[Marxism] [UCE] PFLP prison branch on escalating Zionist repression in the prisons

2016-11-02 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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[Marxism] Native Land on TCM

2016-11-02 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Narrated by Paul Robeson.

About 8:30 pm on the West Coast.

ken h
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[Marxism] New on Redline blog

2016-11-02 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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This week the Rail Maritime Transport union in NZ discussed disaffiliating
from the NZ Labour Party, a step we at Redline strongly favour.
The article below about the RMT move contains links to our articles on
unions and the NZ Labour Party:


Ditch Labour, fight for workers' rights: this article contains links to
pieces on alternatives:

Writing from Canada, Nizar Visram sees the US presdiential contest as
tweedlee-dee and tweedle-dum:
A reader in New York, however, disagrees with parts of Nizar's analysis -
see the discussion section below the article.

We reprint Australian Marxist Corey Oakley's important article on Syria and
the western left:

And a recent presentation by Yassamine Mather on the left and what's
happening in Syria now:

And several old articles from our former publications on Labour and
immigration policy:

Labour's repressive 2008 immigration legislation - an attack on all

When Labour began the dawn raids and then tried to rewrite history:

Immigration and citizenship: Labour versus workers:

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[Marxism] Stan Hilton, the last British International Brigader who fought fascism in Spain, dies aged 98

2016-11-02 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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[Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] Re: Libya

2016-11-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/2/16 8:10 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

Vijay allowed that to see the light of day? I thought he was part of the
"how's Libya working out for ya?" crowd.

As it happens, his "Arab Spring, Libyan Winter" is not anything like 
some of the crap that you can read on Counterpunch:

The promise of money and a return to the oil fields of Libya was too 
much for the Atlantic world to refuse. By April 1999, the UN sanctions 
were suspended, and in 2003 they were lifted. To add to the pot of blood 
money, Gaddafi decided to announce that Libya would "disclose and 
dismantle all weapons of mass destruction." This was on December 19, 
2003, after the United States armed forces had chased Saddam Hussein 
from power on the pretext of weapons of mass destruction. The US was 
equally angry at Iran and North Korea, but it could not act militarily. 
Their nuclear card prevented a repeat of the Iraq adventure. That 
Gaddafi threw the card on the table revealed his obsequious intentions. 
Commercial links were restored the next year, when a US Congressional 
team (led by Congressman Tom Lantos) came to Libya. Lantos' team 
returned to the US with good news about Libya. In 2006, the US State 
Department decided to remove Libya from its list of state sponsors of 
terrorism. In October 2008, the Libyans promised to turn over $1.5 
billion in a trust fund as compensation for the various bombings. 
President George W. Bush signed Executive Order 13477 which voided all 
outstanding claims against Libya. A US Ambassador arrived in Tripoli, in 
the wake of US oil companies (who have faster jets).

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Re: [Marxism] Libya

2016-11-02 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Vijay allowed that to see the light of day? I thought he was part of the
"how's Libya working out for ya?" crowd.
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[Marxism] Libya

2016-11-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(From Vijay Prashad's "Dispatches from the Arab Spring")

by Anjali Kamat and Ahmad Shokr

After nearly three decades, the gates of Abu Salim were wide open. For 
Libyans, the very name of the prison still evokes nightmares, visions of 
a purgatory from which one might never return. A symbol of the terror 
that came to define Muammar Qaddafi’s forty-two-year rule, Abu Salim was 
where even the regime’s mildest critics feared they would end up if they 
aired their grievances too loudly, or to the wrong person. But in 
September 2011 the grim compound was flooded with visitors: former 
prisoners showing their families the insides of the small windowless 
cells where they lost so much of their lives, neighborhood residents 
curious about this symbol of Qaddafi’s terror, and returned exiles 
searching for traces of the regime’s past abuses.

As we wandered through the prison, Khaled Al Agily, a Benghaziborn exile 
who founded the Geneva-based rights group Libya Human Rights Solidarity, 
showed us around. His organization has been at the forefront of 
international efforts to bring to light the country’s worst postcolonial 
massacre. Walking through the open-air courtyards where the killings 
took place, Khaled told us the story—well-known across Libya—of how it 
unfolded (personal interview 2011a). On June 28, 1996, a riot broke out 
in the prison, started by a small group of Islamist prisoners who were 
agitating for better conditions, increased family visits, and fair 
trials. Libyan security chief Abdullah Senussi arrived on the scene and 
promised a fair resolution, but the next morning, armed security forces 
executed an estimated twelve hundred political prisoners in the space of 
three hours.

