letter on behalf of the Socialist Alternative national 
executive, Mick Armstrong wrote: “The overall political projects of both 
organisations are not sufficiently similar to carry through a sustained 
and productive unity that could advance the cause of the revolutionary 
left in Australia and the broader class struggle.”[1]

The Socialist Alternative letter lists four major political differences:

   1. Socialist Alliance stresses the need for a “so-called
   transitional method”.

   2. Socialist Alliance places a strong emphasis on the “centrality of
   electoral work”.

   3. Socialist Alliance argues against the “classic Marxist position
   that a mass insurrection is necessary to overthrow capitalism”.

   4. Socialist Alliance’s focus is “not on relating to the radical
   minorities that do want to take a stand or fight back but on more
   conservative forces in campaign groups and the like”.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3616

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[Marxism] The struggle for ecology in the early Soviet Union | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-11-29 Thread glparramatta

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   */Models of Nature/*
   By Douglas R. Weiner
   University of Pittsburgh Press, 2000, 1988.

Review by *Ben Courtice*

November 28, 2013 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
 -- The USSR was not known, in the West, 
as a pioneer of ecology. Unfortunately, it was known more for the 
Chernobyl nuclear power station accident, for acid rain and air 
pollution, and oil spills and the pollution of unique environments such 
as the Aral sea.

What if the USSR had been different? What if it had tried to preserve 
its natural ecosystems, after the tsar was overthrown?

Full review at http://links.org.au/node/3605

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Honduras, Thailand, France, Warsaw climate talks, mass action, Scottish Labor & unions

2013-11-27 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Honduras, Thailand, France, Warsaw climate talks, 
mass action, Scottish Labor & unions

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   Honduras: Massive fraud attempts to deny LIBRE victory

By *Elena Zeledon*
November 26, 2013 -- Three of the main political parties contesting the 
November 24 election in Honduras are accusing the oligarchy-controlled 
Supreme Elections Tribunal of vote manipulation and fraud following a 
massive voter turnout on election day.

 * Read more 

   Honduras: The importance of Xiomara Castro's November 24
   presidential election campaign 

By *Elena Zeledon*
November 23, 2013 -- On November 24 the people of Honduras will elect 
Xiomara Castro Sarmiento de Zelaya as the first woman, and the first 
avowedly socialist, president of the republic. Her election, if not 
stolen by fraudulent methods, which is extremely likely given the terror 
her potential election is causing in the ranks of the ruling oligarchy, 
will represent the fruits of nearly 20 years of direct and organised 
mass struggle for social, labour and human rights.

 * Read more 

   Thailand: Behind the latest reactionary 'Yellow Shirt' protests

By *Giles Ji Ungpakorn*
November 24, 2013 -- The disastrous and disgraceful amnesty bill, put 
forward by Yingluck Shinawatra's Pheu Thai government in early November 
stirred up a hornet's nest of "Yellow-Shirt" buzzing. Thousands of 
middle-class royalists, led by the notorious Democrat Party, have been 
demonstrating in an attempt to get rid of the government and all of 
Thaksin's influence. They were very upset that the amnesty bill would 
have allowed Thaksin Shinawatra to return. These are the people who 
called for and supported the 2006 military coup against Thaksin's 
democratically elected government. These are also the people who 
supported the bloody crackdown on Red Shirt protesters in 2010. Democrat 
Party strongman Sutep, addressing a crowd of supporters, called for the 
"restoration of full monarchy rule".

 * Read more 

   France: 'We need a tax revolution', says Left Front's Jean-Luc

November 24, 2013 -- Leader of France's Left Front (Front de Gauche) 
Jean-Luc Mélenchon was interviewed on November 9, 2013, about the March 
2014 municipal elections, and the disputes that have erupted within the 
front around them.

 * Read more 

   Poland: UN climate talks go nowhere -- yet again

By *Chris Williams
*November 22, 2013 -- "The smell of inaction" is how Dipti Bhatnagar, 
Friends of the Earth Mozambique's international program director for 
climate justice and energy, summed up the atmosphere inside the giant 
Narodowy Stadium after the first week of the latest round of 
international climate negotiations, Conference of the Parties, otherwise 
known as COP 19, taking place November 11-22, 2013, in Warsaw.

 * Read more 

   Mass action key to winning change 

By *Sue Bolton*
November 16, 2013 -- Over the years, I have heard many left-wing 
activists say that mass peaceful protests do not achieve anything. 
Rather, "militant actions" which "take it up to the ruling class" are 
more important. But for smaller direct actions to have any real 
political significance, they have to be connected to a patient and 
democratic approach to building mass movements that can win reforms. 
Smaller direct actions that are not tied to this political aim are a 

 * Read more 

   Scottish socialists debate trade union links with the Labour Party

November 22, 2013 -- The /Scottish Left Review/ (issue 79) published 
this roundtable of the relationship of the trade unions and the British 
Labour Party.

* * *

*Gregor Gall *reviews**Len McCluskey's Jimmy Reid Memorial Lecture and 
concludes that the Unite leader is perhaps too generous in identify

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Strengthening the socialist movement, Socialist defeats Democrat, UN votes down blockade, Denmark, Ven. film, Canadian imperialism, Poland climate talks

2013-11-20 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Strengthening the socialist movement, Socialist 
defeats Democrat, UN votes down blockade, Denmark, Ven. film, Canadian 
imperialism, Poland climate talks

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   Dave Holmes: Strengthening the socialist movement today

By *Dave Holmes*
[The following talk was presented at the Socialist Ideas Conference held 
in Melbourne, November 2, 2013, organised by the Socialist Alliance.]

November 18, 2013 -- In Australia, as in all the imperialist countries, 
the capitalist class is carrying out a massive assault on all the gains 
won by working people in more than 150 years. Every TV news bulletin 
these days features reports of cutbacks, selloffs and outsourcing, 
attacks on workers' rights and attacks on civil liberties --- as well as 
wars and massive misery abroad. With social democracy firmly in the 
neoliberal camp and the left marginalised, the capitalist class sees its 
chance and is pressing home the attack as vigorously as possible.

 * Read more 

   United States: Seattle socialist Kshama Sawant defeats Democrat

/Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ congratulates *Kshama 
Sawant* and US Socialist Alternative on their important and inspiring 
success in the Seattle City Council election.

November 15, 2013, Seattle, Washington -- Today's King County elections 
ballot count saw the Socialist Alternative candidate for Seattle City 
Council, Kshama Sawant, pulling further ahead of 16-year Democratic 
Party incumbent, Richard Conlin. The socialist candidate has now won 
88,222 votes compared to Conlin's 86,582. After today's count was 
released, Richard Conlin announced he was conceding the race.

 * Read more 

   Uncle Sam's UN blues: Washington's anti-Cuba policy isolated --

By *Ike Nahem*
November 10, 2013 -- Annually, a near ritual unfolds in the Autumn 
session of the United Nations General Assembly: the assembled states and 
governments dutifully, in near-unanimous consensus, vote in favour of a 
Resolution on the "Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial, and 
Financial Embargo by the United States of America Against Cuba".

 * Read more 

   Denmark: Red-Green Alliance big winner in municipal elections

By *Anne Rehder*, international secretary, Enhedslisten (Red-Green 
Alliance, Denmark)
November 20, 2013 -- Denmark's municipal and regional elections on 
November 19 were a historic success for the Red-Green Alliance (RGA or 
Enhedslisten). We are now a nationwide party with representatives in all 
regions and corners of Denmark. With an increase in votes from the 
previous election in 2009 from 2.3% to 6.9%. The RGA now has seats in 79 
municipalities and all regions of Denmark, up from only a presence in 10 
municipalities and one representative in the capital region around 
Copenhagen. The total number of city councillors has gone from 14 to 119 
and from one regional elected to 15.

 * Read more 

   New film: 'Viva Venezuela: Fighting for Socialism'

November 19, 2013 -- In October 2012 Venezuela faced a choice: whether 
to deepen the Bolivarian Revolution that under the leadership of Hugo 
Chavez had brought dignity, health, education and hope -- or to return 
to a brutal, unequal, neoliberal society where oil wealth lined the 
pockets of multinational companies and Venezuela's elite. The people of 
Venezuela who voted for Chavez, voted to fight for socialism.

 * Read more 

   Canada: Behind Stephen Harper's imperialist agenda

By *Greg Albo*
November 17, 2013 -- It has become commonplace to observe that the 
Conservative government of Stephen Harper has been re-making the symbols 
and practices of the Canadian state. Canada, in this view, was once the 
social democratic heartland of North America. But under Harper, Canada 
has been transformed into a hyper-regime of n

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Typhoon Haiyan, Brian Manning and East Timor, France, Venezuela, John Riddell, Russell Brand, Argentina

2013-11-12 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Typhoon Haiyan, Brian Manning and East Timor, 
France,Venezuela, John Riddell, Russell Brand, Argentina

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   Philippines' Typhoon Haiyan crisis: For climate justice now! Fight,
   don't be afraid! Makibaka! Huwag Matakot!

