[Marxism] Fwd: Trump Comments on Race Open Breach With C.E.O.s, Military and G.O.P. - The New York Times

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[Marxism] Fwd: Eric Foner: White Nationalists, Neo-Confederates, and Donald Trump | The Nation

2017-08-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Trump Lawyer Forwards Email Echoing Secessionist Rhetoric - The New York Times

2017-08-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Arch-neoconservative rips Trump a new asshole

2017-08-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Rupert Murdoch's tabloid.)

NY Post
Trump’s horrifying ‘take three’ on Charlottesville
By John Podhoretz August 15, 2017 | 7:28pm | Updated

On Tuesday afternoon, we learned yet again that the president of the 
United States is against neo-Nazis, which is nice. They’re “very rough,” 
he said at an impromptu Trump Tower press conference — by which he 
likely meant some of the people he saw on TV in Charlottesville this 
past Saturday had beards and leather jackets and swastika tattoos and 
were overweight.

The night before, by contrast, Trump said there had been some “very good 
people” rallying with “a permit” by a statue of Robert E. Lee in 
Charlottesville. Maybe he thought so because the photographs we all saw 
showed clean-cut young men in Polo shirts and Dockers.

The rest of us also saw them engaging in Nazi salutes and carrying torches.

Those images seem to have eluded the president.

The president suggested many had been there on Friday night because they 
cared deeply about the fact that a Robert E. Lee statue in a 
Charlottesville park is due to be moved.

Trump did not note that they were not locals with aesthetic concerns but 
rather had been summoned from all over the country under the slogan 
“Unite the Right.”

The ad promoting the “Unite the Right” rally, which ran on far-right 
websites all week, did not even mention the statue. It was designed to 
evoke a fascist poster with birds similar to the Nazi eagle in the sky 
over the marchers and Confederate flags taking the place of swastikas.

It invited people to join speakers like Mike Enoch, who hosts a podcast 
called “The Daily Shoah.” And Augustus Invictus, an alt-right figure who 
once said, “I have prophesied for years that I was born for a Great War; 
that if I did not witness the coming of the Second American Civil War I 
would begin it myself.” And Christopher Cantwell, who calls himself a 
“fascist,” along with Johnny Monoxide, who just labels himself “fashy.” 
And Michael Hill, an ex-professor who said, in 2015, “Never 
underestimate the perfidy of the organized Jew.” And Matt Heimbach, who 
says only 27,000 Jews were killed in the Holocaust.

The march’s own organizer, Jason Kessler, described the view of those 
who wanted to move the statue thus: “You don’t give a damn about white 
people. You people are implementing policies which are displacing us in 
our home countries, and we will not be allowed to survive.”

The president did something absolutely horrifying in that press 
conference. He bristled at the use of the term “alt-right” by a reporter 
and demanded to know from her what she meant by it. He drew a 
distinction between the neo-Nazis — “very rough” — and the members of 
the alt-right who rallied with torches on Friday night, chanting “Jews 
shall not replace us.”

It was this group, these alt-rightniks, that Trump said featured “some 
very good people.” By saying this, he was not only committing an infamy. 
He actually seemed to be doing constituent service for a group that 
supported him.

As David French writes, “When Trump carves [the alt-right] away from the 
Nazis and distinguishes them from the neo-Confederates, he’s doing 
exactly what they want. He’s making them respectable. He’s making them 

That such words could actually emerge from the mouth of the president of 
the United States is one of the most disheartening facts of my lifetime.

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[Marxism] Fwd: What strategies will stop the far right? | SocialistWorker.org

2017-08-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Portland's social justice community did the left everywhere a great 
service by refusing to buckle in the face of calls to demobilize. It 
showed that the far right won't go unopposed, even if city officials 
prefer that outcome, by creating a space for people to make their voices 
heard, despite the understandable fear many felt in the white 
supremacist's stabbing spree.

That fear can be compounded by the tactics pursued by some on the 
left--known as "Antifa" or Black Bloc--who seek to engage in street 
fighting with the neo-Nazis.

Though this approach appears to contrast with the liberal case for not 
protesting or protesting away from the far right, the outcome can be the 
same--namely, undermining the basis for a mass mobilization against the 
far right by people who can and should be organized to confront the 

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[Marxism] Fwd: A Split at the Top: The Bourgeoisie Begins to Abandon Trump | New Politics

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[Marxism] When Jack Daniel’s Failed to Honor a Slave, an Author Rewrote History

2017-08-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, August 16 2017
When Jack Daniel’s Failed to Honor a Slave, an Author Rewrote History

LYNCHBURG, Tenn. — Fawn Weaver was on vacation in Singapore last summer 
when she first read about Nearest Green, the Tennessee slave who taught 
Jack Daniel how to make whiskey.

