Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Is Black Bloc a Racist Tactic in the Trump Era: Why White Activists Should Stop Wearing Masks at… – Race & Law — A Critical Analysis – Medium

2017-02-27 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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If all the Black Bloc folks were wearing masks, then how does the author
know they were all white?

On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 8:50 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> c-a-racist-tactic-in-the-trump-era-why-white-activists-shoul
> d-stop-wearing-masks-at-f7cf45390292
> _
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[Marxism] Fwd: Notes on the Global Condition: India's Informal Capitalism Under Pressure – ADAM TOOZE

2017-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Comrades should bookmark Tooze's blog. It compares favorably to Michael 
Roberts's, featuring in-depth Marxist economic analysis on almost a 
daily basis.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Los Angeles Mayor Flirts With Sanctuary Movement While Collaborating With ICE

2017-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Visiting scholar detained and nearly deported

2017-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A French Holocaust historian traveling to speak at a symposium at Texas 
A&M University was detained by immigration officials in Houston and 
nearly deported, according to The Eagle, a newspaper covering the 
College Station, Tex., area. The Washington Post and The Guardian also 
reported on the case.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Before Lenin: Bolshevik Theory and Practice in February 1917 Revisited | Historical Materialism

2017-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This is an article by Eric Blanc arguing that the Bolsheviks *did* 
intend to seize power before Lenin's April Theses. It is based on Lih's 
research. It appears on a new website (as far as I know) that is HM's 
attempt to engage with the public outside of its print and conference 
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Before Lenin: Bolshevik Theory and Practice in February 1917 Revisited | Historical Materialism

2017-02-27 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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An important article, IMO, and I'm very much looking forward to the next

Wherever we all eventually come down on the question of who proposed what,
when and why, the implicit thread in the article is that seizing power was
necessary and correct, and Eric's aim is to seek to prove that all
Bolsheviks did share that goal strategically if not always tactically.

This matters for today of course when everyone from the Pink Tide to the
CPs in the Philippines, South Africa, etc., still adhere to a "two-stage"
revolution in theory and outright capitulation to the bourgeoisie in
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[Marxism] London Gallery LD50’s Alt-Right Show Should Be Its Last, Critics Say

2017-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Feb. 27 2017
London Gallery LD50’s Alt-Right Show Should Be Its Last, Critics Say

LONDON — LD50, an art gallery on a quiet street in the shabby-but-hip 
Dalston section of East London, would seem to be an improbable forum for 
debates about American politics in the era of President Trump.

But the gallery drew dozens of protesters on Saturday chanting slogans 
like “Make racists afraid again!” and “No to the Nazis!” The protest was 
organized in the aftermath of the gallery’s postelection exhibition on 
the so-called alt-right, the white nationalist movement that has become 
famous for its online provocations and, critics say, its associations 
with anti-Semitism, racism and Islamophobia.

The exhibition opened two days after Mr. Trump was elected, and closed 
in January. It featured printouts of Tweets from far-right groups; 
engraved statuettes featuring images of Pepe the Frog, a cartoon that 
has been linked to anti-Semitism; and a diagram tracing the emergence of 
and connections among online far-right movements.

Public controversy did not boil over, however, until this month, when 
the London artist Sophie Jung shared on Facebook a message from the 
gallery’s founder, Lucia Diego, expressing sympathy with what she called 
President Trump’s “Muslim ban.” The interaction quickly got noticed in 
London’s large but cliquish art world, and the controversy attracted 
attention in the tabloids. An expletive along with a hammer-and-sickle 
symbol and a pink swastika was scrawled outside the gallery, which sits 
above an architecture firm in a neighborhood dotted with Turkish 
restaurants and Afro-Caribbean markets.

Saturday’s protest was planned to distribute leaflets informing 
neighborhood residents about the gallery’s contents. Andrew Osborne, 42, 
a fine art technician at the Royal College of Art who has lived in East 
London for 20 years, helped organize the protest. “There was a Facebook 
argument going on and then the more you looked into the gallery the more 
unseemly it seemed,” Mr. Osborne said. “I don’t see why we should 
tolerate fascism.”

When Phil Jones, 37, a resident of East London for 10 years, tried to 
enter his apartment near the gallery, some protesters accused him of not 
supporting the anti-fascist cause. After an argument, the police, who 
were on hand throughout the protest, separated him from the crowd.

“I think it is counterproductive to graffiti people’s doors, people who 
have nothing to do with it,” Mr. Jones said. “It’s a little bit extreme. 
I had seen exhibitions there. It was just a normal gallery. It’s pretty 
hostile here now and people may need to get their facts straight first.”

