Re: [Marxism] Moderators' note: posting under your real name

2014-10-20 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Freitag, 17. Oktober 2014 at 20:53, Les Schaffer via Marxism wrote:

 we do auto-generate a message when someone subscribes
 and can update that with the rules. but our impression is people don't
 pay attention to that message.

 Isn't it that a new subscriber has to confirm that it actually his/her address 
from which the subscription request did come from? 

 That is the point in time where the new subscriber could decide to not use the 
real name and a different email address. 

 But beware - the NSA and all the rest of the alphabet soup do know your 
address anyway. The caution is just for regular guys as you and me and maybe 
your employer who skims the net with a google search. 

Lüko Willms

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[Marxism] USA Air Drops Supplies to Kurds in Kobane

2014-10-20 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Kobani: US drops weapons to Kurds in Syria

Kobani air drops likely to anger Turkish government, which opposes sending
arms to Kurdish rebels in Syria

 The US military says it has airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical
supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against
Islamic State militants.

The air drops on Sunday were the first of their kind and followed weeks of
US and coalition air strikes in and near Kobani, near the Turkish border.
The US earlier said it had launched 11 air strikes overnight in the Kobani

Meanwhile Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Monday that
Turkey was facilitating the passage of Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters to
Kobani. Cavusoglu did not provide details on the transfer of the fighters.

In a statement on Sunday night, US Central Command said US C-130 cargo
planes made multiple drops of arms and supplies provided by Kurdish
authorities in Iraq. It said they were intended to enable continued
resistance to Islamic State efforts to take full control of Kobani.

The air drops are almost certain to anger the Turkish government, which has
said it would oppose any US arms transfers to the Kurdish rebels in Syria.
Turkey views the main Kurdish group in Syria as an extension of the Turkish
Kurd group known as the PKK, which has waged a 30-year insurgency in Turkey
and is designated a terror group by the US and by Nato.

Senior US administration officials said three C-130 planes dropped 27
bundles of small arms, ammunition and medical supplies. The officials spoke
on condition of anonymity under ground rules set by the White House.

One official said that while the results of the mission were still being
assessed, it appeared that “the vast majority” of the supplies reached the
intended Kurdish fighters.

The official also said the C-130s encountered no resistance from the ground
in Syria during their flights in and out of Syrian airspace.

In a written statement, Central Command said its forces had conducted more
than 135 air strikes against Islamic State forces in Kobani.

Central Command said: “Combined with continued resistance to Isil on the
ground, indications are that these strikes have slowed Isil advances into
the city, killed hundreds of their fighters and destroyed or damaged scores
of pieces of Isil combat equipment and fighting positions.”
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[Marxism] Red Father

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Tuesday, Oct. 28 7:00 PM
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Film Notes
Tova Beck-Friedman
2014, 55 min, digital
Tells the story of the rise and fall of Bernard Ades, a Jewish lawyer 
and a Communist raised in Baltimore and radicalized during the Great 
Depression. The film examines Ades’s life, as told by his daughter, 
Janet Ades. Set against the backdrop of the pre-civil rights era, the 
film follows Ades as he seeks to end systemic legal racism in Maryland, 
fights Fascism with the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil 
War, and becomes a target himself during the dark days of America’s 
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[Marxism] Fwd: The CIA’s Wrong: Arming Rebels Works - The Daily Beast

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Of course arming rebels works. Just look at Nicaragua in the 1980s.
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[Marxism] Fwd: The Emergence of Marx’s Critique of Modern Agriculture | Kohei Saito | Monthly Review

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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It appears that Marx first happened to encounter Johnston’s Notes on 
North America through two articles in The Economist.18 These articles 
sum up Johnston’s book well, and it is likely that they motivated Marx 
to study his more theoretical books on agricultural chemistry and 
geology. One of the articles starts by mentioning the fact that despite 
the constant and growing communication between England and North 
America, there was not sufficient information about the agricultural 
capacity in the New World. Consequently, as the article continues, a 
myth prevailed among English readers that a great improvement of virgin 
soils had been achieved, and the soil would be inexhaustible in North 
America. For the purpose of disproving this fallacy, the author of The 
Economist values Johnston’s Notes on North America (1851) quite highly, 
as “the author’s knowledge of science, and its practical relations with 
agriculture, enabled him to obtain very clear and accurate views.” 
According to the article, “one of the most important of these 
conclusions” is “that the wheat-exporting power of North America has not 
only been much exaggerated, but is actually, and not slowly, 
diminishing” or even “worn out.”19 However, as the article continues, it 
is not in the farmer’s interest to maintain the fertility of the land 
through good management—because it is actually cheaper to sell it and 
settle upon new land, going further west once the land becomes less 
agriculturally profitable. Thus, as the next article maintains, the 
diminishment of crops is not at all surprising, once “we learn that in 
many districts the land has been cropped with wheat for fifty years 
without any other manure than a ton of gypsum a year applied to the 
whole farm.”20 Succinctly summarizing Johnston’s book to rebuff a 
widespread illusion about American agriculture, these articles conclude 
that it is in reality still trapped “in a very primitive state,” without 
a proper investment or management, which quickly exhausts soils.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Conference speakers say the liberal arts must return to a purer form to survive @insidehighered

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The biggest wake-up call came from John Agresto, past president of St. 
John’s College in Santa Fe and former deputy chairman of the National 
Endowment for the Humanities. (St. John's in Santa Fe, which celebrated 
its 50th anniversary by hosting the “What Is a Liberal Education For?” 
conference, has an older campus in Annapolis, Md.) Quoting worrisome 
statistics about the humanities today – English, long a go-to 
concentration, now accounts for just 3 percent of majors nationwide, for 
example – Agresto said the liberal arts are “dying.”

