[Marxism] Fwd: Peter Pomerantsev · Diary: Iammmmyookkraaanian · LRB 19 February 2015

2015-02-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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But as the old state clings on, a sort of parallel, civil-society 
government has been self-organising. It feeds and equips the army, 
provides legal and social services to internally displaced refugees, 
brings medical aid to those who are stuck in war zones both on the 
Ukrainan and the rebel-held side. For all the bad news there appears to 
be some sort of social miracle taking place. ‘We’ve had our February 
Revolution – we’re still to have our October Revolution,’ a magazine 
editor I met joked. There is talk of a ‘third Maidan’, but even serious 
political analysts are wondering whether the next one would be 
orchestrated by Moscow: having calculated that they can’t suppress the 
Ukrainian talent for revolution, Moscow might instead try to control the 
next Maidan from within.

And it’s in Moscow that the main counternarrative to the revolution has 
been developed. There are many geopolitical dividends Putin might hope 
to draw by sponsoring, arming and manning the rebellion against Kiev in 
east Ukraine, but there is an important narrative trick the Kremlin is 
trying to pull off too: revolution is meant to equal chaos and war, 
framed not merely as pointless but as downright bad. Kremlin spin 
doctors put Maidan in one line of disasters along with Syria and Libya 
(all organised by the CIA), and ultimately question whether the fall of 
the Berlin Wall was such a great thing after all. The idea is to 
undercut any desire for revolution at home, which also means policing 
the stories that are told. On 30 December, Teatr.doc, Moscow’s first 
documentary theatre in a tiny cellar off the Patriarch Ponds, screened a 
Ukrainian film about the Maidan which didn’t fit with the Kremlin’s 
preferred picture. The theatre was immediately raided by the police and 
the intelligence services.

full: http://www.lrb.co.uk/v37/n04/peter-pomerantsev/diary
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[Marxism] In Alabama, a Quiet Fight to Marry

2015-02-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times Op-Ed, Feb. 11 2015
In Alabama, a Quiet Fight to Marry

COKER, Ala. — MONDAY morning began like any other morning on our little 
farm in Alabama, where we have lived together for more than three 
decades. We already knew that Roy S. Moore, the chief justice of the 
State Supreme Court, had commanded the state’s probate judges to refuse 
to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples. But turning on the 
radio, we learned that the judge in our county, Tuscaloosa, home to the 
state’s flagship university, had decided to go along with him.

We yelled at the radio — and decided to do something about it.

Being a lesbian couple in small-town Alabama has its pluses and minuses, 
for sure. In most ways, we fit in here. Jean was born and raised in 
Coker; Carol is a relative newcomer, having moved from Texas 40 years 
ago. People know us and have the grace and mercy to show acts of 
kindness regularly. At the same time, Alabama is hardly an easy place to 
be gay.

Marriage Equality and the Rule of Law in AlabamaFEB. 10, 2015
This is a state where it has been widely held that folk like us are 
degenerates, and going to burn in hell. A state where there is a law 
making same-sex marriage illegal and where, for good measure, citizens 
have also passed a constitutional amendment to the same effect.

Occasionally we pause to wonder how, specifically, our relationship 
threatens other individuals, their relationship with God, or the 
institution of marriage, but we don’t make waves. We have never been 
activists; we’ve never pushed for marriage equality.

But still, in 2006, when the little church in our little community 
posted, on their brand-new marquee, an appeal to vote for that amendment 
to ban same-sex marriage, we were stung. Many of the church’s members 
and leaders were our neighbors, whom we shared food from our gardens 
with, visited when sick, lent generators in power failures, invited to 
our home.

It was a personal, painful reminder that we were not to be thought of or 
treated as equals. Openly being denied marriage equality was starting to 
make us uncomfortable. We visited the pastor and implored him to promote 
goodness and good will toward all people. The post stayed on the church 
marquee through Election Day. The amendment passed by a landslide 81 

Afterward, we went on. Like most people our age, we’ve gone through some 
difficult times — breast cancer, death of parents and friends, natural 
disasters in our community. But we’ve gotten through it together and 
managed to keep our focus on the good stuff: We know that we are dearly 
loved by family and by friends of all walks of life who are spread 
across this country. We live on a beautiful farm, in a house we built 
with our own hands. We’ve been able to earn our living doing the things 
we love and that fit our values, operating one of Alabama’s first 
commercial organic vegetable farms and working for a nonprofit that 
promotes sustainable farming.

