Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-03 Thread Tom Cod
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wannabes then

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 6:33 PM, Michael Smith wrote:

 On Thu, 2 Jun 2011 18:05:26 -0700
 Tom Cod wrote:

 the high caste screeds of
 Old Money neocons like Allan Bloom and Roger Kimball

 I don't get this at all. The individuals mentioned are
 complete parvenus.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-03 Thread Vladimiro Giacche'

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Just to be clear, like a number of people on here I don't go by
Marxist, although I respect the tradition.

...your respect of this tradition appears to be quite selective, just 
to use an euphemism...

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-03 Thread Tom Cod
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Yeah OK, ancient slaveowners and aristocrats didn't have credit cards.
 Many of these characters were in fact in the camp of the propertied
classes and against the popular cause, Plato most notably, who said
Democritus should have been killed and his works burned which is why
ruling class ideologues love him so much.

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 6:20 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

 On 6/2/11 9:05 PM, Tom Cod wrote:

 Thanks, this one from her site is choice:

 dialecticians use obscure, non-materialist language invented by
 ruling-class hacks 2400 years ago to make their theory work

 Yeah, everybody knows about Anaxagoras and his American Express gold card.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-03 Thread Tom Cod
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Two books I read as a layperson on Marx that are good and give him his
due without being hagiographies:

 On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 1:05 AM, Vladimiro Giacche' wrote:

 Just to be clear, like a number of people on here I don't go by
 Marxist, although I respect the tradition.

 ...your respect of this tradition appears to be quite selective, just to use
 an euphemism...

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-03 Thread Peggy Dobbins
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Well, for those who actually do want a good book *On Dialectic Logic*, I
Ilyenkov's is the best I read.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-02 Thread Louis Proyect

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Sent to me by accident rather than the list?

 Original Message 
Subject:Books on Dialectical Materialism
Date:   Thu, 2 Jun 2011 01:51:34 -0400 (EDT)

Some contributors recently commented on available works on
dialectical materialism. Works on this subject were available to
active Marxists from the twenties onward.
Edward Conze, known mostly for his later years as a Buddhist
scholar, was the author of Introduction to Dialectical
Materialism, a compendium of articles he wrote for Plebs (or it
may have been Labour Mounthly) in the early twenties, as well as 
Scientific Thinking, an Introduction to Dialectical Materialism.
August Thalheimer, German Communist and then right oppositionist,
wrote Introduction to Dialectical Materialism, a series of
lectures given at Sun Yat Sen University in Moscow for the
Comintern as a teaching vehicle for Chinese radicals studying
there in the twenties.
(Both Conze and Thalheimer were ihad associations with the POUM.
Conze wrote Spain Today: Revolution and Counter Revolution
written before the outbreak of the Civil War, and based in part on
Joaquin Maurin's Revolution and Counter Revolution in Spain,
which Conze had first intended to translate but then decided to do
his own work. Thalheimer's Notes on a Visit to Catalonia being
reports sent back to Heinrich Brandler in 1936 and available on
the net is an extremely insteresting document).

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-02 Thread Peggy Dobbins
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The very best book *On Dialectic Materialism I ever read, reread, assigned
students, gave as gifts, was  Evald Vassilievich Ilyenkov's  On Dialectical
Materialism.  What I can understand that it never fails to astound me other
serious Marxists don't, may be attributable to that book.   That I don't
find it in a quick google gives me a small feeling of vomit rising in my
throat as I think of Alexandria and other things once known and/or better
understood.   I used to think that repressed intellectual advances were
inevitably re-discovered.  Now I'm not so optimistic*
* *

 Subject:Books on Dialectical Materialism
 Date:   Thu, 2 Jun 2011 01:51:34 -0400 (EDT)

 Some contributors recently commented on available works on
 dialectical materialism. Works on this subject were available to
 active Marxists from the twenties onward.