Agresto said that much humanities instruction has been co-opted by 
hyperspecialization and especially by critical theory. He said 
overly-critical approaches at once demean the subject matter and limit 
students’ free inquiry. For example, he said, when professors portray 
the founding fathers as mere “white racists,” no student or parent “in 
their right mind” would pay $50,000 a year to study them.



From Wikipedia on John Agresto:

In 1986 Agresto was nominated by President Reagan to become Archivist of 
the United States. At least thirteen national historical and archival 
organizations opposed Agresto's nomination, some objecting to what they 
claimed was his political partisanship[1] The American Studies 
Association said that his was a mediocre political appointment and the 
Organization of American Historians claimed he lacked the technical 
qualifications for the job.[1] Opposition to Agresto was also based on 
his two-year refusal while at the NEH to comply with federal affirmative 
action hiring requirements. (Agresto vowed to resign rather than comply, 
but backed down after Congress threatened to abolish the Endowment.[2]) 
During the confirmation process, it was disclosed that a pro-Agresto 
witness at a Senate hearing had received a $10,000 chairman's grant 
from Agresto six months earlier, after an application for a $30,000 
grant was rejected by a humanities panel.[3] The nomination produced 
controversy for over a year before it was withdrawn.

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[Marxism] Fwd: After repelling ISIL, PKK fighters are the new heroes of Kurdistan | Al Jazeera America

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In the past, the PKK did not count many Iraqi Kurds among its members, 
nor was the separatist group a critical player in Kurdistan’s internal 
affairs. But since ISIL fighters swept through northern Iraq this 
summer, that has changed. Increasingly, Iraqi Kurds are embracing the 
PKK fighters as heroes, lauding them for recapturing the northern Iraqi 
town of Makhmour and its surrounding villages and for rescuing thousands 
of members of the Yazidi ethnic group who were trapped in nearby Sinjar.

Halkawt Sami, an Iraqi Kurdish carpenter, has come to fulfill what he 
says is a national duty to welcome his “comrade” home. In August, as 
ISIL threatened to overtake Erbil, Sami enlisted to fight the extremist 
group. Like Kawa, he signed up for the PKK, not the peshmerga.

“It was the PKK that came down from the mountains to protect us,” he 
says, referring to the fighters’ descent from their camp in the Qandil 
Mountains, along the Iran-Iraq border. Sami says he was among at least 
100 new recruits from Erbil who received basic training at the PKK camp.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Here Are 5 Takeaways From The Harper's Anti-Clinton Story

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Doug Henwood has a major article in the latest Harper's on Hilary 
Clinton, which is behind a paywall. I'd advise one and all, at least if 
you are in the USA, to pick it up at the newsstand and even consider 
taking out a sub. I have been a Harper's subscriber since the early 80s 
and really value it, warts and all. It has the guts to take on the 
Democrats, something that the Nation is loath to do. Short of buying the 
issue, this summary of Doug's article is useful:
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[Marxism] The Decadence and Environmental Destruction of American Expansionism in Nevada

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Thomas Frank: Paul Krugman’s sloppy, wet kiss -

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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At least Tom Frank does not try to conceal his past:

Krugman tells us that his regard for the president was late to bloom. I 
myself moved in the opposite direction. I liked Obama a lot in 2008; in 
fact, I even voted for him during his ill-fated run for Congress in 
2000. I anticipated great things from his presidency, in part because he 
wasn’t connected in any obvious way with the Clinton administration. And 
I have been increasingly disappointed by his performance as the years 


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[Marxism] Fwd: Mussolini’s Jewess - The American Interest

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Who was Margherita Sarfatti? My Fault’s introduction provides a lucid 
overview of her life. She was born in Venice in 1880, the fourth and 
last child of Amedeo Grassini and Emma Levi. The Sarfattis were wealthy 
(among other things, her father established the city’s water taxi system 
of vaporetti to capitalize on the tourist trade), and his daughter grew 
up in highly privileged circumstances.

Her parents were Orthodox Jews, but Sarfatti received an outstanding 
secular education. Well read, fluent in several languages, including 
English, she became active in Socialist and feminist causes while still 
in her teens—hence her sobriquet in Venice as la vergine rossa, “the red 
virgin.” Around the turn of the past century, she married a much older 
Socialist lawyer and moved to Milan to become the art critic for the 
Socialist Party newspaper Avanti!. It was there she first met Benito 
Mussolini, the paper’s new editor, in 1912.

Sarfatti and Mussolini were inseparable for the next two decades, both 
in and out of the bedroom. Mussolini went so far as to refer to Sarfatti 
as his mascotte. She paid for his clothes, his car, his apartment, and 
much more. She joined with him as he broke with the Socialists over 
Italy’s participation in the World War. When Mussolini founded his own 
newspaper, Il Popolo d’Italia, to advocate intervention, she went with 
him. When at the end of the war he organized his followers in the Piazza 
San Sepolcro in Milan (where the first Fasci italiani di combatimento, 
or combat bands, were formed), she was there, too.


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[Marxism] Fwd: ZCommunications » For clarity in Syria’s muddy politics

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Vijay Prashad is a very smart guy but has a certain naivete when it 
comes to Syria:

The government of Bashar al-Assad is weakened. Syria, says one former 
leader, is “in danger of being lost permanently.” Residues of Syrian 
patriotism remain, and these leaders are eager but afraid to make a 
public declaration to the following effect — the armed struggle to bring 
democracy to Syria has failed, the Damascus government is weak and 
prepared to make concessions, and a united front of Syrians is required 
to fight the threat from IS.

A united front of Syrians? Really? I doubt that any rebel would consider 
this after 3 years of suffering from attacks that make Guernica look 
like a Sunday School picnic.

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Re: [Marxism] USA Air Drops Supplies to Kurds in Kobane

2014-10-20 Thread Marv Gandall via Marxism
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The Erdogan government has also this morning agreed to allow the peshmerga to 
cross their territory from Iraq to relieve the siege. This, a day after Erdogan 
again reiterated he was opposed to aiding the YPG/J. Clearly, the Turks have 
succumbed to pressure from the US and Barzani’s Kurdish Regional Government. 

