[Marxism] G20 Summit: A Symbol for Global Capitalism and its Crisis

2017-07-10 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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[Marxism] In Israel Labor Activism Is Fighting Inequality | Pulitzer Center

2017-07-10 Thread Richard Sprout via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: British Capitalist Class, Corbyn and Momentum: Upda te from Britain

2017-07-10 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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I suppose if Corbyn become PM we might get to see something like this playout 
in real life.

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

-- Original Message --
From: Louis Proyect via Marxism 
To: Jim Farmelant 
Subject: [Marxism] Fwd: British Capitalist Class, Corbyn and Momentum: Update 
from Britain
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2017 13:40:55 -0400

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Final Photos Taken Seconds Before Tragedy Struck

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[Marxism] Fwd: Donald Trump Jr. Has Hired A Lawyer Who Has Handled Organized Crime And Cybercrime Cases

2017-07-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Steven Zunes on Syria

2017-07-10 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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There are some bloggers who are part of certain small sectarian groups
and/or have gone on Syrian-government-sponsored tours who call themselves
"independent journalists," but they essentially embrace the Syrian
government's line and have little credibility. (In these tours,
participants rely on government-provided translators, cannot interview
anyone independently without a government minder present, only visit areas
under government control and do not meet with any genuine dissidents.)


The Syrian government is essentially a family dictatorship rooted in the
anti-leftist military wing of the Ba'ath Party. Virtually the only
"liberalization" that has taken place under the younger Assad has been
economic, privatizing once-public assets to various crony capitalists who
pledge fealty to the regime. Just because the United States and other
Western governments oppose a particular leader out of their hypocritical
imperialist interests doesn't thereby make that leader "progressive."


*Seymour Hersh has just reported that Trump knew of the Assad "false flag"
concerning chemical weapons and bombed Syria anyway. This is not to mean
that Assad doesn't terrorize his own people, but was this simply done to
show that Trump is a "tough guy"?*

I've been a fan of Sy Hersh for decades, but I've actually been pretty
skeptical of much of his reporting on Syria. Evidence of Syrian government
culpability in both chemical weapons attacks is pretty strong (including
from credible non-US sources which have also been critical of war crimes by
the United States and its allies). Regarding Hersh's article in Die Welt
I generally find evidence from medical professionals, forensic experts,
independent strategic analysts and reputable human rights groups more
credible than a single article rejected by the journal that originally
assigned it because they found it based primarily on unnamed sources, and
therefore unconvincing.

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Re: [Marxism] Shunned During Her Period, Nepali Woman Dies of Snakebite

