[Marxism] [Ecosocialist] Mass psychology explanations of global warming denial

2012-03-18 Thread ehrbar
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Kamran wrote on the ecosocialism list:

 People lived for 95% of our history as gatherer-hunters
 where there was no product as such.

Good point.  I guess my one-sentence characterization of
historical materialism must be corrected to read, as you
suggest, individuals must live in class societies because
they need products.  (Of course we socialists want to
create an alternative, production without a class society.)

This gives me another idea: maybe the need to manage
emotions arises not together with society as such, as I said
in my earlier post, but with private property?  With private
property comes envy, jealousy, you better not fall in love
with a woman who is someone else's property, etc.  It is a
long time since I read Engels's Origin of the Family, and I
don't have the time to get into this, but perhaps this is
something which Engels overlooked when he wrote this
path-breaking work?  I think this would be an intriguing
idea: with private property arises the need to control
emotions, which requires self-deception and opens the door
to false consciousness.  This would be a different entry
into false consciousness than Marx's two pillars of false
consciousness, the fetish-like character of the commodity
and the wage form.


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Re: [Marxism] [Ecosocialist] Mass psychology explanations of global warming denial

2012-03-18 Thread Kamran Nayeri
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Thanks Hans; good food for thought. The issue of why people's consciousness
lags reality is a key question and one that is not satisfactorily
resolved--at least in the sense of giving us a way to overcome it sooner
than later.

On historical materialism: why do you believe that people live in society
because they need products? People lived for 95% of our history as
gatherer-hunters where there was no product as such.  Perhaps it is more
accurate to say people live in class societies because of products. And
historical materialism is formulated to analysis class societies.



On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 11:14 AM, ehr...@greenhouse.economics.utah.eduwrote:


 timgli sent the following URL to the ecosocialism list,
 but I am sending my reply also to the marxism list:


 This blog seems ignorant of an extensive literature about
 the sociology of emotions which is very relevant here. The
 article which was for me personally the most concise and
 striking introduction into this literature is the book
 chapter Self-Processes and Emotional Experiences, by
 Morris Rosenberg, pages 123-142 in the book _The
 Self-Society Dynamic: Cognition, Emotion, and Action_,
 edited by Judith Howard and Peter Callero, Cambridge
 University Press 1991.

 A more recent collection about these issues is the book
 _Theorizing Emotions: Sociological Explorations and
 Applications_, edited by D. Hopkins, J. Kleres, H. Flam, and
 H. Kuzmics, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt and New York, 2009.
 Look especially at the contribution by Helena Flam, Extreme
 Feelings and Feelings at Extremes.

 None of these articles speak about climate change denial in
 particular, for this you should read the monograph _Living
 in Denial: Climate Change, Emotions, and Everyday Life_, by
 Kari Marie Norgaard, MIT Press 2011,

 It is amazing that capitalism, the home of alienation, has
 developed such deep knowledge about emotions. I think the
 original impulse for this research was to better manipulate
 people through advertising, and the system-transcending
 potential of this knowledge is an unexpected byproduct of
 this research.

 But this is definitely valid and useful knowledge, and if we
 want to soften up the public's climate change denial in
 order to promote a mass movement which is rational and not
 driven by panic and not derailed by all the other unresolved
 resentments of capitalism, we need to be familiar with this

 These are not explicitly Marxist theories, but I think the
 theory of emotions as social glue can be and needs to be
 integrated with historical materialism. I am thinking of it
 this way: historical materialism explains why individuals
 *must* live in society, and the sociology of emotions
 explains how people *can* live in society.

 (a) Individuals must live in societies because they need
 products to survive, and products can only be produced in

 (b) Individuals can only then live in society if they keep
 their raw emotions in check. This requires self-deception
 and the ability to keep unpleasant emotions at bay.

 In the view of Siegmund Freud, denial was always bad and had
 to be overcome. By contrast, modern sociologists have known
 for some time that a moderate amount of self-deception is
 normally a good thing. But in the present truly dangerous
 situation, denial has become suicidal, and creative ways are
 needed to break out of this denial without giving up the
 civilized ways of living with each other which are
 facilitated by this denial.

 Hans G Ehrbar
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Re: [Marxism] [Ecosocialist] Mass psychology explanations of global warming denial

2012-03-18 Thread Kamran Nayeri
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Yes. It seems to me too to be a productive line of inquiry. It can be
linked to the contrast between a monist and dualist understanding of human
history.  Let me also note that some eastern philosophical schools too have
a monist view the universe and human beings as part of it. In fact, much
(not all) teaching of the Buddha can be understood from a materialist and
monist philosophical stand point, essentially similar to a Marxian one (at
least in my reading of it).  Kamran

On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 10:53 AM, ehr...@greenhouse.economics.utah.eduwrote:


 Kamran wrote on the ecosocialism list:

  People lived for 95% of our history as gatherer-hunters
  where there was no product as such.