The assistance, while obviously very welcome, is a two-edged sword. The Turks 
and Americans are hoping their intervention will shore up Barzani at home and 
displace the leftist PKK in Turkey and PYD in Syria. As al-Jazeera reported 
recently, Barzani’s base in Iraq had begun deserting him because of his 
hesitant support of the YPG/J fighters in Kobani, and this has had to be a 
factor in the American decision to prevent the fall of Kobane, alongside the 
need to shatter ISIS’ aura of military invincibility which was drawing recruits 
to it from across the region and elsewhere.

On Oct 20, 2014, at 6:59 AM, Greg McDonald via Marxism wrote:
 Kobani: US drops weapons to Kurds in Syria
 Kobani air drops likely to anger Turkish government, which opposes sending
 arms to Kurdish rebels in Syria
 The US military says it has airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical
 supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against
 Islamic State militants.
 The air drops on Sunday were the first of their kind and followed weeks of
 US and coalition air strikes in and near Kobani, near the Turkish border.
 The US earlier said it had launched 11 air strikes overnight in the Kobani
 Meanwhile Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Monday that
 Turkey was facilitating the passage of Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters to
 Kobani. Cavusoglu did not provide details on the transfer of the fighters.
 In a statement on Sunday night, US Central Command said US C-130 cargo
 planes made multiple drops of arms and supplies provided by Kurdish
 authorities in Iraq. It said they were intended to enable continued
 resistance to Islamic State efforts to take full control of Kobani.
 The air drops are almost certain to anger the Turkish government, which has
 said it would oppose any US arms transfers to the Kurdish rebels in Syria.
 Turkey views the main Kurdish group in Syria as an extension of the Turkish
 Kurd group known as the PKK, which has waged a 30-year insurgency in Turkey
 and is designated a terror group by the US and by Nato.
 Senior US administration officials said three C-130 planes dropped 27
 bundles of small arms, ammunition and medical supplies. The officials spoke
 on condition of anonymity under ground rules set by the White House.
 One official said that while the results of the mission were still being
 assessed, it appeared that “the vast majority” of the supplies reached the
 intended Kurdish fighters.
 The official also said the C-130s encountered no resistance from the ground
 in Syria during their flights in and out of Syrian airspace.
 In a written statement, Central Command said its forces had conducted more
 than 135 air strikes against Islamic State forces in Kobani.
 Central Command said: “Combined with continued resistance to Isil on the
 ground, indications are that these strikes have slowed Isil advances into
 the city, killed hundreds of their fighters and destroyed or damaged scores
 of pieces of Isil combat equipment and fighting positions.”
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[Marxism] Football in Sayreville

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Last week I blogged something titled Against Football that alluded to 
the hazing and sexual assault of younger players on the Sayreville, New 
Jersey high school football team. Today's NY Times has an in-depth 
article on the school:

The circumstances would be daunting for any school district, but 
Sayreville has had to endure more than its share of controversy recently.

The football team’s defensive coordinator, Charlie Garcia, was arrested 
last month in a motel parking lot with two boxes of steroids and 14 
hypodermic needles in his pickup, the authorities said. And, last 
spring, a female high school teacher, Jaclyn Melillo, pleaded guilty to 
sexually assaulting two male students.

There was also another sports-related scandal with sexual overtones. In 
2009, parents and students complained that the school’s wrestling coach 
had asked boys to strip naked for a ringworm search, boasted about 
having sex with other teachers at the school and exchanged inappropriate 
text messages with students, among other troubling allegations. The 
school board opted to withdraw an offer for him to return as coach.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Ukraine: war as a means of social control | People and Nature

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The separatist movement was only able to mount an armed conflict with 
the Ukrainian state on this scale because of support from the Russian 
state. The main reason this support was, and is, given is the Russian 
state’s fear of the movements that developed in Ukraine prior to 
Yanukovich’s overthrow – the demonstrations on Maidan and the high level 
of social protest right across Ukraine that accompanied them.

I am not glamourising the Maidan movement. Alongside progressive and 
democratic ideas there were many reactionary and nationalist ideas among 
those who took part. (See what I wrote in February here.) But I am 
saying that the Kremlin looked on these demonstrations with horror, 
because it showed that collective actions by large numbers of people in 
the former Soviet space could create situations it could not control. 
Fear of social movements, whether in Russia or other former Soviet 
countries, is a hallmark of Putin’s government.

As a result of direct Russian military involvement in the conflict, NATO 
countries have introduced economic sanctions against Russia and there is 
now a real conflict between Russia and some of the western powers. But 
it is a tension within limits. It is a mistake to believe that a new 
“cold war” is in progress – or that there is somehow something 
progressive, “anti imperialist” or “anti fascist” in the Kremlin’s 
actions. (More on that here.) The next section argues that more fully.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Report: Mississippi Incarcerates More People Per Capita Than Russia and China . . . Combined | JONATHAN TURLEY

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: After repelling ISIL, PKK fighters are the new heroes of Kurdistan | Al Jazeera America

2014-10-20 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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note especially this:
Turkey profited a lot from the KRG; they are a big business partner,” says
Thomas Schmidinger, a lecturer at the University of Vienna and secretary
general of the Austrian Association for Kurdish Studies. “The KRG is a
semicolony of Turkey’s post-Ottoman sphere of influence.”
and this:
Ilke, of the PKK-affiliated, Turkey-based Peace and Democratic Party
(BDP), says KDP policies have exacerbated the gap between rich and poor.
“We didn’t come here to establish companies and oil,” he says. “If we can
participate in elections, we will win.”