2017-07-10 Thread MF Kalfat via Marxism
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> ​ Women in the Menstruation Huts: Variations in Preserving Purification
> Customs among Ethiopian Immigrants
> ​ http://www.jstor.org/stable/20487899?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents ​
> --
> Message: 12
> Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2017 09:33:54 -0400
> From: Louis Proyect 
> To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
> Subject: [Marxism] Shunned During Her Period, Nepali Woman Dies of
> Snakebite
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> (So whatever happened to the Maoist revolution that was supposed to
> transform Nepal?)
> NY Times, July 10 2017
> Shunned During Her Period, Nepali Woman Dies of Snakebite
> KATHMANDU, Nepal ? Every month when her period came, Tulasi Shahi was
> sent to stay in her uncle?s hut, the one where he keeps his cows tied
> up, in a village in the Dailekh district in western Nepal. This month
> was no different. She slept there on wooden boards laid on the ground,
> in keeping with a tradition known as chhaupadi that sequesters
> menstruating women from their families.
> But while she was in the hut on Thursday night, Ms. Shahi, 18, was
> bitten by a poisonous snake. Her mother took her to a shaman, but he
> could not cure her. Then she was taken to a health clinic, but workers
> did not have the antivenom medicine she needed, her family said.
> Ms. Shahi died early Friday morning.
> ?If she was given proper treatment, she would have survived,? said
> Kamala Shahi, a cousin of Ms. Shahi?s who works at a government health
> post. ?She died because of superstition.?
> The Supreme Court of Nepal ordered an end to chhaupadi, which is linked
> to Hinduism, in 2005. But it is still practiced in many of Nepal?s
> isolated villages, particularly in the west. A bill is pending in
> Parliament to formally criminalize the practice. Many people in rural
> villages believe that menstruating women are impure and can bring bad
> luck on a household. Under the chhaupadi tradition, the women are kept
> from taking part in normal family activities and social gatherings or
> from entering houses, kitchens and temples.
> A Nepali government survey in 2010, cited in a State Department human
> rights report, found that 19 percent of women in the country aged 15 to
> 49 practiced chhaupadi, and the proportion rose to 50 percent in the
> midwestern and far western regions.
> The practice has its dangers: Women must often brave winter cold or
> summer heat in rude huts where they are vulnerable to human and animal
> intruders.
> Anita Gyawali, an official responsible for women?s issues in Dailekh,
> said that another teenage girl died in the district about six weeks ago,
> also from a snakebite, while staying in a menstrual hut. And a
> 15-year-old girl in another part of the country died in a menstrual shed
> in December; local news reports said she was killed by smoke inhalation
> after lighting a fire in the hut to keep warm.
> ?Young girls feel guilty,? Ms. Gyawali said. ?They are forced to follow
> this tradition by their parents and religion.?
> Ms. Shahi?s family said she did not object to the practice. ?I think my
> sister accepted it and followed it because it has been continuing since
> ages,? said her brother Prem Shahi, 24. ?I think she accepted it because
> my grandmother followed it and my mother followed it.?
> Others pointed to lack of education as a factor.
> ?I heard about the incident of Tulasi Shahi,? said Rukmini Acharya, 17,
> who lives in the area and said she had observed a less extreme version
> of the practice. ?I am very sad about it. Girls who stay in a hut face a
> lot of difficulties. It?s all because the parents are illiterate.?
> Radha Paudel, a Kathmandu-based women?s rights activist who focuses on
> menstrual health, said Nepal needed to enact legislation specifically
> outlawing the practice, and to do a better job of spreading awareness of
> its dangers.
> ?There are so many organizations working on this issue,? Ms. Paudel
> said. ?Our president is a woman, the speaker is a woman, and our chief
> justice was a woman. But girls are dying in the shed, and they have to
> live like animals. It?s shameful.?
> Rajneesh Bhandari reported from Kathmandu, and Nida Najar from New Delhi.
> --
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[Marxism] Fwd: Risk | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2017-07-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On July 22nd, Showtime will be premiering Laurie Poitras’s “Risk”, a 
deeply flawed and controversial film about Julian Assange that he has 
described as a “severe threat” to his freedom. Despite Assange’s words, 
the best way to describe the film is as a study in ambivalence. As the 
director of a documentary on Edward Snowden (“Citizenfour”), Poitras and 
Glenn Greenwald made it clear that their sympathies were with the 
whistle-blower. In making what amounted to a companion-piece to that 
film, Poitras adopted a cinéma vérité style that was punctuated by her 
own commentary in very small but highly critical doses. The problem is 
that her negative feelings toward Assange are not exactly supported by 
the footage, which cover familiar territory. Most importantly, you are 
left wondering whether she agreed with James Comey and the Hillary 
Clinton camp that Wikileaks acted as a “cutout” for the Russians who 
provided hacked emails from the candidate’s campaign that supposedly 
elected Donald J. Trump.

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[Marxism] Our aim is independence: Mass protests sweep South Yemen

2017-07-10 Thread mkaradjis . via Marxism
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Very good article about the convergence between social and economic
struggles in southern Yemen and renewed calls for regaining an
independent South Yemen. Hard to say whether that would be a great
thing or not though; for example, the city of Taiz, where the Yemeni
Spring uprising that ousted tyrant Saleh began in 2011, has been a key
centre of resistance against the invasion from the north by Saleh and
his Houthi thugs since 2015, yet it falls outside the borders of the
old 'South Yemen'. The other thing, as the article alludes to, is that
the UAE seems to be trying to ride the southern independence movement
as part of its own rivalry with Saudi Arabia, which backs the official
Hadi government.

Saudis and UAE are of course both enemies of the Yemeni people, but
the complicating fact has been the genuine resistance throughout the
centre and south of Yemen to the brutal Saleh-Houthi invasion and
occupation from the north (basically Saleh's attempt to seize back
power), temporarily putting them in alliance with Saudi/UAE. As the
article makes clear, it has been precisely the successful ejection of
the northern invaders from Aden and the south that has opened the way
for this wave of socio-economic struggles, strikes etc. My fear is
that the UAE can safely ride a southern 'independence' movement -
decades after such a separate south Yemen had any social content -
precisely in order to head off the social/economic struggle and divert
it into a purely regional one.

