[Marxism] Fwd: The FBI Takes Charge: The Establishment May be Done with Trump | New Politics

2017-05-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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After nearly four months of President Donald Trump’s chaotic presidency 
surrounded by controversies and scandals, the American establishment has 
decided to take things in hand. That is the meaning of deputy attorney 
general Rod J. Rosenstein’s appointment of Robert S. Mueller III to 
serve as special counsel to investigate ties between the Trump 
administration and Russia. Mueller, who had served as the FBI director 
from 2001 to 2013 under presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, has 
both the confidence of the establishment and the political independence 
that will allow him to pursue the issue without fear of presidential 

Mueller’s appointment suggests that the American corporate, political, 
and military elite may have had enough of Trump’s unstable, 
unproductive, and dangerous behavior and are prepared to drive him from 
office. Trump’s thoughtless tweets, his off-hand remarks on the most 
important domestic and foreign policy questions, and his erratic 
political behavior, all of which have led to the paralysis of the 
Republican congressional agenda, stand in the way both of the dominant 
neoliberal political establishment supported by many Republican and 
Democratic politicians, and of the far-right Freedom Caucus, which is 
anxious to destroy last remnants of the New Deal and the Great Society 
social welfare programs of the Golden Years of 1939 to 1979.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Abacus: Too Small to Jail | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2017-05-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Opening tomorrow at the IFC Center in NYC, “Abacus: Too Small to Jail” 
is a documentary that chronicles the five year legal struggle of the 
founder, top officers (his daughters) and lower-level staff to defend 
themselves against District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. (the son of Jimmy 
Carter’s Secretary of State) who charged them with bank fraud felonies 
having absolutely no merit.

The Abacus Federal Savings Bank was a mom-and-pop operation located on 
the Bowery in Chinatown between a herb medication shop and a noodle 
parlor. It was founded by lawyer and real estate investor Thomas Sung in 
1985 to meet the needs of the immigrant community that distrusted the 
big banks that operated in Chinatown. Even if they had Chinese tellers 
and managers, it was nearly impossible for an immigrant to get a loan or 
a mortgage.

full: https://louisproyect.org/2017/05/18/abacus-too-small-to-jail/
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[Marxism] An ICE Arrest After A Workers' Comp Meeting Has Lawyers Questioning If It Was Retaliation | WBUR News

2017-05-18 Thread Richard Sprout via Marxism
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[Marxism] More fuel for the fires of hell

2017-05-18 Thread Gregory Adler via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Who’s Afraid of the White Working Class?: On Joan C. Williams’s “White Working Class: Overcoming Class Cluelessness in America” - Los Angeles Review of Books

2017-05-18 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Good for Roediger

This is a must read.
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[Marxism] Assadist ties to the far right

2017-05-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This was a FB post by Amal Saad, a Professor of Political Science, 
Lebanese University and author of works on Hizbullah. She is okay with 
smearing Syrian rebels as terrorists but is uncomfortable with people 
like Paul Antonopoulos or Tim Anderson doing so as well:

I know a lot of people are going to hate me for saying this, but it 
needs to be said: The "Resistance Axis" camp needs to engage in some 
self-reflection and realize that a significant portion of its adherents 
are aligned with right-wing fascist movements in the West, and are 
pinning their hopes on the likes of Le Pen; these are the same people 
who previously wagered on Trump. This disturbing alliance is neither 
strategic nor ideologically defensible.

1) As the Trump regime has demonstrated, there is no guarantee that a 
right-wing government will conduct a ME policy any different from a 
liberal/Democratic one. In fact, these movements are as beholden to 
Israel and Saudi Arabia, if not more, than the liberals, and by 
extension are even more hostile to Iran and Hizbullah than them.

2) In supporting the right, not only are we condoning racism, 
Islamophobia, misogyny, xenophobia etc. we are treating them as though 
they are less dangerous and lesser injustices than the sectarian 
policies supported by liberals. How is Islamophobia and xenophobia a 
better guarantee for minority rights than sectarianism? Many in this 
camp have prioritized the protection of minorities and secularism, while 
completely losing sight the initial reason Hizbullah and Iran supported 
the Assad government: resistance to imperialism and Israel. What is 
more, how can there be room for Islamophobia in this camp when Syria's 
key allies--Iran, the Iraqi PMU and Hizbullah--are Islamists?