On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 8:24 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

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 In the past, the PKK did not count many Iraqi Kurds among its members, nor
 was the separatist group a critical player in Kurdistan’s internal affairs.
 But since ISIL fighters swept through northern Iraq this summer, that has
 changed. Increasingly, Iraqi Kurds are embracing the PKK fighters as
 heroes, lauding them for recapturing the northern Iraqi town of Makhmour
 and its surrounding villages and for rescuing thousands of members of the
 Yazidi ethnic group who were trapped in nearby Sinjar.

 Halkawt Sami, an Iraqi Kurdish carpenter, has come to fulfill what he says
 is a national duty to welcome his “comrade” home. In August, as ISIL
 threatened to overtake Erbil, Sami enlisted to fight the extremist group.
 Like Kawa, he signed up for the PKK, not the peshmerga.

 “It was the PKK that came down from the mountains to protect us,” he says,
 referring to the fighters’ descent from their camp in the Qandil Mountains,
 along the Iran-Iraq border. Sami says he was among at least 100 new
 recruits from Erbil who received basic training at the PKK camp.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: ZCommunications » For clarity in Syria’s muddy politics

2014-10-20 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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It's not naivete. His fascination with state options is the same brand of
liberalism behind Phyllis Bennis's obsession with the UN.

And of course for Vijay, the grassroots, secular revolution doesn't exist.
I think it was Louis who forwarded this interview with Joseph Daher. It has
a very, very long list of grassroots activities.

On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 8:45 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

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 Vijay Prashad is a very smart guy but has a certain naivete when it comes
 to Syria:

 The government of Bashar al-Assad is weakened. Syria, says one former
 leader, is “in danger of being lost permanently.” Residues of Syrian
 patriotism remain, and these leaders are eager but afraid to make a public
 declaration to the following effect — the armed struggle to bring democracy
 to Syria has failed, the Damascus government is weak and prepared to make
 concessions, and a united front of Syrians is required to fight the threat
 from IS.

 A united front of Syrians? Really? I doubt that any rebel would consider
 this after 3 years of suffering from attacks that make Guernica look like a
 Sunday School picnic.
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[Marxism] Fwd: The Hacker Wars | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The “Hacker Wars” opened at Village East Cinema last Friday and is 
playing through Thursday. This review is a bit belated but I do want to 
urge New Yorkers to check out the film since it puts a spotlight on 
figures in the Anonymous movement that were of some significance despite 
being obscure to many of us, including me. The film also hints at why 
the “Hacker Wars” were lost, an outcome that is in many ways parallel to 
the demise of the Occupy movement, its second cousin.

Let me start off by saying that it took me a while to warm up to this 
documentary since director Vivien Lesnik Weisman made the decision to 
adopt an MTV type aesthetic that made use of exceedingly short fragments 
of the various principals speaking about their experience as hackers 
that must have been calculated to appeal to a younger audience that 
ostensibly lacked the patience to hear someone speak for a lengthy 
period—like five minutes or so. When you superimpose a hip-hop 
soundtrack over the interviews, it becomes rather annoying to an old 
fogey like me.

That being said, there’s some important material in the film that must 
be considered by a left that has grown accustomed to the Guy Fawkes 
mask-wearing activists who made up the rank-and-file of both Anonymous 
and Occupy, many of whom were self-professed anarchists.

The film is basically a profile of three victims of the war on 
hactivism: Andrew Alan Escher Auernheimer—aka “Weev”, Jeremy Hammond, 
and Barrett Brown. All have spent time or are spending time in prison 
for their role in Anonymous and its ancillary cabals. And all of them 
leave something to be desired as personalities and activists.

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2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This is a really good documentary about the love of baseball in a region 
of India that has also been a center of rebellion for many years. I 
reviewed it a while back. Highly recommended.

Narrated by Academy-Award® winner Melissa Leo

34 West 13th Street / (212) 255-2243 / /


AMERICAN SPIRIT AWARD – Sedona Intl. Film Fest

“Mirra Bank finds an unlikely hotbed of baseball love in
The Only Real Game!” – The Hollywood Reporter

“Wholly absorbing! There’s a lot of heartache, but they
play for love… another work in the canon of baseball
poetry.” – Daphne Howland, Village Voice Critic’s Pick

“Playing Ball in the Shadow of Warfare - Fascinating!
And it’s nice to see an American export other than
a Hollywood blockbuster engendering good will.”
– Neil Genzlinger, NY Times

“Masterful and extraordinary! The wonders of the game
of baseball, the dreams it arouses and the communities it
creates burst through.” – Ken Auletta, Media Critic

“Illuminating! Astoundingly, heartrendingly real.”
– Jaime Lubin, Huffington Post


SYNOPSIS: Mirra Bank’s deeply stirring documentary, narrated by Academy 
Award®-winner Melissa Leo, captures the magic of baseball for people in 
the strife-torn border state of Manipur, in northeast India. Introduced 
by American GI’s toward the end of World War II, baseball has been a 
passion in Manipur for over 70 years. Bank reveals the tenacity and 
heart of Manipuri women who not only love the game, but brave great 
obstacles to play, coach and advocate for government support of baseball 
as a way to connect to the wider world. Their dream moves toward reality 
when a small band of NYC baseball lovers, and two Major League Baseball 
Envoy coaches, join the community to improve skills and ‘Play Ball’. In 
this wounded and deeply spiritual society, the love for the Great 
American Game, or as Babe Ruth put it, “the only real game in the world” 
creates a parallel universe where healthy competition, fairness, and 
camaraderie provide a respite from the poverty and violence engendered 
by years of political suppression and armed discord.