We were not looking to get involved in this particular cause, but it has 
found us. While marriage may not be needed to make us feel more 
fulfilled, alas, we are pragmatists. As we grow older, the 
not-so-romantic benefits of marriage are becoming important. A few years 
back we learned that Carol had inherited her father’s Huntington’s 
disease. Her symptoms have progressed to the point that we now have to 
begin thinking more seriously about health care, end-of-life and 
financial security issues.

Recently we began to think about how being married would make it easier 
when dealing with medical and legal institutions. We began to think 
about the survivor benefits opposite-sex married couples have access to. 
We began to recognize how legal marriage would make this new era of our 
lives easier to navigate.

And so we decided that, once the smoke cleared this summer from what is 
likely to be a favorable decision by the United States Supreme Court, we 
would wait for the dust to settle here in Alabama, and then sit down 
with a few legal and financial experts to see if marriage makes sense 
for us. Romantic, eh?

Then late last month, to our surprise, a federal judge struck down 
Alabama’s ban on same-sex marriage. But we stayed in wait-and-see mode. 
We knew that ruling would not be the final word.

Sure enough, then came our probate judge’s announcement that he would 
not obey the federal court ruling. That did it. Other couples simply 
went to one of the 15 counties where judges are granting licenses. But 
we could not allow this judge in our home county to deny us our rights. 
Our decision was made: We will 

[Marxism] Corey Robin - when conservatives did not get tough on crime

2015-02-11 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] SUPPORT SYRIZA! DEMO TODAY: Feb 11, 6PM at 666 3rd Ave, NYC

2015-02-11 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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Wednesday, February 11 at 6 p.m.
666 Third Avenue (between 42nd and 43rd St.)

Popular Mobilization in Cities Across Greece and Europe as European Union
Ministers Meet in Brussels on Greek Debt Question

On February 11th, hundreds of thousands will gather in cities across Greece
and Europe to demand an end to the EU austerity policy that for years has
subjected millions of people to a humanitarian crisis. Following the
election of the radical left in January, the new Greek government is set to
challenge EU policy at the finance ministers' meeting in Brussels. A strong
popular mobilization can make a difference!

Demand an End to Austerity Policies!

We call on our friends in New York to show solidarity with the people of
Greece and Europe. We invite all allies and all media in all languages.

Greece Solidarity ad hoc committee

List of endorsers in formation:
AKNY-Greece Solidarity Movement
MENA Solidarity Network US
Gezi Platform NY
The Ionian Cultural Federation
Campaign for Peace and Democracy
Socialist Alternative NY
International Socialist Organization
Occupy Astoria LIC
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[Marxism] Fwd: (681) SYRIZA: From Hope to Event? | Peter Bratsis - Academia.edu

2015-02-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Fwd: Tariq Ali on Greece

2015-02-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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*TARIQ ALI,***Writer, Filmmaker,  Activist:
Friday, February 20th, 6:00 PM
New York University
Eisner Lubin Auditorium at the Kimmel Center, 4th Floor
60 Washington Square South ( LaGuardia Place)
New York, NY 10012

Tariq Ali is a writer and filmmaker. He has written more than two dozen
books on world history and politics, and seven novels (translated into
over a dozen languages) as well as scripts for the stage and screen. His 
works include:/The Extreme Center/, /The Obama Syndrome/, and /Speaking 
of Empire and Resistance/. He is an editor of /New Left Review/ and 
lives in London.

This talk is made possible by the generous support of the Provost’s
Global Research Initiatives


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[Marxism] Durban's township Occupy experience Re: Three Inquiries in Disobedience and Factories of Knowledge, Industries of Creativity

2015-02-11 Thread Patrick Bond via Marxism

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(No mid-afternoon doldrums here...)

