Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Havana Motor Club | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-04-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 4/8/16 5:19 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

“Havana Motor Club” is a vastly entertaining documentary about the
underground drag racing scene in Cuba that is also about as informative
a take on the social and economic reforms being pushed by Raul Castro as
you can find anywhere. It opened at the Village East theater in NY today
and is by far the best documentary I have seen thus far in 2016.


Also can be seen on and

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[Marxism] Tax havens

2016-04-08 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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If anyone has trouble gettng to this article, it's because I've moved it to
the lead story on Redline.  It's now accessible at:

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[Marxism] [UCE] reviewer wanted

2016-04-08 Thread George Snedeker via Marxism
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Socialism and Democracy is looking for someone to review David Roediger's 
SEIZING FREEDOM, a historical and theoretical study of the post-abolition class 

Contact me offline if you are interested. 

George Snedeker
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[Marxism] Positivism versus antipositivism

2016-04-08 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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One curious aspect of the postivist/antipositivist debates within the social 
sciences is that they cut across a lot of other ideological differences within 
the social sciences. Among Marxists, such debates have been going for over a 
hundred years. Bukharin, for instance wrote a treatise on historical 
materialism that was explicitly positivist in his approach. Antonio Gramsci 
famously wrote a review that panned that book, in which Gramsci took a strongly 
antipositivist stance, as did Lukacs. Likewise, among non-Marxists, similar 
debates have been going on for a long time. People like Comte, Spencer, and 
Durkheim, all defended positivist approaches to social science, While people 
like Dilthey, and Weber were more or less critical of positivism in the social 
sciences, as have people like Scheler, Levi-Strauss, and Geertz.

 You can see these positivist/antipositivist debates going on in different 
social science disciplines and within different ideological camps. Thus, within 
economics, Milton Friedman was a notable defender of a positivist approach to 
economics, whereas, some of the members of the Austrian School, like Ludvig von 
Mises and Friedrich Hayek were notable antipositivists. Yet, Friedman, Mises, 
and Hayek, all shared similar political outlooks. At the same time, the British 
socialist economist Joan Robinson, a famoust Left Keynesian, in her 1962 book, 
Economic Philosophy, used positivism to ground her critique of mainstream 

 Both von Mises and Hayek, were originally reacting against the writings in 
defense of socialist economic planning that were penned by the socialist 
economist Otto Neurath, who was also one of the founders of the Vienna Circles 
of logical positivists. For Hayek, in particular, the critique of positivism in 
economics and the social sciences generally was a crucial part of the struggle 
against socialism.

Meanwhile, the Frankfurt School, which was Marxist, was also very notably 
antipositiivst. For them, positivism was one of the fundamental props of 
contemporary capitalist ideologies so for them, the critique of positivism was 
necessary for the struggle against capitalism.

Jim Farmelant 
Learn or Review Basic Math

Wall Street Daily
Peter Schiff: China Just Armed its Financial Missile

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[Marxism] [UCE] Fwd: News Of The Revolution In Syria: Syria: The 21st-Century Disaster

2016-04-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Bernie Sanders is no Eugene Debs | Green Papers [was Re: Jacobin editor urges voting for Clinton in swing states]

2016-04-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 4/8/16 5:13 PM, Tristan Sloughter via Marxism wrote:

But there is a difference from Obama.

I understand that but the "Progressives for Obama" did not.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Havana Motor Club | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-04-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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“Havana Motor Club” is a vastly entertaining documentary about the 
underground drag racing scene in Cuba that is also about as informative 
a take on the social and economic reforms being pushed by Raul Castro as 
you can find anywhere. It opened at the Village East theater in NY today 
and is by far the best documentary I have seen thus far in 2016.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Bernie Sanders is no Eugene Debs | Green Papers [was Re: Jacobin editor urges voting for Clinton in swing states]

2016-04-08 Thread Tristan Sloughter via Marxism
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> For the same reason I and most Marxmailers (except a handful of
> pro-Castro fanatics) lambasted Barack Obama in 2007 when he was being
> hailed as the Second Coming of FDR.
There is a difference. Obama, outside of his campaign rhetoric, very
clear to the Party that he was another "New Democrat". It only took
removing a very thin layer to get to the fact he was nothing new,
instead another economically conservative Democrat.
While Sanders has caucused with the Democrats, he hasn't been one
and only did so because it meant an immediate stage for his
presidential bid.
This doesn't mean Sanders is in any way like Eugene Debs, or that his
"democratic socialism" isn't just left liberalism. But there is a
difference from Obama.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Bernie Sanders is no Eugene Debs | Green Papers [was Re: Jacobin editor urges voting for Clinton in swing states]

2016-04-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 4/8/16 3:41 PM, Ralph Johansen via Marxism wrote:

Why is the Sanders campaign in toto vilified by parts of the left and
regarded as unworthy of active support, while it lasts as a unique
and possibly never-to-be-repeated phenomenon (capital as a metabolic
system tends to close all effective avenues to an alternative) -
unless it can be shown to be, on balance and with the foregoing in
mind, harmful?

