[Marxism] Support Ursula Ní Shionnáin

2017-07-03 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Ursula is a member of the socialist-republican current éirígíand is
currently serving a stretch for possession of weapons. She is also studying
for a PhD while in prison. A sponsored event is being held to help her with
her course costs.

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[Marxism] Doug Greene, The Oath: The Story of the Jewish Bund

2017-07-03 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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In the early twentieth century, the largest socialist organization in Russia 
was the Jewish Bund, numbering tens of thousands, who were willing to fight, 
arms in hand, for the liberation of Jews. While the Bund fostered the national 
identity and dignity of Russian Jews, they were also committed Marxists, who 
viewed Jewish emancipation as intimately linked to a worldwide socialist 

Continued at:

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

How To Remove Eye Bags & Lip Lines Fast (Watch)
Fit Mom Daily

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[Marxism] New York Times Runs Editorial Today on the Mega Banks: You Need to Pay Attention

2017-07-03 Thread Richard Sprout via Marxism
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[Marxism] Paul Robeson and Wales

2017-07-03 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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I enjoyed he article.  It certainly shows the transformative power of struggle.
Just this week I saw Pride, the movie about the connection between gay and 
lesbian activists and the miners strike of 1984.
Yet another inspiring example.
ken h


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[Marxism] Fwd: [pen-l] Fightback interview with Niki Ashton

2017-07-03 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Subject: [pen-l] Fightback interview with Niki Ashton
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2017 11:07:55 -0700
From: Marv Gandall 
To: Socialist Project , Pen-L Economics 
, united-resist-victoria 

Fightback, the Canadian Marxist group, has posted a remarkable interview 
with Niki Ashton, currently vying for the leadership of the federal New 
Democrat Party.
In particular, see her uncompromising comments on Palestine and on 
public ownership of the finance, energy, and pharmaceutical industries, 
which boldly sets her apart from the other candidates.

Ashton’s campaign, which is gaining momentum, is modelled on the Sanders 
and Corbyn insurgencies which unexpectedly served as a catalyst to bring 
together left-wing activists in and around in around the left-centre 
parties in the US and UK.

As always, how these grassroots movements will evolve is unclear, but 
they’re reintroducing socialist ideas and activity into mainstream 
politics, and deserve support and encouragement on that basis alone.


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[Marxism] Kemalist-led march for justice

2017-07-03 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, July 3 2017
On the Road With Protesters Marching Across Turkey to Condemn Erdogan’s 


ON HIGHWAY E-5, Turkey — Next to a busy road in an uncelebrated part of 
northern Anatolia, Aykut Erdogdu, a Turkish lawmaker, nursed his 
bandaged, blistered foot. Beside him, another Turkish lawmaker tended to 
a bleeding toe that had turned slightly purple.

This unlikely scene was being repeated dozens of times in this crowded 
area by the road, where roughly 30 lawmakers from Turkey’s main 
opposition party, as well as about a thousand members of the public, 
were suffering from sore soles.

It was Day 14 of the March for Justice, an epic trudge started by the 
Republican People’s Party, or C.H.P., that began in Ankara, the capital, 
on June 15 and is scheduled to end some 250 miles later — as the crow 
flies — in Istanbul on next Sunday.

By day they walk about 15 miles, and by night they sleep in rented 
caravans or hotels. In recent days, the marchers slogged up a mountain 
in the rain, and one died of a heart attack on the way. Here on Highway 
E-5, they have finally reached some flat farmland, but now have to walk 
in the blazing sun. Nevertheless, their numbers are swelling, with over 
10,000 new marchers reported since a New York Times journalist visited 
them last week.

As Mr. Erdogdu and his colleagues have found, there is little romance in 
the physical act of plodding for so long in heat that has often 
approached 100 degrees. But for some, the march has huge metaphorical 
meaning, prompting comparisons with the Salt March, the walk Mohandas K. 
Gandhi took to the Indian coast in 1930 to protest British colonial 
rule, which thousands of others joined.

Turkey’s marchers, led by the C.H.P.’s mild-mannered leader, Kemal 
Kilicdaroglu, are demonstrating against a more Turkish form of 
injustice. After a failed military coup last summer, President Recep 
Tayyip Erdogan’s government declared a state of emergency to allow the 
authorities to quickly round up people accused of plotting the coup. But 
the state of emergency has since been expanded to stifle most forms of 
legitimate opposition, in what Mr. Kilicdaroglu described in a roadside 
interview as “a civilian coup.”

