Re: [Marxism] Is Anthony Albanese too left wing to lead the Australian Labor Party to an election win?

2015-11-01 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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John asks whether Anthony Albanese is too left wing to be elected.  We will
probably never know the answer to that question.  Currently we are set to
see a re-election of the conservative coalition.  The multi-millionaire
merchant banker, Malcolm Turnbull, will carry his party to what I
personally believe will be a landslide.  The consumer voter seems convinced
that Turnbull 'farts rainbows' as one commentator put it.  Certainly, his
popularity is huge according to the polls.

By contrast the ALP is stuck with a desperately unpopular right wing trade
union hack - a true "mechanic".  Shorten is an expert at twisting
arms, backstabbing, wheedling and doing deals with bosses that betray the
interests of workers.

The Greens steadfastly refuse to become a party of the Left. So there is no
popular anti-austerity formation with an electoral base.

What will break this deadlock?

Well the next recession should expose Turnbull as a show pony.  Shorten
will be a bad memory.  Maybe then the ALP will tentatively and nervously
adapt a Keynesian policy thrust. As always, I look to developments outside
Australia.  A Chinese recession would be disastrous for the Australian
economy.  An upheaval in Europe would have an impact.  In the meantime, as
I have said, it is deadlock.



On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 3:54 PM, John Passant via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> /Is Anthony Albanese too left wing to lead the Australian Labor Party to
> an election win?
> /
> /Labor would not be unelectable under Albanese, especially if he adopted a
> left cover. However if elected to government Albanese’s real neoliberal
> agenda would bec/o/me clear to people and they would reject it and him too,
> just as they rejected the neoliberalism of Abbott and may well do of
> Turnbull, given time and the lived experience of the deleterious impact of
> his anti-working class policies.//
> /
> A genuine left wing party of the working class in Australia has not yet
> developed. Until it does we will remain in the Sisyphean oscillations
> between neoliberal Labor and pro-austerity Liberal governments.
> *
> _
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[Marxism] The Bernie Sanders Challenge?

2015-11-01 Thread Ratbag Media via Marxism
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"The central question, however, is not Sanders himself but how the
process evolves, and particularly what conclusions his legion of
supporters draws from this experience. The key question Socialist
Alternative members have been raising at local People for Bernie
meetings and mass rallies is: how will we actually achieve the bold
progressive demands that have galvanized people into action? Or to put
it another way: what does a real political revolution against the
billionaires look like?"

The Bernie Sanders Challenge
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: bellingcat - Examining the Turkish Sarin “Recipe”

2015-11-01 Thread Mark Richey via Marxism
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Calling yourself a 'marxist' doe't , as you seem to believe, entitle you to 
simply invent nonsense about Syria, for which you can't point to ANY scholarly 
sources since they don't exist.

When I point to sources, even pro US wones, that state the bulk of fighting 
against Assad is by foreign mercenaries, you ignore that, as in this last post.

 Chuckle, I'm going to look elsewhere for 'marxists',  since if you look in any 
dictionary, marxism has nothing to do with spouting Pentagon propaganda as 

-Original Message-
>From: Louis Proyect 
>Sent: Oct 31, 2015 9:35 PM
>To: Mark Richey , Activists and scholars in Marxist 
>Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fwd: bellingcat - Examining the Turkish Sarin “Recipe”
>On 10/30/15 9:47 PM, Mark Richey wrote:
>> The great bulk of fighting in Syria is done by foreign mercenaries,
>> most of them Wahabists who behead captured Syrian soldiers regularly.
>> Even the pro US 'syrian Observatory', a one man British expatriate,
>> admits that.
>> As for the indigenous rebels (aside from the Kurds who want their own
>> nation), they are led, largely, by ex Assad army officers on the take
>> from the US, who assumed Assad would quickly go the way of Khadafy
>> and wanted to be on the 'winning side.'  NOt 'poor farmers', etc.
>> etc., most of whom have fled Syria or to government held areas to
>> escape the head choppers.
>> I won't engage with someone who simply makes up facts about Syria
>> that even pro US sources don't credit.
>Richey, I don't appreciate evasiveness, especially from someone who 
>seems to be as familiar with Marxist theory as I am with quantum mechanics.
>I point to scholarly material about the social and economic causes of 
>the uprising and you ignore it. This is the second time you have done that.
>I understand that you have somehow wandered into a forum where there are 
>people who have been involved with Marxist theory and analysis for 
>probably longer than you have lived and that you simply lack the 
>wherewithal to discuss things in class terms but I can't allow you to 
>waste bandwidth much longer especially since every single post you have 
>made here is harping on the same topic.
>Read any Gramsci lately that has exercised the old cerebrum? Maybe you'd 
>want to share that with us. The clock is ticking.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: bellingcat - Examining the Turkish Sarin “Recipe”

