Re: [Marxism] Greek Leader Who Said 'Jews Don't Pay Taxes' Named Defense Minister

2015-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/28/15 4:29 AM, Jim via Marxism wrote:

KKE is surely another anti-austerity party, and it has
enough seats to form a government coalition with Syriza, even if its ageing
Stalinism has made it into yet another quasi-social democratic party. You'd
think that would make it a good fit with the left social democratic Syriza.

I thought most of us would be aware at this point that the KKE despises 
Syriza and regards it as pro-austerity. Unlike any CP in the world, it 
is a throwback to 3rd period Stalinism and as such evokes the social 
fascism outlook of the pre-Popular Front period. This is why Syriza 
ended up in bloc with ANEL more than anything else.

I think that there's a somewhat idealized view of wielding power here. 
There's a tendency to idealize the Bolsheviks who never would have 
descended to such opportunist maneuvers. If you read E.H. Carr, however, 
you'll discover that they didn't always live up to their lofty ideals. 
For example, Mustafa Kemal was very amenable to friendly relations to 
the infant Soviet republic, so much so that the Kremlin looked the other 
way when he killed the leaders of the Turkish CP.

And then there's Fidel. The Cuban revolutionaries were so desperate for 
friendly relations internationally that they didn't break with Franco's 
Spain after taking power. When the PRI in Mexico that had taken Cuba's 
side in its dealings with the OAS massacred students in 1968, the Cuban 
press said zero.

If you are looking for purity, you'd better stick with the newspapers of 
self-declared vanguard parties that will never be forced to make choices 
that contradict their principles.

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Re: [Marxism] Greek Leader Who Said 'Jews Don't Pay Taxes' Named Defense Minister

2015-01-28 Thread ioannis aposperites via Marxism

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While it is true that KKE is running a second Third Period and does 
sees SYRIZA as almost socialfasiscts, it is not true that SYRIZA was 
forced by that fact to a coalition with the ultraright of Kamenos. The 
coalition had obviously been decided before the ballot.
SYRIZA had always the ease to form a left government by his own and 
ask for support in the parliament. The river and the independent 
Greeks having declared a definite no to new elections threre was no fear.
Even in case of refusal by these two bourgeois parties, the hot potato 
would be left in KKE's hands, to decide by their vote whether a left 
government could be formed according to the mandate or whether new 
elections were to be proclaimed, and of course subsequently pay for 
their decision.

For SYRIZA this would be a win win game: either to have the government 
by his own and now or to take it after the new elections less than month 

On 28/01/2015 03:28 μμ, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

On 1/28/15 4:29 AM, Jim via Marxism wrote:

KKE is surely another anti-austerity party, and it has
enough seats to form a government coalition with Syriza, even if its
Stalinism has made it into yet another quasi-social democratic party.
think that would make it a good fit with the left social democratic

I thought most of us would be aware at this point that the KKE despises
Syriza and regards it as pro-austerity. Unlike any CP in the world, it
is a throwback to 3rd period Stalinism and as such evokes the social
fascism outlook of the pre-Popular Front period. This is why Syriza
ended up in bloc with ANEL more than anything else.

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Re: [Marxism] Greek Leader Who Said 'Jews Don't Pay Taxes' Named Defense Minister

2015-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/28/15 9:04 AM, ioannis aposperites via Marxism wrote:

For SYRIZA this would be a win win game: either to have the government
by his own and now or to take it after the new elections less than month

Nobody on the left views the bloc with ANEL in a positive light.

However, the acid test will be over Syriza's record as a governing 
party. Will it be another PASOK? Some already disposed to this analysis 
will view the ANEL bloc as early confirmation. Meanwhile Michael 
Karadjis just posted an article that weighs much heavier in my view 
against that analysis. Halting the privatization of the Piraeus port 
should matter a lot more than granting ANEL a ministry post.

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Re: [Marxism] Greek Leader Who Said 'Jews Don't Pay Taxes' Named Defense Minister

2015-01-28 Thread Tristan Sloughter via Marxism
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I've been thinking the same about 'purity' and those who are attacking
Syriza for not being pure enough.

Many seem to be the same who defend (rightly more than not) Venezuela,
Cuba, former USSR, and any of their questionable dealings. But when it
is Syriza anything but pure is out of the question.

And even more annoying to hear Marxists and Leninist act like both
Marx and Lenin didn't explicitly argue in favor of taking part in
bourgeois government and against the idea that you should either wait to
do anything in the government until class consciousness is at a level
open to socialism or forcing it from above.

To me it often sounds like, Socialism must come from below! And Syriza
won't give it to us from above, so they are bad! It is baffling. 

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[Marxism] Fwd: bellingcat - Is this the Launch Site of the Missile that Shot Down Flight MH17? A Look at the Claims and Evidence

2015-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Greek Elections: SYRIZA Wins … and Forms an Alliance with Reactionary Racists!

2015-01-28 Thread Ed George via Marxism

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RKOB wrote:

'I said, “You know they refused Jesus, too!”
He said, “But you’re not Him!'

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Greek games and scenarios — Crooked Timber

2015-01-28 Thread ioannis aposperites via Marxism

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Well Panos Kamenos is the new head of the cabinet of National Defense. 
A right wing clown.