QUADCINEMA - 34 West 13th Street / (212) 255-2243 /

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[Marxism] Update/Correction: NOT IN OUR NAME: Rally against anti-Muslim bigot Ayaan Hirsi Ali at NYU-affiliated Forum

2014-10-20 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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*NOT IN OUR NAME: Rally against anti-Muslim bigot Ayaan Hirsi Ali at
NYU-affiliated Forum*

Where: 92nd St  Lexington Avenue

When: 6:30PM, Wednesday, 22 October

NYU Law’s newly acquired Forum on Law, Culture, and Society, is hosting
Ayaan Hirsi Ali to screen *Submission*, a short film by Dutch
ultranationalist Theo Van Gogh attributing women’s suffering to the Islamic

Ali, a Somali-Dutch writer, has written
that Islam is a “nihilistic cult of death,” describes the Islamic faith in
its entirety as “the new fascism,” and calls for the constitution of the
United States to be amended
deprive Muslims of the legal right to practice their religion. When asked
if she is for “defeating radical Islam,” Ali clarifies that she is for
Islam, period

While other universities have correctly rescinded honors to
Ms. Ali for her bigoted, irresponsible, and academically void
generalizations about Muslims, NYU Law has stamped its approval on the
Forum on Law, Culture, and Society as it brings her to speak.

The Forum was enthusiastically embraced
NYU Law Dean Trevor Morrison this summer. Its director and host of
Wednesday’s event, Thane Rosenbaum, opined during Israel’s indiscriminate
bombardment of Gaza last summer that virtually all Palestinian civilians
forfeited their “right[s] to be called civilians” due to how some voted in
a 2006 election. As a slew of critics noted, Mr. Rosenbaum’s commentary
mimicked terrorist propaganda
to justify massacring innocent people -- including Americans and Israelis.

The Forum is also bringing former “Stop  Frisk” NYPD police commissioner
Ray Kelly, whose department spied on Muslim students at NYU and throughout
the country, and former Attorney General Michael Mukasey. The men will
present the film Zero Dark Thirty, a CIA-vetted film widely interpreted to
justify torture as necessary and justified to capture Osama bin Laden.

A coalition of student and community groups has called for this protest as
part of a growing campaign to get NYU Law to reassess its relationship with
the Forum.

Meet outside the 92Y at 6:30PM on Wednesday, 22 October. You are encouraged
to bring banners and materials. E-mail to add your
endorsement. You can also visit us on Facebook and sign our open letter

Demonstration Endorsers:

NYU Students for Justice in Palestine

NYU Law Students for Justice in Palestine

NYU Law National Lawyers Guild

Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine

Jews Against Islamophobia Coalition

Jewish Voice for Peace -- New York

Labor for Palestine

Jews for Palestinian Right of Return

Middle East Crisis Response

Hudson Valley Boycott, Divest, Sanctions


Middle East North Africa Solidarity Network-US

International Action Center

Queers Against Israeli Apartheid

**A previous version of this statement erroneously described Ali as
Nigerian-Dutch. She is Somali-Dutch. The names of endorsers have also been
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Re: [Marxism] Update/Correction: NOT IN OUR NAME: Rally against anti-Muslim bigot Ayaan Hirsi Ali at NYU-affiliated Forum

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 10/20/14 12:15 PM, A.R. G via Marxism wrote:

*NOT IN OUR NAME: Rally against anti-Muslim bigot Ayaan Hirsi Ali at
NYU-affiliated Forum*

Where: 92nd St  Lexington Avenue

Fucking 92nd Street Y, a block from my building and a symbol of 
everything that's wrong with official Judaism and its besotted Zionist 
elites. I'll be there...

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[Marxism] Will he speak at the next Stop the War rally?

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(By Leslie Gelb, the epitome of the revolving door between the NY Times 
and the State Department.)

There’s Only One Way to Beat ISIS: Work With Assad and Iran
The Obama administration has pulled together a coalition as ineffectual 
as it is unwilling. It’s time to join up with the forces, however 
unsavory, that can do the job.

Earlier this week, outside Washington, the Obama team hosted senior 
military leaders from nations pledged to help fight the so-called 
Islamic State, in a mission the Pentagon is now calling Operation 
Inherent Resolve. Representatives from 21 of the 60-odd countries 
appeared. Everyone, of course, was too polite to inquire about the 
embarrassing number of absentees. Nor did they comment on how little 
these partners have contributed to the war effort thus far, or on the 
fact that no new serious help has been promised. Least surprising of all 
was the absence of the only two nations that could help fight the 
jihadis now and in a tangible form.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Public School Reform and the Software Tycoons » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: I studied business and programming, not English. I still can’t find a job. - The Washington Post

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Jacobin, Qaddafi, AFRICOM and me

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Jacobin needs to hire a fact-checker, especially when it links to 
something I wrote.

This is by someone named David Mizner, a a novelist and freelance 
journalist. I guess the fiction side of the ledger spilled into the 
nonfiction side.

The article states:

The get-rid-of-Qaddafi motive and the United States African Command 
(AFRICOM) motive aren’t mutually exclusive; the Libyan ruler, along with 
other African leaders, resisted the growth of AFRICOM.

The words along with are linked to an article I wrote about Qaddafi 
and AFRiCOM that has exactly the opposite analysis. My article refers to 
AFRICOM, the devil itself, issuing a statement on the peachy-keen 
collaboration with Qaddafi:


Sep 28, 2009 — A delegation of three senior Libyan military officers 
visited U.S. Africa Command headquarters as part of an orientation 
program to explain the command’s mission, Sept. 21-24, 2009, as the two 
countries continue to build their military relationship.

The officers held meetings with senior staff members to discuss the 
command’s programs and activities, met General William E. ward and his 
two deputies, and traveled to Ramstein Air Base to meet Major General 
Ron Ladnier, the U.S. Air Force Africa commander, and his staff.

The command hosts African military delegations frequently, but 
“certainly with regard to Libya, it is quite historic,” said Kenneth 
Fidler, Africa Command Public Affairs Office, which hosted the Libyan team.