2015-11-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Fine. Close the door on your way out.

On 11/1/15 8:30 AM, Mark Richey wrote:

  Chuckle, I'm going to look elsewhere for 'marxists',  since if you look in 
any dictionary, marxism has nothing to do with spouting Pentagon propaganda as 

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[Marxism] Imperialist backed "moderates" kill 70 and would 550 in Syria

2015-11-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Jeremy Corbyn and Syria

2015-11-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Posted to FB by John Game)

A reel off prompted by the justified anger many supporters of the Syrian 
revolution feel about the official positions of many on the left and in 
the Labour movement:

as someone who has been an anti-Stalinist all their life I'm used to the 
fact that large sections of the left are not. For me these issues are 
connected to people not having enough confidence to fight for 
themselves-and thus putting their hopes either in particular leaders or 
particular states to do it for them. One of the truly alarming things 
about the last couple of decades has been the extent to which stalinism 
has re-invented itself-it had been believed by many that the end of the 
Soviet bloc would kill off these kinds of illusions-I think we were 
missing the point Marx once made about religion-that if you were to want 
to abolish it you'd have to abolish the conditions that give rise to the 
need for it-and the conditions that gave rise to the need amongst people 
to look for substitutes for their own agency were not abolished by the 
collapse of the Soviet Union. Hence the really shocking way in which 
some even look to Putin as some kind of a saviour-an authoritarian no 
better whatsoever then a Modi in India. But, and here's the problem, in 
India you'll find many on the left who absolutely despise Modi but have 
enourmous illusions in Putin as some kind of an 'alternative' to US 
hegenomy-why?-because the dominant forms of reformism in the global 
south were premissed on the idea that the weakening of the dominant 
western imperialism gave space for alternatives-some of this was 
reflected in the old ideas of the non-aligned movement (though its 
interesting that many who espouse those ideas now once saw the 
non-aligned movement as simply an illusion-as indeed in many ways it 
was). All across the world this has produced a left that's fragmented, 
an internationalism that's incoherent, and a dreadful paucity of a real 
movement of solidarity for the actually existing and on-going 
revolutionary movements we've seen over the last decade-worse then this 
a constant clamour of slander and abuse directed at those who try and 
raise these issues.

I believe these arguments need to be taken on, head on, and I have no 
time at all for people who think its sectarian to raise these issues. 
Its vital. But at the same time, I think you have to understand the 
roots in despair - like all forms of counter-revolutionary ideology it 
thrives on feeling of hopelessness-there were of course plenty of 
sociopaths who kissed the boots of Stalin because they liked the thought 
of those boots trampling on human faces forever. But most kissed the 
boots of Stalin because they sincerely believed that these were the only 
boots that could kick Hitler. Today we face a more grotesque situation 
(what as Javaad said I once called Stalinism with Stalinism)-where 
people don't even believe (well aside from the truly confused or 
strange) that any of these regimes represent socialist values-but think 
the best they can hope for is some sort of 'balance' - in effect a new 
Congress of Vienna (a reactionary post-Napoleon balance drawn up by the 
European great powers in the 19th century) this time with Putin and-who 
else?-to ask the question is to reveal the ideological 
incoherence-perhaps General Sisi? Or those currently locking up and 
killing Trade Unionists in Tehran? Or Modi? A man who like Putin who 
knows how to deal with troublesome Muslims-perhaps these people doing a 
deal with America will lead to a better world? To ask the question is to 
reveal the bloody aburdity of it.

