[Marxism] NZ minimum wage nudged up - shows National and Labour the same

2016-02-29 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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[Marxism] On the southern Irish election results, especially the drubbing of Labour

2016-02-29 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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[Marxism] Theodor Bergmann autobiography

2016-02-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Theodor Bergmann, a German revolutionary who supported Rosa Luxemburg 
and Paul Levi, wrote a 45 page autobiography on his 100th anniversary if 
the Google translate was accurate. It is amazing that he is still alive 
and going strong.


I heard him speak at the Brecht Forum in March 2000 as I reported to the 
Marxism list back then.

I have the highest regard for Theodor Bergmann, the 84 year old editor 
of the Hamburg-based magazine "Sozialismus," who spoke last night at the 
Brecht Forum on "The German Anti-Nazi Left". Three years ago the 
magazine entered into a fraternal relationship with Monthly Review, 
which is edited by Paul Sweezy and Harry Magdoff, themselves well-known 
and respected old-timers. Not that I have anything against young 
radicals, but men and women in their 80s who are still going strong 
deserve our special respect.

"Sozialismus" was also the first serious journal to print something I 
wrote, namely my puckish report on the last Rethinking Marxism 
conference, titled "Wissen-shaftskriege" (Science Wars). It told the 
story of how female Marxist graduate students from India nearly drove a 
terminally long-winded Etienne Balibar from the stage and how during the 
aftermath of the protest conference organizers tried to root out a 
Sokalite conspiracy that presumably was responsible. (There was no such 

Bergmann was a member of the youth group of the Left Communists in the 
1920s, a party that Cochranite Erwin Baur's mother belonged to as well. 
In an interview I conducted with him recently, Erwin explained that it 
was natural for him to end up in the American Trotskyist movement in the 
1930s because as he was growing up talk around the dinner table focused 
on the evils of the capitalist system and the inadequacy of the mass 
Communist Parties. Erwin, a life-long UAW militant and currently a 
member of Solidarity, is the same age as Theodor and another example of 
how to stand up to the system over the long haul.

The German Left Communists were a split from the party led by August 
Thalheimer and Heinrich Brandler. They, along with Paul Levi, were the 
ideological heirs of Rosa Luxemburg and usually showed better judgement 
than the Comintern during the 1920s. For example, Paul Levi proposed a 
united front between Communists and Socialists long before Hitler was a 
major factor in German politics. When the Comintern instructed the 
German Communists to instead follow a sectarian line, Levi took his 
opposition public. For this he was expelled, the first in a series of 
talented revolutionaries driven from the party. Their sin was in 
believing that German Marxism alone was responsible for the fate of the 
German working class in the final analysis.

In the article "Rosa Luxemburg's Political Heir: An Appreciation of Paul 
Levi" that appeared in the Nov.-Dec. 1999 New Left Review, author David 
Fernbach cites a January 1921 letter from Levi to the German party on 
the seriousness of the problems in dealing with the Comintern:

"[I]f the Communist International functions in Western Europe in terms 
of admission and expulsion like a recoiling cannon.., then we will 
experience the heaviest setback.. . [Our Russian] comrades did not 
clearly realize that splits in a mass party with a different 
intellectual structure than, for example, that of the illegal party.. 
cannot be carried out on the basis of resolutions, but only on the basis 
of political experience."

January 1921? This was before the Comintern supposedly went downhill? 
Clearly the best thing for the German working class would have been if 
the Comintern had left it alone or at least treated it in the respectful 
manner that Fidel Castro treats other socialists today rather than 
trying to browbeat them into blind loyalty.

The other major ideological influence on the Left Communists was 
Bukharin, who is the subject of one of Theodor Bergmann's many books.

There are two dominant interpretations of Bukharin today, one--based on 
Stephen Cohen's biography--is that of a liberalizing bureaucrat who 
anticipated Gorbachev. The other, part of Trotskyist orthodoxy, is that 
of Bukharin as friend of rich peasants. To reduce Bukharin to this 
formula would be the same as characterizing Trotsky only as the Russian 
revolutionary who "underestimated the peasantry."

John Bellamy Foster's brilliant new "Marx's Ecology" reveals another 
side of Bukharin: an ecosocialist who continued in the vein established 
by Marx in his examination of the problem of soil fertility. He singles 
out this paragraph from Bukh

[Marxism] A Biographical Sketch of the Iranian Socialist Labor Leader Yadullah Khosroshahi

2016-02-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Yadullah Khosroshahi (pronounced Yædolah Xosroʃæhi; birth certificate 
surname is Khosravi (Xosrævi)) who was born in Shahr-e Kurd, 
Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province in Iran on October 28, 1942 and died 
in London, England, on February 4, 2010, was a central leader of the 
Iranian oil workers movement and a socialist leader of the Iranian labor 


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[Marxism] Irish General Election Results 2016

2016-02-29 Thread Paddy Hackett via Marxism
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The Irish General Election results are showing that there has been no radical 
change in Irish politics. The general election results are evidence  of the 
political and ideological stagnation within the working class. The evidence 
produced by the elections shows that the Irish working class is politically and 
ideologically stagnant. 
Despite its disastrous record leading up to and including the world 2008 
financial crisis Fianna Fáil has electorally won back  much of the working 
class and lower middle class.  The increase in support for Sinn Fein is merely 
support for another bourgeois party by the working class and other social 
strata. It is ironical that the Socialist Party has been describing the Sinn 
Fein party as an “anti-establishment” party. There is nothing 
“anti-establishment” about Sinn Fein. Indeed it has been going out of its way 
to demonstrate how pro-establishment it is. Increased support for the mix bag 
of Independents is largely support for other bourgeois political elements.

