[Marxism] Venezuela: Seized US-owned factory was well-stocked, despite closure

2016-07-26 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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[Marxism] Turkey: After failed coup, Erdoğan cracks down

2016-07-26 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Faced with an attempt to overthrow his government, President Recep Tayyip
Erdoğan described the coup as “a gift from God” — and wasted no time in
exploiting it to further entrench his authoritarian regime.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Sanders warns his supporters against choosing a third party - The Washington Post

2016-07-26 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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That is a very harsh and angry thing to say, Lou.  Very, very harsh, old
comrade, and I agree 100%.  Maybe it is a function of my age, but I am
getting increasingly frustrated about the moments missed in US politics -
the moments that could have broken the two party stranglehold and propelled
us into a new era.

I am thinking of Nader's campaign and now the Sanders' campaign.

BTW, I must "confess to almighty god so help me Mary ever virgin", but I
watched Michelle Obama's speech.  It was a brilliant rhetorical effort.
Looked at from the point of view of the aesthetics of spectacle - delivery,
appearance of speaker, reaction of crowd etc, this was very impressive. I
wept uncontrollably at times.

The problem was the lie at the heart of the speech. The central untruth lay
in the construction of the character Obama called "Hilary".  The latter
bears no resemblance to the character we know as Hilary Clinton, the
mediocre and vicious careerist who will probably plunge us all into ever
more wars.

Ultimately it is the lie about Hilary which means that this was not a moral
effort.  No amount of talk of slaves or black children playing on the lawns
of the White House can disguise the dirty deal the Obamas have done to
deliver a Clinton Presidency.

We will all pay.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Foreign Ministry: Syria welcomes Russian-US agreement on counterterrorism – Syrian Arab News Agency

2016-07-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Syria welcomes statements issued following the recent US Secretary of 
State John Kerry’s visit to Moscow in assertion of  agreement between 
Moscow and Washington on counterterrorism.

An official source at Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said on Sunday 
that the Syrian Arab republic has followed with interest the statements 
issued following the US Secretary of State’s visit to Moscow on the 15th 
of the current month, which stressed the agreement between the Russian 
and US sides on combating terrorism (ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra groups), 
adding that Syria, which is standing in the frontline in combating this 
sweeping evil, welcomes these statements.

“Syria reiterates keenness on achieving a political solution for the 
crisis in the country that meets the aspirations of the Syrian people 
and gains their support as it is ready for resuming the intra-Syrian 
dialogue without preconditions with a view that this dialogue would lead 
to a comprehensive solution led by the Syrians themselves without 
foreign meddling and backed by the United Nations and the international 
community,” it added.

The source said that Syria stresses the Army and Armed Forces’ 
determination to go ahead in combating terrorists for eliminating them 
in cooperation with the Russian Federation based on mutual trust and 
also in cooperation with the other members of the international 
community who share us, as well as cooperate with Russia, in achieving 
this goal; to this end, Syria is ready to coordinate counterterrorism 
air raids in accordance with the agreement between Russia and the USA.

full: http://sana.sy/en/?p=83375
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[Marxism] Fwd: Sanders warns his supporters against choosing a third party - The Washington Post

2016-07-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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What a sleazy worthless shell of a human being.

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[Marxism] The UK situation

2016-07-26 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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There is something of a lull in the struggles within the British Labour
Party at present. All eyes have turned to the court which will give its
verdict on Thursday on whether Corbyn can be automatically on the ballot.
This is, I think, the last throw of the dice for the Blairites.  The
millionaire bringing the case is a bitter enemy of Corbyn's, seemingly over
the latter's support for the Palestinian cause. It is pointless to
speculate what will happen if Corbyn is not included automatically and then
has to seek support from within the PLP which so bitterly opposes him.