And it is this crackdown that Mr. Kilicdaroglu and his fellow marchers 
are protesting: the arrest of 50,000 people — including, by several 
counts, more than 170 journalists and over a dozen lawmakers — and the 
dismissal or suspension of more than 140,000 Turkish workers, including 
several thousand academics as well as tens of thousands of teachers, 
prosecutors and civil servants who were believed to be critical of 
Turkey’s authoritarian, religiously conservative government.

As the first act of mass defiance against this purge, the march is 
currently “the biggest event in Turkish political life,” said one 
marcher, Sukru Kucuksahin. Once a prominent Turkish journalist, Mr. 
Kucuksahin has been jobless since being fired from a leading newspaper 
for writing columns critical of the government.

“The leader of the opposition,” Mr. Kucuksahin added with a hint of 
amazement, as if he could not quite believe what he was saying, “is 
marching from Ankara to Istanbul.”

The march is all the more surprising because Mr. Kilicdaroglu had 
previously been wary of unconventional forms of political opposition. 
Some have even argued that Mr. Erdogan’s continued electoral success is 
in part the result of Mr. Kilicdaroglu’s lack of dynamism and creativity.

But unusual times call for unusual measures. A recent referendum measure 
that gave Mr. Erdogan sweeping new powers highlighted the futility of 
following the conventional tactics of opposition. The vote was marred by 
voting irregularities, and the campaign that preceded it was not 
contested on a level playing field. Mr. Erdogan has also ruled by decree 
since the failed coup, undermining the role of Parliament and Mr. 
Kilicdaroglu’s role within it.

“With the current changes it is impossible for the opposition to talk in 
Parliament,” Mr. Kilicdaroglu said during a roadside interview. “The 
opposition has to look for other places to do its work, and in this 
case, it’s the march.”

As the C.H.P. is often criticized for failing to connect with citizens, 
the march is also an attempt to reach out beyond its traditional 
secularist base and build a broader coalition against Mr. Erdogan.

The route takes marchers through Turkey’s conservative heartlands that, 
as one C.H.P. official, Yurter Ozcan, said, “I would never in million 
years have even thought I’d drive through.”

As they walk, the marchers have eschewed all party bran

[Marxism] TRANSCEND MEDIA SERVICE » America at War since 9/11: Reality or Reality TV?

2017-07-03 Thread Richard Sprout via Marxism
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[Marxism] With Social Media, Vietnam’s Dissidents Grow Bolder Despite Crackdown

2017-07-03 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(So Vietnam jailed a blogger who exposed how a corporate polluter's 
chemical spill killed fish. Didn't expect this to be happening 50 years 
later after becoming an antiwar activist in 1967. Then again, I expected 
to be living in a socialist America.)

NY Times, July 3 2017
With Social Media, Vietnam’s Dissidents Grow Bolder Despite Crackdown

HANOI, Vietnam — A prominent blogger and environmental activist in 
Vietnam was sentenced last week to 10 years in prison on charges of 
national security offenses, including sharing anti-state propaganda on 
social media.

Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, better known by her online handle Mother 
Mushroom, had been held incommunicado since she was arrested in October, 
and attendance at her trial was strictly controlled.

But barely one hour after the verdict was handed down on Thursday, one 
of Ms. Quynh’s lawyers summarized his arguments and posted her final 
statement at the trial to his 61,000 Facebook followers.

“I hope that everyone will speak up and fight, overcome their own fears 
to build a better country,” she said, according to the lawyer. The 
statement was reposted thousands of times.

In authoritarian Vietnam, the internet has become the de facto forum for 
the country’s growing number of dissenting voices. Facebook connections 
in particular have mobilized opposition to government policies; they 
played a key role in mass protests against the state’s handling of an 
environmental disaster last year. Now, the government is tightening its 
grip on the internet, arresting and threatening bloggers, and pressing 
Facebook and YouTube to censor what appears on their sites.

“Facebook is being used as an organizing tool, as a self-publishing 
platform, as a monitoring device for people when they are being detained 
and when they get released,” said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director 
for Human Rights Watch.

Facebook is being used “to connect communities that otherwise wouldn’t 
be connected,” he said.

Nguyen Anh Tuan, 27, a pro-democracy activist, said the growing number 
of dissidents forging connections through social media had emboldened him.

The first time the police interrogated him in 2011, he said, he felt 
utterly alone. His parents and friends disapproved of his political 
writings, and he knew few other people he could turn to for help.

Mr. Tuan still faces police harassment and his passport has been 
confiscated. But the most recent time he was called in for questioning, 
he posted a copy of the summons to Facebook, along with a satirical note 
demanding to be paid for the time he spent in custody.

His note went viral, and other people followed suit, posting their own 
police summonses on Facebook and asking for compensation. “Regarding 
activism, I cannot feel lonely anymore,” he said.