Green’s existence had long been an open secret, but in 2016 
Brown-Forman, the company that owns the Jack Daniel Distillery here, 
made international headlines with its decision to finally embrace 
Green’s legacy and significantly change its tours to emphasize his role.

“It was jarring that arguably one of the most well-known brands in the 
world was created, in part, by a slave,” said Ms. Weaver, 40, an 
African-American real estate investor and author.

Determined to see the changes herself, she was soon on a plane from her 
home in Los Angeles to Nashville. But when she got to Lynchburg, she 
found no trace of Green. “I went on three tours of the distillery, and 
nothing, not a mention of him,” she said.

Rather than leave, Ms. Weaver dug in, determined to uncover more about 
Green and persuade Brown-Forman to follow through on its promise to 
recognize his role in creating America’s most famous whiskey. She rented 
a house in downtown Lynchburg, and began contacting Green’s descendants, 
dozens of whom still live in the area.

Scouring archives in Tennessee, Georgia and Washington, D.C., she 
created a timeline of Green’s relationship with Daniel, showing how 
Green had not only taught the whiskey baron how to distill, but had also 
gone to work for him after the Civil War, becoming what Ms. Weaver 
believes is the first black master distiller in America. By her count, 
she has collected 10,000 documents and artifacts related to Daniel and 
Green, much of which she has agreed to donate to the new National Museum 
of African American History and Culture in Washington.

Through that research, she also located the farm where the two men began 
distilling — and bought it, along with a four-acre parcel in the center 
of town that she intends to turn into a memorial park. She even 
discovered that Green’s real name was Nathan; Nearest (not Nearis, as 
has often been reported) was a nickname.

She is writing a book about Green, and last month introduced Uncle 
Nearest 1856, a whiskey produced on contract by another Tennessee 
distillery; she says she will apply the bulk of any profits toward her 
expanding list of Green-related projects.

Ms. Weaver’s biggest success, however, came in May, when Brown-Forman 
officially recognized Green as its first master distiller, nearly a year 
after the company vowed to start sharing Green’s legacy. (Daniel is now 
listed as its second master distiller.)

“It’s absolutely critical that the story of Nearest gets added to the 
Jack Daniel story,” Mark I. McCallum, the president of Jack Daniel’s 
Brands at Brown-Forman, said in an interview.

The company’s decision to recognize its debt to a slave, first reported 
last year by The New York Times, is a momentous turn in the history of 
Southern foodways. Even as black innovators in Southern cooking and 
agriculture are beginning to get their due, the tale of American whiskey 
is still told as a whites-only affair, about Scots-Irish settlers who 
brought Old World distilling knowledge to the frontier states of 
Tennessee and Kentucky.

Green’s story changes all that by showing how enslaved people likely 
provided the brains as well as the brawn in what was an arduous, 
dangerous and highly technical operation.

According to Ms. Weaver, Green was rented out by his owners, a firm 
called Landis & Green, to farmers around Lynchburg, including Dan Call, 
a wealthy landowner and preacher who also employed a teenager named Jack 
Daniel to help make whiskey. Green, already adept at distilling, took 
Daniel under his wing and, after the Civil War and the end of slavery, 
went to work for him in his fledgling whiskey operation.

In all likelihood, there were many other men like Green, scattered 
around the South. Records are spotty, though references to slaves 
skilled in distilling and whiskey making pop up in slave sales and 
runaway-slave ads from the early 19th century. But only one of them 
helped found a whiskey brand that today generates about $3 billion a 
year in revenue.

The company had intended to recognize Green’s role as master distiller 
last year as part of its 150th anniversary celebration, Mr. McCallum 
said, but decided to put off any changes amid the racially charged 
run-up to the 2016 election. “I thought we would be accused of making a 
big deal about it for commercial gain,” he said.

It didn’t 

[Marxism] Fwd: Yassin al-Haj Saleh's 'The Impossible Revolution': An incisive wo

2017-08-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: The Constituent Assembly: Venezuelan Thermidor?

2017-08-16 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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I hope sincerely Comrade Joaquin will not mind me sending this to the
list.  It is truly meant in the best spirit of dialog between comrades.  I
sent his post to my good friend  and comrade Jim McIlroy who is the joint
author of a book on Chavez Voices from Venezuela : behind the Bolivarian
Revolution . 

Jim sent me the post below and agreed that I could send it to the list.



Hi Gary,
  I haven't got time at present to give a detailed commentary on this
[Joaquin's] article, but the general point is that we on the left have to
decide which side we are on in the final instance.