Our aim is independence: Mass protests sweep South Yemen

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[Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] Self-Immolation, Catalyst of the Arab Spring, Is Now a Grim Trend

2017-07-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, July 10 2017
Self-Immolation, Catalyst of the Arab Spring, Is Now a Grim Trend

TEBOURBA, Tunisia — When Adel Dridi poured gasoline on his head and set 
himself on fire in May, his first thought was of his mother, Dalila, 
whose name is roughly tattooed on his arm. But another person was also 
on his mind: Mohamed Bouazizi, the Tunisian street vendor whose 
self-immolation in 2010 set off the Arab Spring uprisings.

Mr. Dridi, 31, is also a fruit seller, and, like Mr. Bouazizi, he 
snapped after the police spilled his apricots, bananas and strawberries 
on the ground in front of the city hall here in his hometown.

“I wanted to burn myself because I was burning inside,” Mr. Dridi said 
in an interview while lying on a mattress in his family’s home, where he 
was still recovering, his neck and chest scarred by burns. “I wanted to 
die this way.”

Seven years after Mr. Bouazizi’s desperate and dramatic protest helped 
start revolutions across the region, frustration at the failed promise 
of the Arab Spring is widespread. Authoritarian rule has returned to 
Egypt. Libya is a caldron of chaos. Syria and Iraq are torn by civil 
wars. The gulf monarchies are essentially unchanged. Neighboring Algeria 
is paralyzed.

Yet it is a paramount irony that in Tunisia — cradle of the Arab Spring 
and the one country that has the best hope of realizing its aspirations 
for democracy and prosperity — Mr. Bouazizi’s once-extraordinary act has 
become commonplace, whether compelled by anger, depression or bitter 
disappointment, or to publicly challenge the authorities.

Tunisia has advanced more than any other country in the region toward 
freedom and democratic governance, yet it has been largely unable to 
provide hope and opportunity for a better life. Thousands of young 
people have abandoned the country to work abroad or to join the Islamic 

The frustration at that failure has no more gruesome expression than 
Tunisia’s tide of self-immolations.

Cases of self-immolation tripled in the five years after the revolution, 
according to one study. The country’s main burn hospital in Ben Arous, a 
suburb of Tunis, admitted a record 104 patients who had set fire to 
themselves in 2016.

The hospital had seen an average of more than 80 cases a year since 
2011, the surgeon in charge of the burn ward, Dr. Amen Allah Messadine, 
said. The public protest is now the second-most-common form of suicide 
in this country of 11 million people.

“The problem is that it does not decrease,” said Dr. Messadine, who has 
been at the front line of the trend.

For public health officials, the phenomenon is as perplexing as it is 
disturbing. But it is also regarded as a profound measure of the 
unsettling change, economic hardship and lingering sense of injustice 
that define life in Tunisia, even since its democratic revolution.

“This kind of suicide stands more as a dissenting attitude toward the 
post-revolution society, which deeply changed,” said Dr. Mehdi Ben 
Khelil, the forensic pathologist who conducted the study showing how the 
number of self-immolations had increased.

Mr. Dridi, the only breadwinner for his mother and family since the age 
of 14, said he had wanted to do “like Bouazizi” on the morning of May 
10, when police officers ordered him to leave, saying he had not paid 
for his vending spot.

“The police knocked over my stall,” he said. “But it got worse. They 
spilled my fruit and they took me to their car. Inside, they started 
beating me hard. I managed to escape and when I saw the gas station in 
front of me. I did not think twice.”

He splashed gasoline on himself directly from the pump and put a lighter 
to his neck. He was saved by a bus driver who put out the flames with a 
fire extinguisher.

Whereas most suicides before the revolution were for reasons of mental 
health, those since have been driven largely by economic hardship and a 
desire to challenge the authorities. They are often carried out in front 
of administration buildings.

Mr. Dridi had previously tried to burn himself in public in 2012, but 
was stopped by onlookers.