Statement by the *Partido Lakas ng Masa* (Party of the Labouring Masses, 

   [We're turning the PLM office into a relief goods' collection office
   for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda, especially for Leyte and
   Samar victims, where we have some families, comrades and friends to
   assist for possible distribution. We'll also link up to appropriate
   relief organisations to send what we can collect. Transport lines
   have been opened. Please bring relief goods (water, medicines, rice,
   canned goods and other items) to PLM Office: 13 Rigor St., Bgy.
   Masagana, Project 4, Quezon City. Tel. 439-5811.

 * Read more 

   Brian Manning (1932-2013): Charlie India Echo Tango calling Timor

On November 3, 2013, *Brian Manning* -- veteran Northern Territory 
communist, trade unionist, campaigner against racism, long-time activist 
for Indigenous people's rights and solidarity campaigner with the East 
Timorese people (among many other causes) -- died in Darwin, aged 81. 
Brian won enormous respect for his commitment to human rights and his 
unstinting dedication to changing the system.
As a tribute to Brian, /Links International Journal of Socialist 
Renewal/ highlights another important chapter in his inspiring political 
life: his important role in the building solidarity the struggle of the 
East Timorese people for national self-determination. (See also "Brian 
Manning and the Gurindji `walk offs' ".)

 * Read more 

   France: As National Front support grows, strategy struggle erupts in
   Left Front 

By *Dick Nichols*
November 6, 2013 -- October was a month of sharp shifts in French 
politics. On October 4, a poll in the French weekly /Nouvel Observateur 
/showed the xenophobic and racist National Front (FN) of Marine Le Pen 
leading voting intentions for the 2014 European elections with the 
support of 24% of those interviewed---up 3% in six months.

 * Read more 

   Venezuela: Maduro, workers act to end big business' 'economic war'

By *Ryan Mallett-Outtrim*, Merida
November 7, 2013 -- Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro has announced a 
slew of policy reforms aimed at combating speculation and hoarding, 
along with the creation of new government institutions to regulate trade 
and oversee foreign currency exchange. Describing the package of reforms 
as an "economic offensive", Maduro pledged to "strike hard" at 
speculators and hoarders.

 * Read more 

   John Riddell: Do we need an anti-capitalist government? United
   fronts in the 20th and 21st centuries 

November 11, 2013 -- *John Riddell*, editor and translator of /Towards 
the United Front: Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the Communist 
International, 1922/, speaking in London on November 3, 2013, at the 
"Building Unity, Taking Power: Left Histories and Contemporary Practice" 
seminar organised by the Anti-Capitalist Initiative, International 
Socialist Network and Socialist Resistance. The above talk is "Do we 
need an anti-capitalist government".

 * Read more 

   Russell Brand is right, we need a revolution (but his sexism is

By *Stuart Munckton*
November 2, 2013 -- Comedian, Hollywood star and former host of MTV and 
/Big Brother's Big Mouth/ Russell Brand took on veteran BBC broadcaster 
Jeremy Paxman in a /Newsnight/ interview subsequently viewed millions of 
times on YouTube (see above). The journalist, veteran of many bruising 
encounters with politicians of all stripes, decisively lost. Brand was 
interviewed because he had just guest-edited a special edition of 

[Marxism] Philippines' Typhoon Haiyan crisis: For climate justice now! Fight, don’t be afraid! Makibaka! Huwag Matakot! | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-11-09 Thread glparramatta

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Statement by the *Partido Lakas ng Masa* (Party of the Labouring Masses, 
PLM), Philippines

November 10, 2013 -- Partido Lakas ng Masa  -- The 
people are still reeling from the impacts of possibly the biggest 
typhoon to strike the country. Death toll numbers are rising rapidly. 
There is massive devastation. Many are still trying to contact their 
relatives, friends and comrades, but communication systems are down, in 
the hardest hit areas. How should we, as socialists, respond to the crisis?

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3587

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[Marxism] Argentina: Mid-term elections signal shift in political mood | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-11-09 Thread glparramatta

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By *Raul Bassi*

November 7, 2013 -- Three key tendencies marked mid-term elections in 
Argentina: a continued decline in support for President Cristina 
Fernandez de Kirchner (pictured) and her Peronist-allied Front for 
Victory (FPV), the re-emergence of new forces to its right, and what 
many have dubbed a "historic" vote for the Trotskyist left.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3583

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: General Vo Nguyen Giap, Doug Lorimer, Belgium, wealth inequality, Espanol, South Africa, NUMSA, Love & revolution

2013-10-29 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: General Vo Nguyen Giap, Doug Lorimer, Belgium, 
wealth inequality, Espanol, South Africa, NUMSA, Love & revolution

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   General Vo Nguyen Giap (1911-2013): Military hero, revolutionary
   intellectual, environmentalist 

By *Michael Karadjis*
October 24, 2013 --Few people from the 20th century can really claim to 
have changed history. One of them without a doubt was General Vo Nguyen 
Giap, who led the Vietnamese people to defeat the French and US empires.

 * Read more 

   In memory of Doug Lorimer 

[For more by or about *Doug Lorimer, click HERE* 

By *Dave Holmes*
These brief remarks were delivered at a memorial meeting for Doug 
Lorimer in Melbourne on October 25, 2013

 * Read more 

   Belgium: Eight questions on trade union independence and politics

Document of the *General Federation of Belgian Labour* (Fédération 
Générale du Travail de Belgique/Algemeen Belgisch Vakverbond, FGTB/ABVV) 
in Charleroi and Sud-Hainaut, Belgium
October 22, 2013 -- The Charleroi and Sud-Hainaut regional organisation 
is the second biggest of the FGTB in membership terms (102,000). It has 
just printed 10,000 copies of a pamphlet whose key passages are 
reproduced below.

 * Read more 

   Global wealth inequality: top 1% own 41%; top 10% own 86%; bottom
   half own just 1% 

By *Michael Roberts*
October 10, 2013 -- Just 8.4% of all the 5 billion adults in the world 
own 83.4% of all household wealth (that's property and financial assets, 
like stocks, shares and cash in the bank). About 393 million people have 
net worth (that's wealth after all debt is accounted for) of over 
$100,000, that's 10% own 86% of all household wealth!

 * Read more 

   `Foro Social Latinamericano', October 2013 issue: Green Left
   Weekly's Spanish-language supplement 

October 27, 2013 -- Providing facts and analysis, and publicising and 
organising Latin America solidarity activities in Australia, /Green Left 
Weekly and Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal /has sought 
to promote greater understanding and solidarity between the people of 
Australia and Latin America.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: 'Beacon of hope' still flickers faintly

By *Terry Bell*
October 25, 2013 -- "South Africa has rather fallen off the radar", the 
BBC journalist noted. This was similar to comments voiced by former 
anti-apartheid activists and by several one-time /strugglista/ exiles, 
mainly in London, who never returned home to settle. Because, in the 
mainstream media of Europe, there is little mention of South Africa; 
and, after six weeks abroad, it was for me a useful reminder of how 
minor is our role in global political and economic affairs.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: 'Political power without economic power is like an
   empty tin' -- NUMSA leader Irvin Jim 

   /It is obvious that the black capitalist class favours
   capitalism and that it will do its best to influence the
   post-apartheid society in this direction./

   /It is obvious that the black middle and upper classes who take
   part in a broad liberation alliance will jostle for hegemony and
   attempt to represent their interests as the interests of all

   /It is obvious that (like their counterparts in every part of
   the world) the black middle and upper strata, who find
   themselves on the side of the people's struggle, are often
   inconsistent and vacillating. They are usually the enemy's
   softest targets for achieving a reformist, rather than a
   revolutionary, outcome./

   -- *Joe Slovo*, /The South African Working Class and the
   National Democratic Revolution,/ 1988.

*Irvin Jim*, general secretary,

[Marxism] General Vo Nguyen Giap (1911-2013): Military hero, revolutionary intellectual, environmentalist | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-10-23 Thread glparramatta

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By *Michael Karadjis*

October 24, 2013 -- Few people from the 20th century can really claim to 
have changed history. One of them without a doubt was General Vo Nguyen 
Giap, who led the Vietnamese people to defeat the French and US empires.

Giap died on October 4, aged 102.

While mainly remembered as a military leader, Giap was also one of 
Vietnam's most significant political leaders, a revolutionary 
intellectual, an environmentalist and a campaigner for progressive 
change within his own country.

According to Vietnamese law, state funerals are only given to former 
heads of state or government. Giap never attained any of these titles. 
Defence Minister for long periods, deputy prime minister was highest 
official post he rose to. Heads of the armed forces don't get them.