Most people voting for Corbyn desperately want change and I'm with them. 
But I also want to argue with them about how we can get that change. But 
you can't win that argument if you line up with the dominant powers-who 
have no intention whatsoever of helping anyway and never did. I also 
think there is a difficulty with an understandable argument about 
priorities-I wholly understand the position of people who say-My 
priority is the Syrian revolution so I'll support any robber of bandit 
if they'll help. But we also see supporters of the Kurds say the same 
thing-its a logic which is part of the fragmentation which has led us to 
where we are. That's the difficulty. I don't have easy solutions for this.

PS: I also feel that in practice-I would be happy with a British state 
that never deployed its military anywhere outside its borders. What I'm 
not happy with is a set of arguments systematically misrepresenting a 
revolution and its struggle against counter-revolution.

I'm reminded of an old argument amongst trots 

Re: [Marxism] Fwd: bellingcat - Examining the Turkish Sarin “Recipe”

2015-11-01 Thread Mark Richey via Marxism
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Here's some scholarly references for Mr. Proyect,late of the SWP, one of the 
most mendacious 'left' organizations ever seen in the US:

Abu Muhamed al-Jolani, head pf Syria's al-Qaida affilate al-Nusra front, one of 
the largest groups fighting in Syria, pledged that armed groups would 'hurl 
hundreds of rockets' dail at villages inhabited by the Alawite minority, the 
sect from which Bashar al-Assad hails.  Jolani said he would pay '3 million 
euros", US #3.4 million, for anyone who can kill al-Assad and end his story.'

Jolani also offered '2 million euros for whoever kills Hasssan Nasrallah", 
leader of Lebanon's Shiite Hezbollah movement.'

There was no word from Jolani about any alternative political or social agenda, 
and there never has beeen from any known group actually fighting in Syria, the 
bulk of whom are Wahhabists or other Islamists.

Aside from the purely sectarian and genocidal treats made against various 
minorities in Syria, and elsewhere, Jolani also revealed that he is flush with 
cash, obviously derived from foreign sponsorship to be sure, not from donations 
from Syrian workers or farmers.  The US and its proxies such as Saudi Arabia 
ensure the arming and funding of nearly all the 'Syrian' resistance, which is 
led for the most part by Jolani and similar characters.


-Original Message-
>From: Louis Proyect 
>Sent: Nov 1, 2015 9:33 PM
>To: Mark Richey , Activists and scholars in Marxist 
>Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fwd: bellingcat - Examining the Turkish Sarin “Recipe”
>Fine. Close the door on your way out.
>On 11/1/15 8:30 AM, Mark Richey wrote:
>>   Chuckle, I'm going to look elsewhere for 'marxists',  since if you look in 
>> any dictionary, marxism has nothing to do with spouting Pentagon propaganda 
>> as fact.

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[Marxism] King Salman calls for Arab-South American summit

2015-11-01 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Jeremy Corbyn and Syria

2015-11-01 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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what's his facebook link? this is great, want to share