He said he had earned about $400 a month before the revolution, which is 
twice the minimum wage in Tunisia. Now, he said, he never knows how much 
he will sell, or how many times the police will harass him.

Cases like his are a sign of social despair and resentment toward 
officialdom, medical personnel say.

“Most of those who survived told us they just could not take it 
anymore,” said Nadia Ben Slama, a psychologist at the Ben Arous 
hospital. “They frequently used two words in Arabic: el kahra, which 

[Marxism] Shunned During Her Period, Nepali Woman Dies of Snakebite

2017-07-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(So whatever happened to the Maoist revolution that was supposed to 
transform Nepal?)

NY Times, July 10 2017
Shunned During Her Period, Nepali Woman Dies of Snakebite

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Every month when her period came, Tulasi Shahi was 
sent to stay in her uncle’s hut, the one where he keeps his cows tied 
up, in a village in the Dailekh district in western Nepal. This month 
was no different. She slept there on wooden boards laid on the ground, 
in keeping with a tradition known as chhaupadi that sequesters 
menstruating women from their families.

But while she was in the hut on Thursday night, Ms. Shahi, 18, was 
bitten by a poisonous snake. Her mother took her to a shaman, but he 
could not cure her. Then she was taken to a health clinic, but workers 
did not have the antivenom medicine she needed, her family said.

Ms. Shahi died early Friday morning.

“If she was given proper treatment, she would have survived,” said 
Kamala Shahi, a cousin of Ms. Shahi’s who works at a government health 
post. “She died because of superstition.”

The Supreme Court of Nepal ordered an end to chhaupadi, which is linked 
to Hinduism, in 2005. But it is still practiced in many of Nepal’s 
isolated villages, particularly in the west. A bill is pending in 
Parliament to formally criminalize the practice. Many people in rural 
villages believe that menstruating women are impure and can bring bad 
luck on a household. Under the chhaupadi tradition, the women are kept 
from taking part in normal family activities and social gatherings or 
from entering houses, kitchens and temples.

A Nepali government survey in 2010, cited in a State Department human 
rights report, found that 19 percent of women in the country aged 15 to 
49 practiced chhaupadi, and the proportion rose to 50 percent in the 
midwestern and far western regions.

The practice has its dangers: Women must often brave winter cold or 
summer heat in rude huts where they are vulnerable to human and animal 

Anita Gyawali, an official responsible for women’s issues in Dailekh, 
said that another teenage girl died in the district about six weeks ago, 
also from a snakebite, while staying in a menstrual hut. And a 
15-year-old girl in another part of the country died in a menstrual shed 
in December; local news reports said she was killed by smoke inhalation 
after lighting a fire in the hut to keep warm.

“Young girls feel guilty,” Ms. Gyawali said. “They are forced to follow 
this tradition by their parents and religion.”

Ms. Shahi’s family said she did not object to the practice. “I think my 
sister accepted it and followed it because it has been continuing since 
ages,” said her brother Prem Shahi, 24. “I think she accepted it because 
my grandmother followed it and my mother followed it.”

Others pointed to lack of education as a factor.

“I heard about the incident of Tulasi Shahi,” said Rukmini Acharya, 17, 
who lives in the area and said she had observed a less extreme version 
of the practice. “I am very sad about it. Girls who stay in a hut face a 
lot of difficulties. It’s all because the parents are illiterate.”

Radha Paudel, a Kathmandu-based women’s rights activist who focuses on 
menstrual health, said Nepal needed to enact legislation specifically 
outlawing the practice, and to do a better job of spreading awareness of 
its dangers.

“There are so many organizations working on this issue,” Ms. Paudel 
said. “Our president is a woman, the speaker is a woman, and our chief 
justice was a woman. But girls are dying in the shed, and they have to 
live like animals. It’s shameful.”

Rajneesh Bhandari reported from Kathmandu, and Nida Najar from New Delhi.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Trump and Assad's fascist manual: 101 - fake news

2017-07-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Neomi Rao, the Scholar Who Will Help Lead Trump’s Regulatory Overhaul - The New York Times

2017-07-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Why Republicans will stick with Trump through thick and thin.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Josh Walker Fought Against ISIS. He Almost Got Killed. Now He’s Charged With Terrorism.

2017-07-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: The Fallacy of Endless Economic Growth - Pacific Standard

2017-07-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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