The modest support for the Left is of no real significance. Indeed much of this 
Left has been becoming increasingly more moderate. Much of their political 
interventions are little or no different from that of much of the Labour Party 
of  yore. As it sniffs the power it will move further to the right. This Left 
is largely opportunist and will cut its cloth to increase its popularity. 

Given this, overall, there has been no significant shift to the Left. The 
politics and ideology of the Irish working class is as it was in the days 
before the 2008 financial crisis. Essentially taking place is a reconfiguration 
or recalibration  of bourgeois politics in Ireland to meet the present class 
needs of the bourgeoisie. The effect of this  is to block off the working class 
from becoming more politicised thereby posing an increasing challenge to the 
existing system.

Any modest gains made by the Left, given its opportunism, will further 
encourage it to focus on electoralism to the detriment of more radical 
activism. Emerging from the new political situation will be a tendency by this 
Left to fetishise electoralism. There is now a strong possibility of the Left 
joining together to form a new party. Such a new party may even unite with 
relatively  “radical” elements within the existing Labour Party.  Such a party 
will descend into a crass opportunism  in the style of the present Labour  
party. This will bring us back to where we started. 

Ultimately the source of the problem is the existing character of the working 
class movement. It is a stubbornly politically stagnant working class. It is a 
class scurrying about since the 2008 world financial crisis seeking out diverse 
political elements that it mistakenly thinks will prevent it from loosing “ its 
benefits” of one sort or another. Consequently it will go to bed with any 
political element that, it believes, can protect its  “welfare”  –even with 
former terrorists. It lacks a class morality. It fails to understand that under 
capitalism the coalition government was compelled to cut back on the living 
standards of the working class and the lower middle class. The only other 
solution is a communist revolution. Despite their claims neither Sinn Fein nor 
the Left can solve the problems of the working class from within capitalism.

The southern Irish working class has not shifted in a leftward direction. 
Instead it is still essentially politically and ideologically stagnant. It was 
the world financial crisis that generated the shake up in Irish politics –not 
the working class nor parties such as Sinn Fein, the Socialist Party nor the 
SWP. Indeed it was the crisis that rendered them more popular. This is the 
power of capitalism. Needed, more than ever, is a principled communist movement.

Take Care
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[Marxism] Irish General Election Results 2016

2016-02-29 Thread Paddy Hackett via Marxism
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The Irish General Election results are showing that there has been no radical 
change in Irish politics. The general election results are evidence  of the 
political and ideological stagnation within the working class. The evidence 
produced by the elections shows that the Irish working class is politically and 
ideologically stagnant. 
Despite its disastrous record leading up to and including the world 2008 
financial crisis Fianna Fáil has electorally won back  much of the working 
class and lower middle class.  The increase in support for Sinn Fein is merely 
support for another bourgeois party by the working class and other social 
strata. It is ironical that the Socialist Party has been describing the Sinn 
Fein party as an “anti-establishment” party. There is nothing 
“anti-establishment” about Sinn Fein. Indeed it has been going out of its way 
to demonstrate how pro-establishment it is. Increased support for the mix bag 
of Independents is largely support for other bourgeois political elements.

The modest support for the Left is of no real significance. Indeed much of this 
Left has been becoming increasingly more moderate. Much of their political 
interventions are little or no different from that of much of the Labour Party 
of  yore. As it sniffs the power it will move further to the right. This Left 
is largely opportunist and will cut its cloth to increase its popularity. 

Given this, overall, there has been no significant shift to the Left. The 
politics and ideology of the Irish working class is as it was in the days 
before the 2008 financial crisis. Essentially taking place is a reconfiguration 
or recalibration  of bourgeois politics in Ireland to meet the present class 
needs of the bourgeoisie. The effect of this  is to block off the working class 
from becoming more politicised thereby posing an increasing challenge to the 
existing system.

Any modest gains made by the Left, given its opportunism, will further 
encourage it to focus on electoralism to the detriment of more radical 
activism. Emerging from the new political situation will be a tendency by this 
Left to fetishise electoralism. There is now a strong possibility of the Left 
joining together to form a new party. Such a new party may even unite with 
relatively  “radical” elements within the existing Labour Party.  Such a party 
will descend into a crass opportunism  in the style of the present Labour  
party. This will bring us back to where we started. 