 Occupying Umlazi: Hesitant Steps Towards Political Ideology in a
 Durban Township


   China Ngubane
   pages 355-370

View full text 
full text http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/02589346.2014.975930

Free access

 * *DOI:*10.1080/02589346.2014.975930

On 2014/02/10 03:58 PM, mckenna...@aol.com wrote:

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Adam Morris on Occupy: Three Inquiries in Disobedience and Factories of 
Knowledge, Industries of Creativity
Disobedience  Miseducation: Occupy and the Academy
January 28th, 2014
Los Angeles Review of Books
THE OCCUPY MOVEMENT, while fading from the popular press, is perhaps only now 
being thoroughly metabolized in the fussier corners of academic thought. This 
seems fitting when we consider Hegel’s philosophy of history, which helps 
legitimate the university’s function as a sacred space for slow and deliberate 
contemplation and academic freedom. Hegel would have it that phenomena such as 
Occupy are only fully understood when they have worked through their formative 
contradictions, dissipated their energies, and reached their conclusion. The 
owl of Minerva flies at night, in other words, but Occupy: Three Inquiries in 
Disobedience tolls not the witching hour of the Occupy movement so much as the 
doldrums of mid-afternoon.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Three Muslim students dead in North Carolina shooting as suspect arrested | US news | The Guardian

2015-02-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The killer, who turned himself in, lauds Richard Dawkins on FB.

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[Marxism] Fwd: America’s “Prince” problem: How Black people — and art — became “devalued” - Salon.com

2015-02-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Podemos’ Pablo Iglesias Amy Goodman - Left Forum Co-Organized Event, Next Tuesday

2015-02-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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* Pablo Iglesias of PODEMOS, introduced by Amy Goodman (Democracy Now)*

*  Hope is Changing Sides: Understanding Spain’s Political Change*

*Proshansky Auditorium,*

*CUNY Graduate Center*

*365 5ath  Avenue*

*Tuesday, February 17th, 1-3pm.*

Within just one year of its existence, PODEMOS has shaken politics in
Spain. Started in January 2014, as a “citizens tool”, as a “method to
turn indignation into political change,” and to challenge the existing
Spanish political system, PODEMOS has become an unprecedented political
phenomenon. In just four months, PODEMOS grew spectacularly, achieving
1.2 million votes in the May 25 European Elections, and gaining five
seats in the European Parliament.

Since then, PODEMOS has continued to increase its presence and gain
further support. Opinion polls anticipating the upcoming
November elections, indicate PODEMOS would be the second most voted for
political option. On January 31st, a 'March for Change' organized by
PODEMOS gathered hundreds of thousands in Madrid. Its success can
certainly be explained by the dire economic and social situation the
Spanish people have been experiencing since 2008: austerity measures in
healthcare and education, a housing crisis, and an unemployment rate
that has risen to 25%.

But other factors contribute to the explanation of PODEMOS’ growth, such
as its innovative use of political language and media visibility and its
ability to relate to the preexisting horizon of social and economic
discontent and desire for political change opened by the 15M movement in
May 2011, and successive waves of citizen mobilization.

Why and how did PODEMOS emerge? From where has it come? What are the
reasons for their spectacular growth? What are their methods and their
political alignments? What is PODEMOS’ relation to Spain’s social
movements? How does PODEMOS relate to existing political forces? What
are the main proposals of their political program?

Introduced by Amy Goodman (Democracy Now), PODEMOS’ General Secretary
Pablo Iglesias will address a NYC audience in a special opportunity to
understand the political, social and economic context of PODEMOS’
emergence as a rising political force, and a unique political phenomenon.