A short *ridiculum* vitae :
Born in 1965 son of Elias BigBigMoney Kamenos he started his political 
career at New Democracy till 2011 when he refused support to Papademos 
government, left Samaras and founded the Independend greeks party.
Author of a book entitled terrorism, theory and praxis where he had 
proven that the 17November organization was nothing but a handful of 
PASOK ministers!
His name has been involved, among many other things, into a case of 
illegal enrichment with fancy luxury yachts and offshore companies and 
even into a case of a tycoon's kidnapping.
A hard core nationalist, with his own political vision: a kind of.. 
permanent Bonapartistic governance!!! (don't ask me more about) and an 

He will have no problem to deal with and be personally accepted by the 
army officers, including the many golden dawnites among them.


On 28/01/2015 01:15 πμ, Thomas wrote:

This is welcome news.

Who has been selected as the cabinet member in charge of the Greek military, 
and what are his or her


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Greek games and scenarios — Crooked Timber

2015-01-28 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Thomas wrote:

Allende’s political party, living in some silly fantasy world, didn’t wish
to offend the generals in command and made no effort to organize support
inside the Army.

Neither did most of the self-styled revolutionaries in the three years they
had to organize inside the Army before their end came.

Well this is bullshit as well. Anyone who has read the history knows the
MIR organized inside the ranks of the military. Of course it was too
little, too late, and the sympathetic junior officers were quickly weeded

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Re: [Marxism] Greek Leader Who Said 'Jews Don't Pay Taxes' Named Defense Minister

2015-01-28 Thread Jim via Marxism
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on Tue, 27 Jan 2015 23:36:52 -0500, Sheldon Ranz via Marxism wrote:

 On the one hand, Nixon and Stalin were two anti-Semites who supplied Israel 
with arms, so need to
 worry on that front (unless you're Palestinian).

 On the other hand, the only other anti-austerity party that got seats was the 
neo-Nazi Golden
 Dawn.  Talk about being between a rock and a hard place - or to please any 
Greeks out there,
 between Scylla and Charybdis.  Holy Odysseus, Batman - does Tzipris have 

This is not correct: KKE is surely another anti-austerity party, and it has 
enough seats to form a government coalition with Syriza, even if its ageing 
Stalinism has made it into yet another quasi-social democratic party. You'd 
think that would make it a good fit with the left social democratic Syriza.

More to the point for Marxists, however, is when you decide not to form a 
government, even when you can, or even participate as a minority in government. 
For revolutionaries it would be parliamentarist suicide to do so if there is no 
revolutionary situation and the overwhelming majority of the population is not 
with you. (And they aren't with Syriza yet.)

Jim Moody ( on 28/01/2015
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[Marxism] Palestine ambassador praises Venezuelan support

2015-01-28 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Venezuelan assistance to Palestine has played an important role in helping
Palestine achieve domestic development goals, said Palestine's ambassador
to venezuela, Linda Sabeh Ali.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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[Marxism] DEA statement on Syriza-ANEL deal

2015-01-28 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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Rough translation of statement by DEA (the component of Syriza aligned 
with the US ISO) on Syriza's coalition with the right-wing ANEL:

Communication from the Internationalist Workers' Left (CMP) for the 
election result and the political developments

CMP | 27/1/2015
For members and supporters of SYRIZA, wide left, for activists of social 
movements, new circumstances arise.
1 . The political overthrow the coalition Samaras and Venizelos in the 
elections of January 25 is a historic political victory of the forces of 
social resistance. The forces of the working class and the popular 
masses in Greece fought hard by the outbreak of the crisis and the 
beginning of policy memoranda of agreements, the ruling class with the 
troika and lenders have imposed a brutal austerity policy. It is the 
result of general strikes, demonstrations, the movement of the squares, 
the decisive sectoral and local games that continued despite the decline 
of the great wave of resistance to hot two years 2010-12.
During this period the world struggling from below formed a framework 
demands, hopes and expectations remains active. The robustness of this 
framework, the requirement for a policy antilitotitas interprets the 
strength of the world, despite the blows of the mainstream media, 
insisted on pinning his hopes on the Left. This is the basis of the 
political victory of SYRIZA, which became massive, and the Communist 
Party of strength.
2. The massive shift of the world left, manifested to the polls on 
January 25, gives the SYRIZA more political momentum than reveal the 149 
seats in parliament, the minimum distance of the 151 seats in the 
parliamentary autonomy. ND Samaras, despite the scandalous support from 
local and international loyalist forces sank to 27.8%, writing a record 
low of influence. Mainly, however, came from the electoral battle deeply 
wounded politically and strategically: The differences between the 
far-right populism (with its emphasis on racism and nationalism) and 
social radicalism of the traditional center-right will bloom again, 
inevitably, in the party of Southwest, unknown for now the answer to the 
question of the single future of the conservative regime's area of the 
3. The decision of the leadership of SYRIZA coalition with ANEL Panos 
Kamenou, mistakenly underestimate this dynamic. There was a mandatory 
response to the data created by the elections, as was the way of 
reclaiming vote tolerance by the House, based on the commitments of 
Thes / niki horizon and the program of the founding conference of 
The Conference decision of SYRIZA, which confirmed the founding 
declaration, reiterating rejection Search political alliances with the 
center-left, we believe that force (much more!) On the center-right.
The red lines of ANEL contradict the mood of a large part of its 
members and the party SYRIZA, while acting as a transfer belt of system 
pressure on the government of the Left.
Under these conditions, the coalition agreement with ANEL jeopardizes 
the political project for a government of the Left with a transition 
policy and strategy.
4. For members and supporters of SYRIZA, wide left, for activists of 
social movements, new circumstances arise.
The implementation of the commitments of Thes / niki will be a first 
station: reset the minimum wage to pre-crisis levels, the return of 13 
pension for low-income pensioners, the revalidation of the CPA, the 
reintroduction of untaxed income up 12,000 euro, the abolition of ENFIA 
and excise duty on heating oil, will be the first strong political 
message stop the downhill austerity.
With the mass movement at the forefront, we should open the way for the 
overall overthrow of austerity. To get them all back! In this course the 
vindication of ERT strikers, cleaners of the Ministry. Finance, 
redundant, the assessed and available, it is equally important 
messages, both to our world and to their opposite.
5. In these new circumstances, the role of the party SYRIZA is 
irreplaceable. The function-states of organizations, collegiality, the 
party democracy are not an optional extra, but a condition for the final 
victory of SYRIZA, the final victory of the entire Left and our world.