3) Even if people aren't familiar with progressive values, they merely 
need look to Hizbullah for some guidance on this. Look at Hizb's 
cautious embrace of Russia, who Nasrallah described as an ally but "NOT 
part of the Resistance Axis" because of its ties to Israel. Hizbullah 
doesn't even consider the Iraqi government as part of this Axis, because 
of its ties to the US, only the PMU. Moreover, Nasrallah has decried the 
dangers of xenophobia and racism against Syrian refugees. Back in 2009, 
Hizb even refused to meet with Jimmy Carter, although Hamas did, because 
it rejected any association with the US political establishment. And he 
was hardly a right wing racist nut.

4) How can we consider ourselves "free" once we liberate Syria from the 
Takfiri scourge if we did so with the help of the West's alt-right, who 
consider colonialism "a good thing" as Le Pen recently declared? How are 
we free from imperialism if this is how we achieve victory? We are so 
focused on "freedom from" that we have lost sight of what we want to be 
"free for." A "cause" that isn't anchored in a wider theoretical and 
ideological framework, i.e. a progressive solidarity movement that sees 
its interests aligned with the interests of the working poor, the 
refugees, African-Americans, Muslims and other minorities in the US and 
Europe, and the oppressed of the global South, is not a cause anymore 
but a movement that just seeks to "win." A cause that relies on the 
enemies of the oppressed is no longer a cause but is reduced to narrow, 
parochial interests, a movement that wants "Our Team" to win no matter 
the price.

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[Marxism] Major decisions face Québec solidaire at its forthcoming congress

2017-05-18 Thread Richard Fidler via Marxism
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Quebec’s broad party of the left, Québec solidaire (QS), will open a four-day
congress on May 19 in Montréal — the 12th congress in its 11-year history. The
delegates face a challenging agenda. It includes the final stage of adoption of
the party’s detailed program, a process begun eight years ago; discussion of
possible alliances with other parties and some social movements including a
proposed fusion with another pro-independence party, Option nationale; and
renewal of the party’s top leadership. 

Québec solidaire has attracted unusual media attention in recent months in the
wake of the February announcement by Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, the best-known
leader of Quebec’s massive student strike in 2012, that he had decided to join
the party and become its candidate to replace QS leader Françoise David, who
resigned in January, as the member of the National Assembly for the riding
(constituency) of Gouin in Montréal. Nadeau-Dubois — often referred to as GND —
also announced that he would campaign for election at this congress as the
party’s male co-spokesperson. He is widely expected to win the Gouin by-election
now scheduled for May 29. 

GND’s announcement, accompanied by his sharp attack on Quebec’s “political class
which for 30 years has betrayed Quebec,” prompted a flood of new membership
applications; within a few days the QS membership grew by about 5,000, a 50%
increase. An opinion poll at the time credited QS with 16% popular support, only
6 percentage points behind the Parti québécois in Montréal.[1] 

These were welcome developments for the party, which has failed since its
founding to elect more than three MNAs under Quebec’s undemocratic
first-past-the-post electoral system. Also, although QS benefited from the
militancy and popular support of the students’ struggle in 2012, gaining 4,000
new members for a time, it has suffered from a relative demobilization of social
movement activists since then, although the ecology movement in opposition to
climate change appears to be gaining in momentum.

Full: http://tinyurl.com/l7lxx77

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[Marxism] Fwd: Donald Trump Said Saudi Arabia Was Behind 9/11. Now He’s Going There on His First Foreign Trip.

2017-05-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Another illustration why Trump's words mean less than his actions. The 
one thing this bastard could do to boost his popularity is announce a 
major infrastructure project that will put a million men and women to 
work at a starting wage of $25 but his New Dealish type rhetoric was 
nothing but rhetoric.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Tesla factory workers reveal pain, injury and stress: 'Everything feels like the future but us' | Technology | The Guardian

2017-05-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The appetite for Musk’s electric cars, and his promise to disrupt the 
carbon-reliant automobile industry, has helped Tesla’s value exceed that 
of both Ford and, briefly, General Motors (GM). But some of the human 
workers who share the factory with their robotic counterparts complain 
of grueling work pressure they attribute to Musk’s aggressive production 
goals, and sometimes life-changing injuries.