Left Forum

Center for Place, Culture and Politics (Graduate Center, CUNY)


Advanced Research Collaborative (Graduate Center, CUNY)

Left East

Urban Democracy Lab (NYU)

Verso Books


365 Fifth Avenue
CUNY Graduate Center, c/o Sociology Dept.
New York, NY 10016
United States

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Re: [Marxism] In Alabama, a Quiet Fight to Marry

2015-02-11 Thread Wythe Holt jr. via Marxism
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Thanks so much for posting this, Louis.  Carol and Jean are good and old 
friends from my 41 years living and working in Tuscaloosa Al.  They were/are 
wonderful organic farmers and enriched the lives of many of us with their 
knowledge and efforts.  Their joy in each other and in life (for them, 
farming), their quiet but dogged determination, and their extraordinary 
kindness and pleasantness come through loud and clear in this op-ed piece.  In 
solidarity, Wythe

From: Marxism marxism-boun...@lists.csbs.utah.edu on behalf of Louis Proyect 
via Marxism marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 10:52 AM
To: Wythe Holt jr.
Subject: [Marxism] In Alabama, a Quiet Fight to Marry

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NY Times Op-Ed, Feb. 11 2015
In Alabama, a Quiet Fight to Marry

COKER, Ala. — MONDAY morning began like any other morning on our little
farm in Alabama, where we have lived together for more than three
decades. We already knew that Roy S. Moore, the chief justice of the
State Supreme Court, had commanded the state’s probate judges to refuse
to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples. But turning on the
radio, we learned that the judge in our county, Tuscaloosa, home to the
state’s flagship university, had decided to go along with him.

We yelled at the radio — and decided to do something about it.

Being a lesbian couple in small-town Alabama has its pluses and minuses,
for sure. In most ways, we fit in here. Jean was born and raised in
Coker; Carol is a relative newcomer, having moved from Texas 40 years
ago. People know us and have the grace and mercy to show acts of
kindness regularly. At the same time, Alabama is hardly an easy place to
be gay.

Marriage Equality and the Rule of Law in AlabamaFEB. 10, 2015
This is a state where it has been widely held that folk like us are
degenerates, and going to burn in hell. A state where there is a law
making same-sex marriage illegal and where, for good measure, citizens
have also passed a constitutional amendment to the same effect.

Occasionally we pause to wonder how, specifically, our relationship
threatens other individuals, their relationship with God, or the
institution of marriage, but we don’t make waves. We have never been
activists; we’ve never pushed for marriage equality.

But still, in 2006, when the little church in our little community
posted, on their brand-new marquee, an appeal to vote for that amendment
to ban same-sex marriage, we were stung. Many of the church’s members
and leaders were our neighbors, whom we shared food from our gardens
with, visited when sick, lent generators in power failures, invited to
our home.

It was a personal, painful reminder that we were not to be thought of or
treated as equals. Openly being denied marriage equality was starting to
make us uncomfortable. We visited the pastor and implored him to promote
goodness and good will toward all people. The post stayed on the church
marquee through Election Day. The amendment passed by a landslide 81

Afterward, we went on. Like most people our age, we’ve gone through some
difficult times — breast cancer, death of parents and friends, natural
disasters in our community. But we’ve gotten through it together and
managed to keep our focus on the good stuff: We know that we are dearly
loved by family and by friends of all walks of life who are spread
across this country. We live on a beautiful farm, in a house we built
with our own hands. We’ve been able to earn our living doing the things
we love and that fit our values, operating one of Alabama’s first
commercial organic vegetable farms and working for a nonprofit that
promotes sustainable farming.

We were not looking to get involved in this particular cause, but it has
found us. While marriage may not be needed to make us feel more
fulfilled, alas, we are pragmatists. As we grow older, the
not-so-romantic benefits of marriage are becoming important. A few years
back we learned that Carol had inherited her father’s Huntington’s
disease. Her symptoms have progressed to the point that we now have to
begin thinking more seriously about health care, end-of-life and
financial security issues.

Recently we began to think about how being married would make it easier
when dealing with medical and legal institutions. We 

[Marxism] St. Petersburg's Channel Five shows how Russia can easily invade the whole of Europe

2015-02-11 Thread Thomas Campbell via Marxism
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*Channel Five: The Victory Parade Can Happen in Warsaw, Berlin, and even

Journalists at Petersburg Channel Five have endorsed the idea of a number
of western leaders of moving the WWII Victory Parade to Poland.