On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 9:51 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> (Posted to FB by John Game)
> A reel off prompted by the justified anger many supporters of the Syrian
> revolution feel about the official positions of many on the left and in the
> Labour movement:
> as someone who has been an anti-Stalinist all their life I'm used to the
> fact that large sections of the left are not. For me these issues are
> connected to people not having enough confidence to fight for
> themselves-and thus putting their hopes either in particular leaders or
> particular states to do it for them. One of the truly alarming things about
> the last couple of decades has been the extent to which stalinism has
> re-invented itself-it had been believed by many that the end of the Soviet
> bloc would kill off these kinds of illusions-I think we were missing the
> point Marx once made about religion-that if you were to want to abolish it
> you'd have to abolish the conditions that give rise to the need for it-and
> the conditions that gave rise to the need amongst people to look for
> substitutes for their own agency were not abolished by the collapse of the
> Soviet Union. Hence the really shocking way in which some even look to
> Putin as some kind of a saviour-an authoritarian no better whatsoever then
> a Modi in India. But, and here's the problem, in India you'll find many on
> the left who absolutely despise Modi but have enourmous illusions in Putin
> as some kind of an 'alternative' to US hegenomy-why?-because the dominant
> forms of reformism in the global south were premissed on the idea that the
> weakening of the dominant western imperialism gave space for
> alternatives-some of this was reflected in the old ideas of the non-aligned
> movement (though its interesting that many who espouse those ideas now once
> saw the non-aligned movement as simply an illusion-as indeed in many ways
> it was). All across the world this has produced a left that's fragmented,
> an internationalism that's incoherent, and a dreadful paucity of a real
> movement of solidarity for the actually existing and on-going revolutionary
> movements we've seen over the last decade-worse then this a constant
> clamour of slander and abuse directed at those who try and raise these
> issues.
> I believe these arguments need to be taken on, head on, and I have no time
> at all for people who think its sectarian to raise these issues. Its vital.
> But at the same time, I think you have to understand the roots in despair -
> like all forms of counter-revolutionary ideology it thrives on feeling of
> hopelessness-there were of course plenty of sociopaths who kissed the boots
> of Stalin because they liked the thought of those boots trampling on human
> faces forever. But most kissed the boots of Stalin because they sincerely
> believed that these were the only boots that could kick Hitler. Today we
> face a more grotesque situation (what as Javaad said I once called
> Stalinism with Stalinism)-where people don't even believe (well aside from
> the truly confused or strange) that any of these regimes represent
> socialist values-but think the best they can hope for is some sort of
> 'balance' - in effect a new Congress of Vienna (a reactionary post-Napoleon
> balance drawn up by the European great powers in the 19th century) this
> time with Putin and-who else?-to ask the question is to reveal the
> ideological incoherence-perhaps General Sisi? Or those currently locking up
> and killing Trade Unionists in Tehran? Or Modi? A man who like Putin who
> knows how to deal with troublesome Muslims-perhaps these people doing a
> deal with America will lead to a better world? To ask the question is to
> reveal the bloody aburdity of it.
> Most people voting for Corbyn desperately want change and I'm with them.
> But I also want to argue with them about how we can get that change. But
> you can't win that argument if you line up with the dominant powers-who
> have no intention whatsoever of helping anyway and never did. I also think
> there is a difficulty with an understandable argument about priorities-I
> wholly understand the position of people who say-My priority is the Syrian
> revolution so I'll support any robber of ban

Re: [Marxism] Jeremy Corbyn and Syria

2015-11-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/1/15 10:12 AM, Andrew Pollack wrote:

what's his facebook link? this is great, want to share

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: bellingcat - Examining the Turkish Sarin “Recipe”

2015-11-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/1/15 10:02 AM, Mark Richey wrote:

Abu Muhamed al-Jolani, head pf Syria's al-Qaida affilate al-Nusra
front, one of the largest groups fighting in Syria, pledged that
armed groups would 'hurl hundreds of rockets' dail at villages
inhabited by the Alawite minority, the sect from which Bashar
al-Assad hails.  Jolani said he would pay '3 million euros", US #3.4
million, for anyone who can kill al-Assad and end his story.'

That's all true but socialists who are in solidarity with the Syrian 
revolution back the Kurds and/or the FSA. If the Internet existed in the 
1930s, people with our outlook would be supporting the anarchists, the 
POUM, and/or the Trotskyist party in Spain against Franco--the 
forerunner of Assad's murderous air war (check Picasso's "Guernica" to 
get a handle on what obviously inspired Putin in Chechnya and Assad in 
Douma where 70 people were just killed and 550 wounded.) What's weird is 
that the Baathist amen corner, including you, has fallen in love with 
someone who combines the worst aspects of both Stalin and Franco: Bashar 

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[Marxism] Guardian: Indonesia is burning. So why is the world looking away?

2015-11-01 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: bellingcat - Examining the Turkish Sarin “Recipe”

2015-11-01 Thread Mark Richey via Marxism
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The FSA is largely a creation of the CIA, and/or the Turks, and is viewed as 
such by Syrians according to Franklin Lamb, who actually has BEEN in Syria and 
speaks the language, has done research...

and to compare the CIA created FSA with the Spanish POUM  would be funny, it it 
weren't a pathetic excuse for backing US imperialism、
Proyect and his 'humanitarian regime change' faction reminds me of the fact 
that many of the Bush coterie of neocons were also 'socialists' at one time in 
their youth.