Yet there was never a chance the ruling Communist Party wouldn't break 
the rules for Giap, regarded to be a national treasure. The very 
suggestion of it over the last few years provoked outrage. The mass 
outpouring for his funeral demonstrated the enormous esteem in which he 
was held.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3565

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[Marxism] Western Australia: Socialist councillor re-elected in Fremantle | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-10-20 Thread glparramatta

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Socialist Alliance Western Australia's co-convenor Sam Wainwright was 
re-elected to the Fremantle municipal council on October 19. In the 
other wards, progressive councillors defeated conservative opponents, 
and Greens Mayor Brad Pettitt was also returned.

Wainwright won 58% of the vote in his ward compared to 33% at the 2009 
poll. Wainwright's absolute vote also increased from 438 votes to 602 
this year.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3561

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[Marxism] Malaysia: PSM members win RM200, 000 settlement in false imprisonment case | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-10-09 Thread glparramatta

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October 8, 2013 -- From reports in the Malaysian press -- The Malaysia 
government has agreed to pay six Socialist Party of Malaysia 
 (Parti Sosialis Malaysia, PSM) members 
RM200,000 (approx. US$63,000) following the settlement of the lawsuit 
filed for false imprisonment at the High Court.

Full: http://links.org.au/node/3550

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: John Bellamy Foster, Malaysia, Balearic Islands (Spain), Meltdown 5 years later, Pakistan, Swaziland, Austria, Egypt & Gaza

2013-10-09 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: John Bellamy Foster, Malaysia, Balearic Islands 
(Spain), Meltdown 5 years later, Pakistan, Swaziland, Austria, Egypt & Gaza

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   John Bellamy Foster: The epochal crisis -- the combined capitalist
   economic and planetary ecological crises 

By *John Bellamy Foster*

   /Parts of this argument on epochal crisis were presented in three
   overlapping keynote addresses in: (1) Esslingen, Germany on May 30,
   2013, at a conference on Marxist thought organized by the Berlin
   Institute of Critical Theory (InkriT) and the /Historisch-Kritisches
   Wörterbuch Des Marximus/; (2) New York City on June 9, 2013, at the
   closing plenary of the Left Forum; and (3) Dublin on June 27, 2013,
   at the annual conference of the International Association for Media
   and Communication Research. The argument has been revised and
   updated based on the original notes for these talks./

 * Read more 

   Malaysia: Kampong Hakka --- when 100 years of community residence
   does not matter 

By *S. Arutcheclvan*, general-secretary, Socialist Party of Malaysia

October 3, 2013 -- The first Monday of every October is designated by 
the United Nations as World Habitat Day. The main purpose to celebrate 
this date is to reflect on the basic right of all to adequate shelter. 
The UN has dedicated one day to highlight the plight of people fighting 
for shelter as it seems that the right to a home is one of the most 
fundamental human rights. With this, let me argue the case of kampong 
Hakka in Mantin, Negeri Sembilan.
When I first stepped into kampong Hakka a year ago, I was amazed that a 
Chinese new village complete with temple, community hall and school 
existed in this village and I was further shocked to learn that all the 
people living there have been declared illegals just because some rich 
company has bought their land.

 * Read more 

   Balearic Islands (Spain): Attack on language rights provokes
   indefinite teachers' strike, citizens' revolt

By *Dick Nichols*
October 1, 2013 -- The school year should have already begun on the 
Balearic Islands (Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera, near the 
eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula), but it hasn't. Since September 
16, high school and primary teachers have been on an indefinite strike.
On September 30, after an earlier mass meeting of the cross-union 
Teachers' Assembly voted to stay out, the strike entered its third week.
The day before, the Balearic Islands saw their biggest ever 
demonstrations, when at least 100,000 came out to support the teachers 
and to protest against the education and language policy of the regional 
People's Party (PP) government of Jose Ramon Bauzá and his education 
minister Joana Maria Camps.

 * Read more 

   Five years after the economic meltdown: Riches for some, poverty for
   the rest 

By *Rupen Savoulian*
October 5, 2013 -- Five years ago, in September 2008, the giant 
investment bank Lehman Brothers collapsed, filing for bankruptcy. This 
was the largest, but not the only, banking and investment firm to go 
under in that year, signalling the beginning of the ongoing capitalist 
economic crisis. Bear Sterns, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, IndyMac and a 
host of financial institutions went bust, were taken over by the US 
federal government (yes, in the United States where private corporations 
are venerated, banks were nationalised) and returned to private 
ownership or continued in different forms.

 * Read more 

   Photo story: Awami Workers Party leads demonstration against land
   grabs and evictions 

By *Farooq Tariq*
October 3, 2013 -- The Awami Workers Party (AWP) organised a rally in 
Islamabad for land rights and against the eviction of Katchi Abadies 
dwellers. More than 2000 marched from Aab Para Chouck to national 
parliament in Islamabad, a distance of 4 kilometres.

 * Read more 

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Suttner on ANC, Bolivia Malaysia solidarity, Mexico, A day with Maduro, Mike Marqusee on left unity, Karl Marx, Melenchon on Syria

2013-10-02 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Suttner on ANC, Bolivia, Malaysia solidarity, 
Mexico, A day with Maduro, Mike Marqusee on left unity, Karl Marx, 
Melenchon on Syria

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   Raymond Suttner: 'The ANC-SACP-COSATU alliance has sold its soul'

By *Raymond Suttner *

September 27, 2013 -- For some time political commentators have been 
proved wrong when predicting the collapse of the tripartite alliance 
(made up of the African National Congress, the South African Communist 
Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions) and suggesting 
that splits in these organisations could lead to the formation of a new 
political party that might displace the ANC.

At this moment, for the first time one can say without any sense of 
exaggeration, the ANC, South African Communist Party, COSATU alliance, 
insofar as it exists, has no ideological coherence or significance and 
provides little political leadership and direction. It may exist as a 
name but it no longer captures the moral fervour that led millions to 
place their hopes in them.

The glue that binds survives at the leadership level, where the spoils 
of office have been spread to a significant number of members of the 
SACP leadership and a fair number of former COSATU leaders. With the 
absorption of the top COSATU leadership into the ANC's national 
executive committee, the relationship is consolidated by the prospect of 
their being offered cabinet posts or other rewards, which are part of 
the largesse that the ANC in government can dispense.

 * Read more 

   Bolivia's radical response to provocations from the US empire

By *Richard Fidler*, La Paz, Bolivia
September 26, 2013 -- Washington's refusal to allow Venezuela's 
President Nicolás Maduro to over-fly its colony of Puerto Rico on 
September 19 attracted little attention in the North American and 
European media. But in Latin America this arrogant gesture drew 
immediate outrage.

 * Read more 

   Malaysia: Urgent protest needed -- Socialist leader and 11 other
   activists detained in anti-eviction struggle

October 1, 2013 -- Please spread the news that the Socialist Party of 
Malaysia 's general secretary S. Arutchelvan 
(Arul) and 11 other protesters have been detained. Please contact the 
Mantin Police Station to question the arrests and demand the release of 
those detained. Call chief inspector Rashid on 067581 to demand 
their release. Please email solidarity messages to int@gmail.com 

 * Read more 

   Mexico: Largest teachers' union actions in history win moral
   victory, struggle continues 

By *Dan La Botz*
September 25, 2013 -- Since school began again on August 19, tens of 
thousands of teachers have been engaged in strikes and demonstrations 
throughout Mexico---including seizing public buildings, highway toll 
booths and border crossing stations, occupying public buildings and city 
plazas, and blocking foreign embassies---actions taken against the 
Education Reform Law and the new Professional Teaching Law and over 
local demands linked to wages and working conditions. While these are 
traditional tactics, these are the largest and most militant teachers' 
union demonstrations in Mexican history.

 * Read more 

   Venezuela: A day with Nicolas Maduro 

*Nicolas Maduro* interviewed by Spain's /El Viejo Topo's / *Víctor Ríos* 
and *Miguel Riera*
September 26, 2013 -- Very little is known about Nicolas Maduro, 
president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in Spain. [There's] 
scarcely four lines, mainly contributed by the mass media which is 
hostile to the revolutionary process. Spain's /El Viejo Topo/ wanted to 
get to know him, and the Venezuelan president accepted the interview 
without any hassles.

 * Read more 

   Britain: Mike Marqusee on Left Unity -- 'A party to dream of'

[Marxism] Balearic Islands (Spain): Attack on language rights provokes indefinite teachers’ strike, citizens' revolt | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-10-01 Thread glparramatta

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By *Dick Nichols*

October 1, 2013 – The school year should have already begun on the 
Balearic Islands (Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera, near the 
eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula), but it hasn’t. Since September 
16, high school and primary teachers have been on an indefinite strike.

On September 30, after an earlier mass meeting of the cross-union 
Teachers’ Assembly voted to stay out, the strike entered its third week.