Apart from the court case, the other main news appears to be that the Soft
Left candidate against Corbyn, Owen Smith, is gaining little traction.
Everyone knows that if Corbyn is not knocked off the ballot, he will win
massively over Smith, whose candidature has sparked zero enthusiasm

Presuming then that the campaign goes ahead, the Right and the Soft Centre
seem to have decided to use the campaign to smear Corbyn and to drive the
party down even further in the polls. It is a risky strategy, in terms of
the electoral survival of the Party. It reminds me of Clausewitz' comments
on war that is divorced from policy/politics (*politik)*. For Clausewitz
such a war was unthinkable because it would end in mutual destruction. But
the Blairites in particular seem to be drawn to just such an irrational

Amidst the mayhem of an internal civil war in the Labour Party, can Corbyn
turn the campaign into an effort to build a broad anti-neoliberal social

I should note that my interest in all this is not because I have any
illusions in the British Labor Party. Puh...leezze. But this is a decisive
moment in the class struggle. Of that I have no doubt at all.  The defence
of Corbyn's leadership should be taken up by all leftists. If he wins, we
*might*, just might, get the broad based party/movement that will be able
to challenge capital.

The core of just such a movement has flocked to join Corbyn's team. That
they constitute such a tide as to overwhelm those who control the party is
one of the most intriguing aspects of all this. As an old leftist who has
long predicted the decay and irrelevance and even death of the Labour
Party, all I can say "Who would have thunk it?"


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[Marxism] Fwd: Hard Crackers: Chronicles of Everyday Life | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-07-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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If you like me appreciate good writing about what it means to be a 
working stiff, don’t waste any time. Send in a check to subscribe to 
Hard Crackers: Chronicles of Everyday Life that is edited by Noel 
Ignatiev, a long-time revolutionary scholar, journal and activist. A 
check for how much, you are probably asking. Unlike many journals on the 
left, particularly the high-toned ones that are peer reviewed, the 
operating principles for Hard Crackers is—how shall we put 
it?—socialistic. As they say on the inside cover, “There is no set price 
for either single issues or subscriptions. Pay what you can. Bulk orders 
are particularly appreciated.”

Send checks and printed material to:
Hard Crackers, PO Box 28022, Philadelphia, PA 19131
Communications to noelignat...@gmail.com

There is something decidedly old school about Hard Crackers. There is no 
website, a gesture that is consistent with the esthetic of the magazine 
that has the redolence of the factory floor, the billiards parlor, the 
bowling alley and the saloon whose juke box features Hank Williams and 
Hank Ballard.


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[Marxism] Alexander Zamyatin: Three and a Half Theses on the Elections in Russia

2016-07-26 Thread Thomas Campbell via Marxism
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A useful primer on September's elections to the Russian State Duma and
Russian electoral politics in general, as well as pertinent reflections on
how progressive leftists should act within this regime of electoral
authoritarianism, by Alexander Zamyatin of the Russian Socialist Movement

Alexander Zamyatin:

'The parliament in Russia has been reduced to such a condition there is no
point in talking about a hypothetical leftist faction or a group of MPs
from single-mandate electoral districts tabling or blocking law bills
independently of the presidential administration. If there has been
anything consistent about the political reforms of the past fifteen years,
it is that legislative bodies, the Duma foremost among them, have been
stripped of the power to influence the government’s social and economic
policies, even despite their formally voting budgets up or down.

'The elections to the Seventh State Duma are not a chance to transform the
political regime or even have an impact on it.

'The entire campaign is controlled to a lesser or greater extent by the
presidential administration’s Office for Domestic Policy. The leaders of
the current Duma factions have long ago left no doubt as to the complete
absence of conflict within parliament. Even such a harmless identity as
“systemic opposition” has taken a backseat to rallying round the president
by way of combatting the “fifth column.”'

Read the rest here:
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Review: David Williams, Bitterly Divided: the South’s Inner Civil War (2008) | Insurgent Notes

2016-07-26 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Someone should really devote a book to the 1st Alabama Cavalry.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Review: David Williams, Bitterly Divided: the South’s Inner Civil War (2008) | Insurgent Notes

2016-07-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The best kept secret in US history is the resistance of southerners, and 
especially southern non-slaveholding whites, to the slaveholders during 
the Civil War. W.E.B. Du Bois, in the chapter “The General Strike” in 
Black Reconstruction in America, told the story of black resistance. 
Bitterly Divided: the South’s Inner Civil War by David Williams (New 
Press, 2008), while giving due weight to the resistance of black people 
and Indians, focuses on southern whites.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Huntsville Notes | The Brooklyn Rail

2016-07-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Throughout Southern history, there is an alternative to the conventional 
narratives, much of it uncovered in recent years. Historian David 
Williams, in volumes such as Bitterly Divided, his book about internal 
resistance to the Civil War, has brilliantly captured this suppressed 
history. More recently, Dixie Be Damned by Neal Shirley and Saralee 
Stafford also brings together shreds of this alternative narrative. 
Sparsely populated, mostly white Winston county, a few dozen miles from 
Huntsville, for example, seceded during the Civil War and formed “The 
Free State of Winston.” Very few and small shards of this history make 
it into the official curriculum, and the irony of those celebrating the 
glories of old Dixie by waving the Confederate flag is that their 
grand-pappies may well have been draft resistors or anti-Confederacy 
guerrilla fighters.