-Original Message-
>From: Louis Proyect 
>Sent: Nov 1, 2015 11:48 PM
>To: Mark Richey , Activists and scholars in Marxist 
>Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fwd: bellingcat - Examining the Turkish Sarin “Recipe”
>On 11/1/15 10:02 AM, Mark Richey wrote:
>> Abu Muhamed al-Jolani, head pf Syria's al-Qaida affilate al-Nusra
>> front, one of the largest groups fighting in Syria, pledged that
>> armed groups would 'hurl hundreds of rockets' dail at villages
>> inhabited by the Alawite minority, the sect from which Bashar
>> al-Assad hails.  Jolani said he would pay '3 million euros", US #3.4
>> million, for anyone who can kill al-Assad and end his story.'
>That's all true but socialists who are in solidarity with the Syrian 
>revolution back the Kurds and/or the FSA. If the Internet existed in the 
>1930s, people with our outlook would be supporting the anarchists, the 
>POUM, and/or the Trotskyist party in Spain against Franco--the 
>forerunner of Assad's murderous air war (check Picasso's "Guernica" to 
>get a handle on what obviously inspired Putin in Chechnya and Assad in 
>Douma where 70 people were just killed and 550 wounded.) What's weird is 
>that the Baathist amen corner, including you, has fallen in love with 
>someone who combines the worst aspects of both Stalin and Franco: Bashar 

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: bellingcat - Examining the Turkish Sarin “Recipe”

2015-11-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/1/15 11:46 AM, Mark Richey via Marxism wrote:

The FSA is largely a creation of the CIA, and/or the Turks, and is
viewed as such by Syrians according to Franklin Lamb, who actually
has BEEN in Syria and speaks the language, has done research...

Aren't you embarrassed to be repeating the words of a long-time booster 
of Hezbollah? I guess that's a function of trawling the amen corner of 
the blogosphere. You, like many Baathist tools, have no idea how to 
locate impartial sources.

and to compare the CIA created FSA with the Spanish POUM  would be
funny, it it weren't a pathetic excuse for backing US imperialism、 、
Proyect and his 'humanitarian regime change' faction reminds me of
the fact that many of the Bush coterie of neocons were also
'socialists' at one time in their youth.

I love how you spout nonsense like "the CIA created FSA" when most 
people who remain tethered to the planet earth understand that it came 
into existence after Baathist snipers began killing peaceful protesters. 
Of course, I imagine that you are one of those benighted souls who 
believe that they were really CIA or Saudi assets firing down on the 
demonstrators from rooftops in order to create a "false flag" scenario.

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[Marxism] Artificial light

2015-11-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Answer to today's NYT acrostic:

"We have so much artificial light that after an earthquake knocked out 
power some residents of Los Angeles called the police to report a 
strange giant silvery cloud. It was the milky way they had never seen 

David Krandall, "Dream Land"

"As it turns out, there can be too much of a good thing, including 
electric lights. Considering the fact that animals, including homo 
sapiens, have lived for millions of years without artificial lights, it 
comes as no surprise that mother nature can throw us for a loop. The 
film shows the toll light pollution takes on animals. Thousands of sea 
turtles newly hatched on the Florida coast mistakenly head toward the 
city lights rather than the ocean, which they have been programmed 
genetically to seek out because of its relative brightness compared to 
the land. As an endangered species, the idea that their numbers are 
decreasing at an ever greater rate because of shopping mall lights, etc. 
makes you reconsider the question of progress."

"The City Dark" can be rented on Youtube for $3.99:

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[Marxism] Colombian elections

2015-11-01 Thread Anthony Boynton via Marxism
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Last week Colombia had its off-year elections: Governors, mayors,
departmental deputies (assembly people), city councils, and other local
The most important result was the very unsurprising loss by the Polo
Democratico in the mayoral election in Bogotà, the country's largest city
and the capital, to the zombie-like retread who has apparently risen from
the political graveyard, former mayor Enrique Peñalosa.