In her program, TV presenter Nika Strizhak said that Russian tanks could
easily reach not only Warsaw but also Washington.

According to the broadcast segment, it is only 1,300 kilometers from Moscow
to Warsaw, so the T-90 tank could enter the suburbs in less than
twenty-four hours. During this time, airborne troops, who need only two
hours for redeployment, would be able to rehearse the parade, rest, iron
their parade uniforms, and cook a festive meal of buckwheat porridge and
stewed meat.

The TV journalists also reminded viewers that it is only 1,800 kilometers
to Berlin: For a modern army, that is no distance, all the more so because
many Russian officers know their way around the city. Well, and Prague,
Helsinki, and Vilnius are all very close, so the Russian Army could go
there on foot, the journalists added.

Channel Five also pondered more distant routes, such as London and

Planning for them will have to be done well in advance, and here one
cannot dispense without the air force and navy. But there is still time,
and applications are being accepted, it says in the segment.

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[Marxism] Identity, migration, multiculturalism, emancipation

2015-02-11 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Why, then, have we come to imagine that we are living in particularly
plural societies, in which our cultural identities are all-important? The
answer lies in a complex set of social, political and economic changes over
the past half century, changes that include the narrowing of the political
sphere, the collapse of the left, the demise of class politics, the erosion
of more universalist visions of social change. Many of these changes helped
pave the way for multicultural policies. At the same time, the
implementation of such policies helped create a more fragmented society.
Or, to put it another way, multicultural policies have helped create the
very problems they were meant to have resolved. I want to demonstrate this
through two examples. The first is a riot in Britain, of which you may not
have heard, the second a cartoon crisis in Denmark, about which everyone
has heard. . .

From Kenan Malik, full at:
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Re: [Marxism] St. Petersburg's Channel Five shows how Russia can easily invade the whole of Europe

2015-02-11 Thread Charles Faulkner via Marxism
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they started the celebration early in the ukraine. 

*Channel Five: The Victory Parade Can Happen in Warsaw, Berlin, and even 

ccording to the broadcast segment, it is only 1,300 kilometers from Moscow 
to Warsaw, so the T-90 tank could enter the suburbs in less than 
twenty-four hours. During this time, airborne troops, who need only two 
hours for redeployment, would be able to rehearse the parade, rest, iron 
their parade uniforms, and cook a festive meal of buckwheat porridge and 
stewed meat. 

The TV journalists also reminded viewers that it is only 1,800 kilometers 
to Berlin: For a modern army, that is no distance, all the more so because 
many Russian officers know their way around the city. Well, and Prague, 
Helsinki, and Vilnius are all very close, so the Russian Army could go 
there on foot, the journalists added. 

Channel Five also pondered more distant routes, such as London and 
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Re: [Marxism] SYRIZA Verolufakis Confessions of an Erratic Marxist

2015-02-11 Thread James Creegan via Marxism
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Proyect wrote:

Well, I am not interested in email debates to tell you the truth. What in
the world can anybody get out of anything you have written here, messages
devoid of data or evidence or statistics or the rich historical and social
fabric of Greek society? When I am interested in airing my views, I do it
on my blog and usually after having read a substantial amount of material
as I did the other day on Syriza. I read at least 25 articles to put
together a decently researched article, mostly based on first-rate
reporting from Links in Australia.

Right now I am researching an article on the Greek economic problems that
is based on articles I have already read by Elmar Altvater, Stathis
Kouvelakis and Stavros Mavroudeas. I am following up with reading every
article that Michael Roberts has written about Greece.

When I began writing about Ukraine, it was only after reading books on
Crimea and Ukraine and about 20 articles.

That is because I take my ideas seriously whether you agree with them or
not. Your problem is that your contributions to this forum are superficial
and utterly lacking in substance. This would not be a problem if you
weren't so god-damned provocative. Not everybody has the motivation to go
to a research library or pour through articles on the net to make a
contribution but at least they are sensible enough not to pretend that they
are making a contribution to Marxism based on a 200 or 300 word email.