A more recent example of this alternative history can be seen in the 
1967 wildcat strike at the Masonite plant in Laurel, Mississippi.5 
Management used the fact that the union local was led by a Klansman to 
leaflet black workers to cross the picket line because it wasn’t a 
strike in their interests, while the International withdrew support: all 
the elements for another defeated strike were in place. But, thanks to 
the intervention of civil rights movement activists from the Southern 
Christian Education Fund (SCEF), multi-racial rallies evolved, drawing 
hundreds of workers for months in nearby fields. The strike, one of many 
SCEF was involved in around the same time in Mississippi, was lost, but 
workers published a newspaper and formed a workers’ party to contest 
local elections in Laurel. For now, all this history has been lost.

In his 2008 autobiography, The Wrong Side of Murder Creek: A White 
Southerner in the Freedom Movement, Bob Zellner, one of the SCEF 
organizers involved, recounts an incident where he was asked to “discuss 
this communist thing” by some white strikers with a known racist 
background. To his surprise, they said “they had looked it up and as far 
as they could tell, they were communists, because it said that people 
should share and share alike and that all people were equal.” In a small 
but significant way, the Laurel strike shows how consciousness doesn’t 
change by abstract propaganda but by the pressure of real events. People 
start to act differently even as the old ways of thought they use to 
understand their situation lag behind the need to act to resolve a 
concrete problem.

full: http://www.brooklynrail.org/2015/12/field-notes/huntsville-notes
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[Marxism] [UCE] Fwd: “Ye Oldest Native” speaks: Jasper J. Collins, 1913 – Renegade South

2016-07-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Several articles have been posted on Renegade South concerning the Civil 
War Unionist activities of various member of the Collins family of 
Mississippi and Texas.   All were sons of early Piney Woods settler 
Stacy Collins (1786-1854).  One of the sons, Jasper J. Collins 
(1827-1913), helped organize the Knight Band of renegades in which he 
was listed as “1st Lieutenant.”*  The following is a profile of Jasper 
Collins as published in the Jones County News in April 1913.  The editor 
of the newspaper felt Jasper made a suitable subject based on his 
venerable age (86 when the article appeared) and his staunch character. 
Jasper would died just four months later in August 1913.

As the account makes clear, Jasper Collins was a thoughtful man of firm 
convictions.  Although he had a minimal backwoods education, he read on 
the topics of the day and formed his own opinions.  Over his lifetime, 
this led him to side with the Unionists of the Knight Band, to establish 
a newspaper in 1895 promoting the Populist Party (“Jasper Collins and 
the ‘Ellisville Patriot’“), and to help found a Universalist Church near 
his farm in Moselle.  In her 1951 book Echo of the Black Horn, author 
Ethel Knight had little complimentary to say about the Knight Band in 
general and much less about its leader Newt Knight.  But she described 
Jasper Collins as a “gentleman of the ‘first water'” and stated that his 
motives were those of a true Unionist.  Further evidence, if necessary, 
comes from the fact that Jasper named his first son born after the Civil 
War general, Ulysses Sherman Collins (“Unionist naming of Mississippi 
children: 1861-1880”).


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[Marxism] Fwd: Memories of Jim Green | LAWCHA

2016-07-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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When I moved to Boston in the fall of 1971, one of the first people I 
set out to meet was Jim Green, then a second-year junior history 
professor at Brandeis University nearby. I think Paul Buhle of Radical 
America magazine, also new to Boston, tipped me off. Paul and I and 
other history grad students at the University of Wisconsin had shared a 
range of radical-history projects, certain that a new understanding of 
history was emerging from the 1960s New Left that we were part of. Jim 
was seen as a kindred spirit.