To make the loss even more humiliating, the Polo's candidate Clara Lopez
came in third behind Peñalosa and Rafael Pardo.  Peñalosa was backed by the
country's big construction companies, the municipal transportation cartel,
Cambio Radical - the party of the country's Vice President - and heir
apparent of President Juan Manuel Santos - and by the Conservative Party.
Pardo, the Minister of Labor in santos' cabinet who briefly served as
acting Mayor of Bogotà when outgoing Mayor Petro was suspended, was
supported by some of the country's biggest Banks and by the Liberal Party.
Lopez was supported by the widow of Julio Mario Santo Domingo - by far the
richest woman in Colombia, and by her own party and assorted unions.

The left had won the mayoralty in Bogotà three straight elections before
this. Rather than using their victories to strengthen any movement in the
streets, they did almost everything and anything else. The first  of the
three mayors, Lucho Garzon, used the job as a stepping stone into the
cabinet of Juan Manuel Santos. The second, Samuel Moreno, used the
opportunity to organize the massive wholesale robbery of the city. When the
scandal was blown open by then-Polo Senator Gustavo Petro, it led to the
unraveling of an enormous corruption scandal which nearly destroyed the
Polo. The Polo split, with Petro forming the Progresistas which allowed him
to win the next mayoral election. While Mayor, Petro managed to make
enemies of most of his friends and allies, and earn the bitter hatred of
the ctiies middle class, without gaining any new friends or allies, and
leaving the Progresistas a nearly dead shell of a political movement that
could not even field its own candidate for mayor this time around.

The Polo did win some city council seats, a couple of departmental
governors seats, and still has the possibility to come back as an electoral
force. if Peñalosa cold come back after his corrupt administration, almost
anything is possible.

How does this fit into the peace process? These elections were a clear
victory for the architect of that process, President Juan Manuel Santos,
and for his hand picked successor Vice-President Gèrman Vargas Lleras. The
parties of Santos' colaition: his own Partido de la U, Lleras' Cambio
Radical, and Pardo's Liberal party were the clear winners all around the

The Uribistas were even bigger losers than the Polo. They lost both the
governorship of Antioquia and the mayoralty of mediìn (the capital of
Antioquia) the stronghold of the Uribistsas so-called Centro Democratico
Uribista. Their candidate for mayor Fracisco Santos (cousin of the
president) came in a miserable fourth place. This means Santas et al. will
be able to complete the peace process without major obstacles from the
militarily right. it also means their already dominant bargaining position
with the FARC will be even stronger.

More later, Anthony
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[Marxism] Palestinians persecuted by their benefactor?

2015-11-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(From Veronica Ramadan on FB)

Ah, the "resistance" regime...
'Syrian Intelligence issued 28,000 warrants against Palestinians living 
in Syria: archive'

01-11-2015: 'The number of Palestinians wanted by Syrian intelligence 
are more than any other nationality according to leaked documents and 
warrants issued by Syrian regime's security services with the end of 2014.

The leaked archive obtained by Zaman Al Wasl includes 524,416 arrest 
orders against citizens from 153 states across the world.

The Palestinians come third among non-Syrian (Arab and foreign) in 
number of notices, after Iraqi and Lebanese. The total number of notices 
against Palestinians was 27628 one, third of them (9385) were arrest 
warrants, which made them again among the most people required for 
arrest by intelligence branches after Yemenis, Tunisians and Saudis.
It was found that rate of Palestinians who were issued arrest Warrants 
was 33% of all notices issues against Palestinians, it was higher than 
rate of arrest Warrant out of all notices for other nationalities, at 31.3%.

The archive reveals that Syrian intelligence had divided Palestinians 
into 6 categories: Palestinians, Palestinians of Syria, Palestinians of 
Egypt, Palestinians of Iraq, Palestinians of Jordan, Palestinians of 

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[Marxism] Joseph Daher comment on using Alawites as human shields

2015-11-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(From FB)

Groups like Daech , Jabhat Al Nusra, Ahrar Sham Jaysh Al Islam and other 
similar groups are the best ennemies or friends of the assad regime. 
they share a similar exclusionary program and practices than the Assad 
regime, in other words authoritarianism, cruelty, repression and 
sectarianism, etc... they represent the counter revolution just as Assad 
and it allies.