Ambulances have been called more than 100 times since 2014 for workers 
experiencing fainting spells, dizziness, seizures, abnormal breathing 
and chest pains, according to incident reports obtained by the Guardian. 
Hundreds more were called for injuries and other medical issues.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Hanford is Ripe for a Radioactive Explosion

2017-05-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Reading Capital Today | Michael Roberts Blog

2017-05-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Over the next few months, I shall try to critique Harvey’s and other 
scholars’ analysis as we head towards the Capital.150 symposium.  But 
you can see some of the differences that I and other scholars have 
already raised with Harvey’s views, particularly on the causes of crises 

David Harvey’s contribution to understanding Marx’s great work has been 
invaluable.  But there are other readings that have also made an 
important contribution, if less well known.  For example, out in Los 
Angeles, Frieda Afary, a philosophy MA and librarian, has been 
conducting community-based readings of Capital throughout this year.

But perhaps, the most useful guide in reading Capital today is a new 
book by Joseph Choonara, A Reader’s Guide to Marx’s Capital (not 
published until July).  Choonara takes the reader through each chapter 
of Volume One with some clarifying analysis and relevant comment to 
help.  Choonara says that “It is designed to be read in parallel with 
Capital itself, with each chapter of this book consulted either before 
or after digesting the relevant sections of Marx’s work.”  The aim, 
unlike that of Harvey’s more comprehensive approach in his video 
lectures, is “instead to dwell on those areas that are the most vital to 
an overall understanding of the work and those that most often confuse, 
drawing on my own experience teaching Capital to left-wing audiences of 
students and workers over the past decade”.  For, in Choonara’s view, 
Marx attempted in Capital to see capitalism from the point of view of 
labour and aimed for a working-class audience.  Capital clearly does the 
former, but whether it achieved its aim of reaching working class 
readers is more doubtful.  Choonara’s guide can help here.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Who’s Afraid of the White Working Class?: On Joan C. Williams’s “White Working Class: Overcoming Class Cluelessness in America” - Los Angeles Review of Books

2017-05-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A while back John Emerson, a Rutgers professor and FB friend, posted a 
link to an article by Joan Williams explaining why her father and other 
white workers were voting for Trump. I called the article bullshit as 
did most other of Emerson's friends in a lengthy thread. Here is my good 
comrade and friend David Roediger's take on Williams that should be 
*very* interesting.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Nearly half of U.S. voters support Trump impeachment, poll shows - NY Daily News

2017-05-18 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Their system tried hard to offer us something better than Trump in
2015-16.  Not only did it fail, but it is no closer to having anything
better with which to replace him.

Republican elders have been rejected repeatedly or, like the younger ones,
simply not that widely trusted.  They are producing a large number of
fresh-faced women and spokesmodels of color among the GOP consultants,
strategists and commentators circulating through the 24/7 news shows.  And
the Democrats really have nothing more to offer than they did before.
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Re: [Marxism] "Leninism" and Scientology [was: Reflections on the “party question”]

2017-05-18 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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It takes political conditions that have to ask "the party question" of us.
Otherwise, it's entirely an abstraction of dubious meaning shared among a
relative handful of people.  We should keep the matter in mind, of course,
but until there's serious movements (and I don't mean things that fall dead
on their face because the Democrats ask them to), nothing is forcing an
answer to that question.

The American equivalent of the Chartists, the old land reformers merit
consideration in this, along with--and, perhaps especially, the political
abolitionists.  After some initial false starts, these forces combined
their efforts in a numerically small but broad electoral effort that denied
both the Democrats and Whigs majorities in the wake of the Mexican War.
Starting in New York and then in Massachusetts, they began what became an
unraveling of the two-party system--that is, the legitimated the idea of
not voting for either of the proslavery parties.

The strength of raising the question of slavery in a political way became
widespread enough that it posed "the party question" in a serious way.

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