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Re: [Marxism] DEA statement on Syriza-ANEL deal

2015-01-28 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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better translation

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 10:02 AM, Michael Karadjis via Marxism wrote:

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 Rough translation of statement by DEA (the component of Syriza aligned
 with the US ISO) on Syriza's coalition with the right-wing ANEL:

 Communication from the Internationalist Workers' Left (CMP) for the
 election result and the political developments
 CMP | 27/1/2015
 For members and supporters of SYRIZA, wide left, for activists of social
 movements, new circumstances arise.
 1 . The political overthrow the coalition Samaras and Venizelos in the
 elections of January 25 is a historic political victory of the forces of
 social resistance. The forces of the working class and the popular masses
 in Greece fought hard by the outbreak of the crisis and the beginning of
 policy memoranda of agreements, the ruling class with the troika and
 lenders have imposed a brutal austerity policy. It is the result of general
 strikes, demonstrations, the movement of the squares, the decisive sectoral
 and local games that continued despite the decline of the great wave of
 resistance to hot two years 2010-12.
 During this period the world struggling from below formed a framework
 demands, hopes and expectations remains active. The robustness of this
 framework, the requirement for a policy antilitotitas interprets the
 strength of the world, despite the blows of the mainstream media, insisted
 on pinning his hopes on the Left. This is the basis of the political
 victory of SYRIZA, which became massive, and the Communist Party of
 2. The massive shift of the world left, manifested to the polls on January
 25, gives the SYRIZA more political momentum than reveal the 149 seats in
 parliament, the minimum distance of the 151 seats in the parliamentary
 autonomy. ND Samaras, despite the scandalous support from local and
 international loyalist forces sank to 27.8%, writing a record low of
 influence. Mainly, however, came from the electoral battle deeply wounded
 politically and strategically: The differences between the far-right
 populism (with its emphasis on racism and nationalism) and social
 radicalism of the traditional center-right will bloom again, inevitably,
 in the party of Southwest, unknown for now the answer to the question of
 the single future of the conservative regime's area of the Right.
 3. The decision of the leadership of SYRIZA coalition with ANEL Panos
 Kamenou, mistakenly underestimate this dynamic. There was a mandatory
 response to the data created by the elections, as was the way of reclaiming
 vote tolerance by the House, based on the commitments of Thes / niki
 horizon and the program of the founding conference of SYRIZA.
 The Conference decision of SYRIZA, which confirmed the founding
 declaration, reiterating rejection Search political alliances with the
 center-left, we believe that force (much more!) On the center-right.
 The red lines of ANEL contradict the mood of a large part of its members
 and the party SYRIZA, while acting as a transfer belt of system pressure on
 the government of the Left.
 Under these conditions, the coalition agreement with ANEL jeopardizes the
 political project for a government of the Left with a transition policy and
 4. For members and supporters of SYRIZA, wide left, for activists of
 social movements, new circumstances arise.
 The implementation of the commitments of Thes / niki will be a first
 station: reset the minimum wage to pre-crisis levels, the return of 13
 pension for low-income pensioners, the revalidation of the CPA, the
 reintroduction of untaxed income up 12,000 euro, the abolition of ENFIA and
 excise duty on heating oil, will be the first strong political message stop
 the downhill austerity.
 With the mass movement at the forefront, we should open the way for the
 overall overthrow of austerity. To get them all back! In this course the
 vindication of ERT strikers, cleaners of the Ministry. Finance, redundant,
 the assessed and available, it is equally important messages, both to
 our world and to their opposite.
 5. In these new circumstances, the role of the party SYRIZA is

[Marxism] on the admissibility of bourgeois politicians in a united front

2015-01-28 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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“Some sectarians have attempted to reduce the difference between the
popular front and the workers’ united front to the question of
participation of bourgeois or petty-bourgeois politicians or parties in
coalitions. This abstract, schematic approach is actually quite similar to
that of popular front supporters. The latter see the alliance with
liberal-bourgeois parties as a necessary condition for the alliance with
the middle classes. The sectarians see the participation of bourgeois
politicians in the alliance as the inevitable prelude to class betrayal.

“What both overlook is the really decisive issue, namely, the free
development of anti-capitalist mass action. If the participation of
bourgeois politicians or parties results in – or is used as an excuse for –
this mass action being reduced or prevented, then what we have is a popular
front, that is, the surrender of the class political independence of the
proletariat. The workers’ parties then become the prisoner of the
bourgeoisie. But if the participation of bourgeois politicians or groups in
the alliance does not put a brake on the developing offensive against the
bourgeois state, then these bourgeois politicians are objectively the
prisoners of the working class.”