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[Marxism] The Clinton-Backed Honduran Regime Is Picking Off Indigenous Leaders

2016-11-02 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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In her book, *Hard Choices, *Clinton holds up

Honduran settlement as a proud example of her trademark clear-eyed,
“pragmatic” foreign policy approach.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Iowa Police Arrest Suspect in ‘Ambush’ Killings of 2 Officers - The New York Times

2016-11-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Just a few weeks ago, Urbandale police officers escorted Mr. Greene from 
an Urbandale High School football game, Chief McCarty said, after he 
waved a Confederate flag in front of black students and others in the 
crowd complained that he was creating a disturbance. Mr. Greene, whose 
daughter attends the high school, was given a trespass warning, the 
police said. “He was working out with the school officials what are the 
parameters of when he could be on the school grounds and when he could 
not,” Chief McCarty said.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Three documentaries of note | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-11-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In 1981, David Weir and Mark Schapiro wrote a book titled “Circle of 
Poison: Pesticides and People in a Hungry World” whose ideas, more 
timely than ever, are the foundation for the film of the same title that 
premieres today on VOD platforms (ITunes, Amazon.com). Co-directed by 
Nick Capezzera, Evan Mascagni and Shannon Post, it is the definitive 
film critique of pesticides that benefits from a wide array of 
scientific experts and activists including Weir himself who has 
credentials as both.

Probably the best thing Jimmy Carter ever did as President was outlaw 
the export of pesticides deemed too toxic for use within the USA. When 
companies such as Monsanto began dumping banned pesticides overseas in 
order to boost corporate profits, Carter, who is one of the 
documentary’s cast of interviewees, took the courageous step of 
protecting the largely poor and defenseless people of the global South 
from such poisons. As might have been predicted, one of Reagan’s first 
measures after entering the White House was rescinding Carter’s 
presidential directive.

Endosulfan was one such pesticide that was banned in the USA. The film 
shows the impact on farmworkers, their children, and poor people living 
in close proximity to fields where it was being sprayed. In the Kasargod 
District of Kerala, India, a prime grower of cashew nuts, scientists 
studied the impact of endosulfan and discovered a virtual epidemic of 
birth defects including bone deformities, infertility, mental 
retardation and congenital heart diseases.

full: https://louisproyect.org/2016/11/02/three-documentaries-of-note-6/
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Re: [Marxism] Last Minute Democratic Attempt to Purloin Green Votes

2016-11-02 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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[Marxism] Last Minute Democratic Attempt to Purloin Green Votes

2016-11-02 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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NPR did a bit this morning interviewing an alleged supporter of Jill Stein
and the Green Party in Ohio who had agreed to vote Democratic in return for
a Clinton supporter voting in South Carolina voting for Stein.  Of course,
I don't know if this Green in Ohio actually was a Green or not, but we
definitely have no guarantee about what a Democratic voter in South
Carolina might or might not do.

The report was also quite clear that this is being promoted by the Clinton
campaign . . . which is probably how it merited air time on "public radio"
in the first place.

Even were it to wolrk, it would exchange an honest Green vote in one place
for a counterfeit one where it's convenient for the Democrats to have it.
. . . and this assumes that the Clintonian organizers of this flim-flam are
going to honest brokers . . . which we'd be nuts to assume.

This ultimately represents a deliberate Democratic attempt to coax back
into existence the idiotic and suicidal "safe state" "strategy" which many
of us hoped had been left behind.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Putin to US: Be more like Israel - Global Agenda -News -

2016-11-02 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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It appears that Putin isn't kidding about being "more like Israel":

Rami Jarrah (a real Syrian journalist, in Aleppo)
3 hrs ·
Moscow just declared that it has notified anti-government rebels in 
besieged Eastern Aleppo to leave via two corridors between 9am and 7pm 
this Friday. And that this would extend the "ceasefire" otherwise they 
would carry out their military targets.
I have checked with sources on the ground and as of yet there is no such 
notice and given the fact that there is no actual ceasefire and this is 
a total and utter lie by the Russians, this can only mean that when the 
deadline comes the bombardment of Aleppo will see an escalation. The 
significance of this now is that it comes just before the US elections 
which is expected to swarm mainstream and social media platforms. And 
could pretty much leave any activity in Aleppo, however horrific yet in 
the shadow of the elections that all will be focused on.
It is important that we take advantage of the the time we have now until 
Friday evening to shed as much light as possible on this strategy by the 
Russians, as when the time comes and if the plan is carried out; our 
voices will be weak in the midst of the world's media focus.
We really need to get this out there whether it's through campaigns, 
messages, posts, reports and all that is possible. If this is a strong 
topic on social media at least it would contrast into the mainstream 
media and would help.