Provocation can sometimes be in the eye of the reader. Some might say that
hurling epithets--sectarian, Spartacist, ignoramus-- as a first reply
to what began as a series of angular but fairly polite comments from me,
might have had something to do with the escalating acerbity of this
exchange. A sectarian is apparently anyone who disagrees with Louis from
the left, an ignoramus anyone who ventures to express an opinion
without offering a 10,000-word disquisition .

Since my previous post did not make it onto Marxmail in its entirety, I
will reiterate here that the sectarian Weekly Worker is far less
impatient of debate than the dedicated anti-sectarian, Louis Proyect.
Louis emphasizes
the importance of background knowledge, and his  diligence in acquiring
information is commendable. As a former computer programmer, he is no doubt
data-driven. He seems not to appreciate, however, that data are only useful
in so far as they can be deployed within a logical framework. He has thus
far failed to bring his factual knowledge to bear within the framework of
the questions I have raised and the arguments I have presented.His only
conceptual gauge--and basis for political allegiance--seems to be
the narrow quantitative one congenial to a man of his metier: the number of
followers and/or votes a given leftwing party or personality is able to
attract. The facts are indispensable. But a tangle of logically
disconnected and undigested facts can obscure rather than reveal. I believe
this insight is expressed in a saying about forests and  trees.

Since this thread seems to me to have run its course, I will make no
further postings to it. I would only point out that the question underlying
this exchange--one that Louis dismisses as of no interest to anyone but
diehard sectarians like me--is one that has preoccupied Marxism since its
birth: reform or revolution. If Louis thinks this question has been
settled by history in the way that liberal opinion assures us that it has
been settled-- by the triumph of neoliberalism and the collapse of the
Soviet Union-- he might do us the favor of saying so. Absent such a white
flag, it is unclear from what heights of empirical wisdom he deems this
question unworthy of discussion or.why, for that matter, he continues to
style himself a Marxist. Eduard Bernstein, after all, ultimately discarded
the label. For my part, I am convinced that the question remains pertinent,
and will inevitably pose itself again in the events now unfolding in Greece
and Europe.

Jim Creegan
James Creegan sectaria...@gmail.com
5:04 PM (3 minutes ago)
to marxism-request
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[Marxism] Syriza, socialists and the struggles ahead

2015-02-11 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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SYRIZA, socialists and the struggles ahead

February 11, 2015

Greece's left-wing government is on a collision course with the rulers
of Europe over the commitment of the Coalition of the Radical Left, or
SYRIZA, to reverse drastic austerity measures imposed under the
Memorandums negotiated with the European Union (EU).

SYRIZA won a tremendous victory in the January 25 elections because it
promised an alternative to the catastrophic economic and social crisis
that Greece has endured for more than five years. But with the
government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras only two weeks old, the
political and financial elite of Europe, from Germany's Angela Merkel
and Wolfgang Schäuble to Mario Draghi, head of the European Central
Bank (ECB), have rejected all proposals to negotiate Greece's huge
foreign debt or relax the austerity conditions imposed as a condition
for the bailout of the country's economic system. With a showdown
approaching, all eyes are on the struggle in Greece and the hope it
hold for the future.

Antonis Davanellos and Sotiris Martalis are members of the Greek
socialist organization Internationalist Workers Left (DEA), a
co-founder of SYRIZA a decade ago and now a leading force in the Left
Platform inside SYRIZA. Both are members of SYRIZA's Central
Committee. On February 7, Antonis and Sotiris spoke to an audience of
socialists in the U.S. via videoconference about SYRIZA's election
victory, the first days of the new government and the struggles that
lie ahead. After an opening presentation, the two responded to
numerous questions from the audience. Here, we publish their comments,
edited and supplemented for publication at SocialistWorker.org.


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Re: [Marxism] SYRIZA Verolufakis Confessions of an Erratic Marxist

2015-02-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 2/11/15 5:10 PM, James Creegan via Marxism wrote:

Provocation can sometimes be in the eye of the reader. Some might say that
hurling epithets--sectarian, Spartacist, ignoramus-- as a first reply
to what began as a series of angular but fairly polite comments from me,
might have had something to do with the escalating acerbity of this
exchange. A sectarian is apparently anyone who disagrees with Louis from
the left, an ignoramus anyone who ventures to express an opinion
without offering a 10,000-word disquisition .