Ernest Mandel, “Trotsky as Alternative,” page 124. Partly visible at:
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Re: [Marxism] Greece’s new government halts sale of Piraeus port

2015-01-28 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Also, people can condemn SYRIZA all they want, it doesn;t deal with the
actual situation. SYRIZA didn't win a majority. THey wanted to, they very
nearly did, and they didn't. The KKE won't deal with them. The KKE's
sectarianismk in this regard is to blame. The strangest is seeing some
eople say this deal proves the KKE was right to not deal with SYRIZA,
missing the blindingly obvious fact that it is the KKE that have left
SYRIZA with little choice.

Without the KKE, the only other force opposied to the austerity is the
Independent Greeks. It owuld be far better oif SYRIZA won a majoroity. It
would be far better if there was a left government headed by SYRIZA with
the KKE as its partner. Neither were possible.

SYRIZA ran on the basis of forming an anti-austerity government with which
to confront the forces destroying Greece. It is unlikely that many of the
millions who voted for SYRIZA explicitely on this basis, because SYRIZA
said it was willing to form fsuch a basis and theey believed it owuld be
possible if they gave SYRIZA a vote, it is unlikely many of those millions
who voted SYRIZA for the first time ever would have been happy if SYRIZA
turned around and said well we nearly got there, we fell short by two
seats to have an outright majority, oh well, we can't form government and
then forced another election. It is unlikely people would understand or
forgive and be prepared to give SYRIZA its vote again, leaving government
in the hands of the pro-austerity forces.

The far left is too used to being on the sidelines analysing, critcising
and condemning. Yes, this situation is far from the ideal one, but that is
how, after the campaign to win government, after that phase of the truggle
played out, the cards have fallen. We don't have to pretend it is ideal to
understand our tasks -- solidarity with the people of Greece in their
struggle to halt and reverse the brutal class war against them -- have not

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Re: [Marxism] Greece’s new government halts sale of Piraeus port

2015-01-28 Thread ioannis aposperites via Marxism

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In the photo (link below) the new greek minister of foreign affairs 
Nikos Kotzias, a former Stalinist, on the left in front of the Pireaus 
University where he teaches, is receiving Dugin: selective affinities


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[Marxism] S.F. public defender detained outside court, office outraged

2015-01-28 Thread Charles Faulkner via Marxism
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shocking? more like a commonplace.

A San Francisco deputy public defender was taken into custody Tuesday afternoon 
at the Hall of Justice after she asked why city police officers were 
questioning her client outside a courtroom, the public defender’s office said 

Attorney Jami Tillotson was handcuffed to a bar in a Southern Police Station 
holding area located at the Hall of Justice at 850 Bryant St. for an hour 
following what public defender’s office spokeswoman Tamara Barak Aparton called 
“blatant intimidation” by several police officers. 

Police officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment. 

Tillotson’s client had just made an appearance in Department 17 on the second 
floor with a co-defendant for a misdemeanor shoplifting charge when he left the 
courtroom and began getting questioned by a plainclothes police officer, 
Aparton said. 

Tillotson had been conducting an interview with another client in the 
courtroom’s holding tank when she was alerted of the situation and rushed out 
into the hallway. 

She found her client and his co-defendant “surrounded by police officers,” 
being asked identifying questions about their height and weight, Aparton said. 

“She told the interrogating officer that she was the attorney and he said, 'I 
just need two minutes with him,’” Aparton said. “When she asked why, he just 
said it was a police investigation. Then he started basically bullying her, 
telling her she’s interfering. 

“She wasn’t interfering,” Aparton said. “She was just trying to protect her 
client’s constitutional right to counsel.” 

When the officers started taking photos of her client, Tillotson told them that 
wasn’t necessary, Aparton said, and the officer told her he would arrest her if 
she continued to interfere. 

The plainclothes officer then asked a uniformed officer to cuff her, and she 
was taken to a Southern Station holding cell. Tillotson was released about an 
hour later, Aparton said. 

The public defender’s office was planning to release surveillance footage of 
the encounter later Wednesday. 

“It’s definitely shocking,” Aparton said. 
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Re: [Marxism] Greece’s new government halts sale of Piraeus port

2015-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/28/15 4:25 PM, ioannis aposperites via Marxism wrote:

In the photo (link below) the new greek minister of foreign affairs
Nikos Kotzias, a former Stalinist, on the left in front of the Pireaus
University where he teaches, is receiving Dugin: selective affinities

I don't think there's anybody on Marxmail who detests people like Dugin 
more than me. That being said, I am not ready to condemn Syriza because 
of this, no more so than I would condemn Venezuela or Cuba for its 
support for Gaddafi and al-Assad.

Whenever I run into contradictions such as these, I like to remind 
myself what Lenin wrote about the Easter Rebellion:

On May 9, 1916, there appeared, in Berner Tagwacht, the organ of the 
Zimmerwald group, including some of the Leftists, an article on the 
Irish rebellion entitled Their Song is Over and signed with the 
initials K.R. [Karl Radek]. It described the Irish rebellion as being 
nothing more nor less than a putsch, for, as the author argued, the 
Irish question was an agrarian one, the peasants had been pacified by 
reforms, and the nationalist movement remained only a purely urban, 
petty-bourgeois movement, which, notwithstanding the sensation it 
caused, had not much social backing...

