[Marxism] Africa's last colony: Morocco's monarchy pursues neoliberal policies in occupied Western Sahara

2016-11-23 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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[Marxism] Raising Funds for Parole Preparation Project

2016-11-23 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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Hey NLGers and other friends & colleagues! Please check out this plea from
a member of the Guild's Parole Preparation Project. As you know, the PPP is
an amazing Guild initiative to help incarcerated persons with their parole
applications. Those of you who have worked with the Project know how
powerful this form of advocacy is.

Here’s the link: Parole Preparation Project 2016 Online Fundraising Campaign

Please consider donating what you can and/or forwarding to friends, family,
and colleagues.

- Amith

-- Forwarded message --
From: Adrienne Le

Hello Parole Prep Volunteers,

First, thank you so much for all you have done as a volunteer of the
Project. Even if you just recently joined, your willingness to do this
love-driven work is already meaningful and we are so happy you're with us.

My name is Adrienne and I’ve been with the Project for about 2 years. I
volunteered to be on the fundraising committee because the need is enormous
and I want to see this project live on and change more lives! I'm so
grateful to work alongside people like you, who truly care and dedicate
themselves to fighting mass incarceration on an intimate level. In recent
weeks I've become even more convinced that person-to-person work like this
is what really makes a difference and will be needed even more under the
new administration.

As you may know, the PPP is almost an entirely volunteer-led effort. While
our budget is small, we rely heavily on the generosity of volunteers and
donors to cover the costs of prison visits, postage, commissary
contributions, stipends for people who are formerly incarcerated, and the
salary of our one amazing full-time employee, Michelle. Because of the
nature and radical approach of our work, funding is difficult to come by.

So far this fundraising cycle, we have raised nearly $15,000. While this is
an incredible achievement, it is not enough to ensure the long-term
survival of the Project. As a result, we’re trying to raise an additional
$2,000 by December 1st -- and we need your help!

The Project Coordinators have asked each volunteer, whether old or new, to
try and raise $100 toward our goal. Donations are by no means mandatory,
and if you aren’t able to fundraise this year, we understand. However, if
you are able to fundraise and haven’t yet met your $100 goal, I’m writing
to check in and see how your efforts are going, and if there’s anything I
can do to support you. (And to those who have already donated themselves
and/or raised $100, thank you!)

I want to encourage you to reach out to your friends and family who have
witnessed the impact the Project has had on you and your life. Many
volunteers had great success when they made personal appeals to people who
are close to them, and even their broader networks. I also encourage you to
share the link to our fundraising page on social media with a personal

Here’s the link: Parole Preparation Project 2016 Online Fundraising Campaign

Because we are uniquely positioned to talk about the Project and have such
deep connections to the work, I believe part of our role as volunteers is
to help raise funds when we are able. The Project has given us so much, and
I hope we’ll give back in every way we can.

Thank you for your ongoing support. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if
you have questions, thoughts or suggestions!

Sending you freshness from the fall woods of North Carolina.

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[Marxism] Fwd: A Yonkers Mosque Is Blocked by Land-Use Bigotry | Village Voice

2016-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Interview with prof. Sven Beckert | zhanna popova

2016-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Hidden History of the Cuban Revolution: How the Working Class Shaped the Guerillas’ Victory – Book Review

2016-11-23 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Someone should send Farber a copy.
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Re: [Marxism] Questions re Syria

2016-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/23/16 7:03 PM, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote:

By comparison with the war in Afghanistan, the Syrian air force has
suffered very few losses of helicopters and planes.  Apparently their
foreign arms suppliers have not provided them with MANPADS.  Why is

In fact there was zero interest in a large-scale intervention in Syria 
in either civilian or military quarters. All this is documented in a NY 
Times article from October 22nd 2013, written when the alarums over a 
looming war with Syria were at their loudest, that stated “from the 
beginning, Mr. Obama made it clear to his aides that he did not envision 
an American military intervention, even as public calls mounted that 
year for a no-fly zone to protect Syrian civilians from bombings.” The 
article stressed the role of White House Chief of Staff Dennis 
McDonough, who had frequently clashed with the hawkish Samantha Power. 
In contrast to Power and others with a more overtly “humanitarian 
intervention” perspective, McDonough “who had perhaps the closest ties 
to Mr. Obama, remained skeptical. He questioned how much it was in 
America’s interest to tamp down the violence in Syria.” In other words, 
the White House policy was and is allowing the Baathists and the rebels 
to exhaust each other in an endless war, just as was White House policy 
during the Iran-Iraq conflict.