I don't think you are an ignoramus. You probably went to Harvard, based 
on your air of superiority. It is just that nobody can learn anything 
from your messages here. Frankly, if you are too lazy to research 
Greece, you could simply crosspost what other more committed people 
write with your own 2 or 3 sentence intro.

Eduard Bernstein, after all, ultimately discarded
the label.

Well, this is really the bottom line, isn't it. I am Eduard Bernstein? 
Well, that's a relief from being Christopher Hitchens. And what does 
that make Creegan? Rosa Luxemburg?

He keeps whining about being pilloried here when the poor soul only 
seeks to draw razor-sharp class lines between himself and me. Maybe I 
was mistaken to define the parameters of Marxmail 15 years or so ago:

MODERATION PRINCIPLES: The Marxism mailing list is extremely permissive. 
There are a couple of things that are frowned upon strongly. If you come 
to the list with the attitude that you are a true Bolshevik, who needs 
to convert 'Mensheviks' to your beliefs, you will be unsubbed.


It is possible that Creegan never read this. But nevertheless that's the 
guidelines I established. Every so often someone gets the trapdoor 
opened up beneath them when they decide that they are issuing 
communiques from Coyoacan. I suspect that most of the 1500 subscribers 
to Marxmail feel that it meets their needs so I only show people to the 
door once or twice a year.

If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it is that some 
subscribers have to be kept on a short leash since they are habitually 
prone to thinking of Marxmail as a costume party where they can come 
dressed as Leon Trotsky or VI Lenin. We are in dangerous and critical 
times and need to keep the focus on serious discussion that does not 
state implicitly or explicitly that the list must be divided into 
reformist and revolutionary wings--that is if you want to remain a 

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[Marxism] Fwd: Eurozone leaders believe Syriza must fail and be seen to fail - Telegraph

2015-02-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] L.A. Unified sides with farmworkers union in dispute with grower

2015-02-11 Thread Charles Faulkner via Marxism
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The Los Angeles Board of Education on Tuesday sided with United Farm Workers in 
its dispute with an agricultural firm, calling on the company to honor a labor 

The vote was 6 to 0, with one abstention, and was greeted with rousing approval 
by dozens of union members who were on hand. 

The resolution called on Gerawan Farming “to comply with state and federal 
laws, including labor relations, anti-discrimination, and minimum wage and hour 
laws, and to immediately implement the agreement issued by the neutral mediator 
and the state of California.” 

The resolution also directed district staff to review the company’s “compliance 
with fair labor practices” should it be part of any potential contracts with 
the L.A. Unified School District. 

“Gerawan already owes its thousands of workers millions of dollars in pay 
raises and other benefits,” UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez told the board. 
“Yet Gerawan fiercely resists its workers at every turn, committing some of the 
most flagrant labor law violations in California history.” 

In an interview, the company’s co-owner denied any wrongdoing and challenged 
the validity of the contract. 

There is no contract,” said Dan Gerawan. “There is a government order.” 

Gerawan insisted that most of the company’s employees side with management. He 
wrote to the board, defending the company's practices and compensation package. 
He urged L.A. officials to stay out of the dispute, but the labor-friendly body 
showed no hesitation deciding which side deserved its support. 

There are charges of unethical conduct on both sides and a disputed union 

The Fresno company employs 5,000 and grows peaches, plums, nectarines and 

“This is not something we can look away from,” said board member Steve Zimmer, 
after donning a red farmworkers T-shirt. “Our contracts are our values.” 

Zimmer said the nation’s second-largest school system can and should use its 
influence to promote the best labor and environmental standards. 