To imagine that social revolution is conceivable without revolts by 
small nations in the colonies and in Europe, without revolutionary 
outbursts by a section of the petty bourgeoisie WITHOUT ALL ITS 
PREJUDICES [italics in original], without a movement of the politically 
non-conscious proletarian and semi-proletarian masses against oppression 
by the landowners, the church, and the monarchy, against national 
oppression, etc.--to imagine all this is to REPUDIATE SOCIAL REVOLUTION. 
So one army lines up in one place and says, We are for socialism, and 
another, somewhere else and says, We are for imperialism, and that 
will be a social revolution! Only those who hold such a ridiculously 
pedantic view would vilify the Irish rebellion by calling it a putsch.

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2015-01-28 Thread Anthony Brain via Marxism
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2015-01-28 Thread jamie pitman via Marxism
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Wasn't Trotsky essentially a nationalist racist chauvinist afflicted with a 
leadership complex and, at best, a very distorted interpretation of Marx?

-Original Message-
From: Anthony Brain via Marxism
Sent: ‎29/‎01/‎2015 00:38
To: jamie pitman

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[Marxism] Kammenos: Doesn't like Jews, but Israel OK

2015-01-28 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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Maybe Kammenos, the right-wing Independent Greeks leader, doesn't like 
Jews who he thinks don't pay taxes, but that doesn't make him 

If Greece kicks out the so-called troika of the EU, the IMF and the 
European Central Bank, it will easily cover any funding gap by getting 
advance payments for the oil and gas resources that may be found on 
Greek territory, Kammenos said.

On hydrocarbons, we're looking forward to cooperation with the United 
States, Israel and Russia, he said. Greece suspects it may have sizable 
oil and gas deposits under its waters but has not completed any test 
drillings yet [Note: since around 2008 an unofficial 
Israel-Cyprus-Greece alliance exists in the east Mediterranean over 
natural gas reserves counterposed to Turkey's claims].

The Independent Greeks also expect to raise 250 billion euros by selling 
financial instruments known as Collateral Debt Obligations, backed by 
German World War Two reparations it hopes to be awarded once it sues 
Germany in international courts. Kammenos said Israeli banks would be 


Clearly, Syriza and above all the ranks and component parts and the 
popular mobilisation have their work cut out for them. 

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[Marxism] A few other statements on the Syriza-ANEL deal

2015-01-28 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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I don't necessarily agree (or disagree) with what's in these statements, 
just food for thought about a difficult issue:

Syrizas victory ours to celebrate ours to defend

SYRIZA Independent Greeks Strange bedfellows

On the deal between Syriza and ANEL

and a harsh one, but raising issues not exactly unimportant, such as the 
parallel between Defense Ministers Kammenos and Pinochet ...

Στη συνέχεια, περιστρέφουμε δεξιά

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Re: [Marxism] A few other statements on the Syriza-ANEL deal

2015-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/28/15 10:09 AM, Michael Karadjis via Marxism wrote:

and a harsh one, but raising issues not exactly unimportant, such as the
parallel between Defense Ministers Kammenos and Pinochet ...

Στη συνέχεια, περιστρέφουμε δεξιά

This is David Schanoes's blog. Schanoes was a Marxmail subscriber for a 
decade or so. I can't remember whether I removed him or he removed 
himself. He is a self-styled left-Communist with a tendency so 
pronounced to expose others as reformist traitors that he could not even 
sustain a working partnership with Loren Goldner, a long-time 
self-styled left-Communist himself.

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[Marxism] reports/comments on new Syriza Greek government

2015-01-28 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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Greece will not default - PM Tsipras
BBC, January 28

New Greek PM Alexis Tsipras says his country will not default on its debts.

Addressing his first cabinet meeting since Sunday's victory, Mr
Tsipras said he would negotiate with creditors over the €240bn
(£179bn; $270bn) bailout.

We won't get into a mutually destructive clash but we will not
continue a policy of subjection, said the left-wing Syriza party

Greek bank stocks lost more than a quarter of their value on Wednesday
as prices fell for a third day.

Piraeus Bank lost nearly 29%, Alpha Bank 26%, and National Bank and
Eurobank around 25%, AFP reported.

Germany's vice-chancellor said it was unfair of Greece to expect other
states to pick up its bills.
. . .

New Greek PM Alexis Tsipras forms cabinet
BBC, Jan 27
. . . Key Dates...
12 February: EU leaders' summit in Brussels, which newly-elected Greek
prime minister Alexis Tsipras is due to attend
16 February: Another Eurogroup meeting due to discuss state of play in Greece
28 February: Current programme of loans to Greece under the European
Financial Stability Facility ends. There is still €1.8bn of loans that
could be disbursed to Greece if it meets the conditions imposed by the
First quarter of 2015: Economists estimate that Greece needs to raise
about €4.3bn to help pay its way, with Athens possibly having to ask
the IMF and eurozone countries
19 March: Another EU leaders' summit

Greek cabinet set for first meeting since poll upset

Guy Jackson and John Hadoulis, AFP
Business Insider
January 28, 2015

Athens (AFP) - Greece's new radical left-led government prepared to
meet Wednesday for the first time to hammer out a strategy for
renegotiating the country's giant bailout, after storming to power on
a promise to reject years of harsh austerity policies.

The coalition cabinet, made up of poll winners Syriza and the
nationalist Independent Greeks (ANEL), was set to convene at 10:30 am
(0830 GMT), three days after Sunday's electoral upset that saw the
architects of Greece's sweeping budget cutbacks thrown out of office.

In a sign that the new government will take a hard line in haggling
over the 240-billion-euro ($269 billion) EU-IMF package with
international creditors, 40-year-old Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on
Tuesday named leftwing economist Yanis Varoufakis as finance minister.