The day before, the Balearic Islands saw their biggest ever 
demonstrations, when at least 100,000 came out to support the teachers 
and to protest against the education and language policy of the regional 
People’s Party (PP) government of Jose Ramon Bauzá and his education 
minister Joana Maria Camps.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3537

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[Marxism] Venezuela: A day with Nicolas Maduro

2013-09-28 Thread glparramatta

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   Venezuela: A day with Nicolas Maduro

*Nicolas Maduro* interviewed by Spain's /El Viejo Topo's / *Víctor Ríos* 
and *Miguel Riera*, translated by by *Tamara Pearson*

September 26, 2013 -- Very little is known about Nicolas Maduro, 
president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in Spain. [There's] 
scarcely four lines, mainly contributed by the mass media which is 
hostile to the revolutionary process. Spain's /El Viejo Topo/ wanted to 
get to know him, and the Venezuelan president accepted the interview 
without any hassles.

But the invitation from Maduro wasn't limited to just an interview. 
Immersed in what has been baptised the "Street Government", the 
president has been visiting, over the last 100 days of his government, 
all the nooks and crannies of his country. Practically every day he has 
visited a different place, accompanied by some minister, taking note of 
the principle problems in the area, talking with people, approving 
projects. One could say that during this period the government of 
Venezuela has had a somewhat itinerant character -- something surprising 
for us, as we're used to a Spanish president who has so little contact 
with the people that he talks to the press through a plasma screen, 
hiding his physical presence from the mortal journalists.

Well then, the president invited a team from /El Viejo Topo/ to 
accompany him during one of these work days, and in that way, as that 
day progressed, the interview would be held. It was a unique chance to 
observe up close the Venezuelan head of state.

Full article http://links.org.au/node/3533

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Syria & the US-Russia deal, Norway, Die Linke, Ecuador, Pakistan, sweatshops, Egypt & history, Catalonia

2013-09-25 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Syria & the US-Russia deal, Norway, Die Linke, 
Ecuador, Pakistan, sweatshops, Egypt & history, Catalonia

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   Syria: War threat, the US-Russia deal and some left delusions

By *Michael Karadjis*
September 25, 2013 -- For two and a half years, the Bashar Assad regime 
has waged a barbaric war against the Syrian populace, using long-range 
missiles, fighter aircraft, helicopter gunships, tanks, artillery, 
cluster bombs and almost certainly chemical weapons, not to forget 
everyday machine gunning and torture, in a bid to crush the heroic 
uprising of Syria's "wretched of the earth", the peasants and urban 
poor, against his gangster-capitalist regime.

 * Read more 

   Why Norway's 'red-green' government was defeated by the right-wing

By *Asbjørn Wahl* and *Roy Pedersen*
September 20, 2013 -- The red-green coalition government in Norway, 
whose political platform when it took power in 2005 was called the most 
progressive in Europe, experienced a bitter defeat in the country's 
parliamentary election on September 9. A coalition of four centre-right 
and right-wing parties, including a right-wing populist party, gained a 
solid majority and are now negotiating the political platform for a new 

 * Read more 

   Germany: Far-left Die Linke becomes third biggest party in

September 23, 2013 -- Despite dropping a few percentage points since 
2009, the socialist Left party (Die Linke) celebrated becoming the third 
biggest party in Germany's parliament after the September 22 general 
election. For a party well-used to being excluded from post-election 
celebrations, the atmosphere at Die Linke's election party was first of 
tense excitement, and then of triumph.

 * Read more 

   (Updated Sept. 24) Syria: West's hypocritical war drive slowed

By *Barry Sheppard*
September 15, 2013 -- The proposal by Russia, accepted by the regime of 
Bashar Al-Assad, for Syria's chemical weapons to be turned over to an 
international authority (presumably the United Nations) for destruction, 
has temporarily put off Washington's plans for war against Syria.

 * Read more 

   Ecuador: Some observations on the controversary over oil development
   in Yasuní-ITT 

By *Gerard Coffey*
September 16, 2013 -- The remarkable proposal by Ecuador to leave about 
900 million barrels of heavy crude in the ground in exchange for 
international contributions amounting to about half its value, was 
recently abandoned by President Rafael Correa.

 * Read more 

   Pakistan 'anti-terrorism' court jails left-wing activists for 10
   years for protesting 

By *Haseeb ur Rahman*
September 21, 2013 -- In January 2010, a terrible disaster unfolded in 
the Hunza Valley in Gilgit Baltistan (a formerly self-governing 
territory occupied by Pakistan since 1948) when a massive landslide 
blocked the Hunza River and formed a gigantic 19 kilometre-wide lake 
that submerged four villages. Some 25 people lost their lives and 6000 
people were displaced. Following an international solidarity campaign, 
Baba Jan was released after a year in detention but his companions were 
kept in jail.

 * Read more 

   Who really benefits from sweatshops? 

By *David L. Wilson*
September 19, 2013 --Consumers are ultimately the ones responsible for 
dangerous conditions in garment assembly plants in the global South, 
Hong Kong-based business executive Bruce Rockowitz told the /New York 
Times /recently. The problem is that improved safety would raise the 
price of clothing, according to Rockowitz, who heads Li & Fung Limited, 
a sourcing company that hooks up retailers like Macy's and Kohl's with 
suppliers in low-wage countries like Bangladesh. "So far", he said, 
"consumers have just not be

[Marxism] France: Front de Gauche leader Jean-Luc Melechon opposes attack on Syria | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-09-24 Thread glparramatta

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Front de Gauche leader Jean-Luc Melenchon discusses the threat of a US 
attack on Syria, broadcast September 1, 2013.


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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Battle of Chile, Allende and 21st century socialism, Catalonia, Chin Peng, Michael Lebowitz, Swaziland, S.Africa, capitalism and sexism

2013-09-18 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Battle of Chile, Allende and 21st century 
socialism, Catalonia, Chin Peng, Michael Lebowitz, Swaziland, S.Africa, 
capitalism and sexism

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   The other September 11: 'The Battle of Chile', Patricio Guzmán's
   classic documentary 

September 11, 2013 -- Patricio Guzmán's classic documentary, /The Battle 
of Chile/. Uploaded on the 40th anniversary of US-backed General Augusto 
Pinochet's bloody coup against the socialist government of Salvador 
Allende -- the other "September 11".

 * Watch at http://links.org.au/node/3513

   Catalonia: Showdown with Spanish state looms after huge protest

By *Dick Nichols*, Barcelona

September 16, 2013 -- On September 11, Catalonia's national day (the 
/Diada/), around 1.6 million Catalans linked arms to form the /Via 
Catalana/ (Catalan Way), a 400-kilometre human chain demanding a 
referendum on independence for the country.

 * Read more 

   Malaysia: Chin Peng 'a determined, resourceful anti-colonial and
   anti-imperialist fighter' 

By *Choo Chon Kai*, International Bureau, Socialist Party of Malaysia 
/Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)
September 17, 2013 -- The Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) is deeply 
saddened over the passing of Chin Peng, secretary-general of the 
Communist Party of Malaya (CPM). We would like to express our 
condolences to Chin Peng's family and his comrades in the CPM. Chin Peng 
was a determined, resourceful anti-colonial and anti-imperialist fighter 
who led the heroic struggle against the Japanese occupation and British 
colonisation of Malaya. He played a significant role in the national 
liberation struggle of Malaya and he definitely has his place in the 
history of the independence of our country.

 * Read more 

   Michael Lebowitz: Some explanations of the fall of 'real socialism'

By *Michael Lebowitz*
September 13, 2013 -- Why did "real socialism" and, in particular the 
Soviet Union, fall? Let me note a few explanations that have been 
offered. With respect to the Soviet Union, one very interesting 
explanation that has been suggested is that it's all the fault of 
Mikhail Gorbachev. And not simply the errors of Gorbachev but the 
treachery. Those who offer this explanation rely in particular upon a 
document which is sometimes described as his confession.

 * Read more 

   Swaziland: Communist Party leader arrested during 'election' boycott

Statement by the *Communist Party of Swaziland*
September 15, 2013 -- On September 14, Swaziland's police special unit 
Lukhozi arrested Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS) deputy general 
secretary Musa Dube while he was campaigning for a boycott of the 
"elections" being staged by the regime of King Mswati on September 20.

 * Read more 

   Capitalism, sexual violence and sexism 

By *Kavita Krishnan*

The brutal gang rape of a woman in December 2012 triggered a mass 
movement against violence against women in India. The perpetrators were 
sentenced on September 13, 2013 -- Sexual violence cannot be attributed 
simply to some men behaving in "anti-social" or "inhuman" ways: it has 
everything to do with the way society is structured: i.e., the way in 
which our society organises production and accordingly structures social 
relationships. Once we understand this, we can also recognise that 
society /can/ be structured differently, in ways that do not require -- 
or benefit from -- the subordination of women or of any section of society.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: World's longest running current industrial dispute
   sets example for us all 

By *Mike Marqusee*

   /*"Ex-Midrand Council Workers in Dispute Since 1994!*/*/Dismissed
   for fighting corruption in 1994 and still fighting today! 20 years
   of Sacrifice! 20 Years of Poverty! 