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[Marxism] Questions re Syria

2016-11-23 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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By comparison with the war in Afghanistan, the Syrian air force has suffered 
very few losses of helicopters and planes.  Apparently their foreign arms 
suppliers have not provided them with MANPADS.  Why is that?

List of Soviet aircraft losses during the Soviet–Afghan War

The following is a partial and unofficial list of helicopter and airplane 
crashes that occurred during the Soviet war in Afghanistan of 1979–89. In 
total, at least 333 helicopters and 118 jets crashed during the war.[1] A 
leading cause of lost aircraft was due to the introduction of the Stinger 
Missile System the FIM-92 Stinger aMan-Portable Air-Defense System (MANPADS) 
notably in the references written in Charlie Wilson's War.

* * * * * *

It is widely agreed that ISIS in Syria is headquartered in Raqqa.  Has the 
Syrian air force been bombing Raqqa?  How does that bombing compare with the 
bombing of Aleppo?

ken h
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[Marxism] Fwd: Betsy DeVos - Wikipedia

2016-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Trump just made her Secretary of Education.

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[Marxism] Standing Rock/solidarity in Canada

2016-11-23 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Appears to be widespread, in many small communities.
ken h




* * * * * *

Also, for fun

Theatre in Hamilton, Ontario benefits from mixup

A case of mistaken identity and misguided angry tweets could actually be a boon 
for a Hamilton theatre company.

Hamilton Theatre Inc., based in the southern Ontario city, says it's received 
an overwhelming amount of support after pro-Donald Trump Twitter users mistook 
the Canadian venue for the hit Broadway show "Hamilton."
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[Marxism] Fwd: Hidden History of the Cuban Revolution: How the Working Class Shaped the Guerillas’ Victory – Book Review

2016-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] NEW BOOK: 'Using Gramsci: A New Approach' by Michele Filippini

2016-11-23 Thread Pluto Mail via Marxism
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Using Gramsci: A New Approach

By Michele Filippini


Available in the UK and Europe from Pluto Press: http://bit.ly/2cTfNzh

Available in the US from University of Chicago Press: http://bit.ly/2ddIvvm

Available in Canada: http://amzn.to/2cCE6TZ


A modern, introductory approach to one of the greatest political theorists,
Antonio Gramsci.


'There is little doubt that Gramsci has become one of the most relevant
thinkers of the 20th century influencing many fields of contemporary
scholarship. Fillippini’s Using Gramsci is a tribute to this.’ - Cosimo
Zene, SOAS, University of London, editor of The Political Philosophies of
Antonio Gramsci and B. R. Ambedkar (Routledge, 2013)


About the book:

Including chapters on ideology, the individual, collective organisms,
society, crisis and temporality, Using Gramsci offers a new pattern in
Gramscian studies aimed to speak to the broader audience of social sciences
scholars. The tools that are provided in this book extend the uses of
Gramsci beyond the field of political theory and Marxism, while remaining
firmly rooted in his writings. Working from the original Italian texts,
Filippini also examines the more traditional areas of Gramsci’s thought,
including hegemony, organic intellectuals and civil society.


Read a chapter from the book: http://bit.ly/2dNvg1x


Michele Filippini is Researcher in the Department of Political and Social
Sciences at the University of Bologna. He is the co-ordinator of the
digital library Gramsciproject.org and has been in the board of the
International Gramsci Society, Italy. He is the author of Leaping Forward:
Mario Tronti and the History of Political Workerism (Jve-Crs, 2012).