A polyglot academic, 53-year-old Varoufakis, is a vocal critic of the
conditions imposed by creditors in return for the 2010 bailout and he
argues the country's shattered economy will never recover until they
are relaxed.

Analysts have described Syriza's coalition with ANEL as unnatural
and potentially short-lived, saying that the smaller party is
unpredictable and that the two parties differ starkly on immigration

However, the allies -- who together have 162 seats in the 300-member
parliament -- share a common opposition to the EU-IMF bailout.

Among their first tasks will be addressing an end-of-February deadline
set by the EU for Greece to carry out more reforms in return for a
seven-billion-euro tranche of financial aid from the 28-member bloc
and the International Monetary Fund.

Tsipras, who has vowed to reverse many of the severe spending cuts and
other measures that Greece's creditors insist on, must decide whether
to prolong the deadline.

- EU 'flexible' -

Greece's European partners have been quick to pour cold water on the
issue of debt forgiveness since Syriza's election win, with German
Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman saying Monday that Greek
membership of the eurozone means... sticking to its previous

However the European Union's governing body indicated Wednesday that
it was willing to show flexibility in working with the new Greek
leaders to keep the debt-stricken nation in the eurozone.

The European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, France's
Pierre Moscovici, said he ruled out any break between the European
Commission and the new Greek administration, the French daily Le
Parisien/Aujourd'hui en France reported Wednesday.

The Commission and the European Union are willing to seek less
intrusive, more flexible forms of cooperation with Athens, the paper
quoted him as saying.

What we all want is that Greece recovers, creating growth and jobs,
that it reduces inequality, that it can deal with the problem of its
debt and remains in the euro area, he said.
. . .
- Humanitarian catastrophe -

Syriza claims the stringent conditions attached to the bailout --
including wage and pension cuts and widespread privatisations --have
caused a 

[Marxism] New Greek Finance Minister a libertarian Marxist and game theory expert

2015-01-28 Thread Gregory Adler via Marxism
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For ten years from1988 Varoufakis was an academic at theUniversity of
Sydney in Australia.
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Re: [Marxism] Greek Leader Who Said 'Jews Don't Pay Taxes' Named Defense Minister

2015-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/28/15 11:01 AM, Jim via Marxism wrote:

Russia, Cuba, China, etc. were doomed to fail on this basis:
they turned into their opposite soon after their revolutions because revolution
was not generalized, causing misery to their populations and actually holding
back revolution within and elsewhere.

I always am stunned to see events that elapsed over decades involving 
huge contradictory tendencies reduced to a paragraph although I suppose 
that this is better than what I have seen on Twitter.

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Re: [Marxism] Greek Leader Who Said 'Jews Don't Pay Taxes' Named Defense Minister

2015-01-28 Thread Jim via Marxism
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on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 08:28:46 -0500, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

 I thought most of us would be aware at this point that the KKE despises 
and regards it as
 pro-austerity. Unlike any CP in the world, it is a throwback to 3rd period 
Stalinism and as such
 evokes the social fascism outlook of the pre-Popular Front period. This is 
why Syriza ended up
 in bloc with ANEL more than anything else.

 I think that there's a somewhat idealized view of wielding power here. 
a tendency to
 idealize the Bolsheviks who never would have descended to such opportunist 
maneuvers. If you read
 E.H. Carr, however, you'll discover that they didn't always live up to their 
lofty ideals. For
 example, Mustafa Kemal was very amenable to friendly relations to the infant 
Soviet republic, so
 much so that the Kremlin looked the other way when he killed the leaders of 
the Turkish CP.

 And then there's Fidel. The Cuban revolutionaries were so desperate for 
friendly relations
 internationally that they didn't break with Franco's Spain after taking 
When the PRI in
 Mexico that had taken Cuba's side in its dealings with the OAS massacred 
students in 1968, the
 Cuban press said zero.

 If you are looking for purity, you'd better stick with the newspapers of 
self-declared vanguard
 parties that will never be forced to make choices that contradict their 

Of course KKE despises Syriza. But the point responded to was by a contributor 
who left out KKE when listing those 'parties' opposed to austerity. Dismiss it 
by all means as a likely suitor for Syriza, but it cannot be ignored on the 
anti-austerity front, however this all plays out in coming months.

The 20th was a wasted century, so it's worse than pointless to idealize the 
Bolsheviks or any other set of Marxists from that time. One of the most foul 
ideas to have emerged via Stalin but espoused by those to his left who ought to 
know better is to imagine that you can have socialism in one country: that is, 
national socialism. Russia, Cuba, China, etc. were doomed to fail on this 
they turned into their opposite soon after their revolutions because revolution 
was not generalized, causing misery to their populations and actually holding 
back revolution within and elsewhere. And when the party substitutes for the 
class as leader, then we're certainly up that famous creek without a paddle.

Jim Moody ( on 28/01/2015
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[Marxism] Fwd: Greek election results: increased uncertainty, excellent situation | ∫connessioni

2015-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Another topic which needs to be commented on is, of course, the 
collaboration with the «Independent Greeks» for the formation of the 
government. Many people, in and outside Greece, see this as an obstacle 
and a burden for the implementation of a «purely leftist» program. Of 
course I too would find much preferable an absolute majority for SYRIZA. 
However, one has to work with what one has before them; people make 
history in conditions they don’t choose themselves.