[Marxism] Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal just had its 2.5 millionth unique visitor

2013-09-14 Thread glparramatta

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Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal (http://links.org.au) 
just had its 2.5 millionth unique visitor ... Those visitors have read 
3,338,000 articles. Subscribe free at 

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Chile, the other 9-11; Marta Harnecker, Marxism & ecology, visit Venezuela, Allende, Turkey, Syria, 'environmental catastrophism'?

2013-09-11 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Chile, the other 9-11; Marta Harnecker, Marxism & 
ecology, visit Venezuela, Allende, Turkey, Syria, 'environmental 

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   The other September 11: US backed coup in Chile, 1973

An excerpt from *John Pilger*'s documentary /The War on Democracy/, 
which recounts the involvement of the United States government in the 
brutal 1973 military coup that overthrew the democratic socialist 
government of President Salvador Allende -- paradoxically on September 
11. It ushered in a regime of torture and tyranny. [Click *HERE 
* to watch Pilger's full film.]

Below, see director *Ken Loach*'s moving contribution to the /11"9'01/ 

Watch at http://links.org.au/node/1242

   New pamphlet by Marta Harnecker: 'Instruments for doing politics

September 5, 2013
By *Marta Harnecker*, translated by *Elizabeth Briemberg* and revised by 
*Fred Fuentes* and *Bill Fletcher*

 * Read more 

   Simon Butler: Marxism and the ecological revolution (audio)

September 4, 2013 -- Australian Socialist Alliance 
 national executive member *Simon 
Butler* gave this speech, "Marxism and the ecological revolution", at 
the Marxism 2013 conference , which was 
held in Melbourne, Australia, over March 28-31. The conference was 
organised by Socialist Alternative. Butler explores Karl Marx and 
Friedrich Engels' much neglected insights into the anti-ecological 
dynamic of capitalism, a system based on the dual exploitation of labour 
and nature.

 * Read more 

   Rego date extended for 2013 solidarity brigade to Venezuela: Witness
   a people's revolution! 

September 10, 2013 -- The registraion date for those wishing to join the 
Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network 
's next brigade to revolutionary 
Venezuela has been *extended to October 1, 2013*. Don't miss out! The 
solidarity tour, to run from *December 4 to 13* *this year*, will be the 
first AVSN brigade since the election of President Nicolas Maduro 
following the death of Hugo Chavez.

 * Read more 

   Chile: Allende's foreign policy was a forerunner for today's Latin

By *Jorge Magasich*, translated for /Links International Journal of 
Socialist Renewal /by *Richard Fidler*
September 10, 2013 -- When Salvador Allende took office in November 
1970, Chile was aligned with the United States. The foreign policy of 
his Popular Unity (UP -- Unidad Popular) government, a coalition of 
almost all the left parties, broke sharply from this Cold War bloc.

 * Read more 

   Turkey: The Gezi uprising and the renewal of the left

By*I. Zekeriya Ayman*
August 30, 2013 --Ender Imrek is a member of the Taksim Platform, the 
key organising centre during the Gezi Park protests. He is also former 
vice-president of the revolutionary socialist party Labour Party-Turkey 
(EMEP) and a central executive member of left-wing umbrella group the 
People's Democratic Congress (HDK).

 * Read more 

   Syria: Pakistan socialists condemn the impending US-led bombing

*[For more left statements on the crisis in Syria, and more coverage, 
click HERE.] *

September 6, 2013 -- Statement by the *Awami Workers Party*, Pakistan
We condemn the impending us bombing of Syria and the hypocrisy of the 
Pakistani government -- including the armed forces -- which claim to be 
against such aggression but themselves pander to the dictates of 
imperialist powers. We similarly reject the claims of right-wing parties 
that are parading themselves as committed anti-imperialists, both in 
Pakistan and around the Muslim world. In fact such parties have enjoyed 
a consensual relationship with imperialist powers 

[Marxism] PDF version of Marta Harnecker's: 'Instruments for doing politics' | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-09-07 Thread glparramatta

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This is the PDF version of *Marta Harnecker'*s */Instruments for doing 
politics/*. You can *download the file HERE*, or read on screen below. 
The HTML version is available at http://links.org.au/node/3510 (which is 
includes a 12-part video in Spanish of Marta Harnecker speaking of the 


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[Marxism] Important new pamphlet on revolutionary organisation, tactics and strategy by Marta Harnecker

2013-09-06 Thread glparramatta
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Important new pamphlet on revolutionary organisation, tactics and strategy
by Marta Harnecker http://links.org.au/node/3510

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Lefts statements on Syria, Anti-Assad & anti-imperialism, climate change, Lars Lih

2013-09-04 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Lefts statements on Syria, Anti-Assad & 
anti-imperialism, climate change, Lars Lih

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   Stop the US-led war on Syria! (Updated Sept. 1)

Statement by the *Socialist Alliance* (Australia)
August 28, 2013 -- The Socialist Alliance condemns the threatened US-led 
Western military assault on Syria. We call on the Australian government 
to reject this latest imperial aggression, to extract itself from its 
military alliance with the US and end its involvement in all aggressive 
multinational military operations.

 * Read more 

   Middle Eastern left: 'We stand behind the Syrian people's
   revolution! No to foreign intervention!' 

Statement by the *Revolutionary Socialists* (Egypt), *Revolutionary Left 
Current* (Syria), *Union of Communists* (Iraq), *Al-Mounadil-a* 
(Morocco), *Socialist Forum* (Lebanon)
August 31, 2013 -- Over 150,000 were killed, hundreds of thousands 
injured and disabled, millions of people displaced inside and outside 
Syria. Cities, villages, and neighborhoods were destroyed fully or 
partially, using all sorts of weapons, including warplanes, scud 
missiles, bombs, and tanks, all paid for by the sweat and blood of the 
Syrian people. This was under the pretext of defending the homeland and 
achieving military balance with Israel (whose occupation of Syrian land 
is, in fact, being protected by the Syrian regime, which failed to reply 
to any of its continuing aggressions).

 * Read more 

   Britain: Solidarity with the people of Syria

Joint statement supported by British socialist organisations, the 
*International Socialist Network*, *Socialist Resistance*, *Workers 
Power*.and the *Anticapitalist Initiative*
August 30, 2013 -- The defeat of the government pro-war resolution in 
parliament [the British House of Commons] is important. Even though the 
Labour Party opposition voted against the Tory motion, it too had 
submitted a pro-war resolution, albeit calling for a pause until after 
the report from the UN weapons inspectors. That resolution was also 
defeated. These votes reflect the anti-war mood in Britain. But as far 
as the USA is concerned, the threat of war is still on the agenda 
possibly using bases in Britain.

 * Read more 

   Roundtable on Syria; Michael Karadjis on arming the anti-Assad

August 29, 2013 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
 -- Below is a statement introducing an 
online symposium on Syria organised by the US Campaign for Peace and 
Democracy (CPD). Participants expressed a variety of views regarding 
what is going on in Syria, but four of the seven -- Michael Karadjis, 
Assaf Kfoury, Salameh Kaileh and Joseph Dahler -- were in agreement that 
the situation in Syria remains fundamentally a people's revolution 
against a repressive capitalist dictatorship.

 * Read more 

   Latin America, Cuba: Against the attack on the Syrian people, no
   more deaths and lies 

Havana, August 28, 2013 -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the 
Republic of Cuba issued the following statement regarding the growing 
threats against Syria. The recent pronouncements of the US government 
and several NATO allies urging military action in Syria, ignoring the 
efforts of some states to reach a political solution to the conflict 
that is bleeding that Arab nation are alarming.

 * Read more 

   European left statements against the threat of US-led war on Syria
   (updated Sept. 3) 

Below are a number of statements (or news reports of statements) by 
European left parties on the crisis in Syria. More will be posted (or 
expanded) as they come to hand.They include *Die Linke *(Germany), 
*Syriza* (Greece), the *Party of the European Left* and the *New 
Anti-Capitalist Party* (France).

 * Read more 


[Marxism] South Africa's most radical trade union

2013-09-03 Thread glparramatta

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 Something to emulate. Brilliant video! Motsotso wa NUMSA (The
 NUMSA moment): South Africa's most radical trade union (video)

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Egypt & the left, Aotearoa/New Zealand, March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

2013-08-27 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Egypt & the left, Aotearoa/New Zealand, March on 
Washington for Jobs and Freedom

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http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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   Egypt: Workers' hopes dashed after military coup

By *Joel Beinin*
August 23, 2013 -- The independent labour movement that has flourished 
in Egypt since the ouster of former president Hosni Mubarak 
enthusiastically supported the Tamarrud (Rebel) campaign for the huge 
June 30 demonstrations asserting a popular vote of no confidence in 
President Mohammad Morsi.

 * Read more 

   Aotearoa/New Zealand: John Minto for Auckland mayor -- 'We need a
   Kiwi socialism' 

By *Daphne Lawless*
August 24, 2013 -- The latest opinion polls 
put John Minto -- teacher, veteran activist and MANA movement candidate 
-- in third place in the race for mayor of Tamaki Makaurau/Auckland, to 
be held on October 12, 2013. Why has John Minto decided to run for the 
most powerful urban office in Aotearoa/New Zealand? He hesitates for 
quite a long time before answering -- he calls it "the hardest question".

