[Marxism] Fwd: “Putting the Soul to Work”: Reflections on the New Cognitariat | THR Blog

2016-09-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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I don’t know how careers are seen in other countries, but in the United 
States we are exhorted to view them as the primary locus of 
self-realization. The question before you when you are trying to choose 
a career is to figure out “What Color is Your Parachute?” (the title of 
a guide to job searches that has been a perennial best seller for most 
of my lifetime). The aim, to quote the title of another top-selling 
guide to career choices, is to “Do What You Are.”

These titles tell us something about what Americans expect to find in a 
career: themselves, in the unlikely form of a marketable commodity. But 
why should we expect that the inner self waiting to be born corresponds 
to some paid job or profession? Are we really all in possession of an 
inner lawyer, an inner beauty products placement specialist, or an inner 
advertising executive, just waiting for the right job opening? Mightn’t 
this script for our biographies serve as easily to promote 
self-limitation or self-betrayal as to further self-actualization?


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[Marxism] Fwd: Tomgram: Chip Ward, Peace Pipes, Not Oil Pipes | TomDispatch

2016-09-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Cowboys and Indians are at it again.

Americans who don’t live in the West may think that the historic clash 
of Native Americans and pioneering settlers is long past because the 
Indians were, after all, defeated and now drive cars, watch television, 
and shop at Walmart.  Not so.  That classic American narrative is back 
big time, only the Indians are now the good guys and the cowboys -- 
well, their rightwing representatives, anyway -- are on the warpath, 
trying to grab 640 million acres of public lands that they can plunder 
as if it were yesteryear.  Meanwhile, in the Dakotas, America’s Manifest 
Destiny, that historic push across the Great Plains to the Pacific 
(murdering and pillaging along the way), seems to be making a return 
trip to Sioux country in a form that could have planetary consequences.

Energy Transfer Partners is now building the Dakota Access Pipeline, a 
$3.7 billion oil slick of a project.  It’s slated to go from the Bakken 
gas and oil fracking fields in northern North Dakota across 1,100 miles 
of the rest of the Dakotas and Iowa to a pipeline hub in Illinois. From 
there, the oil will head for refineries on the Gulf Coast and 
ultimately, as the emissions from fossil fuels, into the atmosphere to 
help create future summers so hot no one will forget them.  Keep in mind 
that, according to global warming’s terrible new math, there’s enough 
carbon in those Bakken fields to roast the planet -- if, that is, the 
Sioux and tribes allied with them don’t stop the pipeline.

This time, in other words, if the cavalry does ride to the rescue, the 
heroes on horseback will be speaking Lakota.


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[Marxism] Fwd: USA Today Columnist Urges Motorists To 'Run Down' Protesters On North Carolina Highway | Huffington Post

2016-09-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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That columnist is a U. of Tennessee law professor.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Trevor Noah: 'It Seems Extremely Easy To Get Shot By Police In America.' | Huffington Post

2016-09-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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I've never watched Trevor Noah before, the South African mixed race 
comedian who took over Jon Stewart's job on Comedy Central, but I turned 
this on last night channel-surfing and found it quite eloquent.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Philosophy, the Sartre blend: uncovering the birth of existentialism

2016-09-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(This is a review of a book titled "The Existentialist Cafe". It reminds 
me of how deep I was into its writings as an undergrad. When I got to 
the New School in 1965, mostly as a way of staying out of the army, I 
studied with Aaron Gurwitsch who was considered the world's leading 
authority on Husserl. Gurwitsch was an amazing teacher but the 
phenomenology he taught was hardly relevant to what was going on in 
Vietnam. For that only Marx made sense.)

She begins with a pivotal moment in the lives of Sartre, de Beauvoir and 
their friend Raymond Aron. It was the Christmas/New Year period of 
1932-33, and they were all in their twenties. They were sitting in the 
Bec-de-Gaz bar on the rue du Montparnasse in Paris, drinking the house 
speciality – apricot cocktails. Aron, who had been studying in Berlin, 
was telling the other two about a philosophy he had been learning about 
called phenomenology (“a word so long yet elegantly balanced”, Bakewell 
comments, “it can make a line of iambic trimester all by itself”). “You 
see,” Aron told them, “if you are a phenomenologist you can talk about 
this cocktail and make philosophy out of it!”