In this context, we also have to take into account the following fact. 
As I was saying in my previous note, we should not believe that two and 
a half million people voted for SYRIZA because they were won over by the 
ideal of anticapitalism or some other set of principles. For many of 
them, this vote was a line of flight. Nothing more, but also nothing 
less than that. This kind of attachment may sound opportunistic or 
confused, but, under certain conditions, this fragility may prove a 
source of force. In any case, even if SYRIZA had a parliamentary group 
of 160 by itself, this group would already be a mixed, not monolithic 
one; even before the election, Tsipras was criticized by purists within 
and outside his party for accepting as candidates people who had until 
recently been members of other parties, including «Independent Greeks» 
and PASOK, as these people did not share any common ideals or struggles 
with SYRIZA activists. Given the result, it now becomes clearer that 
there were two options: either accept these people as candidates of your 
own party before the election, or have to collaborate with them as MPs 
of a separate party as partners in a coalition afterwards. All things 
considered, tactically the first option is far better: when somebody has 
been elected with SYRIZA, in principle s/he owes loyalty to this party’s 
guidelines and has less margin of imposing conditions on it.


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[Marxism] Tsipras’s Debt Plan Sends Athens Stock Market Sliding

2015-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Adding to the uncertainty was a report that Mr. Tsipras had basically 
frozen Greece’s privatization program, which had been a central demand 
of creditors in approving the country’s international bailouts. The 
troika had expected Greece to raise tens of billions of euros to pay its 
debts by privatizing state assets.

NY Times, Jan. 28 2015
Tsipras’s Debt Plan Sends Athens Stock Market Sliding

ATHENS — The Athens stock market continued its steep slide, and interest 
rates on Greek bonds spiked further on Wednesday, as investors 
anticipated difficult negotiations between the new Syriza-led government 
in Greece and the country’s creditors.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told his new cabinet on Wednesday that he 
would move swiftly to negotiate debt relief, but would not engage in a 
confrontation with creditors that would jeopardize a more just solution 
for the country.

“We are ready to negotiate with our own plan,” he told his ministers. 
“We will not seek a catastrophic solution, but neither will we consent 
to a policy of submission.”

Later, the new finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, appeared to harden 
the tone, saying that Greece’s bailout deals were “a toxic mistake” and 
that the new government was determined to change the logic of how the 
crisis had been tackled.

Mr. Varoufakis said the new government would seek a “Pan-European New 
Deal” that would be a bridge between previous agreements and a new 
arrangement with creditors, although he did not elaborate on what such a 
plan would look like.

While many Greeks were hopeful that Mr. Tsipras would follow through 
with even a fraction of his populist promises, investors were more 
rattled. The Athens Stock Exchange, which already had billions of euros 
in value wiped out during Greece’s election campaign, fell around 7.5 
percent in midday trading on Wednesday after slumping around 11 percent 
on Tuesday. Shares in financial companies in Greece plummeted more than 
17 percent on Wednesday.

The interest rate on Greek 10-year government bonds increased on 
Wednesday nearly 1 percentage point, to about 10.2 percent, with 
investors apparently wary of a possible debt restructuring. The yields 
were at 8.4 percent before the election and below 6 percent for most of 
the summer, as the Greek economy appeared poised to grow again under the 
prime minister at the time, Antonis Samaras.

European Union officials also outlined a tough-sounding position on 
Wednesday before what would no doubt be long negotiations over the terms 
of Greece’s bailout and an effort by the new government to reduce the 
country’s mountain of debt.

Since 2010, the so-called troika of lenders — the European Central Bank, 
the European Commission and the International Monetary Fund — has 
extended Greece two bailouts worth €240 billion, or about $270 billion.

The vice president of the European Commission, Jyrki Katainen, said that 
Brussels was eager to start talks with Greece. But noting that he saw no 
majority in favor of writing off any Greek debt, he added: “We expect 
them to fulfill everything that they have promised to fulfill.”

He emphasized that Brussels could not simply look at the popular 
anti-austerity excitement surrounding the Greek elections, but that he 
had to take into account the wishes of people in other countries, 
including Finns and Germans who were not inclined to give Greece a penny 
more. “We don’t change our policy according to elections,” he said.

Mr. Katainen’s remarks suggested Brussels’s opening bargaining position, 
and they did not necessarily mean that European officials would not 
offer concessions. But they put the heat on Athens, especially since 
there is not much time to reach a deal: Greece’s current European 
bailout, already extended, ends in late February unless there is another 

“We need to start working together very soon because the commitments 
have not changed and time is running out,” Mr. Katainen told reporters.

Asked whether Greece would be able to persuade creditors to write off 
some of its debt, Mr. Katianen said he thought this this was a 
nonstarter, at least in the Eurogroup, a grouping of finance ministers 
from the 19 countries, including Greece, that use the euro.

“It would be difficult to see that there would be a majority in the 
Eurogroup supporting a haircut in Greek debt,” said Mr. Katainen, a 
former prime minister of Finland, which has strongly supported Germany 
in demanding that Athens pay its bills.

In the cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Mr. Tsipras set out his 
government’s top priorities in order: tackling what he called the 

Re: [Marxism] A few other statements on the Syriza-ANEL deal

2015-01-28 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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As I said, just food for thought. In any case, while the danger of a 
coup cannot be ruled out, it is unclear if it is as politically feasible 
in the current EU climate as it was in Latin America in the 1970s (or 
Greece at that time). Moreover, the issue once again comes down to what 
Syriza and the movement behind it does to mobilise at all levels – 
including in the military. Thus the discussion earlier of the the 
conscript movement Dyktio-Spartakos is of relevance here.

