Re: [Marxism] Netanyahu claims Palestinians killed off the dinosaurs

2015-10-25 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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What is significant about the Netanyahu crap is that it is just that and it
is very carefully calibrated for his audience. I keep repeating the line
that if you come to a country to steal the land, then you have no choice
but to become a killer. You must also demonize and construct the owners of
the land as the Feared/Despised Other.  Netanyahu understands that better
than anyone.

I am much taken with Wolfgang Streeck's analysis of the consumer voter.
Netanyahu has no illusions about the tastes of the consumer voter he is
pitching to. He produces vulgar, crude, racist politics for a vulgar crude
racist audience.

We have lived long enough to see the total annihilation of respectable
Zionism.  There will never be any articles written about Netanyahu's
library as there was with Ben Gurion.



On Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 1:54 AM, Dennis Brasky via Marxism <> wrote:

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[Marxism] What's in a name? A right wing terrorist by any other name would smell as rancid

2015-10-25 Thread John Passant via Marxism

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What's in a name? A right wing terrorist by any other name would smell 
as rancid

The Australian ruling class won't crush right wing extremists because it 
thinks it may need these fascists and racists in the future to control a 
resurgent working class or to help them impose massive cuts on working 
class living standards. In the interim the racists and fascists help 
keep alive and reinforce the top down racism of Labor and Liberal 
governments and divide workers along race and other lines at the expense 
of unity on class lines.   We should have no illusions in governments 
and understand why they don't smash right wing terrorists but rather 
turn a blind eye to them. It is up to ordinary workers, unionists, the 
left and others to build the mass campaign and movement needed to 
destroy the fascists and their useful idiot fellow travellers before 
they can become a mass movement themselves.

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[Marxism] Guardian: The UK universities offering a lifeline to Syrian academics

2015-10-25 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] Guardian: Fans take to the pitch to stamp out racism in post-Soviet football ​

2015-10-25 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] Power to the people: a Syrian experiment in democracy

2015-10-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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FT, October 23, 2015 6:20 pm
Power to the people: a Syrian experiment in democracy
by Carne Ross

Perhaps the last place you would expect to find a thriving experiment in 
direct democracy is Syria. But something radical is happening, little 
noticed, in the eastern reaches of that fractured country, in the 
isolated region known to the Kurds as Rojava.

Just as remarkable, perhaps, is that the philosophy that inspired 
self-government here was originated by a little-known American political 
thinker and one-time “eco-activist” whose ideas found their way to Syria 
through a Kurdish leader imprisoned upon an island in the Sea of 
Marmara. It’s a story that bizarrely connects a war-torn Middle East 
with New York’s Lower East Side.

I visited Rojava last month while filming a documentary about the 
failings of the western model of democracy. The region covers a 
substantial “corner” of north-east Syria and has a population of 
approximately 3m, yet it is not easy to get to. The only passage is by 
small boat or a creaky pontoon bridge across the Tigris from Iraq.
Turkey has closed its borders with Rojava, preventing all movement from 
the north, including humanitarian supplies to Kurdish-controlled areas. 
To the south, in Iraq, the Kurdistan Regional Government does not make 
access easy; permits for journalists are not straightforward and, we 
were told, repeat visits are discouraged.

The isolation is not only physical. Turkey regards the Syrian Kurd YPG 
militia that is fighting the jihadi organisation Isis in Rojava as 
synonymous with the Kurdistan Workers’ party (PKK), a longstanding enemy 
inside Turkey. The YPG’s advance against Isis along Syria’s northern 
border has been halted by the declaration by Turkey of a so-called “safe 
zone” to the west of the Euphrates between the front line and the 
Kurdish-controlled canton of Afrin in the north-west. For the Kurds, the 
motive seems transparently clear: to prevent the formation of a 
contiguous area of Kurdish control along Turkey’s southern border.

The KRG, which collaborates with Turkey against the PKK, has also been 
reluctant to support the YPG, even though they share a common enemy in 
the shape of Isis. Turkey has likewise pressured the US to eschew the 
Syrian Kurds, although in the past few days Washington has come out in 
more open support, including delivering arms supplies to the YPG. 
Meanwhile, the Kurds maintain an uneasy truce with the Syrian regime, 
which keeps two small bases in Rojava but otherwise has no military 
presence here — a tacit deal whereby the Kurds control the territory in 
return for not fighting the regime.