  (This year is the centenary of the Russian Revolution. No doubt there
were similar commentaries by Western leftists about the "undemocratic"
nature of the October Revolution. Maduro is definitely not Lenin, by the
  Whatever the, very real, mistakes of the Maduro government, and their
political weaknesses, the stakes are clear in Venezuela: No volvaran! (No
return to the past!)
  The article is full of errors...eg, contrary to the coverage, the
majority of deaths in the violence have come directly or in-directly from
the right-wing opposition.
  His stuff on the Constituent Assembly is pure sophistry. The analogy with
Thermidor/Bonapartism is ridiculous. The CA may be a turning point in the
crisis, if the masses can successfully move to the centre of Venezuelan
politics again.
  The best source of information on Venezuela is Telesur English,
venezuelanalysis.com, and dare I say Green Left Weekly (a couple of good
articles in there this week).
  I will send you some more material on all this when I get time,


  Jim Mc.

On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 7:02 PM, Gary MacLennan 

> Hi Jim
> What do you think of this?
> ae
> Gary
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Joaquin Bustelo via Marxism 
> Date: Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 5:51 PM
> Subject: [Marxism] The Constituent Assembly: Venezuelan Thermidor?
> To: gary.maclenn...@gmail.com
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> *
> At the outset, I should explain that for many years I did not try to
> follow the Venezuelan Revolution closely, but in the last couple of years I
> have been increasingly forced to do so.
> That because I am the producer and co-host of the program "Hablemos con
> Teodoro." It is a daily 2-hour Spanish-language news, analysis and call-in
> show. Our station is Radio Información, a progressive and now internet-only
> service organized by people from the immigrant rights movement (see the
> footnote for too much information about us).
> For some time I have been disturbed by the seeming direction of the
> Venezuelan process under President Nicolás Maduro. Obviously Venezuela
> faces imperialist hostility and subversion as well as the revanchism of
> traditional ruling class figures and families (Capriles, etc.) who dominate
> the "opposition" and quite obviously look to imperialist backing to fulfill
> their dreams of a return to yesterday's Venezuela.
> After becoming president in 2013, Maduro had at least formally abided by
> Chavez's Bolivarian Constitution for a couple of years, but since last
> year, after losing (and very badly) the National Assembly elections at the
> end of 2005, his government has defied constitutional provisions by
> refusing to accept the authority of the resulting legislature, refusing to
> hold a recall referendum on his mandate, packing the national Electoral
> Commission, etc.
> (But note that the opposition and its National Assembly majority are also
> partly to blame. It was quick to abandon the ground of defending the
> Chavista constitution --especially the recall referendum--, turning instead
> to will of the wisp nostrums like that Maduro by his actions had abandoned
> the presidency.)
> This spring, the Maduro administration adopted an all-but-explicit
> anti-constitutional course, with the Supreme Court proclaiming itself,
> formally, on its own initiative, the national legislature. It was quickly
> forced to abandon the usurpation by very widespread denunciations including
> from within the government, given voice above all by the Attorney General.
> However this was quickly followed by Maduro calling a Constituent 

[Marxism] Fwd: Review of Linda Gordon, 'The Second Coming of the KKK: The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s and the American Political Tradition'

2017-08-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: The KKK Once Gave UVa $1, 000. These Professors Want the University to Admit It. - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2017-08-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: In Praise of Kenneth Patchen - The Awl

2017-08-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Patchen was no starry-eyed, ivory-tower dweeb. He was born in 1911 in 
blue-collar northeastern Ohio, the son of a mill worker and a devoutly 
Catholic housewife mom, and he remained a champion of workers, the 
downtrodden and the marginalized all his life. He was a vocal pacifist 
who knew who his enemies were—the war mongers, the money-mad, the 
lethally complacent—and he fought them the only way he knew how.

But Patchen also loved the broken world — the balm of nature and the 
crazy energy of cities — and he loved his wife, Miriam (a Massachusetts 
native and self-declared “youngest card-carrying member of the American 
Communist Party”; Patchen wrote virtually all of his poems for and about 
her), and that love sustained him through decades of financial troubles, 
career struggles and, in his last years, it sustained him through 
unremitting physical suffering.

full: https://www.theawl.com/2017/08/in-praise-of-kenneth-patchen/

The Hangman's Great Hands
by Kenneth Patchen

And all that is this day. . .
The boy with cap slung over what had been a face. ..