Zahran Alloush's group Jaysh al islam use of alawi soldiers and 
civilians as human shields against assad bombing is one more example of 
what I was saying above and their reactionary nature.

Down with all the forms of barbarisms in syria. and of course Assad is 
the greater barbarism but this does not excuse other growing barbarism.
viva the popular revolution in Syria for democracy social justice, 
equality and against sectarianism

Down with all counter revolutionary forces Assad and Islamic 
fundamentalist forces.

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[Marxism] New Issue of Revolutionary History: Clara Zetkin: Letters and Writings

2015-11-01 Thread Paul Flewers via Marxism
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New Issue of Revolutionary History: Clara Zetkin: Letters and Writings

Clara Zetkin played a prominent role within the left wing of the German
Social-Democratic Party and subsequently within the Communist Party of Germany
and the Communist International, with a strong interest in the rights of
working-class women. The latest edition of Revolutionary History, edited by Mike
Jones and Ben Lewis, brings together articles and letters by Zetkin on such
subjects as revisionism within the SPD, women's rights and feminism, the fight
against fascism, and the bureaucratisation of the Communist International,
together with scholarly articles focusing upon specific aspects of Zetkin's
political life. This edition of Revolutionary History will bring the life and
work of Clara Zetkin to the notice of today’s left-wing activists and
historians, and help to restore her name to its rightful position within the
pantheon of twentieth-century revolutionary Marxists.

Articles by Clara Zetkin

* The Servant Girls' Movement
* Against the Theory and Tactics of Social Democracy
* Guidelines for the Communist Women's Movement
* Letters to Lenin
* The Struggle Against Fascism
* The Bourgeois Women’s Movement
* Letter to the Politbureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU
* Speech to the ECCI
* Letters to Fanny Jezierska
* Letter to Wilhelm Pieck
* Opening Speech of the Reichstag as its Oldest Member, 30 August 1932

Articles about Clara Zetkin

* Gisela Notz, Clara Zetkin and the International Socialist Women's Movement
* Ottokar Luban, Clara Zetkin's Influence on the Spartacus Group, 1918-1919
* Günter Wernicke, Clara Zetkin's Opposition to Sidelining of Comrades in the
Comintern and KPD in the Mid-1920s
* Horst Helas, Clara Zetkin's 'Filthy Letter'

Plus a big book review section

Order at < >

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Re: [Marxism] New Issue of Revolutionary History: Clara Zetkin: Letters and Writings

2015-11-01 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Sonntag, 1. November 2015 at 19:27, Paul Flewers via Marxism wrote:

> New Issue of Revolutionary History: Clara Zetkin: Letters and Writings

  Great to have at least some of her writings and speeches in English. 

  Clara Zetkin was one of our best. The "Speech to the ECCI" which is on the 
list of contents -- is that by any chance her talk about Italian fascism of 
1923 (I believe that was the year)? This is the oldest and best (before 
Trotsky) to analyze fascism as a social and political phenomenon. 

  Her letters to Lenin are wonderful. 

  I just wonder which German sources have been taken for the translations. The 
GDR publications of the 1950ies etc are all abbreviated and possibly falsified. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
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[Marxism] Fwd: Going into industry | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-11-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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As I pointed out in my last post that excerpted Vivian Gornick’s 
poignant and politically astute “The Romance of American Communism”, I 
was struck when I read it in the early 80s by how much the CP experience 
was like our own. This was particularly true of the “turn to industry” 
that began in 1977. As you will see in the excerpt from Gornick below, 
both the CP and the SWP used the same jargon. Can you imagine how much 
stupidity was involved in using the term “colonize” to describe what we 
did? As if we were missionaries going into the Congo to convert the 
natives? In fact the passage below refers to conversion three times. We 
never used that term ourselves (and for all I know the CP did not 
either) but it certainly describes what we were about. We “went into 
industry” to sell subscriptions to our stupid newspaper just like 
Jehovah’s Witnesses going door to door, not to participate in labor 
struggles which were far and few between. But at least if you were in 
the CP, you got involved in living struggles. For that matter, the 
SWP’ers had the same experience in the 1930s and 40s. However, in 1977 
the chances were slim that such an experience could be repeated—a 
function of the low ebb in the class struggle as well as our own ineptitude.