Ultimately the source of the problem is the existing character of the working 
class movement. It is a stubbornly politically stagnant working class. It is a 
class scurrying about since the 2008 world financial crisis seeking out diverse 
political elements that it mistakenly thinks will prevent it from loosing “ its 
benefits” of one sort or another. Consequently it will go to bed with any 
political element that, it believes, can protect its  “welfare”  –even with 
former terrorists. It lacks a class morality. It fails to understand that under 
capitalism the coalition government was compelled to cut back on the living 
standards of the working class and the lower middle class. The only other 
solution is a communist revolution. Despite their claims neither Sinn Fein nor 
the Left can solve the problems of the working class from within capitalism.

The southern Irish working class has not shifted in a leftward direction. 
Instead it is still essentially politically and ideologically stagnant. It was 
the world financial crisis that generated the shake up in Irish politics –not 
the working class nor parties such as Sinn Fein, the Socialist Party nor the 
SWP. Indeed it was the crisis that rendered them more popular. This is the 
power of capitalism. Needed, more than ever, is a principled communist movement.

Take Care
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[Marxism] What the Oscars celebrate is what fuels Trump

2016-02-29 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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An interesting take on Hollywood.
ken h


Every prejudice that Trump and his supporters cling to has been reinforced by 
Hollywood movies for years. If those who support Trump have a very limited view 
of the world, that limited view is presented as sterling and profitable 
entertainment by an industry that wants the world white, fixed and non-diverse. 
There is, actually, a direct connection between a populist demagogue and 
populist entertainment.
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[Marxism] New Blog Post: Bernie Sanders' "Political Revolution"

2016-02-29 Thread Michael Yates via Marxism
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Some say that those of us who do not actively support the Sanders's campaign 
are "ultra-leftists." I disagree. 

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[Marxism] Fwd: Sex, God & Greed - Forbes

2016-02-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The False Memory Syndrome Foundation, a Philadelphia debunking group, 
says at least 100 clergy cases involve people who claim they were 
molested or raped, blocked it out for decades and now suddenly remember. 
“The notion that the mind protects itself by banishing the most 
disturbing, terrifying events is psychiatric folklore,” declares Richard 
J. McNally , a Harvard psychology professor who has conducted a six-year 
study of abuse victims and has written a book, Remembering Trauma, to 
dispel myths of memory repression. “The more traumatic and stressful 
something is, the less likely someone is to forget it.”

Yet in MacLeish’s biggest case his three clients claim they recovered 
their memories only after the Boston Globe ran a long story on Jan. 31, 
2002, describing other people’s complaints against Shanley. He had been 
a popular “street priest” who wore jeans, grew his hair long and 
preached to street urchins and runaways. Ordained in 1960, he served in 
several parishes around Boston before moving in 1990 to California and 
working part-time as a priest in San Bernardino. He was dismissed in 
1993 after the first charges surfaced in Boston.

full: http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2003/0609/066.html
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[Marxism] Fwd: Sanders’ Socialism: Neutering a Radical Tradition

2016-02-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The discussion of the Sanders campaign in “mainstream” media discourse 
is heavily propagandistic, completely failing to provide audiences with 
an accurate understanding of the difference between socialism and social 
democracy, the latter of which Sanders actually embraces, despite his 
rhetorical support for the former. A Lexis Nexis search for the first 
two months of 2016 (January 1 through February 25) finds that the 
“liberal” New York Times ran 73 stories, or more than 36 a month, 
discussing the Sanders campaign alongside references to “socialist” 
politics or to “socialism.” In contrast, the paper printed just two 
stories discussing Sanders and referencing a “social democrat” approach 
or discussing “social democracy.” During the same period, MSNBC ran 45 
stories associating Sanders with socialism, and just three stories 
associating him with social democracy. At Fox News, 130 stories were run 
discussing Sanders and socialism, with just one story referencing social 
democracy. In that single story, Fox conservative commentator Charles 
Krauthammer incorrectly referenced both Sanders and Obama as embracing 
European style social democracy, despite Obama’s consistent rejection of 
this approach. In short, the mass media are more than happy to follow 
political elites’ lead in preventing any informed, intellectual 
discussion of the difference between social democracy and socialism.


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[Marxism] Another Roberts blog

2016-02-29 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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Roberts concludes his latest Jeremiad with this

"Monetarist solutions to the global slowdown have failed; Keynesian fiscal
solutions are not being introduced and would not work in the long run
anyway.  The only way out is another slump."

This sounds similar to the advice Mellon was supposed to have given Hoover

Maybe I have become a softie, but I am hoping that we will not go over the
edge and that fiscal initiatives will be launched. I am too old to be
worried by the claim that Keynesian solutions "will not work in the long
run".  There is no long run as far as I am concerned.

If the austerians have their way and they cut taxes and government
spending, then we will simply head into the Slump. Then the suffering will
be terrible.

At times like this Roberts sounds almost cold-blooded and he reminds me a
lot of the characters that ran the ISO tendency here. Having said that, I
would repeat his blog is invaluable as a window into the current debates.


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