  *Equitable exchange of different forms of labor time, the **productivity
of which develops over time
* inevitably and so creates in time Surplus Labor Time, due to one yet due
the other.  This is the **Common
*; we still see money changers steal, til here and there we read a bill to
guarantee us all a **Right to
* 20 hours a week (1000/year) that earns our **Right to
*, a livable wage pegged to the price of necessities*.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-02 Thread Tom Cod
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like obscurantist medieval philosophy?

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 6:55 AM, Peggy Dobbins wrote:

 understood.   I used to think that repressed intellectual advances were
 inevitably re-discovered.  Now I'm not so optimistic*

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-02 Thread Tom Cod
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Hey, wasn't this guy one of the Soviet regime's ideological Three Card
Monte men?  The Healyites were into this intellectual psychology as
well which is designed to convince people to abandon their common
sense for some dimly understood dogma that served as theological
window dressing for obeisiance to the august and wise leader.

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 7:13 AM, Tom Cod wrote:
 like obscurantist medieval philosophy?

 On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 6:55 AM, Peggy Dobbins wrote:

 understood.   I used to think that repressed intellectual advances were
 inevitably re-discovered.  Now I'm not so optimistic*

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-02 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 6/2/2011 10:20 AM, Tom Cod wrote:

Hey, wasn't this guy one of the Soviet regime's ideological Three Card
Monte men?  The Healyites were into this intellectual psychology as
well which is designed to convince people to abandon their common
sense for some dimly understood dogma that served as theological
window dressing for obeisiance to the august and wise leader.

This mailing list has been very civil lately and I hope that it 
remains this way. Let's try to avoid needless acrimony.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-02 Thread C. G. Estabrook

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The adjective doesn't really apply to philosophy as done in, say,  the 13th 
cent. European universities, aspects of which are enjoying a vogue in 
present-day academic philosophy.  See e.g. Virtue and Politics: Alasdair 
MacIntyre's Revolutionary Aristotelianism (2011), ed. P. Blackledge  K. Knight.

On 6/2/11 9:13 AM, Tom Cod wrote:

like obscurantist medieval philosophy?

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-02 Thread Peggy Dobbins
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 * I recommend reading Evald Vassilievich Ilyenkov's  On Dialectical
 Materialism.  *
 * *

 Subject:Books on Dialectical Materialism
 Date:   Thu, 2 Jun 2011 01:51:34 -0400 (EDT)

 Some contributors recently commented on available works on
 dialectical materialism. Works on this subject were available to
 active Marxists from the twenties onward.

   *Equitable exchange of different forms of labor time, the **productivity
 of which develops over time 
 * inevitably and so creates in time Surplus Labor Time, due to one yet due
 the other.  This is the **Common 
 *; we still see money changers steal, til here and there we read a bill to
 guarantee us all a **Right to 
 * 20 hours a week (1000/year) that earns our **Right to 
 *, a livable wage pegged to the price of necessities*.

  *Equitable exchange of different forms of labor time, the **productivity
of which develops over time
* inevitably and so creates in time Surplus Labor Time, due to one yet due
the other.  This is the **Common
*; we still see money changers steal, til here and there we read a bill to
guarantee us all a **Right to
* 20 hours a week (1000/year) that earns our **Right to
*, a livable wage pegged to the price of necessities*.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-02 Thread Tom Cod
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Up to a point.  The Workers League always said common sense is the
lowest form of formal logic, implying they had way surpassed that or
were they cult folks who hadn't even reached that level, members of a
schizophrenic group?  I could never spar with their Rube Goldberg
logic, although my canine intuition told me it was bullshit.

Common sense says don't drink Kool-Aid with poison in it, even a dog
knows that.  A Great Leader with a background in philosophy and the
radical left and a confirmed opponent of bourgois ideology who
talked all kinds of mumbo jumbo about dialectics, Jesus, and the
fascists comin' up the road and all kinds of other shit at all hours
of the day and night said different, however, with tragic results
Leaving that aside, I don't think common sense is the accumulation of
error, nor have I ever intuitively agreed with bashing of empiricism
and pragmatism which represents a common approach to deconstructing
mysticism.  Carl Davidson has had some worthwhile ruminations on this
subject recently.  Tellingly, self avowed Stalinists are those who
most loudly have denounced this heresy.