One protester, Jenny Graham, 44, who said she’d lived in the 
neighborhood for 30 years, described the area as “a diverse borough in 
terms of race, class, ethnicity; everyone here lives happily side by 
side: Jews, Muslims, everyone.” But the gallery, she said, was out of 
line. “I wouldn’t set foot in that place unless I had a bomb with me. No 
platform for the right, for fascism.”

In a phone interview, Ms. Diego, the gallery founder, a Spaniard who has 
lived in Britain for about 12 years, said she was no conservative 
firebrand, and was getting slammed simply for not being politically correct.

“If I had an agenda that I just wanted to push this ideology, I would 
have just done that from the beginning,” Ms. Diego said, adding. “I’m 
happy to represent artists on the right and on the left.”

Her critics say Ms. Diego is up to something more nefarious. A Facebook 
page for the exhibition included an emblem of the Afrikaner Resistance 
Movement, a South African neo-Nazi group. Last summer, the gallery 
hosted web-based talks with speakers like Peter Brimelow, an author who 
advocates restricting immigration, and Brett Stevens, a right-wing 
blogger who has spoken admiringly of Anders Behring Breivik, the white 
supremacist who killed 77 people in a 2011 attack in Norway.

The title of the exhibition, “71822666,” was a reference to a thread 
predicting Mr. Trump’s victory on the web platform 4chan, an anonymous 
online message board that is widely used by members of the alt-right. 
Along with the alt-right, it focused on so-called reactionary 
philosophy, a critique of Western democracy as it is now practiced.

In the Facebook message that Ms. Jung shared, Ms. Diego expressed 
disappointment at the decision by the Museum of Modern Art in New York 
to hang work by Muslim artists in place of pieces by giants including 
Matisse and Picasso — a striking protest by an art institution against a 
federal policy.

“It actually diminish

[Marxism] A Once-Forgotten Novel Unites Turkish Readers in Troubled Times

2017-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Feb. 27 2017
A Once-Forgotten Novel Unites Turkish Readers in Troubled Times

ISTANBUL — A young Turkish man arrives in 1920s Berlin. Ignoring his 
business of soap manufacturing, he spends his days learning German and 
his nights reading books — especially the Russians, and especially 
Turgenev. He explores the city’s parks, its wide streets, its museums 
and art galleries. He is looking, as he put it, for something, “to sweep 
me off my feet.”

He finds it one evening at a gallery, where he stands transfixed in 
front of a painting of a young woman dressed in a fur coat. Day after 
day he returns to stare at the painting. One evening, drunk and out on 
the town, he sees the woman in the flesh. Her name is Maria, and the 
life of the young man, Raif, is transformed.

“All my life, I’d kept my heart closed,” Raif said. “I had never known 
love. But now, all at once, the doors had flown open.”

That is the basis of “Madonna in a Fur Coat,” a once-forgotten Turkish 
novel written nearly 75 years ago that has improbably become a best 
seller, outselling, these days, even Orhan Pamuk, Turkey’s Nobel laureate.

Published in 1943 and written by Sabahattin Ali, a leftist intellectual 
jailed for his political writings (much like his contemporaries under 
today’s government), the book’s newfound success has become a rare point 
of common cultural experience for a deeply polarized country.

“It is read, loved and wept over by men and women of all ages, but most 
of all by young adults,” Maureen Freely, who translated the book for the 
first time into English last year (with Alexander Dawe), wrote in The 
Guardian. “And no one seems able to explain quite why.”

If he were alive today, Mr. Ali would be shocked to see “Madonna” had 
become a best seller, his daughter, Filiz Ali, 79, said in a recent 
interview at her Istanbul apartment. (The book has sold nearly a million 
copies over the last three years, according to the publisher, YKY, and 
was recently published in English as a Penguin Classic.)

“My father didn’t really give so much importance to this book,” she 
said. “And his friends told him, ‘Sabahattin, you shouldn’t have written 
such a romantic book. It doesn’t look good on your reputation.’”

An erudite man of letters during the early years of the Turkish 
republic, and a devoted Communist, Mr. Ali wrote novels, stories, poems 
and articles that repeatedly got him thrown into jail. The parallels 
between what he endured as a dissident intellectual and the ordeals 
faced by modern Turkish writers arrested for speaking out against the 
current Islamist government help explain Mr. Ali’s newfound popularity 
among the Turkish public.

“The same things are repeating, much worse,” said Ms. Ali, referring to 
the current arrests of journalists speaking out against the current 
Islamist government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Mr. Ali was murdered under suspicious circumstances in 1948, at age 41, 
at a lonely outpost near the Bulgarian border as he tried to flee to Europe.

