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Reflections by Comrade Fidel


The policy of plundering imposed by the United States and their NATO allies 
in the Middle East has gone into a crisis. It has inevitably unravelled with 
high cost of grains, the effects of which can be felt more forcefully in the 
Arab countries where, in spite of their huge resources of oil, the shortage of 
water, areas covered by desert and the generalized poverty of the people 
contrast with the enormous resources coming from the oil possessed by the 
privileged sectors.

While food prices triple, real estate fortunes and the treasures of the 
aristocratic minority reach millions of millions of dollars.

 The Arab world, mainly Muslim in its culture and beliefs, has seen itself 
additionally humiliated by the imposition of blood and fire by a State that was 
not capable of fulfilling the basic obligations that were part of their origin, 
from the colonial order existing up to the end of WW II, by virtue of which the 
victorious powers created the United Nations Organization and imposed world 
trade and economy.

Thanks to the treason committed by Anwar El-Sadat at Camp David, the 
Palestinian State has not been able to exist, despite the UN treaties of 
November 1947, and Israel became a strong nuclear power, an ally of the 
United States and NATO. 

The US Military Industrial Complex supplied Israel with tens of billions of 
dollars every year as well as to the very Arab States that were submitted and 
being humiliated by Israel.   

The genie has escaped from the bottle and NATO doesn't know how to 
control it.

They are going to attempt to wrest the most benefits from the regrettable 
events in Libya.  Nobody can know at this moment what is happening over 
there. All the figures and versions, even the most implausible ones, have 
been spread by the empire via the mass media, sowing chaos and 

It is obvious that inside Libya a civil war is brewing.  Why and how did this 
happen?  Who will pay the consequences? Reuters Agency, echoing the 
opinion of the well-known Nomura Bank of Japan, stated that oil prices could 
go beyond any limits:

 "'If Libya and Algeria suspend oil production, prices could reach a maximum 
of more than 220 dollars a barrel and OPEC's inactive capacity would be 
reduced to 2.1 million barrels per day, similar to levels seen during the Gulf 
War and when values touched 147 dollars a barrel in 2008', the bank 
asserted in an article."

Who could pay that price these days? What would be the consequences in 
the midst of the food crisis?

The main NATO leaders are all worked up.  British Prime Minister David 
Cameron, ANSA informed, ".admitted in a speech in Kuwait that the western 
nations made a mistake in backing non-democratic governments in the Arab 
world." One has to congratulate him on his frankness.

His French colleague Nicolas Sarkozy stated: "The extended brutal and bloody 
repression of the Libyan civilian population is disgusting".

Italian Chancellor Franco Frattini stated as "'believable' the figure of one 
thousand dead in Tripoli [.] 'the tragic numbers shall be a bloodbath'."

Hillary Clinton stated the following: ".the 'bloodbath' is 'completely 
unacceptable' and 'it has to stop'."

Ban Ki-moon spoke: "'The use of violence in the country is absolutely 

".'the Security Council will act according to whatever the international 
community decides'."

"'We are considering a series of options'."

What Ban Ki-moon is really hoping is that Obama pronounces the last word.  

The president of the United States spoke this Wednesday afternoon and 
stated that the Secretary of State would be leaving for Europe in order to 
agree with their NATO allies on the measures to be taken. On his face once 
could note the opportunity to spar with John McCain, the far-right-wing 
Republican senator, pro-Israel Senator Joseph Lieberman from Connecticut 
and the leaders of the Tea Party, in order to ensure the Democratic Party 

The empire's mass media has prepared the terrain for action. There would be 
nothing strange about a military intervention in Libya; besides, with that, 
Europe would be guaranteed almost two million barrels of light oil per day, 
unless before that events would put an end to the leadership or the life of 

Anyway, Obama's role is rather complicated. What will the reaction of the 
Arab and Muslim world be if blood should flow in abundance in that country 
as a result of that exploit? Would NATO intervention in Libya stem the 
revolutionary tidal wave surging in Egypt?

In Iraq, the innocent blood of more than a million Arab citizens was spilt when 
the country was invaded under false pretexts.  Mission accomplished!: 
proclaimed George W. Bush.

Nobody in the world would ever agree with the deaths of defenceless civilians 
in Libya or anywhere else. And I wonder: will the US and NATO apply that 
principle on the defenceless civilians that the unmanned Yankee planes and 
the soldiers of that organization kill every day in Afghanistan and Pakistan?

It is a cynical danse macabre.                                                  


Fidel Castro Ruz

February 23, 2011.
7:42 p.m.
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> source <http://www.cuba.cu/gobierno/reflexiones/2011/ing/f230211i.html>
original and other translations at
> <http://www.cuba.cu/gobierno/reflexiones/reflexiones.html>

nicer to read original version at Cubadebate:


Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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