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[Marxism] Peru Scrambles to Drive Out Illegal Gold Mining and Save Precious Land

2016-07-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Poverty is one of the main causes of environmental degradation. This 
article points out that illegal gold mining that pours toxic waste into 
Peru's rivers is one of the ways that poor, mostly indigenous, Peruvians 
can survive. It is the same kind of problem that accounts for 
deforestation as land-hungry peasants are forced into the Amazon in 
order to subsist.)

NY Times, July 26 2016
Peru Scrambles to Drive Out Illegal Gold Mining and Save Precious Land

ON THE BORDER OF THE TAMBOPATA RESERVE, Peru — The raid began at dawn. 
In four small wooden boats, the forest rangers and Peruvian marines, 
checking and rechecking their automatic weapons, headed silently 
downriver toward the illegal gold miners.

They didn’t have to go far. Around the first bend was a ramshackle 
mining settlement, tarps stretched over tree poles. Soon, the marines 
were firing into the air, the miners and their families were on the run, 
and the rangers were moving in with machetes.

They speared bags of rice and plastic barrels of drinking water, kicked 
aside toys and smashed tools before setting everything on fire. High 
above the Amazon rain forest, home to trees that are more than 1,000 
years old, heavy plumes of black smoke spiraled toward the clouds.

Trying to protect one of the most biologically diverse places on earth 
from an army of illegal miners that has carved a toxic path through the 
rain forest, the Peruvian government is setting up outposts and stepping 
up raids along the Malinowski River in the Tambopata Nature Reserve.

But some experts wonder whether it is far too little too late.

To get here, a remote front line in Latin America’s battle against 
illegal mining, I hiked nine and a half hours through the jungle, at 
times in water up to my armpits. But any sense of being in a pristine 
wilderness was lost at the river’s edge. Already, the miners had done so 
much damage that the water ran the color of milky coffee. The landscape 
was worthy of a “Mad Max” movie. Huge sandy craters, mounds of pebbles 
and poisoned waterways were everywhere. Garbage — rags, plastic bags, 
plastic foam food containers — clung to the freshly cut tree branches 
piled up in the river’s nooks and crannies.

With the price of gold high for years, illegal mining has blossomed in 
many parts of Latin America, not just in Peru. But in this country, one 
of the world’s major gold producers, the problem has gotten particularly 

The amount of gold collected by unlicensed miners is far larger than 
elsewhere in Latin America. And it is ballooning so quickly that 
environmentalists fear that even a remote reserve like this one — home 
to thousands of species of plants and animals, some perhaps not even 
identified by humans — has little chance of survival.

For all the environmental damage done by corporate mining, illegal 
miners are far more destructive, experts say. While mining companies 
tend to concentrate on areas with rich underground veins of gold, 
illegal miners move swiftly across vast amounts of territory. They cut 
down broad swaths of jungle, sifting through perhaps 200 tons of topsoil 
to find enough flecks of gold for a single wedding ring.

Without help, some experts say, the areas they leave behind — robbed of 
all topsoil and loaded with mercury — could take 500 years to recover.

The miners use so much mercury to process the gold that the government 
declared a health emergency in much of the Madre de Dios region in May. 
Tests in 97 villages found that more than 40 percent of the people had 
absorbed dangerous levels of the heavy metal. Mercury poisoning affects 
people in many ways, from chronic headaches to kidney damage, but it is 
most harmful to children, who are likely to suffer permanent brain damage.

“The next generations will pay for what we are doing now,” said Manuel 
Pulgar-Vidal, who heads the Peruvian Ministry of the Environment.

Statistics undercount the amount of illegal mining. But Víctor Torres 
Cuzcano, an economist with the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 
calculated that unregistered and informal mining increased by 540 
percent between 2006 and 2015, while production from legal mining, which 
brings in tax revenue, fell by 28.5 percent.

Indigenous miners pushing parts for a water pump to their camp near the 
Madre de Dios River. Credit Tomas Munita for The New York Times
“I fear that illegal mining is crowding out the legal activities,” said 
Guillermo Arbe Carbonel, an economist with Scotiabank. “You see social 
protests against the legal mining all the time. But the illegal is 
growing, and it is the worst kind of mining when i