For the same reason I and most Marxmailers (except a handful of 
pro-Castro fanatics) lambasted Barack Obama in 2007 when he was being 
hailed as the Second Coming of FDR. This is not my first rodeo on DP 
saviors. I remember selling the SWP "McCarthy Truth Kit" in 1968--not 
about Joe but Gene. We put an RFK Truth Kit a bit later. There was the 
same kind of zealotry around the "peace candidates" in 1968 just as 
there would be for McGovern 4 years later. I don't believe in conspiracy 
theories but such campaigns function objectively as a way of keeping the 
umbilical cord connected to the ruling class's most trusted way of 
co-opting the left.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Bernie Sanders is no Eugene Debs | Green Papers [was Re: Jacobin editor urges voting for Clinton in swing states]

2016-04-08 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism
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Louis Proyect wrote

By Howie Hawkins.

I assume that there's good reason why you put this year-old article online, 
most or all of which we may agree with. What it doesn't speak to is what I 
raised in previous posts. 

The only responses on the Sanders campaign have been by Mark Lause who agrees 
but feels that there's no benefit for him in participating because inevitably 
capital will drown Bernie, and Mark is as he says absolutely certain that it 
does not point to a solution, and that Sanders will in the end support Clinton 
(unless Sanders wins, another kettle of fish) and disillusion his constituents; 
to which I’d ask what are they now, other than disillusioned (Re: [Marxism] 
Jacobin editor urges voting for Clinton in swing states); but which I don't 
feel directly took on what I asked; and Louis' refutation of what Bernie and 
John Foster have implied about Swedish socialism [[pen-l] Fwd: Sanders, Sweden 
and Socialism], which those of us who are at all in touch should well know 
(although it had produced a different form of capitalism for a brief, ascendant 
time) and which though helpful as a reminder is peripheral to the issue. 

If anyone will go back and read what I have written (Re: [Marxism] Jacobin 
editor urges voting for Clinton in swing states), I’ll extend my remarks: 

We're not in the era of Marx or Engels or Lenin or Debs. Labor then had a large 
measure of unity – nationally and to some extent internationally, and a program 
and vision to coalesce around. And capital had not become as sophisticated and 
as complex and intertwined in its organization as a global force. Nor had it 
yet produced a period of astounding, generally sustained productivity which had 
created the illusion of ultimate benefit being extended to all. Which surely in 
the long term cannot hold but for our time has been formidable. 

The principal criterion that I try to keep in mind is whether a proposed action 
inures to the benefit or to the detriment of the world's working people. I pose 
the question in relation to what is taking place now, on the ground, when labor 
solidarity is at a low ebb, frustrated by division and immobility, and its 
clout eviscerated - in the only activity, Bernie against the current crop of 
would-be prolocutors, which in any significant way poses the antagonism between 
labor and capital so as to obtain a broad hearing, and which is most likely to 
recall to the working class our common plight, our own strength in numbers, and 
the ultimate limits of capital. 

All I could ask in response to what I raise here is that it be dealt with it in 
that spirit. What is the net effect of what Sanders is saying to millions about 
most of the main issues that we are likely to see as counting in our immediate 
lives? And as opposed to what more meaningful action? Other than third party 
efforts which have been shown to be crushed in the present set-up - as, we can 
expect, will be a campaign conducted within the confines of the two-party 
circus of American electoral politics, where the only pertinent issue is how to 
most effectively manage the accumulation of capital through the exploitation of 
labor. What other than sitting and fuming to no effect over our impotence? 

Of course the electoral process under a capitalist system is designed with the 
sole interests of capital in mind and is in almost every way a diversionary, 
counter-productive forum in which to advance the interests of the working 
class. But it's a forum which like other devices invented by capital can be 
exploited for other purposes - however limited the wriggle-room afforded. Why 
is the Sanders campaign in toto vilified by parts of the left and regarded as 
unworthy of active support, while it lasts as a unique and possibly 
never-to-be-repeated phenomenon (capital as a metabolic system tends to close 
all effective avenues to an alternative) - unless it can be shown to be, on 
balance and with the foregoing in mind, harmful? 