On hearing this (or so de Beauvoir later recollected), Sartre turned 
pale and rushed to the nearest bookshop, demanding: “Give me everything 
you have on phenomenology, now!” The staff offered him a thesis by 
Emmanuel Levinas on the work on the founder of phenomenology, Husserl. 
That thesis was The Theory of Intuition in Husserl’s Phenomenology 
(1930), and Sartre began reading it on the street as soon as he got out 
of the shop. He then arranged to spend a year in Berlin, learning this 
new philosophy at first hand. When he returned, Bakewell writes, “he 
brought back a new blend: the methods of German phenomenology, mixed 
with ideas from the earlier Danish philosopher Søren Kierke­gaard and 
others, set off with the distinctively French seasoning of his own 
literary sensibility”. That blend was existentialism.


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[Marxism] Fwd: The War Against the Assad Regime Is Not a "Pipeline War"

2016-09-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Gareth Porter dismisses the vulgar Marxist theory that the war in Syria 
had something to do with a gas pipeline but he has his own idiocy to 
contend with, namely that the USA needed to protect its military bases 
in Sunni-controlled states. Porter is a rather stupid individual with a 
stain on his career that will never go away--being a spin doctor for Pol 
Pot. This obviously prepared him for the shit he writes on Syria.)

That argument has been made in a number of places over the last few 
years, but the most widely republished version is an essay by Robert F. 
Kennedy, Jr. in Politico, arguing that the Obama administration began to 
lay the groundwork for overthrowing the Assad regime in 2009 after 
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad rejected a pipeline proposed by Qatar. 
That planned pipeline agreed to by Qatar and Turkey, Kennedy argues, 
would have linked Qatar's natural gas to European markets through Saudi 
Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey, so it would have deprived Russia of 
Europe's dependence on its natural gas.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Marc Lamont Hill on Not Being Afraid of Trump: 'We Can Afford to Lose an Election, We Can't Afford to Lose Our Values'

2016-09-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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I would rather have Trump be president for four years and build a real 
left-wing movement that can get us what we deserve as a people, than to 
let Hillary be president and we stay locked in the same space where we 
don’t get what we want.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Nobody: Casualties of America's War on the Vulnerable, from Ferguson to Flint and Beyond: Marc Lamont Hill, Todd Brewster: 9781501124945: Amazon.com: Books

2016-09-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The War Against the Assad Regime Is Not a "Pipeline War"

2016-09-22 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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I did a google for porter and pol pot and there's tons out there. Do you
recommend a particular one?
This is actually relevant today not only to expose Porter et al.'s moral
bankruptcy, but also the method behind it.
For instance Michael Vickery's book on Cambodia assesses the number
massacred, and comes up with a genocide-level total, but at the same time
points out fabrications on both sides of the question of whether there was
genocide at all.
It's that nuance which is obviously lost on tankies past and present.
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[Marxism] Torture in Syria

2016-09-22 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Documents show CSIS and RCMP's role in post-9/11 torture of 3 Canadians in Syria

Thousands of pages of secret files obtained by CBC reveal how Canada's police 
and intelligence service not only knew three Canadians were being tortured in 
Syrian jails in a post-Sept. 11 crackdown, but co-operated with Syrian 
officials in their interrogations.

The files also show a Canadian ambassador helped deliver questions the RCMP and 
CSIS wanted put to the Canadians imprisoned in Syria, a country with a dismal 
human rights record.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The War Against the Assad Regime Is Not a "Pipeline War"

2016-09-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 9/22/16 8:45 AM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

I did a google for porter and pol pot and there's tons out there. Do you
recommend a particular one?