PAPERBACK: NOVEMBER 2016 / 192 PAGES / ISBN 9780745335681 / £14.99 / $23 /



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[Marxism] Fwd: Meet Shmuley Boteach, the Right-Wing Reality Show 'Rabbi' Hustling His Way Into the Trump Campaign | Alternet

2016-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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As is obvious from the last couple of days, the NY Times is trying to 
spin Donald Trump as moving toward the center. Although reading Thomas 
Friedman is a painful experience, I checked his op-ed column today since 
its title was "At Lunch, Donald Trump Gives Critics Hope". Poorly 
written as usual, it was filled with bromides along these lines. This 
one really had me laughing out loud:

->Speaking of the Middle East, Trump said unprompted: “I would love to 
be able to be the one that made peace with Israel and the Palestinians,” 
adding, “I have reason to believe I can do that.” And he hinted that his 
son-in-law, Jared Kushner, could be his special envoy and “he’d be very 
good at it. … He knows the region.” (Wow, watching Trump try to forge a 
deal between Bibi Netanyahu and the Palestinians would be pay-per-view!)<-

In fact, this is complete bullshit. Kushner has lined up the disgusting 
Shmuley Boteach to semi-official status as Trump's court Jew as well as 
hiring him to wrote columns for his NY Observer, a one-time liberal 
weekly that is to the right of the NY Post now. This is a useful article 
on all this:

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[Marxism] Fwd: Amazon delivery drivers 'feel compelled to defecate in vans' to save time | The Independent

2016-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Trump to scrap Nasa climate research in crackdown on ‘politicized science’ | Environment | The Guardian

2016-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Immigration: Marine Le Pen Sets the Political Agenda in France

2016-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Posted workers refers to those sent by their employer to work in 
another EU member state on a temporary basis.)

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, an MEP, a presidential candidate in 2012 and running 
again in 2017, has singled out posted workers in a speech at the 
European parliament last July. He declared that “posted workers took the 
bread out of French workers’ mouths”. Part of the French left was 
stunned by words that could have easily been uttered by Marine Le Pen.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Once Upon a Time in America

2016-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Boris Kagarlitsky:

"The stories of impending totalitarian repressions to which Trump will 
subject women and various minorities are just absurd and false 
propaganda by liberals, who used it to try scare the American public, 
but only succeeded in drawing themselves into a state of panic hysteria. 
The limitations on immigration will indeed take place, and this would 
without a doubt result in an increase of the popularity of the new 
president among African Americans, Latinos, and all poor people in 
general, since they are the ones who lose from the competition with the 
illegal immigrants (as opposed to the privileged white upper middle 
class who profit from the cheap labor of the illegal aliens). Mexican 
unemployed workers, instead of having to risk lives while crossing the 
border into the US, and making a living by drug trafficking, will get an 
opportunity to make decent money building a multi-kilometer  wall 
between the two states. Construction companies will get contracts; the 
infrastructure will grow."



Worries about cops getting free rein to kill Black youth and women 
losing the right to abortion, ever more constrained, is dismissed by 
Kagarlitsky who also believes that Latinos will rally around Trump 
because he will step up deportations.

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[Marxism] Tulsi Gabbard Under Serious Consideration for Trump Cabinet

2016-11-23 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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And why not? Out and out reactionary, homophobic, Islamophobic, 
anti-refugee and anti-immigrant (except Hindu immigrants), hard Zionist, 
loves Assad and Putin, wants more "war on terror." Secretary of State?

Democratic Rep Tulsi Gabbard Under Serious Consideration for Trump 


Nov 21, 2016, 3:42 PM ET

Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a high-profile Bernie Sanders supporter 
during the Democratic primaries, is “under serious consideration” for 
various Cabinet positions in President-elect Donald Trump's 
administration, according to a senior official on the transition team.
According to the official, the 35-year-old Hawaii congresswoman is being 
looked as a candidate for secretary of state, secretary of defense or 
United Nations ambassador. If selected, Gabbard will be the first woman 
as well as the youngest pick for Trump's Cabinet.
She met with him this morning in his New York City offices at Trump 
Tower. The Trump transition source said that their sit-down was a 
“terrific meeting” and that the Trump team sees her as very impressive.


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