Going into Industry

“GOING into industry” (otherwise known in ironic Party parlance as 
“colonizing”) is the phrase used to describe the Communist Party’s 
practice during the Thirties, Forties, and early Fifties of sending 
Party organizers out to take up jobs as workers in the factories, 
plants, laboratories, and offices of America for the purpose of 
educating workers to class consciousness, converting them to socialism, 
and recruiting them into the Communist Party. Over nearly a quarter of a 
century thousands of American Communists spent the greater portion of 
their adult working lives “in industry.” The collective history of the 
life and work of these CP “colonizers” is one of glory and sorrow.

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[Marxism] More Australian support for boycott, divestment, sanctions on Israel

2015-11-01 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) — the national peak body of
Palestine support organisations — resolved on October 25 to endorse and
begin advocating for a policy of boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS)
of international and Israeli institutions involved in the violation of
human rights and international law in Israel and Palestine.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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[Marxism] Fwd: Apocalypse now: has the next giant financial crash already begun? | Comment is free | The Guardian

2015-11-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The 1st of October came and went without financial armageddon. Veteran 
forecaster Martin Armstrong, who accurately predicted the 1987 crash, 
used the same model to suggest that 1 October would be a major turning 
point for global markets. Some investors even put bets on it. But the 
passing of the predicted global crash is only good news to a point. Many 
indicators in global finance are pointing downwards – and some even 
think the crash has begun.

Let’s assemble the evidence. First, the unsustainable debt. Since 2007, 
the pile of debt in the world has grown by $57tn (£37tn). That’s a 
compound annual growth rate of 5.3%, significantly beating GDP. Debts 
have doubled in the so-called emerging markets, while rising by just 
over a third in the developed world.

John Maynard Keynes once wrote that money is a “link to the future” – 
meaning that what we do with money is a signal of what we think is going 
to happen in the future. What we’ve done with credit since the global 
crisis of 2008 is expand it faster than the economy – which can only be 
done rationally if we think the future is going to be much richer than 
the present.


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[Marxism] Submission

2015-11-01 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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I am wholly aware that flagrant self-promotion might be class-less in a
class-based discussion forum such as this, but I wanted to share some of my
Marxist short films to add to the conversation, my major focus has been on
race and racism issues.




I am holding a screening of the AARON BRIGGS film at AS220 on November 24
in Providence on Empire Street. Tickets are $2 and all funds will go to the
Providence Industrial Workers of the World office fund. For more info on
that film, visit Web.

Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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Re: [Marxism] Submission

2015-11-01 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Oops, website is

On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 9:43 PM, Andrew Stewart 

> I am wholly aware that flagrant self-promotion might be class-less in a
> class-based discussion forum such as this, but I wanted to share some of my
> Marxist short films to add to the conversation, my major focus has been on
> race and racism issues.
> I am holding a screening of the AARON BRIGGS film at AS220 on November 24
> in Providence on Empire Street. Tickets are $2 and all funds will go to the
> Providence Industrial Workers of the World office fund. For more info on
> that film, visit Web.
> --
> Best regards,
> Andrew Stewart

Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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Re: [Marxism] BLM Activists Interrupt Hillary Clinton

2015-11-01 Thread Sheldon Ranz via Marxism
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Who knows?  With the Clintons, anything is possible.

On Sat, Oct 31, 2015 at 5:15 PM, A.R. G via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> I'd like some elaboration from Sheldon Ranz and others on this list as to
> whether or not Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and COINTELPRO were behind
> this one as well.
> - Amith
> _
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[Marxism] 70 killed, 550 wounded in air strikes on market near Damascus

2015-11-01 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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/New from Linux Beach:/

  70 killed, 550 wounded in air strikes on market near Damascus

> I feel compelled to report this because I know so many other media
> outlets will ignore it.
> Will
> *Democracy Now* report this tomorrow? Listen and learn. We know they
> consider *Doctors Without Borders* a trusted source, at least with
> regards to some civilian causalities. I hope they will report it.
> otherwise, I have plenty of these left.->


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