Somehow the cop will sleep tonight, will make love to his
Anger won't help. I was born angry. Angry that my father was
being burnt alive in the mills; Angry that none of us knew
anything but filth, and poverty. Angry because I was that very
one somebody was supposed To be fighting for
Turn him over; take a good look at his face...
Somebody is going to see that face for a long time.
I wash his hands that in the brightness they will shine.
We have a parent called the earth.
To be these buds and trees; this tameless bird Within the
ground; this season's act upon the fields of Man.
To be equal to the littlest thing alive,
While all the swarming stars move silent through The merest
. .. but the fog of guns.
The face with all the draining future left blank. . . Those smug
saints, whether of church or Stalin, Can get off the back of
my people, and stay off. Somebody is supposed to be fighting
for somebody. . . And Lenin is terribly silent, terribly silent
and dead.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Trump’s Business of Corruption | The New Yorker

2017-08-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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One foreign deal, a stalled 2011 plan to build a Trump Tower in Batumi, 
a city on the Black Sea in the Republic of Georgia, has not received 
much journalistic attention. But the deal, for which Trump was 
reportedly paid a million dollars, involved unorthodox financial 
practices that several experts described to me as “red flags” for bank 
fraud and money laundering; moreover, it intertwined his company with a 
Kazakh oligarch who has direct links to Russia’s President, Vladimir 
Putin. As a result, Putin and his security services have access to 
information that could put them in a position to blackmail Trump. 
(Sekulow said that “the Georgia real-estate deal is something we would 
consider out of scope,” adding, “Georgia is not Russia.”)


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[Marxism] Simply awful

2017-08-16 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Well, that driver may have been drunk, but that twelve year old chose to
step off the curb in front of him and damage the man's car. So there's
blame on both sides.

That woman kicked the guy who attempted to rape her, so they were both

Slaves sometimes used violence to escape, so the slave was just as mean as
the master.

And the Indians often bled all over the whites--who actually had a permit
to be where they were. Blaming them just wouldn't be fair to the whites.

The President of the United States orders or threatens to order mass death
in countries all over the world, but some of those people--some of
them--have views very hurtful of the president's self-esteem. Bad people.

Yes, "bad people," indeed.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Donald and Ivana Trump's Divorce: The Full Story | Vanity Fair

2017-08-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Although Fred Trump was born in New Jersey, family members say he felt 
compelled to hide his German background because most of his tenants were 
Jewish. “After the war, he thought that Jews would never rent from him 
if they knew his lineage,” Ivana reportedly said. Certainly, Fred 
Trump’s camouflage could easily convey to a child the impression that in 
business anything goes. When I asked Donald Trump about this, he was 
evasive: “Actually, it was very difficult. My father was not German; my 
father’s parents were German . . . Swedish, and really sort of all over 
Europe . . . and I was even thinking in the second edition of putting 
more emphasis on other places because I was getting so many letters from 
Sweden: Would I come over and speak to Parliament? Would I come meet 
with the president?”

Donald Trump appears to take aspects of his German background seriously. 
John Walter works for the Trump Organization, and when he visits Donald 
in his office, Ivana told a friend, he clicks his heels and says, “Heil 
Hitler,” possibly as a family joke.

Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told 
her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a 
book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a 
cabinet by his bed. Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a 
closet at his office, as if it were a grenade. Hitler’s speeches, from 
his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his 
extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.

“Did your cousin John give you the Hitler speeches?” I asked Trump.

Trump hesitated. “Who told you that?”

“I don’t remember,” I said.

“Actually, it was my friend Marty Davis from Paramount who gave me a 
copy of Mein Kampf, and he’s a Jew.” (“I did give him a book about 
Hitler,” Marty Davis said. “But it was My New Order, Hitler’s speeches, 
not Mein Kampf. I thought he would find it interesting. I am his friend, 
but I’m not Jewish.”)

Later, Trump returned to this subject. “If I had these speeches, and I 
am not saying that I do, I would never read them.”

Is Ivana trying to convince her friends and lawyer that Trump is a 
crypto-Nazi? Trump is no reader or history buff. Perhaps his possession 
of Hitler’s speeches merely indicates an interest in Hitler’s genius at 
propaganda. The Führer often described his defeats at Stalingrad and in 
North Africa as great victories. Trump continues to endow his 
diminishing world with significance as well. “There’s nobody that has 
the cash flow that I have,” he told The Wall Street Journal long after 
he knew better. “I want to be king of cash.”


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[Marxism] Irish revolutionary Fintan Lalor (1807-1849)

2017-08-16 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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I'm currently transcribing a bunch of the writings of the great Irish
republican and social revolutionary James Fintan Lalor and starting to get
them up on The irish Revolution site.

In the first piece Lalor argues against the weakness of 'moral force'
arguments and suggests that the land question is the key to Irish freedom,
not the camapign for the repeal of the Act of Union.

For the first article, see here:

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