Vietnam’s Facebook users — who now number 45 million, almost half the 
country’s population — use the site to organize prison visits and vigils 
outside police stations for detainees, and to solicit donations for 
political prisoners. And dissidents are increasingly migrating political 
and personal blogs, which can be easily blocked by the government, onto 
Facebook, which is so widely used that blocking it entirely would not be 

Mr. Tuan helps run a fund that supports the families of prisoners of 
conscience, including Ms. Quynh’s mother and two young children. He said 
that much of the support now came from people inside the country sending 
money from their personal bank accounts, which the state can trace. In 
the past, he said, overseas Vietnamese communities drove most of the 
dissent and supplied most of the money.

“They know very well that they could be checked by the government, but 
they dare to do it,” he said of his local donors.

That has not gone unnoticed by the government, which is also asserting 
its authority in new ways. Ms. Quynh is one of over 100 bloggers and 
activists jailed in Vietnam, according to Human Rights Watch. Pham Minh 
Hoang, another popular blogger, was stripped of his citizenship and 
deported last week to France, where he also holds citizenship.

The government has strategically cut access to Facebook when protests 
are expected, and earlier this year asked both Facebook and YouTube to 
help it eliminate fake accounts and other “toxic” content, like 
anti-government material, saying it had identified up to 8,000 YouTube 
videos that fit that description, according to the local newspaper Tuoi 
Tre. The government also warned Vietnamese companies that their ads must 
not appear next to that sort of content.

Facebook has said its policy is to abide by local laws, al

[Marxism] Fwd: The War Show | POV | PBS

2017-07-03 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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PBS Premiere: July 3, 2017

Radio host Obaidah Zytoon captures the fate of Syria through the 
intimate lens of a small circle of friends and journalists. Beginning 
with peaceful Arab Spring protests in 2011, The War Show offers a 
four-year, ground-level look at how the country spiraled into bloody 
civil war. Official Selection of the 2016 Toronto International Film 

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[Marxism] Fwd: TONIGHT 7/3 ON PBS: Friends Face Down the Syrian Regime in THE WAR SHOW, Second Week of POV's 30th Season; Debut Venice & Toronto Festivals

2017-07-03 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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 Forwarded Message 
Subject: 	TONIGHT 7/3 ON PBS: Friends Face Down the Syrian Regime in THE 
WAR SHOW, Second Week of POV's 30th Season; Debut Venice & Toronto Festivals

Date:   Mon, 3 Jul 2017 14:18:11 +
From:   Adam Segal / The 2050 Group Publicity 
Reply-To:   Adam Segal / The 2050 Group Publicity 
To: l...@panix.com

TONIGHT 7/3 ON PBS: Friends Face Down the Syrian Regime in THE WAR SHOW, 
Second Week of POV's 30th Season; Debut Venice & Toronto Festivals

*REMINDER FOR TONIGHT 7/3 ON PBS: *This outstanding documentary feature 
*THE WAR SHOW*, which screened to audience and critical acclaim at the 
_Venice Film Festival_ and the _Toronto International Film Festival_, 
will have its _national television debut_ on PBS television series POV 
on TONIGHT: JULY 3 (part of a series of films kicking off POV's 30th 
season focusing on the human impacts of the Syrian war). Please see the 
announcement below.

This TV debut is the first opportunity American viewers nationwide will 
have to see this outstanding film that /Variety/ calls "deeply 
affecting" and "a heart-rending attempt to document what cannot be 

– Adam Segal, The 2050 Group - Publicity


*Friends Face Down Syrian Regime in
/The War Show/, Airing TONIGHT: July 3, 2017 on POV & Streaming for Free 
for 30 Days at POV.org*

/*Film depicts, in personal terms, the ongoing destruction in this 
strife-torn country*/

"A deeply affecting documentary of the Syrian conflict told from the 
standpoint of a former radio DJ and her friends."*
“There will be many documentaries on Syria. The country’s tragedies are 
like a million-headed Hydra, each deserving its own story, told in its 
own way. But the world becomes increasingly numbed, which is why a 
documentary like /The War Show/ is so essential, at regular intervals."

– Jay Weisberg, /Variety/



Syria’s Arab Spring, like other similar movements in the region, began 
with hope. In early 2011, autocratic governments throughout the Middle 
East and North Africa seemed to be on the verge of receding peacefully, 
and Syrian protestors massed to demonstrate against the regime of 
President Bashar Al-Assad. The uprising quickly gave way to conflict, 
however, and by 2016 the Syrian civil war had claimed 470,000 lives and 
displaced 11 million people.