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[Marxism] Fwd: Am I a socialist? You asked Google – here’s the answer | Zoe Williams | Opinion | The Guardian

2016-09-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The War Against the Assad Regime Is Not a "PipelineWar"

2016-09-22 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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Funny that Porter's name just came now because I also just saw this 
dreadful interview with Porter conducted by Rania Khalek: 

It is a breathtakingly ignorant piece, on the part of both of them - for 
example, Khalek "asks" and Porter "confirms" that the structure of the 
rebellion in Aleppo is such that all rebel groups are not only attached 
to Jabhat al-Nusra, but are led by it. Of course, for those who know 
stuff, Nusra's weakness in Aleppo, indeed its withdrawal from much of 
central and northern Aleppo last year, is too well-known; indeed, the 
large coalition of some 35 rebel militias that rules free Aleppo - Fatah 
Halab - explicitly excludes Nusra. But it doesn't matter: even though 
Porter clearly has no expertise on anything Middle eastern, let alone 
Syria, and presents no facts to back up this bizarre assertion, he is a 
*famous person*, and therefore, if he "confirms" something, then it has 
become a "fact."

More to the point though, over and above the demonstrated ignorance of 
basic facts that both show in this scrawny little piece, is the issue: 
the US and Russia have been negotiating a wide-ranging agreement to 
share intelligence to jointly bomb not only ISIS, but also Nusra, the 
issue with Nusra being (apart from the fact that it is a little lamb 
compared to ISIS) that its fighters are spread around many of the same 
areas as other rebels, with few specific areas. The US has ordered the 
rebels to separate themselves from Nusra on the ground, if they know 
what's good, ie, otherwise they will be bombed also. Thus it is demanded 
that the rebels break with any cooperation on the ground with Nusra, 
which, with all its shit that noone doubts, actually aids the fight 
against the fascist regime, for example, played an important role in the 
recent breaking of Assad's siege of 300,000 people in free Aleppo, yet 
this demand is made by the US, which has never provided more than 
irrelevant aid (when not actually bombing them itself), in alliance with 
Russia, the main imperialist invasion force in Syria slaughtering the 

What would good anti-imperialists Khalek and Porter have to say about 
such a plan for joint imperialist bombing by the world's two superpowers 
of a small militia in Syria (and of any other militia that does not do 
what it is told) on behalf of a genocidal regime? Condemn imperialist 
intervention and war? Well, no. In fact Porter explicitly says that 
launching this joint war is a GOOD THING compared to the last ceasefire! 
The whole point of the interview is the concern of these two Good 
Citizens that the US government may not have a good enough mechanism, or 
may not really even by committed enough, to forcing the rebels (who this 
shit-face Porter calls "US proxies" with the implication that the US can 
force them to do what it wants) to separate from Nusra.

That's what it comes down to to be anti-imperialist - after the US has 
been bombing Nusra in Syria now for 24 months straight (along with lots 
of other rebels), the problem is that the US might still let Nusra get 
away with continuing to exist, may not really be dedicated to bombing 
the life out of them.

-Original Message- 
From: Louis Proyect via Marxism
Subject: [Marxism] Fwd: The War Against the Assad Regime Is Not a 

(Gareth Porter dismisses the vulgar Marxist theory that the war in Syria
had something to do with a gas pipeline but he has his own idiocy to
contend with, namely that the USA needed to protect its military bases
in Sunni-controlled states. Porter is a rather stupid individual with a
stain on his career that will never go away--being a spin doctor for Pol
Pot. This obviously prepared him for the shit he writes on Syria.)

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[Marxism] Fwd: Syria Solidarity Campaign Statement: The fall of Daraya and its ethnic cleansing was ordained by the US, Britain and Jordan | Syria Solidarity

2016-09-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] 3-7-77

2016-09-22 Thread John E. Norem via Marxism
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Here's a link to some thoughts about the meaning of this set of numbers.


Stay Human!
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Re: [Marxism] 3-7-77

2016-09-22 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Travis Wilkerson's film, *An Injury to One* (2002) uses this (and many
other onscreen texts) to dig into the mining wars in Butte and the death of
Frank Little. The film has little photographic evidence to use (only one
shot of Little exists) but uses the text of Hammett's Red Harvest to
explore the authors involvement with the Butte strike during this period.
This historical backdrop of the Anaconda mines (which would later be bought
by ARCO) foreshadows the ecological and economic devastation by big capital
of the area as symbolized by the huge toxic open pit mining dump known as
Butte Lake.