Board member Tamar Galatzan abstained. A spokeswoman said Galatzan doesn't 
believe the matter is an issue for the board because Gerawan is not a district 

Gerawan has supplied a relatively small amount of produce as a district 
subcontractor in the past. 
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[Marxism] Intelligent voice from France on Ukraine

2015-02-11 Thread Roger Annis via Marxism
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The French writer Jacques Sapir provides some very welcome respite by way of 
analysis of Ukraine compared to the drivel of the likes of the NPA and Fourth 
International. There is much to be challenged in Sapir's proposed solutions to 
the war in Ukraine. Some are downright delusional, such as his proposal for a 
UN peacekeeping force headed by India and South Africa, and, with respect to 
NATO, his proposal that the imperialist alliance either bring Russia into its 
fold or be replaced by a new, Europe-wide military alliance to include Russia. 
But regardless, his view of the fundamental causes and dynamics of the Ukraine 
war as well as the possible solutions are a breath of fresh air and 

 We must state again here that the behavior on the terrain of some of the Kiev 
forces amounts to war crimes. 

The solution of a 'simple' federalism, which would have been possible in March 
or April 2014 is today dead. The violence of the Kiev forces and the thousands 
of dead of Donetsk and Lugansk have made it impossible. We must meditate on 
this fact: what would have been possible at the beginning of the conflict, 
without the disproportionate usage of violence of which the Kiev forces made 
themselves guilty, is no longer possible now. 

Full article: Moscow, Munich and Minsk, by Jacques Sapir, Feb. 9, 2015. 
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Re: [Marxism] Greek bailout talks fail to make progress

2015-02-11 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 9:56 PM, Dayne Goodwin daynegood...@gmail.com wrote:
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[Marxism] Chapel Hill Shooting: Here is the Syria campaign that the victims were working on

2015-02-11 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism
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[Marxism] A note on the Spartacist Tendency

2015-02-11 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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One of the websites I follow is that of the Spartacist Tendency. 
I thought I would checkout their various publications.

Here's what I found.

U. S. - up to date

UK - up to date

Canada - up to date

France - up to date

Germany - up to date

Mexico - nearly up to date. The issue that shows up on the website is dated 
June 2014, but there is an issue for October 2014 which you can find in the 

Australia - the issue is labelled Spring 2014, but one of the articles appears 
to be more recent.

Poland - April 2014

Italy - October 2013

South Africa - Winter 2013

Japan - 2012

Greece - no apparent publication, but a mailing address and a phone number.

I'm not sure what is happening, but advertising regular publications and then 
not keeping to schedule can only undermine their credibility.

ken h
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[Marxism] Is Rupert Murdoch inching towards Labor and class collaboration?

2015-02-11 Thread John Passant via Marxism

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Is Rupert Murdoch inching towards Labor and class collaboration?

They may only be straws in the wind but two recent pieces in The 
Australian suggest Rupert Murdoch might have realised his preferred 
Abbott government and its open attacks on the poor and working class has 
been a failure. He might be inching towards a more cooperative approach 
with labour and Labor.The union movement (especially the remaining rank 
and file) should remember the lessons of the Accord. There is an 
alternative to supping with the devil, whether that devil be a smiling 
ALP or a scowling Liberal Party. That alternative is to fight against 
the attacks of the bosses and their politicians on wages, conditions, 
safety, jobs. If you don't fight you lose.


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[Marxism] Greek bailout talks fail to make progress

2015-02-11 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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[Marxism] Why is Latin America's soft left aiding the imperialist occupation of Haiti?

2015-02-11 Thread Roger Annis via Marxism
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The Uruguayan Marxist Fernando Moyano writes a lengthy article in Truthout on 
why that country has been a steadfast footsoldier in the ten-plus year 
imperialist occupation of Haiti. Uruguay is by far the largest per-capita 
participant in MINUSTAH among Latin American countries. Its participation in 
the imperialist led force, like that of Brazil, Ecuador, Chile (and Bolivia!) 
is a stain on the continent. By contrast, Cuba, Venezuela and the social 
organizations of Latin American countries including those participating in an 
imperialist occupation have shown a different path, one of internationalist 

Article here: 

If you missed, it, the lengthy article which I co-authored on the state of 
affairs in Haiti, five years after the 2010 earthquake, is here:

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