Good luck to you all and to the people of Aleppo...

-Original Message- 
From: Louis Proyect via Marxism
Subject: [Marxism] Fwd: Putin to US: Be more like Israel - Global 
Agenda -News -


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[Marxism] Fwd: Putin to US: Be more like Israel - Global Agenda - News -

2016-11-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] "Clintons Are Under Multiple FBI Investigations"

2016-11-02 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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I am receiving pro-Trump stuff from someone who was in the Trotskyist movement 
more than forty years ago.  Here's a sample.
ken h

Clintons are Under Multiple FBI Investigations as Agents are Stymied


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[Marxism] Fwd: Q with authors of book on austerity in public higher education

2016-11-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Dylan’s revolutionary lyrics celebrate play, protest

2016-11-02 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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This is a fairly good article. I would disagree with the characterization
of "John Wesley Harding" as apolitical, however, given it contains "All
Along the Watchtower". That song is simply Isaiah (21: 5-9 ) put to music.
I'm not gonna quote scripture on the marxmail forum, so you can look it up
yourselves The point being the whole album carries a strong apocalyptic
tone, much like the rest of Dylan's work. Marqusee writes that a friend who
visited Dylan's home in Woodstock saw only two books on his table--a Bible
and a Hank Williams lyric sheet.

The album also rehashes the old "Joe Hill" song "I dreamed I saw St.
Augustine", with the Christian saint standing in for Joe. This was a
popular front song from the 30's written at a communist party-inspired
summer workshop in upstate NY.  Dylan's version contains the stunning line:
"No martyrs are among you now who you can call your own".  Not that there
were not martyrs, but that "the public world is now too inauthentic to
sustain anything as grand as a martyr", writes Marqusee. Ironically the
writer himself is one among the mob that has killed the saint. Marqusee
surmises "The only prophecy the artist can make with confidence is that he
and his message will be rejected by a world that values all the wrong
things". Hard to argue with that.  The song indicts us all.

I'm reminded here of two later songs, "Senor (Tales of Yankee Power)", and
"Everything is Broken". I like this version of the former, with Willie
Nelson backed up by Calexico:


And here's good old R.L. performing the latter:


That sounds like Derek Trucks on slide. Buddy Guy sits in as well.
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[Marxism] Fwd: “Spoilers”? Well, I Should Hope So!

2016-11-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Mark Lause

The 2016 election has plumbed new depths in its celebration of 
ignorance, bigotry, and crudely Robber Baron self-interest . . . . In 
the end, the media that now refers to this as “a dumpster fire” 
accumulated the garbage and set it on fire. Although Donald Trump rants 
about the alleged ideological bias of the industry, he has always been 
entirely its creature. The idiocies and arrogance of this reality show 
celebrity have been grown viewers. The industry never cared whether 
those tuning in detested or admired him, so long as they grew in numbers 
and continued to goose gooses advertising revenues. So as the election 
year neared, we saw him on TV repeatedly talking about Barack Obama’s 
birth certificate.

We have an election process that imposes nothing on the candidates. 
This time ’round, it doesn’t even seem to require any of the usual 
hollow promises. The winner–whether it’s Trump or Hillary Clinton–will 
have no mandate from the voter to pursue any particular set of policies 
or approaches. We are supposed to pick the most comforting image and 
sound bites, while leaving it to the armies of corporate lobbyists 
occupying Washington to determine what they will mean in terms of 
policies. It’s so efficient to exclude the electorate from any real 
voice and run the entire thing like it was the Super Bowl or the World 

So, we wouldn’t want to spoil that, would we?

full: http://www.thenorthstar.info/?p=12926
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[Marxism] Morocco hit by huge protests against neoliberalism after death of fish seller

2016-11-02 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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In Morocco, thousands of people have been protesting across the country
after a fish seller was crushed to death in a garbage truck on October 28,
The fish seller was trying to retrieve fish confiscated by police.

His death in the northern town of Al Hoceima has elicited widespread anger
on social media. Rallies were called by activists from the February 20
movement, which organised demonstrations during the Arab Spring of 2011.

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