The most important thing is for folks to keep their own counsel and be
critical minded and skeptical, in that regard the intuitive rules of
thumb of pragmatism et al are most important.  Hey, this tool doesn't
work . . . hmmm, must not be too good.

I had an email exchange with a survivor of the Peoples Temple back in
2008 around the 30th anniversary of the Jonestown tragedy, mentioning
I had been in a certain leftist cult group she was actually familiar
with, being someone who had emerged out of the radical movement in the
Bay Area.  How could this have happened?  You know full well 'how
this could have happened' she responded.

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 8:22 AM, David P Á wrote:

 Anything that can help people abandon common sense is to be welcome,
 given how common sense is the accumulation of error.


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-02 Thread Tom Cod
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Edmund Wilson in To the Finland Station does a good job of
dismissing dialectics or explaining why it is OK to have that
attitude.  He sees that as baggage from the whole school of German
Philosophy that Marx emerged out of which in turn was rooted in the
environment created by counterrevolution and reaction to the Jacobins
and the French Revolution and its relatively transparent libertarian
ideology, which Germany was in the heartland of then.  Thus, even
after 1815 the French were never so mired in that stuff, having had
huge and recent traditions of revolution to look to.  Nonetheless,
Wilson was a huge, but not uncritical, admirer of Marx and his ideas,
which like most people he came to in his own varied ways, mostly
through empirical observation.  The idea that he had a schematic
playbook where he struggled to connect the shifting dots ideologically
is silly, said Wilson.  Moreover, to hoist dialecticians on their own
petard, he characterizes it as schematic, formalistic and a simple
minded shibboleth: thesis, antithesis, synthesis.. . Yeah, OK.  Later
writers have commented on this stuff as the reification of Marxism,
creating a dense theory that can form the ethos and self justification
for a layer of intellectuals as high priests needed to interpret this
stuff instead of looking to this as a question of the struggle of the
working class around its own interests.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-02 Thread Tom Cod
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and also touches on the ridiculous attempts of Soviet philosophers to
impose this scheme on science which operates through the scientific
method not through cherry picking evidence to support some
pre-conceived theory, whether dialectics or creationism or anything

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-02 Thread Jim Farmelant
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On Thu, 2 Jun 2011 15:59:14 -0700 Tom Cod writes:

For those interested, Rosa Lichtenstein has an entire website
that is devoted to critiquing dialectical materialism.  See:

Her essay, Why I oppose dialectical materialism is
probably as good a place to start as any.

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

 and also touches on the ridiculous attempts of Soviet philosophers 
 impose this scheme on science which operates through the 
 method not through cherry picking evidence to support some
 pre-conceived theory, whether dialectics or creationism or anything
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-02 Thread Peggy Dobbins
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 I am curious to see a short hand short list of what a  Marxist who
dismisses dialectic materialism lists as Marxist?  Marx-isms?  Marxistic?

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-02 Thread Tom Cod
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it's not an ideology, its a political movement and not one about
genuflecting before some historical demigod, that's the whole point.
That's the social psychology of religion.

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 4:56 PM, Peggy Dobbins wrote:

  I am curious to see a short hand short list of what a  Marxist who
 dismisses dialectic materialism lists as Marxist?  Marx-isms?  Marxistic?

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Books on Dialectical Materialism

2011-06-02 Thread Michael Smith
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On Thu, 2 Jun 2011 18:05:26 -0700
Tom Cod wrote:

 the high caste screeds of
 Old Money neocons like Allan Bloom and Roger Kimball 

I don't get this at all. The individuals mentioned are 
complete parvenus. 

Michael J. Smith

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