 Good point. I guess my one-sentence characterization of
 historical materialism must be corrected to read, as you
 suggest, individuals must live in class societies because
 they need products. (Of course we socialists want to
 create an alternative, production without a class society.)

 This gives me another idea: maybe the need to manage
 emotions arises not together with society as such, as I said
 in my earlier post, but with private property? With private
 property comes envy, jealousy, you better not fall in love
 with a woman who is someone else's property, etc. It is a
 long time since I read Engels's Origin of the Family, and I
 don't have the time to get into this, but perhaps this is
 something which Engels overlooked when he wrote this
 path-breaking work? I think this would be an intriguing
 idea: with private property arises the need to control
 emotions, which requires self-deception and opens the door
 to false consciousness. This would be a different entry
 into false consciousness than Marx's two pillars of false
 consciousness, the fetish-like character of the commodity
 and the wage form.


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Re: [Marxism] [Ecosocialist] Mass psychology explanations of global warming denial

2012-03-18 Thread Mark Lause
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

If any of you can figure out how any of us can opt out of class society,
please share it with the rest of the class.  :-)

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[Marxism] [Ecosocialist] Mass psychology explanations of global warming denial

2012-03-18 Thread ehrbar
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 If any of you can figure out how any of us can opt out of
 class society, please share it with the rest of the class.

Of course, we all (with the possible exception of Jon
Elster) know that we cannot opt out of class society.  The
question is why?  Because we need products to survive, and
production can only be done in society.  Marx said in the
Introduction to Grundrisse

 Production by a solitary individual outside society---a
 rare event, which might occur when a civilized person who
 has already absorbed the dynamic social forces is
 accidentally cast into the wilderness---is just as
 preposterous as the development of speech without
 individuals who live *together* and talk to one another.

That is why the relations which individuals have with nature
and with each other in the production process are the most
basic social relations.  This is how I understand historical
materialism, and if you disagree with this I would be curious
to hear you but this is not the main point I am pursuing here.

Class society is something which people are forced into by
economic necessity, and for the majority it is certainly no
idyllic place.  The next question, which Marx or Engels
never asked, is therefore, how can people manage to work
together and live together if society is an institution in
which a small elite rips off the rest?  Will they not get so
envious about each other and angry at each other that they
openly fight with each other, and a civilized living
together is impossible?  Again, we all know that class
societies are possible, we live in one which elicits at
least a semblance of mass consensus.  But it is still worth
while understanding what makes this possible.  The answer
given by the modern sociology of emotions is that people
have learned to manage or control their emotions.  This is a
tricky affair, emotions are automatic, and in order to
manage them, you need to learn the art of self-deception and
of denial.

Let me repeat.  People can only live together in a civilized
way in a modern class society because they have learned to
keep their emotions in check, to the extent that they do not
even feel them any more or that they displace them.  This is
necessary for the social order to function despite its
antagonisms.  I think such a theory would still fall in the
purview of Marxism although to my knowledge neither Marx or
Engels said anything like that.

The main point of this exercise is: this ability to banish
unpleasant realities from our consciousness has suddenly
become a great liability.  It has become suicidal, because
it hinders mass mobilization to prevent climate catastrophe.
We know that many of our childen and grandchildren are going
to die prematurely because of natural disasters, epidemics,
resource wars, lack of food or water.  At least this
knowledge is available socially even if many individuals in
the US at this point still have shielded themselves from it.
Yet we are not running around tearing our hair out, because
such a generalized panic would prevent society from
functioning and therefore would doom us today instead of in
a few dozen years.  This is of course not all the reasons
but it is possibly one of them.

Does this understanding help us to overcome climate change
denial?  Of course it does.  You always know better how to
change things if you understand why things are the way they

Here is one idea how this theory of false consciousness
might inform our strategy.  This is just brainstorming.
Perhaps we must offer a believable organizational framework
that promises to channel all that upset and rage into a
productive direction before the groundswell mass movement
necessary to save a liveable future will arise.  While we
are waiting that the masses get their act together, maybe
the masses are waiting that we are getting our act together.
Right now such a believable framework does not exist.  Even
if climate hawks came into power, they would disagree on
almost everything: nuclear power or not, centralized
electricity generation with lots of transmission lines
versus decentralized generation, the role of natural gas,
how to overcome the competition between national economies,
what a green development path would look like.  These issues
are so difficult that we activists ourselves cannot resolve
them in detail before we come to power, but we must at least
have some overall guidelines how we want to resolve all

I have some ideas about this, but I know that many of you
will disagree.

(1) I think we can and should declare already now that
nuclear power is not one of the options which we are
considering as a solution to the problem.

(2) We also could declare already now that in the rich
countries we are aiming for a lifestyle with less material