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Salvage Magazine on the nascent potential embryonic incipient threat of Trumpist fascism | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-04-08 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Hmm, maybe Salvage is right about Trump's fascist tendencies: NRLB rules
Trump employees can unionize, and Trump sends his goons to beat up workers
and keep workers at their posts...
Well, the first part of that sentence is true. The rest is just nascently
imminently potentially mythically true.
Speaking of the NLRB, did you notice the recent ruling saying employers
have to openly acknowledge use of anti-union consultants? And these are
consultants wielding pens and tablets, not brass knuckles. Oh, I forgot,
those are old-fashioned criteria...

On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 12:24 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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[Marxism] Fwd: Varoufakis Releases Full List Of Public Speaking Fees To Mute "Greek Outrage" At "Self-Enrichment Drive" | Zero Hedge

2016-04-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Bernie Sanders is no Eugene Debs | Green Papers

2016-04-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Howie Hawkins.
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[Marxism] Fwd: On Extinction and Capitalism - The Los Angeles Review of Books

2016-04-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Why has half the planet’s wildlife disappeared over the last 40 years? 
Why are we losing approximately 100 species every day? The answer, 
Dawson argues, lies not in the proximate drivers of extinction 
(deforestation, habitat fragmentation, poaching, overfishing, and 
climate change) but in the nature of capitalism itself. Whereas recent 
popular works on extinction (such as Elizabeth Kolbert’s The Sixth 
Extinction: An Unnatural History) and climate change (such as Naomi 
Klein’s This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate) have shied 
away from calling for an explicitly anticapitalist environmental 
politics, Extinction makes a compelling case for its urgent necessity. 
It does so through an “etiology of the present catastrophe” that 
combines deft historical synthesis with a careful attention to economic 
and racial inequality and the legacies of imperialism. Because of its 
demand for ceaseless expansion and its emphasis on anthropocentric 
utility as the sole criterion of value, capitalism tends to degrade the 
conditions of its own material reproduction. In this light, the 
exploitative features of modern capitalism become “particularly starkly 
evident when seen through the lens of extinction.”

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[Marxism] Palestine in Focus: Reports from the Ground | 4/12 6:30PM NYU Law

2016-04-08 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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*Palestine in Focus: Reports from the Ground*
*An Evening with Raji Sourani, Shawan Jabarin, Amira Hass & Jamil Dakwar*

*Tuesday, April 12 at 6:30 PM - 8:30 PMGolding Lounge, Vanderbilt Hall, 40
Washington Square South*

In this rare visit to the United States, leading Palestinian human rights
defenders *Raji Sourani *and *Shawan Jabarin* will provide timely
perspectives from the ground in Gaza-under-closure and in the aftermath of
the July/August 2014 offensive, and the dynamic situation in the West Bank,
including East Jerusalem. They will also discuss ongoing efforts to protect
basic human rights and struggles for accountability for widespread
violations, including before the International Criminal Court. They will be
joined by* Amira Hass*, who has served as *Haaretz'*s correspondent in the
Occupied Palestinian Territory since 1993. Moderated by *Jamil Dakwar*,
Director of the ACLU Human Rights Program

*Raji Sourani* is the founder and director of the Gaza-based Palestinian
Center for Human Rights. Raji also works with a number of human rights
organizations and movements, including the International Association of
Democratic Lawyers and the International Commission of Jurists, and was the
recipient of the 2013 Right Livelihood (also known as the “Alternative
Nobel Prize”) award.

*Shawan Jabarin* is the General Director of al-Haq, the oldest Palestinian
human rights organization. A well-known human rights advocate, Shawan
currently serves as Vice-President of the International Federation for
Human Rights (FIDH), a member of Human Rights Watch Middle East and North
Africa Division Advisory Committee, and as an ICJ Commissioner.

*Amira Hass* has been a journalist with Haaretz since 1989 and is currently
a member of the Global Faculty in Residence at New York University Gallatin
School. Among her other books is Drinking the Sea at Gaza: Days and Nights
in a Land under Siege.

*Jamil Dakwar*, Director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s (ACLU)
Human Rights Program (HRP) will moderate the discussion.

Center for Constitutional Rights
Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at NYU School of Law
Law Students for Justice in Palestine
Law Students for Human Rights
National Lawyers Guild - NYU


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[Marxism] The kind of Congress many of us wouldn't have wanted

2016-04-08 Thread Marce Cameron via Marxism
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This is the second of a cluster of translations on the controversy sparked
by the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) leadership's approach to the Seventh PCC
Congress, which gets underway on April 16. Here, prominent Cuban
intellectual Esteban Morales opines.
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[Marxism] Fwd: The Return of the Brutal Savage and the Science for War

2016-04-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Takedown of Napoleon Chagnon
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[Marxism] Oakland, Hutton and Grant--POlice Murders in Oakland

2016-04-08 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Check out my newest books , Daydream Sunset:60s Counterculture in the 70s
 and Can We Escape the Eternal Flame?

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