-Original Message- 
From: Louis Proyect

On 1/28/15 10:09 AM, Michael Karadjis via Marxism wrote:

and a harsh one, but raising issues not exactly unimportant, such as 

parallel between Defense Ministers Kammenos and Pinochet ...

Στη συνέχεια, περιστρέφουμε δεξιά

This is David Schanoes's blog. Schanoes was a Marxmail subscriber for a
decade or so. I can't remember whether I removed him or he removed
himself. He is a self-styled left-Communist with a tendency so
pronounced to expose others as reformist traitors that he could not even
sustain a working partnership with Loren Goldner, a long-time
self-styled left-Communist himself.

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[Marxism] South African statement mentions Syriza

2015-01-28 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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This is the front initiated by NUMSA
An excellent statement in its own right.
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[Marxism] Fwd: The shady history of Argentina’s Intelligence Secretariat | World news | The Guardian

2015-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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All you need to know about Argentina's spy suicide mystery.

Monday 26 January 2015 21.28 EST

The shady history of Argentina’s Intelligence Secretariat
The agency, which president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner wants to 
dissolve, runs domestic spying on a scale to rival the communist bloc

Uki Goñi in Buenos Aires

On Monday night, Argentina’s president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, 
took the bold step of announcing a plan to dissolve the country’s 
Intelligence Secretariat and send to congress a draft bill for the 
“reform of Argentina’s intelligence service” in the wake of the death of 
prosecutor Alberto Nisman nine days ago.

A possible explanation for Nisman’s death, which came only days after he 
announced charges that aimed to put Fernández on trial for an alleged 
conspiracy with Iran, seems to be hidden inside a complex saga of 
mind-boggling intrigue involving the intelligence agency she now intends 
to reform.

Created as the Information Division (División Informaciones) by 
Argentina’s strongman General Juan Perón in 1946, the service’s first 
task was to arrange the postwar transport of Nazi war criminals to 
Argentina, some of whom then went on to serve in Perón’s intelligence 

Since then, the service has changed its name a number of times, its 
latest incarnation being the Intelligence Secretariat, better known by 
its Spanish-language acronym SI. Under Fernández, Argentina’s secret 
service is alleged to have been involved in domestic spying on a scale 
rivalling that in Eastern European nations before the fall of the Berlin 

Nisman’s connection at the SI was Antonio, aka “Jaime” Stiuso, an 
enigmatic figure who for years reputedly ran a vast eavesdropping 
network that made him the most feared man in Argentina.

Few details about the man are in the public domain. He is a 61-year-old 
communications expert who joined the service in 1972 at 18 years of age. 
He has three daughters (for whom he reportedly sought security 
protection from a Buenos Aires court recently) and is reputedly 
extremely charming. “He’s charismatic, very relaxed, he laughs a lot,” 
says Rodis Recalt, a journalist from Noticias magazine who interviewed 
him last month. “After months of tracking him, he called me. I never saw 
him face to face.”

Under Férnandez in recent years, and under Néstor Kirchner, the 
president’s now-deceased husband and predecessor, Stiuso’s power is 
alleged to have grown exponentially, thanks to the extensive wiretapping 
services on political opponents that he allegedly carried out for the 

“But last October, when Fernández found out through military 
intelligence that Nisman was preparing charges against her for an 
alleged cover-up of Iran’s role in the bombing, she became 
understandably furious that Stiuso had not alerted her,” an intelligence 
source told the Guardian.

By late December, when she began to suspect that it was actually Stiuso 
who had poisoned Nisman against her, she fired Stiuso and began 
preparing to dismiss Nisman as well. “She was doubting between replacing 
Nisman completely, or appointing two assistant prosecutors by his side 
to neutralise him,” the source maintains.

The president’s alleged fury was fuelled by the extensive use of 
wiretaps provided by Stiuso that Nisman made in his 300-page accusation 
against her.

In an long statement posted to her website last week, Fernández seemed 
to make the case that Nisman’s accusation was actually written by 
Stiuso, and that Nisman was then killed by the same people who convinced 
him to present the charges. “They used him alive and then they needed 
him dead,” Fernández wrote. “As sad and as terrible as that.”

Former president Kirchner introduced Nisman to Stiuso 11 years ago, when 
Kirchner put the prosecutor in charge of solving the 1994 bombing of the 
Amia Jewish community centre in Buenos Aires, which killed 85 people, 
the deadliest terrorist attack in Latin America. “The two developed a 
father-son relationship,” says the intelligence source, who knew both 
men well.

Only the security cameras on the front gate and an Argentinian flag 
draped from a white metal pole above the entrance indicate the location 
of the Judicial Observations Department on Avenida de los Incas 3834, a 
six-storey redbrick building in the upscale neighbourhood of Belgrano. 
An endless series of press articles and books allege, and at least one 
court raid has proven, that housed inside are a vast array of computers 
and recorders continually monitoring the activity of 

[Marxism] Fw: Latest SD Ireland paper

2015-01-28 Thread jmcanulty via Marxism
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Original Message
28/01/2015 11:41 
To: marxmail

Subj: Latest SD Ireland paper

The contents of the current 
Socialist Democracy paper are linked here.

It contains a special 
insert on the Irish water mobilisations.



Stormont House deal: Twin hammers to smash 
the workers

Sectarianism and austerity: Twin pillars of reaction

Unions, workers and resistance

Close Irish Water Now!

A silent retreat

Water doublespeak: When unity means division

Jack O’Connor, Irish Water and the Troika

Turning water into a commodity

Socialist Education:  What is Islamism?

Irish state reduces women to vessels

Greek elections

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