 * Read more 

   United States: Socialists, unionists organised MLK's 1963 March for
   Jobs and Freedom 

August 22, 2013 -- It is 50 years since 1963's March on Washington for 
Jobs and Freedom drew more than 200,000 people. A fascinating new book 
from historian William P. Jones puts the 1963 action in its organising 
context. Every US school child learns the opening words of Dr. Martin 
Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech, but how many are taught that the 
march was the brainchild of the nation's leading black labour 
activists---and called not only for an end to prejudice, but also for a 
federal jobs program, equality at work and a boost to the minimum wage?

 * Read more 

   'A Freedom Budget for All': Paul Le Blanc on Martin Luther King's
   struggle for economic and racial justice (now with slideshow)

*Paul Le Blanc* interviewed by *Scott McLemee*
August 21, 2013 -- Three years after the August 28, 1963, March on 
Washington for Jobs and Freedom, a number of its core organisers 
projected a new stage of the struggle for equality -- expanding and 
deepening it, creating the economic and social foundations needed to 
realise Martin Luther King's dream Their program, "A Freedom Budget for 
All Americans", was issued by the A. Philip Randolph Institute in fall 
1966. In his foreword, King called the document "a moral commitment to 
the fundamental principles on which this nation was founded". Chances 
are you've never heard of it.

 * Read more 

   John Riddell on Egypt: Socialists need to rethink the military

By *John Riddell*
August 20, 2013 -- The military massacres in Egypt are "part of a plan 
to liquidate the Egyptian Revolution and restore the military-police 
state of the Mubarak regime", say the Revolutionary Socialists (RS) of 
Egypt in an August 15 statement. Their present analysis contrasts 
sharply with their previous positive appraisal the July 3 military coup 
that ousted Egypt's elected government.

 * Read more 

   Revolutionary Socialists: Letter to Egyptian revolutionaries

Statement by the *Revolutionary Socialists* (Egypt)
August 19, 2013 -- Terrible massacres and violent repression, a huge 
escalation in attacks on Egyptian Christians and churches, and the 
consolidation of the repressive military state continue apace. These are 
the momentous political developments we have experienced during the last 
few weeks.

 * Read more 

   Malaysian socialists: 'Stop the massacres and political violence in

By the *Parti Sosialis Malaysia* (Socialist Party of Malaysia)
August 19, 2013 -- The Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) strongly 
condemns the bloody

[Marxism] Aotearoa/New Zealand: John Minto for Auckland mayor -- 'We need a Kiwi socialism'

2013-08-24 Thread glparramatta

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By *Daphne Lawless *

August 24, 2013 -- /Fightback/, posted at /Links International Journal 
of Socialist Renewal/ with permission -- The latest opinion polls put 
John Minto -- teacher, veteran activist and MANA movement candidate -- 
in third place in the race for mayor of Tamaki Makaurau/Auckland, to be 
held on October 12, 2013. Why has John Minto decided to run for the most 
powerful urban office in Aotearoa/New Zealand? He hesitates for quite a 
long time before answering -- he calls it "the hardest question".

It's certainly not a question of seeking the limelight. A recent 
interview in the /NZ Herald/ by Michelle Hewitson focussed relentlessly 
on delving Minto's personality -- and bringing up what John calls "the 
wallpaper of history" about his 30-year activist career. So he seems 
quite relieved that /Fightback /is interested in his campaign's politics.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3488

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Egypt, united front, Marikana massacre anniversary, COSATU's Vavi suspended, Australia's red-green union

2013-08-20 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Egypt, united front, Marikana massacre anniversary, 
COSATU's Vavi suspended, Australia's red-green union

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   Egypt: End the military repression! 

Statement by the *Socialist Alliance* national executive
August 16, 2013 -- The Socialist Alliance of Australia condemns the 
massacre of protesters by the Egyptian army during the dispersal on 
August 14 of sit-ins at Rabea al-Adaweya and Nahda Square by supporters 
of former president Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. Socialist 
Alliance restates its solidarity with the Egyptian people's mass 
movement against the Morsi government as well our opposition to the July 
3 military coup d'état. We call for the release of all political 
prisoners, the lifting of the month-long emergency rule, the end of 
monitoring and blocking of electronic communications and the attacks on 

 * Read more 

   The role of the united-front tactic 

This talk was presented by *Peter Boyle* representing the then 
Democratic Socialist Party (since merged with the Socialist Alliance) to 
a workshop with comrades from the Peoples Democratic Party (PRD) of 
Indonesia in 2000. It was based on a talk by *Doug Lorimer* to a 
Resistance leadership training school in Sydney on April 24-25, 1995.

 * Read more 

   Marikana massacre: A wake up call ignored

By *Terry Bell*, Cape Town
August 16, 2013 -- Shortly after this column below was written and 
blogged, the South African Communist Party (SACP) issued its statement 
on the first anniversary of the Marikana massacre that reveals the deep 
and dangerous sectarianism of that organisation. Here, I feel, is 
exposed one of the roots of the problem.

 * Read more 

   South Africa: Behind the suspension of COSATU leader Zwelinzima Vavi

Statement of the *Democractic Left Front*, South Africa
August 15, 2013 -- As expected the Congress of South African Trade 
Unions (COSATU) Central Executive Committee took a decision to suspend 
Zwelinzima Vavi, its general secretary. An internal probe will now sit 
and in all likelihood find him guilty of bringing COSATU into disrepute 
and he will be permanently removed from the leadership of COSATU.

 * Read more 

   Egypt: Revolutionary Socialists on the latest massacre in Cairo

 Down with military rule! Down with Al-Sisi, the leader of the

Statement by the *Revolutionary Socialists*, Egypt
August 14, 2013 -- The bloody dissolution of the sit-ins in Al-Nahda 
Square and Raba'a al-Adawiyya is nothing but a massacre---prepared in 
advance. It aims to liquidate the Muslim Brotherhood. But, it is also 
part of a plan to liquidate the Egyptian Revolution and restore the 
military-police state of the Mubarak regime.

 * Read more 

   'Rocking the Foundations' -- the story of Australia's pioneering
   red-green trade union 

August 14, 2013 -- An outstanding historical account of the "Green Bans" 
first introduced by the communist-led New South Wales Builders Labourers 
Federation (BLF) in the 1970s in response to community demand to 
preserve inner-city parkland and historic buildings. One of the first 
women to be accepted as a builders labourer, filmmaker Pat Fiske in 1985 
traced the development of a union whose social and political activities 
challenged the notion of what a union should be.

 * Read more 

* * *
Links seeks to promote the international exchange of information, 
experience of struggle, theoretical analysis and views of political 
strategy and tactics within the international left. It is a forum for 
open and constructive dialogue between active socialists coming from 
different political traditions. It seeks to bring together those in the 
international left who are opposed to neoliberal economic and social 
policies. It aims to pr

[Marxism] What's new at Links: Left Unity, Latin America, Philippines, US socialist's 35%, Solomon Islands, John Bellamy Foster, Barry Commoner, Zimbabwe

2013-08-14 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Left Unity, Latin America, Philippines,US 
socialist's 35%, Solomon Islands, John Bellamy Foster, Barry Commoner, 

* * *
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   Britain: Left Unity discusses what politics for a new left party?

By *Felicity Dowling*
August 11, 2013 --- We face the probability of a terrible decline in the 
social wealth of the working people in the UK, a critical change in the 
life experience of working-class people. Hunger, want and fear are 
coming back to this and other countries. Thousands have signed petitions 
supporting the call for a new political formation under the banner of 
Left Unity . On November 30, hundreds of founding 
members of this new party will inaugurate it, determine our political 
direction, our priorities and the nature of the organisation itself.

 * Read more 

   Video: Federico Fuentes on socialism in the 21st century and
   revolutionary leadership in Latin America

Green Left TV -- *Federico Fuentes* speaking at the "Organising for 21st 
century socialism" seminar in Sydney, June 8-9, 2013. Organised by 
Socialist Alliance.

   Philippines: The killing of workers' leaders is a blow to combating
   corruption! The government must be held accountable!

By *Partido Lakas ng Masa* (Party of the Labouring Masses), Philippines
August 12, 2013 -- The Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) joins the campaign to 
protest against the recent spate of killings of labour leaders, the most 
recent case being the assassination of transport workers' leader Antonio 
"Dodong" Petalcorin on July 2. Petalcorin joins the ranks of 
assassinated workers' leaders this year, such as Emilio Rivera and 
Carlos Cirilo, who were also members of national labour centre, the 
Alliance of Progressive Labor in the Philippines.