Wilkerson's film is best described as a self-reflexive documentary whose
Marxist sympathies are not didactically drawn, but build as the viewer must
piece together ideological fragments as part of the visual film experience.
This is done through the incomplete visual and onscreen texts that induce
viewer participation. Notable is the inclusions of songs, whose lyrics are
now sung, but only seen as on screen text that must be sung in the heads of
the viewers to be complete. So rather than simply dumping information in
the form of talking heads or moving lectures, the film experience itself is
designed to create a class consciousness in sympathy for the workers then
and now, linking the red-scares and capitalist exploitation of the past
with those of today. Like *Maquilapolis: City of Factories* (Funari and De
La Torre, 2006), these films move far away from complacent and conventional
formal arrangements such as expository or participatory documentary modes
that are easily digested into the political economy of mass media by
requiring more than passive engagement and offering a political experiences
when viewing film.

​http://www.tlaxcala-int.org/article.asp?reference=11448  * Injury To One *
(full film)​

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUQgFzkE3i0  *Maquilapolis: City of
Factories* (Funari and De La Torre, 2006)
(full film)
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[Marxism] Fwd: Mirror from Damascus - Guernica / A Magazine of Art & Politics

2016-09-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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How do you write the history of a war ongoing? The subjects of an early 
chapter might change sides or be killed by the time you finish writing. 
Upon publication, the latest events in the book will be out of date. In 
the following months (or years), a faulty prediction of the outcome of 
the war might weaken your entire argument.

With the conflict in Syria, Robin Yassin-Kassab and Leila Al-Shami have 
risked these temporal challenges for the sake of two greater needs: to 
document and to comprehend. Their book, Burning Country: Syrians in 
Revolution and War, is both exposition and record of the people behind 
the Syrian uprising. From their early premise that “it’s most accurate 
to think of Syria as a collective of 23 million individuals,” 
Yassin-Kassab and Al-Shami work to undo the narrative traps that define 
popular perceptions of Syria, giving color to the individuals who have 
mounted alternatives for the country and whose stories are little known.

full: https://www.guernicamag.com/daily/mirror-from-damascus/
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[Marxism] Fwd: The Science of Your Racist Brain | Mother Jones

2016-09-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Hymn To The Belly

2016-09-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Hymn To The Belly
by Ben Jonson

ROOM! room! make room for the bouncing Belly,
First father of sauce and deviser of jelly;
Prime master of arts and the giver of wit,
That found out the excellent engine, the spit,
The plough and the flail, the mill and the hopper,
The hutch and the boulter, the furnace and copper,
The oven, the bavin, the mawkin, the peel,
The hearth and the range, the dog and the wheel.
He, he first invented the hogshead and tun,
The gimlet and vice too, and taught 'em to run;
And since, with the funnel and hippocras bag,
He's made of himself that now he cries swag;
Which shows, though the pleasure be but of four inches,
Yet he is a weasel, the gullet that pinches
Of any delight, and not spares from his back
Whatever to make of the belly a sack.
Hail, hail, plump paunch! O the founder of taste,
For fresh meats or powdered, or pickle or paste!
Devourer of broiled, baked, roasted or sod!
And emptier of cups, be they even or odd!
All which have now made thee so wide i' the waist,
As scarce with no pudding thou art to be laced;
But eating and drinking until thou dost nod,
Thou break'st all thy girdles and break'st forth a god.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Syria Solidarity Campaign Statement: The fall of Daraya and its ethnic cleansing was ordained by the US, Britain and Jordan | Syria Solidarity

2016-09-22 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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Along with the tremendous statement condemning the allied US/Russian 
intervention in their country issued by 150 Syrian revolutionaries, that 
Andy sent to the list yesterday, I think this extraordinary statement by 
the Syrian Solidarity Campaign on the fall of the revolutionary centre 
Daraya a month ago is required reading, focusing in particular on the 
direct role played by US imperialism in engineering Assad's victory 
there, and also on the underhanded kind of sectarian cleansing taking 
place in Daraya and elsewhere as part of the ongoing new and gigantic 

-Original Message- 
From: Louis Proyect via Marxism
Subject: [Marxism] Fwd: Syria Solidarity Campaign Statement: The fall of 
Daraya and its ethnic cleansing was ordained by the US, Britain and 
Jordan | Syria Solidarity


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[Marxism] Oliver Stone’s ‘Snowden’ a well-made tribute to a true modern hero

2016-09-22 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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