[Marxism] Big wind's inconvenient truth

2012-02-10 Thread ehrbar
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Traffic noise = good, windmill noise = bad

The CounterPunch article Big Wind’s Inconvenient Truth
posted by Lou basically asks: if you are so much for
the environment, how can you be for windmills?

The answer is: the switch to renewable energy is not an
environmental issue, it is a survival issue.  I you hear a
slight swooshing sound sometimes at night when the wind is
right, think of it as elves cleaning up our mess so that it
won't poison us.


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Re: [Marxism] Big wind's inconvenient truth

2012-02-10 Thread DW
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

There is actually a huge fight that has split renewable energy fans down
the middle over wind in Vermont. My cousin is a leading environmental land
use lawyer there and she's in major law suits against big wind. I got an
earful over wind from her 2 weeks ago during a visit.

Vermonters in their majority oppose the ridge-line destruction of their
mountains. The *only* constituency it seems are the big utilities and
co-ops that own them (including a big Quebec corp) and rich liberals in New
England who don't have live by them.

The issue is not just unsightly wind turbines (I don't mind them personally
but I understand that most do not like seeing them) which has an effect on
tourism in this state, but the huge environmental foot print they leave
behind in terms of construction roads, filling of creek beds and species
threats. My cousin informed that they build this massive roads, not unlike
mining roads *but wider* to haul the tower, turbine and equipment up these
ridges. Do so means deforresting whole areas of the ridges and the area
leading up to them.


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