 * Read more 

   United States: Socialist local candidate wins 35% of vote, enters

By the *Kshama Sawant Campaign for Seattle City Council*
August 8, 2013 -- Seattle voters sent a clear message to an out-of-touch 
political establishment on August 6 that they are fed up with business 
as usual, and are looking for an alternative to corporate-pandering 
politicians like Richard Conlin. Kshama Sawant, who was recently written 
off by /The Seattle Times/ as "too hard left for Seattle", won a 
stunning 35% of the vote, a number that will likely rise as late ballots 
are counted.

 * Read more 

   Solomon Islands: 10 years since the Australian-led occupation -- the
   politics of fantasy 

By *Scott Hamilton*
July 30, 2013 -- Back in 1989 a schoolmate of mine showed me some copies 
of /Tribune/, the newspaper of New Zealand's Socialist Unity Party. The 
SUP had for decades been convinced of the infallibility of the 
leadership of the Soviet Union, and the pages of /Tribune/ were full of 
recycled press releases from the Kremlin and large airbrushed 
photographs of crumbling Soviet leaders like Leonid Brezhnev and Yuri 

 * Read more 

   Video: The Great Rift: Capitalism and the metabolism of nature and

August 7, 2013 -- *John Bellamy Foster:* We need a society that is 
geared, as István Mészáros always tells us, to substantive equality. And 
no compromise on the issue of equality. Bolívar said equality is the law 
of laws. So we need substantive equality and we need ecological 
sustainability. And they have to go together. How do we know they have 
to go together? Because what is causing the ecological damage and what 
is causing the social damage is the same thing: it's the rift in the 
production system; it's the alienation of nature, which is one with the 
alienation of human society.

 * Read more 

   Oil, energy and capitalism: An unpublished talk by Barry Commoner

July 30, 2013 -- Dr Barry Commoner was the best-known ecologist in t

[Marxism] Video: 'Rocking the Foundations' -- the story of Australia's pioneering red-green trade union

2013-08-13 Thread glparramatta

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

An outstanding historical account of the "Green Bans" first introduced 
by the communist-led New South Wales Builders Labourers Federation (BLF) 
in the 1970s in response to community demand to preserve inner-city 
parkland and historic buildings. One of the first women to be accepted 
as a builders labourer, filmmaker Pat Fiske in 1985 traced the 
development of a union whose social and political activities challenged 
the notion of what a union should be.

Watch at http://links.org.au/node/3476

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[Marxism] Federico Fuentes on socialism in the 21st century and revolutionary leadership in Latin America | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-08-13 Thread glparramatta

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*Federico Fuentes* speaking at the "Organising for 21st century 
socialism" seminar in Sydney, June 8-9, 2013. Organised by Socialist 
Alliance .

Fuentes is co-author of /Latin America's Turbulent Transitions: The 
Future of Twenty-First Century Socialism./

Watch at http://links.org.au/node/3475

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[Marxism] Zimbabwe: Why Morgan Tsvangirai's MDC 'lost' the election | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-08-07 Thread glparramatta

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Marxism & feminism, Syriza political resolution, New Zealand, Peter Camejo, Cuba & Pacific, COSATU, Le Blanc, Achcar on Leninism

2013-08-07 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Marxism & feminism, Syriza political resolution, 
New Zealand, Peter Camejo, Cuba & Pacific, COSATU, Le Blanc, Achcar on 

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   A Marxist's place is in the feminist movement

By *Karen Fletcher*
August 6, 2013  Tony Cliff was characteristically blunt when he set 
out what was to become the International Socialist Tendency's (IST) 
position on "the feminist movement" in his 1984 book, /Class Struggle 
and Women's Liberation///

 * Read more 

   Greece: Political resolution of the first congress of SYRIZA

/*Over July 10-15, 2013, congress delegates of SYRIZA, the coalition of 
radical left parties in Greece, voted to form itself into a unitary 
party. This is the political resolution from the congress.


 * Read more 

   New Zealand: Racist 'Pakeha Party' ignores history

By *Thomas Roud*, Christchurch
July 29, 2013 -- A Facebook page for "The Pakeha Party" caused a stir in 
early July, quickly gaining more "likes" than any other political party 
in New Zealand. [Pa-keha- are New Zealanders of European descent.] While 
the founder, David Ruck, admitted that the idea was initially a joke 
between friends, the torrent of interest has resulted in an attempt to 
build a real political party based on rhetoric of "equal rights" for all 
New Zealanders.

 * Read more 

   Peter Camejo: A comment on the North American revolution (1984)

By *Peter Camejo* The development of a vanguard for the Third American 
Revolution must be rooted in our culture, language, and democratic and 
revolutionary traditions. This question in our opinion is not simply a 
tactical matter, nor is it a question of finding popular expressions of 
Marxist concepts. It is rooted in a correct conception of the Third 
American Revolution.

 * Read more 

   Cuba's unsung medical training helps develop Timor Leste and Pacific
   island countrie 

August 3, 2013 -- Excerpts from some longer documentaries by *Tim 
Anderson* on Cuban health cooperation with Timor Leste, Vanuatu, Nauru 
and the Solomon Islands. Also a short excerpt from Nauru Television.

   South Africa: 'The conflict in COSATU is about its political

Statement by the *Democratic Left Front*, South Africa
July 29, 2013
1. Comrade Zwelinzima Vavi [secretary general of the Congress of South 
African Trade Unions, COSATU] has handed his opponents a Samurai sword 
to behead him. Allegations of rape and extra-marital sex*** with a 
junior employee are serious. These allegations have to be investigated 
regardless of our strong suspicions that they are being used by 
supporters of the [Jacob Zuma, president of South Africa and on the 
ruling African National Congress,] faction in COSATU to get rid of a 
hated independently minded critic of government policy. The workers' 
movement must be seen to always act in defence of women particularly in 
South Africa where the violence, abuse and rape of women is completely 
out of hand.

 * Read more 

   How should socialists organise? Paul Le Blanc, Gilbert Achcar
   discuss Leninism, left unity, revolutionary parties

July 31, 2013 -- The following panel discussion -- involving *Paul Le 
Blanc*, a speaker from the SWP and *Gilbert Achcar* -- took place at 
Marxism 2013, organised by the British Socialist Workers Party. 
Questions addressed included Lenism today, "left reformism", the left 
unity process underway in Britain today and the crisis in the SWP. It is 
followed by a vigorous discussion from the floor.

   Greece: Syriza after its founding congress -- views from the party's

By *Stathis Kouvelakis*
July 18, 2013 -- This article reflects on the founding congress of 
Syriza as a political party, rather than a coalition of fourteen 
organisations, whi

[Marxism] A Marxist’s place is in the feminist movement

2013-08-06 Thread glparramatta
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August 6, 2013 – Links International Journal of socialist Renewal -- Tony
Cliff was characteristically blunt when he set out what was to become the
International Socialist Tendency’s (IST) position on “the feminist
movement” in his 1984 book, Class Struggle and Women's Liberation:

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/3467

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[Marxism] Greece: Political resolution of the first congress of SYRIZA

2013-08-06 Thread glparramatta
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Over July 10-15, 2013, congress delegates of SYRIZA, the coalition of
radical left parties in Greece, voted to form itself into a unitary party.
This is the political resolution from the congress.

Full translation at http://links.org.au/node/3466

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Greece, Doug Loirmer RIP, Egypt, BRICS & Mozambique, Pacific FTA, Lindsey German responds

2013-07-31 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Greece, Doug Loirmer RIP, Egypt, BRICS & 
Mozambique, Pacific FTA, Lindsey German responds

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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

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*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

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   Eyewitness report: 'Things have gone very quiet in Greece, haven't

See also Helena Sheehan's "*To the crucible: An Irish engagement with 
the Greek Left *" published in January, 2013.

By *Helena Sheehan*
July 29, 2013 - "Things have gone very quiet in Greece, haven't they?" 
So many people said that to me in the past six months or so. I responded 
that there was a lot going on, even if international media weren't 
covering it. There were civil mobilisations of teachers and transport 
workers, as well as rising unemployment, emigration and impoverishment, 
being met with continuing protest, strikes, occupations.

 * Read more 

   Doug Lorimer, a life-long committed revolutionary, 1953-2013

By *Pat Brewer*
July 27, 2013  -- *Doug Lorimer*, a life-long committed revolutionary, 
died on July 21 in Sydney after a year of fighting deteriorating ill 
health and long-term hospitalisation.

 * Read more 

   Egypt: The officers' war of terror; latest statements from the
   Egyptian left 

By */Jadaliyya/ Egypt editors*
July 27, 2013 -- Since the toppling of President Hosni Mubarak, Egypt 
has become a battlefield of narratives. Each narrative has sought to 
appropriate and define the January 25 Revolution.

 * Read more 

   BRICS lessons from Mozambique 

By *Bobby Peek*
July 24, 2013 -- Just across the border in Mozambique there is 
neo-colonial exploitation underway. It is not Europe or the United 
States that are dominating, but rather countries that are often looked 
up to as challengers, such as Brazil, Russia, India, China and South 
Africa (BRICS). This is a dangerous statement to make but let us 
consider the facts.