The new documentary *The War Show *focuses on some of the idealists who 
joined the early Syrian resistance. Co-director and narrator Obaidah 
Zytoon, a Damascus activist and radio broadcaster, turns her camera on 
her friends, a close-knit group of millennials who like listening to 
classic rock, hanging out on the beach and organizing anti-Assad 
protests. “We were united in hatred of subordination and love of 
uniqueness,” Zytoon says.

Zytoon and Andreas Dalsgaard’s *The War Show *has its national broadcast 
premiere on the PBS documentary series *POV (Point of View) this Monday, 
July 3, 2017*.

POV is American television's longest-running independent documentary 
series, now in its 30th season.

*The War Show, *which premiered at the 2016 Venice Film Festival and won 
the Venice Days Award,**is the second feature film in a special *POV 
*series highlighting the ongoing Syrian and refugee crises.

*The War Show *begins in 2011. Civil war has not yet engulfed Syria, and 
activists demonstrate peacefully. In one early scene, a boisterous group 
of protesters sing and chant anti-Assad slogans. Zytoon’s friends, also 
carrying cameras, are grinning ear to ear as the early optimism of the 
Arab Spring seems to foretell a peaceful, secular revolution: “Muslims 
and Christians, freedom for all!” they cry.

Zytoon describes her young friends as they hang out and discuss plans. 
Houssam is an architecture student, Rabea a drummer, Lulu

[Marxism] Fwd: How to Cut Through the Info Wars on Syria – Leila Hudson – Medium

2017-07-03 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] American Socialist news

2017-07-03 Thread Yitztyco--- via Marxism
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Fellow contributors I thank you for your support. We have distribution  
from First Run Features which secures us reaching a much wider audience than I  
anticipated. They are considered one of the top film distributors in the 
world  for independent films. With their help this film will be seen across 
the United  States and hopefully around the world. 
peace - zay gezint Yale
PS: If you know people in any of these cities please tell them about the  
July 5 at Laborfest in San Francisco _www.laborfest.org_ 
(http://www.laborfest.org/)  7pm I will be  there.
July 9 in Madrid as part of the Madrid International Film Festival
Aug. 19th at 7pm in Wash. D.C. at the Jewish Community Center. I will be  

_www.yalestrom.com_ (http://www.yalestrom.com/) 
_www.hotpstromi.com_ (http://www.hotpstromi.com/) 
_www.commonchordsmusic.com_ (http://www.commonchordsmusic.com/) 
"To  compel a man to work for less than a living wage is truly an act of 
injustice as  to pick his pocket" John A. Ryan (1906)
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[Marxism] Fwd: Deliveryman given noose by NYC butcher can't return to work: suit - NY Daily News

2017-07-03 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Ron Kuby, what an asshole.)

The butcher’s lawyer, Ron Kuby, said there was no malice attached to the 
bad “joke” and that Sheppard’s complaints about his ability to work boil 
down to nothing more than an attempt to make money off of the incident 
through a lawsuit.

“There’s no reason for this man to quit his job besides the reason that 
suing is easier than working,” Kuby said.

Kuby admits the noose ordeal was “hateful and deplorable” but argues it 
was an inappropriate prank and not a crime.

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[Marxism] Fwd: It wasn't just Greece: Archaeologists find early democratic societies in the Americas | Science | AAAS

2017-07-03 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: A significant contribution to an understanding of Permanent Revolution | Imam Samroni

2017-07-03 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Review of a collection of articles on Trotsky's theory posted by an 
Indonesian blogger.

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[Marxism] Fwd: The Canary and conspiracies — the case of the Khan Sheikhoun chemical attack

2017-07-03 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Is the refugee “crisis” a stealth attack on the Balkans? ~ conversations with Andrew Korybko. | The Wall Will Fall

2017-07-03 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Nativist filth on Vanessa Beeley's blog.)

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[Marxism] On the 4th Anniversary of the Military Coup in Egypt on 3 July 2013

2017-07-03 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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A Video Statement

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT, www.thecommunists.net)
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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[Marxism] 150th anniversary of 'Capital' - Korsch's view of 'Capital'

2017-07-03 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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"Marx’s book on capital, like Plato’s book on the state, like Machiavelli’s
Prince and Rousseau’s Social Contract, owes its tremendous and enduring
impact to the fact that it grasps and articulates, at a turning point of
history, the full implications of the new force breaking in upon the old
forms of life. All the economic, political, and social questions, upon
which the analysis in Marx’s Capital theoretically devolves, are today
world-shaking practical issues, over which the real-life struggle between
great social forces, between states and classes, rages in every corner of
the earth. . ."

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