Those journalists that do get here naturally gravitate to the front 
lines like the devastated city of Kobani; similarly, images of the 
photogenic young women who make up the female Kurdish militia, the YPJ, 
are more eye-catching than the village hall meetings that comprise the 
reality of an innovative grassroots democracy. But it is in those dusty 
assemblies across Rojava that a democratic revolution is taking place.
The onset of the Syrian revolution in 2012 saw the collapse of the Assad 
regime’s authority across much of Syria. When this vacuum opened in 
Rojava, the Kurdish Democratic Union party (PYD) sought to fill it by 
building a new form of democracy from the bottom up.

In this radical new dispensation, authority is vested primarily in the 
communal level — the village. At one assembly I attended, villagers 
gathered in a spartan town hall to debate their affairs. An old man 
began by retailing all the decisions of the previous meeting. The 
audience grew restive with boredom until a very young co-chair gently 
stopped him. Then, others took turns to voice their concerns. These were 
the stuff of day-to-day village life: anxiety about deliveries of 
medical supplies; celebration following the announcement of the opening 
of a small new factory for laundry powder. But the rocketing prices of 
bread and other basics were lamented at length. The prosaic found its 
voice, too: someone complained about children riding their bikes too 
fast around the village.

Not all decisions can be made at the most local level. Those that need 
broader discussion go to district or cantonal assemblies (Rojava is 
comprised of three cantons). Here, as in the villages, care is taken to 
give non-Arab minorities and women prominence. Every assembly I 
encountered was co-chaired by a woman. In one town, a very young Kurdish 
woman enthused to me that never before had people like her — “the youth” 
— been included in actual government. At meetings across the region I 
was struck by the sense of a po

[Marxism] NYT: The Disproportionate Risks of Driving While Black

2015-10-25 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] Atlantic: Bernie Sanders's Highly Sensible Plan to Turn Post Offices Into Banks

2015-10-25 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: Get your hands dirty – but not for Sanders

2015-10-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: CounterPunch fund drive | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-10-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Twenty-two years ago I took out a subscription to a newsletter that was 
advertised in the back pages of the Nation Magazine. It was called 
CounterPunch and edited by Ken Silverstein. It was the same back pages 
where I had found out about Doug Henwood’s Left Business Observer a few 
years earlier. In the early 90s such newsletters were carrying on the 
tradition of I.F. Stone’s Weekly. Even though the Internet was gathering 
momentum, it was still a time when the worldwide web was still in its 
relative infancy.

After Ken had written an article about Goldman-Sachs, I sent off an 
email (the only use of the net for most people at the time) letting him 
know about a mass firing that took place at my old workplace. In the 
next issue he recounted my story about how a bunch of managers with 
names ending in vowels had been sent home in town cars because the new 
manager, a scumbag West Point graduate named Rick Adam who would also be 
fired later on, decided that they lacked the proper credentials. Years 
later I ran into one of these ex-managers at Columbia University who 
told me that he was washing windows there. I was delighted to see 
CounterPunch spilling the goods on those rotten bastards at Goldman.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Israel quiet over 'hotline' with Russia on Syria | Reuters

2015-10-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Alexander Shein, Russia's ambassador to Israel, said his country's 
operations were limited to air and missile strikes on "terrorist groups."

"In this context there is no reason to talk about any alliance between 
the Russian side, Hezbollah and the Iranian side in Syrian affairs," he 
said in an emailed response to questions from Reuters.

Shein said Russia was familiar with the reasoning behind past Israeli 
air strikes in Syria, including against alleged arms transfers by Iran 
or Assad's army to Hezbollah, and "fully aware of Israel's strategic 
importance in the Middle East."

But he said Syria's neighbors and overall regional stability were 
threatened by the conflict, suggesting Israeli security might be best 
served by an Assad victory.


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[Marxism] NYT: The Law School Debt Crisis

2015-10-25 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] South Africa: Mass student protests defeat fee hikes

2015-10-25 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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In a victory for protesting students, South African President Jacob Zuma
backtracked on October 23 and cancelled a planned university fee rise next

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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[Marxism] Spanish state: December elections challenging left and right

2015-10-25 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Dick Nichols, Barcelona

The December 20 elections in the Spanish state will attract the usual large
field of runners. Challengers will represent every imaginable position
along the Spanish state's two main political dimensions — the left-to-right
social axis and the axis of national rights.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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