 * Read more 

   Malaysian socialists oppose Pacific free trade agreement

The statement below was released by the *Socialist Party of Malaysia* 
(PSM) on July 10, 2013.

 * Read more 

   Lindsey German responds to Abbie Bakan and Sharon Smith on 'Marxist

By *Lindsey German*
July 25, 2013 -- I would like to respond to the articles 
by Abbie 
Bakan and Sharon Smith concerning Marxism and feminism today 
. Abbie's article refers to me as a 
proponent of "Marxist Anti-Feminism". I was a member of the British 
Socialist Workers Party (SWP) for 37 years until I left in 2010 because 
I was unhappy with the direction away from the wider movements in which 
the party was going. I am now a member of Counterfire, a socialist 
organisation in Britain. I wrote a number of books and articles on the 
subject of women's oppression during that time.

 * Read more 

* * *
Links seeks to promote the international exchange of information, 
experience of struggle, theoretical analysis and views of political 
strategy and tactics within the international left. It is a forum for 
open and constructive dialogue between active socialists coming from 
different political traditions. It seeks to bring together those in the 
international left who are opposed to neoliberal economic and social 
policies. It aims to promote the renewal of the socialist movement in 
the wake of the collapse of the bureaucratic model of "actually existing 
socialism" in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

ATTENTION: Sign up for regular ``what's new'' announcement emails at 

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[Marxism] How should socialists organise? Paul Le Blanc, Gilbert Achcar discuss Leninism, left unity, revolutionary parties | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-07-30 Thread glparramatta

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

July 31, 2013 -- The following panel discussion -- involving *Paul Le 
Blanc*, a speaker from the SWP and *Gilbert Achcar* -- took place at 
Marxism 2013, organised by the British Socialist Workers Party. 
Questions addressed included Lenism today, "left reformism", the left 
unity process underway in Britain today and the crisis in the SWP. It is 
followed by a vigorous discussion from the floor.

Watch at http://links.org.au/node/3461

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[Marxism] Lindsey German responds to Abbie Bakan and Sharon Smith on ‘Marxist Anti-Feminism’

2013-07-25 Thread glparramatta
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

By Lindsey German
July 25, 2013 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- I
would like to respond to the articles by Abbie Bakan and Sharon Smith
concerning Marxism and feminism today (http://links.org.au/node/3432).
Abbie’s article refers to me as a proponent of “Marxist Anti-Feminism”. I
was a member of the British Socialist Workers Party (SWP) for 37 years
until I left in 2010 because I was unhappy with the direction away from
the wider movements in which the party was going. I am now a member of
Counterfire, a socialist organisation in Britain. I wrote a number of
books and articles on the subject of women’s oppression during that time.

Like most people on the left, I have been horrified by the accusations of
rape against a leading SWP comrade, and with the way in which the party
has handled the issue. I therefore welcome the discussions on issues of
women’s oppression that have been, in part at least, triggered by these
revelations. Whatever disagreements we might have, those of us on the left
have a responsibility to further develop our theories in order to deal
with current questions. I feel, however, that some of the arguments relied
on here are partial and in some cases distorted.

Full article http://links.org.au/node/3452

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Paul Le Blanc on Marxism 2013, SYRIZA, Greens USA, Moscow Metro, Shawki on IST, Brazil, new left party, Egypt

2013-07-24 Thread glparramatta

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What's new at Links: Paul Le Blanc on Marxism 2013, SYRIZA, Greens USA, 
Moscow Metro, Shawki on IST, Brazil, new left party, Egypt

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at http://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=343373

You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

Visit and bookmark http://links.org.au and add it to your RSS feed 
(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
article, please send it to linkssocial...@gmail.com

*Please pass on to anybody you think will be interested in Links.

*Comments welcome on all articles

*Return daily for new articles

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   Paul Le Blanc: Revolutionary elements in London -- Marxism 2013 and
   its context 

By *Paul Le Blanc*
July 20, 2013 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
The Socialist Workers Party (SWP) is an important "far left" 
organisation in Britain which, among other things, organises an annual 
educational conference -- Marxism -- in London. The SWP is undergoing a 
crisis which is only one aspect of a much larger phenomenon, taking 
place on a global scale within the revolutionary left. This involves a 
recomposition of the revolutionary socialist movement as a political 
force, in tandem with the struggles of the multi-faceted working class 
struggling against the effects of the present world crisis of capitalism.
In what follows, I want to offer a report on what I was able to observe 
while attending Marxism 2013 (July 11-15, 2013). I will also take up 
various issues having to do with discussions and debates having to do 
with the Leninist tradition and how it relates to realities and 
struggles of our time.

 * Read more 

   Greece: Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras' call for a united left party
   (+ intro speech) 

The following speech was presented by party leader *Alexis Tsipras* to 
the Syriza (Coalition of the Radical Left) first national congress on 
July 13, 2013. One of the major decisions to be made at the congress was 
the question of forming a single united left party from the many left 
organisations that to that point operated as part of the coalition.

 * Read more 

   Green Party USA: Economic/ecological crises of the 21st century -- A
   deep green alternative 

Document of the *Greens/Green Party USA*, submitted to /Links 
International Journal of Socialist Renewal /by *Don Fitz*, national 
committee member of the Greens/Green Party USA. It is posted in the 
interests of discussion.

July 22, 2013 -- Why should we work longer hours in order to ...

 * put our neighbours out of work,
 * produce fall-apart products that poison our children and
   grandchildren, and
 * have less time to enjoy life?

People are losing their jobs and homes. Many throughout the world are 
without food, medical care and transportation. Instead of addressing 
real needs, governments and international financial institutions are 
designing "austerity programs" that cut back on basic services and 
privatise everything from education and mail delivery to pension plans 
and public health.

 * Read more 

   Greece: Syriza congress unites its forces for a left government

By *Pedro Filipe Soares* (Left Bloc, Portugal), translated by *Dick Nichols*
July 19, 2013 -- Over the July 10-14 weekend, at the first congress of 
Syriza (Coalition of the Radical Left), it was obvious that history was 
being written in indelible ink. This was a congress that changed the 
Greek left.

 * 1 comment 
 * Read more 

   Russia: Moscow workers confront bosses over Metro safety

By activists of the *Zashchita* union, Moscow, translated by *Renfrey 
July 21, 2013 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ -- 
The Metrovagonmash factory has begun producing large numbers of railway 
wagons with defective braking systems. In June, after three serious 
incidents on the Moscow Metro, the factory was fined 6 million rubles. 
The trade union Zashchita ("Defence") has brought a suit in the 
prosecutor's office, anticipates the laying of criminal charges against 
the factory directors, and is beginning a protest campaign.

 * Read more 

   Ahmed Shawki (US ISO): Legacy of the International Socialist

July 19, 2013 -- Th

Re: [Marxism] Comrade Doug Lorimer

2013-07-21 Thread glparramatta

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Sad to learn that Australian revolutionary Doug Lorimer has passed away 
following a long illness. He will be remembered by those who learned 
from his writings and classes. Activists will continue to learn from 
what he wrote: see http://links.org.au/taxonomy/term/762 

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[Marxism] Paul Le Blanc: Revolutionary elements in London -- Marxism 2013 and its context | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-07-20 Thread glparramatta

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

By *Paul Le Blanc*

July 20, 2013 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/ 
 -- The Socialist Workers Party (SWP) is 
an important "far left" organisation in Britain which, among other 
things, organises an annual educational conference -- Marxism -- in 
London. The SWP is undergoing a crisis which is only one aspect of a 
much larger phenomenon, taking place on a global scale within the 
revolutionary left. This involves a recomposition of the revolutionary 
socialist movement as a political force, in tandem with the struggles of 
the multi-faceted working class struggling against the effects of the 
present world crisis of capitalism.

In what follows, I want to offer a report on what I was able to observe 
while attending Marxism 2013 (July 11-15, 2013). I will also take up 
various issues having to do with discussions and debates having to do 
with the Leninist tradition and how it relates to realities and 
struggles of our time.

In part, I will be basing this on what I was in a position to observe 
(including Marxism 2013, plus a couple of "fringe meetings" organised by 
the International Socialist Network), as well as intensive discussions 
with members of that Network, as well as members of the Anti-Capitalist 
Initiative, members of Counterfire (a group which crystallised a few 
years ago when leading SWPers John Rees and Lindsey German left the 
organisation), and members of the SWP, both majority supporters and 
oppositionists, and other non-SWPers who were in attendance at the 
conference. As I said in a quite useful one-on-one conversation with 
Alex Callinicos early in the event, I consider all these elements to be 
revolutionary and am inclined to engage with them all. Alex agreed that 
this makes sense for someone in my position -- though I imagine he will 
disagree with some of which I have come up with as a result.

Full article http://links.org.au/node/3451

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You can also follow Links on Twitter at 
http://twitter.com/LinksSocialism or on Facebook at 

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(http://links.org.au/rss.xml). If you would like us to consider an 
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