Two of the officers in the delegation write for the official magazine of 
the Libyan armed forces, called Al-Musallh. Colonel Mohamed Algale is 
the chief editor, and Colonel Abdelgane Mohamed is the space and 
aviation editor. The third member of the party, Colonel Mustafa Washahi, 
represented the Libyan Ministry of Defense.

The officers also toured AFN-Europe studios in Mannheim, Germany, and 
met with editors of the European Stars and Stripes in Kaiserslautern, 

“They (Africa Command officials) clarified everything,” Abdelgane said 
in an interview with AFN-Europe. “And they are making our mission easier 
… to rise up the level of understanding between the militaries … and to 
move for further cooperation to the benefit of both countries.”

In January 2009, Libya and the United States signed a defense 
cooperation memorandum of understanding, which provides the framework 
for a military-to-military relationship and cooperation on programs of 
mutual interest.

After the signing of the MOU, a forum called the Council of Colonels met 
for the fourth time since 2007. These meetings set the tone for 
Libya-U.S. military relations and is the primary venue for discussing 
potential security cooperation opportunities, such as ship visits and 
information exchange programs.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Here Are 5 Takeaways From The Harper's Anti-Clinton Story

2014-10-20 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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Louis Proyect wrote

Doug Henwood has a major article in the latest Harper's on Hilary 
Clinton, which is behind a paywall. I'd advise one and all, at least if 
you are in the USA, to pick it up at the newsstand and even consider 
taking out a sub. I have been a Harper's subscriber since the early 80s 
and really value it, warts and all. It has the guts to take on the 
Democrats, something that the Nation is loath to do. Short of buying the 
issue, this summary of Doug's article is useful:

From this Huffington summary, I would say that yes, it's good to have 
at least that much of the story, and it's good Henwood was able to get 
it out there. But it's a hit piece about the personal development of one 
of the power hungry. What is really needed is a succinct analysis, using 
method and tools that Marx bequeathed, presented in a format and story 
line that anyone would have to agree with, as to why it's hard to find 
any political substance, and as to why we get Clintons and Bushes and 
Obamas and dynasties, and why she typifies a pragmatic politician 
motivated more by ambition than by principle. That sort of Marxist 
analysis can be accessed online with some effort, but Harper's liberal 
readership, like my friends in the light left middle class who hold 
the balance of electoral sufferance, certainly isn't getting it from the 
sources to which they subscribe. So they end up throwing up their hands 
and in the towel. And go and vote again for the lesser evil. Or not. And 
then there's the question calling for explanation as to why anyone would 
any longer, with all the palpable evidence available after the 
disillusionment in Obama's performance, still believe in that system of 
parliamentary obfuscation, and every-four-year first past the post 
bourgeois-created and prevailing-power-serving ritual.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Here Are 5 Takeaways From The Harper's Anti-Clinton Story

2014-10-20 Thread Marv Gandall via Marxism
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 On Oct 20, 2014, at 2:04 PM, Ralph Johansen via Marxism wrote:
 Louis Proyect wrote
 Doug Henwood has a major article in the latest Harper's on Hilary Clinton, 
 which is behind a paywall. I'd advise one and all, at least if you are in the 
 USA, to pick it up at the newsstand and even consider taking out a sub. I 
 have been a Harper's subscriber since the early 80s and really value it, 
 warts and all. It has the guts to take on the Democrats, something that the 
 Nation is loath to do. Short of buying the issue, this summary of Doug's 
 article is useful:
 From this Huffington summary, I would say that yes, it's good to have at 
 least that much of the story, and it's good Henwood was able to get it out 
 there. But it's a hit piece about the personal development of one of the 
 power hungry. 

It's precisely the type of criticism a large part of the liberal base of the 
party directed against Clinton in 2008 which deprived her of the nomination. 
Doug's article will provide useful talking points for the same constituency 
which now wants to see her coronation blocked by Elizabeth Warren or Bernie 
Sanders. I don't think a similar article attacking Warren or Sanders would be 
greeted with the same acclaim in these circles as the Clinton piece is likely 
to receive, assuming liberal publications like Harper's and Huffington Post 
would be willing to publish it, of course.
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Re: [Marxism] YPG statement of cooperation with FSA acrossnorthern Syria for a free, democratic Syria

2014-10-20 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Michael Karadjis said:
I think that's right, and while we can easily declare, from afar, that this 
policy is mistaken it is obviously a lot more difficult given such realities 
of the situation. Yet another reason that trying to apportion all blame for 
past FSA/PYD tensions to the FSA side is just a little too easy, but incorrect. 
There are 1.5 million Syrian refugees in Turkey; and the FSA relied on the 
willingness of Turkey (as a front-line state, willingly or otherwise), to 
allow it recruit in the camps, and cross the border to and fro. 

Incidentally, that is why I thought the criticism of Turkey we continually hear 
for allowing jihadists to cross the border has not been well thought out. 
Turkey may well have been deliberately doing that too, and if so, should be 
criticised; however, with an 822 kilometre border with Syria, with 1.5 million 
refugees living along it, it may well have been more difficult to police every 
movement than people assume. I for one am glad the FSA and the refugees have 
had this friendly border in light of the apocalypse unleashed by the Syrian 
regime. I hardly think a call for the Turkish army and police to create a 
massively militarised anti-refugee, anti-movement, border is progressive. Of 
course, Turkey does need to be critcised precisely for not giving the same 
leeway to the PKK/YPG cadres who wanted to cross the border to help the 
struggle in Kobani (as well as for much else), and that is a much better way to 
criticise Turkey's border policy. 