The death of Mr. Ali remains, almost 70 years later, as mysterious as 
his newfound popularity. A smuggler who was “helping” Mr. Ali cross the 
border admitted to his murder and did a short stint in prison. But it is 
widely suspected, his daughter said, that he was actually killed by 
state security agents after he was interrogated. She believes that 
somewhere deep in government archives the truth could be found.

With the success of “Madonna,” Mr. Ali is now the rare literary figure 
who is embraced with equal ardor by teenage girls and intellectuals.

Sabri Gurses, a Turkish poet and novelist, said he was moved when he 
learned that Mr. Ali was carrying a German translation of Alexander 
Pushkin’s novel in verse, “Eugene Onegin,” when he was killed. Nowadays, 
he said, when he sees young people carrying “Madonna” on the streets of 
Istanbul he imagines many of them feel for Mr. Ali what the Russian 
poet, Mikhail Lermontov, famously wrote about Pushkin: “He rose against 
the world’s opinion, and as a hero, lone he fell.”

The sudden success of “Madonna” — attributed to word of mouth, an 
interest by some Turkish teachers and social media — has become an 
opportunity for Ms. Ali, late in her life, to help reacquaint Turkish 
readers with her father. She has spoken at schools and conferences to 
promote the book, and says she often meets young readers, including 
boys, who come to her with tears in her eyes.

“They want a love like this,” she said.

“Madonna,” she said, is part autobiographical, as Mr. Ali spent time as 
a young man in Berlin in the 1920s. A letter to a friend tha

[Marxism] Fwd: Who's Banking on the Dakota Access Pipeline? | Food & Water Watch

2017-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Syria Solidarity UK: Beeley, Assad, and ISIS

2017-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Britain’s leading publicist for the Assad regime, Vanessa Beeley, whose 
recent Bristol meeting we reported on last week, is capping her tour of 
the UK with a meeting in London on Wednesday. This particular event has 
some particularly bizarre features.

For one thing, it is taking place in the Marx Memorial Library, a 
hallowed institution of the British left based in a building that has 
been host to London Radical and Socialist organisations since the 1870s 
(both William Morris and Lenin worked there.

Beeley on the other hand swims in rather different waters. In her time 
she has been hosted by various conspiracy gatherings and sites from an 
intertwined nexus that includes Alternative View, UK Column, and 21st 
Century Wire. All of these groups are somewhere on the libertarian right 
and she has eventually found a permanent home as Associate Editor at 
21st Century Wire. This site was created in 2009 as a climate-change 
denying project, linked to the US InfoWars, and is currently supporting 
Donald Trump, and providing apologetics for his Islamophobic travel ban.

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[Marxism] book for review

2017-02-27 Thread George Snedeker via Marxism
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Socialism and Democracy is looking for someone to review The Idea of Socialism 
by Axel Honneth.


In this work,  the author argues for a radical renewal of socialism, freeing it 
from its historical and theoretical roots in the economy to pursue the aim of 
socialism through democracy and social solidarity.


Axel Honneth is currently the Director of the Institute for Social Research in 
Frankfurt, Germany. 


If you are interested in reviewing this book, write to me at

Sample reviews can be found at

Just click on Back Issues.

George Snedeker

Book review Editor

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Before Lenin: Bolshevik Theory and Practice in February 1917 Revisited | Historical Materialism

2017-02-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 2/27/17 10:32 AM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

An important article, IMO, and I'm very much looking forward to the next

I have a lot of respect for Eric Blanc's writings on the national 
question but I think that there are problems with his attempt at making 
the pre-April Theses Bolshevik Party immune from criticisms. This has a 
lot to do with Lars Lih's scholarship as is obvious from his article. I 
may or may not deal with Eric's article per se but I wrote a critique of 
Lih here that is germane to the discussion:

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[Marxism] request for info on the NY Times

2017-02-27 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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I made some critical remarks on a local anti-Trump discussion blog
concerning the role of the Times in leading up to the 2003 war/occupation
of Iraq. One reply was this -

"It's not the same NYT. They've since hired an ombudsman and have
transformed themselves before our eyes for the digital age. But I think
it's absolutely incorrect to say that it's the same newspaper it was in
2003, when it contributed to that obscene drum-beat for war. I for one
could not live without reading it, and I hope it continues to publish for a
very long time."

Not following them closely other than the occasional article posted here,
is anyone here up to speed about their positions during the Obama years and
how they haven't really changed?

Feel free to contact me privately.

Dennis Brasky
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