Re: [Marxism] No US attack on Syria! Support the Syrian Revolution!

2013-08-27 Thread mjs
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Almost certainly, I fear. There are many reasons why the American left
is comically irrelevant, but this idea -- that 'progress' is a struggle
for abstractions -- is surely high on the list.

> Are you serious?
> 2013/8/27 Andrew Pollack 
>> The parallels with Spain in the civil war are getting more profound each
>> day.

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Re: [Marxism] False flag operation?

2013-08-26 Thread mjs
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> Alexander
> Cockburn, who was an editor of Counterpunch, and something of a
> "character".

I've just been reading Alex C's wonderful posthumous collection
of random writing, titled 'A Colossal Wreck'. I recommend it unreservedly.

To see him dismissively referred to by any denizen
of this list as 'something of a character' reminds me of Marx's
observation that he had left some manuscript or other 'to the gnawing
criticism of the mice'.

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Re: [Marxism] Fmr. Army col.: Chelsea Manning should be jailed with men — MSNBC

2013-08-26 Thread mjs
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> "Yes" or "No' does not appear to be
> a cogent response to a question beginning with the word "How?"

Any question that contains the initials MSNBC doesn't deserve *any* answer,
much less a 'cogent' one.

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Re: [Marxism] New York woman visited by police after researching pressure cookers online | World news |

2013-08-01 Thread mjs
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> I am surprised that they have not visited me.

Oh, they already know that *we* are harmless.

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Re: [Marxism] Guess who is a Jew

2013-07-01 Thread mjs
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> When we denounce anti-Semitism today, we are part of a proud tradition.

Or possibly beating a dead horse.

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Re: [Marxism] Statement: Refusing to Accept Sexism

2013-05-31 Thread mjs
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> CP's mutual disinterest or inability to engage in a discussion
> about how to fight sexism is more surprising and disappointing
> than the predictable, tired out pot-shots at the ISO

The Greeks had a word for it:

> and anyone who dares defend or agree with us.

'Dares' is good. Like all those Quadrangle Club desperadoes who
signed the communique passed along (in extenso!) earlier today.

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Re: [Marxism] The Merchants of Shame » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2013-05-31 Thread mjs
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> I've been a hard-core Cannonite for almost 40 years...
> predisposed to sniffing out faults in other wings of the
> Trotskyist tradition  So I expect to be taken
> seriously

Bit of a lacuna in the logic here.

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Re: [Marxism] US bomb kills 30 at Afghan wedding

2013-04-16 Thread mjs
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> This is from 2002, no? I've noticed many on various social forums who have
> juxtaposed this with the Boston terrorism; why did this specific piece
> seem
> to go viral?

Somehow it appeared with yesterday's or today's date on it, in several
news 'outlets'. Dunno how THAT happened. I was one of those misled. I
thought at the time it seemed rather familiar, but didn't pay enough
attention to my slight sense of unease.

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Re: [Marxism] Hamas cuts ties with Assad and sends military to train rebels - Washington Times

2013-04-14 Thread mjs
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> Anything in that Moonie rag, especially anything anonymously sourced,
> is extremely suspect.

All sourced ynet, yet.

And the Murdoch outlet cites 'diplomatic sources.' Oh well, in THAT
case. Diplomatic sources. I am vanquished. Who could doubt 'diplomatic

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Re: [Marxism] The sea cruise to hell

2013-02-15 Thread mjs
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> Today it is impossible to distinguish one cruise ship from another,
> especially those that fly

You'd think ships that fly would stand out from the merely aquatic variety.

But yeah, those cruise ships are awful. Never been on one myself, but
they're frightful pests out on the water. They move very fast, they have
zero maneuverability, and the people operating them seem to have the same
mentality as drivers in SUVs, vis-a-vis smaller vessels.

Oh, and they're butt-ugly. Though 'butt-ugly' is an odd phrase, isn't it?
Some butts are ugly, to be sure; but so are some faces, and nobody says
'face-ugly'. And some butts are at least as good-looking as most faces.

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Re: [Marxism] Why the ideas of Karl Marx are more relevant than ever in the 21st century

2013-01-25 Thread mjs
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> What is YDSA and how is Jacobin affiliated with it?

The Yacht Designers and Surveyors Association, a very fine outfit. I
wouldn't have thought the Jacobins would be very nautical, but you never

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Re: [Marxism] The gospel of Django

2013-01-18 Thread mjs
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> The blacks dwell dumbly upon the earth, house
> martyrs of our home planet, humans who – in films like this – are as
> reproachful-eyed, as unevolved, as lovable (sometimes) and as dumbly,
> lambently virtuous as pet dogs.

Every text is, among other things, a Rorschach blot.

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[Marxism] Schoolmarm grammar (was: Largest execution)

2012-12-28 Thread mjs
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> With respect, may I note that the past tense of "hang," with reference to
> executing a person, is "hanged." The past tense for a picture is "hung."

Slooowly I turned. This is what philologists refer to as schoolmarm

Now in fact from the earliest times there have been two 'hang' words
in English, represented by Old English (= "Anglo-Saxon") 'hangian' and
'hôn' -- the former being a weak verb, past tense 'hangode', and the latter
a strong verb, past tense 'heng', participle 'hangen'. 'hôn' gives us our
modern hang, hung, through routine phonetic changes which are thoroughly
understood. 'hangian' survives only in the shibboleth usage 'hanged'
when referring to the method of execution. But both words have always
been used for both. In the Anglo-Saxon translation of Genesis we find
'hine man hçng' (they hung him) in reference to Joseph's unfortunate
cellmate the baker. In fact you could make a pretty good case that 'hung'
is actually preferable to 'hanged' and the latter hypercorrect, since
'hangian' mostly seems to be used in an intransitive sense.

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Re: [Marxism] Cluster Bomb Usage Rises Significantly Across Syria

2012-10-13 Thread mjs
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This showed up in my email announcement window as


Holy shit, was my first thought. I knew Louis was a serious guy, but
hadn't quite expected *this*.

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