-Original Message- From: Ken Hiebert via Marxism 

Speaking from a distance, I would speculate that in addition to the problem of 
understanding the Kurdish struggle the FSA was very aware of their dependence 
on the co-operastion of the Turkish government and reluctant to upset them with 
a clear policy of support to Kurdish self-determination

* * * * * * * * *

Ken Hiebert replies:
Having now experienced the power of the Kurdish resistance, I wonder how the 
FSA will look back on their previous hesitations about the Kurdish struggle, 
granting that some of that hesitation may have been for tactical reasons.  What 
would have been lost and what would have been gained if they had embraced the 
Kurdish struggle earlier?
In any case, those leftists who used their connections with the Syrian struggle 
to alert Syrians to the importance of the Kurdish struggle were contributing to 
the common struggle.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Theodore Roosevelt, Walt Whitman and Andrew Jackson Were Proponents of Native American Genocide

2014-10-20 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?

These are always amusing.  Two homicidal politicians and a poet.

Whitman grew up in an uncritically Jacksonian family and started his career
as something of a Democratic hack newspaperman that responded predictably
when the Democrats led the country into a war of conquest.  This is a
terrible habit that persists today among people who should know better.

Whitman, however, grew out of it.  The reason the beats and lefties
generally like Whitman has less to do with any deep-seated racism among
them than with what he did afterwards..

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Re: [Marxism] UN: friend or foe

2014-10-20 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Montag, 20. Oktober 2014 at 06:07, Philip Ferguson via Marxism wrote:

 One of the first major activities of the UN was to create the state of
 Israel, thereby dispossessing the Palestinians. 

  Actually, the UN did not create the State of Israel. This state was created 
by the colonial war launched to ethnically cleanse Palestine from Arabs. 

  The UN General Assembly only gave a political cover for this act. 

  One has to remember, BTW, that this majority vote for a colonial racist 
partition against the declared will of the majority of the colony's population, 
was made possible by the USSR working in harmony with the USofA in order to 
push for the partition resolution. This was one of the stalinist rulers' major 
counterrevolutionary crimes. 

  Among the 33 countries voting for the colonial partition plan, were the three 
votes of the USSR (Ukraine and Belarus had their own UN membership) plus Poland 
and Czekoslovakia. 13 countries voted against (of course all six Arab countries 
no longer under colonial rule, plus Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Iran, Turkey, 
Greece, and Cuba), and 10 abstained, among those Jugoslavia. 

Lüko Willms

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[Marxism] My Lai was not an incident

2014-10-20 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] Can an ancient legal principle serve as a tool for the climate protection movement?

2014-10-20 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] Prison abolition

2014-10-20 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Main speech from the Wellington, New Zealand rally on October 18:

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[Marxism] The United Nations - friend or foe, plus. . .

2014-10-20 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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History will one day have its say, but it will not be the history that
Brussels, Paris, Washington or the United nations will teach, but that
which they will teach in the countries emancipated from colonialism and its
puppets. . . - Patrice Lumumba

Full article:

And on the division of labour between the United Nations and the individual
imperialist powers in their own right:

New Zealand's accession to the Security Council to help manage World
Imperialism Inc:

Also very interesting article by German worker at the Amazon operation in
that country:

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Here Are 5 Takeaways From The Harper's Anti-Clinton Story

2014-10-20 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Are Warren or Sanders any more likely to be viable Democratic contenders
than I am?
On Oct 20, 2014 2:29 PM, Marv Gandall via Marxism wrote:

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  On Oct 20, 2014, at 2:04 PM, Ralph Johansen via Marxism wrote:
  Louis Proyect wrote
  Doug Henwood has a major article in the latest Harper's on Hilary
 Clinton, which is behind a paywall. I'd advise one and all, at least if you
 are in the USA, to pick it up at the newsstand and even consider taking out
 a sub. I have been a Harper's subscriber since the early 80s and really
 value it, warts and all. It has the guts to take on the Democrats,
 something that the Nation is loath to do. Short of buying the issue, this
 summary of Doug's article is useful:
  From this Huffington summary, I would say that yes, it's good to have at
 least that much of the story, and it's good Henwood was able to get it out
 there. But it's a hit piece about the personal development of one of the
 power hungry.

 It's precisely the type of criticism a large part of the liberal base of
 the party directed against Clinton in 2008 which deprived her of the
 nomination. Doug's article will provide useful talking points for the same
 constituency which now wants to see her coronation blocked by Elizabeth
 Warren or Bernie Sanders. I don't think a similar article attacking Warren
 or Sanders would be greeted with the same acclaim in these circles as the
 Clinton piece is likely to receive, assuming liberal publications like
 Harper's and Huffington Post would be willing to publish it, of course.
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[Marxism] This non-violent stuff’ll get you killed - How Guns made the Civil Rights Movement Possible

2014-10-20 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] Interview with legendary Irish republican George Harrison

2014-10-20 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Great job with the interview, Rustbelt!  I've highlighted it on The Irish
Revolution and will pass it around folks in Ireland.

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[Marxism] Fwd: De Blasio and Giuliani Speak Out on Met’s ‘Klinghoffer’ as Protests Begin -

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Good for de Blasio)

As the Metropolitan Opera prepared to give its first performance of John 
Adams’s 1991 opera “The Death of Klinghoffer” on Monday night, several 
hundred protesters gathered outside the opera house, security was 
heightened inside, and the debate over the work spread to City Hall.

As Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former mayor of New York and Republican 
presidential candidate, joined protesters outside the opera house Monday 
evening to denounce the work, which he said offered “a distorted view of 
history,” the current mayor, Bill de Blasio, a Democrat, defended the 
Met’s right to perform it. He said that Mr. Giuliani “had a history of 
challenging cultural institutions when he disagreed with their content.”


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[Marxism] Ebola and the criminal passivity of the Great Powers

2014-10-20 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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At Redline, we've reprinted an article in the current issue of the US paper
The Spark (US co-thinkers of Lutte Ouvriere) about the way the great powers
have left dealing with ebola to west African governments and volunteer
groups like Medecins Sans Frontieres.

It's here:

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[Marxism] Fwd: Kobane

2014-10-20 Thread Carl G. Estabrook via Marxism
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  Original Message 
 Subject:  Re: [socialistdiscussion] Kobane
 Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 14:35:19 -0700
 From: John Reimann [socialistdiscussion]
 I see that the fighters that the Erdogan regime is allowing to cross the 
 border now are the Peshmerga forces, which are the more conservative (and 
 I've also heard more corrupt) wing of the Kurdish forces. I can very well 
 imagine that a deal has been struck with them that they will enter Kobane not 
 only to counter IS, but also to counter the PKK forces there. I think it 
 can't be ruled out that this would also include countering the role of the 
 women's battalions who are fighting the IS.
 Nevertheless, this seems to me to be a very complex situation. The PKK, from 
 what I understand, is not calling for introduction of Western troops into 
 this struggle. In fact, I've read some statements for fighters on the ground 
 there who directly oppose this. I think socialists would have to agree with 
 this opposition. It seems to me that, on the one hand, it's likely that these 
 arms will go to the Peshmerga - the more conservative wing - and possibly at 
 some point even be used against the PKK, and you couldn't rule out also being 
 used against the women's battalions. (I say couldn't rule out because we 
 really don't know much about the situation on the ground.) However, of course 
 the Kobane Kurdish fighters need those arms. 
 Then there's also the other issue: We see how in Syria itself the political 
 movement from below was turned into a military movement controlled from 
 above, to the detriment of the workers and peasants of the entire country. 
 How does that relate to the struggle in Kobane? 
 I think it's impossible for us, with little or no concrete information about 
 the actual situation and the actual forces at work in Kobane and in Kurdistan 
 in general, to have real, precise answers. but it does seem to me that 
 socialists should have some general - very general- thoughts on the issue. 
 This includes the issue of Western powers sending arms to Kobane...

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[Marxism] The Emergency is Not the Islamic State but War

2014-10-20 Thread Carl G. Estabrook via Marxism
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...I believe we should try very hard to hear the grievances of people in Iraq 
and the region, including those who have joined the Islamic State, regarding 
U.S. policies and wars that have radically affected their lives and well-being 
over the past three decades. It could be that many of the Iraqis who are 
fighting with Islamic State forces lived through Saddam Hussein’s oppression 
when he received enthusiastic support from the U.S. during the Iran-Iraq war in 
the 1980s. Many may be survivors of the U.S. Desert Storm bombing in 1991, 
which destroyed every electrical facility across Iraq. When the U.S. insisted 
on imposing crushing and murderous economic sanctions on Iraq for the next 13 
years, these sanctions directly contributed to the deaths of a half million 
children under age five. The children who died should have been teenagers or in 
their early 20s now; are some of the Islamic State fighters the brothers or 
cousins of the children who were punished to death by economic sanctions? 
Presumably many of these fighters lived through the U.S.-led 2003 Shock and Awe 
invasion and bombing of Iraq and the chaos the U.S. chose to create afterwards 
by using a war-shattered country as some sort of free market experiment; 
they’ve endured the repressive corruption of the regime the U.S. helped install 
in Saddam’s place.
The United Nations should take over the response to the Islamic State, and 
people should continue to pressure the U.S. and its allies to leave the 
response not merely to the U.N. but to its most democratic constituent body, 
the General Assembly.

But facing the bloody mess that has developed in Iraq and Syria, I think 
Archbishop Romero’s exhortation to the Salvadoran soldiers pertains directly to 
U.S. people. Suppose these words were slightly rewritten: I want to make a 
special appeal to the people of the United States. Each of you is one of us. 
The peoples you kill are your own brothers and sisters. When you hear a person 
telling you to kill, remember God’s words, ‘thou shalt not kill.’ No soldier is 
obliged to obey a law contrary to the law of God. In the name of God, in the 
name of our tormented people, I beseech you, I implore you …I command you to 
stop the repression.

The war on the Islamic State will distract us from what the U.S. has done and 
is doing to create further despair, in Iraq, and to enlist new recruits for the 
Islamic State. The Islamic State is the echo of the last war the U.S. waged in 
Iraq, the so-called “Shock and Awe” bombing and invasion. The emergency is not 
the Islamic State but war.

We in the U.S. must give up our notions of exceptionalism; recognize the 
economic and societal misery our country caused in Iraq; recognize that we are 
a perpetually war-waging, often aggressing nation; seek to make reparations; 
and find dramatic, clear ways to insist that Romero’s words be heard: Stop the 

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[Marxism] American Revolutionary

2014-10-20 Thread John E. Norem via Marxism
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this documentary about Grace Lee Boggs can be seen here until November

Stay Human!
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Re: [Marxism] American Revolutionary

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 10/20/14 7:43 PM, John E. Norem via Marxism wrote:

this documentary about Grace Lee Boggs can be seen here until November

My review of this excellent work:
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[Marxism] Fwd: The struggle for Kobane: an example of selective solidarity | leilashrooms

2014-10-20 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The heroic resistance of the people of Kobane in fighting the onslaught 
of the Daesh (ISIS) fascists since mid-September, has led to a surge of 
international solidarity. A multitude of articles and statements have 
been written and protests have been held in cities across the world. 
Kurds have flooded across the Turkish border to help their compatriots 
in the fight despite being brutally pushed back by Turkish forces, and 
others including Turkish comrades from DAF (Revolutionary Anarchist 
Action) have gone to the border to support in keeping it open to help 
the flood of refugees escaping to Turkey. There have been calls to arm 
Kurdish forces and calls to support DAF and send aid for refugees.  Yet 
this solidarity with Syria’s Kurds has not been extended to non-Kurdish 
groups in the country that have been fighting, and dying, to rid 
themselves of fascism and violent repression and for freedom and 
self-determination. It’s often said incorrectly, that sectarianism lies 
at the heart of the Syrian conflict. It’s necessary to understand to 
what extent sectarianism plays a role in our response too.


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